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! | ITbiS OFtOCAl WTBtEST. fo ^ Major Lindsay McFadden, of . dock Hill, was a guest daring the past week of Col. Thoe, B. Miss Ella Stewart has returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wylie in Greensboro, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Reid, of Chatham, Va., are guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Elliott ? ! Wiliiam H. Grier, a son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Grier. has! won a scholarship carrying the full course of four years to Clemson college. Mrs. W. M. Carothers and! daughter. Ida Louise, of the! Bethel section, visited friends | in Fort Mill last week. Miss Mary Henley Willis, of York, was a guest during the *.> past week of Mrs. Jas. D. Fulp in this city. J. A. Withers has accepted the position of chief clerk in the office of the Fort Mill Manu facturing company. Miss Georgia Ott has accepted a position as teacher in the graded schools of Abbeville and left this week to assume her duties. The Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Black and children returned to their home here last Thursday from a three week's visit to relatives in Morganton, N. C. Mrs. Ernest G. Gaither and little son of Statesville, N. C., n ?*n r* 11 Aofn i 4- U/\ a f T~^ m ate; k utoio in tuc liuuic ui i_/i and Mrs. T. S. Kirkpatrick. In the recent special election in Lancaster county to fill the vacancy in the State senate caused by the -death of W. C. Hough, S. E. Bailes was elected. Dr. and Mrs. A. Theo Neel> are absent on a trip to New York city and other points ol' interest in the East. P. H. Jeter and family, of Carlisle, were guests for the week end of Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Barber in this city. Miss Willie Hoke has received an appointment through the civil service to a position in the government service and will leave this week for Washington to take up her work. Joe H.- McMurray of Charlotte, spent last Sunday here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McMurray. ^ Misses Isabel Massey and Shirley Rose, of Charlotte, wert guests for the week end in the I -.x* M n T7* *4 numc 01 mis. r>. r. Massey. Miss Ethel Hughes, of Charlotte, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hughes, during the past week. The local chapter of the U. D. C. will hold an important meeting this afternoon at 5 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. F. Grier, on Clebourn street. All members are urged to attend. "The Lost Bridegroom," the attraction at The Majestic today is said to be one of the most laughable comedies in which John Barrymore has appeared. He plays the part of a crook, a mysterious character, that keeps one guessing right up to the closing moment. Work was begun this week on the building on Railroad street ri" . to be occupied by the Fort Mill i Wholesale Grocery. Work on this buiiding has been delayed somewhat on account of the inability to secure the necessary materials. On account of an increase in .... - tne ousiness 01 tne superior Garage, R. S. Case, the proprietor, has found it necessary to employ additional help, and has secured the services of his brother, Elwyn L. Case, and Henry Harvey, of Detriot, Mich. These two men are expert auto mechanics and with their help the SuDerior will be able to han die with despatch the large volume of business that is being I accorded it. The first cotton of the 1919 crop for this section was marketed here Friday afternoon. There were two b^Jes raised by James I Blakeney and Lark Robinson in ' the Providence section of Meck* lenburg county, N. C., just across the South Carolina line. For a number of years past one or other of these two men has been the producer of the first bale in this section, but heretoi fore the cotton has been marketI ed in Charlotte. Finding the j A Fort Mill market a more favorI able one these men brought " their cotton here this year and J 1 sold it to the J. B. Mills com I WE T I We thank you for 1 I the very short period > I solicit the continuanc I csts at all times. I - No I Best Pat. Self-RisiAg Flour, p< I Best Pat. Flour, "Presto," pei I Fat Back Meat, best quality, p I Best Compound^Lard, per lb.,. a WE have a full lin< I Also a full line Dry G< I Fort Mill I * S. H. Patterson, of Blacksburg, visited relatives in Fort c Mili'durintr the past week. r W. S. Moss has accepted a ^ clerkship with the Cooperative a Store. j, J. E. Bruce, Jr., of Winns- s boro, was the guest this week " of Ladson Mills in this city. Miss Bertha Massey left Mon- v day for Keenansville, N. C., 1 where she will teach during the ] winter. ^ Friends of Rob't F. Grier, Jr., will be pleased to know that his condition is favorable, following an operation for appendicitis at a Chester hospital Monday. Mr. Grier went from New York to r Chester for the operation. Elliott Kimbrell and 'Gladys [ Ritch, two Fort Mill young men r who have been with the Ameri- j <*an forces in France for a year q or more, have been honorably lischarged from the service and ^ returned to their homes here y this week. ^ The Manchester mill, near f Pnplr Will kno konn orvLl t n I ?wn UIK) IKIS UV^II OU1U IU a A Lynchburg:, Va.. corporation and s the new owners will take over the plant on January 5, next. k It is stated that t he stockholders a are to receive $225 per share for i their stock, vv^hich has paid a ? nood dividend since the mill was f ouilt in 1897. 2 ^^ LOST Saturday afternoon 2 months old pig from wagon near Harris' old r livery stable, color, gray. Reward for L return to Wm. P. EPPS. New Fal In All Dep< At Kim COA All the most desirable materia est shades. Belted styles, tailorc either plain or fpr-trimmed. DRES The new Fall Dresses are beai material and new Autum shades. MILLR We have the most complete partment in town. Your wants w ure for you to select your New Fal of Shapes and Trimmings are com| SKIRTS F< In plain. Worsteds, and the N this season. BLAN1 Our line of Robe and Bod Blar and prices within the reach of evt yourself. E: W. Kin I Our Servit $ x " < > * > < > We desire the pul | are doing all we can ^ vice, quality and fail + same. You will alwj groceries at this stoi ing our most particu would he pleased tc our lis(. 1 J Parks Gro i Phone HANK '"y\' V,v5'^> the very liberal patron; we have been doing bus of your patronage and v V : '4.,.? ' * / te the Following Price jr 100,.. $6.00 Good Grade Coff 100. 5.90 Irish Potatoes, p erlb.,__ .30 Good Quality Pir .30 Granulated Susra e of Qroceries at propor >ods, Notions', Shoes, Etc I Cooperative 1 J. ADCOCK, Manager. State constables captured a omplete distilling outfit in the oiler room of the Ardade cotton nill at Rock Hill last Friday, ^he still was not in operation ,nd it was believed to have been die since the mill was closed 1 1_ __ 1 aI *1 everai weeKS agp ny tne scriKe i the textile workers. R. E. pencer, master mechanic, and . negro employee of the mill, vere charged with operating he still. Spencer gave bond in he sum of $500 for his appearnce at the present term of fork court. School Has Large Attendance. The fall term of the Fort Mill graded school began Friday norning with the classification d the pupils and assignment to he several grades. Owing to he unfinished condition of the lew auditorium there was no issembly or special exercises. The corps of teachers is compete with the exception of a trincipal-for the department of lome economics. Miss Thelma )tt having accepted for the ourth grade and Miss Marie Sims for Latin in the high chool. The enrollment for the beginning, which is incomplete, is ls follows: 94 in first grade, 66 n second grade. 51 in third frade, 44 in fourth grade, 28 in ifth grade, 33 in sixth grade, !1 in seventh grade, 17 in ighth grade, 7 in ninth grade, tnd 13 in tenth grade, a total of 82 pupils. The annual meeting of the I Goods *rtmerits brell's. TS Is are represented and the newel models, loose fitting styles, SES itiful in style andjjuality. New 4ERY and convenient Millinery deill be filled. It will be a pleasII Hat here, for our assortment plete. DR FALL ew Stylish Plaids, so much used K.ETS ikets are unequalled?all colors jry purse. Come and see for ibrell Co. :e Pleases. : = || )lic patronage and i in the way of ser prices to merit thg ~ lys find good fresh , ? re. We are pleas- ^ ilar customers and + add your name xo i n ; I: eery Co., I ' 116 ; =ggesg Ypu age given us during iness. We respectrill serve your inter. 185 @ ee, per lb., .30 er peck, 60 lk Salmon, per can, .22 r, per lb., .11 tionately low-prices, and at low prices. i Store, > Parent-Teacher association of the Fort Mill graded school was held in the office of the school building Thursday night when the following- officers were elected to serve for the coming year: Mrs. A. O. Jones, president; Mrs. E. M. Belk, secretary; Miss Minnie Garrison, treasurer. Miss Elizabeth Forney, State agent for dairying and Miss Minnie Lee Garrison, county home demonstrator, were present and addressed the meeting. The new department of agricultural training in the school for the coming year has opened with bright prospects, twenty students Having been enrolled at the opening session with a prospective increase with the full enrollment. Prof. Bruce H. Stribling is in charge of this department. WANTED?Salesmen to solicit orders for lubricating oils, greasts and paints. Salarv or Commission. Address THE LENNOX OIL & PAINT CO. Cleveland, O. FALL SEED?Fulghum oats $1.45, Winter oats $1.60, Appier oats $1.15, Tex R. P. $1.05, Abrurzi rye $2.95, Sou. grown $2.25, Rosen rye $2.75, Crimson clover $9.75, Red clover $34.00. AMERICAN SEED CO, 311 E. Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. 3 Prepare I Make preparations while yot is picked over. We have a big li all the family, Hosiery, Etc., an< little money on your bill. Read anything you can use, we will be m* - ? * us. mis is not a sale, out mere goods at all the time: Underwear for ladies, men and c Men's Blue Work Shirts, 90c, $1 Boys' Blue Work Shirts and Fan< Men's Dress Shirts, with collars, Men's Dress Shirts, without Col Best grade Outing, per yard, Light weight Outing, ass't'd colc Good Feather Bed Ticking, heav: Straw Ticking, good quality, yar Best grade Dress Gingham, plaii High grade Sheeting, heavy weij Light weight Siieeting, good qua Canton Flannel, bleached and ur Flannel, good quality, white onl; Men's Hickory Shirting, heavy p Bleaching in best quality, yard, i Khaki Cloth, good quality, for b< Boy's Khaki Pants, and Dress P Men's Heavy Khaki Pants, per y Men's Dress Pants, from $2 to.. Best grade Table Oil Cloth, whit Men's Work Gloves, good heavy Men's Wool and Felt Hats, $2 to Sweaters for Misses and Boys, $1 Men's and Boy's Caps, good ass Men's Heavy Work Sox, gray an Men's Sox from 15c to Ladies Hose, black or white, 20c Misses' Tan Hose, good quality, Children's Black Hose, all sizes, Men's heavy Khaki and gray Wc Men's ancfr Boy's Belts, tan or bit Men's Suspenders, light weight, Boy's Suspenders, per pair. Men's Overalls, blue and white, I Men's Union Overalls, per suit,. Men's Sunnorters. oair. 20'. 25c. Different colors Quilt Cloth, per White Cotton Bats, about 1 lb. t Big line of "Star Brand" an ily. Come in to see us whether ; your trade and will do our best t< The Cas T. F. Lytic and S. Fort Mill Candy Kitchen A Cool, Clean and Comfortable place to eat your Ice Cream. We make a specialty of furnishing Cream at wholesale to picnic parties or individuals, at less 6ost than you can make it yourself. Phone 143. We will bo glad to servo you. H. Carros, Proprietor . . '4^ -ft* I Ann I I I New i Coats, | Boots I are he l ? l pai I or Winter i can get what you want before i ine of Dry Goods and Shoes foi 1 we believe we can save you i over the list below and if there is glad for you to come in to set ily a price list, which we will sel ihildren at lowest prices and $1.2? cy Dress Shirts, 90c to l.(X $1 and 1.21 lars, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 2.(K .3( >rs and stripes, per yard .21 / weight, yard, .41 d, .21 \ colors, checks, yard,.. __271-2< ?ht, yard, 25c and 3( lity, yard, .2( ibleached, yard, 3( y, yard, 5( :rade, yard, 35c; 3 yards 1.0( 35c; 3 yards___ 1.0( ay's pants, yard, 5( ants, from $1 to 2.21 >air, 1.9C 6 (X e and colors, yard, 4f leather, 60c to 2.0C 5.0( ?. si nd 5 ? . V...W ...... u. CM 't, all sizes, 50c to _ 1.5( d tan, pair, 2C l.Of to 1.5C pair, 25c and 3C 15c and 1 up irk Shirts, $1.75, $2.25 and ._ 3.5C ?ck, from 25c to I. Of 35c, 40c, 50 and .11 .25 $2.25 and 2.5C 3.7? 35c, 40c and. Of yard 21 o bundle, per bundle, .21 d "Mayer" Shoes for all the famyou buy or not. We appreciate o serve you properly. h Store, A. Lee, Managers. We are in the market for sev eral small farms and will be urlac (o confer with those who wis) to sell at a reasonable price. SPRATT & LINK, Inc. 0 i 9 "11 H ouncement to ! Ladies! | = t ;: : Fall Suits, | Skirts and | 1 ' I rc j ' t H Come in and Look Them Over. i I I tterson's | I [candy i ' I t i r t t ? + We are agents for Norris\ Huyler's | > and Whitman's Chocofates. A fresh f ' 2 l . . shipment received each week by ex- T ; press. Our Candy refrigerator keeps x J it cool and fresh. # } i ! j t If you want the best candy, kept in | ^ . me ngnt way, we can please you. * . The Coolest Place in Town. < % i > - 1 ? | Hutchinson's Pharmacy, ^ "Just What Your Doctor Orders." <| Your Family Servant I I j That is what we are anri what we strive tn he o ) I Your table is the shrine upon which we offer our) I selvss. \ I We are dealers in "better than ordinary" grocer> I ies. Our shelves are stocked with the best in the | I market of standard goods. \1 Let us take the responsibility of what you put on the table to tempt the appetites of your family. ' > Groceries are the life of any individual. Let us supply your nourishment in a way that will . I be cheapest to your purse and most satisfactory to your pallette. FRESH MEATS, FISH and ICE. r r Firpr.i itrnivi I Highest Prices Paid .for Pork, . | COLLEGE of CHARLESTON Founded 1788 A college of highest standard, open to men and women. , An intentionally limited enrollment insures individual instruc- . tion. Four-year course leads to Bachelor's degree. The PreMedical course a special feature. Unsurpassed clime and fine sea air. For terms and catalogue, address HARRISON RANDOLPH, President, A V Charleston. & C \ ' Tr Li