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fe i Twit httWw?! Tw liver ta aluc I |M> Twi fvet ta^y uud fll I mt Mi boweis (OMttpttW But i?t talt Mltntlai nhNnd 'i jwrik; you may tow a day's work. Qui?if > to mercury or ^uickstlvur. lllifc causes necrosis of the bones. Cltawil crashes Into sour bile like draasalte. breaking It up. ghat's when yea ftol that awful nausea and cruibplf jtm want to enjoy the nicest, geniwt hrer and bowel cleansing *you erer experienced Jusfc take a spoonful of harmless Pod son's Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or dealer toMlS ymm a bottle of Dodson's Liver TdHe far a few cents under my personal money-back guarantee that each spoon$ts j Not so Bad as It Sounded " What's that cluip you weut to colkxe with doing now?" * * .^Oh, he's making a living with a hand organ." ^ "With a hand org?n,?\ Ge whlx!" > . "Yes, he's running a very successful manicure Journal."?Boston Transcript. Dilution. "Is that beverage near-beer?" "No," said Uncle Bill Bottletop. "It's what I'd sooner call near-water." WW*???! "| _ -_ __ I DEATH CHILIS Jwm InoTu the cause by destroying the - gei tua of MALARIA. At your drug (tan, 60c; money back if no good. 1" vWHAENS DRUG CO? Waco, Texas' || DXIDIIIE v w9H9H^i | iH I v Bj I This most remarkable remedy h?l , I a causes the stomach t? act natu- fN 1 afl/tnd keeps the bowels opeo. mjjftrl * ft purely vegetable, producing Kisj . Jj otdr highly bersdcia! results.I MPS.WJNSI.OVrS . TU wJZ Li CUUnm', B**U*r Absolutely .harmless?complete for* "y** y W bottle?only very beet .. ueed. At mU Wryhm. ^ fEvcry "Woman Wants] Kifllljj y| | U illlVI 11 31 iM FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE \ * Disenlrsrt la water' for dooches atop* pufeic catarrh, ulceration and inflam> Hdm Recommended by Ljdia E. ! ( ,: fltUaa Mod. Co. for ten year*. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, MM throat and sore ayes. Economical* - He Irtiiiiliny dwaifae end eeraickUl power. a?alt Pm. 50c. all cmissifts. or postpaid by > Vnei TooPmVwTiAkOeop?ny. BmImuMm. J 5 . ?? THE? WESTMINSTER SCHOOL For-Boys and %Qung Men 4 I tndning for Mind, Body and Character Write for Catalogue OX RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. i ICPwas?"-.-rgir/Ara | 1 3T0RLS OR It 00 BY MAIL SAM E.RICHARDSON druoois^^^^urbannaa^. j j AGRKTM WANXJKD (or the fastest elfin/ . AUTO accessotyrin the worl<1: just out; i Rltiiti aalea; hi* profits: send fifty rent* for ample outfit. Miller. Box 600, Bnsley, Ala. L LSbfey, M?N?U1 * Ufcby CUu|* . . I . .. .. '* i ' " V . .Sf ?' m i ft. . ~ does not upset liver lose a day's work. ," "t** v. - ? ...V,*. , fci% I |I I I .C$ C fttl Trill clean your sluggish liver better thnn a dose of nasty calomel and ty t V|>ouffbAg yod^k. Dodson's Uver Tone Is real Mvfr medicine. You'll know It next morsr lfig because you will wake up femhgt fine, your liver will be working, yot? headache and , dlzalness gone, your stomuch will be sweet and ./our btftrels regular. You will feel like working; you'll be cheerful; fun of vigor and atabitlooj. .rV/:rt>v iDedeon's Uver Tone Is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless nnd tc>ru not salivate. Give It to your children. Millions of people are using DodsonJ^ Liver Tone instead of dangerous csle>J mel how. 'iVdur dtugglst will tell ytai that the sale of calomel Is almost stopped entirely here.?Adv. ~~ rv iduTrbit ao yeai* j* liTrTtrffcl For MALARIA, 1111 ln v\V CHILLS and ^Ulfcy FEVER I EDKlflC ssasajcfi SOU IT ALL DtDC STOKSSpeedy Cure. An Irlsliinun who hnd sent for tjfte doctor for the first time In his .life watched with astonishment while the nhvulplnn Klo ? VWI\ tun tlllllt'Ul llltf etef from Its case-, slipped It under the patient's nrmplt, and told him to keep It there for a second or two. Mike lay still, almost nfruld to breathe, hut when the doctor removed the thermometer he drew a long breath and exclaimed: "Ah, I do feel a dale better already, sor."?London Ideas. If your rye* mart or feet scalded. Roman Eye Balaam applied upon coins to b?<J la Just the thing to relleya them. Adv. One of War's Tragedies. "Found in France," runs a personal advertisement in the London Times, "a small snapshot of group: Left to right?girl, clergyman with mustache, lady wlflfi gray1 hair, officer In uniform with mustuche. Taken out of doors, some trees and building* In, background. Above fouud early In February on the otherwise unidentified body of a man who had luin out on Wytschnete ridge for some thne. Sent In by tinder, who carefully hurled the body." Doubly pathe.tlc Is this sole clue to the Identity of n dead soldier? a clue so Intimately associated with other and happier days.?YoutLi^sjUuy,-. < phnfori. % ' 1 If You Need? Medicine You Should Have the Best Have yon ever stopped to reason why it is that so many products that are extensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are soon forgotten? The reason is plain?the article did not fulfill the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almoat sells itself, as like in endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited, to tbose who are in need of it. A prbminent druggist says "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, s preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend, for in almost every case it shows excellent results, as many of my customers testify. No. other kidney remedy has so large s s*le." According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the succesa of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact, so many people claim, that it fulfills almost every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments; corrects urinary troubles and neutralizes the urie acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address Dr? Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y-, and enclose ten cents; also mention this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores.?Adv. Case of Poor Judgment. Just outside of the aviation grounds we came upon a group of urchlus crowded bbout one of their number wtm <avuk crying bitterly, while being plastered with mud on his face, urms and legs by his frightened compfllli ions. When asked what had happened n bright-eyed little rhnn nnlrUlv nn. swered: ,rWhy Snrnmyj he's been 'vcatigatlng u hangar that belongs to is wasp."?Chicago Tribune. * .?*.. - ^ J 9 R^BBBfT3BWBBiBBWB?S?RWPPIBBBBII . frLfe^YeHeflB SheUled Doii i. J fl rs^ar.^>gsast^^a5j lii f' Jy drove gw wild. I bad hrg? puffs ondar my ? . eyes and my body Bloat- f f I ed badly all over. My ' feet were awollen to . *>rice their natural time ' t l1 it down, it left a dent there and I knew I waa ? ? _ bad off -with dropey. Mrs. IliVaia "Mjr friends didn't, think I would lire very long. I doctored with, three different physician# . and they 'dicing help me and I was ' H discouraged. Nobody Knows the torture li I went through. n J,I decided V> trj* Doan'g Kidney ; G Pflll.i 1 used three4 boxes and I was I! cured. I felt Bile,' As the swelling n went dbwn, ?py appetite picked up and I was soon perfectly healthy. My color "* came back, and people mid I looked as 1 well as ever. Doan'a Kidney Pills saved my life." > . ' r -Sworn to'-tefoML^ne, ' * BABEL T. 8HERBY. ^ Rotary Publio. * Get Dean's at Any Store, 60s a Bess Z D OAK'S 'fssy. FOSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. < 1? , ' ' ' * V MONEY BACK without question If Hunt's 8alV? & tails Id the treatment of Bcsetna, Is Tetter, Ringworm. Itcb. etc. Don't ' H become discouraged because other 83 treat menu failed. Hunt's Salve ha* relieved hundreds of such cases. Toe can't loss on our Mo mm / BadtGueetmfee. Try It st onr rtsi ID TO 11 AT- Price 7Sc, at drng stores. ui S3 A. B. Richards Co., Sherman, Texas (lI )rS a ? >Li vp 111 BILIOUSNESS Caused by Acid-Stomach If people who are bilious are treated according to local symptoms they seldom set at very much better. ' Whatever relief I# obtained Is usually temporary. Trace bilious-, hens to Its.source and remove lh? rum '?* I the chances ere that the patient will re' main strong and healthy. Doctors say that more than TO non- 1 organic diseases csn be traced to an Aeltfo , Stomach. Biliousness Is one of them, Indigestion, heartburn, belching, aour stomach bloat and (as are other signs of adld stomach. EA.TONIC, the marvelous modern stomach remedy, brings quick relief from these stomach miseries which lead to a long train of ailments that make life miserable If not corrected. KATONIC literally absorbs and carries away the excess acid. Makes the stomach stnfThg. cool and comfortable. Helps digestion; Improves the appetite and you tnen get full strength from your food. Thousands ray tfcai E A TONIC Is the most olYectlvs stomach rssprdy In the world. It la the hrlp VOl;' need, srry It on our money-back-lfnot-aatlafled guarantee. At alt drugglata. Ortj^v *0 cents fhf a big box. IFatonic ( for y6ur acid-stomac^) Size, In the case of a dollar, depends on whether It Is coining or go- ? toK-. V Most of ns get un even break at that * ??a hiild-heuded man needn't >yorrj 1 ifhout dandruff... "BAYER CROSS" ON : 1 . GENUINE ASPIRIN ? V ^ J "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' to bs fenuLne must be marked with the iafety "Bayer Cross." Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which contain* proper directions to safely relieve Headache; Toothache; Earache, # Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy, tin boxes of 12 tablets cost ^but a few cents at drug stores?larger packages also. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monotfcetlcacldester of Sallcyllcacld.r?Adv." The bird who Is never talked about Is either a lightweight or u diplomat. The vanity of a girl with a smnll brother getrf many a hard Jolt. AMERICANS MAKING GOOD AT SIXTY-FIVE Don't worry about old age. A sound man is good at any age. Keep your ' body,in good condition and you can bo as bale and hearty and able to "do your bit" as when you were a young fellow. Affections'of the kidneys and bladder are among the leading causes pi early or helpless age. Keep them clean and the other organs in working condition, and you will save nothing to fear. Drive the poisonous wastes from the system and avoid uric arid accumulations. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 8?il Capsules periodically and you will nd that you are as good sb the next fellow, tour spirits will be rejuvenated, your muscle# atrong and gour mind keen enough for any task. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules will do the work. But be sure to get the original imported GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are reliable and should help you, or yeur money will be refunded. For sale by most druggists. In sealed packages ? three aiaea.?Adv. It's easy fot* any'one to horrotk trou- < hle,?but when it comes to borrowing happiness?well, thnt's different. How n man doe* hate to bo grateful I for an Ill-timed favor. i 1 11 -A ~ ^77fffPrNB> toU'ldmbw. SHIIim. " /'jffertI Strong andPifealthjr* 11 they uie. Smart,Itch,or Vniin LwC Burn. If Sort, Irritated, ! IUuR ULJ Inflamed or Granulated. . l mac Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult Ll At all Dniggieta. Write for Free Eye Book tart tyilwil) Ceng?y, Ckkege. II. S. I ? EUtr Woo??o KSMmmdak hw^ia??Jkt I^ ?.Compound toittll P%& good than *?^Sba doctor's medfionh. Since taking S|& toMfiS g^e<mhe^tfraiftl rrtneiw*,J^4lhu j^raN^K>wfiLMANNL If jo. 1, McLTan, Nebraska. '.This famous root dnd herb rcx&df. ydla ft. Pink hamVegetable Ot*3crond, has been restoring women of uuerica to health for more than forts ants and-' it will- well pay any woman rbo suffers from displacements!, ip. ammfttian, . ulceration, irregularities, aokache, headaches, nervousness 0* 'the bines" to gwe this successful emedy atrial. ' * *. Wot special suggestions in regard our ailment write Lydia E. Pingbam ledicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The rest!It f its long experience is at your saryiaa, ?? yay Land, of Opportunity. v .' .''Do you evpr feel polshevistlcT*' ^Occasionally," salt! Mr. Dubwaite. * "You surprise nie." "Oh.- I'm not-going to rasjfce speeches jd throw bombs. I merely feel a ptiId \yhep,I happen to be hanging to -strap In a crowded-ti'fllley eftr, and e some young chap who used, to ork for me whisk by In a $5,000 Hutoobile."?Birmingham Age-Herald. " y r f ' ',? . > Willing to Teat It. Ivy?Someone lias said that kisses e love's language. Frank?That so? Let's talk. Literally. "Don't .you Just adyre baby shows?" ''No, madam; I' regard them as uong tl>i? crying evils of the day." - fiot That Kind. Lpatpr?-My brothoV'K lii, the navy. Stock?la ho? ' * T><?Tr>r?"No, Ikr^.?Over *Hor<\ mu^usFRENQ^D^cw^^^ "replaces nerVe wastage, Kj Increases strength energy. endurance and Visor. builds firm healthy flesh, \ ThingKnown For7 | .l-UilliUMJ STOP* 1 ULttiiMlliH I* MEM ESS I from a Bone Spavin. Ring Bone, V Splint, Curb, Side Bone,-or similar 1 troubles and gets horse going sound. 1 It acts mildly but auiclcly and good re1 suits are lasting. Does not blister V or remove the hair and horse can " be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with W each bottle tells hoe. $2.50 a bottle livered. Horse Book 9 R free. BSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment r mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, En ged Glands, Wens, Bruises, Varicose Veins j all Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you ore If you Write. $1.25 a bottle at dealers feUrered. Liberal trial bottle So* 10c ttaiapa, F. YOUN0. P. 0. P.. SIOTtasIs SUtprtnaflsld. HMi. MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY | ALCOHOL ?)% KimumM man. RECOMMENDED FOR BLOOD DISEASES USED AS A General Tonic, Alterative ami ' a Purifier of the Blood. Recommended for Tetter, Eruption* and Disease* that coma from Impurities of the Blood, also Indigestion and Stomach Troubles. Thia remedy represent* the Pore Juice of StilKowa, Prickly A ah, Sinapeiilla. Pipaiaeewa aed 'Podo. phyllin.The p'.at, are gathered and tha knot mraded while in freth, green condition, and only anoogh . pure pirita added to preveet fermentation. PRICE $1.25 MANUFACTURED BY ' PERSON REMEDY CO. CHARLOTTE, Nv C. Man* aaaaM* uilhcu Wn Jo* PtrtoA't rtawafua* V ?,n bolt/4. ' Ml* ITTU rACIACt ADO MID NOV. V. *W 1 - 1 ''i Soldiers Sootbe ^RSkin Troubles y^with Cuticura > Soap. Oli'ituioat. Totem Ma. MdL SampI?of "Catl?%y?.r^yt AGENTS MAKINGl $2QO WEEKLY Evaryona araata It. Formula* for '1D0 WONr MA PC BKVEHAIiRH. Book Form., . land 11 for copy and tarrltory proposition Fit VKR0' KXFQKT AtiKSCt, Inc.. (U troowia m.. NKW TOKK. . N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 52U19T8 1 Owe My Life t< pi * ' ?n4 Mb TrtwUteg^miin town f hedt&^itat-aa and buildTffiStSKi'SiWSS ?w \SmntSit ii only TirMiili^ V NVin can, which, ...1 throurt.. n?alect on my part " . MttlM *ik my lunra. Wkra almost too lata, I bcfaa doptorlnr, IfV-SH*?'" *r*". ?P?M I.IMH I SnKTySiM'ysncfoff i11 In the Days of Long Ago. "Does Prof. Diggs know the - of the home tenm?" "I fenr not. Prof. Diggs Is a trifle i $MjjM "BujJ. dare sivy ,fce. C911W name all of hflnfljRfittia'i inAsr famous pinch hitlers wLthput opce referring to his towks."^ittfcnirtgh*m*Afc?^Tferuld.41*' )f% '^Tts Class. 'Is forestry it science?" "It ought to be an art. Isn't It where all the wood conies from?" ? . U' ? 1 . The Kind. . "That boy. 4a * O' chip off the old block." V >: V I "Then he must be a poker chip." A SUMMER COLD A cold In the sunjnjejr time, as every-? ij body knows. Is the hardest kind of^a cold to get rid of. The best and quickest way Is to go to bed and.stay there If-ytHi CHD. wkh a.bottle Of "Dosebee's ? Syrup" handy to Insure a good night's rest, freP from dbdghlng, With' eitsy expectoration In the morning. Hut If you can't stay In bed you must keep out of draughts, ".u^Old-' sudden changes, eat sparingly of slthple food and take occasional dosns of rtoschee's Syrup, which you cau buy at any store where medicine Is sqld. u safe, and efficient remedy, uHtde In AmortfoiTor more than fifty years. Keep It handy.?Adv. Sartorial Expedient.. Snin?SIuu, 1^.^'ou all .plumb crazy? What for^you got you-atl's pants on hlndslde foreinos'? v \. c* Itast us?Sh!\pon't talk so loud. You see. I's invited to a puhty tonight an' I's get tin' de bulge' out'n <le kneeS.-*Boston Transcript. You may not like to hear some people talk, hut would you like em any better If they whistled? One might chuckle at the oddities of the petitioner, hut lione laugh at prayer. Shave WftK Cuticura Sonn And double your razor efficiency n: well as promote skin purity, skin C019 fort und skin health. No mug, no slimy soap, 09 germfc, no waste, no * Irritation even when shaved twice dally. One soap for all uses?shaving bathing and shampooing.?Adv. What nre often called. causes are only the near-by lluks of a chain which stretch backward indefinitely. A man may be the architect of his own fortune, hut he can't -induce the spn to shine in every rpcau. : Reason Enough. "Why does she consider him such a fool?" "lie takes her at her wortl."? Buffalo "Express. After a man has had'n dt?K about six. months he gets the , !t)ea that pup knows more thna- the mayor. . I t ,< . i ? ?' n c VmWti ? i <- - ' ' ' ^Sl *' 14V IIS : .4L IPERUNA1 k n i? ; i " * Cured PI I Me |?H : t ^ bmHBB * 5FiE^5^^5^?: bar ot the Society ot U. S. Jewelry Auctioneers. Sold Everywhere* Caught the Landlord Napping. "I runted a house today,." , "Good. Didn't the landlord objec to ytfur'shx children?" . (VJ don't know. I tulked to hifn hi fast tfmt he'forgot to ask- me whethei qr .pot we ha,d children." ..-v Indigestion produces tlisngreraMn ani sometimes alarming oynuitpms. Wrlsbt'i Indian Vegetable rills Stimulate the dices live processes .to function naturally. Adv. . A *+ ' ' *' i' * ? " '' t i. No Longer Counted. ;'*? Dick's cousin Bob h:ul always he?;i quite a traveler, and meeting Dick out day I said: "Where is Cousin l'ol now, Dick?" "Oh, he isn't anywhere now,? In answered, "lie's married." t . Going Some Better. "When I Slot OUt in the r'mintw -? ?*? my machine I struck a galti" 'That's n<?tbhig. When we went o? spin we knocked down nevdraV f .V . f The Variety. , "The .fates ore. supposed ty ejribrol iler life." v "Theij in matrimony they must u?i the cross-stitch."* ffilfljffiNet Contents 15 Fluid Drachm 16 j iMMlJ H ' ALCOHOL-3 TER CENT. , 'J AVegelablcFrcpafation&rAsT similatingthcFood byRe^ula* >,,! tint* the Stomachs and Bowels of. PsVt!^. I* Thereby Promoting DitSo-slion S Cheerfulness and RestContains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic j^ariHdDcsmaprT^m JbmptoSmi V ) >w??w I ; i C*nMSf?r ) wawf { A helpful Remedy for Constipation and Diarrhoea, and Fcvcrishncss and Loss OF SLEEP ^^ ^tesultin^lhefefn^njnfanC' IkEi'' FacSimfp S*utx?f ; lie [ The Gehtaor Compast. , %?$ I NEwroft^ tnrt Pgpy of y/npper. BettaKEaa . : *">/.*;' ''i ' ' toas !Jp| ;'> ' : , * ? ?y >f A , _ ^)( i * trefcfls ?>ur etr^eSttS troa between th?m, fof Itt p^fctl?S?2w . ' achieve his pnrpo-pj?, tlrftt the iectl^n l? . mfstrrkinv nntf alter* tits mo<le of "fcetlon . '| jj|j - ^opdlnwle^ M >h?. I'MNiln* -V.^Hj ; troni' pursuliig .th'u&M<*)e qjt agttph " %*>>: /* soon * as it appears manifest that it . .-,t'^a|M Will t>r.f twi> . ! ? ..VV- wv**?v * ' ^S^Sl ' ' The-tiindinan who does - mud act ,: >,v: does tliut whleh Is mlstukei^.that a wlijjch will not achieve his uUl'tpoto .. > purpose, that" which fails to u<TJljft or t readjust himself to his clrcp*ns|o?cea ,yr : ' *>r ht*\ ciifunistanccs to himself and > his requirements. Hut whoa hliC ae-' . ? r tlon fulls to achieve his pnrpowf h* ' does not change it; pecrtstiK ip it.. . T.hls Is the important difference bo- ' . i tetrppn snne tfrtbtKk? and, hilidifeoo. '^5= ; The ouo -ohq bb corroded by the n<Jtor, .'? ' , jtjie ofiier . cunnqt; and by observing . "} whether (he action is, on tHe face of 4t, Useless, undeslruble,''of harmful, or \ Whether, If not so on the.t^uce-'of Itp t 7 * n is persist?h1 lu eveu' utter Jty ^pltl- '.r. vSE; * haute uselesshe^jjjj tmdoslraftlRfy, or, Mmipmfulhes.s 'ls^b^oine plairilyT&M>op* i ' < s put. we may .tudtfe without fall wheth- * J ?r the action Issupe or mad. ' ' I To Purify and Enrich tho !!)? <:. ''' I Take GROVES TASTELESS Chill TONIC 1 which la almply IKON and QtMNlMK au?- I Pvnded In Syrup. 80 Pleaaant EVcn Children f ? t Like It. Yuu can anon feci lta Strengthening, ' . V , Invigorating Effect. Price 'fob. ' ' pi 1 ft y 4 Ranillts lie In wait, pad fat peopla* . i1 usually lie abopt .their weight. s* ? An empty head conthlns lot of nso- " I loss Inforrtwflon. *?,? " " IsraS For Infants and Children^ Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always r \ Bears the /%$ Signature /vW , "'< <* AW ? J\> In Use i \Jr For Over1; vi ma inirty rears GASTORIA tm? a(HT?u? nkmiir, mcwtohm ?rrr. , ' i , .? it 4 _ <W ' 'i, ;< . ' |r K . * * * i tET some today! , / ' You're going to'J ill Lucky Strikes. ' *'-vi st right.. Because,* v# , , 1 iicky Strike - ciga- : -> ;ites give you the .*.* ' j iod, wholesome ' ? J avor ?of toasted, rlejr tobacco* rn*. ^ranteod by , "* ' ' - )! / * I t???4Wa?Af?* ^ M' v-j' t.'i ted " fvHil