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B^^jjj?a ^rtoSorJnVort MiH during Dr. and Mrs. D. C. Barber anc children of Clio, visited Mr. anc MrSrK. R Patttrson the pas Bap fr L. A. Harris spent severa ? dajaof the past week visiting relatives in Concord. N. C. Mrs. M A Kendrick, of thii city, is undergoing treatment ix * $L Peter's hospital in Charlotte Miss Louise McMurray, ol Washington, D. C., is spending a part of her vacation with hei parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H McMurray. Miss Polly Jeter, of Santuck, is a guest in the home of Mr. anc Mrs. Oscar T. Culp. Mr. Dan McKenzie. of Maiden, N. 0., was tf guest during tht past Wepk of Mr. and Mrs, George McKenzie in this city.' Mis* 'Julia .Boyd and hei nephew. Jack JStewart, ar< spending a two mroiths' vacatior at Blowing Rock, N. C. Margaret Rnratt has gon< nAt- T-S 1 \t n w viihuimuy iwck. in. u, lor t vacation of several weeks. lfisir Florence Manning, ol Chattanooga, Tenn., .is a guesi in thb home of Mr. and Mrs George W. McKenzie. W/D. Wolfe and family ar< spending the week with relatives in Columbia, 0. W. Nelson and daughter, ol Kershaw, were guests Sunday of Jftr. and Mrs, J? T. Young, or Clebourn street. Arthur 0. L?ytle. of the Lytic Drug company, is spending the week In New York City aac Washington. Mrs. Jesse Howie and Mis.1 Gface Erwin left Monday for t visit to relatives in Badin, N. C 'Cody Bradford, of the U." S. army, was a visitor in Fprt Mil the last week. Mrs. Sarah Barrier and Car Barrier Brown, of Salisbury, N. C.. were guests this week ol Mr. and Mrs. J, T. Young ii tips my. * Miss Floride Nims returnee Monday from a visit to relative* in Badin. N.C, ;;Th? annual "Fork" picnic tool place at the home of Fmi Ninu Thursday and, as usual, \va< quite an enjoyable occasion foi the crowd present, James T. Young, Jr., lefl 3unday> evening for New Yon City, to accept a position wit! the Western Electric Company. William Rogers Came tip fron Camp Jackson Sunday for i short visit to his parents. Mr nod Mrs. C. F. Rogers, ! According to the York villi Enquirer, license was issue* . Saturday for the marriage o: James J. Denton to Sidnej Dulin, both of Fort WIL ' Mr. and Mrs. & W. Kimbrel freye as their guepts Mrs. A. W Frmvor of BaldwfnevlUe, N. Y. ' And Mrs. A. C. House and Misi j>i l tl .i -ar v jDMUJVIJO 11UU9C Ut UKWqiO, IN. I, . Home-raised watermelons anc cantaloupes are plentiful on tn< local market at present, but the 'prices, as - with other fasrr ^products, are high. The melom pell anywhere from 15c to 50< -and are eagerly spughi "by^.th< baying public. The Rev. J. B. Black, pastoi 8 the Fort Mitt Frenby&erlai arch, leaves this week fort vacation which will 'extern through the present! month. There will be no Church servioi in this church Until the firs Sunday in September* Mr Black will Join hfa wife who u visiting her mother in Morgan ton, N. G. Fort Mill's ice supply, whiol cornea chiefly froad Rock Hil and Charlotte, has been some what limited for several days due it is stated to needed re palra in the plants of the Char lotto and Rock HUl Concerns Many people express the belie: Mat a small led plant locate* here would be ^ profitable jn amotion. j Information reSoJwd Fort Mil : Monday evening that the em ployees of the Corns rtt mill o Car hart three miles south o; Fort Mill, had gone on strike demanding an irter6&ne of 25 pe 'seat in wages, which the mil ^Operators had retdaed U> grant J pi *l?o n!4 that the em pfoyeee at the Rock BUI Plant a Hamilton Carhartt had made i similar demand hot were still a igyr&its T: 9BEKSSSKSS9S9B9BBB99K9nH^a | Mr. Alfrtd Thompson. < \ Greensboro. N. C.( was a vista 1 to For* lfffl Sunday. 1 Miss Kate Gulp Is visiting )m sister. Mrs. Humillor. Cottrtne in Savannah, Ga. 1 William Grier and Williai t Mack h? ve retarnei from a ver pleasant trip to New York Citi 1 Harry Bradford has accept* l a position as salesman with th Lytle Drug store. 1 M issxM wnnie Calp has returne 1 to Greensboro. N. C., after [visit to her parents in this city. ^ Mrs. Hester Burgess, of Roc f Hill, is spending her vacatini r in the home of Misa Zoe Whit ' in East Fort Mill. Dr. aid Mrs. A. L. Ott ar . entertaining a house party con posed of Misses Isabel Bpyd Margaret and Dorothy Ruff, an , Annie Thomas of Ridgeway. A. L. Parks spent several day this week in Aiksn where h represented the local lodge Junio r Order at toe annual State con ? ventiop. 1 The annual reunion of th Spratt fart Iy was held on Wed > nesday of this week at the hom iJof Miss Zoo WinU .. For Mill. [ W. S. Mcluean, assistant cash t, ier of the First National Bank /.leaves this week for a wetek' {vacation which will be spent ii | the mountains of western Nortl J! Carolina. 4 T. *n/I familt. f . ?? <t' V* iWHIII/ P of Lancaster, were in Fort Mil , Monday, leaving Tuesday for i trip to trie mountains of westeri North Carolina. , There arc three business con J cents id this city which hav< i not, it is understood, yet mad their tax returns to the Stat tax commission, as required b; 5 law. This is a matter which th 1 delinquents had best attend t at once if they care to avoi< trouble. I ' - |i REM0VA1 i _ m?mm?mm Having sold out t. Goods, Notions a $ son Diy Ooods C s our stock of Gi Etc.. to the built pied by Patters wlitre you will i i i lets lino of Heav ; ceiies, Hardware i] Come in; we'll 1 i f r The J. B t T "aTyou 1 - ? . Our stock hn* Kern eu are in position to supply to your entire tstisfsotu Our Irrpoilption De] GBADUA1E PHABMAC ronage on the ground of line ot Pure, Troth Drug ing, at reasonable prices, __ . Lytle Dm ~:| "The Rexall Store." :|L , ) SHIP OH BRING 1 j; Catawba Mil | Rock We reji all the time a< r ' I lipart Miller on the j - Htfheat market prices II Write ne for ^notations. J. C.HAF Nfcf - - mi* r* ?p* ._ . _ ^ >f Capt. James D. Pulp arrived * New York where he hftj bean I .UUoiwd itowjito return re- , ir eeotiy from overseas. ^ I 1 J Zenaa C Grier, of Greenville, o ia spending ft two week's Vacs- a tton visiting his .parents, Mr. v n and Mrs. R. F. Grier. a J The condition of Mir. John B. J Erwin, who has been dangerousd iy ill for the past six weeks, is ? e reported as improved though he _ is not yet able to leave his bed.* j d Mr. and Mrs. George Gamble, J a of Evansville, Ind., and Mrs. S C. D. Hicks, of Shelby, N. C., t A were guests during the week of j I k Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gamble of b K this city. 0 e The Fort Mill baseball team * is scheduled to meet the team e from Belmont, N. C.. on the i- local diamond tomorrow after- _ I, noon. The game is to be called d at 5:30 o'clock and Wilson will J do the pitching for the locals. ~ 8 Mr. and Mrs. George Fish, ac- b e companied by Miss Lucy Fish, e r Miss Dorothy Bergstrom and 1 . Miss Esther McMurray motored c to Hiddenlte, N. C., where thev s< spent the past week end. II e . . [? Miss Esther McMurray ^de- Jj G lightfully entertained the Merry ? I makers Club yesterday afternoon ** in honor of her guests. Misses I Nellie Kennard and Angel j ? " Stark, of Fernandina, Fla. ; ^ , j a< 8 Thos. F. Lytle. one of the 0] n managers of the Cash Store, 0 ^ spent most of the past week on jr an outing on the banks of the g Catawba river and reports a C) . most pleasant time with plenty _ 11 of fish to tempt the appetite of a the camping party. 81 i * Application for a charter has ^ been made , by Spratt & Link, . incorporated, with an authorized _ e capital stock of $10,000. The e corporators are Dr. J. L.. Spratt, T e Col. Thos. B. Spratt and C. S. c] y Link, and a general business in v e real estate, including Pown and 0 country property, and all branch- ~ j es of Insurance and bonds will be conducted. ' tl ...... a o L NOTICE I? '? I our stock of Dry , nd Shoes to Patter-, o., we have moved <? < i roceriee, Hardware, ling formerly occuon Dry Ooode Co., Ind us with a comp- ,; y and Fancy Gro- 4 1 and Farm Supplies. be glad to see you. < L Mills Co. r Service larged and improved, and we your every Diug Store need >n. partment is in charge of a 1 JIST and we ask your patprompt service, a complete s, and accuracy in compound! ig Comp'y Phone No. 16. UUK WHEAT TO THE ^ | lling Company, i; Hill, S. C. | ad guarantee Satisfaction. I, ob. \ paid for wheat and Corn. IDIN, Prop. 1: At an adjourned meeting of a g inmber of the operatives of the m "ort Mill Manufacturing com any held ^geeday night in the ted Croat room to consider the rganization of a cooperative I fcere,yit waa decided to proceed ritfe the organisation as sub- J crfptions to t^e capital stock ontemplated had "been- made. i hoard of corporators was ap ointed with George Fish as I hairman and *C. W. Eason eiretary. and compoaed of the | ollowing operatives: D. P Brown ? , B. Broadnax, M. J. Adcock, I I J; Collins, Oscar Parka, J. E. trmatrong, and C. W. McKenzie. I l is proposed to ask for a char er at once and to complete the rganization as quickly as pos- V ible. | School Boads Sold. 8 The board of trustees of the I 'orfc Mill school district Tuesday old school bonds in the sum of 0 15,000, the highest bidder being ep Massey, of Catawba, whose id was par, with accrued inter- I at and premium of $152.50.1 'he bonds will hpnr R1.9 naclH ent interest and will mature I anally, covering a period of J 5 years. The money derived rom the stUe of the bonds will B 9 used to construct an addition > the local school building. B Other bids offered were as 11 allows: Bray Brothers, of I reensboro. N. C.. par, with B ccrued interest and premium A f $145; Dursee, Niles company fl f Toledo. O., par, with accrued itere8t, less $180; First National I' ank of Fort Mill, par, with ac- H rued interest, less $300. g FOR SALE?Or will exchange for a B na'l farm in Fort Mill township, my B >ur-rootn boose, with 1-4 acre lot on B r'hite street. Good well of Water on B ack porch, lights, good garden, etc. B 14-2t H. V. Richardson. I AMERICAN SEED CO.. ail East B rade St., Charlotte, N. C. We are a repared to till ytmr orders for re- Eli ieaned Field Seed, Clovers. Vetch, B 'heat, Oats and Rye. Our Seeds are B -sted and guarantee germination. All Pj tail orders given prompt attention. 00 Card of Thanks, 1 May a kind Providence richly reward hoae of cur friends who came to our B id during the last illness and the death B four beloved wife and mother.- We B xtend heart-felt thanks to each of B ism. I A J. W. Baker and Children. ' . v' 1 . ; 1 Our Service I 1 > " I. ' * f as? ?f C UC9II C IUC puou are doing all we can i vice, quality and fail p same. You w ill alway groceries at this store ing our most particuk would be pleased to a our list. Parks Gro< Phone ] Men's Wot We have ju9t received a ship Shirts, and we bought them 00 1 at 90c. $1.00 and $1.25. If you I nice dressy shirt, in fancy strip< sition to suit you both in price a AJso, don't forget that our lit complete, and when you want so More new "Star Brand" Shoe family. Let us fit you up now. Hosiery, Underwear, Neckwea: Dress Pants, and all kinds of go <}all on us any time- We are The Casl S. A. Lee and T. F. L Gas Phone Superior < Automobile rep&ir No Job too Large Ford Spe< All work Guaranteed, i Lumber Coi GOODTXA& and REPUB3 s ?.*? .? ' i . ' " . ' *" < ? BIG 4 %:x9 \ We liai Sale Ban mejnt?Me fords, Str Middy Su rwi A v Also A thin Sum go at our Our Sa We thanl co-operati Keep y and bette Pat ? *? V yT '*? f 5 Pleases, j j ii ic patronage and \\ \l n the way of ser rices to merit the . \ \ ;; s find good fresh . We are pleasir customers and <I ;; idd vour name to < <> ? <> j; 1 ] [ < > :ery Co^ lie i;;; * t a??M? * ? ? ? ? *?? f k Shirts ment of Men's Blue Work tfe cap sell them to you need any of these or a a and color, we are in pond quality. I le Of Fancy Groceries is mething to eat, call us. ss coming in. for all the Bigger line of Notions, r, Overalls, Work Pants, od merchandise, glad to serve you. mmmm I l Store. ytJe, Managen. I I +*.?? <??????# ? ?? ?? ? ??# r 71. Oil f ~ Garage, 1 ; cm all Cars. | oT too Small. $ dalists. Oarage at Fort Hill npany. LIC Tires and Tubes, 'reprieter. _ < SPECIALS! " I ire Hundreds of After- I gains in each depart- | ;n's Summer Suits, Ox- ! aw Hats, Etc., Ladies' I its, Skirts, Silk Under- | fords, Pumps, Etc. | dl Voiles, Lawns and I imer Piece Goods will ! Low Sale Prices. I le was a Big Success. 1 k you for your hearty I ion. ? I our eye on us for more I r goods for less money. I terson's | I CANDY i v> ' :: We are agents for Norris\ Huyler's ;; and Whitman's Chocofates. A fresh. \[ shipment received each week by ex-. \[ press. Our Candy refrigerator keeps ; it cool and fresh. . . ;; If you want the best candy, kept in' : the right way, we can please you. ; J The Coolest Place in Town. < J ? i i > Hutchinson's Pharmacv. . / 7 f "Just What Your Doctor Orders." I Your Family Servant Jhat is what we are and what we strive to be. Your table is the shrine upon which we offer our- ' selvss. We are dealers in "better than ordinary" grocer les. uur shelves are stocked with the best in the market of standard goods. Let us take the responsibility of what you put on the table to tempt the appetites of your family. Groceries are the life of any individual. Let us supply your nourishment in a way that will be cheapest to your purse and most satisfactory to your pallette. ' FRESH MEATS, FISH and ICE. B. C. FERGUSON. Highest Prices Paid for Pork. COLLEGE of CHARLESTON Founded 178B A college of highest standard, open to men and wncneu. An intentionally limited enrollment insures individual instruction. Four-year course leads to Bachelor's degree. The PreMedical course a special feature. Unsurpassed clime sad line sea air. For terms and catalogue, address I HARRISON RANDOLPH, President,