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*/' 3 ""V .8*. ^ '. - ' : ' ' ^ ^ ,lfcg, "ma*m ^ wmwWHf m CHMTm turn " 5r?-7 ??;" ? LW>t>Mil?<>?iiii>IHhm<in?B Hwwtweti . iWt<y?? not % p?blt>tnnor* tb?n tOO word? in '^U;?)1ltMtlin MklWM* <T?tUll| ; I I n I afcili hwi tn fTi nn Tnt~r~r-~"1 111 IVOMIImm 1oM)?ni1loBc4btM>w.Na.Ut. J it,u?rt ?i tki Mtaflw at ftort MUI. I. O.. tm IH inill-HeUWof tMeecetidclw. ^THURSDAY. AUG. 14. 191?. ril iu?. m_. mi Miim?LJiL.-iim a? rt4 ! ? pA^atvrka Rrirtcfo I jl IPC new vmo w va v? ivi^v* fbe business men of Fort Mill th and the people of other sections ot of f Easternv York county bad Mfter be ap end doing if they | expect to realise any benefit L the proposed new bridge 11 airess Catawba river, for which _ uKefr '.are going to help pay. The y dhfiriotte Vewi of Sunday con- ai rtriqed a lengthy article written jn fr^m information gleaned from p< a representative of a Charlotte th subtracting firm, in which the informant gives as his idea that Q( the Thompson site, away up jj near the Mecklenburg county fcj JiH&, is best suited for the m bridge. Contrary to this opinion. o\ it was understood that the com- 01 auasioners ol the two counties ti had met and looked over this hi aits and the Boyd's ferry site and < had practicaliy agreed to locate si the' bridge ft the latter site, a The Times feels that this bridge, c? u?iching Fort Mill township on di lift east ba;>k of the river. jifcould be placed where this town would receive at least soau* little benefit in the way oi maiaeef. That it yl\\ be worth nothing to Fort Mill If placed in ? Ae Thompson bottom is uc- rt fcaowied^ed by the Charlotte oj extractor when he says the ^ Vaiid by the Thompson site will ai Charlotte a much greater ci advantage than she would have a hjnthe lower route in the way of P< That the bridge at 'tf&mpeon's would be of little if ^ benefit other than to the ^ IjUifclenbprg and Gaston county is admitted by the News' ^ informant when he further says: ^jSiis (Thompson) route, would cc alio be a splendid drive for the ^ $>pW of Gastonia to Charlotte q way of variety, and is a Y< vhicl way to Kind's Mountain, w >3twMtner City and many other ps jvrmf* in inwAr f.nfttim rnnntvUl Nfcir, good people, with this 1 a- ni formation copaiDM from a man ^ wlion? The Nejvs says b an ex- [V i^encod bridge builder, it is ^ ?iiss Co again ask the ques- tJl where are York county er > come fa 1n the way of yj & from the bridge if at the Thompson site? people of Fort Mill and Jfchitecn Yerk would look to their ^ it^jrestB they would get busy .< and ^ see the new bridge is built 1 > Trsere they will at least got some \ [ from the money they are i > goihg to pay for t)\e erection of 1 k the bridge. * *{ J ? , A ; >L .* a. in LI rv ! vvnn 01 mo wtoiiy riper. * * ?bne of the big New York pa- \ J yiaris tells, as follows, the real < i cv^kh of the weekly newspaper <' ane why it should be liberally j[ uj$ported by the people of the ?m odfhmunlty in which 1t is pub- ? y Jjj^e average man can live in 2 a Rg city all hii life and never 2 *sg?his name in the paper, but $ titig farmer and the average man 1 *{& woman in any small town J W|M see their names in the local * Mjitry newspaptgfseveral times % * year, and always connected \\ #4$ti tome *orthy Miauae, acme \ fquJUf ul eery^a, something that j> iwtplJT" joy. uFthrough life. The ;; j$d?stry ne*tpape<ftis the news- ;; pujiisr that spreads happiness <; aptLeontent <' you always want to o newjl a boat 4 the ball game 4 * ycm^saw the day before? If you 1 wiihees a fir a. you- read the de- ; tail* of that fire with double in- , fif >ou hidn't seen the ; perhtps you would not - > the story at all. Why is !! It is becauso the things !! ybrhnow ai?out are the things ! yo;# llfce to road about That is 1; | country newspapers have ;; Mich.a tremendous hold on their ;; xafrVs. They tell Uitem about <: *0 oamimB* and gohogs of their U ifcfe YoVi - *22 WM -KI&&V' ;i :. jW;^ *% ' " J they know. Nothing on earth a* interesting to the farmers id people living in Oils town as e news of their babies, the trriagetof their boys ttdsirk eir social and church events, e illness and ^hf deaths among eir frtenda. Year aftsr year e country newspaper records a history of its community. Is, it any wonder, then, ,that e opuntry newspaper is the e most powerful advertising edium on earth? Just as its >wer is great in holding it's aders' interest, so is it helpful shaping thought and powerful an advertising medium. It rn8 the printed word almost to the spoken word. "No metropolitan daily, no agaxine, no billboard, no farm urual?good as they all are? ngs the bell with the farmers id small town people a* does eir home newspaper. It is an tegral part of tne community :at cannot be filled by any her medium." Ysrk Cossty News Hatters. oricvilte Enquirer.) A party of soldiers from Camp ickson, Columbia, are in Rock ill soliciting recruits for the 'my. The party Is traveling a large army truck and exacts to work this section torougiily. Alex Woodward, a well known jgro who lived in the Flint ill section of Rock Hill, was lied by lightning Friday afterx>n during a storm which passed rer Rock HilL He was at work i the roof of his house at the me a bolt of lightning struck 1m. Sheriff Fred E? Qaitiu, assted by other officers, u?r.t?oyed distillery of about- foety gallon ipacity near Enon church Fri\y afternoon. The distillery as a sheet iron affair, rathei 'udely constructed aad the eur undings bore evidence thai auor had been made there on tveral occasions. FrdnA Adams, a negro of th? ickory Grove section was ar?sted this week by T. P. Rose I Rock Hili, special agent ol is Carolina & Northwestern id Southern railroads on e tare ol throwing rocks through car window of a Southern issenger train on June 21 last allowing a preliminary bearing if ore Magistrate R. L. A. nith of Hickory Grove, be w&> jund over to the court oi iiieral sessions on bond in tht i4u ui fsaw. Kock liilk is to have a large >tton warehouse to be erected f the National Association of otton Manufacturers of New ork city. The warehouse hieh will have an Initial caticily of 10,000 bales with an timate capacity of twice this imber will be one of a chain standardised cotton ware uses at strategic points roughout the south. Other >uth Carolina cities where iese warehouses are to he acted are Spartanburg, GreenHe, "Columbia and Charleston. E. J. Arrant, white, was conThe Casl We are still in the ] most select line of Freal ter, Eggs and other Con Call on us for all kinds Dill Fiekles, Etc. We price will please yow. The Casl F. E. TAYLOR, Prop, eo^eoaesaoeofs ??? ?*?? Your The First National B TRUSTEE, EXECUTOR, i GUARDIAN. Can you be assured th handle the affairs of your wishes as to its dispositioi perienced business men e ision of the United Stat ilVAAii UAAJk! The costs are fixed by either case. We invite yc with us this very imports Tie First N: Resources Ves SO?ttlMISf KlMSSfm victed before Majiietrate Glenn of 49benezer a few days Wjjpo for assaulting' EoS Jackson, colored, and his wife* two share croppers on his place, and was fined $10 in each case. The evidence which A rant mads no ettmt to deny, u as that Akfant 1 tied Jackson and ris wifeto a tree and thrasued them with hickory switches. There Wa> considerable interest in the tria* among both white and colored. Geo. G. Eaves. represented the prosecution and \Y. H. Dun lap represented the defense. Kecommeudation for an appropriation of Federal aid in the stun of V^2.000, SlO.OQo of the amount to he used within the corporate ft (hit* oi :he town of Clover was dcciuec Upon by the county board oi eotuuussionsrs at their meeting 'Wednesday. A committee of Clever citizens consisting of J. E. DeamgUard, Dr. 1. . Cimpbcli j ana i?.r. W. T. L'e ..nguard ap pearsd before the c* nn;ia. .oners and asked them u vec uiwiend Federal aid in the &um of $10,| 000 for road construction in the town oi Clover, in addition to $12,000 to be used on construction work oi the north road in King's Mouuiuir. township una leading tn fhp Nnrlfi Pornlina lino i Real Er/lite Transfers. The following transfer* of Fort. Mill i u. t> have been recorded' i?i uire olltce of the judge ei' ^l ob^te: | . Wihhi (J. Ho anv. *'hjrmond M. Howie tu. L. c> rati, 1 iot; consideration, ifrUH). J. L. Spruit to T. F. Lytle. ' 1 lot; euha.tkiv $100. Thus. b. L\ t :c to J. L. Cappe, ? lots; ct'OfcN.cjrfcd'on, $230. Arbuckle a Xansan. ' In view of the frequently heard 1 statem- nt that x.?.iscoe "Fatty" ' Arbut-K, the sciet-n comedian,' wa6 born in Lui.caster county, this state, we print the following sketch of the man. as published i by the P&ramount-Artcnti't cor1 poratlon. by whom Arbuckle is employed; i " 'Fatty' Arbuckle was born . in Smith Center. Kansas, in , 1887. Whan he wae 15 *Fatty' ? joined a stock repertoire comk pauy en tc if?* . Ijqer he managed his uwn company and also played k in scock for Morosco and Hart\ man. 'Fatty's' screen career 1 began in 1913, when Mack Sen-' nett, the well known manager, r took one good look at his chubby lace anu engaged him on the , spot. Miota Durie., the petite blonde who phyeb with, was his , wife, i'iic talent*, d couple have worked in many comediea together and seem to enjoy their ; work quite h* hiu.1i _s U,e geh[ -? ?? v? ??' yuviifc t llJHJ S 1! . ...r ? . -MV?" jrrrv.' FOR SALK-.Ford Tou rim? C*r audi i Foru Truck, both in first-cissa oondi- j tu,n. F. E. TAYLOR. ; OR. A. O. OTHP , Oc NTtS' Otilvw Kiura, 8 n. n- r<> i? p. rt?. (Ik . ? V -? ' ! 1 Befl; Budding, fr.? Mill, ?. i*. j j 1 ho Tinu-a in ?l.td6 f ye?<*'t acflbtty in advance *+>**<*? <?*>. * +*+ ***#*#% hi Market . larket Business with a j i b Meat a, Chickens, Buttitry Produce. , [ Sweet and Sour Pick lea, J have the beat ami the 1 I ' m m - 1 i marKet, I Phone 146. .# Will. i I i ' link ii J to act as IDKIJf IBTXATOS, and as ; >[ ' *! tat auj one individual will ; estate and carry out your J . a. as well as a group of asperating under the super- ;; es Oovernsieot ss a If A- ! | law aHA are the name in ; m to come in and diaoooo ! i > nt matter. i? itiocal Bank, rly *400,000.90. t % ' ' i f 4 - . S ~ In Another of f . . ^ Yon just simply ing Doug" Fairhanl square inch than, an To miss your mc "morning's mornin to miss Fairbanks is Open 6 p. m. t< :i The FIRST Premium 1 Is the Hardest. j. :; When the life insurance man ;; I wants to talk to you?give him a || chance. He knows some things about \> you and the commercial value of your life that you don't know your- | W self. v - . t |o I jij He an ou how much you are 1 worth?not in sentiment, of course? | but iry cold dollars and cents. He is f || not mercenary, he is just analytic. . | Your insurance premium need I ||| not worry you if you have a Savings $ Iaccount where it will accumulate by ;| |il regular deposits of a small por- \\ ... tion of your income. f THE LIFE INSURANCE MAN f IS WORKING FOR YOU, LET ? ;; HIM TELL YOU WHAT HE \ jj KNOWS. I : The Savings Bank j Of Fort Mill. I N O TI C E! | mm*}* # ? * . * s We are now prepared to do your Blacksmith and Repair Work in our new shop in the rear of the Garage adjoining our plant, and will appreciate your patronage. Fort Mill Lumber Co., J. J. BAILES, Proprietor. Auto Top Builders and Painters. Can make your ear look like a new one. Work done by expert. We ean refer von to seores of aatia. r fled customers in Rock Hill, Fort Mill, York, Ladcaster and Chester. J. C. HARDIN & CO., ROCK HILL, S. C. Automobile Repairs and Agcoworiet. Steele Motor Company. | * \ MONDAY. AS FAIRI lis Famous Five-Reel Co it foung F can't get away from th ks will fnrnish more tyone appeaing on The ither-in-law's advice is " is worse, to miss din 3 a calamity. Be tharc > 11 p. m. Prices, j |S|| Majestic S ... ~ I Jess* L. LasL Victor 1 I ln I "THE CI ? His job was to make peoj: when a friend's life was in di man's honor required a sacrifi he was no clown then. A picture of the ' big top1 has tugged at the hearts of cc Open 6 P. M. - SPECIAL NOTICE?Ii Iment regulations, we wish I one of our patrons that whom as a "Special**, and advanc will be: Children under 12 yei 1 ? , % '< ' ' ? p/ I f Phonog Witl PATH Records Make Home 1 V Young 6! The Furnit V r LADIES: Come in ai well-selecte Dry Goods, I We have greatly cnlai and coidially invite you to Everything nice and new an the quality. Bundle S We fcave the exclusive sa factured by the Fbrt Mill 1 up in bundles and retails a this if you want the kind th JOE M. BR * ' I El|c Crt,?--^T. BITTEBo \ < A S <'># * J *' ^3yp--AUG. 18 1 l?WJ3*, C'>- ' yWB s-Ja jf/jm BANK S eDow!" ie fact that "SmiU ? M amusement to the Majestic streen. 4 bad; to miss your* o ner is painful and .. 1 on time. 15c and 25c. $ "fod?SlT ?l ;y Present* Moore 1 LOWN" )le laugh?and he did. But inger, and when r good wo- fl <; ce that wrecked his career? ft ? " and the sawdust ring. It untless thousands. See it. Regular Price*. i keeping with the govern-, to make it clear to every " ;ver we advertise a program. :e our prices, that advance. irs of age. 15c; Adults, 25c. MAJESTIC THEATRE. , imm ; :?i... I m *? ti Li n l i graphs Life Pleasant. i Wolfe, ture Men. 4 * *r . .11 J- ii ii i 'i? mmmm. id see our new and I d stock of I lotions, Etc. I rged this stock icccntly > call and look it over, id prices consistent with heeting. le of the Sheeting manu[fg, company. It is put t $1.25 per bundle. See at satisfies. ACKETT. :iB&? HEW LIFE Pilil The Pills That Do Cure. :v m