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I ^K IHffl WHDN so for MALARIA, CHIUS and FEVER.] A Flying Visit. The curious effect sometimes produced In telegrams by want of puuctu- l atlon or the omission of a single small I word cannot fall to have struck every- i one. A London lawyer had a female 1 relative In the North from whom he1 had "expectations." She had been ailing for some weeks, when one morning came a telegram asking the luwyer's wife to go at once, as she?his aunt? was much worse. His wife accordingly went. During the evening of the following day the husband received this disconcerting announcement: "Aunt Matilda went to heaven at 8:30 returning by 11:50 tomorrow mornlnfe." The Strong Withstand the Hent of Rummer Hotter Than the Weak Old people who are feeble and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to go through the depreitslng beat of summer by taking Grove's tasteless chill tonic. It purities and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. Ton can ooon feel Its Strengthening, Invigorating JJffect. (Oo. Lives Up to Its Name. i Knlcker?-"VVhut has become of Are- i water?" llocker?"It Is both fired aud > It I* not permissible to photograph i women In China. < Such tender bits of fine mes ing! One taste of Libby's piping hot, will tell you it chefs I Asle your grocer Contents will serve two. Libby, M9Neill & j MRS. JOE PERSON'S II ; REMEDY ALCOHOL 20* tiniuMU ittD. 1 RCCOMMCNDCD FOR BLOOD DISEASES USED AS A General Tonic, Alterative and a Purifier of the Blood. D_ I I t ** .. mwnnmmaBB I or 1 CnDT, Eruptions and Diseases that come I from Impurities of the Blood, also Indigestion and Stomach Troubles. TU ii.idjr npnnm liic Para Jain *4 StiKaaa. PriciJjr AjK, SanaparilU. Pill arm . tad Podofl.rlWa.Tkt plaaS art gatharad tad tha mice a*raa?d wUa m a JmK, araaa taaJfcoa. awl oaiy tnowgk far* ^Ua aadad la pruaal ImaaaUhee. PRICE $1,25 > MANUFACTURED BY PERSON REMEDY CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. MM SSWSM KMmI Mra. J? Fmaaa'i OwM an SafSa. w mu rscKscs memo war. n an [Etctj Woman Wanti] FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE I Disss Its J In water for d nosh is steps patfk catarrh, slWatfos aad Inflammation. Recommended by Lydla E. Pfcdrhsm Med. Co, for tea years. A healing wonder far nasal catarrh, aore throat encore eyes.^ Economical It >;; . cS^ufStStoouuk "Nrnt hat poaittvoly tone for days. The-ftrat bottla of Parana nn relief and whlla I always imb It la th* hous* for latri* laciM, I MMll?> ayulf catteoly ftw Ma aatowb of ?ho niaail, tho trouble from which I aufforod for ao Ion* bafora taking thla taawdr." Unit mIMM Farm Mlt Kvar/whar* Aak Tnr Paalar linnnsi ,ILT]?Mn ID FOR SO YEARS. ALSO A PINE GENERAL STRENGTHEN* ING TONIC. Said by All Draa Stoma. Efficient Refrigerator. Refrigeration ears for transporting meat with which an Kngllsh railrond Is experimenting are said to maintain as even a temperature as elaborate refrigeration plants on steamships. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CA8TORIA, that famous old remedy for Infanta and children, and see that It Sl^tare^f In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Ciy for Fletcher's Castoria Stamps for Flume. The Hungarian stamps which the Italian forces seftced In Flume and overprinted with the word Flume apparently were lu use only a short time; for now we lenru that the Italians have Issued special adheslves for this occupied Hunguriau port. These Flume stomps of Italian printing bear each a scene from a street In the city, with what Is apparently the Italian flag dying from one of Flume's public buildings. Yes, Hazel, the reason some men <et married Is thut they ore too tenler-hearted to refuse. if?such careful seasonVienna Sausage, served was prepared by master for a package today. Libby, Chicago After the Horse Is Out. "Do not rest umbrellas and canes r>n escalator," rends a sign on the longlooked-for and now complete subway escalator nt Park place. The sign, however. Is at the top of the incline, and as escalators do not escalade downwurd it Is not legible until the cane and umbrella carriers have imnscu uwr me mnuuueii lerruory. ?New York Evening Post. "BAYER CROSFON GENUINE ASPIRIN BAYER) \JELs7 "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' to be genuine must be marked with the safety "Bayer Cross*" Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache. Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a fewcents at drusr stores?larger nncknires also. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of Saltcyllcadd.?Adv. A Leading Question. "Oh, Meestaire Soupklng," exclaimed Count do Bustup. "I love your daughtalre! Ket would give me sse supreme plulsure to marry wis her!" "A'rlght, count, but now listen t' me: Are you able t' be supported In th* manner In which my daughters are accustomed t' supporting their husbands?" An Even Bet. Oernld?I am going to kiss you. Oeraldlne?I'll bet you don't. Oernld?What will you bet? Oeraldlne?A kiss. Rests, Refreshes. Seethes. J 1*1Strong andPWealthy.* If atsfvAm ^ theyTirft, Smart, Itch, or VniirJWlC Burn, If Sore, Irritated, VvUK LIU Inflamed or Granulated, me Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult At aB Druggist*. Write for Free Eye Bool HfMl^eBMMdyCeafsaj.CMcegs.D.S.^ I RHETT COMMENT 01 APPRMSM^BQARI AYS FINDINGS OF VALUE 0 LANDS NEAR # CHARLESTON IS A GRIEVOUS WRONG. * . . THE CASE WILL 60 TO COUR Property Mainly In Question baa A proximately Eight Thousand Feet Frontage on the Water. Charleston.?R. Q. Rhett, common ing upon the finding oe the governmei appraisal board, headed by Col. R. \ Ponges, as reported in a dispatch fro: Washington, as to values of certal lands at North Charleston requlsitlo ed by the government, and over whl< there is a marked difference betwee option prices and prices awarded t the board, said: "The fact is the price fixed by Ct uuci in>ugn id s grievous wrong 1 the owners of the property, and moi than that. It is a grievous wrong n> only to the people of Charleston bi to the people of the whole state, whoi chief seaport he disparaged and b littled." Mr. Rhett went on to say that tl matter would "be settled in the court The land in question mainly Is aboi 1,000 acres belonging to a farm cc poration and nearly 8,000 feet of w ter frontage (some 423 acres) belon ing to the Fllbi nCompany. Mr. Rhett points out that the a pralsal board considered the cvalue < the land at what it was apparent worth several years ago. before man millions of dollars were expend* through the efforts of the North Cha leston Interests to develop this an into an Important industrial, coi mercial and residential enterprise. Charleston.?iA. letter has been T ceived from Secretary Tumulty a knowledging the Invitation of the ct' council of Charleston to Preside* Wilson to visit this city on his toi of the country in the interests of tl league of nations, and stating that tl invitation would be borne in mindYork.?Because there were no cas< ready for trial, the court of cotnim pleas for York county adjurned sli die shortly after convening. Beaufort.?Orders have been t ceived at headquarters of the marii training station at Parris Island demobilize all marines who enlist* (or the duration of the war. Union.?Capt. Arthur P. McEHro medical corps. United States army, spending in Washington part of a 1 day leave, perllmlnary to reporting Camp Jackson for discharge. Cai McElroy is a graduate of the Cltad and has been in private practice Union for 12 years. Columbia.?At meetings of tl board of directors and of the stoc holders of the Lutheran Survey Pu llshlng Company in Columbia, T>r. t H. Oreever. the manager of the vey, submitted a report which showi a gratifying growth in circulation The American Lutheran Survey. Bennettsvilles?A meeting of a nui ber of representative farmers of Ma: boro county was held at Bennett vllle. F. B. McLeod, state manage and A. A. Protzman, state organls* were present and set forth clear and pointedly the objects and pi poses of the American Cotton Asi ciation and also a plan for organ! lng the state and county association Laurens.?In line with Its polley providing helpful convenience f residents of the village, the Laure: Cotton Mills Company has bought tl Mra. Jane Todd Clark home place I rather with about 49 acres, the ma purpose of the purchase being to i cure adequate pasturage for the coi belonging to the people of the m community. J. Pletdhsr Batsman Buried. Camden.?The funeral of the late Fletcher Rateman was held from tf, Camden Baptist church In the pn ence of a large concourse of relatlv and friends. Gov. R. >A.. Cooper, w' was a close personal friend of Jt I Bateman, was here as an honora pllbearer. and made a few remar telling of the close friendship exlstl between them and in what high < teem he had always held Mr. Batems The burial was in charge of t' Woodmen of the World. Building Now Active. Greenwood.?Coincident with the i nounceraent that work lsto start once on a three story addition to t' People Rank building under the < rection of Thomas W. Cothran, arc" ect and builder, comes the annoum ment that the plans for the six sto building of Commercial Bank ha been accepted and the contract w be awarded shortly. The Peoi Bank building has four stories bo the addition will make a seven etc building with a capacity of over 1 offices. Fatalities by Lightning. Orangeburg. ? A severe elect; storm passed over Orangeburg cot ty. resulting in five deaths. Nathan Thomas, a prominent fanner and c sen of Orangeburg county, frogeth with three of his negro hands. J Henderson, Ernest Curry and Her Footy were killed by lightning atx two miles from Cope. A negro working on the farm of T. MoCaqJp, about three miles 1 low Orangeburg, waa also killed lightning. ;"\?' | HUSBAND _ SAVES WIFE ' From Stiff wring by Getting Her LyJn E. Phlrhitfi F Vegetable Compound. Pittsburgh- Pa.?"For many months I wu not abb to do my work owfa^to III |||l[ilMililllllllill backacho I HiiRBMulllll u>d headache*. A H UHBHi friend called my I B Mb '-m attention to one of iffl^^HBl y?ur newspaper I I I ndvertisemeota and IIU^MII lltl bnaband bought I throe bottlaa of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound for ma. t- After taking two ,t ?bottlea 1 felt fino^ ' and my troubles caused by that weakv nees are a thing of the past. All women m who suffer as I did should try Lydia EL in Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound."? Q. Mrs. J as. Rohrbero, 620 Knapp St., ,h N. 8., Pittsburgh, Pa. _ Women who suffer from any form of weeks oss, as indicated by displacements, iy inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, backache, headaches, nervousness or >1- "the blues," should accept Mrs. Rohr;o berg's suggestion and give Lydia El ,A Pink ham's Vegetable Compound a . thorough trial. For over forty years It has been " correcting such ailments. If you have ie mysterious complications write for e- advice to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. f Use Guticura Soap ;; To Clear Your Skin All dninlata; Boa, B. Olitaut B A SO. TilosaS Bauipl. *ach fraaof "Oittoot, Del I, Ma." p- Tg mw x* w rw a? mm jr of ? |y Hannon's llumpchlm?Small herd selected highly brad Hampahlraa for aale. 8arate# IT boara, bred aowa. plga. L. Hannon, Atco, Oa. >d -SPE?f | ,r- Two's company and three is grist for >a the divorce mill. i n- ? i ; iillife'A jr /famous french discovery! ie ""replace? nerVe wastage""? increases strength energy. |? 1 gjifc'-iipyhij^fe0.^ a : \best thing known for/ In life's great structure don't pull ( to the props till the concrete's dry. * HOW 1 T. RHEUMATISM BEGINS at The excruciating agonies of rheuma,t tlam are usually the result of failure of the kidneys to expel poisons from the 01 system. If the irritation of these uric at acid crystals is allowed to continue, in* curable bladder or kidney disease may result. Attend to it at once. Don't resort to temporary relief. The sick kidneys must be restored to health bv . the use of some sterling remedy which K* will prevent a return of the disease, tv Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem V Oil Capsules immediately. They have _ brought back the joys of life to count* ir" leas thousands of sufferers from rheu* pd matism, lame back, lumbago, sciatica, 0( gall stones, gravel and other affections of the kidneys, liver, stomach, bladder and allied organs. Tbey will attack the poisons at once, m. clear out the kidneys and urinary tract , and the soothing healing oils ana herba rl" will restore the inflamed tissues and ta- organs to normal health. ,r All others are Imitations. Ask for GOLD MEDAL and ha sure the name ,r* GOLD MEDAL is on the box. Threa 1y glass, at all good druggiits?Adv. ir io- Pessimists are people who go around |s. looking for thorns to sit on. is. ^A^orptd Hver prevents proper food ssalra* ?uuo Uti your li v.r Willi Wrlfbt't of Indian T?(?tabl* Ptlla. They act gently. Adv. or n8 Tenrs are sometimes a blessing. I Couldn't Work ITS m S. W. Bishop Was Laid Up By Kidney Trouble. Now Owes Good Health to Doan's. "I owe my present good health, largehe ly. to Doan'a Kidney Pills," says S. W. Bishop, 6162 Kensington Ave., 8t. SB* Louis, Mo. "I wasn't able to work. og Sharp pains would catch me when I stooped or tried to lift anything, and ho at night the kidney seIr. cretions passed frequently A _ and were scanty ana F 7 painful. Specks seemed to fee M dc before my eyes and I wfj ng would get dizzy. There ps s_. was a puffincHB under my eyes. 1 could see myself 1 n | failing from day to day JSs jK* he | end I finally was laid up from June until Septem- _ ber. I got Doan'a Kidney Pills and used them. I received relief with the first box and became stronger every day. I could sleep well * at night and the kidney secretions were ** now of natural color. The dizziness he and other troubles disappeared and I .?< picked up in weight. Alter I had used four boxes of Doan'a Kidney Pilla I looked and felt like my old self. The se- cure seemed a miracle and I firmly berv lieve that my life was saved by this 7 remedy." Sworn to before me. J" JOHN W. BRUNS, Notary Public. iW, Get Deaa's at Aay Store, 60c a Boa 2 DOAN'S VS5V FOSTER-MILS URN CO, BUFFALO. N. T. i J SELDOM SEE WW a biff kites like this, bat your horse IB- WM v u..?u ? u. J IT ankle, hock, etifllc, knee or throat. - (J t&MdteMd ?f ZL aril^leain^pllwithc^ >n fT the florae. No bll?t0r, no niir >u' gone. Concentrated?only a lew drop* required at an application. $2. SO per T> Wat* Mxni DacriW rar cm tor i?*rtol lurntctloBi. . *M Book R (r**. absorbINETTr.. tb* udMfdc ubumbi tor ?MM. winw* Puefel ??m?r*. to* ItkrH OI*?k Wem*. tiilm, Vutaw Vrtiwi *11* jr* to* at toiiMMitne ItriM tl tl Wiltmtnata e Muni. Ukml rrl.1 hnttte >o?mM tor 10c. It. P. YOUMB. P.O. P..MT?|toSl. ferleffleld, Ma* m i 4 *^*?^5 **? .?1 ' . ?Wg '.: '' - \ CO OPERATIVE PUN PLEASES ktarfM County Afint Relates ait In* atanaa of Benefits Derived From New Plan of Marketing. Clemeon College.?Recently Lauone county shipped a carload at hogs so-operatlvely for farmers. The county agent and the animal husbandrymen of the extension service helped the farmers with the shipment, and low M. D. Moore, oounty agent, in a recent report gives an instance of the Bffect of this co-operative marketing in farmers. "One of these men shipped hogs In lur first carload shipment, April 7. Recently he said: 'Moore, when you isked me to ship hogs in April I had fully made up my mind to stop growing hogs for market, for I was-tired if begging local butchers to buy my tiogs, often at a sacrifice; but I find this carload plan of selling hogs is what we need and I've changed my mind and shall grow all the hogs I :an.'" Charleston.?About 50 young men from this state, of whom a score are from Charleston, have gone to the wheat fields of Kansas to work this lummer. Washington?Information was made public at the war department here showing that the Forty-eighth Regiment will not be removed from Camp Jackson. Word was received in Columbia of the death in Colleton county of J. M. Ackermam .treasurer elect. Mr. Ackarman was elected last summer and was to have taken over the office July 1. Because of illness, R. E. Jones continued the office. Anderson.?James J .Baldwin, archi tect, haa been commissioned by a board of Candler county, Georgia, to prepare plans and specifications for a new flre-proof court house. This is the third Georgia court house which Mr. Baldwin has secured in the past sis weeks. Orangeburg. ? Probably the first business trip made by a South Carolina commercial traveler by aeroplane was made by Charles Moore of the Carolina-Portland Cement Company of Charleston, when he reached Oraugeburg about 10 o'clock to call upon a builders' supply house. Camden.?Jim Sheom, the white man who was shot In a raid upon an Illicit distillery, seven miles east of Camden, in which F. E. Bateman, state constable was mortally wounded, came to Camden and surrendered to Sheriff Welsh after spending the night in hiding in a swamp. Laurens.?Hastings Dial, a son of Dr. W. H. Dial, and a nephew of Senator N. B. Dial, left Laurens for Washington to report for assignment in the United States marine service aa cargo inspector for the government. His rank will be that of lieutenant commander and his duties will take him to all parts of the world. Columbia.?-Stamp sales for the nrsi nan year 01 1713 iu $179,751.66 at the Columbia postofTlce which is a decrease of $57,012.59 for the same period of 1918. This falling ofT In the sale of stamps Is largely due to the reduction In the personnel of Camp Jackson and many war workers leaving the city. Newberry.?The eighth session of ! the Lutheran summer school for church workers has been conducted at Newberry College during the week with greater Interest than has been manifested at any former meeting. The enrollment was the largest in the history of the school. Fifty-eight congregations were represented with a total enrollment of 258. Spartanburg.?The ten-day strike of the street railway employees of the South Carolina Light ft Power Company reached the stage of violence here, when C. C. Crouch, a motorman, who had not joined the strikers, waa taken from his ear and badly beaten by parties as yet unknown to the authorities. Live Stock Center. Dillon.?A representative audience of business men gathered In the auditorium of the court house to hear an address by George R. Wheeler, manager of the Souli Carolina Land Owners' Association. During his talk the speaker stated that South Carolina will In the course of time become the center of the live stock industry of the United States and pointed out certain steps necessary for the lan downers, bankers and business men to take to hasten the d*T. Up In the Air. Anderson.?SI* Andersonlans were given a thrill when Lieut. Jesse Simpson took them ut> In the aeronlane. Those to whom this privilege was granted hy the government were G. Pierce Brown, Jr., representing The Daily Mall; Paul Browne, The State; Mrs. C. McC. Patrick, the Greenville Daily News, and Miss Margaret Olds. Spartanburg Herald. Bach passenger was given a spin of 30 minutes in the air, and these 30 minutes were crowded with visions never seen before, and were full of thrilling sights. Daughters Kill Father. Florence.?Brutality of an almost Inconceivable nature marked the killing of Sylbert Myers, a respected negro farmer, by his iwo daughters, Lillian and Rebecca, aged 16 and 18. Using an axe as a weapon the two girls struck their father on the back of his head while he was seated at the table eating his supper. After hiding the body the girls returned to the house, dressed In their Sunday clothes and went to an ice cream sup per Just a few hundred yards from the pot where the body lay. " " Tv * A v" \ Vt.V I I am Sincere! SI t I Guarantee D( listen to me! Calomel sic day's work. If bili< headachy read i Liveh up your sluggish liver! Feel j fine and cheerful; make your work a i pleasure; be vigorous and full of am- I bltion. But take no nasty, dangerous i | calomel, because it makes you sick ! and you may lose a day's work. I Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, j which causes necrosis of the boues. Calomel crashes into sour bile like . dynamite, breaking it up. That's when j you feel that awful nausea and crampvlng. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight Your druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents under my i Unfailing Symptoms. Mose Lightfoot?Mawnln'! Wash Lincoln?Mawnln'! "How is you all dls mawnln'?" "Ah got a misery." "Where 'bouts?" "Ah feel all de time like Ah was gonna fall right down in mail tracks." "Fall riirlit rtnwnI" "Yassah." . "Man nllve, yo* all pot de dropsy!" ?Youugstown Telegram. WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT For many year? druggists have watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder mcdieine. It ia a physician's prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengthening medicine. It helps the kidneys, liver and bladder do the work nature intended they I should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.?Adv. Figuring It Out. The Income Tax Man?Is there | anything you don't understand, mada in? Mrs. Grabbit?Yes. In listing my Income nni I entitled to deduct the dollar a week I allow my husband out of his salary for carfare and lunches? e To Have a Clear Sweet Skin. Touch pimples, redness, roughness or itching, If any, with Cutlcura Ointment, then bathe with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and dust on a little Cutlcura Talcum to leave a fascinating fragrance on skin. Everywhere 25c each.?Adv. Poetry and Prose. "Across the Alps lies Italy" may be a kuuu ?iuuuiiiuiK mono, nut it nigll school cluss In Kansas chose this: "Beyond us lies the snwbuck nud the wushtub."?Boston Transcript. Dr. Paery's "Daad 8hot" not only expels Worms or Tapeworm but cleans out the mucus In which they breed and tones up ths digestion. One dose sufficient. Adv. Real happiness Is cheap enough, yet how dearly we pay for Its counterfelt. Make Baby O Keep the little stomach regula of health in infancy, by using MRS. WIN SYR The Infants' and Ch that produces such remarkable s constipation, flatulency, wind colic Contains no alcohol ? opiates? gredients. It is a highly potent ve very best ingredients obtainable, smiles that follow. f AN<^MJ7Il " ) HaiSdF; 'l BGSH ECZEI THIS Isn't on? of those fake fre ment offers you have seen s times. We don't offer to give yo thing for nothing?but we do gunrnr you cnn try this wonderful trcntni tlrcly at our risk, and this guun backed by your local druggist. w. ??. inmii.1 ui /Milium, writes: "I was afflicted with a very I of Eczema for 2fi years, which was In legs and hips. Through nl> this tlmi different remedies and doctors' i tlons, obtaining no relief until I us HUNT'S 8ALVE. "One Box entirely cured me, and two years have elapsed I have hat turn of the trouble. Naturally I r as the greatest remedy In the worft Hunt's Salve la compounded esp< Itch, Ringworm, Tetter and other s! Remember Hunt's Salve costs yc so do not delay but get a box now 01 7Bc at your druggist's or direct by i A. B. RICHARDS MEDICI )p Calomel^^^^l idson's kens and you may axis, constipated oc 'v ny guarantee. personal money-back guarantee each spoonful will clean your gtfgnHj^^^H liver better than a dose of nastyrdfllij|K9|^H mel and that It wont make god .eldfci?MwM Dodson's Liver Tone Is fen medicine. Ton'U know it t? terntmrnmm mg, because you wiii wake up fe?a!SvuwS|^S fine, your liver will be workingj beaO>c?K n<?hn nnH Hlvvlnnoe ?A*ia afnmnAh will be sweet and bowels regular. Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and enn not salivate. Give it to your children* k Millions of people are using Dodson's ''; Liver Tone Instead of dangerous calomel now. Tour drnggtst will tell you that the sale of calomel is almost ^ stopped entirely here.?Adv. old Rellablt | SulphurCompouhd f For pimples, black-heads, freckles, blotches and tan, as well as lor more serious face, scalp and body eruptions, hives, edema, etc., use this scientific compound of sulphur. Asa lotion, It soothes and heals: taken internally? a few drops In a glass of water?It gets at the ?*/;. ,J root of the trouble and purifies the blood. * Physicians agree that sulphur Is one of the most effective blood purifiers known. Remember, a good complexion Isn't skin deep I ?it's health deep. Be sure to ask for HANCOCK SULPHUR ( COMPOUND. It has been used with satis* i factory results for over 23 years. I 50c and $1 the bottle I at your druggist's. If he can't supply you, mA send his name and the price In stamps and we will send you n bottle direct. HANCOCK UQUID SULPHUR H COMPANY Myyn Baltimore. Md. 'j/'j ffmnd At/yAxr Ctmfunj Otnt- <$*ir|*5~*5> QRHBI mtnt?ZS nd Jft?fnum xnith Ih* B?\ **/fn UfuiJ Cimfvnd. ! HE "BLUbiJH Caused by flHHflj Acid-Stoma^H Millions people who worry, are dent, have apella mrntel depression, blue and are often melancholy, believe t^HBHHH these conditions are due to outside Influta^^^^H^H over which they have little or no contr^H^^^^I^H Nearly always, however, they can be tracs^^^^^H^^H to sn Internal source?acid-stomach. Nor It to be wondered at. Acld-slomach. begloR^^^^^^^H nln* with euch well defined symptoms as tS. digestion, belchlnr, heartburn, bloat, etc,, will. If not checked. In time effect to eoma ^ dearer or other all the vital orrtnr. The ncrvoua system becomes deranged. DIliitloB suffers. The blood la Impoverished. Health and strength are undermined. The victim oC acld-atomach. although he may not know the cauae of his ailments, feels his hop^ courage, ambition and energy slipping. And truly life la dark?not worth much to tho man or woman who has acld-atomach! Oat rid of It! Don't let acld-atomach hold you back, wreck your health, make your days miserable, make you a victim of tho "blues" and gloomy thoughts! There la i marvelous modern remedy called BATONIO that brings, oh! such quick relief from your stomach miseries?seta your stomach to righto ?makes It strong, cool, sweet and comfortable Helps you get back your strength, vigor, vitality enthusiasm and good cheer. So many thousands upon thousands of sufferers nave used BATONIC with such marveloualy heipful results that we are sure you will feel the same way If you will Just give It m tllal. Oet a big BO cent bo* of E ATONIC? the good tasting tablets that you eat like * bit of candy?from your druggist today. H# will return your money If results are not even more than you expect. FATONIC P C FOR TOUR ACfxFSTOMACjQ W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 31-1919. do and Crow ted and bowels open, the secret [SLOWS up n-i d i-a? uuivu m nvgUHlior ind gratifying results. Relieves , diarrhoea, and other disorders, narcotics?or other harmful ingetable preparation made of the Give it to baby and watch the t 7 DmggUt* t , iL StlUnt Afntt : o many u some itee thnt /4^K3P/- % intee Georgia, / ft my V_ JBnjMHIH ? pPM^?mM jrescrlp- I BBBWHWb do reegnrd It V Mnlly for the treatment of Eczema, kin diseases. >u nothing If yon are not satisfied, n our money back guarantee. Price nail If he does not handle It. NE CO., Sherman, Texan