University of South Carolina Libraries
^^^^H^^Rndfottl is spend^BKffMiliMy^ftelrtF vacation at his 'wW^^Hall life' .. #. Ctty ^.:' f *$? .&." McLees, of Chat^ P hex* sister, ^||ra...J? B. ElHott in this city. H? f j? /Miss Flortde Nims left Tues(E^T^ .'day morning for a visit to. pT{; "/^relatives in Badin. N. C. / Pauline Crane, of Char- i 7 :v ' lotte, is visiting her parents. fi - I Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crane. ' "It '. I ; v :;" . Miss Esther McMurray reBp turned to her home here several | ; days ago from a visit to relatives : , : in Greensboro. N. C. ' Mrs r* H 1/ 1 u-n->n~l I _ v/t ui j Charlotte, is visiting relatives in this city. James M. Epps. who has been ; ill for several weeks, has reEm f covered sufficiently to be out - i' again. William Grier and William ? Mack left Monday evening for a two weeks' visit to New York . City. Mrs. R. W. Hamilton returned to her home in Jonesville Tuesday after an extended visit to relatives here. Lieut. R. H. Ardrey has received his discharge from the army and has returned to his * home here. Mrs. Oscar T. Culp and little : daughter, Lillian, left last week for a visit to relatives in Santuc. * Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Coy, of Sanford, N. C? aFe the guests |l of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Potts L in this city. I Joel Epps, of Tampa. Fla.. is ( spending a few days in the home . HB> ?f *11S father, S. H. Epos. Sr.. ^BB in Gold Hill. # Miss Mannie Culp, of Greens- 1 H^B boro, N. C., is a guest of her i BBB parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. 8 V Culp. in this city. BT Mrs. R. J. Lewis was the guest < of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Grier < |B^' Friday night as she was return- | ing from Rock Hill to her home < V in Tazewell. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kimbrell 1 and their children of Charlotte, 1 have been visiting in the home i of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Kimbrell in the township. ! S. R. Harris and family re- , turned to their home at Monti-. , cello? Ga., Tuesday morning, , ftftPP M viftit in thp Umn nf M ? . an-,w m mm ? 'W ?*via(V V*A Wit* | Harris* mother, Mrs. M. J. | Harris, in the Pleasant Valley , neighborhood. I r The streets of the town have 1 been slightly improved during 1 the week by the use of a light drag. Whether anything has ; been done to the roads of the township, we have not been in- , formed. j I Mrs. Daisy Fulp, of this city, i has received information that j her husband. Capt James D. Fulp, has arrived in New York 1 from overseas. He expects to j return to his home here soon and >( in the fall will assume the superintendency of the Abbeville . * city schools. . j ? In the special election held last Friday 24 voters took advantage of their privilege, 23 of whom were in favor of adopting the ordinance authorizing town council to levy assessments < ! against property owners on | streets abutting contemplated j permanent improvement. Dr. and Mrs. Stewart W. , McMurray were guests of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. i'j J. H. McMurray, during the past week. Dr. McMurray is stationed at Fort Worth, Texas, I where he is engaged in examination of soldiers in the course of demobilization proceedings. The summer school at Winthrop college came to a close last Thursday evening. During the session over 800 students were enrol led, the largest number ever enrolled for the summer session at wintnrop. Wot only in size of attendance, but in many other respects the session just closed was the most successful of any summer school yet held at the college. i . If the people of Fort Mill are } to receive any benefit from the proposed sale of canned goods by the government, the business men of the town ought to devise a plan to procure a share of the goods. The government is offering a large quantity of staple goods at prices below the market schedule and some municipalities are being offered the stock at very low prices for the benefit borneJ J Kuenta In the v Mr. and Mia. J?s. r ?oun* m this city. wiM!*"'8 ? "*??. along the country Ck^nere throughout erantort fn recently been STa^ Thee/!r "J' "> Sf 'TKbS;?^"' ur2^CIal8 -of the county on SatreCe,Ved from th? SovernS?XM *i C?,umbia ?"* ^ roter^.?^ truck8 which the States tL'8? KIVi"R- out 10 the stood, will be turned o'ver tothe superintendent of th? :hainganK and will be n^reat work!" "B materiBl to".*," "Sssrs-wtat' i- ' learned frnmM !t Was proposed Ixr u ,n that the mil ; a ,^65'000 hotel for Rock ' 'trm.abot^,0ntCa'd-? :he Wocks east off hern passenger station. Fort Mi!] Mf pieker room of thcl olantMTue"f? ~mpany'fl *?. 21 jome excitement 1? caused,i *nd soon _ nton the streets; ?th??Vth?Sm CrThdK,hadl ^ confined to the cellar of the'! ~??ra,-vtr Quantity of loose cotton. iay'destroyed a^fx if" ' in fho ~i x . 81 x"room house Barter! three ^? ?f ?3mo"d, Mill Th? t mlles cast of Fort " A C ?T WaS occupied' who succeeded h!"1 a"d. famil* >f the louse Tk ,1? tho burning , c- JtThe origin of the fire *upposedly, was fr?r? ' 'rom a defectiveflu? MrT MK/asr5 innkfri . ,n?u?urate what llf conduced act-rrr; ^rxly notions, etc.. of the J it Mnf' ShS* ,8nd this stock together the bIfc stock of the Patted 3on store is to be lumped together and offered the public at sale prices beginning next Saturday, as stated. The firm is this week covering: the town and lountry with circulars telling: of the cut prices and the pubiic will no doubt take advantage of the bargains being offered. The sale will close Saturday, August 9. ?. ... . !. Seeds, Seeds. I have been appointed Fort Will agent for the American Seed Company, among the largest wholesalers of field, orchard and lawn seed in this country. If you need anything in this line give me your order, and I will guarantee you that you get the best prices and fresh, pure seed that will produce a crop. M. K. Moore, i nriuvmr i t RtlllUVAL I Having told out < Goods, Notions ap< son Dry Goods Co. our stock of Gro Etc., to the buildi pied by Pattersoi where you will fir lete line of Heavy ceries, Hardware t Come in; we'll be The J. B. ???????????? COLLEGE of < Founde A college of highest stands An intentionally limited enrollr tion. Four-year course leads tc Medical course a special feature sea air. For terms and catalogue. ?u 11AKK1SOM KAMI Chariest. Nrt. PL & DtrMll Deal. r Mrs IL Sophia Darnell, moth- ! er of Mrs. R. L. Bennett, of Fort MIU. died Friday morning* at the home of ber son-in-law, Sam'l L. McElhaney. two mfles el east of Pineville. She was ill C for only a few hours. Mrs. Darnell was well Known i ih Fort Mill and vicinity, having . {resided in this township for . many years with her husband, the late William Darnell, prior to his death some 25 years ag6. Mrs. Darnell is survived by five . sons, Messrs. Walter, Joe, Tom, , and Zcb Darnell, all of Pineville, ^ and Sam Darnell, of the U, S. ? Navy. Four daughters survive: 2 Mrs. W. B. Medlin, of Salisbury, 21 N. C.; Mrs. W. S. Medlin. of "j Monroe, N. C.; Mrs. Sam McEl- 2, haney, of Pineville, and Mrs.'R. L. Bennett, of Fort Mill. She a( had made her home for a number of years with Mrs. McEl- p< haney, near Pineville. sc The funeral service was conducted Saturday afternoon at hi the Flint Hill Baptist church, of ni which decesed was a member, ia by the pastor. Rev. John R. te Smith, assisted by Rev. J. W. b? Bassett, of Pineville. and Rev. pt C. H. Little, of Sharon, and was w largely attended. The . burial pt was made in the church burial- th ground, where the newly-made i fa grave was banked with a pro- j fusion of beautiful floral tributes. I to ? I th Of Interest to Woodmen. ; w Thirty-eight States were repre-!p< Rented by 224 delegates to the, biennial session of the sovereign ar camp. Woodmen of the World, held in Chicago last week. ac The sovereign commander's jgi report shows that the order had 893,615 members January 1, jj, 1919, of which 46,128 are in A| South Carolina. The total insurance carried by these mem- y, bers is $1,187,718,754. The total assets of the order are gt $44,461,135.36. The order lost ^ by death of members in the war $2,029,925. in The war losses, together with ?? the losses by influenxa last year. cr made the ratio of cost to ex- q pected mortality last year 171 per cent. The losses for the ^ last two and a half months of _ 1918 were $9,050,317 ? exceeding ~ by more than $75,000 the losses for the first eight and a half t months of 1918. ? In the list of committee ap pointments W. H. Hope of Rock Ilill, was named on the com- f mittee on sovereign council's ? report. All the other South * Carolina delegates are on im- + portant committees. ? To Fill Ragsdale's Seat ? The primary election in the <j> Sixth and Seventh Congressional 1 Districts to nominate represents- 1 tives to fill vacancies caused by 1 Ur, 1 -* - i ~ buc uvukll ui LUC IlyLf man J. W. Ragsdale arid the <* resignation of Congressman T Lever will be held August 26. * The campaign will open August ? 12, and ail pledges must be hied * and assessments paid by noon $ August 11. Should a second ? primary be necessary it will be held September 9. ?-? a mm 4* FOR SALE--On? Hundred huahola M good Com in the shuck. Apply to _ ALEXANDER BARBER. g , NOTICE I )ur stock of Dry 1 i Shoes to Patter- . % , we have moved 1 ceries, Hardware, 8 og formerly oecu- jj i Dry Goods Co., id us with a compand Fancy Groind Farm Supplies. i glad to see you. Mills Co. 4M 11 CHARLESTON | *1 I *7SB t ird. open to men and women. ? nent inaurea individual ma true- ^ Rnrhelor'a degree. The Pre- I Unsurpassed clime and fine ^ I drees 1 HJLPII, President, QQ. SC | 1 \ II ' ^ i ' York CoutT Mews Hitters. ? i . 11 . ( * orkviUe Enauirer.> Prof. W. R. Koon has been reacted superintendent of the i lover High school. Rev. T. T. Walsh, pastor of le Church of the Good Shep?rd (Episcopal) in Yorkville. is declined a call to the Epis-' ipal church In Anderson. Petitions are being circulated Tirzah school district calling >r an election on the questions f increasing the special tax vy of the district from four to ght mills. Increased expenses i connection with the operation r a three teacher school at irzah, make it imperative that Iditional school funds be raised. Gaffney Ledger, Thursday: A stuion asking the trustees of :hool district No. 10 to request Harvey Witherspoon to tender s resignation as superintendent ? the city schools is being circuted. according to reports yesrday. Mr. Witherspoon has ?en superintendent here for the ist six years. Some of those ho said they had signed the itition gave as a reason that in | leir opinion he has proven a ilure. No one mentioned any ?rsonal objection to him. Mr. itherspoon was re-elected by ie trustees for next year and as given an increase of $200 ;r year in salary. The total value of all crops j id live stock in York county in 18 is placed at $13,082,000, ( cording to a report recently | sued by B. B. Hare, field agent the Bureau of Crop estimates, nited States Department of griculture. The value of cotn, corn and oats raised in srk county in 1918 is placed at ,812,000. Orangeburg led the ate in the value of crops proiced in 1818, the valuation of tton. corn and oats produced that county being placed at 0,000,000. Chester county ops were valued at $5,606,000; J lerokee at $3,280,000; Union at 1 ] 1,859,000 and Lancaster at 1 ,443,000. ? ? # 9 010 w iSSSS HHGBMK them. The safest place is whe always know that it is secure, with us. THE SAVE OF FOR Specie On White Shoi At the Cash Store THIS and Rubber Bottom Pumps v less than regular prices. If i line, it will pay you to see us. Also, we huve a bigger line than ever, and we are sure y( will only give us a chance to Your patronage is appreciate give you at all times the verj price. Big line of "Vindex" Dress to $2.00. in Fancy and Plain ] which we haven't room to me The Cas S. A. Lee end T. F. Gas Phora Superior Automobile repa No Job too Larg Ford Sp< All work Guaranteed. Lumber C GOODYEAR and REPU R. S. CASE, ' A fl s THE I $50,000 I Clothing. Etc., to gc I prices, Saturi Ian Saturi I During th< people of I their gran high-class I ishingly lo I Watch fc I . Everybod; | Pat I 11 t find thr safest after alL t J L No use storing money ? ? V in home chests or in | | out-of-the-way corners. + tlf anything happened to you, the money would not be found. If fire ? happened to your house it would be consumed; J ? if thieves broke in it ? would be assumed by T T re you can always get it, yet * Let us suggest thai you bank ^ ? 11 ? 11 vgs B/imc 11 T MILL. 11 l1 Sale 7 js and Pumps | WEEK. All White Shoee, | pill he ?r?M At 9R n?? i?Afif n need of anything in this jjj of Notions. Ginghams, etc.. ? >u will be benefitted if you i show you what we have. t, d. and we will endeavor to $ i beet goods at the lowest % 3 Shirts for men from $1.00 t Patterns. Many other things X mtion. J X h Store, j Lyti* ? t intuitu itutjunininiu ** e 71. Oil | Garage, ! X irs on all Cara. J I ;e or too SmalL + xialists. I | Oarage at Fort Mill |; 4 iompany. 5 BLIO Tiree and Tubes. I Proprietor. J REAL SALE Worth of Dry Goods, | Shoes, Ready-to-wear, I > on sale at un-heard-of I lay, August 2nd | irl rnntinnp throimh ? %**1 ' ' H| lay, August 9th, I ;se Seven Big Days the 1 this section will have I idest opportunity to buy I merchandise at aston- I >w prices. ! ?r the big Circulars. I y will be here. I tersnii's I - I 8 wmmmm m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm For Sale w t 1 x ? Ten-room residence on corner of Confederate ami For- Z rest street, the J. A. Boyd property. Lot contains an $ aere and is a bargain at the price asked. Z * Five-room cottage on Booth street, the property oi + Hon. J. H. Haile. This property is very near Main street + and the section is constantiy improving. + % 1 have a number of other bargains in Fort MiU reoj Z estate ranging in price from $600 to $4,000. t ? I I 1 C. S, LINK, Broker \ Fort Mill, S. C. $ T ^ ? * I ??>!? ? ? ?<>??? ?+?>?+?? t*w Our Service Pleases, I I | = I We desire the public patronage and are doing all we can in the way of ser- | vir(> 1111:1 iitw ?* ?/! f?it v j uiau Kill |'l I wlf 1^^ 1IICI11 I I1C ? same. You will always lied good frc^ii i groceries at this store. We arc pleading our most particular customers and t would be pleaded to add your name to ? our list. | _____ ^ Parks Grocery CoM ? Phone 116 J II I ?0 t>?$ +4 6,000 Miles j ' V l? our CMraatM on Goodrich Tires. . GET OUR PRICES. { Steele Motor Company, I Fort Mill.&C I Automobile Repairs and A m hi?nrlns J f