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dHkrtment of agriculture which con- F tJK the national forests. Bills hare I* Introduced In congress providing f^Bthe repeal of the act of 1900 which oHsferred the national forests from ^ interior department to the agricBurnl department The national fwtfl were created out of the public dSaln In 1905. and the forest service established to apply to them the pdAciples of scientific lumbering and giving. It was believed that the haInl forests would soon become selfr$f / aB>ortlng. The forest service now g^B an appropriation of about $6,000,PoH^a year and Its deficit Is about The agricultural, department has I haui waging a campaign to get the p n? rol of the national parks trans- I f^Eed to It from the interior depnrt- g jflkt. The interior department has sBently counter-attacked. The national ^Br.etrlcally opposite In purpose?the foi iH latter entirely recreational. J&?m , ? Ml 1A/AMCM cunmn It Ifuivibll UIIUULU TV \ flL' the time has come when women cai sMlonal and International afTulrs. g IS IT MAINTENANC ^^fi$c1Hownrd H. Spauldlng, Jr., rformerly Miss Catherine Barker, "the heiress," through her for!er guardian, James B. Forga'n, has ought suit against Julius F. Smlenkn, collector of Internal revenue In hlcngo, for a refund of $4,472.87 paid ( i Income tax and for $10,000 addlgnnal. & The suit dates back to 1016, $hen the Internal revenue olllce "by ^uress" collected $4,472.37 from the |3rst Trust and Savings bank, which iinlds in trust the estate left by her flithevj , Ijir, Forgan is seeking the remind on the ground that Mrs. Spauldlng not derive nn Income from Jfer fnther's estate until she becomes fjventy-slx yenrs old. ? The trust fund stipulates, It Is asirrtcft.bhnt she be puld certain sums J(i maintenance, and these sums, It Is j Jontended, cannot be classed as In- ] fomcj^The Income of the estate, the m rwltes. Is paid back Into the trust ft and Is therefore not subject to lnc< ^ The additional $10,000 asked for is ti V cover costs. "Mrs. Spauldlng's father v yr ui aiicuigua uuy, ina. | PRINCE AAGE, COUi <0 W??trn\.>WIPH'" UnK.n t;, - c? untry on this trip, hesitating only nt ttannera 4n Chicago. They also visited Oi "ythe zfjD^nor did they Btny to dance nt the i> Fr^trt Chicago tliey went to Detroit jrPrtndltttr Pittsburgh. | ANNUAL OUTBRE; The senate, as in committee of Mfic wtMl#y vVfta considering deficiency ^appropriations. The regular annual fceutbrenic of Indignation over the pruc&lice followed. It was denounced as .Attention was called to -? ?* ? ; ..found it necessary to pass penal malting it an offense for any 1 public official to expend one dollar in 1 I'excess of the appropriation. There| rapon Smoot of Utah aaid in part: t v "Mr. President, It Is the universal i[f custom of all the departments, and Kkiis been, to spend more money than fbaa been appropriated, and It will never be stopped so long as we pass ^- deficiency bids covering every dollar that they spend over and above the X amount which was authorised. I have Jl been here now nearly 17 years, and V every year. It has beeto the same Idem > deal thing, only it la growing every || f' year more and more. I think the H 5 gme^MMl about arrived now when we a gpend ODJB dollar "WW* thin la snttwvr ________ ^ JNDER ATTACK | I fowtsts and the national parks are I "mar being entirely commercial and rnDi/ rnnrnim I urm luucincn J Women must work together, says rs. Lloyd George. Her views Inlde these po'nt?: "Dnrlng th.- ? ?r It wns the worn, working togt.her, who bound up e wounds of their soldiers who did ttle for them. Now we are at pence, t there Is still innny n rent to be inded In our social fabric, and war's iste und ravage yet to be repaired, id women must still work together this labor of reconstruction. "But If we are then to go on nnd lid In the light of the new conptlona which, learned from war, we e embodying In our peace, then our lole social fabric must be renovated, not rewoven. "There are Immense soclnl prohns, nnd for us they can be met suessfully only If we bring to bear on em the finest thought of the best nds. Many of these questions are Imarlly women's questions, nud I 3 nnd should play a larger part In IE OR INCOME? mil and becomes n part of the prlnnne tax. ar trouble and expense Incurred and 'as John II. Barker, cur iuunufacturSIN OF ROYALTY Working In the Chicago stock irds has one advuntuge. The per n busily engaged In slicing up our 'ts Is sure to hove his toll lightened dly by distinguished visitors froai 1 over the world. Take the other \y.. Who do you think looked on as le pig after another Joined his anstors? None other thun his Danish ghneRS, Prince Auge, cousin of the ng of Denmark. Royal persons visit this country r different reusons; some for poIcnl purposes, some, perhaps, to re?ve dull care, and n few to keep an e on the great and growing lndusles of this free and glorious United ates of America. Thot Is why Prince Ange drove \ He and Capt. H. Stymer, In his trty. are studying the military and dustrlnl development during and nee the war. So the prince and the iptnln have skipped lightly over the grent Industries, such as our meat eat Lakes, but they did not trifle at Casino club. and Washington. They have also VK IN SENATE hculfl say to avery department, *d luwl h? law.' " WMMMB^mmmma?mm &3? vV* v~, MOST REMARKABLE ' 'fiowmf HI STATE bamberg oounty settlement with btJwVe treasurer is made in record time. BOOKS WERE IN RNE SHAPE Balance on Hand for Both 8chool and County Purposes Amounts to Neat 8um of More Than $33,000. Bamberg.?Ti<e annual settlement for Bamberg county was made with the county treasurer, county auditor and superintendent of education and county supervisor, Rut L. Osborne, cpmptroller general, and his chief clerk, H. F. Jackson, witnessing the settlement. It took only a short while to complete the work, as the officers had all records in fine shape and it was not necessary to change a figure which affected the final balance, as follows on July 1: Balance on hand for county purposes, $23,554.16; for school purposes, $9,847.47. Bamberg county is out of debt and has been for many years. Several of the school districts carry bonded indebtedness, but this docs not affect the school or county funds. ???? V "O-. JO 1. mL Dt-Huiuru?i ne quartermaster s department at Parris Island h&s started the construction of a road from tho training camp to the sea going depot. The road bed will be of oyster shells, covered with gravel and oyer the surface of- the gravel will be a coating of road oil. Greenville.?A commission was issued by W. Banks Dove, secretary of state, for Capt. Sam D. Willis, appointed sheriff of Greenville county several days ago to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hendrix Rector. Captain Willis was in attendance upon the meeting of peace officers called by Governor Cooper. Sumter.?The most important transaction that has happened here in a long time is the closing of negotiations 'between city council and the management of the Sumter Lighting Company for the purchase of the plant by this city, the consideration being $235,000. The property is to change hands September 1. Laurens.?The contract for rebuilding the operatives' houses at the Laurens Cotton Mill village has been awarded. One hundred and forty cot tages are to be eercted, taking the places of the old ones which number about 180. The new ones will be of a larger type and will be provided with all modern conveniences, electric lights and a complete water system. Newberry.?Fire on the outside platforms of the Standard Warehouse Company burned over hbout 250 bales of cotton. When the blaze was discovered it was very small, but in a little while it had spread over many square yards of space and was sending a blaze high up into the air. The fire company responded promptly to the alarm and the firemen worked like Trojans and soon had the blaze out. Kingstree.?The doors of Xingstree's four great tobacco warehouses are wide open to receive the never ending stream of wagons laden with the golden weed, while there are still rows and rows of giant green plants standing lazily and motionless in | fields, full of new deep color as a result of the recent rains, awaiting their | time to turn golden and follow the "primings" to the warehouses. Florence.?Thorough harmony prevailed throughout the session here, at ! which the State branch of the Ameri, can Legion was permanently organized. The delegates evinced the greatest enthusiasm and earnestness in the proceedings. Former officers and enlisted men stood upon the same footing in the deliberations. The high order of the representation sent from the various counties was particularly noticeable. Cruelty to Animate. Gaffney.?Sheriff Thomas went to Wilkinsville, in Cherokee county to investigate a case of cruelty whicch is , said to have no parallel in the annals of the county. He found, after investigation, that someone had tied a mule | .to a tree in a barren spot, where the , poor animal was left without food or water for more than a day, and that the animal had been shot three times. The sheriff has not as yet been able , to locate the person or persons, who committed the crime. Rock Hill Paving. Rock Hill.?A meeting of the business men of this city was held at the city hall to hear Gilbert C. White, a well-known engineer of Durham, N. P /^ia/tnan V?<-k AtiAaii An ? ? ? v/.f uiiivuoo VIIW t|uv aviuii Ul niict'l paVing and civic improvements in general and the application of modern ideas to the needs of Rock Hill. It is proposed to spend $450,000 for street paving: in tfcis city and an election to authorize the issue of bonds to raise funds for this purpose will be held at an early date, at which all these questions will be set fed. Will Hear Pos Speak. Oaffney.?The club boys and girls of Cherokee county are looking forward with much pleasure to July 24, 26 and 26 when the short course will be held. Mr. Strlbllng, county demonstration agent, and Misses Wise and Hopkins, Lome demonstration agents, are doing everything In their power to make these meetings a euocese. The great est drawing card, however, will be as address on the 26 of July by Bditoi Clarence Poe of the Progressive Farm | sr. Mr. Poo la | splendid Speaker's * *, 14 , lift loff Corns! ^ Doesnt hurt ft Wt and Freezonu costs only a few cents. ; wS! With your fingers 1 Yon can lift off ' any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be- ( tween the toes, and the hard skin cal luses from bottom of feet. " A tiny bottle of "Freerone" costs ? little at any drag store; apply a few * drops upon the corn or callus. In stantly It stops hurting, then Bhortly { you lift that bothersome corn or callus a right off, root and all, without one bit ( of pain or soreness. Truly I No hum- i hug! His Description. The Chinese are not a race given to * flattery. A gentleman called nt a Chinese laundry for his clothes. On re- * celving the package he noticed some * Chinese characters mnrked upon It. Being curious, he asked, pointing to r the lettering: * "That Is my name, I suppose?" 1 "No. 'Scllptlon," was the Chinaman's bland reply. " 'Lll' ol' man, f closs-eyed, no teet'!" * Sunk. 1 A soldier coming through the gate with something under his coat was stopped by the officer of the day and asked: 1 "What Is that you have under there < ?a tumor?" 1 "No, It's a can-cer," was the reply. 1 ?The Trouble Buster. 1 Cutlcura Soothes Itching 8calp On retiring gently rub spot* of dan- 1 draff and Itching with Cutlcura Ointment Next morning Bhampoo with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Make 1 them your every-day toilet preparations 1 ana have a clear skin and soft, white hands.?Adv. Worat Part of It "Why do you waste your days and nights on these pictures?" asked the wife of a struggling painter. "You don't get enough for them to ptty for the pnlnt you use." "I know, my dear," he answered, "but think 1 Rembrandt and others painted pictures and sold them for trifles, and now they are the masterpieces of this world and sell .for n million dollars! I am not palutlng for us, I am painting for our descendants." "Humph!" was the wife's discouraging reply. "You don't make enough for us to raise nnv descenrlnnts."?Sim Frnnclseo Chronicle. flora Ey?s. Blood-flhot Byca. Watery Eyes, Sticky Eyes, all healed promptly with nlghtly applications of Roman Bye Balaam. Adt. Frequently Happen#. Mr. Exe?Jack and Edith are to be married and I pet the credit for making the nrntch. Mra. Wye?Enjoy the credit while you can, my dear. , In a few years they may be Riving you the blame.? Boston Evening Transcript. Mutual Admiration. Mrs. 'Newscads?My husband admires everything about me; my vohre, my eyes, my form, my hands I Friend?And what do you admire about him? Mrs. Newscads?His good taste. Catty Comment. Belle?I'd Just like to see any man try to kiss me! Nell?Oh, nobody doubts you'd like It. Past Experience. "Tour singer has a fine range. But can she manage it?" "She ought to. She used to be a cook." a _____ One must have a good memory in order to know when and what to forget. x J^lTDU I VEGET/ t I * ' M? Warms ta HMIkr OMM AU child ran troubled with worm* huvn Ml mhamthy cotor. which tou Vents# poor blood. 1S2 ??*!?!* S^v." S??."3u'5*rss rtm nnUriy for two. or Utn* ??tla will mrtch tbo blood. improve tbo digestion. obd ict as e OomtA M|MCtttaU? Tonic to Um rwolo system. Niton will than tbrow off or U?N the worms. aad tbo Child will bo la par. bet health. Pleaeaat to Uke It* per bottle. Made Her Nervoua. "Do you know of a good dog dealer?" asked Banks, as he met his friend n the street. "My wife wants to sell ler toy terrier." "What! That one you gave her?" exclaimed the other man. "Why, % I bought that It was said to be the imalle8t dog in the world!" "That's Just the trouble. It's so imall she keeps mistaking It for a nouse!"?London Answers. FRECKLES tew b Ike Tiae to Get Rid of Tkeee Ugly Spot* There's do longer the alighted need of feeling tahatned of your freckles, as Othine?double itreogtb?la guaranteed to remove these homely Simply get an ounce of Othlne double itreogtb?from your druggist, and apply a little if It ulght and morning and you should sooo see hat even the worst freckles have begun to dietppear, while the lighter ones hare vanished en lrely. It la aeldotn that more than one ounce a needed to completely clear the akin and gain i beautiful clear complexion. Be uwe to aak for the double strength Othlne, is this Is sold under guarantee of money back f It falls to removo freckles.?Adv. A Ghastly Loan. Representative Bascom Slemp said n Richmond the other day: "There's something ghastly about j?eriuan resourcefulness, something hat reminds me of Bill's silk hat., "Bill was on his way to Joe's fuleral In a resplendent silk hat. A 'riend also on the way to the funeral, net him and eyed the tile enviously. "'Where did you get It. BUI?" ho inld. 'You don't own u tile?I .know hot.' " 'Sh!' said Bill. 'It's poor Joe's, t borrowed It off the widow.' " Legitimate Plea. Father?My daughter. It gives me much discomfort to see you keeplus company with such spendthrifts. Dou't iron know that a fool and his money ire soon parted? Said Daughter?Yes, I know that, rather, but It seems that the fools have ill the money these days.?Peun State Froth. For automobile upholstery an artificial silk is being made from spun jlass In England. |fi&fl|gl&et Contents 15 fluid Bragja pi! alcohol-3 per cent. : BsSwS J AVc^clablc PrcparttioofcfAs llP?! I sixn'ialin^UlC^:X^^{^^isof jfjilljS* Thereby Prorootini Digestion Cheerfulness and neither totam,Morphine n<* "Mineral: Not Narcotic ?a? Anapiuii?n?KBj?? | iiiUj- Constipation awl Diarrhoe* li imd FevcrishncssMd SfiEi / Loss or Sleep ||35i^ iestittin6lhettfro?25^-^^^ ''? ^ Bzact Copy of Wrmppar* Mad at Her. "Was the host agreeuble?" "With everybody except his own vlfe." lervous W Should Profit by th of These Two Buffalo, N. Y.?" I am the mother nearly three years I suffered from a ^ in my back and aide, and a gene fessional attendance most of tha get welL As a last resort I -Mr Pinkham's Vegetable Comp< X advertised in the newspapers, a marked improvement. I < \ now iree Irom P&HI and a VVA work."? Mrs. B. B. Zikl :^$KJ Buffalo, N. Y. Portland, Ind.?"I had a 7. I bo badly from it at times Wy^L at alL I was all run dowi Or\ do my housework, was r V down at ni^ht. I took trc jj^B \ but theydid not help me VB \ Lvdia E. Pinkham's Ve( V . J \ it and now I am stro 1 my oWn work and I l Compound the crec Kutsi.y, 935 West R sr j Sick Wcman Should Try k. E. PINK t iutt mm WW. wni IYDIA LMNKMAM ' ' t ? Calomel Users! L i Guarantee D Four druggist gives back liven your liver and t you up without r Ugh! Calomel makes yon sick. It's horrible I Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a'day's work. Calomel Is mercury or Quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile, crashes Into it, breaking It up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are sluggish. and "all knocked out," If your liver Is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, If breath Is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Here's my guarantee?Go to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a Father Dodged. "T couldn't decide among my beaux so I sent 'em all to get father's consent." "Well!" "Now I'm worse ofT thnn ever. He gave his consent to every one of them." Familiarity breeds contempt for mosquitoes.. ' THE MOST DANGI i No organs of the hnman body arc ao important to health and long life as the kidneys. When they alow up and commence to lag in their duties, look outl Danger is in sight. Find out what the trouble is?without delny. Whenever you feel nervous, weak dizzy, suffer from sleeplessness, or have pains in the back, wake up at once. Your kidneys need help. These aro signs to warn you that your kidneys are not performing their functions properly. They a?c only half doing their work and are allowing impurities to accumulate and bo converted into uric acid and other poisons, which are causing you distress and will destroy you unless they aro driven from your system. Children What is Castoria is a harmless substitute ft and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasar Morphine nor other narcotic substa For more than thirty years it has relief of Constipation, Flatulency, allaying Feverishness arising ther Stomach and Bowels, aids the i healthy and natural sleep. T1 Mother's Friend. GENUINE CAST* Bears the Si In Use For Ov The Kind You Hav KODAKS & SUPPLIES VJOIM Wo do bl(rh?kt class of finishing. I IEL-JSj Pr,cea Bud Catalogue upon reijueat. S. Giluid Optical Co., Richmond, Vs. [others I e Experience I Women 1 of four children, and for to i female trouble with pains H ral weakness. I had pro- jp| .t time but did not seem to tH decided to try Lydia B. ^ >und which I had seea U% and in two weeks noticed jontinued its use and am ble to do all my house- ^ inSKA, 202 Weiss Street) jjj|[ displacement and suffered fl I could not be on my feet H 1 and so weak I could not y lervous and could not lie gg satmonts from a physician H i. My Aunt recommended H fetable Compound. 1 tried H ng and well again and do H give Lvdia E. Pinkham's Lit.**?Mrs. JotirHixi aoe Street, Portland, lad. lAM'S I ?OUND I NKHCtlH CO. LVMM.MAOO. i-*?V ' . X'-K-Vyour money if it doesn^ ? J uaking you sick. j . ?8Hj spoonful and If It doeao't straight^# n '* yon right up and make you feel nna;/i and vigorous I want you to go bade to' ' the store and get your money. nodson's Liver Tone is destroying the of calomel because it is real liver'* medicine; entirely vegetable, therefor#''1 It cannot salivate er make you 8icln.'tf;it I guarantee that one spoonful o#|? j Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean yottr bowels of that sour bile and consfl* n ' ^ pnted waste which Is clogging rj.''fj system and making you feel miserable.' I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson*#1' . Liver Tone will keep your entire fainily feeling fine for months. Give It to your children. It Is harmless; doesn't 1 1 gripe and they like its pleasunt taste* 1 I YV?';'& Easy to Tell. Juno?Is that her dad or her hue*."* hand with her? Itess?Her dad, of course. She's asking his opinion of something.?Boston V .A One Exception. "I cnn bundle any subject without gloves." v| .4 "Then please don't try live dlrey.", iROUS ~~ OF ALL DISEASES ; : ri.t Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules nt once. They are an old#' f' tried preparation used all over the world for centuries. They contain onfjr old-fashioned, soothing oils combined! | tttg with strength-giving and system-cleans* ing herbs, well known and used by phy- 11' *+ sicians in their daily practice. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are im? ported direct from the laboratories ha Holland. They are convenient to take# and will either give prompt relief or >'? your money will be refunded. Ask for them at any drug store, but be sura to get the original imported GOl^Et MEDAL brand. Accept no substitutes* In scaled packages. Three sixes. ' Cry For / ASTORIA >r Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops ' '" it. It contains neither Opium# nee. Its age is its guarantee. irccu aii tuudiam usb xor ino , Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; - , i efroxn, and by regulating tho issimilation of Food; giving le Children's Panacea?Tho i ORIA ALWAYS ignature of mm er 30 Years > Always Bought xv, ncw york oitv, Acid-Stomach Makes 9 Out of 10 People Suffer Doctor* declare that more than 70 non? orKunlo disease* can be traced to Ac-14Stomach. Starting with Indigestion, heart* burn, belching, food-repeating, bloat, eonr, gassy itomaoh. the entire system eventually becomea affectod, every vital organ suffering In some degree or other. You ace these victims of Acid-Stomach everywhere?people who are subject to nervousness, headache. Insomnia, blltouanoen?people who Buffer from rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and achee and pulns all over the body. It la eafo to eay that about 6 people out of 10 suffer to solha extent from Acld-Htomach. If you euffer from stomach trouble of, even If you do not feel any stomach distress, yet are weak and ailing, feel tired rind dragged out, lack "pep" and enthusiasm apd know that something la wrong although you ennnot locate the exact cause of your trouble?you naturally want to get back your grip on health as quickly as possible. Then take EATONIC, tho wonderful modern remedy that brings quick rellof from pains of Indigestion, belching, gassy bloat, etc. Keep ,j your stomach strong, clean and sweet. flaw how your general health improves?how quickly thn old-time vim, vigor and vitality comes back! Ucl a big 500 bo* of EATOVTC from your druggist today. It Is guaranteed to picas* you. If you ara not satisfied your drgggldt will refund your money. FATONIC 1 mm (TpR^rActo-sTOMAca)^ PKOTKCT VOI K MONEY without having I* work for th* hnnk?but for yourself. Writ* ua about established enterprise paying at the rato of 24% annually?6% quarterly, with big possibilities of Increase In tntrket value. Fourteenth dividend aheck being mailed. FITLI. INFORMATION FREE. Afct Immediately and get your dividend every quarter. Address R. OTLI.INO A CO; (establish".! 1*11), 1?4 Federal St.. Boston. MfM Bank and commercial references. We'send you gratis: "WHAT THE B.* NK8 JBAUN WITH THE MONET OF THE Ptmi.tO> rfrRSrig^hl PARKER'S .. HAIR BALSAM ? >4 Ih9K7^B A toilet preparation of ash IfiMF M Helps to eradlent* daadrafL BfSl For ReetoctegC*lergM,>J W. N. UM CHARLOTTE, NO. 30?1E1B