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jpA' . Paul Hoke has been honorably j ; discharged from the army, after j mf\ a year's service overseas, and ^ returned to his home in Fori Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cappse" ! ? . Belmont N. C.. spent the pp. I week with the .letter's fathf MV. A. H. Merritt, in this city. ]Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McG// :* ! aiid children, of HuntsvttJ'e, AV.' ai;e guests of Mrs. *cf&c Eg mother, Mrs. Augusta Culp, r this city. Mrs. A. 0. Jones is spendi) a fortnight visiting in the hop ; of Ml", and Mrs. Edwin S. K<in Chatham," Va. Mr. and Mrs. E. H Phillv . ' of Spender, won> c"i . !v :.! . week in .he Hoirfo ol Mrs. E. Fran; 1 .ir in city. Mr. C H. :r nrd Y.: Wali t-r-Oi' in the heme ?>! i.r. .. ru A. Theo Newly. B. F. Massey. Hastinr Fla., visited his mother, Mr Bessie Massey, in East Fort M the past week. Miss Louise Smith has rturned to her home in Charlesto after a visit in the home of I). and Mrs. A. T. Neely. Mrs. R. P. Harris has rturned to her home here-after visit to relatives in Danville, V. James T. Young, Jr., returru a few days ago from NowpoXT \Tn ?,L. ...? V J^icvvb, vn., wunc IIV: wan guest at a house party. Brice D. Gulp was recent! j discharged from the servicer) the United States navy inAvhic: he has served for the past 1 months, and is visiting relative: in Fort Mill. B. J. White, who was recent!" discharged from the artil!er< service after his return fro: overseas, has reopened his la\ office in Fort Mill above tie store of the Lytle Di ug Co. - N Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Belk ai rived Tuesday from Badin, N. C for a short visit to relatives i the township, before leaving fo Seattle, Wash, where t. cy will make their home in the future Capt. F. Murray Mack wa honorably discharged from th< service of the United Statis army during the past week and has returned To his home her j fmm f?nmr? .Tnplrann wli^rp t has been stationed since his re-' turn from overseas. Through the initiative of \Y B. Ardrey, the State highway commission has apportioned motor truck for usi in Y . >r. county. Mr. Ardrey ha / ferred the matter to the c m supervisor and hspe.s to sect:, the use sf tbf' truck in workit the roads of Fort Mill tovnsM:He was advised that prob..l> six or more of. tlies .trie. . would be apportioned to * t. county of York. ' The open season for shootii, doves in South Carolina will bigin September 16 tin. year i accordance with State and fed o al law. The federal migrator bird treaty act>-say> the -hootii of doves is not perr 1 -s;-1 !< ?/??? ... .. i . ,i ,\ . <u ii'i ocMirtinuvji At/, %%i?u ii '. has been declared t iu snpn-! law tor Soat ii C . .'a ;> : h genera! asseir! v . ! 1910. Thseason runs from : September ! until Decen t be i HI. Election Tomorrow. An election will be held in Fort Mill tomorrow on the question of giving the town government the right to assess abutt ing property owners a propoj tionate share of the cost o building permanent streets ana sidewalks. The polls will be at Hutchinsons Pharmacy and will open at Q a *v> n?.s4 n t V n m o a. in. rtiiu live at u yj. hi* The managers of election wi 1 be Herbert Harris, S. A. Lee an i J. M. Gamble. All qualified electors of the town are entitled to partieipat in this election. Dog and "Apple Jack" Mix. One of the bits which will dolight all in "Daddy Long Legs, the 7? reel Marv Pickford nicture featuring the famous little star, is the performance of a dog that drinks part of a jug of apple jack. Audiences at The Ma.jes tic, where this pictuVe will ho seen next Monday, will see ;i new type of humor in the antics of this .animal which gives a first rate imitation of a tippler i trying to make his way home, afte^fl too liberal imbibition. AWp^'-s ' FOR SBttf. HAll'S "MVEkY. ,y % * J J > -~r Y "Y ." - \ , An event oce-j 1*1 it- K?rt Mill Sunday afternoon ^vhich esuib- | lished a record unique in the annals of the world. war, at < least so far as the forces of the j American armv arr* concerned,'" i v.'ith the* presentation of a c irr*.'?sjoh>i! fried#] ot honor to the < i--tlio: S<" .... i ivr.i- Hull i (\\> Jje-i ..Hitv) *; np* rl'-jbrr < >f the i Port Si Lick, IijV:yAry (Corn-U pany O. One Hundred ardji El ;' < v. nth 1: rar.?.y. Thirtieth*} J DiviJcn), thL 'being tb? sectfh'd H ad.- } t i V. i. i -st -c \ rt d ;: honor, the hiking within the ii giTf.oi t'u? -American nation. to'N memhers ?. H ' i'l / -1 j Ipnny. a fr ! rvu ? r*-*mn.rk(tbio! i when it. is consth red that only-; J 70 of these tnedaii were awarded; 1 the 2,000,00'tnj e?.r poking the Americau exnetl ithing r*v forces. ! t mx of them to members of thfe . regimeht'of whieb tae Fort Mill ( company ~was a unit. ? "'if- pro ---'it;-\; v ; ir' le by j fv. D. Procto: ? : ? : sir- i sentutiveof the (weed; i ot then United-StBU it ojr t!ie;.ri, denarimoor, to ti.' lather t>i f *vf r;'Or fit H: - horn tl - ji ?i;- 1 ::? i < ed. this heroic ?on:?u soldi'tG haying been mortally wounded {? in action on OctoLw-j 8, 1918. on ( the battlefields of France. Few ( d i ll- in t.,e world w.?r equalled ] t n heroism o; Serjeant Hal . yvl osb act, &0&>i;ding to dfihnal- \ ci: j!Ion, was calmly c icuiated. c I w;;. n a ivat' pen'; .rued on jj tin: spur m a moment, but a w j iberate deed o1 daring done in t the full' consciousness of the u risk assumed. ^ In general or<v r.s No. G issued jj February 8. 1919, by Major j] General Lewis ui tin Thirtieth > Division, appears this citation o with reference to Ser>.eam Had: n "During the engagement nearjq jdontlnehain, Octt d >-r 8, 1918, ' n .his non-com mi.- ;o? > o officer i f was in commune: oi' a j 1 toon' t and through his courage and j t initiative succeeded in knocking > p 11. i .. . U : i i4v t? IKII>I?ci in 11. 'i.'111ni' | gun posts. On one occasion, 5 while advancing w i h hi.? p:.?t? : Mi * uemy mat 1 i> e w ,t<" ningst-rioasiy v .1 av... .< ,?) i ilia men. Serg-< 11 1 a:? d - i .-overtti the epeiny a. - nearby! ivoil holt and no; wiii;nLr .to t aciirice his men, advanced,t aloik ami v\ ipeo t.v. tile livej j occupants with his bayonet, i Later in the day. while ad- u vancinn upon another uKnV;-,i I coLi.i'Ait; of c f. i'ount'td A r.oilegr of highest stand; ic An intentionally limited cnrol'me i tion. Four->cai course leads tu I } Medical course a'special feature. HL'X ill . 1 > r tern^v r. ' 1< r :e. add _.w. .. ; > . : Chcileetor . ?? u 11 ' ? ? ~ PVMfJJhl AiliuvvifL .rav ng sold out o Goods, Notions and son Lry Goods Co., our ,tock of Groc . &tc.^lo the bu.h i i ^ie - y Putters n wi 1 you will fin: i to lino of Heavy colics, Ha dwire ai Come in; we'll be EVS'SiFft ij ,-ii TiiJHTPlJdg TT.i The J. B. ____________ !AUTCMOIiIL DOES YOUR OAR ^ ^ Don't Kuir a Good Car Wit Let Jchnj ?.s Shop Near Overhead E Catering Only lo "Th.o?? B #k PHQ|\ES: nil it; V; w a j " ' . StC,N PA machine post, he was mortal!; wounded by nttchito gun fir anu iatlte died. ' His-Skfcl ds , leader and fci3 conduct in tfr face oi Ganges had wort,the ad mirption of ail ranks." The official record of his* act which accompanies the distin iuished honor; is "For con Spicuous gallantry and intre pitiity u])ove and beyc*?t| the cn! )f duty in action v> :.;i u(e* enem; jour Monibrehain, France, Ov: :ober S, 1918. Havingovorcon ;wo machine gun heats undo lis skillful leadership. Sergeun Lltfli's platoon wjus shopped o' yarn's from its haul fv jecHv< oy machine gun fire of purlieu hi intensity. Ordering las <n> ;ake cover in a stinken road. h< advanced alone on -the encrv: merino pun iKSt and killed li\ members of the crew with h payonet and thereby made nos >ible the further advance of tin ine." The ceremony 'of presentatioi >ecun*eu at 4 o*elock and Wa: made from the stard irf Con federpte Park. \ The steed; air.s ol the past 4S hours cot) ihued until after o'c lock . k many of those who expected i. tend were unable to do so 01 ico ui-t of the condition of ih< ends. About 500 people, how sver. v.ere present and th< pe&Uers were introduced by fol. Thomas B. Snratt. of the )ne Hundred and Eignteentl nfr\ntry. A splendid address was madt >y Brig. Gen. L. D. Tyson, . !k Oianianded the Kifty-ni a i L>r fade. Thirtieth Division. Ti [istuigwiched soldier and eitizn raveled several hundred mifl indcr adverse conditions to a; >eur on the occasion of the tie iverv of the medal because, a.^ io stated, in a telegram to ColIpratt, he "could not miss thl pportunity to sou and be wit' ny boys." General Tyso uoted some iiu resting intV rnation relative to Fort Mill, : Jompary G as regards t he pert a Ken in the recent conflict. 1; ho severe fightiiig in the early iart of October, of 39 n. l.v. he i .Viiii men i-; Corny ny even wore killed aru /OUnded; of the whole cuairr,.; f ' So ii. . 33 wore Uillrn f woufui ci; of-the 12 serge an u, u >v? re oi; ;.er killed or wounded. I im< . ?vw 11 1 ninr'<f\o < ; ti r wail the statementthai be touin 01 l oi l oliu liaa ilu io the binned S'.auis din rk ihe conflict no kss? than 2" oanniBsiosed officers, -Genera 'ivH.u .stated that ],e was of tin JIAULESTON UV8G I, op^n to men and wnrufn. snt insures individual instruc Jochelor'i degree. The PreLnsurpasscd clime rrnd fine tress L)i.PiI, President, a S. C. NOTICE. 0 in stock 01 Dry Shoe- to Patter\ve have moved ?ries, Hardware, e, formerly occuD.ry Goods Co., i us Wxth a compacd Fancy Grold Farm Supplies, gir.d to see you. Mills Co. * E PAINTING ! SEED PAINTING? ! ? r *"* i h a Poor Job of Painting. L -i son Do It > i 1 Pf tridge, Rock Hill, S. C. ^ ? - ' > e! ; Wtio Want the Bent. \S. A. JOHP^SON, Mgr. vJNTING ^. v '11'*"'* cN y opinion that such a, showing e <?ould not bo duplicated througha out the wht?e country, e The address o.f Geperul Tysor - c'overpd the whole range of tl?e service of the Thirtk-th Div , during the war and especially ol - the units with 'which }ie was - more closely connected. It was - a matterly presentation and v*>n I!frcquont ar I- enthusiastic ap^ ?plause from his audience"" whirr -(listened intently to his words ?l for more tiu>n an hour. Heaviest Rainfall Since 1916. T'- . 1 - -- - J-.- ' 1 1 iii:: llUt v.y i WHS il" mi" JJUSl week have- caused the sfcreannJ throughout this section, to*reach ^ fh'e flood stage, though^ spmc have receded considerably durinj the day or two and are now ? running within their banks. Catawba river reached its high. st pod v aula; when the ro:a ir.g show ed 20 t d J> inches i at the Mouther Railway bridge at Carhartt.. According to pars ties who have kept .ah on the rainfall it was &ajd Tuesday that, e total c-t slightly less than 10 inches had -alien in Eastern J York during the week, a;td thac it was' i ie Tiesviesi since the I big Hood oj 191G, when the trestles and bridges spanning " Catawba river were wasiud ? away. The rainfall at that time was said to have be n about * 71-2 inches, winch fell in a 5 I eriod of about 12 hour s instead of if- < s<t:. oil ted over a we k lis in the care of t is week's rain. The latter fact accounts for the streams not reaching a nigher stage during the last iew days. Reports from dilt'ercnt points say that none of liie bridges across Catawba river have suffered damage and it is believed that the structures will pass through undamaged unless some heavy, rains fall in the "water shed" up in North OaruII lina. > j DR. A. l_. OTT , ! DENTIST 1 i Ortic?* Injurs, h a. m. to 5 p. in. { (I)r. Spratt's office) \ ' lioik RuiMing, Fort M'U, S. | THE OF FORT i ' ./ Ch I lr.i ! I Phone ' B> H 22 ) * il I Tr H ' ' :; Re j Nons Too I ^ We please the hardest 'w we do it? By giving them fords in all the pood things K Tinware, Dry Goods, Notic and at the same time givin; g one in town. It is a pleasu P ers in any way we can, and by t? ' continued growth of Call or) us any time for The Ca ps | ^ | S. A. Lee and T. J >' Gas Pho Suoerioi #? Automobile rep No Job too Lai !>f Ford Sp All wotk \ Guaranteed < * V Lurabei GOODYEAR and REX' *> i il. S CAS 1 I;? - - ** fit' * be j ' " f ! ' I I Red | TW< >/ \ . 9 | $50,011. I To C o a i We have p ] of Dry Good but to sell 01 our stock of Hats, Ladies' i J. B. Mills sto move right 01 II Wait and v | A S - n P 9 -f 5 i er I ) >?3S3:sr:iT?easfflaK > ?i V V*^*\ * > > w / rG5 R4MC I MILL. I : ecking Accounts, t erest Accounts,. i ? * ie Deposit Boxes, afts, !': I ?ey Orders, ?\l avelers' Checks, '! Z and a I!? a! Banking Service.V ? ?.- i i ii i ] + srd For Us. *t '> ?: & B > in town to please. How do i* * the very best the market af- < to eat, as well as Hardware, * K' * ms, Shoes, Hats, Chds, Etc., : j them the best service of any- p : re to serve our many custom- 1 I we know they appreciate it 5 ? our business. jfl ^ anything. | j sh Store, It F. Lytic, Manag r?. Pj - ? ne 71. Oil f f r Garage, ? pirs on all Cars. ;|1 r>- e or too Small. ; $ jecialists. Garage at Port Mill * > Company. ?j J UBLIC Tires and Tubes. J, 5, Proprietor. f jjj ? ' * vj!> XvJH FOR THE { 1, Big Sale. I D BIG STOCKS? I 1 of Staple Krohandise J t SLAUGHTER PRICES. I purchased the J. B. Mills stock I s, Shoes. Etc.. "not to keep/' I it at once. We have moved | Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, S Ready-to-wear, i Ac., into the I 1 rerooms, and everything must I ^atch for our announcement of 1 OFAI SiAE F' I ?.??. I I ter s on 's I _ I MOi 9 mill! IIIHHI III III?HI M??19 v -0-; <* %> * v ? v V For Sale i Ten-room residence on corner of Confederate and For- ? rtai nrwi, me ,j. a. i.oyu property. Lot contains an S aere and is a bargain at th?> price asked. . X Five-i ?oni cottage on !?<*>. i street, the property ot <> Hon. J. K. liaile. Thi rt> i very near-Main street ' ? and the section is constantly improving. I have a number of. o bor bargain..-, in Fort Mill real estate ranging in price lrom $000 t?< $4,000. ! 1 < 4 > < > i > < C. S. LINK, Broker H Fort Mill, S C j , + .+.-*v + . \ Our Service Pleases. I ? > < > < . < < We desire the puhhc patronage and are doing all we can in the way of service, quality and fair prices to merit the '? same. Vou will always find good fre?h4 ; groceries at this s* r We are pleas- If nig our most par., i i. 1 customers and !! would he pleased to add your name to ' our list. ;; i 1 - 4 < > < > Parks Grocery Co., Phorte 116 \\ ( . + .+ .*- * ? ? ?-' -?. 6,000 Miles Is our Guarantee on < > Goodrich Tires. !i GET OUR PRICES. t Steele Motor Company, !! Fort Mill, S. C. J | Automobile Repairs And Accessories mmm