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f ' THV. 2'0if.r. MILL TIKE: fe: ixri^c*<uU - tublUhtd 'Oturndcrv. B. W. BRADFORD - . Editor and Prftartot o;I ition, ua f KI? : R Ono '"?> $1. (p'i Sli Moutht ............ . ' ' ? i nnlrlh'itioni' on llTf nb]M hi i. if pnMiali more than 200 wor i a ' <! i >ct. '**> rf'-ht- Is rpsrr?e?1 to ?] nicitlo- .n'. ntttcif for oubliratio >i ;o'. to ' V '?ub)iih?r advsrtisii r* *f >" .?> f m the." ititpfp?tpti. i-. iAnd r.tdlthrtw.Willlt rii. .')* ti'f.'.co At fort Milll 9. C.?i m , . r -f 'io H^nut rlooo jh-LV :\. i9i?). THo ronds and streets? Jus drive on, . en'.lemen, we pcefe T ' lic'ion tomorrow will dc cide ' i ?r Fort Mill is tohav proof] ; reets or whether we ar to cat)i:nut to be classed as th town with the worst streets i the State. In their present cor dition they are little short of dise < o and we fail to see ho\ any 1 wl-headfcd citizen can vot tomorrow against the propose improvements. Some member of the Sout C. . : Legislature could "pu a :'c i' her in his cap" by pushin tli t h that body a bill requii iii:; alars in gasoline to us oniy visible tanks. Gasoline i about the only thing bought h measure these days that the pui ch : does not see measurer Ii i s v see it. just as ess'er ti; , , ! tli,? mihlir nn t.hi mi. : ( :u- il is on scales and oth er measures. Sneaking of our streets, on citizen told o dri\i:ig in Co fed ' era'e ".' r'?'t Tuesday when on of the I)uggy wheels dropped ii. to !\ rut entirely covering tli but? in mud and r. A not a i citizen said 11 at Hal Street ; er Liie rain of Tuesda, nioi remit (led him of a cov lane to an unused pasture. A visitor from Huntsville, Ala. is quoted as saying- that from th center of the town to the NortJ Carolina line are the roads ar toughest he struck between th two points, and this is som jump. No old-fashioned mud-grind ing?pit ever had anything on th< present loblolly in the rear o the Southern freight station. Citizens of the town will, how ever, tind cause for rejoicing ii the promise of Mayor Pattersoi that flu streets are to be given i thor< u . h working as soon as th' weather will permit. h Kit to Local narket Hen. <" ./.nor Brothers, the live arw ui - market men of Lan c;; . -aVf just completed ai up I >- slaughter house whicl is ' d about one mile west o: the says Lancaster News The. \ eat to considerable ex pen^e.t 1 have water placed then in order that everything couk be kept clean and sanitary. The: have the most sanitary place o the k ind that we have ever seen The > is of cement with 1 slignt elevation to carry off al blood. iviVie matter, etc., mak ing the place ab.-olutely cleai and sanitary. They also have J large shod in course of construe tion, which when completed wil be used as a shelter and also t< stall feed the beef cattle. The: have a number of tine cattle ai well as a number of fine hogs Thev invite their patrons t< come .hii any time and inspect tin plan ami see where and how th< meat '.ney consume is handled The place is sprayed and disin fected every day by Mr. Jas ? i_,onr:<>r. New Railroad Map. A -w railroad map of Soutl C\ roiipa h. s bet311 prepared fo: ar< ur<<v r the direction of th< So nil Carolina railroad com nr.- o and is now ready fo di , of ion. The map Rive; I-,-;: ;>:i-Cc?mick and Allendah counties. formed within the las t v.. \ ii s, ard is the first Stat? map to incorporate these coun tict- 1 he railroads are al shown in different colors, brokei or cross Jii.cs with a series o index number, which provides i si pie and adequate t?uide. Th( itp 1 o been v\ell executed an( . ve a v::iuable asset t< am twice. /n*Daddy Long Legs" r York County News Nutters. j i 1 orKville Enquirer.) G -1 Only five people of Yorkville a e | school district voted in a specia' n e. election held at the courthouse c e Tuesday on the question of ? n voting a special ten mill levy for school purposes. n a John G. Barron of Rock Hill, li n id ir\ Kn mnnntrni. ? _Ii rv fV i/V lUUMU^V/l l/i CM J U1UV.C XVI ' C e Rogers and Company of Nord folk, Va., one of the largest v cotton exporting concerns in d the country, having a capitalization of $22,000,000. The new si " office is to be located in Char- v lotte. tl g ti R. N. Craig, for the past e twelve years recorder of Rock Hill, has resigned his office to v s become effective on August 1. v His successor has not yet been elected. During his long period ! tj ' of office Mr. Craig made a good , w i" officer. He dealt with hundreds , C| s of violators of the city ordinances i- of Rock Hill. y Of interest to York count> I members of the Woodmen of the 81 ( : World is the Jact that ten dele- c I ! gates are representing this e I S(nt?- at the National convention ^ j Wooumen which is being held' t in Chicago. W. H. Hope of jc' Rock Hill, is one of the ten i J* l; delegates of the State to the, national convention. I ^ y . tl v Rock Hill Herald, Monday: Miss Ora Glenn left for Chat- n ham, Va., Saturday to become vv e acquainted with the members ^ h of the Presbyterian church of |t that city, as they will support a] ^ her as their missionary to Brazil. t< f She expects to leave for that fo e country in August. While in r, Chatham she will he the oriu>et j " of Rev. R. G. McLees and wife. e , e f With the trial of the case against Grady Canby, a voung white man charged with an as sault with intent to ravish, the a prosecutrix in the case being a ? young married woman of the q 1 Lockmore mill village, court of gl B general sessions for the July term came to a close Wednesday morning. The case against j Q Canby was called Tuesday after-! noon following the completion of j 1 ! the trial of Frank Moore and, ! was given to the jury Wednes-j 1 j day morning. After a brief' .! i deliberation a verdict of not a j guilty was returned. , d ! o There is a possibility that the rj 2 corporate limits of the city of I ^ ! i Gastonia may in the near future; t( / extend to the York county line a( f just above Bowling Green, at C( . the rate the Gaston people are i i building cotton mills in that cj 1 j direction along the line of the w - Carolina & North-Western Rail- ^ i road. The section of the York- C( \ ville-Gastonia. road between c< - Bowling Green and Gastonia, p( 1 especially presents a busy scene 0] i just now and many Gastonia n / people talk of the day when ^ s their city shall reach to the b, . York county line. C( People who heard the trial of B the case against Frank Moore, Q L> tried Tuesdav in general sessions ! r? j court here for complicity in the w " j murder of Policeman T. R. ^ Penninger at Sharon, were;?l struck with the demeanor thati Moore maintained throughout hi the trial. Moore appeared to 03 i feel light and almost carefree H r and when the jury announced [G b their verdict of manslaughter - with recommendation to mercy r he appeared to be very well! s satisfied. He expressed his L e i confidence to several people that t the sentence imposed upon him e would be a light one. When - Judge Moore, after a few re- M 11 marks to him about the enormity ^ a of his crime, pronounced a f sentence 0i ten years. Moore jj a broke down and cried. ~ a -- - ? gi 1 FOR SALE One Hundred bushels b< >; good Corn in the shuck. Apply to tl; 1ALEXANDER EAR HER. j 5 MARY T I A new Mary Pickford Directory; Reared tim of "apple j known ben Shows Hegin 4 - 5:4-5 Calves. i Frequently there comes to my ars the complaint, by some lady rtdicted to hobbles that rude len turn to observe her exposed alves when she steps into a car r busr^y. The corrplnininxr lady always lakes a fine show of indignation -or so the matter is always reited to me?but I never fail to tugh at the joke. What joke? ycu ask. Why. 'ooden-head, the pretended in- j ignation of the lady. When a was puts on a hobble kirts. doesn't she know that it* rill expose her to the stares of he multitude every time she ikes a step up? Of course she knows it. Then why does she persist in j rearing su<jh a skirt? There is only one answer to hat question. Horatio. Sheconinues to wear 'em because she mnts the public to examine her ' alves occasionally. You think otherwise? Ther ou are stupid. If the dear hings didn't want to show thomelvcs they would wear different ; lothes. If a man stepped on the street j very few minutes nod pulled i is trousers above his ki e? s, ? r?uld he have any oiher ?: jee< i han showing tin- shape ot a j ?g? Assuredly n<*( unl< ss } j ras endeavoring to break irto he asylum for the feebleminded. No, there's no room for argulent on this matter. When a roman dresses so as to necessi^ a. _ r - 4ie irequeni exposure of the I ?gs, she knows exactly what | he is doing. She may pretend 3 be offended when men stare, ut, dear heart, she would be eally and truly offended if men id not stare. But, at that, there isn't much xposed that is worthy a second lance. A well lurned ankle is \ a rare thing. Either the deign is that of a slat, from the nkle-bone to the knee cap, or Ise the ankle is swoolen to llydesdale proportions and looks tove-up. There ought to be a law to rohibit showing deformities and ddities in public anyway? Foun- j iin Inn Tribune. ' Got By With 500 Gallons. | W. T. Yarboroutfh. who was I rreeled at Columbus, Ga., a ievv I ays a*ro. chared with violation || f the State law, when he ar- I ived there witii 500 gallons of B 'hiskey enroute from St. Louis P ) Habana, Cuba, was promptly B cquitted in the Columbus city I aurt. b After a hearing in the federal E ircuit court in Birmingham, ;p 'here he was also arrested, Yar- I orough had been allowed to pro- sed under a recent supreme aurt decision which held that!l ersons transporting liquor may j E nly be dealt with at their desti- :fl ation. At his trial in Colum-1K us it was contended that Yar-il i "* urougn naa removed part of the j |g intents of one bottle and in- E ;nded to sell it. After his ac- B uittal his liquor was ordered 1 iturned to him and ne said he k ould continue on his way to R uba, where he says he is to i 1 pen a saloon. S Yarborough was transporting B is liquor in the drawing to-m k f a sleeping car and was taken I rom the train as he crossed the I eorgia line. 8 Majestic Tomorrow?Two-reel I Western. Two-reel Comedy and I ingle-reel Hearst News. I Seeds, Seeds. p I have been appointed Fort C ill agent for the American ft eed Company, among the lar- j ?st wholesalers of field, orchard . ? ad lawn seed in this country. ' you need anything in this line ! ive me your order, and I will1 jarantee you that you get the ist prices and fresh, pure seed tat will produce a crop. ft M. K. Moore. , * IC THEATRE NEX The Screen Triumph of th< PICKFORD. >addy Lor From Jean Webster's Celebrated JL't; is Judy Abbott in "Daddy Long Mothc < on the wholesale plan; Hating the O; ph&nag< . acK," Judy blossoms into girlhood, the radiant efactor. Then comes the spite of a hothouse ! < 7:30 - 9:15 P. M. \ lAnilKTVM AUJumXD I ( ^ Ooldocjl " I "That Seal Guarantees Congoleum Quality/ j ?say a the salesman, pointing to it on the mg. "We are gln<J they put the Gold Sea! where you can't help seeing it, becauae it pro. tects both you and ua. "We recommend Congoleum Art-Ruga wherever a low-priced floor-coverirtg is desired lor there is nothing else that answers the purpose so well. First, it is sani- j tary and easy to keep clean. There is no burlxp in a Congoleum Rug, so water won't hurt it. A damp mop will keep the color* clear und bright. "Second, a Congoleum Rug is very durable. The surface is wear-resisting and absolutely sanitary. Then, too. it liea perfectly flat without any _r-u_ fastening. ^ '-"5%. "And remember, this Gold Seal ye -il which is on every genuine /"0 <*B| tSfcs Congoleum Art-Rug, guarantees v X ?V / Tjjk SSgf ' * "* '?m/.MM Young & Wolfe, ! The Furniture Men. . _J Q LAniFS. ? 1 ? ? - wuniv ill aim see our I If W BKiCl well-selected stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Etc. H We have greatly enlarged this ttcck recently 'k and cordially invite you to cali o.r.d look it ctcr. Everything nice and new and puccs consistent with the quality. Bundle Sheeting, We have the exclusive sale of the Sheeting manu- '< factured by the Port Mill Mfg. company. It is put up in bundles and retails at $1.25 per bundle. See |] this if you want the kin^that satisfies. JOE M. BRACKETT. | BHHKHHBMHKMHMMnmRnHK * Your Family Servant That is what we arc and what \v strive to-be. Your table is the shrine upon w.hich we offer ourselvss. ; We are dealers in "better than ordinary" groceries. Our shelves are stocked with the best in the market of standard goods. [j Let us take the responsibility of what you put on the table to tempt the appetites of your family. Groceries are the life of any individual. Let us supply your nourishment in a way that will be cheapest to your purse and most satisfactory to your pallette. [2 FRESH MEATS. FISH and ICE. B. C. FERGUSON. | Highest Prices Paid for Pork. j j I BJ WmI Cdomlmica. Wrttafcr ^ prloe-iUiinemtaalii*U>ta*i I ?- \ v:.': * f '. 4 - 1 V ' L* '- 1 9 1 P-1 "" - ' -- ' - - J " ' T 5 Year, The World's and Most Pop zry and Play. :d bv an ash can; (Isr:v. ,i\isices: an enemy of pr ?r . ~ ? of "Daddy Luti ; L aver anil Ja^y al ui ? j Admission, :: \ MTCr I 1/ t Ul. ! i ?V!-;*,7.2^ l 3 fp^ * Vtz .v.., A L Las ! BLANCHE , .1 and an Ali-? 'Vr*"! ITT yj 1^7 S . v., . * k V I J\ A Vivid L io: r a j Dayo of ih: I | SPECIAL NOTICE?! i ^ nient regulations, wo wish, one of our patrons that whet Jj as a "Ipecinl", av.'d r.dv u will be: Children u:iacr 12 v< t t ecc .Tmccwnmnw. & w -r.. .p I- * v ' . , v_ i(r _^ * <f ?? 3 I ' % ' * . u > : J 11 < i r ' " . - : c v. 1 ^ ' * ' . i u* t I * L C i 0 1 *3? i, *'" .) r. A fcc a* '1 >f y t "v. isli.3 a a i/O i^s b gi.'ss m.:n , ^ \.' c n o fie r i.ed S;n c 'U liUXAL iiANK? '; i j1 Ike cos s a < lizr.d by j + either case. W. ir - v ? y 1 with us this very dr. o t ic * I TL - R -. M : me rirsi r:r: ' ? ' F.esouioeB I To s> . j. '5 ^3t?? t" ' V3 1% -J Hr^SES' We are now pr< r\i - * ? blacksmith and K< I! new snop in the r< adjoining our plan ciate your patronas ?a i Fort ill! I J. J. BAIL-25 11 The Cash i V <* We arc still in the M most select lino of Picrl. ter, Eggs and other Coun Call cn us for all kinds & Dill Pickles, Etc. We J pVice will please you. The Cash ! F. F. TAYT >H Prun.' . ? .--a ? > ? >.. > A . ? . t> kinc SEW ! rE PILLS, Tho Pllta Th" ' 3o Cure. i 01<K. r.,?p.*4 ; ?r a!. at Tti< I ! 1 ii?< * oriuc*-,' 4 ' i . , ^ . 28TH T Best Known >ular Star, in ' j| ; :WM ti 4y\ bv . ^;one , ' 4 & i? \ - 4 a n . 1 \ . v c. x 1! V' \ V . ' ' ' Vffl I * v*tv - ikjS litl ui 4 . 250 finm? V*<^ I fei> j?$p I it;yl I , I >ir?r Cast, >r I '*;h, r ' m ^ * r la : . > - .Ma, 9 irvu jv:om ii .oa3 b Civil W r. [r. } . ?,n^ wiili i.itf uovernto i\. i.e it ckv.r to every : iver \v ailvertis a program ce j ir prices, tlifp advance .r. : Adults, 25c. I / MA-jKsric iiKi vTra:. I J . !-T? J ?!? \ \ * c ' v y . 1 T ? S v'lUI t > . . U i o~ ex- & t .<;u- he super- ? > vjtu ' "v '.'.3 U iV 2V- ^ l.iw . ** sruno in ? r to c.' *- i-i d.buuss + r mat $ .feal Bank, f \y $. 0,000.00. | - -v ? * .> > 4 F': ' i g . - W *2 Ej?E.-? spared to c< > our : >.iii Work * ? or i - * .. *a> >i t, and vviii app e~ ?e. 3 MB umber Go,, , v 3*1 >, I .opnotor. > *i Market | aikel Business with a o Meats, Chickens, Buttry Produce. J[ weet and Sour Pi kles, J har? t h a Knu? .J - i.? .vHiv. k/voi ut'u inc A i Market. j . '|v ? .* O . . <fc, . A* f V . .t Tonic, i*:-* Mild . I.axatlva, iiii i iiH)J ( Farniiy y jj1. $