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I " ^ -M m. isisHhJf d?t^?M Jsi*! K ^S^sL^r^?^<t?'*r ??d"l5*a ?Qdco d "t** lit pre so much thought to it that finally _^?___? don't bother him any more than they do his friends. wemmmmmmi//mm Thi? summer don't spend Serve Libby* s delicate Co will give you an entirely an appetizing summer t Get a package from your lobby, McNeill & PREPARE FOR In tlmea of Peace prepare for * be I KSvC demands trained men and women llril 7our salary will be. Today our i J > business. Enroll with this > ! jtm^h equipped business colleyc, and hell 5 make your future success secure. Handsome c : loeue mailed on request. You can enter any t g School open all summer. ueeeeeeeeaeea was wi SHED LIGHT ON SUPERVISION I Youngster Put Into Action the Effect I School Official's Words Had on the Children. A certain town has a new school supervisor who Is not an amiable as he night he. The president of the school board has heard complaints, but not antll the other evening was he much affected by them. Then he hnppened to be watching his own and the neighborhood youngsters playing school. His sum seven-year-old wished to be tench r, hat was always turned down because of his youthful age. FInully when hfs protests had become pitiful, i ?ae of the older children said: "Why. | i you cnn be Mr. T . the new super trtoor, John. Then you can visit our I oom." < John left the room, and when he entered came as the new supervls- ^ mr. And how he did come! He slap- i one child, shook another, and 1 hook his fist at the third. Then Mie school board member laughed. "He prely doesn't do that way," he suld to them. i John made answer. "Not 'xnctly," I Me admitted. "He just says the things : E do/'?Indiannpolis News. 8a ' . 8eemed Rather High. Rastus (Just back from the army)? Tefcsnh, I dun had $10,000 war insur- I ance on mah life when Ah was in de war. Sambo?Owan, nlggah ! Ten thou a?? ?? - - ??uu uuunrn ji-sc on you! vvny, (lln't I 1 4a t more'n the hull war cost??Life. nnHumunmiiiiniiiuiimiiiutiiiiiHMM | You Hesitate Coffee Then why giv folks? You Cc solve the qi table drink I I the family n .1 I rosiumi Boiled full 151 boiling begii much like sup it 8 an econoi At Git Two rifes, usually s yaiBtifln || ?/^&S^^s?j letter opposite eonvsys in no uncertain way the gratitude ah* fools tor Peruna. Mould and TaMot Pw An Improvement. "Pld you get the bill for uiy bathing suit, father dear?" "Yes. The bill was a great Improvement on the suit." "In what way?" "It was so large." There is no time to begin like the present. ?h8 BMPflS ^^ga| i hours over a hot stove 1 irned Beef chilled ? it new idea of how easily neal can be prepared, grocer today. Libby, Chicago A LARGER SALARY itter Job at a larger salary. Modern bualnesa experts. The better the training the larger I traduatea are In the front ranks or modara at? Raleigh. N. C. and Charlotte. N. C. J FRENCH DAMSEL QUITE WISE Not by Any Meant aa UnaoDhiatlcated as Doughboys Had Figured She Would Be. "Believe me, It didn't tnke those French girls long to wise up to Amorcau ways," remnrked a doughboy tho ither day. "My buddy and I met a ivhole lot In Paris nnd we got sick of Ihem. One day we got a chance to like Into the country, nnd when we spotted a chic little piece sitting by i brook we figured tt would be u refreshing change to talk to her. "So up we blow, and sure enough >he had the big smile ready. So I speaks up and snys to her that we're Americans, nnd te]l her where America Is, nnd that we're over here because there's a war. "I couldn't tell her what the war was about because I didn't know much iibout It myself, and then I remem iered we hadn't Introduced ourselves.' " 'Mademoiselle/ snys I, 'my name's Tones, and this Is Mr. $nilth/ " 'But no/ she cries, 'already I have meet two Meester Smeeth from America. Eet ees what you call too theen, rear " Jh? Squire In New York. "Singe?" asked the barber. "Oezzo. I've been burnt at everything else In New York." Correct. Teacher?Now, Robert, what plants flourish In excessive heat? Bobby^Ice plants. i to Give I to Children I e it to grown I m pleasantly ' 1 lestion of a I >y giving all 5 Cereal I minutes-after | is, it tastes | >erior coffee.- g ny. I >cers. I aid at 15c and 25c | ' ' ' ' ^ II J fci II ' ?wn /vi inr BvoppM w mMl mf H M that BO May products that Ut ? teneirely advertised, all at ones drop owt of sight aad are ansa forgotten? Tha reason la pkim-tho artfab <ttd mat MM1 tha promises of tha menufeetnier. This appuaa mora partioalu1^ to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that haa real curative valna almoat adk itaalt aa llba an endless chain ajratan tha renasdy la recommended by thorn -who have bean benefited, to thoaa who are in need of it A prominent druggist aaya "Take'for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a preparation I hare eold for many years and nerer hesitate to reoommaad, for in almost every case it ahows excellent results, aa many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy has so large a ale." According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the success of Dr. Kilmer's' Swamp-Root is due to the fact, so many people claim, that it fulfills almost every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments; corrects urinary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents; also mention thia paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores.?Adv. 1 Superfluity. ^ "you -love niy daughter?" said the old man. a "Love her," he exclaimed, passionately. "Why, I would die for her. For one soft glance from those sweet eyes I would hurl myself from yonder elKT and perish?a bruised muss upon the rocks 200 feet below." The old man shook his head. "I'm something of a liar myself," he said, "and one Is enough for n small family like mine."?London Tit-Bits. Why buy many bottles of other Vermifuges, when one bottle ot Dr. Peery's "Dead Shot" will act surely and promptlyT Adv. The Exact Locality. "Did you see that famous actress In repertoire?" "No; saw her In New York." THIN PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE Nothing Like Plain Bitro-Phoephate to Put on Firm, Healthy Flesh and to Increase Strength, Vigor and Nerve Force. Judging from the countless preparations and treatments which ara continually being advertised for the purpose of making thin people fleshy, developing arms, neck atlrt hlllt an#l ranlenln- * ?? ?< ? u(ij uuiiuwa ana A angles by the oft curved lines of health and beauty, there are evidently thousands of men and a' o m e n who keenly feel their excessive thinness. Thinness and weakness are often due to starved nerves. Our bodies need more phosphate than Is contained in modern foods. GEORGIA HAMILTON. fufmy nothing that will supply this deficiency o well as the organic phosphate known among druggists as bltro-phosphate, which Is Inexpensive and Is sold by most all druggists under a guarantee of satisfaction or money back. By feeding the nerves directly and by supplying the body cells with the necessary phosphoric food elements, bltro-phosphate should produce a welcome transformation In the appearance; the Increase In weight frequently being astonishing. Increase In weight also carries with It a general Improvement In the health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of energy, which nearly always accompany excessive thinness, should soon disappear, dull eyes ought to brighten, and pale cheeks glow with the bloom of perfect heattb. Miss Georgia Hamilton, who was once thin and frsilL reporting her own experience writes: "BItro-Phosphate has brought about a magic transformation with me. I gained 16 pounds and never before felt so well." CAUTION:?Although bltro-phosphate Is unsurpassed for relieving nervousness, sleeplessness and general weakness. It should not, owing to Its tendency to Increase weight, be used by anyone who does not deglre to put on flesh. by causing good digestion f and regular bowel movements. Con- U tains nothing harmful ?no alcohol R ? no opiates?juat the finest vege- I table properties. Especially racoon- I Beaded for teething time. 2 At mil rfraffhti I I HHH Without question tf Baot'i Balva ffl K falls In the treatment of Besema, 3| Tetter, Ringworm. Itch, ate. Don't become discouraged because other B H treatments failed. Hunt's Salve M fit - has relieved hnndreds of such cases. ' Toi can't lose on our Monty 3 ,* Jtiek Oumranttt. Try It at our risk S3 feB * TO HAT.Price Ttc. at drng stores, g fS A- B. Klohards Oo.. Bberman,Texas Inini A ClaarYourSkin" Mlljl I1 Save Your M ElI111 A With Cuticura UjllLuggg I'MOTKt'T VOIR MONKV without having it work for the bank?hut for yourself. Write us about established enterprise paying at the rate of *4% annually?6% quarterly, with big possibilities of Increase In market value. Fourteenth dividend check being mailed. FULL. INFORMATION Fit KB Act Immediately and get your dividend every quarter.^ Address R. OTLLINO A CO. <estab tinned 164 Federal St.. Boston. Maau Bank and commercial references. We send ;nu irratls: "WHAT THE BANKS BARN fITH THB MONBY OF THB PUBLIC." DAISY FLY KILLEB ' TTRStrandkiliS 4^LL FLB?. ^Meat. nnU]','*r |T?I iTffllWliriitri'l tipeeer; will not ?o0 BtJtDLB flMlil, m PaKaBAm. BwaUy. M. X >. , K I- - * t* I I Shwllf bfx6f^)NiiHlls Cwuity ; i iittaMat ItMfAfftu# NiflMA I . . *_?? Vi ' ' , OvMilIle.?Hcndrl* Roctor, sheriff of OnMTUto ooutjr, was killed by Jake Oeeaell in the door of Brisooe'a garage. Rector vu shot In three places, onee in the head, once in the shoulder and the third time in the Ida, all on the right side of the Jbody. He died before reaching the'city hospital. Mrs. Oosnell was with her husband at the time of the shooting and she and W. B. Keller, who was at one time jailer and deputy sheriff under Rector's administration, and Coroner W. H. Allisofe, who had gone to'interview the sheriff on another matter, were said to be the only eye witnesses The sheriff fell to the concrete floor and was unconscious and scarcely breathing when put into an ambulance. Immediately after the shooting Gosnell, with his wife, walked calmly to the street- A passing automobile was hailed and Qpsnell, in custody of Former Sheriff Keller, accompanied by Mrs. Qosnell, rode to the county jail. Ex-Deputy Sheriff Keller was quoted by several officers as saying that a few words were exchanged between Sheriff Rector and Qosnell. He stated that Rector, who had been standing in the garage office waiting for his automobile, walked into the storage room. Gosnell at the time was kneel lng down looking at some part of his car. Sheriff Rector is quoted as saylng, "Good Morning," to Gosnell and the latter replied, "I hare no good morning for you," to which Sheriff Rector is quoted to have replied. "I don't give a damn whether you have or not." Gosnell rose from his position, 1#s alleged, and fired from a 32 caliber revolver which was later turned over to the coroner for evidence. Progress At Rock Hill. Rock Hill.?In an eleotion held on the question of making applicable to this city the act passed at the recent general assembly authorising the city council to assess abutting property owners one-half cost of permanent street Improvements, the qualified voters of this city expressed themselves as being overwhelmingly in favor of adopting the act. Out of a total of 148 votes cast. 129 were favorable, 19 opposed it. It is proposed to spend $450,000 in paving 10 miles of the streets of Rock Hill. Orangeburg Bond Issue. Orangeburg.?An election will be soon ordered in the city of Orangeburg to decide whether $760,000 will be secured by a bond issue to extend the water and sewerage system, lay paved roadway and place cemented sidewalks and granite curbing. There appears to be little opposition to the bond issue and if carried through Orangeburg will be one of the best paved cities for its size in the state. The plans call for nine miles of paved roadway. 21 miles of cemented side walks, 25 miles of granite curbing, four and a half miles of sanitary sewers; approximately two miles of stone sewers rfhd culverts, four miles of water main extensions and improved power plant; also one and one-half miles of ornamental white way. Arrested After 15 Yeare. Chester.?James Thompson. who was placed under arrest at Lockhart about a fortnight ago charged with slaying Isaiah Jeter, 15 years ago, and was placed in the York county Jail, has been brought to the Chester county Jail, it having been ascertained that the spot on which the killing occurred is in Chester county. He will probably be tried here. Thompson is ahout 70 years of age and is very feeble. Soldiers At Laurens. Laurens.?A detachment of 15 men and two lieutenants, W. M. McCoy and Gerard Swarout, from the Camp Jesup Motor Transport School, near Atlanta, is encamped at Lauren*. Daily demonstration* of the various mechanical devices and equipment are given and many persons have inspected the outfit with the view of Joining this branch of service. Will Make No Statement. Columbia.?Jacob Gosnell, United State* internal revenue officer, who shot and killed Hendrix Rector, sheriff of Greenville county, at Greonville when seen at the state penitentiary, refused to make a statement. Gosnell was eating at the same table with Bramlett, of Greenville, who is accused of shooting his mother-inlaw; Hall,, of Aiken, charged with the killing of an Aiken policeman; and Baker, who is in the penitentiary for life for the murder of a woman in Kershaw county. Tobacco Prospect* Good. Darlington.?The tobacco prospects in Darlington were never brighter at the opening of the season. The weed was planted in large quantities in every section of the county anfl in most instances started off with good aittuuif inn rains nave come along at regular intervals. There are four large warehouses in Dnrlington that will be open for business on July 15. The price for the coming season will depend In large measure, it la said by experts, on whether the tobacco is allowed to ripen. Death of Robt. M. Cooper. Sumter.?News was received here of the death in a hospital in Baltimore of Robert M. Cooper of Wisacky. Mt. Cooper had not been well for the past few months and two weeks ago wen': to Baltimore for treatment but neither family nor friends realised that his end was near. Mr. Cooper was one of the prominent, progressive farmers of the state \nd a high minded man of the old ichool who had the respect of all who cnew him. He was born in 185S near ds present home tn Wisacky. I "CAN I BE .CURED?* SAYS THE SUFFERER How often km you Uri tMt ad ?y from tM victims of dbeahe. Per- , MM the disorder Ma |oaa too far for baft bat oftener it is Just la its fist stage* and the pains and aches are only nature's first cries for help. Do not despair. Find oat tM cause and give nature all tM help yoa can and sM will repay you with health; Look after I tM kidneys. The kidneys are the most I overworked organs of the human body, and whfn they fall in their/.work of I filtering and throwing off tie poison I that constantly accumulates in the sysI tern, everything goes wrong. GOLD MTCnAL Haarlem Oil Capsules will I give almost immediate relief from kidney and bladder trochlea and their kipI dred ailments. They will free your I body from pain in abort order. But be cure to get GOLD MEDAL. Look for I the name on every bos. In three sixes, sealed packages. Money refunded if I they do not help you.?Adv. vThe Important Branch. I "I understand that when you laid I the foundation of your coIoshuI forI tune your education did not go much I beyond reading, writing and urithmeI tlc-" I "Yea," replied Mr. Cdmrox, "and 1 I was careful not to let the reuding und I writing tnke too much time away from I the arithmetic." l Why not coax your fllgestlvs apparatus iuw outmt who a kmtlt and persuasive tonic laxative T Wright's Indian Vcgotablo Pills are unrivaled.?adv. Flivver of the Air. The flivver of the nlr may he e French monoplane which has been recently designed and found to he very servlcenble In practice. Its cost is nbout that of a good motorcycle. There Is more or less envy In the makeup of every man and woman on earth. DOCTOR UR6ED AN OPERATION Instead I took Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Was Cured. Baltimore, Md.?"Nearly four year* I Buffered from organic troubles, nervousness and neadaches and every month would have to "^SOLl llllra^> in bed most of , |ljl C the time. Treatments would relieve Wtsdf 11 111 me for a time but Xa /fl K|fl| my doctor was alNnltl 1 ways urgiqg me to .V3ve an operation. / \ My sister asked me f><A;?C?^to try Lydla E. PinkcvS jL*' r h a m's Vegetable ^ \ V y Compound before VS. W / /r. consenting to an y\\ y/ /operation. I took M I // / five bottles of it and 'ylfiO [ it has completely ' * * cured me and my work is a pleasure. I tell all my friends who have any trouble of this kind what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com* pound has done for me. ?Nellie B. Brittingham, 609 CalvertonRd., Baltimore, Md. It is only natural for any woman to dread the thought of an operation. So many women have been restored to health by this famous remedy, Lydia T&. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, after an operation nas been advised that it will pay any woman who suffers from such ailments to consider trying it before submitting to such a trying ordeal. TakeSulphpr Baths ) Rheumatism | Gout, Eczema, Hives, etc. Right In your own home and at trifling cost, I you can enjoy .the benefit of healing sulphur baths, Hancock Sulphur Compound nature's own blooipurtfylng end skin healing remedy?SULPHUR?prepared In h way to make tu use moat efficacious. Use It In the bath; use It as a lotion apptyias to affected paru; ana au it internally. 50c and $1 the bottle at your draaslst'*. It b? can't supply you. cod hi* name and the price in stamps and we will tend you a bottle direct. HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUB. COMPANY _ ^ Baltimore. MA Uanntt Sulphur Ctmptund Otm*. wun!?21 *nJ SOr?hr um attk tht AfN*' Lfv^o MJjuid Cempmtndm %5a yasalfcrmm*?~ ll\ will reduce inflamed, swollen Joint*, Sprains, Bruises, Soft II Bunches; Heals Boils, Poll H D BU. , Evil,Quittor, Fistula and mkMLjPi^. infected sores quickly Vn 17 YljL ae it it a poiitive antiseptic Vjf lLr^Lfl and germicide. Pleasant to IH JRVv A o*ei does not blister o> femora IryvT J the bilr. ill jroacan work the born. M 3 / S2. SO per bottle. CVIIreted. '* ""Tl Book 7 R tree. ABSORBFNE, JR..the antlreptic liniment (or mankind, reduce. Painful. Swollen Vets*. Wena. Stttlni, Brulaeai tops pale and Inflammatloa. Price SI.IS per bottle at dealers or dellrered. W1U tell you more U you wrUc. Liberal Trial Boole for 10c is atampa. W.F.YOUNG. P. 0. F..HOTanslaSt.,Springfield,Mtsa. FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Diaaolrad la waiar for bwAm stop* pohric catarrh, vlcaration awl lnflam~ iHw Raeommaadad by Lydia E. Pinkham Mad. Co, lor tan yaara. A haalinf woodar lor aaial catarrh, aora throat and aoraayaa. Economical. Hm TrtrarcAury (JtUMlM tad ? mil Ual MMf, fflpHMlk ?niixTr?HiKs MtoN TM. m 'NUAUA, CXLU An ma Alwamiiiiiiaiigliitilltata At Aa** tarn, Calomel loses You Take Dodson's 1 | Bead my guarantee! Ifbil achy you need not take iu ous calomel to get r* ? Every druggist In town?yonr drug- 1 gist and everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling off In the sale of \ calomel. They all give the same rea- j son. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking * Its place. j "Calomel is dangerous and people know It, while Dodson's Liver Tone Is . perfectly . safe and gives better results." said a prominent local druggist. ' Dodson's Liver Tone Is personally ' guaranteed by every druggist who * sells It. A large bottle doesn't cost 1 very much, but If It falls to give easy ? relief In every^ase of liver sluggish- ' ness and constipation, you have only i GOLD STARS TOLD THE STORY Pathetic Reason Why Elderly Lady ' Was Glad of Companionship of Fox Terrier Puppy. I A group of men were at lunch In ' a New York club, and one of them told this story: "My daughter Is going to school at | Wellesley. The ojjier day a friend in Boston sent her a title fox terrier { puppy. She couldn't keep him at school, so she made inquiry for a ( place where he couhl he bourded till the end of the term. As a result of her Inquiries she received a note from a Indy saying she would he glad to Jake care of the dog, not only 1??? cause of the little additional pin money It would give her. hut mainly because she was very, very lonely. So my daughter went to her home. There she found n sweet-faced, white-hnlred old lndy who must indeed have been vorv 1 M * 11'i iii m?* iroiu window there hung a service flag containing five gold stars, each representing a son." And that is the renson the eld lady with the halo of white hair was so lonely that she welcomed the companionship of even a fox terrier puppy.? Thrift Magazine. Small Girl's Hot Retort. While on her way home from Luniherport, where she laid been visiting | relatives, Virginia Ash, twelve-year-old daughter of Hev. H. R. Ash of ' Montana mines, near Fairmont, W. Vn? ' was stopped by a prohibition oftlcer, who insisted on searching her suitcase. Finding nothing but articles of clothing the officer apologized to the little 1 girl, saying; "I was looking for whisky." *j "Judging from the smell of your ' breath," said the little girl, "you must have lound it somewhere." The story was told by passengers on the same Interurlmn enr who arrived 1 in the city. 1 FARMERS ARE WORKING HARDER And using their feet more than ever before. For all these workers the frequent use of Alien's Foot = Ease, the antiseptic, healing powder to be shaken into the shoes and sprinkled in the foot-bath, increases their efficiency and insures needed physical comfort. It takes the Friction from the Shoe, * v.-? w. ' - ? > nucui me ieei, ana prevents tired, netiing and blistered feet. Women everywhere are constant users of Allen's Foot^Ease. Don't get foot sore, get Allen's Foot=Eaae. Sold by dealers everywhere.?Adv. a The Under Dog. "Doctor," said the patient on the operating table. In feeble tones. "Well, sir?" "Before I take gas, promise nie that you won't hurry." "Of course I won't. What put that notion Into your head?" "I Just now heard you tell one of your medical frleqds. out In the hall that you would be ready to Join him In ; thnt little game of golf In 45 minutes. | I've got more at stake than a game of golf," Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin When red, rough and Itching with hot baths of Cuticura Soap and touches of Cuticura Ointment. Also make use now and then of that exquisitely scented dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum, one of the Indispensable Cuticura Toilet Trio.?Adv. ? Never Touched Him. Judge?What did you hit the unfortunntA nmn wit!.? Prisoner?I didn't hit him with anything, your honor. Judge?That's queer. He was simply covered with bruises. You couldn^ do all that with your fists. Prisoner?No, your honor. I Just caught him hy the heels nnd hanged him agin the wall a few times. Hut I never hit him once with anything. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It sign In Use for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Not Much of a Munchausen. Father?Listen, Harold! The camel can go eight days without water. Isn't that wonderful? riaroiu (skeptical)?Not very. You ought to hear Charles Brown tell one! ?London Answers. ? To Porlfy ud Enrich the Blood Toko GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC whlcb la almpljr IRON and Qt'ININB auapended In Syrup. So Pleaaant Ev?-n Children | Like It. Tou can aoon feel Ita Strengthening. Invigorating Effect. Price <0o. It Is the twenty-fifth %nnlversnry of her dehut Into the world that Is oftenest celebrated by n woman. for Infant or Adu?t Atall Druffpiata. Write for Freo Eye Book. ious, constipatedor isty, sickening, straightened up. l^iM 0 ask (or your money bacfl?> fSpR$?gi Dod son's Liver Tone is # r <ffy a sting, purely vegetable ,tV^ijMwjX:' J yell 1 arm less to both children and adittA^3|| ""* Take a spoonful at night and j3 eellng fine; no biliousness, al<k TW^v iche, acid stomach or cortlHplHl^ r*^ >ow'ela. It doesn't gripe or caah^wC^ onvenlencs all the next day llkilVrJ?| ent calomel. Take a dose of calomel' oday and tomorrow you will feel venk. sick and nauseated. Don't leae i day's work 1 Take Dodson*s Liver . Tone instead and feel fine, full eC rigor and ambition.?Adv. Just In Time! "I thought," salil the woman In that carlet jumper, "that Ornce had gofc^ : :"is? imrried." "She was to have been," nnawered ?er friend in tlie emerald georgette -i douse, "but It didn't come off. Didn't ou hear about .it?" ' "No. Tell me what happened." "Case of 'waiting ut the church,* .. ' le left her at the very altar." "Heaven 1 Dkl the man's courage lesert him?" "No; it returned I"?I.ondon AO* nvers. '-'BAYER CROSS" ON , GENUINE ASPIRIN f tae&s "X. si T / A \ Vgu/ "Rnyer Tnhlets of Aspirin" to b? genuine must be marked with the safety "Rnyer Cross." Always buy an unbroken Rnyer package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neurnlglu, Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few :ents at drug stores-?larger packages nlso. Aspirin is the trade mark of Llayer Manufacture of Monoacetic* icldester of Sallcyllrncld.?Adv. Matter of Doubt. Two business men were lunching at ' the club together. , ^ "Oh," said one, "my partner former-1 ly always opposed my views, but now he agrees with me In everything." "How do you account for It?" asked the other. "Don't know." was the reply. "I'm not sure whether 1 convince him, or only make him tired." - Vi EVERYTHING fAILED ^ Then Mrs. Bozarth Used Doan's ) (or Kidney Trouble. Says Worth Weight in Gold. "Doan's Kidney Pills are worth their weight in gold for they cured n>e after all other medicine had failed," saya .airs. B. uocartti, 87 Water St., Mt. Holly, N. J. "For over three years I was in misery. ?"The pain in my Lack grew worse until 1 had to go to bed. I did nothing but toss about. Tho stinging pains shot through my body and my head ached and throbbed. My eyes felt as though they would bfilge out of my head. The blinding dizzy spells Mrs. Bmrth made me think I was going to lose my mind. Everything would turn dark. "The kidney secretions burned, were the color of coffee and passed every few minutes in very small amounts. I felt all a-flutter with nervousness. I scarcely ate anything and I lost twentyfour pounds. I felt short of breath and my heart would palpitate. Sometimes I would shake all over and become numb. "Doan't Kidney Pills soon gave me relief. I couldn't believe this little 60c box had helped me after the doctors' expensive treatments had brought no results. Three boxes of Doan's cured me." Sworn to before me, R. J. B. SLACK. Notary Public. GatDoaa'sat Any Stare, 60c a Box DOAN'S ViHV FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. millions Suffer from Acid-Stomach Millions of people suffer year after year from ailments affecting practically evary fiart of the body, never drenmlng that their II heulth can he traced directly to acldatomach. Here Is the reason: poor digestion means poor nourishment of the different nrsana and tissues of the body The blood Is Impoverished?becomes weak, thin. alugglsh. Aliments of many klr.da spring from auch conditions. Biliousness, rheumatism, lumh litre irktlr, 1a.. ? * power ami energy, headache. Inaomnla, nervouaneaa, mental depresalon?even more erloua allmenta auch ea cntnrrh and cancer of the atnmnrh. Inteattnal ulcere, clrrhoala of the liver, heart trouble?all of thcae can often he trncej directly to acid-atomach. Keep a aharp lookout for the Itrat eymptoma of acld-atomnch?Indignation, heartburn, belching, food repeating, that awful painful bloat after entlng, and aour, gaaay etomaeh. EATONIC, the wonderful modern remedy for acid-atomach. ta guaranteed to d|| bring quick relief from theae atomach mls rlea Thouaanda any they never dreamed that anything could bring auch apeedy relief ?and make them Teel ao much better In every wav. Try EATONIC and you. too, will be Just aa enthualaatlc In Ita praise. Make your life worth living?no achee or palna?no bluee or melancholy?no more of that tired. Ilatlvaa feeling. He well and atrong. Oet bock your phyalcal and mental punch: your vim, vigor and vitality. Ton will always be weak and ailing as long as m yoa have acld-atomach. Bo get rid of It new. Tak* EATONIC Tablet*?they taat* good? you eat them like a hit of candy. Tour drugKlxt ha* EATONIC?60 cent* for a big bo*. Oet a bo* from him today and If yo* are not aatlaOed he will r*fund your money. FATONIC fcprroR Y^UH ACID-SVOMACEt) HOW I M AUK ftoo A YEAH WITH U IIKN.H. More erg producer. Stamp for re- ' .sW ply. A. O. Samuel*. M. B., Cocoa, Kla. Mate-County Agent*?Dragon Spark Intenalllrr. Secure your territory NOW. Sample $1. Dragon Mfg. Co.. Bos II, Little Rock, Ark. W. N. U.( CHARLOTTE, NO. 29-1819.