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"''' 8e*i 8 1 t Ymfldty d . ^rning for Cohpibia where she h "'y " :'J., ;';. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brwin and J John Erwin of Charlotte, were i guests Sunday in the home of ? Mr. and Mrs*. R. F. Grier. 0 James Mendenhail of McCon- J Mffl . nellsviile, were guests during i the week in the home of Mrs. it .- - r% r< p?? - n. u. ncuuncn. [ P. S. Bouknight. of Newberry. J was a guest during the last week " cf his brother, Rev. W. R. \ Bouknight, on Hall street J Herbert Harris has purchased g a new two-ton motor truck and will do a general transfer busii ness in and out of the city. n Missea Dorothy and Lillie Maye p Buzhardt, of Newberry, are guests of their relatives. Rev. 0 and Mrs. W. R. Bouknight, in g this city. a Mr. R. F Grier, who has been v confined to his home bv illness since last Wednesday, is somewhat improved and is able to P leave his bed. > , u Mrs. S. A. Lee ^and Miss j Blanche Moser left this week for h Atlanta, Ga., where the latter S( will enter the National Surgical j( Institute for treatment. 4 The town of York is to have a |j new fyrniture concern with a m capital stuck of $12,000. The n business will be conducted in 7 the McNeil building on North |j Congress street. I< i There were fifteen York county 1 young men who stood the ex- a animation at York a few days ago for admission to Clemson w College and the University of 3 South Carolina, among the num- u ber being Stough "Blankenship. t of Fort Mill. 1 W. F. Lewis, who for several 8 years was secretary-treasurer of the Fort Mill Manufacturing 'j company and for the past 18 ' months in the air service of the v United States, has received his t discharge, and visited friends in P * Fort Mill during the past week. ^ The local hoard, of health has s posted notices stating that the a j , city water is free from contami- tl nation and can be used freely, as E heretofore. It was feared some n days ago that the water was im- v <! . pure and unfit for family use. b > ' o There has been little, if any, p improvement in the condition of n Mr. John B. Erwin since the i\ last issue of The Times. He is a still critically ill at his home on e White street. Mr. James Epps also remains critically ill at his home one vile east of Fort Mill. J The Rev. J. W. H. Dvches. is absent for several weeks hold ing meeting in the lower part of the State. His pulpit was filled Sunday night by the Rev. J. R. Smith, pastor of the Flint Hill Baptist church. A party composed of Col. and Mrs. Thos. B. Spratt, Mr. L. A. Harris. Mrs. Alice Harris. Misses Addle and Dovie Harris left Saturday in cars for Shelby. N. C., where the week-end was spent in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Ligon. It was annoenced Monday that the building committee of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church had definitely decided upon the site for the new manse, plans for which have been in hand for Borne time. The manse is to be located just north of the church and not on the front of the church lot as originally planned. It is understood that Jesse L Howie will erect the manse. The Patterson Dry Goods com' pany has purchased the stock of dry goods and kindred stocks from the J. B. Mills company and moved their stock into the store }>uilding formerly occupied by the latter company. The J. B. Mills company have placed their stock erf hardware, groceries, and, supplies in the building formerly occupied by the Patterson Dry Goods company. Announcement is made that Philadelphia Methodist church, two miles north of Fort Mill, is now free of debt. The church, which was erected a few years ago, is one of the nicest country churches in this Bection, and now that the mortgage on the building has been cancelled and arrangements made to haye the ^?g| building repainted and repaired, for rejoicing on the part _____ sj J?. , Douglas* Nims Lis been'donned to his home for several ays as a result at a fall on the Kal ball diamond Saturday in trhich he suffered a painful in* ury to one of his ankles. A marriage in which many 'ort Mill people will feel an nterest was that Tuesday of 1. Gail lard Walker of Rock Hill, no Mrs. Pauline Bradley Love, f Washington. D. C. Mr. and Irs. Walker will make their ome in Rock Hill. On account of the absence of le pastor, Rev. J. W. H. Dyches, he Rev. W. R. Bouknight will ill the pulgit of the local Bapist church next Sundav evenng. when a union service of the ftethodist and Baptist congreations will be held. Work was begun Monday iorning on the foundations for he offices and warerooms of the \>rt Mill Wholesale Grocery ompany. The building: is to ccupy a site just south of the iouthern'Railway freigrht station nd will be pushed to completion /ith all haste. With cotton at 34 to 35 cents er pound, one would think that he sales of the staple would be irge these days, but -not so. 'here is much cotton in the ands of the farmers of this ection but few are turning it Jose even at this price. There are, according to official censes issued by the State highway commission, 58,570 autolobiles and motor trucks and 13 motorcycles in South Carona. From the same source it is earned that Xork county has ,301 automobiles and trucks' nd 13 motorcycles. Friday, Saturday and Suriday fere about the hottest days of ummer in this section, the hermometer during each of the hree days hovering near the 00 mark. Sunday night wac a corcher. The Charlotte weather urenu said th#t the temperature n that city did not go below 76 during the night and that it /as the hottest night in somehing like 15 years. About the sorriest spectacle of aseball seen in Fort Mill this eason was the game Saturday fternoon between the locals and he Anderson Motor Co. team, lock Hill. At the ?nd of the fth inning, it was said that the isitors were so thoroughly eaten that the game was called ff, Score 17 to 4, in favor of 'ort Mill. Tfce home team will leet the Aragon mill team on he local diamond next Saturday fternoon and a good game is xpected. FOR SALE?One Hundred bushels ood Corn in the shuck. Apply to ,LEXANDER BARBER. _| # AUTOMOBU DOES TOUR CAR U ==================== ? Don't Ruin a Good Cor Wi S Let John 8 q Shop Near Overhead 1 0! Catering Only to Thoc PHONES: ^cyhV?VW * J SIGN Pi LADIES: Come in e well-select* Dry Goods, We have greatly enl and cordially invite you 1 Everything nice and new i the quality. Bundle 5 t We have the exclusive t factured by the Fort Mill up in bundles and retails this if you want the kind 1 .JOE M. B] east of Fo^. Mill. *His death came as a great shock to his friends in the town and community as he was seen here Saturday in apparent Rued health and spirits. The unusually hot weather of the past few days I wasvprobably contributory to his death as he tried to do some work on his farm Monday morning and was probably overcome by the extreme heat. Mr. Massey was ir? the 69th year of his age ai.d was born in the community in which he spent his life. He was married January 1, 1884. to Miss Bessie Mills, who survives him with; the following children: John M. Massey, Leonidas H. Massey and Miss Isabel Massey of Charlotte, B. F. Massey, Jr.', of Hastings, Fla., and Ladson Mills Massey of Fort Mill. He was| connected with some of the more prominent families of Fort Mill; by blood and marriage, his sis-1 ters being Mrs. Mary M. Ardrey wife of the late Capt. John W. j Ardrey, Mrs. Sue Spratt, wife; of the late John M. Spratt, and, Mrs. T. S. Kirkpatrick. He is; also survived by two brothers, : L. J. Massey of Fort Mill and j Henry Massey, of Rock Hill. Mr. Massey was a man of un-1 Impeachable character, honest i and upright in all his dealings, ' and honored and respected by j nil "tU/v Irnour Kim Ud nu/norl I , an nil\j aii^vv iiiui. aav v ?? ??v\4 > and operated one of the largest! farms in Fort. Mill township. The funeral services were con- j ducted at the home Tuesday evening: at 6 o'clock by the Rev. J. B. Black, assisted by Rev. W. A. Hafner. of GafTney. Buria was made in New Unity cemetery. Another Nil! for Rock Hiil. A movement has been set on foot by C. L. Cobb, cashier of 1 the People's National Union bank, and other interested citizens to erect a new cotton mill in Rock Hiil. Beplyingr to a , telcgrram from Mr. Cobb, Alex- , ander Long:, president of the Aragron and Arcade cotton mills of Rock. Hill, now in New York, stated tnat ne is willing to guarantee half of the sum necessary to build another cotton mill, provided the balance of the required funds can be raised. Mr. Cobb has taken the question up with J. C. Cauthen, president of the chamber of commerce, and : plans are being made to launch, without delay, a campaign for the subscription of funds to erect the proposed mill. Those interested in the proposition hope to raise at least $600,000 for this purpose. This question will be brought up at the next meeting of the chamber of commerce, when an effort will be made to secure definite action on the matter as soon as possible. t ? - . * ' . ?? JE PAINTING NEED PAINTING ? = 5 j aL _ n i_i e ** . m in a roor joo or ramtmg. H son Do It > z Bridge, Rock Hill, S. C. jj ! * Who Want the Beat. " I AS. A. JOHNSON, Mgr. I UNTINC mmmmmmmmamaummmmammmmi ind see our new and ed stock of Notions, Etc. arged this stock recently to call and look it over, ind prices consistent with Sheeting. ?ctalc of the Sheeting manu- I Mfg. company. It is put | at $1.25 per bundle. See that satisfies. BHBHi RACKETT. ttl V WL~ tV A 4 * ^ . * li'lcl The total number of births in South Carolina in 1916 was 44,88& The total number of deaths of children under one year of age was 5,974. The deaths were distributed as follows: White males, 1,105; white feipales, 808; negro males. 2.235; negro females. 1,826. The death rate among children under one year of age in 1918 was 133.2 per' 1.000. These figures are official and authoritative. They are taken from the official records of the bureau of vital statistics kept by C. W. Miller, chief clerk. The records are made up from reports received from all parts of the State; the reports have recently been compiled and show very clearly the ravages which influenza caused last fall and winter. The total number of deaths in 1918 was 31,979, distributed as follows: Whites, 12,188; negroes, 19,785; Indians, 5; Chinese, 1. The births in 1917 totaled}* 43,125, as against 44,885 in 1918. ?The State. Seeds, Seeds. I have been appointed Fort Mill agent for the American Seed Company, among the largest wholesalers of field, orchard and lawn %eed in this country. If you need anything in this line give me your ofdq* and I will guarantee you thar you get the best prices and fresh, pure seed that will produce a crop. M. K. Moore.,. .'i DR. A. l_. OTT , . I DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. KING'S NEW LIFE PILLS j The Pills That Do Cure. Old newspapers for sale at The Times office. * ! THE SA VI N * I OF FORT * t Che | | Inte | Phone ) E | 22 VMo1 I Tra Rea f 0 INew Gii Just received this weel ty, New Ginghams, di terns, fast colors. Also a hip: assortment Men's Hosiery, Overal besides a full line of " Come to see us when j above line. Special this We Hats, 1-4 Off. Buy Phone us your needs ii ly accommodate you. The Cas S. A. Lee and T. F I Superior t Phon f Automobile repa | No Job too Lari I Ford Sp We Guarantee Eve: * Garage at Bailei | B. S CASE . > ti 'V -*f- jSsSB I w I Rea I TW ! $50,000 I To Go I We have of Dry Goo but to sell c ft- our stock o 1 Hats, Ladiej I J. B. Mills st move ri ght < I Wait and A I ~ I rat I < GS R4Att: j MILL. ! v <fe clung Accounts, irest Accounts, i t t Deposit Boxes, * its, I ?ey Orders, | velers' Checks, and a | J Banking Service. I BnMHiBsmnBnMnmDHi lghams. k, a shipment of Pretfferent colors and patLadies'. Children's and Is, Pants, Shirts, Etc., Star Brand" Shoes. rou want anything in the iek?All Men's Straw one. i any line and we'll gladSatisfaction guaranteed. >h Store, . Lytle, Managers. < ' Garage, | e 71. | irs on all Cars. 1 ;e or too SmalL ecialists. * ry Job Turned Out. X a' Lumber Yard. I I, Manager. | % V^V '\i gggBgtei II, ' i ' ' li III; 'IIII^MB 2 : '^B i .J-4 r a w I | 'AIT 1 FOR THE ' Jm I Riff SalA _ ! M ! 1 O BIG STOCKS? I 1 of Staple Merchandise J ! at SLAUGHTER PRICES. I i purchased the I. R. MiIIq Qtru-lr 8 i <j ' ? * a ds, Shoes, Etc., "not xto keep," I | >ut at once. We have moved |j f Clothipg, Dry Goods, Shoes, M 3* Ready-to-wear, Etc., into the ^ :orerooms, and everything must DUt. " M watch for our announcement of REAL SALE. t e r s o n's I mmmmm m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm For Sale I 1 Ten-room residence on corner of Confederate, and For- t rest street, the J. A. Boyd property. Lot contains an <? aere and is a bargain at the price asked. Z Five-room cottage on Booth street, the property of % Hon. J. R. Haile. This property is very near Main street % and the section is constantly improving. \ I j * I have a number of other bargains in Fort Mill real <> estate ranging in price from $G0C to $4,000. <? < < > < r _____________ < T < * i t jj C. S. LINK, Broker | * Fort Mill, S. C. & I i I Our Service Pleases. | I " ==== I | We desire the public patronage and ? i are doing all we can in the way of ser- ^ 4 vice, quality and fail prices to merit the f i same. You will always find good fresh | t groceries at this store. We are pleas- f I . ing our most particular customers and t | would he pleased to add your name to | I our list. \ I Parks Grocery Co., I Phone 116 ; ? * j k 6,000 Miles j > U our Guarantee on Goodrich Tires. J GET OUR PRICES. { Steele Motor Company, ; Fort MiU, S. C. I Automobile Repairs and Accessories, i mmm OM '? & ,-^Bai