University of South Carolina Libraries
Be Sure to Get "Xfj^k 1 Wrapped to insure its perfect condition in ail climates and seasons. Sealed tight?kept right. The perfect gum in the perfect package. i After every meal^^^S^^^ flavor Ia,T# i r ^ * ? i Origin of Marmalade. A Natural Question. ' From Portugal do we get our word Weary?"IMd you ever see a dog ' marmalade, which was originally u what would eat dirt?" Walker? 1 weet preserve made from quinces nnd "What? Has some dog been a-tdtin' 1 takes Its name from marelo. you?" R | ^ ?.? _ >?^?_?. I! ^ I "Meals in Storage" | : Every working day of the year L ( I P 75,000,000 pounds of meat are required < I to supply home and export needs?and I only 10 per cent of this is exoorted. |j These facts must be kept in mind ||j when considering the U. S. Bureau of H ? Markets report that on June 1, 1919, jj there were 1,348,000,000 pounds of j meats in cold storage. If the meat in H storage was placed on the market it jj; would only be 20 days' supply. j j This meat is not artificially withheld j I from trade channels to maintain or ji advance prices. jj In . Meats in storage consist of? 65 per cent (approximate) hams, bacon, etc., jj! H in process of curing. It take9 30 to 90 Pi1 days in pickle or salt to complete the I 1 process. | jj 1 |.v !>? bwui ta iivAcii ^.vift umi in 10 ue curea y I later in the year. Ey 1 i 6 per cent is lard. This is only four-fifths I of a pound per capita, and much of it will ijl H ( havo to go to supply European needs. |;!| II , 19 per cent is frozen beef and lamb, part of jj which is owned by the Government and ij was intended chiefly for over-seas ship- '| ment. If this were all diverted to domes- J J tic trade channels, it would be only j 1 Vi lbs. per capita?a 3 days' supply. Hi III From this it will be seen that "meats in storage" represent merely un- I finished goods in process of curing and >| the working supply necessary to assure j the consumer a steady flow of finished ji Let us send you a Swift "Dollar". jj It will interest you. , Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, DU J Swift & Cnmnnnv TT Q A i er age* r>^i?^^v ij j Hk //2^^^ro<M0^\ P>^C A^MPANA i ^ IB^BBr?= M12 Q6?L S OI I if 1 y^Mllll asaS-fli o l\ " uv.v.TM'.T *; i TT.Mk.iWy \ / vv^K* o m. <nT' ?**<*? )M Town Ordnance A Resolution Ordering a Special Election submitting to the Qualified Electors of the Town of Fort Mill the Question of the Approval of the Provisions of the Act of the Legislature of the 8tate of South Carolina, Approved on the 28th Day of February, 1918, Entitled "An Act to Authorise Any or All incorporated Cities and Towns Within the State to Levy and Enforce an Assessment Upon Abutting Property Owners for the Purpose of Paying for Permanent Improvements on Their Streets and Side-walks;" and the Application and Operation of the Provision* r of Said Act to the Town of Fort c Mill. 1 t a Section 1. Be it resolved by the f town council of Fort Mill that n spejlal election is hereby ordered to be f held at Hutchisons School in Fort s Mill, South Carolina, on Friday, the f 55th day of July. 1919, between the j hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock t p. m. for the purpose of submitting to a the qualified electors of the town of t Fort Mill the question of the approval >f the provisions of and the applica- r tion and operation in the town of Fort Mill of the following act of the legis- ^ [ature of the state of South Carolina, approved the 28tli day of February, 1919. entitled "An Act To Authorize P inv and All Incorporated Cities and 0 Towns within the State to Levy and r Enforce an Assessment Upon Abutting r Property Owners for the Purpose of p Paying for Permanent Improvements c to their Streets and Side-walks."? the snid Act being fully set forth in t the following Notice of Election. g Section 2. Qualified electors desir- * ing to vote in favor of the approval of a the said Act and the application and a iperation thereof to the Town of Fort a Mill will cast a ballot on which will t t>e printed, or written, the words: "Ap- t proval of the provisions and the ap- c plication and operation in Fort Mill s if the Act assessing abutting proper- s 'v owners for permanent improve- a nents on Streets and Side-walks, c Ves." Qualified electors desiring to B rote against the approval of the said \ct and the application and operation j f thereof to the Town of Fort Mill will j ?ast a ballot on which will be printed p ir wrlttnn fho mnr/U- " ? ?-' - -..v. A|/|/IUTai VI jl the provisions of the application and t operation in Fort Mill of the Act as- ^ messing abutting property owners for ^ permanent improvements on Streets ^ *nd Side-walks. No." ^ Section S. That'the books of regis- r tration of the Town of Fort Mill are a hereby ordered and directed to be ? ripened 20 days prior to the day here- ^ In fixed for said election, and to be ^ kept open for a period of 10 days for ( the registration of the electors of the ( Town of Fort Mill. a Section 4. That the following per- j sons are the duly appointed Managers a af the Election, and will conduct the said election: Herbert Harris. S. A. Lee and J. M. Gamble. Section 5. That the following No- n tico of said election be published * r>nce a week for three consecutive 8 weeks prior to the date of said elec- I tlon in the Fort Mill Times, a newspa- v per published in the Town of Fort T Mill. T Notice of Election. fl Notice is hereby given that a special 1 election is hereby ordered to be held In the Town of Fort Mill at Hutchi- C son's Store on the 25th day of July, p 1919, between the hours of 8 a. m. s and 4 p. m? to vote upon the approval \ of and the application and operation a in the Town of Fort Mill of the fol- s lowing Act of the Legislature of the j State of South Carolina, approved on -j the 23th day of February. 1919: "AN ACT To Authorise 'Amy or All ^ Incorporate*! Cities and Towns ^ Within the State to Levy nnd En- i f force An Assessment TTpon Abut- i r ting Property Owenrs for the Purpose of Paying for Permanent Improvements on Their Streets and ^ Sidewalks. "Section 1. Be it enacted by the c General Assembly of the State of South Carolina That any or all in- | sorporated cities or towns of this State are hereby authorized and em- | powered to provide by ordinance for t " the payment of the cost of the permanent improvements of their streets " and sidewalks, by levying upon the owners of property immediately abut- ' tin* on the streets and sidewalks, or f parts of either, so improved, an as- i ' cessment in proportion to the front- ! ' tagn only of such property on such * streets or sidewalks, or parts of c either, so improved, of not exceeding In the nKcrejcate one-half of the cost of such improvements: Provided, That no assessment shall bo so laid ( upon the abutting: property owners j until such Improvements have been ^ ordered pursuant to such ordinance upon the written consent, signed and filed with the city or town clerk, of not less than two-thirds in number of the owners of the property abutting f upon the street, side walk, or part of > either. proposed to bp improved. and f provision made for tho pavmont by the corporate authorities of said city or town of not loss than one-half of ; 1 tho costs of such improvements; time ' and terms of payment nmi rates of 1 Interest on deferred payments of as- | sossments by such property owners j f shall be such as may he prescribed j , by ordinance. I j "Roc. 2. That the amount of money 1 ( raised by such assessments, together with the amounta added thereto by ^ the otty or town authorities from the olty or town treasury, shall constitute and be kept as a eepamte fund, to be used only for the purpose for which H wee raised and appropriated. "Sac. 3. That the assessments so 1aM shall constitute and be a letn 1 upon the property so assessed, and payment thereof may be enforced as 'ho payment of city or town taxes is ^ enforced: Provided, 8uoh assessments Se entered in a bv>k kept by the city < w town clerk to be entitled "Assess- 1 lent Liana." stating the name of the t >wners, the location of the property, md the amount of the assessment md the time or times of payment: And, provided, further, That such ten shall continue from the date of mtry on such book until the expiralon of five years from date when final >ayment is due and payable, unless tooner paid. Upon default in the paynent of any installment or deferred >ortion of any assesment. at the line. and in accordance -with the erms and condltiohs fixed by ordilance, the total amount of any such issesment then unpaid (including deferred installments or payments ind interest) shall immediately ecome due and collectible as city or own taxes are collected, and with luch penalties and costs as are now irovlded for the payment of such axes. "Sec. 4. That It shall by ordilance be made the duty of the city >r town clerk to make entry of satisaction on such "Assessment Ivien" >ook as soon as hill payment is made, ind the lien shall bo thereby extinguished. "Sec. R. That the city or town ouncll of said cities and towns are inthorized and empowered to Issue ertiflcates of indebtedness, showing he amounts of money due to such :lties or town by property owner? is deferred payments or installments )pon such assessments, and to sell my of such certificates of indebtediess or to borrow money by pledging my of them as collateral security for he payment of such debt or debts, ind in either event of rale or collatiral pledge of such certificates, or any it them, to pledge the faith and credit f such cities or towns for the paynent thereof, and to the payment of to mo fnr In tV?o nonm of "neV ities or towns. "Sec. 6. That such cities and owns may. by ordinance, require the ;rantor and grantee, or grantors and ;rantees, of any property, or part of ame. sold or transferred after such assessment has been laid thereon, tnd before such assessment lien has een extinguished, as provided horeln. o file in writing with the city or town lerk. within ten days after every uch sale o rtransfer, the name of uch grantor and grantee, or grantors nd guarantee an accurate description >f the property sold or transferred, ind the date of such sale or transfer. "Sec. 7. That this act shall be efective from and immediately after ts date of approval by the Governor: rovlded, That the provisions of this tct shall not apply or become operaive in any city or town until submited to the qualified electors thereof >y the city or town council for apKrovnl. and a maiority of the quallled electors, voting upon the q-uestiou >f Its approval, vote in favor thereof it. any general municipal election or it any special municipal election whether called and held for that mrpose only or not) when the oues ion of the said approval of said Act s submitted nnd voted on separately ind tho ballots thereon deposited n a separate box properly labeled tnd provided for that purpose. "Sec. 8. That all Acts or parts of ^cts inconsistent with this Act be. ind the same are hereby repealed: 'rovided, the provisions of this Act ihall not apply to any city or incor>orated town which has heretofore inder special constitutional amendnent nnd Act in pursuance thereof, provided for the issue of bonds and issossment of abutting property for >ermanent street improvements." Herbert Harris. S. A. and J. M. lauble are the duly appointed mnnigers of said election nnd will conduct lame. Qualified electors desiring to rote in favor of the approval of the Id Act and the application and operition thereof in the Town of Fort dill will cast a ballot on which will >o written, or printer!, the words: Approval of the provisions of and he application and operation in Fort dill of the Act assessing abutting property owners for permanent improvements on streets and sidewalks, fes." Qualified electors desiring to ote against the approval of the said tot and the pplieation and operation hereof to the Town of Port Mill will ast a ballot on which will be written. >r printed, the words: "Approval of he provisions of and the application ind operation in Fort Mill of the Act issessing abutting property owners 'or permanent improvements on Itreets and Sidewalks?No." Books of registration will be opea n the ofTice of the Town Clerk, at "*ity Clerk's office, on Main Street, n the Town of Fort Mill. South Caroina. on the Rth day of Julv. 1919. for he registration of qualified electors pf the Town of Port Mill. S. C.. and vill remain open for a period of 10 lays. B. E. PATTERSON. Mayor. 3. S. LING, City Clerk. DAYLIGHT SAVING LAW GOES OUT IN OCTOBER Washington.?Doom of the daylight laving, inaugurated as a war measure, was pronounced by Congress, both senate and house adopting by over whelming votes measures to termi late operation of the law when th< >eriod of summer-time ends next Or .ober 26. The house, following three hours lebate, by a vote of 233 to 132, passet i bill to repeal the law on the last Sunday in next October, but rejected ?n amendment to make the repeal effective at once. RAINS THREATEN DAMAGE TO THE CROPS IN TEXAS Dallas, Tex.?Reports from points !n central, southern and eastern Texas indicate extensive rains are threatening to damage crope in some sections, particularly cotton and truck gardens. Dockhart. of Caldwell county, reported 3.5 inches of rain In the past 48 hours, with some damage to ootton. Continuance of rain in that sect lot) would result in flooding of lowlanAa. It was said. COMFORTING NEWS FOR LNNDOWNERF UNCERTAINTY AS TO PAYMENT FOR NORTH CAMP JACKSON LANDS CLEARED UP. GOVERNMENT IS RESPONSE! Bond of Guarantee Company a Positive Guarantee That Settlementa Will Be Promptly Made. Washington. ? (Special) ? Repre sentative Lever gave out a letter frort Secretary Baker which should be o: interest to the citizens who have prop erty involved in North Camp Jackson The assurance given in the secre tarv's letter that while the Lewi: Wrecking Company is primarily liablt for damages to the land owners o the land at North Camp Jackson, stil legally the government is liable be cause the wrecking company is undei bond with the war department to in sure the carrying out of Its obliga tions. Mr. Lever said: "If any person hav Ing property which has suffered dam ages at North Camp Jackson througl the Lewis Wrecking Company is hav ing difficulty in the prompt settlement of his damages, I would advise then to givo me the facts which in turn ' shall file with the war department which will see to it that prompt ad justment is made." The secretary's letter is as follows: "Refering to your letter of Juno 24 T * >- ' ? UCOIIC III ClUVIBO Villi II1HI me 1111 provements at North Camp Jacksor have been sold to the Lewis Wreck Ing Company and that company has contracted to pav the damages to th< owners of the land. A bond has beer filed with the war department whicl will insure the carrying out of the oh ligation. Soldier Day In Florence. Florence.?Florence is making prep aratlons for the entertainment of thf South Carolina branch of the Ameri can Legion, which meets in this clt> July IS and 17. The state executive committee, which consists of Dr. J. D Smyzer, N. S. Lachicotte and R. Ben Fulton, has completed the arrange ments for the organization of this state, but is handicapped in so far as as the names of the representatives of the several counties of the state are concerned. It is necessary thai the executive committee have from each county the names of the dele gates who will represent the countj at the state caucus. It is hoped that Governor Coopei and W. W. Moore, adjutant general will be here as honorary guests and thereby lend their influence in start lng the South Carolina branch of thf Legion on a basis of a purely 100 pei cent Americanism. Arson Suspect Discharged. Greenville.?Mrs. J. \V. McFarland who was arrested by Sheriff Rectoi upon suspicion of being implicated ir setting fire to W. S. Ray's stables and garage, a fire which destroyed five buildings, was released at a preliml nary hearing before Magistrate J. I. Ballenger and the case of alleged ar son was dismissed. Mrs. McFarland announced she Intended to leave foi Statesboro, Ga.. with her brother, whc came here to he with her whilo the case was pending. F*rance for a while. Some Spartanburg Trouble. Spartanburg.?Less than half the cars of the South Carolina Light and Power company were in operation here as a result of a strike of the em ployees, following the refusal of the company to grant the demands of the newly formed union. The motormen and conductors and other employees at the car barns are demanding a nine hour day, an Increase in pay, the rein statement of an emnlovee recentlv discharged, and recognition of the union. Qoea on Committee. Marion.?Miss Penelope McDuffle oi Marlon has Just been appointed n member of the committee on international relations of the Association ol Collegiate Alumnae. The committee was organized at the request of the college women of Great Britain and will have headquarters at the University Cluh in New York. Its chairman Is Dean Virginia C. Olldersleeve oi Barnard College, who will go to TCngland this month in the interest of an international federation of university women. Finish Nurses' Course. Rock Hill.?Six young women who during the past three years havo been receiving Instruction as nurses at the Fennell Infirmary training school ol this city completed the course and were presented diplomas at graduat ing exercises held in the hall of the Chamber of Commerce. Those grad uatlng were: Miss Mary McMackin of Clover. Miss Georgia Plyler of I?an caeter. Miss Lois Trantham of Cam den. Miss Mae McMillan of Jefferson Miss Flllie Carroll of York, and Miss Jewell Dlackmon of Cassatt. Prosperity at Rock Hill. Rock Hill.? During the past all months nn unusually large amount ol construction work has been undertnk en in Rock Hill, and an even greater volume Is under way now or Is being contemplated for the very near future During this time tho real estate mar ret has also been unusually active Many lots have been purchased this spring In and around the city with th? Hew of erecting residences on them ?nd many houses have changed hands Dua to the scarcity of houses hert .ents have been forced up. ?? t Trust Me! Try Dodi I Calomel Harms r Head my guarantee! Live and get straightened up ing calomel. Don't There's no reason why n person i should take sickening, salivating cnlo- s mel when a few cents buys u large ^ bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone?a per- i feet substitute for calomel. 1 i It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid 1 which will start your liver Just ns t surely as calomel, but it doesn't make c you sick and can not salivate. c Children and grown folks can take i Dodson's Liver Tone, because It is s 1 perfectly harmless. r 1 Calomel Is a dangerous drug. It Is f ; IKE SO For MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER. { DDroiiDr mwm rufl fflnn In times of IVare rrepare for .1 bcl I nr~V\ demands trained men anil women t linj jour salary will be. Today our t J dCJ"' * business. Knroll with this w 1 j equipped business College, and help [ ! make your future success secure. Handsome e. j locus mailed on request. You can enter any tl J School open all summer. i I??? ' Suitable After All. This young Frenchman had learned his Hnglish in France and found that ?' it was often quite different from that ii tl set i in tlie United States. After he < hail been over ltere a little more than '? a month Ids host asked hint to snhstL '' ' tute in Ills place at his card club. And <1 he accepted. t ' When he entered the eluhrootit lie d ? tried as usual to make a speeeli whieii <? . would he bofh cnniplimentary and ex- a 1 planatory. "Ladies and gentlemen," lie begun, "I come not as a regular but 1 as?" ui 1 The word "substitute" would not ct 1 come to ids memory, lie knew that ? "volunteer" was not the suitable one. t "I route not as a regular, but as a? a 1 ami then came one?as a eiivnlier " i>.? iri finished blandly. ~ Whale Fat Is Eaten. The last annual report of the Unfted , States eoiuinissioner of fisheries states I that In 11M4 Denmark used 'JO.iXMt har. rels of hardened whale fut In the inari garin industry. I'reparations are under way in Norway for utilizing this material in the same way. Tim product Is said to keep and tast? well. Whale fat Is even better suited for making lard. In this connection it is stated that experiments are in progress in the 1 United States with fish oils to deter' mine the possibility of making them ' suitable for use In the human dietary. They Appreciate Ua. I Henry Ford salt' at a Dearborn dinner : "Since the war the good people across the herring pond appreciate u#< almost too generously. The great English soap king, Lord I.everhultne, who only works his hands, by the way, six hours a day, said recently of our marvelous American quantity production: i " 'They tell me that if a man in I America Is making a watch and drops i It on the tloor, he can make.a new one quicker than he can stoop and pick | i the other up.' " g i Don't Forget Cutlcura Talcum i When adding to your toilet requisites. An exquisitely scented face, skin, baby t and dusting powder and perfume, rendering nt h or ? " ? ? . lumcii OUJICI IIUUUB. " You may rely on It because one of the n Cutlcura Trio (Soup, Ointment and ^ Tulcum). 25c each everywhere.?Adv. i Resourceful Individual. "Brown's In luck, ain't he?" ' "11011?" i "lie used the telephone nnd electric ! light poles around his house In making , his chicken yard. All he had to buy _ was the wire and staples." Yes, Thelma, there would he fewer i divorces In this vale of tears if there * were more good cooks. Opinions held by the average man are of the second-hand variety. e - I f T You Do More Work, You are more ambitious and you Ret more * enjoyment out of everything when your blood is in good condition. Impurities in | the blood have a very depressing effect on the system, causing weakness, laziness, v nervousness and sickness. 11 GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC J; restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying t'i and Enriching the Blood ...... *?1 w ?? ubA1 JXJXA IOUI ids strengthening, invigorating effect, see \\ how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then 'v appreciate its true tonic value. ! t. OROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC s is not a patent medicine, it is simply IRON and QUININE suspended in Syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs Quinine to Purify it and IRON j to Enrich it. These reliable tonic properties never fail to drive out impurities in the blood. The Strength-Creating Power of GROVE'S TASTELESS ChiU TONIC has made it rf the favorite tonic in thousands of homes. T More than thirty-five years ago, folks l would ride a long distance to get GROVE'S C TASTELESS ChiU TONIC when a member of their family had Malaria or ? needed a body-building, strength-giving .1 tonic. The formula is Just the same to- ' lay. and you can get it from any drug ( ~ tore. 60c per bottle. i v ^????. * 9B son's Liver Tone! I j Liver and Bowels m your liver and bowels '^i without taking sickeulose a day's work! nercury and attacks your bones. Talc* i dose of nasty calomel today and yon vill feel weak, sick and nauseated tonorrow. Don't lose a day's work. ' Pake a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Pone instead and you will wake up eeling great. No more biliousness, ronstiontion, sluggishness, headache, oated tongue or sour stomach. Your Irugglst says If you don't find Pod- M on's Liver Tone acts better than hor- fl Ible calomel your money is waiting ? ur you.?AUV. H mtgST ] JLlI?Kin j LD FOR SO YEARS. 1 ILSO A TINE GENERAL STRENGTHEN* 1 NG TONIC. Sold by All Dr?a Stores. A LARGER SALARY Iter Job at a larger salary. Modern business experts. The better the training the larger raduatrs are In the trout ranks of modern J Ha- j Raleigh. N. C. and Charlotte. N. C. j| FRESH - CRISP WHOLESOME- DELICIOUS TMt SANITARY METHODS APPIIID IN TMI MAKING OP TMESS BISCUITS MAKl TMSM THE STANDARD ?( EXCELLENCE W PmW has tbtra. or if not be ehoaid. c4sk bun or write us qivittq his nam*. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY c"Tf "? .*** Frenchman on Princeton Staff. 1 -i??Tit. I .nilis Cnns. who was ilcle^ut<1 by lb.' French government tis tutor i French to I ho family of the former ierman emperor before the war. has eon appointed assistant professor of 'roneh in I'riueeton university. After lie outbreak of the war Lieutenant 'mis was assigned to the Intelligence epartnient of the French army. At lie time lie was a member of the fuo Ity at Hryn Mawr colleire. Taxing hitrlmlors may not boost the aitrlinonial game, hut it is apt to eniiinigo emigration. When a woman plays whist she Baby Sleeps at Night when the stomach works naturally and bowels move treely. Mrs. Winslow's Syrup is especially recommended for quickly overcoming wind colic, disrrhoes. constipation, flatulency, and other disorders. Help baby's digestion by giving MRS. WINSLOW'S SYRUP TU lafaata' a ad ChiMrsa'* Ratmlatar and note the health-building sleep that follows. Nothing better tor teething time. This remedy contains no opiates, narcotics, alcohol or any harmful inEredienta. The formula ia on every ottle of this safe, vegetable regulator. At all Jrugrltta B Cill All Flies! DISEASE*11 >u?l anywbara DAISY FLY KILLER attract, and 11a all fliaa. Neat, elaan, ornamantal. convenient and I by EXPRE88._pcn>a!d.*ll,,?le*I*r0r AHOLD BOME&S. 1M Da Ealb A as.. Brooklyn. N. T. RIVEMAURIAOUT OFTHESYSTEM A ?OOR TONIC AND APPKT1ZEB ENERGETS ~ ILAUDS MASS IS IRON, CASCARA IS LAXATIVE NUX VOMICA IS TONIC These, with other valuable ingredlnta, enter Into tlie composition of 'jireo Knergets, tlie energy tablet or weak, nervous, run-down people, ["hey nre wonderfully active?a few loses tell tlie story. Fifty cents buys i box of 40 of these wonderful tablets, >y mall or from your druggist. he Paramount Dm* Co.. Washington. 0. C. Viintrd Tailoring Agriiln Hlg monay from i?* very mart opportunity of your llfrtlm? ? K?*t in your ou n buHlnow We are Hi? irgt t mail*' to nitM.siiie tailoring houae In he country. furninhlnK Haborat? M.implo ijulprnont.s. In< lading brand now woolens ml k uai . nt fullst flatlafartton ? porfart t. best workmanship or no hhIo. Wrrto for ur line and all accc?<Mi.rl?*M to b?* m*nt fjee; vv .>? ( 141 <i. vu |x r worn. BIHI* hnhor >"U will travel or ?. II In your own ,wn Ail'lrm S.M.KH MANAdKR, A. I.. TBVKNS. I.ork Itox 4H3. Chl<-ano. Illinois. Y/Z HAIR BAL8AM A to 1let preparation of m?rlt 1 H?l| ? to era-llcata dandruff. b> vjT^ Mn ForRtiiorutfColorand '1-w-.?jrwvJr?TorrM?antlr| fi , KODAKS & SUPPLIES njjfTn We also <lo hlghou class of finishing. JSuk^L Prices and Catalogue upon request. S. Galctki Optical Ca., RkbMwi, Va. -jL UKNTH?<11 KAI' DKVICB ATTACHKD ' resent Kord carburetor; paya for Itself; re- M uces carbon; adda power, saves gas; quick ller; bla profit. B. DAKKR, Uacon, Oa i V. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 28- 191?. {