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ITERS OF LOCAL INTEREST. W. P. Crayton, of Charlotte, was a visitor in Fort Mill last Saturday. Mrs. J. B. Elliott and her little son, James Boyce, are visiting relatives in Columbia. Mrs. C. S. Link is spending the week on a visit to relatives in Pendleton. Mr.-and Mrs. E. S. Reid, of Chatham, Va.. are guests of * Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Elliott. Mr. James Epps, a well known farmer who resides one niiie; east of town has been seriously ill for some days. Ernest L. Robinson is another of the Fort Mill boys who has been recently discharged from ttrillV BCI Yltc. ^ Mrs. J. Lee Spratt returned I this week from a visit to her d sister, Mrs. P. A. Stough, of Cornelius, N. C. J. A1 Withers, of Columbia, is a guest during the week of his 8 mother. Mrs. L. B. Withers, in c this city. v Ben Merritt, son of Mr. and , Mrs. J. M. Merritt, of this city, , > has been discharged from the army and has accepted a position v with the Southern Power com- r pany. * While The Times has no record x of the purchases, it is believed a that few less than one dozen ^ new automobiles have been r bought by Fort Mill people s during the last two weeks. a Officers of the town Sunday r morning placed the proprietors 1 of several of the soda fountains 8 under bond for dispensing cold ^ drinks, ice cream, etc. It is understood, however, that the cases against the fountain men have not yet been called for trial. } Mr. John B. Erwin, Con- j| federate veteran and one of the 0 town's oldest and most highly j. esteemed citizens, is critically ill at his home on White street. a Mr. Erwin has been in poor 0 health for some time and little a hope is entertained at present \ for his recovery. The Times is informed that the building committee of the board of trustees of the Foit t Mill school on Tuesday awarded f to Jesse L. Howie the contract i for the erection of the new 1 $15,000 addition to the school p building. Work on the new s building is to begin as soon as v the necessary material can be v gotten on the ground. n Postmaster B. H. Massey re- v quests The Times to state for the v benefit of the public that there s is no change in the postage rate for letters going out on the rural ^ routes, the rate beincr 2 cents as .. heretofore. "Drop" letters for ' delivery from the office require Q only one cent postage. The Yorkville Enquirer says: "0. H. Faris, who on July 1 resigned the position of superintendent of the Yorkville Water, Light and Power company to go into the electrical business for himself, has rented the Bratton building on South Main street and has already established himself. He expects to supply the trade of Yorkville and Clover." Mr. Faris is a son of Mr. I. L. Faris of Fort Mill township. Sale of "Dope" Cut Down. Drug addicts can no longer obtain narcotics on physicians' prescriptions merely to relieve the suffering caused by the lack of the drug, under stringent regulations issued Sunday by the bureau of internal revenue gOVorn in or tho minntitv which mnv v,,w " ------ ?j be ordered by physicians. It wai> possible, under the old regulations, for a physician to prescribe '"more than is apparently needed to meet the needs of a patient in the ordinary case," if he stated on the prescription the purpose for which the unusual quantity was to be used. This privilege is now revoked. Pension Noney. Here is the list of those entitled to receive pensions as specified by the last legislature, the list beinpr at the Savings Bank of Port Mill: Class 1, $40 each ?J. H. Coltharp, J. C. Saville, Mrs. Thomas B. Meacham. Class 2. $30 each ?S. P. Blankenship, Wm. F. Boyd, S. II. Epps, Sr., J. S. Kimbreli, J. H. Kimbrell, B. Henry Masscy, James Spratt, K. Shannon, Rob-1 ert S. Torrence, Mrs. John White Ardrey, Mrs. Zacus T. i Bailee, Mrs. P. K. Mull. Mrs. JbuMB Roes Miller. Mrs. J. B. *' "' ' y The Glerlovs Fourth. Independence Day was gensrally observed as a holiday in ?ort Mill, the two cotton mills ilosing down until Monday and learly all the business houses akin? at least a half holiday. )ne of the most pleasant feaures of the day was the big >icnic given by the cotton mills vhich took place at Spratt Springs, / just beyond the town imils. Many games and conests were provided and a >ountiful dinner was served. mere were two games of >aseball between the Fort Mill earn and that of North Charotte, N. C.. one in the forenoon ind the other in the afternoon, n both of which the local team vas victor. This team is makng a record for itself in the ram<?s with other teams of the Catawba league, having up to Friday lost only two games luring the season. Winthrop Needs Money. High cost of building material tnd laber has brought about a :ondition at Winthrop college vhich may exclude from atendance on the institution some 60 pupils next year. At the 917 session of the legislature, in appropriation of $100,000 was nade to provide a new dormitory milding which would accommolate about 200 pupils. Work vas started in 1917, but on iccount of the outbreak of the var and the mustering of the nation's resources it was halted ind was resumed a short time igo. It was found that by eason of the increased cost of naterial and labor the monpv tvailable was not sufficient to onstruct a building such as had >een planned originally. The rustees estimate that with the unds on hand they will be able o complete a smaller building vhich will accommodate about 40students and that by borrowng some $(>0,000 they can carry ut the original plans for the arger structure. Every year bout 300 students are turned way from Winthrop by reason f the lack of accommodations, o that the need of the larger luilding is evident. Twenty-Eight Lynchings. There were 28 lynchings in he United States during the irst six months of 1019, accordng to records compiled at ^uskegee Institute and made tublic Thursday. The figures howed that one person lynched vas a woman. Twenty-five vere negroes and three white, iccording to these statistics uhich stmvi'orl -?* *'? .-..V. .. _ w mat OCVCII U1 lilt' ictims were charged with asuult on women. The lynchings by States were iven as follows: Alabama 3. Arkansas 4, Florida 3. Georgia , Louisiana 4, Mississippi 7, Missouri 1, North Carolina 2, iouth Carolina 1, Texas 1. AUTOMOBII DOES YOUR CAR (j =============== M Don't Ruin a Good Cr.r Wi 4 5 Let John * U q Shop Near Overhead Catering Only to 1 hoi PHONES: RkVAVw J SIGN Pi MMMnHMNI r LADIES: Come in i well-select Dry Goods, We have greatly enl and cordially invite you Everything nice and new i the quality. Riinilla S JbTUAtUlV L We have the exclusive ? facturcd by the Fort Mill up in bundles and retails this if you want the kind JOE M. Bl ' * N lfo Wore Whiskey Permits. The lust liquor permit issued to any citizen of the county of the county of York entitling the holder to order a quart of whiskey for medical use has been written, and the county probate j judge has thrown his hook of I blank permits into the discard, having no further use for it. The county wont d?y on July 1, along with the rest of the country, and the probate judge wound up officially the liquor end of his business. It is interesting to note that during the time the quart a month law was effective in South I j Carolina, a period of a little over two years, a total of 6,612 liquor permits were issued to York j county people, perhaps the small- \ est issued in any county as large as York. There never was a time as long as the law was effective. when these nermits were issued promiscuously, as was the ~ case in some counties of the State. The person who applied here had to make a pretty Rood d showing that the stuff was really ir needed for medical purposes, ? else there was nothing doing.? w Yorkville Enquirer. ^ n More Soldier Money. \\ If a bill which has just been ?i introduced in congress by Sen- "J ator Park Trammell of Florida, a is passed there will be a big S increase in bonus money going p to soldiers in the recent war. m Senator Trammell is the author ,T1 of the measure which allows p soldiers a bonus of $60. How- tl ever, he does not believe this is tr} enough and will endeavor to have both houses ot Congress <,J increase this amount so that the A following will hereafter be paid: $30 for three and not exceeding ~ four months' service, $60 for four and not exceeding five months' service, $00 lor live and not exceeding six months' service, $120 for six and not exceeding seven months' service, $150 for each serving over seven months. _ MAJESTIC TODAY Mary Pickfurd ft in "Behind the Scenes, a Paramount drama in live acts. FOB SALE One nice, fresh Jers.-v ... Milch Cow. Call J. F. Moore, itt J. J. lililies' plantation. ? FOR QUICK SALE For<l Touring Car, 11)17 model, with shock absorbers and detachable rims. Willie Howie. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our friends who + came to our assistance during the tire at our home last Friday. Hut for the y timely arrival of these friends we fear + that our residence also would have been destroyed, and we truly appreciate the ; help of each and every one. ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Young. ^ Why Buy a New Auto? | We have expert painters, trim- f mers and upholsterers, to ltx up f your old auto to make it look like new. We can build a new + top in one day or can put in back ^ curtain with plate glass lights in a few hours. Write us. J. C. Hardin & Co., f Rock Hill. S. C. II I Ill If I LE PAINTING fl NEED PAINTING? \[ ===== *\ ith a Poor Job of Painting, I j son Do It >1 Bridge, Rock Hill, S. C. ^ JO >c Who Want the Beat. ^ IAS A. JOHNSON, Mgr. MINTING ind see our new and I ed stock of | Natiano Ft/> 11 llUUUllO^UU aigcd this stock recently to call and look it over, and prices consistent with Sheeting. jalc of the Sheeting manuMfg. company. It is put at $1.25 per bundle. Sec ^ that satisfies. ? RACKETT. [I mi'ir kiii, ana wnereas the own of Fort Mill desires to commemorate his name ami honor his memory, it is hereby ordered that the :ime of Booth street leading from rade street to the easterly limits of le town of Fort Mill he changed to OM HALL street and be so known in le future. Done and ratified in council this lf>th ly of June, 1919. B. E. PATTERSON, ttest: Mayor. (J. S. LINK, City Clerk. DR. A. L_. OTT , DFNTIST g OlFice hours, 8 a. in. to f> p. m. (Dr. Spratt's ollice) t,. Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. B INC;8 NEW LIFE PILLS I The Pills That Do Curo. | Old newspapers for sale at The j g imes olhce. ' THE SC OF FOR T / / Checl (Inter* Draft 22 | Mone I Trav* I 31 Real ump aa?B?bmm????a Tli A f onrtnr 1111/ LiQI Is what you want, and thai keep for you, a hi*r variety ol eatables, also the same in ( hosiery, etc., and if you will < order filled complete. We are headquarters for all will la- pleased to have your 01 teed. The Casl 3. A. Lee and 1. h. ] ioMUManH?aBMnHi Superior Phone Automobile repaii No Job too Large Ford Spe Wc Guarantee Every Garage at Bailee' ; R. S. CASE, > ?gp Jjjf Ir ?r ~ ' '^8 MAJESTIC TO-DAY In "Behind the Scenes." Open 6 P. M. AN ORDINANCE Ho it ordained by the Mayor and Alermen of the town of Fort Mill, S. C, i council assembled and by authority f the same: Whereon, Sergeant Thomas Lee Hall as a member of Company G, the Fort lili l.iirht Infantry ? unit ?w? imous One Hundred and Eighteenth giment, and was kilted in action on le 8th day of October, 1018, near lontbrehain, France, and for congruous gallantry and intrepidity above ad beyond the call of duty in action ith the enemy was (Htsthumously warded by the Congress of the United tates of America the highest honor >u ? f ^|3 mmmmammmmmmamm # Clot] ? Men's Medii Sumn Boys' Wool Summ Men's and B Men's "Stets Panar " "Ide'* and B <( (t ti *< ! it it Pat I wmmmmmmmmmmmmm i D AATIS t i J^J LJS11 VI\ J 4 i i WILL. t | king Accounts, i est Accounts, t 1 Deposit Boxes, t i tl s t || ;y Orders, | | elers' Checks, | j id a | | Banking Service. | | I 1 t Variety i ? t t is what we are trying to f f the very nicest kinds of ' Iry poods, notions, shoes, * ?all on us you will pet your ^ | kinds country produce, and 2 dor. Satisfaction puaran- 4 li Store. ! Lytle, Manager*. 1 * 9 A Garage, f 71. * rs on all Cars. ^ ; or too Small. ^ cialists. | ' Job Turned Out. & Lumber Yard. T Manager. ^ 8 A lies For Men M and Boys. j fl I ^ im Weight Suits. I | ler Weight Suits. I Suits. I er Suits. | I'j 8 na and Straw Hats. Shirts and Collars. I oys' Work Shirts. | "Headlight*' Overalls. I B. V. D. Underwear. I Neckwear, Sox, Etc. 8 i ? ! ter son's | I I mmmmm m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm For Sale j & Ten-room residence on corner of Confederate and For- Z '> rest street, the J. A. Boyd property. Lot contains an Z acre and is a bargain at the price asked. Z Five-room cottage on Booth street, the property of * Hon. J. R. Haile. This property is very near Main street $ ' 1 A1 A:? a _ . i cuiu mc Hct tiuii is coiiHiaiuiy improving. 1 have a number of other bargaina in Fort Mill real ? eatate ranging in price from $G00 to $4,000. Z i < > C. S. LINK, Broker Fort Hill, S. C. j [ < [ I Uur Service Pleases. | We desire the public patronage and $ are doing all we can in the way of ser- | vice, quality and fail prices to merit the I same. You will always find good fresh | groceries at this store. We are pleas- $ ing our most particular customers and t would be pleased to add your name to t our list. ? Parks Grocery Co., I Phone 1 IB | 6,000 Miles Is our Guarantee on Goodrich Tires. GET OUR PRICES. III Steele Motor Companifl^^HH|| Fort Mill, Sw C. MM Automobile Repairs and