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J fBM FORT MILL TIMES nwiMrtfa- PaMUMd Tkmdtn. W. BRADFORD - . UHvurfPiwrMar 11 B W mt t |W( amaurnod katm: Ono Year IUI Six Months ? rho Times Inrltosaontrlbatlons on lira sabjssts b?t ilftMnotifltM to publish ssarethon 100 worts i say subject. Ths rteht Is isosrrod to adit /ore oornwonlestlon iahsl^jt?r wbllntbs. On application to tbs publisher, advertising r % tee are mods known to those Interested, raleohone. local and lonsdlstnneo. No.lit. Hntered st tbs oostofllso st Fart Mill. 8. C.. ss ?ll matter off tbo second elosS. ciiuingung 'fit it. rit'abc uu something for it, Mr. Supervisor. The Other Fellow. The other fellow is a skunk, of course, until you get to know him. He is your competitor. He uses unfair means to Ret business, cuts prices and produces a low grade of work. All this you say, and more. He trades out his accounts and you suspect he is a porch-climber by j night. Well, you have not anything on him, for while you are thinking these things about him he is probably thinking the same things about you. Consequently you Dotn go about with knives in your boots and blood in your eyes, and you are both Renerally miserable. If you hear that he is cuttinR prices against you, you shut your eyes and slash another chunk out of them to keep the wheels moving. Then some day you meet him qway from the field of battle and voq begin to wonder if he is as black as you have painted him. lie shows signs of being human, and your convictions concerning his night shift begin to waver. Pretty soon he begins to complain to you in confidence that some of your prices are too low. and then light begins to dawn on you: He has been thinking the same things concerning you that you have been thinking aboyt him. If you both have good sense that is the moment which marks the end of your mutual suspicions and distrust and the beginning of co-operation. Give your competitor the benefit of the doubt. He walks and talks like a human being, and for all you know he may need nothing but a hint .that you, too, are human, to make your relations more pleasant and profitable. It is twice as much fun to have your competitor listed among your friends as it is to have him blacklisted amonc vnnr pn<?mioa and it is ten times more profitable.?Ex. Garage and Track Burned. Shortly after noon Friday fire was discovered in the private garage of J. T. Young in the rear of his home on Clebourne street. The fire department responded promptly and preI vented any spread of the flames, ^^^^hbut the garage and its contents, ^m^^^luding a motor truck used H|^^^^^fc;onnection with the business Hj^^M^^Young and Wolfe, were a ^^^B^^kIoss. Mr. Young's touring ^^^^^H^kvas badly damaged but h the efforts of his son H^^f^^^^^chine was pulled away garage and the work I V THURSDAY. JULY 10. 1919. Please Work This Road. The Times man, along with hundreds of other citizens of this city and community, would like to see the township supervisor get his force together and put in a day or two days work on the road leading from the incorporate limits to the Catawba river bridge. This road is in very bad shape, and especially so at a point just beyond the home of Mr. W. B. Hoke. There are holes there over which one can scarcely pass with an auto. Riit fVio rnnri na a urhnlp in in urgent need of work. This road is of sand-clay construction and was built by the York county chaingang. It stood up well for a year or more, but the heavy traffic over it and the washing rains have caused ruts in many - places and it is no longer a desirable place to negotiate either for business or pleasure. Proper treatment with a road machine for a couple of days now would save the road and again put in the good shape in which the -L-i I^xa. : A. m ?? Tr- T-riri n iff - n wr? Ttrk Ctuty Newt Natters. I torkville Enquirer.) The Ratchford company of Hickory Grove. York county, has been commissioned by the secretary of State, for a general mercantile business. The proposed capital stock is $4,000. Petitioners are W. Mason McConnell of Yorkville, and Clyde Ratchford of Sharon. Rev. W. R. Bouknight of Fort Mill, is conducting a series of evangelical services at West Main Street Methodist church in Rock Hill. The meeting will continue about two weeks. L. W. Shealy of Chester, a well known evangelistic singer is in charge of the singing in connection with the services.' Grady Canby, a white man about 24 years of age, who has been living at the Lockmore cotton mill for some time past, is in the county jail charged with making improper proposals to a young married woman of the mill village, the wife of a well known operative of the Lockmore. James Thompson, the old negro who was arrested at Lockhart recently for the rr.urder of Isaiah Jeter some fifteen years ago, has been taken to Chester for trial. It turns out that the place of the killing on Mr. W. C. Thomson's place, is just across the York county line in Chester county. Thos. W. Boyd, county supervisor, said Monday that the county commi8ioner8 will go to Wright's ferry on Thursday, where they will meet the Mecklenburg county commissioners for the purpose of locating the bridge to be built over Catawba river somewhere in the vicinity of Wright's ferry. York county will pay one-third of the cost of the bridge. Mr. C. L. Cobb and other interested citizens of Rock Hill, have started a movement for the building of another cotton mill in that city. Mr. Cobb, after a visit to Yorkville on July 4, and seeing what was doing here, wired Mr. Alexander Long, then in New York, and proposed the building of another mill. Mr. Long wired back telling Mr. Cobb to go ahead, that he would stand for half the money. Mr. Cobb and others are "coinir ahead." Automobile license fees for the second quarter of 1919 have been received by the State treasurer from the State highway commission. These fees, collected between April 1 and June 30, amounted to $38,230.15. making an aggregate of $278,755.55 for the first six months. York county's share for the first three months (SO per cent of the amount paid in by the county), was $5,206.80, and for the second three months, $1,069.57, making a total for the first half of the year of $6",276.37. No. 9941 REPORT OF THE THE FIRST NATIONAL In the State of South Carolina, at the UK.sni Loans und discounts. including rediscou Overdraft*, secured $??; unsecured U. S. bonds deposited to secure circuh U. S. bonds and certificates of indebtt collateral for State or other dept able U. S. bonds and certificates of indebted unpledged Liberty Loan Honda, HI, 4 and 4| per c Liberty I,oan Bonds, 8|, 4, and 4| per c cure State or other deposits or bill Stock of Federal Reserve Hank (50 per Furniture and Fixtures Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Ii Cash in vault and net amounts due frorr Checks on other banks in the same city (other than Item 17) Checks on banks located outside of city and other cash items Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer urer interest earned but not collected ? appn Receivable not past due Other assets, if any, (Boys' Fig Club) Total .1 IjlAHII Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, less current expense! Interest and discount rnlleet??l n^.^iu and not eaipied (approximate) Amount reserved for ail interest accrue Circulating notea outstanding Caahier'a chocks on own bank outatandi Individual deposits subject to check .. Certificates of deposit due in less tha than for money borrowed) Dividends unpaid Total of demand depoaita (other thi subject to Reserve, Items, lift, 37, Certificates of Deposit (other than for i Other time depoaita Total of time deposits aubject to Ri 45 U. S. Bonds borrowed, including Libert indebtedness, without furnishing co Bills payable, with Federal reserve Bar Total Of the total loans and discounts showi and discount was charged at rates in ex< 61i>7, Rev. Stat), exclusive of notes upo cents was made, was NONE. The num STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Cour I, J. L. Spmtt, Cashier ot the nbove-i the above statement is true to the beat i Subscribed ami sworn to before me this Correct-Attest: T. ii. Sprat*. W. B - 11 u^piji, " ' *' '** ' ** *^''' ' /Ti Cltse Camp Jacksai. Camp Jackson will be discontinued as a demobilization camp, according to the pretty well authenticated rumor from Washington, says the Columbia State of Friday. There had been a rumor to that effect for a few hours yesterday, but a communication from Washington seems to have settled the rennrt for a fact This is to go into effect on July 15. As all of the expeditionary forces have already returned except a few scattered remnants here and there, several camps throughout the country have been ordered to give over the demobilization activities and the few remaining soldiers yet to come will be concentrated in a small number of demobilization camps that are still working. The only remaining demobilization camp for this section is; Camp Gordon at Atlanta. All soldiers from southeastern seaboard will be sent there. In each section of the country there will be such a camp. This means the large machinery and personnel of the present camp will go elsewhere. However, the same will not be deserted for besides the regular guards, the Forty-eighth infantry, there will still continue the Transport Corps, the Ordnance Corps, and the Construction division or the army school will in all probability be placed at this camp. The camp 1 will still be a busy place. MAJES11C TUESDAY William Duncan, Popular Serial Star, in "The Man of Might." Ladies and Children Free. STATEMENT. I Of the condition of the Savings Bank of _ Fort Mill, located at Fort Mill, S. C., at | the close of business June 30. 1919. F RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $70,678.34 Overdrafts 945.70 Bonds and Stocks owned by the bank 11,360.00 Furniture and Fixtures 3,020.87 Due from banks and bankers, 8,342.92 Currency 7,160.00 Silver and other minor coin. 1,469.95 Checks and ('ash Items 347.51 Total $109,195.29 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in. $25,000.00 Surplus fund 12,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 63.74 Dividends unpaid, 1,000.00 Individual deposits subject to check $71,000.00 Cashier'H checks... 131.66 71,131.66 Total :$109,195.29 State of South Carolina, County of York. S. S. Before me came W. B. Meacham, president of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above nod foregoing statement in a K true condition of said bank, as shown R by the books ot said bank. I W. B. MEACHAM. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of July, 1919. ? J. L. SPRATT, Correct Attest: Notary Public. S. L. MEACHAM, J. H. Mi MURRAY, W. B. MEACHAM. JR.. Directors. CONDITION OF BANK, AT FORT MILL, close of business on June 30, 1919. IRCES. li nts $239,207 90 I, $ None * ition (par value) $25,(XXI 00 W dness pledged as sits or bills pay- (] 20, (XX). 00 Iness owned and 9,200.00 f>4,200 00 ent unpledged 11,950.00 :ent, pledged to He- * s payable 50.000.1X) 01,950 (X) cent of subscription) 9(X) (X) 2,850 00 tank 19,466 0Q i national banks 17,848 53 or town as reporting bank 495 10 r or town of reporting bank 570 20 U and due from U. S. Treaa 1,250 IX) Dxlmute?on Notes and Rills 500 00 ( 271 05 $393,508 38 dTlES. $25,000 00 - 5,(XX) 410 i, interest and taxes paid 3,191 88 led, in advance of maturity 3,50000 ? 'd 1 .(MM) (X) 25,000 (X) 3 00 + (IK. OOO 1 - - ....... Hi I } n 90 days (other than for n 2,886 43 4 k 1,020.00 nn hank deposits) ' 38, 39, 40, 41 99,188 89 {> noney borrowed) 20,992 17 1 > 103,982 44 O >serve, Items 42, 43, 44 and 0 $124,975.61 v Ix>an and certificates of T llateral security for same. 36,600 00 T ik 70, (?10 (?) t $398,608 38 l above. the amount on which interest ^ cess of those permitted by law (Sec, n which total charge not to exceed 60 t.< her of such loans was NONE. ; ? it.y of York, ss: ? lamed bank, do solemnly swear that Jj if my knowledge and belief. J. L. SPRATT, Cashier. 8th day of June, 1919. W. H. M EACH AM, Notary Public. . Ardrey, L A. Harris, Directors. in . ?? Hot Weathei Necessiti Refrigerat Ice Chest Oil Stove Ice Crean Water Cc Screen D< Screen ^ Mosquito Porch He Porch Ro Porch Sh; Cai f-Si Yo Your Fan That is what we are t Your table is the shri selvss. We are dealers in "b< ies. Our shelves are st market of standard Roods Let us take the respti the table to tempt the api Groceries are the life Let us supply your n< be cheapest to your pur your pallette. FRESH MEA1 B. C. FE1 Price Matchlesi We have $40,000.00 late Merchandise, c< Ieavy Groceries, Hari ?hoes, Hats, Etc., that >f cost. We are going to cha sill sell the entire sto At a Grea T* 1. i nc r>aie is now in i intil livery Dollar's W Don't miss this rar rcat Hargains. The J. B.1 The Cas We are still in the most select line of Frei ter, Eggs and other Co Call on us for all kindi Dill Pickles, Etc. We price will please you. i tic LBS .F. E. TAYLOR, Prop. " > . * * ULECTRIC The Ho8t Ton,c. DITITdQ Mild I,axatlv< OhTfaRu Family Medicir^ The Times is $1.26 per year, atrirtl es? :ors, s, S, i Freezers, >olers, oors, Endows, Canopies, immocks, ekers, ades. )h or Easy Payments. ung & Wolfe "tie Furniture Men. lily Servant ind what we strive to be. ne upon wh\ch we ofTer our stter than ordinary" procerocked with the best in the nsibility of what you put on ietites of your family. of any individual, jurishment in a way that will se and most satisfactory to rS, FISH and ICE. RGUSON. s Paid for Pork. i Bargains worth of New and Up-to[>nsisting ot Fancy and lware. Dry Goods, Notions will be sold rejjardless nge our business, so we ek it Sacrifice. full swiiiK and continues rorth is sold. e opportunity to secure lillc Pnmnonu iiiio uumpaiiji ;h Markpf Market Business with a + sh Meats, Chickens, But untry Produce. JI ? Sweet and Sour Pickles, '' i have the best and the <>; O : h Market, { Phone 146. MAJESTIC TO-DAY Mary Pickford In , 'I "BEHIND THE SCENES." I At Your Service I I Our stock has been enlarged and improved, I I and we are in position to supply your every Drug | I Store need to your entire satisfaction. I Our Prescription department is in charge of a I GRADUATE PHARMACIST and we ask your pat- I ronagc on the ground of prompt service, complete 1 line of Pure, Fresh Drugs, and accuracy in Com pounding, at reasonable prices I WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. | ILytle Drug Comp'y, I "The Roxall Store." Phone 16 | L , - 1 I One Year's firnwtli ! ? ? ? ??. w -^AJL Vlf VJL1. X Hy order of the Comptroller of the Currency we are X publishing a statement of the condition of this hank at the X X close of business June 30th, which shows: X $ DEPOSITS .... $224,163.50 | TOTAL RESOURCES 393,508.38 t On June 30th, 1918 (one year ago), we had: < I DEPOSITS .... $172,076.55 o TOTAL RESOURCES 235,889.90 % N < Showing a NET GAIN of $52,086.95 in Deposits in one year j > and a train of $157,718.48 in our resources durintr that time. ^ We are very proud of this statement and feel that our < > 1 friends and natrnns rpinino ?MtV. no ?Ai-1 * . -j ...i.. no 111 nun suusiailMUl in- * 1 crease in our financial strength. * r < > \ The First National Bank, i Under Strict Supervision U. S. Government. '| t it Subscription Rates of The State Effective October 1st, 1918, the subscription rates of The State will be as follows: Daily and Sunday, per year .. . $9.00 Daily only, pcf year V Sunday only, per year 2.00 Semi-weekly, por yoar .1.50 Short term subscriptions at same rate. Payable invariably in advance. Until October first renewals for not more than one year in advance will be accepted at tho old rate, $8.00 per year. Subscribe to The State now, and have a real newspaper, covering local, State and general news, , come to your home as a daily visitor. Address, The State Company, Columbia, S. C. '^1 A Young Man's Buggy That Everybody Likes Young: men like this bugg:y hickory wheels, hickory for its style, its striking lines shafts, excellent construction ntul colors. throughout. I )ther folks like it because it's Let us show you this bu?g:y. omfortable, strong, lasting. It deserves your inspection. .Sheldon axles, Sarven patent Come in any time. (Dealer's Name and Address) Fort Mill Lumber Co. WTW 1|\/>AND HIDES I Bil HIGHEST MAIIET PUC9 I B Wm PAID FOB KAV PUBS V IWlWf m IKJU AND BIDES. V ^WorJ (V<nri\lw?Wu^Wrtta far WHITE A OOm ]