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tejjffjLf'& s */ jifl J'.UakbttUrBol K*' A> ? The Sea It Is health, robust health, tha girl's good looks. If she gets sick, s of health, she knows that personal worry. They are hers. That Is the The story .of Mrs. Hattle Hamilton, 817 Myrtle Avenue, Latonla. -* Kentucky, Is typical. She says: "I have never in all my life, until recently, weighed over 102 pounds. Finally, I began to take Peruna. My weight now Is 120. While I didn't really need it, Z have started on the third bottle. Peruna has certainly done me a great deal of good and I recommend It to my friends. Several are taking It." It is surprising the amount of dependence placed by women everywhere upon Dr. Hartman's World Famous Peruna, For forty-flve years it has been a household remedy for coughs, colds, catarrh and all catarrhal Inflammation whether Baby Wakes Up after its food has been digested ! which is best done by giving MRS.WINSL SYRUP Tl>? Infants' and Children's I Thousands of wise mothers kn experience that there is nothing remarkable remedy for overcomi diarrhoea, feverishness and othei This purely vegetable preparation Is t ?contains no opiates, narcotics, alcoho ingredients. If your baby is fretful, cries, or Rives < not being well, give Mrs. Winslow's S bounding health and hannv tmilM th-it f I At all Draggiata ANCLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO.. 21S-217 Fa Ganaral Stllina Agtnta : HaraM F. Ritchie t Ce.. lac., New Yark ^PHEPAfff FOR Peace prepare for a 1 UIVC demands trained men and wome r|| 11 your salary will be. Today uui business. Enroll with this ? equipped business collece, and hi ! make your future success secure. Handsome ! logue mailed on request. You can enter any ! School open all summer. PUT SLIGHT VALUE ON SELF Parishioner's Explanation of Back- I alirllnn Tk.? aai-Ua n - a a_-i ..M imb ifuyill OC nt^UUniCQ More or Less Convincing. Chnrles R. Ford, the lender of the Chicago butter and egg hoard, was defending the high price of eggs. "It Is the egg export to the soldiers overseas," he said, "that makes prices high. The egg market, you see. Is governed by a purely business spirit. | "If you try to be Idealistic with the egg market you are treated like Doctor Seenthly. "Doctor Stcenthly said to a bellicose parishioner who had given another parishioner a black eye: '"My friend you should love your neighbor us yourself.' "'Yes, sir; that's right, sir,'said the parishioner. " Till glad you agree,' said Doctor Stecnthly, and he udded In a rather stern voice: " 'Do you, though?<lo you honestly?love your neighbor as yourself?' "'Yes, sir; oh, yes, sir,' said the parishioner; 'but I'm a modest man, you see, and, to tell the truth, I uln't a bit stuck on myself, sir,'" The farmer who Is bankrupt of Ideas soon has a bankrupt farm and a bankrupt pockethook. A coward onlls himself cautious, and a miser thrifty.?Seneca. -======= S When Yoi i ? i ? i ij and need tl :: tion of a w il full-bodie i I there's noth i: to i ' i Postum i: Delicious ar :; it supports with its refr< ness, and it ; > nomical tat it well. jHHflfe t Two sizes, usually B ? 'tToeWomon taOtUTn* b the Pad Biibn* [ke 61m Gran BcBec. ret of Tbeir Beauty t is responsible for the Kentucky he proceeds to ^et well. Possessed charm and attractiveness need not i secret. of the respiratory system, stomach or other organ or part of the body. The record of Peruna for nearly a half century Is a startling one. Thousands have discovered and testlfy to Its marvelous merit. Peruna Is sold everywhere. May be purchased In either liquid or tablet form. Tour dealer has It. Ask tor Dr. Hartman's well-known Peruna Tonic. Do not accept a substitute or "something just as good." Insist upon Peruna. If you are sick and suffering from any cause whatever, write The Peruna Company, Dept. 76. Columbus. Ohio, for Dr. Hartman's Health Book. The book la tree and may help you. Ask your dealer for a Peruna Almanac. 1 OW'S fSlsa ? ^ gagai R.nUt? W l SSffl $ iow from actual better than this ng constipation, r baby troubles. J^ pjj ibsolutely harmless < fk'SIlK' I or other harmful W9l C jlher ayrnptr.-na of ,, yrup and note the b~(l((0 I oliow. 11 j kaa Street, New Yerfc ... -TkmI>. Cam. m rs f A LARGER SALARY better Job at a larger salary. Modern business n experts. The better the training the larger r graduates are In the front ranks of modern | 'rata- j Raleigh, N. C. and Charlotte, N. C. * Maeiaiannaaa??nnaiaaaaaaaaMMaMaJ q BOLD FOR BO YEARS ill For MALARIA, 1UU ]nlx\ CHILLS and { ti/ FEVER TTYFMTTTf'P^ Aleo a Fine General jJy lrvl 11VM Strengthening Tonic. SOLO BT ALL DKOG SHUB Indian Calm. "You enn't feaze tin Indian," said Indian Coimnlssioner Malcolm McDowell. "You can't ruffle an Indiun's cnlm dignity. "I once had the satisfaction to point out to an Indian chief nn airplane sailing across the sky. It was the first airplane he'd ever seen, and I had fond hopes that he'd show some excitement. " There!' I said. 'There! What do you think of It? Isn't it extraordinary?' "The chief looked up at the airplane calmly; then he looked calmly at mi. " 'Hut It was built to do that, wasn't It?' he said." Putting Him Right. The war may bo over, but it hnsn't been over long enough for some people to regain their former manners. That's how it was with Jenks, the waiter. "Look here," said the Irate diner, "there's a tly In the butter!" "That isn't a fly," said Jenks sweetly; "It Is a moth. And that Isn't butter; It's margarine. Otherwise your assertion is correct." in ever is me weather so had that the oldest Inhabitants can't remember when It was worse. I.earn the luxury of doing good.? Goldsmith. ii're Tired ij, 4 ? < ? tie invigora- : i '-ell-flavored, \; d hot cup, i: ing superior i: i > < 4 > 4 Cereal 1 t id healthful, j and cheers <; ishing good t is an eco- < >le drink as i; ocers. sold at 15c and 25c \ Town Ordinance A Resolution Ordering a Special Elec tion submitting to the Qualiflei Electors of the Town of Fort Mil the Question of the Approval of th Provisions of the Act of the Leglsla ture of the 8tate of South Carolina Approved on the 28th Day of Febru ary, 1919, Entitled "An Act to An thorlse Any or All Incorporate! Cities and Towns Within the Stati to Levy and Enforce an Assessmen Upon Abutting Property Owners fo the Purpose of Paying for Perma nent Improvements on Their 8treeti and Slde-walke;" and the Applies tlon and Operation of the Provisioni of Said Act to the Town of For Mill. Section 1. Be it resolved by th< town council of Fort Mill that a spe cial election is hereby ordered to b< held at Hutchisons School in For Mill, South Carolina, on Friday, th< 35th day of July, 1919, between thi hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clocl p. m. for the purpose of submitting t< the qualified electors of the town o Fort Mill the question of the approva of the provisions of and the applica tion and operation in the town of For Mill of the following act of the legis lature of the state of South Carolina approved the 28th day of February 1919, entitled "An Act To Authorize any and All Incorporated Cities am Towns within the State to Levy an< Enforce an Assessment Upon Abuttinj Property Owners for the Purpose o Paying for Permanent Improvement! to their Streets and Side-walks."? the sa'd Act heing fully set forth ii the following Notice of Flection. Section 2. Qualified electors desir ing to vote in favor of the approval o the said Act and the application nn< operation thereof to the Town of For Mill will cast a ballot on which wil be printed, or written, the words: "Ap proval of the provisions and the ap plication and operation in Fort Mil of the Act assessing abutting proper 'v owners for perjnanent improve oents on Streets and Side-walks Yes." Qualified electors desiring t< vote against the approval of the sau Act and the application and operatior thereof to the Town of Fort Mill wil cast a ballot on which will be printer or written, the words: "Approval o the provisions of the application ant operation In Fort Mill of the Act as sessing abutting property owners foi permanent improvements on Streeti and Side-walks. No." Section 3. That the books of regis tration of the Town of Fort Mill art hereby ordered and directed to ht opened 20 days prior to the day here in fixed for said election, and to b? kept open for a period of 10 days foi the registration of the electors of tin Town of Fort Mill. Section 4. That the following per sons are the duly appointed Manager! of the Flection, and will conduct th< Bald election: Herbert Harris, S. A Lee and J. M. Gamble. Section 5. That the following No tice of said election be publishec once a week for three consecutivt weeks prior to the date of said elec tion in the Fort Mill Times, a newspa per published in the Town of For Mill. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that a specia election is hereby ordered to be helc in the Town of Fort Mill at Hutchi son's Store on the 25th day of July 1919, between the hours of 8 a. m and 4 p. m., to vote upon the approva of and the application and operatiot in the Town of Fort Mill of the foi lowing Act of the Legislature of th< State of South Carolina, approved oi the 28th day of February. 1919: "AN ACT To Authorize Any or A1 incorporated Cities and Town Within the State to I^evy and Rn force An Assessment Upon Abut ting Property Owenrs for the Pur pose of Paying for Permanent Im provements on Their Streets am Sidewalks. "Section 1. Be it enacted by ttu General Assembly of the State o South Carolina That any or all In oorporated cities or towns of this State are hereby authorized and em powered to proride by ordinance fo the payment of the coat of the per manent improvements of their street: and sidewalks, by levying upon ttu owners of property Immediately abut ting on the streets and sidewalks, o parts of either, so Improved, an as sesament In proportion to the front tage only of such property on sucl streets or sidewalks, or parts o either, so Improved, of not excoedlni in the aggregate one-half of the cos of such improvements: Provided That no assessment shall be so lab upon the abutting property owner until such Improvements have beei ordered pursuant to such ordfnanc upon the written consent, signed am filed with the city or town clerk, c not less than two-thirds in numbe of the owners of the property abuttin upon the street, side-walk, or part o either, proposed to be improved, an provision made for the payment b the corporate authorities of said cit or town of not loss than one-ha'f c the costs of such Improvements; tlm and terms of payment nnd rates c IMArotl nn rtftforrpd nnvments of a< seasments by such prcrpertv ownw shall be such as may bo proscribe by ordinance. "Sec. 2. That the amount of mone raised by such assessments, tojethe with the amounts added thereto b the city or town authorities from th city or town treasury, shall const tute and be kept as a separate fun< to be used only for the purpose fc which K was raised and appropriate) "9oc. 2. That the assessments s laid shall constitute and be a let upon the property so assessed, an payment thereof may be enforced a the payment of city or town taxee I enforced: Provided. Suoh assessment be entered in a bv>k kept by the oit w town clerk to be entitled "Asses nent Liens." statint the name of th owners, the location of the property, | and the amount of the assessment 9 and the time or times of payment: And, provided, further. That such lien shall continue from the date of entry on such book until the expiration of fire years from date when final payment is due and payable, unless 1 sooner paid. Upon default in the p&ye ment of any installment or deferred h portion of any assesment, at the , time, and In accordance with the terms and conditions fixed by ordinance, the total amount of any such h assesment then unpaid (including deJ ferred installments or payments and interest) shall immediately t become due and collectible as cKy or r town taxes are collected, and with such penalties and costs as are now " provided for the payment of such taxes. h "Sec. 4. That It shall by ordts nance he made the duty of the city t or town clerk to make entry of satisfaction on such "Assessment Ivien" book as soon as full payment is made, and the lien shall be thereby extina guished. >* "Sec. 5. That the city or town 8 council of said cities and towns are 1 authorized and empowered to issue 8 certificates of indebtedness, showing 8 the amounts of money due to such * cities or town by property owners 3 as deferred payments or installments ' upon such assessments, and to sell any of such certificates of indebtedness or to borrow money by plodglrg 1 any of them as collateral security for the payment of such debt or debts, '' and In either event of sale or collat^ eral pledge of such certificates, or any j of them, to pledge the faith and credit j of such cities or towns fc.r the pay^ ment thereof, and to the payment of f same for and in the name of such B citios or towns. "Sec. 6. That such cities and l towns may, by ordinance, require the grantor and grantee, or grantors and .. grantees, of any property, or part ef f same, sold or transferred after such 1 assessment has been laid thereon, ? nnd hofnr a aurh nacflQQmo'it Hon hna been extinguished, as provided herein, to file In writing with the city or town clerk, within ten days after every such sale o rtransfer, the name of such grantor and grantee, or grantors and guarantee an accurate description of the property sold or transferred, and the date of such sale or transfer. "Sec. 7. That this act shall be effective from and Immediately after its date of approval by the Governor: Provided. That the provisions of this ?\ct shall not apply or become operative in any city or town until submitted to the qualified electors thereof r by the oitv or town council for ap1 proval. and a malority of the quailfled electors, voting upon the question * of Its approval, vote In fnvor thereof * at any general municipal election or s at any special municipal election (whether called and held for that purpose only or notl when the quesr tlon of the said approval of said Act Is submitted and voted on separntelv and the ballots thereon deposited In a separate box properly labeled 5 and provided for that purpose. "Sec. 8. That all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act be. K and the same are hereby repealed: j Provided, the provisions of this Act ? shall not apply to any city or inoor. porated town which has heretofore . under special constitutional amendt ment and Act in pursuance thereof, provided for the issue of bonds and assessment of abutting property for j pormanent street improvements." 1 Herbert Harris. S. A. Lea and J. M. - Gauble are the duly appointed nrvan, agers of said election and will conduct . same. Qualified electors desiring to 1 vote in favor of the approval of the 1 sld Act and tho application and oper* ation thereof in the Town of Fort 3 Mill will cast a ballot on which will 1 brt written, or prlntod. the words: "Approval of tho provisions of and ^ : the application and operation In Fort s Mill of the Act assessing abutting " ' property owners for permanent im ' I proveraents on streets and sidewalks, * ; Yes." Qualified electors desiring to j i vote against the approval of the said I Act and the pplication and operation 3 ' thereof to the Town of Fort Mill will j cast a ballot on which will be written, or printed, the words: "Approval of B the provisions of and the application and operation in Fort Mill of the Act r assessing abutting property owners for permanent improvements on B Streets and Sidewalks?No." B Books of registration will be open _ in the ofTice of the Town Clerk, at r City Clerk's office, on Main Street, in the Town of Fort Mill, South Caro. Una, on the f>th day of Julv. 1919. for the registration of qualified electors f of the Town of Fort Mill, S. C.. and ' g -will remain open for a period of 10 <t days. I, n. E. PATTRHSON. Mayor, fl C. S. LING, City Clerk, s ______________ 11 DAYLIGHT SAVING LAW GOES OUT IN OCTOBER rt if r Washington.?Doom of the daylight I* saving, inaugurated as a war measure, ?f; was pronounced by Congress, both ^ j senate and house adopting by oyer whelming votes measures to termi ("y nate operation of the law when th< I period of summer-time ends nest Oc ^ tober 26. | The house, following three hours 1 debate, by a vote of 233 to 132. passei j* a bill to repeal the law on the last . Sunday in next October, but rejected 1 an amendment to make the repeal ef7 I festive at once. y I y RAIN8 THREATEN DAMAGE 0 TO THE CROPS IN TEXAS Dallas, Tex.?Reports from points In central, southern and eastern Texas fl Indicate extensive rains are threatenn Ing to damage crops in some sections, d particularly cotton and truck gardens 8 Lockhart, of Caldwell county, re ported S.S Inches of rain in th* past 19 48 hours, with some damage to cotton T Continuance of rain in that sevtloc ?- would result in flooding of lowlaafe it was said. TO DEDICATE PARK TO HOKORED DEAD MONUMENT, BUILT BY NATURE TO COMMEMORATE DEEDS OF SUMTER'S SOLDIERY. ARE PROUD OF CITY SCHOOLS Without Solicitation by Them Representative Body of Citizens Recommend Better Pay for Teachers. Sumter.?There is a plan under way tl0T0 for a nnrlf to ho nttonoH i n city as a memorial to the splendid men of Sumter, who gave their lives in the world war. A group of citizens has purchased the W. A. Bowman property at the intersection of Hampton avenue and Haskill street and expects to present it to the city to be used for this purpose. There has been substantial evidence recently of a fact often asserted uere that Sumter is proud of her city schools and stands willing to back them in every way. Without any action on the part of the superintendent or teachers, 20 men of the town, hastily called together by Mayor L. D. Jennings. apeared before the school board at its last meeting and requested that the superintendent's salary be increased to $5,000 a year and that $120 a year be added to the salary of every teacher white and negro in the schools. Hardship Complained Of. Washington.?Upon complaint of B. B. Gosset of Anderson, who maue strenuous objection to the motor corps of the army depleting cotton mill help in South Carolina, the matter was taken up several days ago by Senator Dial and as a result it was agreed that not more than 50 men from each county would be so taaen. Senators Dial and Smith are In receipt of an urgent telegram from James D. Hammett, chairman of the executive committee of the South Carolina Manufacturers' Association, making complaint that the same thing is being done in Greenville and otner counties in the state, with serious results in the labor situation. Bureau in Blackvill*. Barnwell.?The tTnlted States publis health service, medical advisor to the bureau of war risk insurance, has established offices in Blackville and Dr. D. K. Briggs has been appointed local government examiner. This gives persons discharged from the military or naval forces residing in the vicinity an opportunity to receive medical attention and medicai examination for the filing of applications for compensation as all such persons must furnish a medical certificate of physical condition. All Day Current. Barnwell.?That Barnwell will soon enjoy the advantages of all day electric current is the statement made by W. J. Lemon, one of the commissioners of public works of this city. Tins move has been under advisement by the commissioners for some time, as they realized that the growing number of small industries that could and would use the power would make tat proposition self sustaining from the outset. Besides providing current for business houses, the new move will be a boon to housekeepers. Featherstono a Candidate. Greenwood.?C. C. Featherstone. of P.rnnn urnrv^ l*"-4 * ?.vw..,ru?u, UIIH W1 llio UOSl Known lawyers In upper South Carolina, with Kenneth L. Raker and S. H. McGhee, also of Greenwood, were in Washing ton recently, and called at the department of Justice to lay claims to the judgship of the western district before Attorney General Palmer. While Mr. Palmer made no statement as to what would be done in this matter, it is understood that the recommendation which he will make may not be further delayed after the two South Carolina senators have told him whom they wish named for this place. Additional Tax Levied. Greenville.?In order to meet the Increased expenses of the city schools resulting from the enforcement of the compulsory school attendance law, the trustees and a formal mass meeting of citizens levied an additional tax of eight mills for the city schools. This makes the total tax levy now 16 mills, and will yield an additional $50,000 income, which, however is hardly expected to be sufficient to meet tae needs in which event an additional tax will probably be levied to meet any deficit. Outing for Boy Scouts. Gaffney.?The Boy Scouts of Oaffney and Blacksburg are' planning for a ten days' outing at Rrave on Broad River. The boys have secured four large army tents, and will spend the entire ten days at this pleasant spot. Scout Master Witherspoon and assistant S. C. Scribling and John W. Boozer, will accompany them on the trip and give them lessons in woodcraft while on the trip, ^he boys secured 25 associate members last week ind it is probable that a large number of others will Join. Fair Dates Selected. Rock Hill.?The directors of the York County Fair Association have fixed October 22, 23 and 24 as the dates for the York county fair which will be held in this city. The York County fair Is an annual event and in yearn has been successful. During war. however, it was discontinued so the fair this wall will be the first held here In three years. The directors of the fair association ore congratulating themselves upon having secured the Rubin A Cherry Show? for fair week. Couldn't Move In Bod Twelve Weeks From Rheumatic Trouble. Now Praises Doan's. "For twelve weeks 1 lay al>c<l, unable to move a muscle," says Mrs. Gust Johnson, 654 E. Seventh St., lied Wing, Minn. "The paina that shot through my entire body seemed more than any human / being could stand. My hands and arms and Jg"* lower limbs were put ma v. in splints to stop them S t&t Yr from twisting into A ^ V knots. Every ligament A f seemed ready to snap. \ ~^e JL I can't understand how I endured such agony. "Several physicians ' / agreed that 1 had inHammatory rheuma- (H tism. but their modi- Mrs. Jshsscs , cine didn't give me any relief. Mv folks wanted to take me to a hospital, but I would not let them. The doctors said that nothing could l?e done for me. "1 hud been an invalid now for two years, before I finally decided to resort to Doan's Kidney Pills. I used twelve boxes and they surely did prove their wonderful merit. It is a year since, and 1 have enjoyed the best health of all my life. 1 weigh nearly 170 pounds and am like a different person in every respect. 1 shnll always praise Doan's , Kidney Fills." Sxeorn to before me. HAROLD V FKTERSOK. Xotary Fublic. Gat Dean's at Any Stora, 60c a Box DOAN'S 'VfJi.V FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. BUN'T VUT OUT A Shoe Boil, Capped^^^M Hock or Bursitis ^te|Kpi will reduce them and leave no blemishes. Stopa lameness promptly. Does not blister or remove the nair, and horse can be worked. $2. 50 a bottle delivered. Book 6 R free. ABSORBINE, JR.. tor mankind, tbe aniiirptlc Untmcnl lor Boll*. Biul*c?. Sore*. Swcllinf*. Varietur Vein*. Allar* Pain and Inflammation. Price S1.2S a bonlr at druf(t*t* or delivered. Will tell you more II you write. W. r.YOUNG.P.O. F.,310 :sas!s5?..Sorlnofleld. Matt. Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflammation. Recommended by Lydia L Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore ayes. Economical. Haa axtiaordinary deuii*| and germicidal power. Samnl* Fr*a. 50c. all druteiat*. or poalpaid by ^JMMj^Dj^Pa*tcaiTofl?^Co?npar>y^Bo*ton^Ma*^^y Itching Rashes Soothed With Cuticura All drnsrlnta i Soap2f>, Ointment?. A Ml. Tnlcum2S. Sample each free of "CnUen-a. Drpt B Bolton " | SO K NTH?CIIKAI' 1IKVICK ATTACH Kl> pre-oiu Kurd carburetor; pays fur Itself; reluce* carbon; adda power; naves Kan. quick teller; bis profit. K MAKIOIt. Macon. (3a. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 27-1919. ] I[ . Net Contents 15 Fluid Drachm IS I ALCOHOL - 3 PER GENT, j I AVe^elablc Preparation fcn\s ' similatinvj the Food byRqJula-, tin<* the Stomachs and Rowels cf Thereby Promoting Dnjcslion J j Cheerfulness and Rest Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic Jk^^UUUicSAMLUimsm J*wnptm Smd v \ MxSmno | Oocitrilt Smtta 1 Amin IW I ^TZZL.** / n'arm W 1 CUnTHSafar I Wfrtij / A helpful Remedy for Constipation and Diarrhoea < and Fevcrishness and I j Loss of Sleep 9 | esuttin 6 therefrom in Infancy J Exact Copy of Wrapper. THIS tsn't one of those fake fre nient offers you hnve seen s< times. We don't offer to give yo thin); for nothing?but we do gunrnn you can try thlH wonderful trentm tirely nt our risk, nnd this gunri Lucked by your loenl druggist. J. W. Perkins of Atlanta, writes: "I was afflicted with a very of Eczema for 2f> years, which was In legs nnd hips. Through ?1> this tlnn different remedies nnd doctors' i tlons, obtaining no relief until I us HUNT'S SALVE. "One Box entirely cured me, nnf two years have elapsed I have hu< turn of the trouble. Naturally I r as the greatest remedy In the worh Hunt's Salve Is compounded esp Itch, Ringworm, Tetter and other s Remember Hunt's Salve coeta y< o do not delay but get a box now o 7Rc at your druggist's or direct by A. B. RICHARDS MEDICI "BAYER CROSS" ON ^ GENUINE ASPIRIN V m J "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin** to b# genuine must be marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Always .buy en unbroken Bayer package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, J* Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores?larger packages also. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of MonoacetiOncldester of Salicyllcacid.?Adv. Can't Get Ahead of Boys. A firm In Massachusetts avenue, Just starting into business, sent up rubber balloons in lots of ten, and attached to each was a ticket calling for merchandise. The news was spread far and wide. But the hoys did not intend to let the haloons sail away Into the air and come down In some one's yard miles away. When the tlrst ten left the hands of the man sending them up there was a twang of rubber bands and n flock of bent pins was shot into the slowly rising balloons. Four dropped to the - mil. mm nun UKUWIiW four tickets culling for merchandise which the youthful bandits scrambled for anil took Into the store for redemption. WORSE THAN DEADLY POISON GAS Kidney disease is no respector of persons. It attacks young and old alike. Ill most cases the victim is warned of the approaching danger. Nature tights back. Headache, indigestion, insomnia, lamo back, lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism, pain in the loins and lower abdomen, difficulty in urinating, all aro nlicutioii of trouble brewing in your kidneys. When such symptoms appear you will almost certainly find quick relief in <J01J> MEDAL Ilaarlem Oil Capsules. This famous old remedy has stood the test for two hundred years ill helping mankind to light off disease. !t is imported direct from the home laboratories in llollnnd. where it has helped to develop the Dutch into one of the sturdiest and healthiest races in the world, and it may be had at almost every drug store. Your money promptly refunded if it does not relieve you. lie sure to get the genuine COLD MEDAL liraml. In scaled packages, three sizes.?Adv. Cheap Enough. "Cloth ut $11 a yard seems high.** "Not when you consider that a yard will make a gown."?Louisville Courier-Journal. The occasional u?.- of" Roman Eye Balaam . at night upon retiring will prevent and re- rf* lleve tired, watery eyes, and eyo strain. Adv. ? The patch Is likely to come olT in a patched up quarrel. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always / ? Bears the / SiE7W ft iV* ,B hi Use v/r For Over Tliirtu Vn?i?A inil ly icais CASTORIA MS CNTAUH tOMfANY, Nm TOM OITT. i t 1." eolnlly for the treatment of Eczema, kin diseases. ?u nothing If yon are not aattafled, n oar money back guarantee, l'dc* mall If he docs not handle It, $ INE CO., Sherman, Texai - S