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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. t o T. M. Huprhes, of Lancaster, ^ waa a visitor in Fort Mill during V the past week. S. A. Epps, of Lnmberton, c N. C., visited relatives in Fort s Mill during the past week. I Miss Aprnes Link is attending J the summer school of the Uni- t versity of Virprinia at Charlottes- r ville, Va. ^ B. M. Lee returned Sunday r morning from a short visit to New York and other points in r the East. c John Goodwin, of Central, c i 3 - - _ tTi . wmi i t visiteu menus ron iyiiir ms v former home, during the past 1 week. Miss Esther McMurray left 0 Tuesday evening for a visit to relatives in Greensboro, N. C. a Mrs. E. G. Gaither and chil- n dren of Statesville, N. C.. are ^ guests in the home of Dr. and }, Mrs. T. S. Kirkputrick. a Miss Florence Boyd of Monte-: vallo, Ala., is spending aiv vacation in the home of her J j mother. Mrs. J. A. Boyd. I n * Messrs. J. J. Bailes, W. B Ardrey and T. B. Spratt have returned from a trip to Atlantic City, N. J., and other points of interest in the East. i1! O Mr. John Iloke has returned c to his home here after service jf for the past year in the army, ."N having received an honorable IN discharge. 1 Misses Martha Dyches and 'n Marian Parks attended the sum- jmer assembly at the Women's college of Greenville during the past week. I In the school election last s Friday upon the question of an I increase of live mills levy in the f 28th school distiict, the measure u was unanimously carried. e J. N. Ambler, of Richmond, 1 Va., was a visitor in Fort Mill during the past week being interested as a civil engine*, r in , the proposed public improve-1 ? ments. a Mr. and Mrs. W. B. M each am v' spent the past week end in 1 Union where .they were the c hL guests - of Ihe Rev. and Mrs. h T5. S. Reaves. d v Mrs. J. W, Wylie of GreensI XT 1 I uuro, in. visiteu nor parents, ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McMurray (! the past week. r Misses Minnie Garrison and a Frances Smith attended as dele- ^ gates from the local Baptist t church, the convention of the ;l Baptist Young People's Union 0 at Greenville, during the past 1 week. (1 M. L. Moser, V\ . D. Wolfe and j S. A. Epps, Jr., are Fort Mill! men drawn to serve as petit jurors for the first week of the :i July term of York court which 1 convenes the morning of Mon- V day, the 14th. A snecial sorvir??? woo ! if Monday afternoon at G o'clock in the Presbyterian church at which nine infants were baptized. The Rev. Alexander Martin. D. 1)., pastor of Oakland Avenue Presbyterian church of Rock Hill assisted the pastor in the performance of the ceremony. There were two marriages in Fort Mill Saturday afternoon, the couples being Marl in 0. Hood and Miss Ethel May Hollofield. and T. A. Cannup and Miss Grace Bennett. Mrs. Cannup is a daughter of Mr. and Boyce Bennett, of Lower Fort M111 M no I I .v.wl ' .. ? * 1 i mm, nuiib ujio. Iimiu ? llHUIt'l 8 resides in this city. All of the!| young people are popular and j many friends wish them much happiness. Entrance and scholarship examinations for students expecting to attend Winthrop college the next term will be held in the court house at York Friday and' Saturday, July 4 and 5, beginning at U a. m. There are two vacant scholarships from this county this year. These scholarships will be awarded to appli- j cants from York county on the basis of competitive examination. mi u a w ? vrw ur.i , 1/1 LIIU j ? township, lost a nice horse Sat- I urday morning in a very unusal1! manner. The horse, with anoth- I er animtil, was pulling a disc ? plow near the home of Mr. I Crowder when, in making the I turn at the end of a row, it became entangled in the trace chains and fell across the front of the machine. An upright boltjn the machine penetrated theleft hind leg of the horse in IB such a manner that the animal bled to death before any assistance could be given it. Baxter E. Wright, another of I he Fort Mill boys who has been ' >n duty overseas, has received 1 us discharge and returned to 1 lis home in this city. Yorkville is to have a new ] otton mill as soon as the neces- , ary plant can he established. } t is to be capitalized at half a \ nillion dollars, with approxi- | nately $450,000 paid in. It is , o bo located on the northern < utskirts of town, equipped , vith 10.000 spindles, and known , s the "Waltmore." Recent transfers of Fort Mill 1 en! estate are: Mrs. Mattic E. ( Stephens to J. J. Porter, 1 lot, 1 onsideration $200; J. J. Bailes J o A. L. Ott, 3 lots, considera- ( ion $2,500. ' A delightful social occasion t f the week was a reception g iven at the home of Mr. and t Irs. E. W. Kimbrell Tuesday t fternoon by the ladies of the t lissionary societies of the Fort { dill Presbyterian church in ] onor of Mrs. James B. Black < nd her guest. Mrs. Bright of , Elizabeth Citv, N. C. The affair [ k'as largely attended by the ( idies of the communnity and ( elightful vocal and instrumental lusic added to their pleasure. The Rev. J. W. H Dvches, | 'h. D., performed the marriage | i erenlony at a double wedding 1 laturday afternoon at the home 1 f Mrs. K (). Hollifieid, the 1 ontracting parties being Mr. i trown Wells of Rock Hill and '< liss Myrtle Stillwell, and Mr. 1 lariin (). Hood and Miss Ethel t lollifield, the latter parties be- t ng from Fort Mill. The cere- t tiony was witnessed by only a > ew relatives and friends. s ( Tomorrow is Holiday. omorrow, July 4th, is to be ob- ' erved as a holiday in Fort Mill. 1 t is understood that the manu- 1 acturing enteiprises will cease 1 Derations, there will be a gen- 1 ral closing of the stores, and . lie day will he devoted largely .. ? _ i 'i i> i ccreuiiun unci amusement hy ' he people. In the morning at 0 o'clock there is to he a name 1 baseball on the local diamond ietween the Kort Mill team and 1 team from North Charlotte, in , chich in all probability Wilson, j1 '\irt Mill's new pitcher, will ocupy the mound. Following the ^ all namo there is to be a picnic j inner in Spratt'sspring lot. just ( /est of town, and at 1 o'clock athe afternoon the above ball | earns will piny a second game ^ in the local diamond. The nanagemetit of the locals invites 11 the people to see the two fames tomorrow. The North 'harlotte team is a strong , iggregt+ti< n and, with the ex- 1 client team Fort Mill now has, J wo rial good grmes may be ] xpected. * i New Postal Rates in Effect. Section 1,100 of the revenue ct of 1917, increasing postage ates to three cents and postal aids to two cents as well as an I lcrease on second class matter AUTOMOLMLI I DOES YOCR CAR ^ Dc n't Ruin a Good Car Witl J 5 Let Johns X u n Shop Nmr Overhead IE U Catering Orrly to Tltouc I PHONF9- OAveia 11 j rnu 1>LC. NIGHT 487 W ! SIGN I A LADHFS: Come in ai welJ-selecte Dry Goods, 1 Wc have greatly cnla and coidially invite >cu t( Everything nice and new ai the quality. Bundle S Wc have the exclusive sn facturcd by the fort Mill J up in bundles and retails a this if you want the kind tl JOE M. BF has been repealed and the old rate in existence prior to October I, 1917, went into effect Tuesday throughout the United States, rhis reduction in the rates will mean a saving of millions of dollars to the American public each pear. Without second thought, the sum of one cent seems a trifle, but when it is remembered that upwards of 100.000 000 people are served uaiiy by Uncle Sam's mail men, it is easily seen what will be saved by the lower rates now in effect. A paragraph from the government to the postmasters of the country relative to the redemp;ion of outstanding three cent {tamps and envelopes and two !ent postal cards reads: "Postnasters shall redeem from the Dublic all unused ami undamaged ;wo cent cards and three cent .tamped envelopes printed or un- i jointed, at full value, provided; hey are convinced that such :ards and envelopes are presentid by the original purchasers." Mo cash will be paid to purchasers, but two cent stamped envelopes and one cent cards will ?e exchanged pro rata for three :ent envelopes and two cent rards. McLaurin Sees Hot Political Fight. Hon. John L. McLaurin writes n a private letter from Minot, Morth Dakota, that be is in the lottest poetical fight be has ever lad anything to do with. The ssue is a State bank law passed it the last session of the North Dakota legislature, and now he*ore the people on a referendum ;o be decided June 2b. In brief, ;he. law is the same as that .vnien Mr. MCL.aurin advocated a> strongly throughout South Carolina. It proposes that the State take over a large part of he banking business, especially hat part of it which relates to "arm loans under a system that ;ontcmplates that the payment )f 7 per cent, interest on a debt "or 30 years will pay the debt, h'er instance, 7 per cent., a year >n $5,000 every year for 30 years .vill furnish a reasonable interest harge. and along with in sufli ient sinking fund to cancel the irir.cipal. The opponents of the lew law, it appears from the Mortii Dakota papers, are trying ;o net tht.? attorney general to noet McLaurin on the stump, >ut so far the attorney general ias"hot signified his willingness :o accept. Mr. McLaurin prelicts that the people of North Dakota are going to sustain the winking law by a majority of lhout two-thirds. -The Enquirer For Final Discharge. Having tnjule with tin- Probate Court >f York County a Final Settlement as Hxecutors of tli*- estate of J. W. \rdrey, deceased, notice is hereby riven that on the 10th day of July, 1910, the undersigned will make application to said court for a Final Discharge from all further liability in onnection with said administration. W. A. WATSON. W. B. ARDUEY, Executors. June 12, 1919. eiSS-s NEW LTFE PILLS Tho Pills That Do Curo. wmmmm E PAINTING NEED PAINTING ? J h a Poor Job of Painting. ^ | en Do It /1 V. n ricfge. Rock Hill, S. C. I . * 8 Who Wnnt the Rent. ^ ft \S. A. JOHNSON, Mgr. INTINO nd see our new and I d stock of | Motions, Etc. I igcd this stock icccntly | ) call 01 d Icok it. over. ? r.d pi ices consistent with heeting. | lc oi the Sheeting nianu- g dig. company. It is put jj t $1.25 per bundle. Sec lat satisfies. H IACKETT. J AN ORDINANCE , Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the town of Fort Mill, S. C, in council assembled and by authority of the same: Wherees, Serjeant Thomas Lee Hall was a member of Company G, the Fort Mill Light Infantry, a unit of the famous One Hundred and Eighteenth regiment, and was killed in action on the 8th day of October, 11)18, near Montbrehain, France, and for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action with the enemy was posthumously awarded by the Congress of the United States of America the highest honor within their gift, and whereas the Town of Fort Mill desires to commemorate his name and honor his memory, it is hereby ordered that "the name of Booth street leading from Trade street to the easterly limits of the town of Port Mill be changed to TOM HALL street and be so known in the future. Done and ratified in council this 16th day of June, 1919. B. E. PATTERSON. 1 Attest: Mayor. C. S. LINK, City Clerk. WINTHROP COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The examination for the award of I vacant scholarships in Winthmn (Vi. 1 I - - "J* I lege and for the admission of new students will be held at the County Court House on Friday, July 4th, at 9 a. m., and also on Saturday, July 5th, nt 9 n. m., for those who wish to make uj? by examinations additional units required for full admission to the Fresnnien Class of this institution. The examination on Saturday, July 5th, will be used only for making admission units. The scholarships will be awarded upon the examination held on Friday. July 4th. Applicants must not be less than sixteen years of age. When scholar J ships are vacant after July 4th. they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for scholarships should write to President Johnson for scholarship examination blanks. These blanks, properly fdled out by the applicant, should be filed with President Johnson by July 1st. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will open on September 17, 1911). For further information and catalogue, address President I). B. Johnson, Rock Hill, S. C. DR. A. L_. OTT , DF NTIST Ofiice hours, H a. m. to 5 p. in. (I)r. Sprutt's office.) Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. Electric Th?M,st Tnnic- i mTTPnQ M ,d 1 llx"tiv*. IjI 1 J LUO Family Medlcir^ Old newspapers for sale at The Times ollice. o + < j THE SAVIN( \ OF FOR T , * Chei ? I Inter ? n, I Safe ? rflOIie ' Draf 1 22 ) Mon I Trav i t Real t j Seed Irish We ;ire looking for ant Mountain Seed Irish Potatoes some for fall, phone us your for you* We only have a line New got ds coming in eve to have you come in and see Hosiery, Shoes, Notions, Etc. liig asFoilnunt of Men's rived, in assorted colors and 5 ICall No. K when you wan The Cas S. A I anrl T F a . I Superior Phone ; Automobile repai No Job tod Larg | Ford Sp Wc Guarantee Ever ' 1 Garage at Bailee R. S. CASE, '^3? I ' ^ Clot 1 Men s Med I Sum Boys* Woo ISumi Men s and Men s "Ste! I Pane 44 "Ide and I | Pal 75 BANK MILL. I :king Accounts, est Accounts, ? Deposit Boxes, ts> ! ey Orders, I elers' Checks, ; _ i no a Banking Service. ; ?pi?mi 111 i mm Potatoes. I ithw shipment of Lookout jsj this week, and if you want I order and wo will save thorn ited supply. ry day, and wo will ho glad ? what we have to oiTor in B "Vindox" Shirts just, ar- y stripes. B t it quick. h Store, I Lytic, Mnnag' rs. % (8 Garage, I ,71. t _ 1? r? on an ^ars. 4 e or too Small. jcialists. | y Job Turned Out. ' Lumber Yard. 2 Manager. ? r-' hes For Men | and Boys. | ium Weight Suits. mer Weight Suits. | 1 Suits. Tier Suits. ^ b Boy s Shoes and Oxfords. lsoh" and "No Name" Hats. P ima and Straw Hats. ]| ' Shirts and Collars. Boys' Work Shirts. y "Headlight'' Overalls. | B. V. D. Underwear. I Neckwear, Sox, Etc. U 11 e r s o n "s 1 esBsasssam s gaan?8 ^ess-zees? ggggssa at *a j r or aaie | f <> * Ton-room residence on corner of Confederate and For- T t rest street, the J. A. Uoyd property. Lot contains an Z $ aero and is a bargain at the price asked. Z ? f Five-room cottage on Booth street, the property of * $ lion. J. U. Haile. This property is very near Main street < t and the sectitfn is constantly improving. $ 1 have a number of other bargains in Fort Mill real Z Z estate ranging in price from $600 to $4,000. Z i Z Z f * 4t t t C. S. LINK. Broker * Fort Mill, S. C. Iitl, , T.T I Oar Service Pleases, j t V ^ ; We desire the public patronage and are doing all we can in the way of scr- \ It vice, quality and fail pi ices to merit the ? jt same. Von will always find good fresh ? groceries at thi-> store. We are pleas! ing our most particular customers and t ! + would he pleased to add your name to our list. i ; l Parks Grocery Co., I ? Phone 116 | I 6 000 Miifts i it It our Guarantee on I Goodrich Tires. 2 t GET OUR PRICES. t Steele Motor Company, Fort Mill, S. C. I Automobile Repairs and Accessori4|^^DH