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Mr. W. I. ?Jov!>'of too Lincoln BE-'iv )wn with Inflammation of tho b fc? . bowels. Aocordln* to his own story without distress. He soys: *1 mm a fartnor and must ho exposed to all kinds of weather. After years of Buffering, a druggist recommended Peruna. Z took all together flee bottles and ate a well man. # Formerly, I oould not do a day's work. Now, farm work does not fatigue me In the least. Peruna U the best medicine ahd tonic on the market. Time only strengthens my admiration for It, especially fflr .catarrh and colda Fish Wounded In War. The Inspector foi the eastern sea Isheries board In a "sport says: "The shefy officer at MtSrtcthorpe Informs . tee that of the cod caught on long Snes one In five hnd bad wounds. Some were totally blind, others without an eye. and the larger number were wounded In l^e body. The Cromer officer told ?that he nnd the shermen on tho Norfolk const hnd otlced many ortlflsh with woumla and scars. Th* Slierringhum officer . states that the packers have coine across many lnJfreU cod, some having as many as ff*e wounds."?London ? Ma!!. American Nobel Prlae Winher. Four Americans have been honored by receiving. Vbe Nobel prizes. The irst of the recipients was Theodore Roosevelt, Who received the peace prize In 1909, and In 1912 the pence prize was awarded to Ellhu Root, in 1912, also, Dr. A. Carrel received tjie Nobel prize In medicine, while T. W. Richards was the recipient of the prize In 1914 for notable work in eheratetry. Noncommittal. -How does Napoleon Blffklns stand In this community?" "I wouldn't cnre to say," answered the prudent Citizen. Tve mode it a rule of my life when 1 can't say anything good nhout a man to keep my mouth shut."?Blrmingbam Age-Herald. Trying It Again, J. P.?John Smith, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better or for worsel a. rt.?ror Doner. Plenty of Choice. It Is quite true-that there are 1,081 different kinds of .faiths In the world ?and there are about 8.450,876 different kinds of Rheer cuRsedness! THIN PEOPLE %' SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE Mothlng Like Plain Bltro-Phoophate to Put on Firm, Hoalthy Flesh and to Inoreaoo Strength, Vigor and Nerve Force. Jtodglng from the countless preparations and treatments which are contlnua:iy betas advertised for the purpose of making Shin people fleshy, developing arms, neck and bust, and replacing ugly hollous and angles by the soft curved lines of health and beauty, there are evidently thousands f men ana women who keenly feU thalr excessive thlnnasa Thinness and weakness are often due So starved nervea Our bodies neej more phosphate than Is contained In #iodern foods. Physicians claim there Is uolhlng that will supply this deficiency so well as taa organic phosphate known among druggists as bltro-rhosphate. which Is inexpensive and Is oold by most all druggists wader a guarantee of satisfaction or money back. By feeding the nerves directly and tor supplying the body cells with (he necaaaary phosphoric food elements bltrophosphate should produce a welcome wwnsformatlon in the appearance; the Inaraaae In weight frequently being astontaring. Increase fr weight also carries with U a general Improvement In the health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of oargy, which nearly always accompany fata rs* yw_ excessive thinness, should disappear, dun ayes become bright, and pale creeks glow With the bloom of perfect health. CAUTION: ? Although bltro-phosphate Is tmsurpastiod for relieving nervouRness. sleeplessness and general weakness. It afcould not, owing to Us tendency to In ? nwiRiu, m una oy awyoae wno Asm not gMtre to put on flesh. You Do More Woifc, Ton are more ambitious and you get more enjoyment out of everything when your Hood is In good condition, impurities in the blood have a very depressing effect on (be system, causing weakness, laziness, nervousness and sickness. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC sectores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood, when you feel Its strengthening. Invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how ft Improves the appetite, you will then appredete its true tonic vahie. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC ? wn paicni meoicme, it la simply SON and QUININE suspended In Syrup So pleasant even children like It. The Wood needs Quinine to Purify it and IRON So Enrich it These reliable tonic propectiaa never fail to drive out impurities in Ae blood. The Strength-Creating Power of GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC has made It She favorite tonic in thousands of homos. Hoes than thlity-ftve years ago, folks selii ride a long distance to get GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC when a aaaestar of their family had Malaria or ?% seeded e bodybuilding, strength-giving task The formula is Just the same to| day, end yes can gat it from eny drag esA ??c per bottle. ^ ENERGETS LAUDS MASS IS tROlt, CASCARA IS LAXATIVE flfUZ VOMICA 18 TOHIC These - with other valuable IngredL mu. eater into the composition of rnrro Knergota, the energy tablet k. s J? gar week, nervous, run-down people Tbey are wonderfully active?s few fc'V geese teU the story, Fifty cento buys box sf 40 of these woeddrfUMablats, n t?^omda bottle (rfDn una. WrcoaiH ?dUiud?tuih fa m la Indicated In all hum oC Ion and congestion vlwtbtr of resmaoFy bowel* or otkar orguw of the In. Delaware, Ohio, nfltnl for moons linings of tho stomach and bo did not oat a moal for flvo year* Parana Is sold everywhere. Ton nap bop It In althar liquid or tablot form. Ask for Dr. Hartman's Wall ^Cnown Parana Toole and If yon are soaking health take nothing ' else. Insist upon Parana. If you are si ok and suffering, write The Parana 9ompany, Dept. 77. Columbus. Ohio, for Dr. Wert man's Hsalth Book. The hook Is | free and mar help you. Ask your I dealer for a Peruna Almanao. Watched. The second grade youngsters were bringing back their health charts for their teacher's Inspection In one of the city schools. One after another had passed through her hand without comment. Then she came to one of a little boy who always looked very dingy indeed. "Why, how is this, William?" she asked. "You have marked a mark saying that you have taken a bath every day. Have you taken a bath every day?" William was positive in his assertion that he had. But the little boy across the aisle was not. "Why, I bet he hasn't taken a hath nil over for n whole year." he said. "I know 'cause I live next door nnd they haven't had their tub off the porch except on.washduys for 1 Qoh't know when." nA Wife's Revenge." The wife was having a small bridge party at the house for n company of women and rne of the guests fulled to nppear, Ivavlng a vacant place at one of the Pioles, so she called up her husband nt the office and naked whether he veould not come home early and "Ifcl orl," "But wl*y Can't you play "with a dumtn^r f?e tsked, evidently having no relish *t>r the game. "Why, "lie girls have Invited you," was the wifely response. Habit. An ex-Judge lind been nominated mayor In a French country district. It soar devolved upon him to sunctlon a nini"H??^c ceremony. Mt>o you consent to marry this gentleman, young lady?" he asked, amlnNy. "Y?s," wns the reply. Th"ii, suddenly charging his tone to one of great severity, hj said to her promised husband. "And you?hnre you nothing to say In jour defense?" ?Itondon Opinion. Pretty Old. Bacon?This paper says although ridiculed ns a ci'are It Is n scientific fact that sour mlfk conduces to longevity. Egbert?I gueis that's right. I tasted some sour milk today, and, ho ltcve me, It wns right In the longevity class.?Yonkers Statesman. Where Danger Lurks. There Is one American sergeant In France who Is still uncertnln whether or not he gets a wound Rtrlpe. He had gone forward In the charge against machine-gun nests und shrapnel without receiving n mark. Then, says the Stars nnd Stripes, the tlin* came to halt and dig In. While at this place he attempted to open some condensed meat, and the can exploded and lujured his right hnnd. Cutleura for Pimply Face*. 1*0 remove pimples and blackheads smear them wifh Cutleura Ointment Wash off In five minutes with Cntlonro Qnfin ^ * vu.u wva|i uuu uui wHicr, unce cieai keep your skin clear by using them for dally toilet purposes. Don't fall to Indude Cuttcura Talcum.?Adv? Affinity. "We rend that a hen has adopted a litter of i^lgs. A possible explanation of this Is the natural Intimacy between ham nml eggs."?Charlotte News. Flashlights. Some men seem to he living In hope that a way will be discovered before they die whereby they can take their money with tliem when It's their timo to go. Valuable Quart?**. Howell?What was the most expensive room you ever had? Powell?I once slept In o coal bin. A Pertinent Curoslty. "WIH you tell me something, ma?'" "What Is It. child?" "Do gross widows weur weeds?" If you see one young mnn laughing at the ancient Jokes of another the other hns n pretty sister. Don't fore? Nature by uains violent cathartics Wrlght'S Indian Vegetables Pllla help Nature gently but aurely by tonic and laxatlva action.?adv. The perfect husband always belongs to the other wonmn. A little success is apt to make a small man dizzy. All good talkers are good listeners. nlyMdksapsUmtxrw*u?p?L Hu HMNhr vsfl*?bi?. awdact? B aafrMdUr bM?adm) imitm. CT MM-J98SkPw* Ik IM mi CMW* 1 11 Si i AhaskaMr w ilsii fiis>lit? ha | CIr" Try-iHftJZSohSf * ' rV^vT^T ' V ' '"% JL* ^LtT^f?^a " . ?. A R?mM1m OrMnf a Spatial lloo> I Don- oabihltttmi fa fhb QwMHIoO Uootora of tho Town of Fort Mill tho Quoatlon o# thp Approval of ftho Frovialpha of tho Aot of tho Loplafoturo of tho Stata of South Carolina, Approvod on tho nth Day of Fobro ry, 1911, Entitled "An Act to Authorise Any or Alt Incorporated Cltlee and Towne Within the State to Levy and Enforce an Aeeesement Upon Abutting Property Owner* for the Purpeee of Paying for Permanent Improvements on Their Streets and Side-walks;** and the Application and Operation of the Provisions of Said Act to the Town of Fort MIIL Section 1. Be it resolved by the town council of Fort 'Mill that a special election is hereby ordered to be held at Hutchisons School in Fort Mill, South Carolina, on Friday, the 96th day of July. 1919, between the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the town of Fort Mill the question of the approval of tl\e provisions of and the application and operation in the town of Fort Mill of the following act of the legislature of the state of South Carolina, approved the 28th day of February, 1919, entitled "An Act To Authorize any and All Incorporated Cities and Towns within the State to Levy and | iniuiurce an Assessment upon ADUtting Property Owners for the Purpose of Paying for Permanent Improvements to their Streets and Side-walks,"? the Baid Act being fully set forth in the following Notice of Election. Section 2. Qualified electors desiring to vote in favor of iue approval of the said Act and the application and operation thereof to the Town of Port Mill will cast a ballot on which will be printed, or written, the words: "Approval of the provisions and the application and operation in Fort Mill of the Act assessing abutting property owners for permanent improvements on Streets and Side-walks. Yes." Qualified electors desiring to vote against the approval of the said Act and the application and operation thereof to the Town of Fort Mill will cast a ballot on which will be printed or written, the words: "Approval of the provisions of the application and operation in Fort Mill of the Act assessing abutting property owners for permanent improvements on Streets and Side-walks. No." Section 3. That the books of registration of the Town of Fort Mill are hereby ordered and directed to be opened 20 days prior to the day herein flzed for said election, and to be kept open for a period of 10 days for the registration of the electors of the Town of Fort Mill. Section 4. That the following persons are the duly appointed Managers of the Election, and will conduct the said election: Herbert Harris, S. A. Lee and J. M. Gamble. Section 6. That the following Notice of said election be published CTCe a week for three rnn?e??iiMw?? I weeks prior to the date of said elec| tion in the Fort Mill Times, a newspaper published in the Town of Fort Mill. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that a special election is hereby ordered to be held in the Town of Fort Mill at Hutchison's Store on the 25th day of July, 1919, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 4 p. m., to vote upon the approval of and the application* and operation in th^ Town of Fort Mill of the following Act of the Legislature of the State of South Carolina, approved on the 28th day of February, 1919: "AN ACT To Authorize Any or All Incorporated Cities and Towns Within the State to Levy and En- I force An Assessment Upon Abutting Property Owenrs for the Purpose of Paying for Permanent Improvements on Their Streets and Sidewalks. "Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina That any or all incorporated cities or towns of this State are hereby authorized and empowered to provide by ordinance for the payment of the coet of the permanent improvements of their streets and sidewalks, by levying upon the owners of property immediately abutting on the streets and sidewalks, or parts of either, so improved, an assessment in proportion to the fronttage only of such property on such I streets or widewnlks. or parts of dther, so improved, of not exceeding 'n the nesrrerato nnft-hslt rtf +h? mrf I such improvements: Provided, That no assessment shall be so laid ipon the abutting property owners until such improvements have been ordered pursuant to such ordinance upon the written consent, signed and filed with the city or town clerk, of not less than two-thirds in number of the owners of the property abutting upon the street, side-walk, or part of either, proposed to be improved, and provision made for the payment by the corporate authorities of said city or town of not less than one-half of the costs cf such Improvements; time and terms of payment and rates of Interest on deferrod payments of assessments by such property owners shall he such as may be prescribed by ordinance. "Sec. 2. That the amount of money raised by such assessments, together with thai amounts added thereto by the city or town authorities from the city or town treasury, shall constitute and be kept as a separate fund, to be used only for the purpose for which K was raised and appropriated. "Sec. S. That the assessments so laid shall constitute sad lis a le!n upon the property so assessed, and payment thereof may be enforced as the payment of city or town taxes is enforced: Provided, 8uoh assessments be entered in a bv>k kept by the city or town clerk to be entitled "Assess-. pent Liens." stattnjc the name of the \ . . dfe ??' , - . II I, I ? II il I , , I, , I d owners. the location of the propMfty, and the wmt o# the UMMmeat and the time or tlmea of payment: iMviM, further, That such hm ?fcaU continue from the date of enter oat such Mwk until the expiration of tore years from date whoa final payment Is duo and pay^bla unless sooner paid. Upon default m the pay- i meat of any Installment or deferred portion of any asses ment, at tHe tint* and fen ?ih> th> terms and conditions fixed by ordinance, tbe total amount ofr any ancb aseeament than unpaid (incfttdlag deferred installments or payments and lntereet) shall Immediately become due and collectible aa city or town taxes are collected, and with audi penalties and costs as are now * provided for tbe payment of snch taxes. "Sec. 4. That It Shall by ordinance be made tbe duty of the city or town clerk-to make entry of satisfaction on such "Assessment Wen" book as soon as full payment is made, and the Hen shall be thereby extinguished. "8ec. 5. Tim* the city or town connoil of said cities and towns are authorised and empowered to issue certificates of indebtedness, showing the amounts of money due to such cities or town by property owners as deferred payments or Installments upon such assessments, and to sell any of sucjv certificates of indebtedness or to borrow money by pledging any of them as collateral security for the payment of snch debt or debts, and In either event of sale or collateral pledge of such certificates, or any of them, to pledge the faith and credit of such cities or towns for the payment thereof, and to tbe payment of same for and In the name of such cities or towns. "Sec. 6. That such cities and towns may, by ordinance, require the gran'or and grantee, or grantors and grantees, of any property, or part e* same, arid or transferred after such assessment has been laid thereon, and before such assessment lien has been extinguished. as provided herein, to file In writing with the city or town clerk, within ten days after every such sale o rtransfer, the name of such grantor and grantee, or grantors and guarantee an accurate description of the property sold or transferred, and the date of such sale or transfer. "Sec. 7. That this act shall be effective from and Immediately after its date of approval by the Governor: Provided, That the provisions of this Act shall not apply or become opora?tlve In any city or town until submitted to the qualified electors thereof by the olty or town council for approval, and a malorlty of the qualified electors, voting upon the question of Its approval, vote in favor thereof at any general municipal election or at any special municipal election (whether called and held for that purpose only or not) when the question of the said approval of said Act la submitted and voted on separately and the ballots thereon deposited In a separate box properly labeled and provided for that purpose. "Sec. 8. That all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed: Provided, the provisions of this Act shall not apply to any city or Incorporated town which has heretofore under special constitutional amendment and Act in pursuance thereof, provided for the issue of bonds and assessment <\f abutting property for permanent street improvements." Herbert Harris, S. A. Lee and J. M. Oauble are the duly appointed managers of said election and will conduct same. Qualified electors desiring to vote in favor of the approval of the sid Act and the application and operation thereof in the Town of Fort Mill will cast a ballot on which will be written, or printer!. the words: "Approval of the provisions of and the application and operation in Fort Mill of the Act asseseing abutting property owners for permanent improvements on streets and sidewalks. Yes." Qualified electors desiring to vote against the approval of the said Act and the pplication and operation thereof to the Town of Fort Mill will cast a ballot on which will be written, or printed, the words: "Approval of the provisions of and the application and operation In Fort Mill of the Act assessing abutting property owners (for permanent improvements on Streets and Sidewalks?No." Rooks of registration will be ones in the office of the Town Clerk, at City Clerk's office, on Main Street, in the Town of Fort Mill. South Carolina. on the Bth day of Julv, 1819. for the registration of qualified electors of the Town of Fort Mill, S. C.. and will remain open for a period of 10 days. R. E. PATTERSON. Mayor. C. S. LING. City Clerk. DAYLIGHT SAVING LAW GOES OUT IN OCTOBER Washington.?Doom of the daylight saving, inaugurated as a war measure, was pronounced by Congress, both senate and house adopting by overwhelming votes measures to terminate operation of the law when the period of summer-time ends next Oc tober 26. The house, following three hours' debate, by a vote of 23S to 132, passe* a bill to repeal the law on the last i Sunday in next October, but rejected | an amendment to make the repeal ef> fectlve at once. I RAINS THREATEN DAMAGE TO THE CROPS IN TEXAS Dallas, Tex.?Reports from points in central, southern and eastern Texas indicate extensive rains are threatening to dasnage crops in some sections, particularly cotton and truck gardens. Lockhart, of Caldwell county, reported t.S laches of rain in the past 48 hours, with some damage to cotton. Continuance of rain in that section would result in flooding of lowlands. It was said. v-<; <V: A?* ?$& ?& '''''' Care 8 TT? responsibility attao I* Jt undoubtedly gnat) for adults whose system fa Injurious drag. It is well for foe past 40 yean, tutde What have makers responsibilities? To whan .their nefhrious wares brood Gould each mother Fletcher's Castoria is prtj grateful mothers, they wou of those who would jaflbr Fletcher's Castoria* Ml ChccrfolncssaadR^WtaBB neither Oplom,Morphlne not NoTKAHCQ-rre rfounr iLjfe;:] /^'pfulfiemedyfcc Elm?? BConstlpalioiiontlDi^fT^ KflS!If**Feveristavtssjgi HHSI F** "4 -r WI7W Exact Copy of Wrapper [ . <* HAS NO DEFINITE ENDING Man Has Not Been Discovered Who Can Say Just Where "Great White Way" Terminates. Tho peregrinations of that far-famed street of the metropolis that "goes galumphing downhill and up again toward the open, shaking Itself as It goes, and tossing up huge piles of big apartments for the pure love of using surplus energy," have been noted by many observers. It begins at the extreme end of Manhuttun Island and hurries northward at a pnee that Is uuiu iu u? Killing; as 10 wnere it ends, this is what Mr. J. B. Kerfoot says in his Broadway: They say it ends at Albany. Bror.dwny occasionally lies low, like Brer Babbit. But it never ends. Albany? Why, I myself know a place In Minnesota where it crops out for a mile or so. And I once lnnded on the bertch of an Alaskan fiord where, two weeks before, so I was assured by the oldest inhabitant of the city I found there, nothing but untrodden tundra und desolutlon were to be seen. At that moment, however, there were more than 2,000 inhabitants, living under canvas and drenmlng gold dreams. The hotel, looking like a gospel tent, stood on a corner, displaying Its sign; in front of it was a lamp-post with a halfbruned candle in its lantern. Under the lantern two box slats had been nailed crosswise. On one was parted Twenty-third street, and on the other?Broadway. > Albany? Nonsense! The last time I saw it Broadway was headed for the pole.?Youth's Companion. King George has a scuttle made from a.big German shell. 1 nS2Sa52SE?r?SH5i omy to i ; Healf follow a cl coffee to th< table drink POSTUM ' i:A rich, f 3 beverage?1 jj fifteen mir j boiling be( 3 and free ij nerve impa J] caffeine. P Two sizes, usually u g | At Grocers E - / . m * i i tnd iRespons hed to the preparing of ft reme 3T than that imposed upon the i sufficiently strong to oountera to observe that Oastoria is pre] r the personal supervision of M of imitations and substitutes a are they answerable? The] oast, and disappear tomorrow, see the painstaking care with tared: could they read the inni id never listen to the subtle plei ^an imitation ofi oinsubstitut Children i ^ A Word Ab ""Great Is Truth, and mighty al Testament, yet it is equally true fears no enemies. From the inception of Fletche watchword, and to the conscientiout preparation of Fletcher's Castoria a the secret of its popular demand. All imitations, all substitutes, i the element of Truth, lack the righ blance even in the words of those u And you I Mothers, mothers wi . hands, can you be deceived? Certa Fletcher's Castoria is prepared distinctly a remedy for the little-on icine to take the place of Castor Oil was the sole thought that led to its BABY'S troubles with a medicine t MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AR GENUINE CAST the BELGIAN BELLS ARE SAFE Huns Lacked Time to Destroy the World-Famous Carillons of Mechlin and Bruges. Lovers of bell music will be Rind to hear tbat the famous carillons at Mechlin and Bruges were not destroyed by the Germans, says the Living Age. They were actually marked for destruction?to supply the boche with materials for making munitions?but the German army hnd become a "salted slug." to use a soldier's picturesque similitude, before the act of vandalism could be carried ou. < Joseph Denyn has actually been playing on his beloved Hemony bells, and ore can Imagine the delight with which the people of Mechlin once more hear the greatest of carllloneurs display his enraptured virtuosity In a clear sky. You get a wonderful and unwonted view from St. Itombold's stupendous tower In these days of a still Imperfect pence, for the tall chimneys of the Belgian factories are now smokeless and the nlr Is so clear that you can surmise, even If your eye cannot reach, tho edged glimmer of the s*a on the far blue horizon. But Belgium has no love for Idleness, and everybody will be glad when the flnrk, fantastical smoke blossoms are seen once more on their straight stalks ?to sway and fluctuate to the farflung music of the historic bells cast in a bygone century by the Stradlvarlus of bell founders. Cynical Reply. "Where are the youth, bloom and freshness of our society girls to be found?" "Mostly In their vanity bags." Both 1 :h and Purse | range from [ e American [ Cereal ull-bodied I f x.-n Si UUiiCU J. Ult n lutes after [ios. Pure 3 from the | iring drug, | ild at 15c and 25c. I Everywhere! 1 ( & * -? yQ \ A"ih - ?'J Wi* t'M * kv ?vi"> i' wtfli^^B edings and false arguiM^^^^B Q_for, the tried find tTO;-|;*| Cry For 1 ^? 1 jjji| Bna ?11 Mwf>? ? C? to-day. J Truth shows no favors, *f r's Castoria, Truth has been th# 1 5 adherence to this motto in the s well as in its advertising is due ill just-as-good preparations lack \ teousness of being, lack all sen*- f. rho would deceive. y th the fate of the World in your inly not. for Infants and Children.' It in ? es. The BABY'S need for a med- J , Paregoric and Soothing Syrups I discovery. Never try to correct hat you would use for yourself* 0UND EVERY BOTTLEOF FLETCHER'S CA8TORIA ORIAacways / 1 Signature of 3 1 tt MY, NIW YOWK PITY. ^ ^ h CuticuraSoap Ideal for the ?Complexion All drntrirUta: Soap 28, Ointment 26 and 60, TaleomMb Sample each frn of "Om?i?nra. Papt. 8, Boat**." , Kill All Flies | TIIEY SPREAD Placed anywb.r., DAISY FLY KILLER attract* ud t ml. and HAROLD ^^tK.IlSir^,|lSSb>ATa..'il r^okl rn, N. T. Japanese laborers receive only 28 cents n day for ten hours' work. FRECKLES Now Is the Tiat to Got Rii of These Ugly ^t? There's no longer the lightest need of feeling Itemed of your freckles, ? Othlnr?doubts strength?Is gusrsnteed to remove these homely pots. Simply get sn ounce of Othlne?dooblo trengtb?from your druggist, snd apply s ltttlo f It night and morning and you ahould soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. it la seldom that more than one ounce Is needed to completely clear tba akin and gala s beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to aek for the double strength Othlns, os this la sold under guarantee of money bona U It foils to remove freckles.-?Adv. January is the wheat harvesting sea* son of Australia. Buy a Farm Now. Because land Is oheaper than It will evei bo again. The U. 8. Itallroad Administration Is prepared to furnish froa Information to V homeseeksri regarding farming opportunl- / ties. We hsve nothing to sell; no money to lend; only Information to give. Write me fully with, reference to your needs. Nam# the state you want to learn about. J. U x Ed war do. Manager, Agricultural Section, U. 8. Railroad Administration. Room 70. Washington. D. C.?adv. True religion Is not a belief, but a growing, living force. INDIGESTION Caused by Acid-Stomach Millions of people?In fact shout 9 out of 10?Buffer more or leas from Indlgeatlon, acuto or chronic. Nearly every case U caused by Acid-Stomach. *uoro ore omer stomach disorders which also are eurc ilKn? of Arid-Stomach?belchIn*, heartburn, bloat after eating, food repeating, tour, gassy stomach'. There art many nllmnnts which, while they do not cause much distress In the stomach Itself, re, nevertheless, traceable to an acidstomach. Among there are nervousness, biliousness, cirrhosis of the liver, rheumatism, Impoverished blood, weakness. Insomnia, melancholia and a long train of physical and mental miseries that keep the victims In miserable health year after year. - ft The right thing to do Is to attaak these I ailments st their source?get rid of the Steld* I stomach. A wonderful modern remedy'called 1 BATONIC now makes It easy to do this. One of hundreds of thousands of grateful H users of BATONIC writes: "I have been troubled with Intestinal Indigestion for about H nine years and have spent quite a sum for H medicine, but without relief. After using B BATONIC for a few days the cos and pains In my bowels disappeared. BATONIC is Just I the remedy I needed." We have thousands ef letters telling of I these msrveloue benefits Try BATONIC and I , ~u, >t<u, "in in ju? u (mnoaiMtM U ItM prataa. Tour drnfilft hu KATONIC. Oat t Mt lOe box from htm today- Ha will ratnd your monay If you ara not aattafled. gATONIC V A-AT-A