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^l^^il^^eCariied from a visit** to ^F> relatives and friends in New dftutrhtor. Miss Alnandm Mnnlr W-' of, Decatur, Ga., are quests in the home of Mrs. Hattie Mack. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Rogers, I of Badin. N, C., are visiting rel1 Matives in Fort. Mill this week. little Misses Caroline and Sarah Neely Thompson,. of Greensboro, are visiting relatives in Fort Mill. Mrs. Jesse P. Timmerman and little son, of Pleasant Lane, S. C., are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bennett, in . this city. Mr. S. M. Byars, official appraiser for the Federal Land band of Columbia; spent Tuesday in Fort Mill for the purpose of reporting on applications for loans under the Federal Farm Tiwn Mrs. Pretto Otey and Mr. Herman Myers of Sumter, S. C., and Miss Jean Adamrf of Remo, Va.( are the guests of Miss Bess Spratt. Haile Ferguson, of Newport News, Va., is spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. X B. C. Ferguson, in this city. Mrs, J. W. Nims, accompanied by Mrs. Fred Nims, of the township, has returned to her home at Badin, N. C., after a visit of several weeks with relatives in this city. ? Robert Macon, of Macon, Ga., was a guest during the week of Ladson Mills of this city. Joe H. McMurray and Robert Crane, two Fort Mill boys who have been in the service overseas have received their discharges and returned to their homes in this city. Dr. J. L. Spratt brought to The Times office Monday the first open cotton bloom seen here this season. The cotton was : I t 1 r% i * v ..// Rruwn Dy jonn oanaers, colored, a tenant on Dr. Spratt's brickyard plantation. A large number of young people of the community were delightfully entertained Thursday evening at a reception given by . Miss FHoride Nims at her home in East Fort Mill in honor of her guest, Miss Elise Harrison, of Gantt's Quarry, Ala. At the annual session of the York District Christian Endeavorers held at Yorkville the last week, Miss Esther McMurray, of Fort Mill, was elected junior superintendent for the ensuing year. The 1920 meeting will be held in Lancaster next June. According to the schedule of the Catawbi} League, the Fort Mill ball team will meet the Lrncaster team on the local diamond next Saturday afternoon. The game of last Saturday between Fort Mill and the Aragon mill was cut off in the ninth inning with the score standing 3 to 3. A large number of Western Union telegraphic messages are being received by mail by residents of this city, as a result of the telegraphers' strike throughout the codntry. The messages are usually one to three days late in arriving by mail. The Fort Mill friends of Capt. Jenaings B. White will be pleased to know that he has returned to his home in Rock Hill, after an absence of more than two years with the A. E. F. in France. He has not yet received his dis charge, but hopes to secure it soon and resume the practice of law. The Merry Makers Book club was organized recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kimbrell on Hall street, with Miss Ethel Armstrong as hostess. The nqmes of 21 young ladies were enrolled as members and the officers elected were Miss Isabel Grier president, and Miss Olive Harris secretary. The club will hold weekly meetings throughout the summer. Thou. W. Jones arrived in Fort Mill Saturday evening, having recently received an honorable discharge from army service. Mr. Jones was with the EightyKM', first division and was on duty overseas for about one year. tran^as seen in was shown ns Saturday evening by Mr. J^Lee Cappa. The egg apparently contained a doable yolk and ^weighed 8 ounces and 297 grains. The first rain to fall in this section. in almost four weeks came Saturday afternoon at about 8 o'clcjck and descended in torrents for about twenty minutes. The rain was local however, extending from Catawba river on the west to a short distance above Pineville on the north-east. Since that time some nice rains have fallen throughout this section and the crops and all vegetation has been greatly helped thereby. The Times this week carries on page four an ordinance calling for an election to decide I txrliafliA* ? - ^k Mill I nviic buwii ui curt will shall adopt the provisions of an act of the last Legislature providing for the assessment of abutting property for permanent street improvements. Said election is to be'held at Hutchinson's Pharmacy on Friday, Jury 25th. Books for registering the qualified voters of the town will be open for ten days prior to the election. Death in Auto Accident. The Charlotte papers of Monday contained account of the accidental death Sunday afternoon of Mrs. Zeola Dabbs, wife of Mr. J. L. Dabbs, a prominent citizen of Charlotte, and the serious wounding of Mr. Dabbs himself and a small son. The accident occurred a short distance south of Harrisburg, N. C., while Mr. Dabbs was returning by autamobile with his family from Concord. N. C. Reports in the papers say that the machine n J - ? DU uvn a OOI1U UCU tillU OVeTturned, killing Mrs. Dabbs almost instantly and breaking three ribs and otherwise injuring Mr. Dabbs. The little boy was more fortunate, suffering only a few scratches. News of the accident was telephoned to Fort Mill Monday morning, Mr. J. W. Baker, of this city, being a brother of Mrs. Dabbs. The interment was made at Charlotte. Little Fruit This Year. The fruit crop throughout this section this year is almost a complete failure. The early peach and apple crop is the shortest hereabouts that it has been in a number of years. The crop got by the late frosts all right, but just about the time when it began to ripen a kind of rot took hold of it and a very large part of the fruit was lost. Some said it was due to the 13ry weather while others did not attempt to offer a reason. The strawberry crop was also very short, along with wild plums. There is said to be an abundance of blackberries now rinoninrr on/1 .. uiiu uic large part of the canning done in this section will be of the latter variety of berries. IAUTOMOBIL DOES YOOR CAR ? Don't Ruin a Good Gar Wi i Let John jj 9 q Shop Near Overhead 1 Catering Only to Tho? PHONES: ^cyHV,6S7.W J SIGN P/ I LADIES: Come in a I well-select* ^ I Dry Goods, I We have greatly enli I and cordially invite you 1 I Everything nice and new s the quality. I Bundle 5 ! I We have the exclusive s t|l factured by the Fort Mill |l up in bundles and retails I this if you want the kind 1 I JOE M. . B1 u,. .j -.P. j.. . i A Striate Sifi if Prejudice. . Henry Ford is not the only man who is seeking just now to get money consolation from a newspaper for aayintfspma harsh things About his brand of patriotism. Down in the State of Alabama Representative Hyddleston has been grieved both by editorial articles and cartoons in the -Birmingham : Age - Herald, which in his opinion impugned his localty to an intolerable degree. but the Congressman's sufferings must have been less keen than those of Mr. Ford, for he sued for a mere $50,000 instead of a whole million. ^When the auit came up. for trial the other day it terminated for the present in a truly curious Pt/l?rAVS ivIvlvHv* AJI^VCU U1 tur JUXUiO had been accepted, and then the opposing counsel fell into a bitter squabble over the competence of the potential twelfth, it having been charged that the man j had referred to Mr. Huddleston as "a Socialist, a Bolshevik, a; traitor to his party, and a traitor to his country." In behalf of the plaintiff, it was contended. ( not without some show of plausibility, that these characteriza-' tions hinted- prejudice, and while ; the lawyers were-arguing the! the question the chosen eleven i were sent out of the courtroom. What did they do to beguile the! tedium ' of lonely sequestration | but join in singing loudly our national anthem. At any rate, that is what they attempted, and whoever will may ' believe that in Birmingham eleven men selected not only for vocal ability and knowledge of poetry really sang "The Star Spangled Banner." At any rate the judge trusted the affirmation of his own or other ears that this was what the the jurors had done, on the ground that thus they had disclosed an incompetence to try the case fairly, he declared a misstrial and dismissed them! Just why he did so is not made evident by the information at hand, and his action therefore cannot here be explained. It must remain a cause for wonder till more facts arrive. Notice of Ejection. Notice is hereby Riven that an election will be held at Younff &. Wolfe's Furniture store in Fort Mill School district. No. 28, on Friday, June 27, 1919, on the question of levying ft mills additional tax under the School Act of 1919. J. B. Mills, Chmn.. T. B. Spratt, Secy. Why Buy a New Auto? We have expert painters, trimmers and upholsterers, to fix up your old auto to make it look like new. We can build a new top in one d^y or can put in hack curtain with plate glass lights in a few hours. Write us. J. C. Hardin & Co., Rock Hill. S. C. For Final Discharge. Having made with the Probate Court of York County ;a Final Settlement as Executors of the estate of J. W. Ardrey, deceased, notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of July, 1919, the undersigned will make application to suid court for a Final Discharge from all further liability in connection with said administration. W. A. WATSON. W. B. ARDREY, Executors. June 12, 1919. .E PAINTING NEED PAINTING? * ^9 kh a Poor Job of Painting. H son Do It > Bridge, Rock Hill, S. C. J e Who Wank the Beat. ^ AS. A. JOHNSON, Mgr. MINTING ~ I III! lillWMMM?IWIIiH I MM md see our new and | ed stock of | Notions Etc. I argcd this stock recently ;o call and look it over, tnd prices' consistent with Sheeting. ale of the Sheeting manuMfg. coippany. It is put at $1.25 per bundle. See .hat satisfies. PJMfpp. ' ^ACKETT. IF AW ORDINANCE , Be it ordained by the Mayor aod Aldermen of die town of Fort Mill, S. C. In council aaoamhlart and by authority of the mum: Whereee. Sergeant Thome* Lee Hell wee e member of Company G. the Fort Mill Light Infantry, a ant at the famdua One Hundred and Eighteenth regiment, apd waa killed in action on the 8th day of October, 1918, near ( Montbrehain, France, and for ck>n- I epicuous gallantry and intrepidity above 1 and beyond the call of duty in action 1 with, the enemy *M posthumously I awarded by the Congress of the United I States of America the highest honor I within their gift, and whereas the I Town of Fort Mill desires to commemorate his name and honor his memory, it is hereby ordered that the name of Booth street leading from Trade street to the easterly limits of the town of Fort Mill be changed to TOM HALL street and be so known in the future. Done and ratified in council this 16th day of June, 1919. B-. E. PATTERSON. Attest: Mayor. C. S. LINK, City Clerk. WINTHROP COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop College and for the admission of new students will be held at the County Court House on Friday, July 4th. at 9 a. m., and also on Saturday, July 5th, at 9 a. m., for those who wish to make up by examinations additional units reauired " for full admission to the Fresnmen Class of this institution. The examination on Saturday, July 5th, will be used only for making admission units. The scholarships will be awarded upon the examination held on Friday, July 4th. Applicants must not be less than sixteen years of age. When scholar! ouipa are vacant arter July 4th. they I will be awarded to those "making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for scholarships should write to President Johnson for scholarship examination blanks. These blanks, properly filled out by the applicant, should be filed with President Johnson by July 1stScholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will open on September 17. 1919. For further information and catalogue, address President D. B. Johnson, Rock Hill. S. C. DR. A. L_. OTT , DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. - (Dr. Spratt'B office) Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. ELECTRIC The Tonic, | iimnQ Mild - Laxative, I BITTERO Family Medlcir-v I Old newspapers for sale at The < Times office. I THE ( I OF FORT I | I Chec I.'" j Intel \ I C-f I Phone ] Drat i 22 ) l"M I I Trav \ ' | " \ Real White For men, boys, girls, wo something that you can be cc weather lasts. We have 6ev< other white shoes, which you ed in. Call us if you want an Also, remember we ha\ Brand" and "Maver" Shop* of all kinds. Notions. Work S Etc. No matter what you wan we'll gladly get it for you, if The Cas S. A. Lee and T. F. | Superior * Phone # Automobile repai t No Job too Larg | Ford Spc % We Guarantee Ever; Clot V f Ir l * '4&.W*w8? f>^T # *,s* w h:-: ,v!.-; I Men's Medi " Sumi Boys' Wool ^ Sumr Men's and 1 Men!s "Stet Pana " "Ide'1 and 1 t< << << t? M U , Pat j5 BANK MILL. I iking Accounts, est Accounts, * Deposit Boxes, ts, I ey Orders, I elers' Checks, nd a | Banking Service. I Shoes men and little folks. Get mfortable in while the hot ?ral styles of "Keds" and might possibly be interestything in this line. e a bigger line of "Star than ever, besides Hosiery hirts, Dress Shirts, Overalls, t, call us, and if it's in town we haven't what you want h Store, Lytic, Manager*. Garage, 1 > 71. | rg on all Cars. I f ? & e or too SmalL f icialists. f * > y Job Turned Out. ' Lumber Yard. v ;; Manager. uca 1 ur lieu 11 and Boys. 8 turn Weight Suits. I mer Weight Suits. I Suits. ner Suits. 1 Boy's Shoes and Oxfords. I son" and "No Name" Hats. I ma and Straw Hats. I 9 Shirts and Collars. I ^ Boys' Work Shirts. . | " "Headlight'' Overalls. I ' n n \ / r\ t r i d. v. u. Underwear. S Neckwear, Sox, Etc. 1 I terson's I J I < * I For Sale <? * t Ten-room residence on corner of Confederate and For- <t * rest street, the J. A. Boyd property. Lot contains an X | aere and is a bargain at the price asked. Z I Five-room cottage on Booth street, the property of * Hon. J. R. Haile. This property is very near Main street 4 and the section is constantly improving. + I have a number of other bargains in Fort Mill real t estate ranging in price from $600 to $4,000. Z C. S. LINK, Broker | | Fort Mill, 8. C. f ' * !! | | Our Service Pleases. j II ==== I; *> o ;: * We desire the public patronage and are doing all we can in the way of ser|| vice, quality and fair prices to merit the same. You will always find good fresh || o groceries at this store. We are pleas- J! || ing our most particular customers and | 1; would be pleased to add your name to | o our list. | Parks Grocery. Co., t Phone X IB | < & i 1 6.000 Mil#* I b our Guarantee on ! Goodrich Tires. |; GET OUR PRICES. 1 Steele Motor Company, Fort Mill, SL C. j[ WW Illl