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Hgg^t": ViHM WflL OMammon Kim: ? n.a jga^^sa^sagea! wy oubjoet. Tb? rickt to iwmI to ?4M /tor w?mlyrtlDBMtoltto* fr iIHmIIib. On mnptlmtion to tk? piMUmt. idmtWai ritoMNwli toywB to Iky jntw wtod iilw wl Bltbeeeefcofltoe tt Fort MUL 8. C.. *a Mil Httr of tb? ooeond ?1bh. THURSDAY7JUNE 26. 19197""" Beer tai Wime Hast Co. Certain defeat for efforts to have congress except beer and wine from operation of the wartime prohibition law was seen in an overwhelming vote of 66 to 11 in the senate against an exemption proposal. By that margin, the senate tabled a motion by Senator Pheian, Democrat, of California, to add a rider to the agricultural appropriation bill for application of the war-time prohibition law to distilled spirits alone. The sentiment of the senate thus expressed in the first test vote of this congress was taken generally to sound the death knell for measures designed to permit use of beer and wines under the war-time legislation. A new tact was taken in the house by advocates of suspension of the war-time prohibition laws provisions in so far as they affect beer and wines. The house judiciary committee received and agreed to vote next Saturday on an amendment, by Representative Gard, Democrat, of Ohio, to prohibition legislation which would authorize the president to suspend the wartime ban on beer and wines. Rejection of the amendment by the committee generally was predicted. The committee also decided to recommend enforcement of prohibition by the internal revenue commissioner, and not by a special prohibition commissioner. Fort Mill has one citizen so stingy that he uses a half Bhoe string to save the eyes in his shoes. The Germans sign the peace treaty for the same reason the old cow crossed the road? couldn't get around it. We can't figure out any good or just reason why Fort Mill could not or should not have a Walter Leazer street, a Clarence Stephens street, a Carey Faris street, an Eli Bails street, or a Frank McManus street. A traveling man remarked the other day that the worst' road between Winston-Salem and this place was in upper Fort Mill township. Another man inquired of o contractor the cost of erecting an undertaking establishment at the end of the cement road between Fort Mill and Rock Hill. Hp t.hni 1 orViurrtnlrl Iva o nwnAt. ?V W Vft MV 14 pi l/l*V able as well as a much needed institution when the road if completed. Bigger Job for Gonzales. ' > South Carolina will soon have a full fledged ambassador, the president Monday having nominated Capt. William E. Gonzales of Columbia, now minister tc Cuba, to be ambassador extra ordinary and plenipotentiary t< Peru. This change is a promotion foi Captain Gonzales. He was made minister to Cuba at th< beginning of the Wilson ad ministration and has performec the duties of that position witi honor for the United States. State Constable Bateman oi Camden, assisted by Chief ol Police Younjfblood of this city, Saturday afternoon seized 1752 bottles of Paw-Paw from twc local Rrocers, confiscating: 1,524 bottles at the store of E. E. Duncan on Hagin street anc 228 bottles from the store ol J, A. Howie at the Manchestei mill. The Paw-Paw is being held at the city hall until furthei investigations have been made. ' * City ordinances and State law< prohibit the sale of Paw-Paw ae a beverage. Constable Bateman left the dty Saturday night but | Y?rk C tasty News Natters. VbuV- U Gallmsn. of Yorkfrom the field ycetordv mooinf. ? The election in Bethel school district Ma 8. list Saturday on the question of levying a special I tax of four mills for school purposes resulted in the defeat of me luoyt vote of 23 to 12. John Henry Powell, a negro from McConnellsville, who was sent to Fort Leavenworth for twcuii years, hss been released ' from the Fort Leavenworth disciplinary military barracks. The release of the negro comes through the persistent efforts of Hon. J. S. Brice, late chairman of Local Exemption Board No. 2. Most of the farmers in the strip devastated by the hail and windstorm in Bethel township on June lBt have replanted the lands on which the crops were destroyed. Some of the land has been planted in cotton and most of it has come to a good stand. A larger part of the destroyed acreage, however, has been planted to corn, as most of the farmers feel reasonably sure of making a fairly satisfactory | corn crop even with the late planting. That many York county ne groes who were drafted into the i military service intend to enlist in the regular army is the indii cation. Several York county negroes, it is understood, are at \ their respective homes now on furlough, after which they will return to their respective organizations, having enlisted for a period of three years. Good food, good quarters, good pay and little work offered by the army, together with an opportunity to see the world appeals to many of them strongly. Constables Coy Jones and H. L. Johnson broke up a still on G. M. Horton's place on Bullock's creek in Bullock's Creek township last Sunday. The still was made of a forty gallon gaso{ The Casl < o We are still in the K | > most select line of Fresl J ter, Eggs and other Coui * Call on us for all kinds I X Dill Pickles, Etc. We price will please you. i The Cast F. E. TAYLOR, Prop. I - f J P^44^E9flPm\ Y / Ww^ J ft o 5 S 8 P 9 w . . 5 i *1? <{ & < n O ? 1 5* I i 9 8 f ' r VHBP^ ' - - . ... line tank, buried in thejank ol a branch; a singling barrel and < worm. A galvanized iron pipe led from the still to the tinglfat barret The worm was of ooppa and of the moat approved manufacture. The officers got He positive information as to the ownership of tha-stUh but thtej got some very strong suspicions. Mr. W. D. Grist, editor of the Yorkviile Enquirer, went tc Washington last week to try to get some satisfactory information as to the probable date oi the discharge of his son, Corporal Lewis M. Grist, who is being held under observation in the Walter Reed hospital there. Mr. Grist left Yorkviile on Thursday afternoon and reurned Saturday morning with the assurance from the colonel in mmmnriH nf ih? hnanitol tiioi his son would be discharged from the hospital today or Friday. . Death of Estimable Le4? Editor of Times: The deatt angel passed over the Flint Hill section Thursday night and carried away one of our dearest friends, Mrs. W. C. Cranford. She was a true Christian womar and a loving wife and mother. She was loved by everyone whc knew her. The funeral wai conducted Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock by her pastor. Rev. J. R. Smith, at Flint Hill church. She was laid to rest in Flint Hill cemetery by her little son whc proceeded her to the Great Beyond several years ago. She was married about 26 years ago. Besides her husband she is survived by the following children: Rone, Nellie, Boyce, Wade and Josiah. Also her father, mother and several brothers and sisters. The grave was covered with many beautiful flowers which showed the love and respect of her many friends. The sympathy of the entire commnnity goes out to the bereaved husband and children. M..B. H. E. C. Flint Hill, June 24. FOR SALE?A nice bunch of O. I. C. Pigs. T. H. BARBER. To the Public. We offer the Bervicc of our registered Jereey Bull. Fee $2.00. L. A. HARRIS. i Market tarket Business with a < l Meats,/ Chickens, But- 41 ntry Produce. J [ Sweet and Sour Pickles, ' have the best afid the i Market, Phone 146. < ? 13 f ra ? K& iS@ i3@> . m t 2 ' <1 a> f ' I W Q. VQ * IVACATIO Free Good The Plan ?_yol!~y"y?!?;rticU" ilar. price, we GIVE you equal value?choice to be made by you?" lustrato?Buy aay two 25c article* listed he five you your choice of aay other 25c art Buy aay two 50c articles aad there will article free. With a purchase of any two a I the opportunity of selecting a third article which'you may have FREE. 50c Articles Buy any Two, Get One FREE IRexall Skeeter Skoot An unobjectionable, non-irritating preparation, which frees one almost immediately from these pesti. Bouquet Ramee Talcum Soothing and cooling, just what you need for these not summer t days. Violet Dulce Cold Cream / t s An exceptionally high-grade clean- / [Tj sing cream, perfumed with Parma / I Violets. In both jars and tubes. / Violet Dulce Vanishing / ^ Cream / Fills the' pores and softenes the / n skin. Will neither soil garments or / grow hair on the face. ' / I Syta Face Powder / i A high-grade Frence Powder, es- j ?\7 , t* pecially imported for us. In white, ; V'li 3?l ' n flesh, or bninette. i V 1 Alma Zada Face Powder \ For those who prefer a very * P -? heavy "sticky" powder, which will \ IJj protect from the weather; delight- \ r\N j jyi fully perfumed. V il.\\ i>;^ jspr" fe'djream i sHutsh-- I'. 25c Per Jar v JVn antiseptic and healing cold cream, especially recommended for chapping and roughness of the skin caused by exposure to the sun and wind. The name stands f/r *or highest qualf d"?c* \V ity being one of the /1 Jflf ImL. famous Violet Dulce I IB _ Iff? 1MB Complexion requisitII n*?1**'0" I Mam ?eB" ^ elightfully ? vL /fjn scented with the Vinette, white and flesh Q I 11=11 -H IF Your Family Ser That is what we are and what we strive Your table is the shrine upon which we selvss. We are dealers in "better than ordinar ies. Our shelves are stocked with the b market of standard Roods. Let us take the responsibility of what ; the table to tempt the appetites of your fam Groceries are the life of any individual. T .of no annnltr i?am? ^K ? ?? V.U JVJUI IIWUI 1D1III1CI11 111 H Wc be cheapest to your purse and most satis your pallette. FRESH MEATS, FISH and ICE. B. C. FERGUSC Highest Prices Paid for Pork. Matchless Barge We have $4r0,000.0() worth of New date Merchandise, consisting of Heavy Groceries, Hardware. Dry Go Shoes, Hats, Etc., that will be sold of cost. a We are going to change our busii will sell the entire stock At a Great Sacrifi TU: ? r? ? aiic; odit is now in iuii swing an until Every Dollar's Worth is sold, Don't miss this rare opportunit; Great Bargains. The J. i. Mills Com s for You All Tt I ? _ i listed at a son- Tkp PurDOSP a third one of 1 rXXrP?^ 3 for 2." To il- turers of the articlea ire and we will familiarize you with tide on the list, profit to get wider d be a third 50c the benefit of this pi rticles, you have have more vacation < i at that price, prices do not include Ask for articles not i Lylle Drug Co.,| m)t TsssSSi ' &tore Successor to Ardrey's Drug Store. ===3 I 11=11 * |{== * ? <?> V vant i Don't j YOUR BON ; LOSINO T] 5 to be. Z ofTpr our * Liberty and Vic ^ world (we loan m 1 urge everyone to y" grocer- 2 . est in the * ?^t don * keep t and let us take ca you put on t , We issue a certi ily> f for money, the ce + as the bonds do. ly that will $ We credit you \ (factory to B T. ?llt y?u having to * the several issues ,Z pons and bring tl: If you must sell + ket prices. >N II The Fi | ttJtSUUK ?ns j= r and Up-toFancy and ods, Notions Effective 0< I regardless rates of The S1 Daily and Sum Daily only, pei ness, so we Sunday only, ; Semi-weekly, y M1 Short term s invariably in a 1 Until Octobc id continues ono 7ear 'n a< rate, $8.00 per Subscribe t< y to secure newspaper, coi come to your h ? Address, Tin pany. I 1 . m SSITIESn its Week! 9 N " - ^ *; ' J , This plan was developed by the United Drug Company, the manure? >f as an advertising plan?a plan to j n these products. They sacrifice ther M fl istribution, and we give our customers rice reduction so tK*t " comforts without extra expense. These 11 I ?War Tax. 1 mentioned in the following list. a 25c Articles 9 Buy Any Two, Get One FREE ^ ;.'9 Violet Dulce Shampoo ? i 1 Crystals 1 Frees the hair from oil and leaves | it fluffy and beautiful. Unexcelled as a cleaner. Violet Dulce Soap ,-j. j| A delightfully perfumed face soap A containing no excess of alkali, ana therefore, does not irritate the most delicate skin. V Rexall Medicated Skin * \ Soap \ A cleansing and antiseptic agent. \ Not only good for complexion, but \ invaluable in rendering - cuts and , \ bruises surgically clean. m \ Elkay's Straw Hat Cleaner ||| - '$8 1 Not only makes your old hat look III 1 WmIa 1 "kp new, hut also removes ink and III 1 OTIS duBt 8tains. [|| 1 Rexall Sunburn Lotion J Cooling and comforting, also reI lieves chafing and windhurn. | J Rexall Baby Talcum J Delicately perfumed. Especially , / made for the little one. "A moth/ er's touch for baby." |?3| RIKER'S I V ^11 'EROXZONI p I ' *^1 ' " ?"-? 1 ? to** ? ?o??o ?' j | Cooling, refreshing and soothing. j Contains Hydrogen Peroxide which acts as a bleach and helps the cream give that smooth and velvety ap- I pearanoe. I Sixteen ounces of ^ good quality white * f fabric finished stock I *4**^^ paper, that will Rive I - m " "'1 you splendid satisfac- I B JJT u i tinn Pnrlfttfl in n<?m_ I ? |)act 8 i de-o poninj? I I ^ 50c Per Pound J I Free with any two kj^SSKEGSSSBHi 50c articles, L>*~" , =1' 'I =1' =! "~"~l Sacrifice? * * DS. AND DON'T RUN THE RISK OF * | IEM OR HAVING THEM STOLEN. :tory Bonds are the best investment in the ; \ oney on them at six per cent) and we < * keep them. N ' > them at home. Bring your bonds to us re of them and collect the interest for you. < ificate of deposit for bonds just as we do \ \ rtificates bearing the same rate of interest <? < vith the interest the day it falls due, with- J' remember the different interest dates of ; , and taking the trouble to clip the cou- < > tern to the bank to be cashed. {| I bonds?we will always pay the full mar< < > i > rst National Bank, | CES MORE THAN $350,000,00 j \ < > < cription Rates of Hie State .i.L 1 _i. 1 A1 n ,* ? - siuuer 1 si, i9io, me suDocription tate will be as follows: day, per year 19.00 r year. >er year 2.QQr ^ >er year 1.50 ubscriptions at same rate. Payable dvance. ir first renewals for not more than Ivance will be accepted at the old year. > The State now, and have a real rering local, State and general news, ome as a daily visitor. ; State Company, J Colombians. C. ^ ^ ^ ^