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BBW3S?l>4 '~*j B^^J^fiw^'~:fe^HHLBPB^BII^K^IB -*jMHfl|^ vb< utfHrajg Sy^^ i I Ifask Vui T!m rnii*Mi Wtt-gr I Iks. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY ALCOHOL t: ?- ' RECOMMENDED FOR BLOOD DISEASES useo A3 A?* t f- *- - nunnru ionic, AiierauT* and 1 a Purifier of the Blood. Recommended for Tetter, Eruptions and Diseases that come from Impurities of the Blood, also Indigestion end Stomach Troubles. lb neatly ULaanuti tka Para Joioa ol SfeHaaaia, fWUy Adv. Suiapcllla, Pitainawa aad PocW(InAaTha plaab are gathered end the iaicaextr?9nd ?Ub ii a freh, green coadiSoa. aad only enough |OR epnit, aadad to praraat l.aiaalMioa, PRICE $1.25 HAN l/FA CTUKKD BY PERSON REMEDY CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. She faaSu without Mra. Jo* Pnnon't atgaatara on aacA tottta. mat ?mi fAOucs asotto sov. u. wu Cool, Eczema, Hives, etc. Right In fear own home and at trifling cost, foacan enjoy the benefit of healing gtiphny bathe / Hancock Sulphur Compound IBBfisVt own blood purifying and skin hcaHng ?ml; SULPHUR?prepared In a way to makafes use most eOcadous. (Jse it In the ialk; ate It as a lotion applying to affected parts; and take It Internally. SOc and $1 the bottle at your druuiit'a. If he can't supply you. send his name and the price la stamps and teawfll send you a bottle direct ANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUa. COMPANY ? a an Baltimore. MX r n il StIthur Ctmfund Ola#- ^wH*|*V^>> Mill ts*nj SCk tn MM uM (At UnM CtrnHMad. notwiwi Tiawftjw Immense Dock for London. With the object of regaining for Lon Am her former proud position us premier port </f the world, a new and enormous dock, capable of accommodating the world's liners, Is being constructed on the south side of the Royal Albert docks. Its water area Is to be # acres and, by means of a floating caisson, its normal length is capable of extension to 010 feet?large enough flar a bigger bout than even the 80S,hot Aqultanla. No Senao of Humor. How did you happen to lose your kit cook?" "She didn't like my style of humor." "Nor "Hiring shown symptoms of an artbUc temperament on several occnMom, I asked her if she thought nur Utchen was n way station on the road So the movies, and, bless my soul, she Khlt."?Birmingham Age-Herald. True to Form. "Whit did you do with the piny you tried on the dog?" "Made the fun n hit more waggish, red up the tall end and licked the whole thing Into shape." Church Shirkers. "What's the Idea of freo pews?" "Well, It gives every one a chance to <tfa y away from church at a minimum <Kpensc."?Life. Lives of great men nil remind ns kssr easy It la not to achieve great? There's at why sc people Crape the regular least one m< It's beca delightful f la derfttl values JMmU a* TikM Wmrm MM Mwyiliw HAVE^'C/fNIlY^DOWNFINE English Labor Mid to Load the World in th# Flno Art of Working Slowly. Atwood Flower, the Industrial expert. snld at a Sphinx club dinner la New York: "English labor waitfs high pay, like what we give our1 own labor over here, but the trouble about that la the 'ca' cunny' English labor policy. 44 *Ca' canny* means going slow, and It's got to be admitted that for going slow, for keeping outpnt down, English labor beuts the world. "One <lny In London I was Inspecting a building operation. A foreman, ns I passed, bawled up a lndder: " 'Hodges, what the blazes are you doln* up these?' " Tin Inyln' bricks, o' course,' an angry voice bawled down. 44 'Well, by heavens, by the stillness of you,' yelled the foreman, 'you might bo luyln* eggs.'44 LIFT OFF CORNS! Doesn't hurt a bit and costs only a few cents f*?IL -J Single! Just drop n little Freefona on that touchy corn, instantly It stops aching, then you lift the corn off with the fingers. Truly! No humbug! Try Freesone! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle for u few cents, sufficient to rid your feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and ' calluses, without one particle of pain, soreness or lrrltutlon. Freefone Is the discovery of a noted Cincinnati genius. Vagrant's Fragrance. "The whisky toper usuully eats onions. Deliver nie, then, from Ida proxlmlfy In train or theater." The weaker was Charles L. Chute, secretary of the National Prohibition league. ^ "An Albany missionary," he went on, "was visiting a Jail. He asked a rednscd Inmate what his crime had been. " 'I didn't do nothing.' says red nose. 'Holiest to L'lWMlniKii liiitio T. '1" ...... ttvfuut A Ultlll L UU nothln'.' " 'Well, anyhow, what di<l they charge you with doing?' said the missionary. " 'Durned if I knorw, boss,' said red nose. 'As near as I can make out, they put me in here for frugrancy.'" "Spanish Bayonet" for Toilet Soap. Soap manufacturers have found soapweed, or Spanish buyonet, excellent for toilet soaps and soaps intended for washing woolens. Ordlnnrlly one man can hnrvest a ton of soupweed in u day. After cutting the plants are allowed to dry for two or three months, and then are haled up In the'ordinary broom corn baling machine. Reduced. I "Mother," asked the Modern Child as she was being put to bed, "what are prayers?" "Pruyers, darling, are little messages | to GodJ' The Modern Child grew thoughtful ? "O^i, I see," she said at last, "and we wnlt till bedtime to send them so us to get the night rate." , Just Married. , "This book says to put some of yourself Into everything you do." "Yes?" "And then it Is hound to be a success." . \ "Ah. my dear, you were cut out to make angel cuko."?Louisville CourierJournal. Proof to the Contrary. rnn.InK .rl fl'o I.. - " *via\?v? ^>>1 o 13 II VIIIUIIIII. "Indeed, then, It Isn't; It's handpainted." =T==% /^03lS0T2. > many make Nuts part, of at, ial eacK day. Of the vor, and woni of Grape-Nuts builder, ' SsfoTK . PIMT ORGANIZATION OF IT! KINO TO II FORMED AMONO OUR FORCES IN FRANCE. QRI6WAL STRENGTH, 37.080 \ The Division Suffered Its Heaviest Losses Whlls Engaged In Break? Ing the Hlndenburg Line. Georgetown. ? The t old Hickory (30th) Division Association, which recently opened headquarters at Georgetown, S. C., announces a change in the date of the first reunion to be held at Greenville, S. C. The original date set for the first reunion was Septem-' ber 28-29, but because of the fact that September 28 will be Sunday the date has been changed to September 29-30. the anniversary of the breaking of the great Hlndenburg line,' by the 30th Division, American B. F. The committee on organisation, composed of General L. D. Tyson, of Knoxville, Tenn. Colonel Hol;mes D. Springs of Georgetown, and Col, Albert Cox of Raleigh, N. ., met at Greenville as the city for the first reunion, and selected September 29-30 as the date therefor. This association was organized at Le Mans (Sarthe), France, Just prior to the return of the division to the United States, and was the first organization of its kind to be formed amnn? the United States forces in France. Coionel Springs was chosen as temporary chairman of the organization, and Frank P. Bowen, of Knoxville, Tenn., Becretary-treasurer. Mr. Bowen opened headquarters at Georgetown with approximately 20,000 members, and states that at the end of the publicity campaign which will shortly be inaugurated he hopes to have a membership of at least 30,000. The Old Hickory division, composed chiefly of men from Tennessee, North and South Carolina, sailed from New York on May 11, 1918, with approximately 27.000 officers and men. but owing to the heavy casualties suffered at the breaking of the strongest defenses of the enemy, the division received at least fifty per cent replacements whlc hwould bring the total membership of the division to approximately 45,000. Blckett's Beautiful Admonition. Spartanburg.?The commencement exercises at Converse college hat come to a close. Addressing the graduating class, Governor Thomas W. Blckett, of Nortb Carolina, In an eloquent address urged the young women of the institution to be strong in character and body, nat ural and holy in the years and experiences that lie before them. Con eluding the series of his three genera) themes, the chief executive of the sister state declared that the world muat have holiness or die of moral malaria. MMTor* oonn At otmnlw ! " V?? ?*?<'* m#~ ? ....... wmuuuv ou**-? uo nam, lur in the crush of the day the gentler impulses are impaired or destroyed and the hardening processes of business life are hardening to the finer Instincts. It is at this crisis that the woman must nave the man, it is at this hour that her hour strikes. "At night times," said the governor, "in the quiet hours it seems that there comes from the world a wail of pain and wild unrest. The chief sufferer of Ihe conditions causing the anguish Is the man, and unfortunate is he who, with these environments, must travel down grade to mother, sister or wife and thrice blessed la the man who, coming from the sordid climbs up to his domestic life, who moves homeward with his eyes turned toward the* hills and sees his home shining like a star, with the woman of that home as the light thereof." Baptist Summer Assembly. Greenville.?Plans are rapidly being completed for the South Carolina summer assembly to be held in Greenville (rom June 28to July 11, Inclusive, and indications are that over 1,000 visiting Baptists from all sections of the tates and other states will attend. Walterboro Postofflee Advanced. Walterboro.?C. Henderson Fraser, postmaster, reports that he has Just received notification that the "Walterboro postoffice has been advanced from a third class to a second clas? pffice. The gross receipts of the of fice during the year ending in June were approximately $10,000 and th? reqoireuinnis 01 receipiR ror a Mconfl class office are only $8,000. The advancement of the office In class will mean that the posttmaster will receive a higher salary and be permitted to employ more assistants. Shooting at Blaoksburg. Qaffney.?James Webb of Blacks burg, Is In the Cherokee county Jail charged with shooting Brown Moss at Blocksburg. Domestic touble aee said to have been the cause of the shoot lng. Webb, immediately after th? shooing oame t o Qaffney and surren dered to the sheriff, but refused t< talk. It is said that Webb has beer away from home for several months and only recently returned to Blacks burg, but wai not living wih his wife, with whom -Moss was boarding. Exoltement In Abbeville. Abbeville.?Abbeville Is considerably excited over the killing of Mark Smith, negro, who was shot while going to his home on the J. F. Drennan farm with his mother and wife. A party of men in an automobile held np Smith and shot him to death, his mother and wife reported. Several months ago Smith shot Leslie Caan. deputy sheriff of Abbeville bounty, while he and other sheriff's eputles were searching Smith's home mlth ran away but was apprehended .ried, and aeQultted. FIRE FIBflTEBS RE0R6MUZEQ Work tM* Cfmly Ntirft It Out ' by Director ef PuMlo Health Num. lag of taU board of Hoalth. Chester.?The city council has reorganised -the city fire department, better known as the Stonewall-Are department, making a more efficient organisation than It has hitherto been. It has always fought Area well, hat the personnel of the firemen has not been large enough. This now has w?a WUJW7 ranwnN, ana with P1" reorganisation the city's fire department will be among the best to he toand anywhere ip the Carolines. Mrs. Ruth A. Dodd, director of public health nursing of the South Carolina board of health, was in Chestei recently and formally mapped out the work which Miss Clara M. Curve n. county nurse, is to undertake. Miss Curran expects to work in various sections of Chester county during ths week, with the exception of Saturday, when she will be at her office, where she will be glad to hare the people call and consult with her in reference to her work. Civil Engineer Employed. Gaffney.?The town counoil of Gaff* ney has employed a practical civil engineer to make estimates of certain work which is contemplated in the near future. The work is being planned now and it is expected to be completed as speedily as it may be possible to do so. County Auditor J. W. George, has called a meeting at his office of the county board of tax assessors for the purpose of setting valuations on the automobiles of the county. Raymond Dobson, son of R. A. Dobson, had the misfortune to have his arm broken Just above the wrist while cranking a Ford for an acquaintance. While the injury is very painful, the nil no- man I. ? -- * >n ? qw vviuq va c&o ncu as can be expected. Permanent Baee Hospital. Columbia.?That the base hospital at Camp Jackson Is to be made a permanent adjunct to the camp Is the substance of the contents of a telegram received by Joseph D. Mlot, president of the Columbia Chamber of Commerce, from former Senator Christie Benet. Several days ago a report reached the chamber to the effect that the hospital was to be removed. The camp committee of the chamber at once got bnsy on the proposition. Former Senator Benet made inquiry of the war department as to the matter and wan advised that following the general policy of the war department no more overseas wounded men would be sent to the base hospital here but would, instead, be sent to the general hospitals. The Camp Jackson hospital will, however, be maintained as a base bospital sufficient large to care for the men being demobilized here and later will be maintained as a permanent base hospital in connection with the permanent camp. Cotton Marketing Association. Orangeburg.?The Orangeburg Cotton Marketing Association has been organized in accordance with an act of the legislature making possible the association. The main Durnose of the association is to secure for the farmer the highest price possible for his cotton, grading and selling It for him. Milton K. Jefferson, who has been engaged in cotton business for a number of years, has been elected to have charge of the cotton sales for the farmers on the Orangeburg market. A charge of 85 cents per bale will p? made for all cotton sold. There has been a good deal of criticism of the price paid for cotton at present and it Is thou^t now that by the operation of the marketing association the Orangeburg cotton market will be made one of life very best In the State. Police 8alarles Raised. Darlington.?At a recent meeting of the new town council, It was decided to increase the BtJariee of all police officers on the force. The council also created another police Job, giving to the Darlington Manufacturing district a night policeman. In the absence of Mayor J. A. McLeod, O. B. Brainngton has been elected mayor pro tem. Citation For Bravery. Washington (Special.)?Lieutenant Robert Oilmer, Anderson, S. C-? was included In the list of citations made public by the war department as the basis for awards of the distinguished service cross. Lindsay Morment has been recommended for rural carrier for Raynham. Wo tli. ?MS- %,1W Riax?DV inuaiug 1UMU ??UW stood the examination. Next to him came Dr. W. P. Lowrey, a Croatan. There ie a hot contest over this place and many people favor Lowrey. % Morrow Machine Plant Wrecked. Chester.?Fire completely wrecked the Morrow Machine Company's plant near Chester, causing a damage oi approximately $4,500 with no lnsur anee. The Are probably caught from a match thrown In some gasoline after ICmsley C. Tomberll nhad ignited i cigarette. The Are Is said to have spread quickly to the 55-gallon tank wd soon the structure was a mass of *utns. In the loss were two automo biles, a motorcycle and the plants, tools and machinery. ????? Banker's Annual Convention. 8outh Carolina bankers will leave the State Tuesday and Wednesday, June 16 and 17, for Tybee Island to attend the 19th annual convention of the South Carolina Bankers' Association, which promises to be the largest attended meeting held In the 19 years of Its existence. Headquarters will be established at Tybee Hotel tnd members are scheduled to arrive there not later than the 17th of June. J. Skottowe Wannam&ker of St. Matthewa la president of the association. ' J V JSL . / *" "'* 'i ' - ^ ? Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never ! Suspect It AppBcMfi for Xmmioob Oftea Rejected. Judging (rw reports ttwi df uggista who sis eooitutly la direct toed with the public, there is owe preparation that hss bssa wry successful la overcoming these conditions. The adld sad healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realised. It stands the highest for it# remarkable record of euoceee. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview of the subject, made the astonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are rejected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whoee application# are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. It is on sale at all drag stores in bottles of two sises, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Cb., Binghamton, N. Y., for a amnio Wll. Wl ? u ?: ?J r? .? ? %? tr ucu m i?iu| uo BUiC ?UU mention this paper.?Adv. ( When Helen Was Naughty. Helen Is a Uttle girl who lives on tne South side. The other dry she was very naughty and that night she said to her nurse: "I was naughty today, wasn't 1, Sarah?" "Yes," answered Sarah. "You were | so naughty you almost made your mother 111." "Well," sighed Helen. "I'm going to be better. But would you be good all at once, or Just gradually?"?Kunsas i City Star. Interesting. Walton?This is my favorite month. I wish It would Inst forever! Dnlton?I have a note due the first of next month, too.?Cnrtoons Magazine. There Is no redress for tlie mnn who has hut one suit of clothes. Natur*'*_purglng effort* may be coaxed or coerced. Wright"* Indian Vegetable Pill* gently- but firmly urge Nature to her best effort.?*dv. Men condemn because they do not understand.?Cicero. '. YOUR i Y ciga thei A mac ciga GENUINE "Riii 1 llj j I Ugh! Calomel Sic* Please Try D I am sincere! My xnedi and bowels so you i * You're bilious! Your Uver is sluggish! You feel Its;, dl&zy and all knocked out. Your head is dull, your tongue is coated; breath bad; stomach sour and bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel. It makes you sick; you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes Into sour bile like dynamite, breaking It up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced Just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents under my personal money-back guarantee that each spoonFor-MAlARIA, CHILLS and FEVER. PREPARE FOR In times of Peace prepare for a ISifC demands trained men and wom< llr tl your salary -will be. Today nu " business. Enroll 'With this ' equipped business college, and h ' make your future success secure. Handsome ! logue mailed on request. You can enter an: ! School open all summer. W ?!? quick relief. ^1 """ gl Boon rtmoTN ewelltn* and short V ?1 breath. H??r hwrt of lta equl for dronh \ JHTrr It. Trial trrwunl cent FRII. by malL Write to Oft. THOMAS E. GREEN RM* Will. *0. OMATSWORTH. U Kuneell Srwufr Disposal 8jf?t?m, liurllnvton. la. With or without water worka. No chem. jjy^Vns/Ju^j OWN "B1 OU buy a bag of * Durham tobacco. /ith your own hands yo rettes. They are made n. You've rolled your ov s. a result, you have shines can't equal. (A rettes from one bag!) t'DUR TOE 10c 4 - t ' -J* .. i cine does not upset live* | :\ A:?i lose a day's work. ful will clean your sluggish Uv*r bS? ; ?; ? -^1 ter than a dose of nasty calomel aa# , J that It won't make you sick. "... ,/: Dodson's Liver Tone la reel HvW medicine. You'll know It next mom- n lng because you will wake up feeling J fine, your liver will be working, yen* 9 headache and dizziness gone, yoOf stomach will be sweet and your bowel* regular. You will feel like working) you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and nmbftlon. !sv!m Dodson's Liver Tone Is entire!? vegetable, therefore harmless aqd can ^ not salivate. Give It to your children. Millions of people are using Dodson** i Liver Tone Instead of dnngerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell yon that the sale of calomel Is almost , . stopped entirely here.?Adv. HIT 1 L,LTI?MnC (OLD FOR BO YEARS. ALSO A riNC GENERAL STRENGTHEN* ING TONIC. Sold by All Draa Stores. r A LARGER SALORV m bettor Job at a larger salary. Modern buslneaa n experts. The better tho training the larger r grnduates are lu the front ranks of modern K >elc?ta- j Raleigh. N. C. and Charlotte. N. C. HOMESEEKER Rend So for Virginia Farm and Timber I Bulletin. Department I*.. F orla, Virginia I W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 25-19191 ULL" genuine "Bull" ^ u roll your own U just as you like rn?for yourself. a smoke that H nd?fifty-thrifty fl M HAM ' JACCO t i *' '' T mu* paper , , ! * - ; ]?;<? ., t:& ' ' ; flj ? $Mfi iiv :