University of South Carolina Libraries
. *1 MHBBBjMBBSftwfifcm? ' WWrHfcBfH^*'^*^W 1 F^PfSpsY . II Fuf% MHjtt Mottdty* J f?c WiH^D" Ron^iB^ufC J k pool if visiting. his parents, Mr. toidl.Mfc*. C. F. Rogers, in this *.qK*v r , . . *< Robt Erwin, of Lumber ton, N. C.. is visiting his mother, fc Mrs. Dovie Erwin. i; Mrs. A. A. Young, of Rock . IXill Alo?i..n? '- ? i-i.:.. _:i?i nun tioiwu lowufco hi vuis cuy last week. Mrs. Jas. T. Young: and sons, Arthur and Kenyon, are spending some time in Hiddenite, N. C. Miss Lelia Taylor left Monday for a visit to relatives in Chester. Mrs. Effie Hunter, of Lancaster, is- visiting her sister, Mrs, W. L. Boyd, in this city. Mrs. A. C. Burgess,, of Rock Hill, visited relatives here the past week. Miss Kate Armstrong, of Spencer, N. C., is visiting in the home of Mr. J. H. Sutton. Misses Lola and Clyda Lawrence, of Florence,, are guests in the home of Mrs. Everad Ardrey. Dr. and Mrs. S. Eugene Massey, of Roanoke, Va.. arrived Tuesday morning for a visit to the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Henry Massey. Mrs. Milton Sligh has returned to her home in Jacksonville, Fla., after a visit to relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Erwin, of Charlotte, were guests during the past week of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Grier on Clebourn street. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Watson, of Charlotte, were guests of Mrs. Mary Ardrey during the past week. Misses Katharine and Cora Massey and Master James Massey left several days ago for an extended visit to relatives in Liberty. S. C. ^ . * ?*. Mrs. J. L. Patterson anfl little daughter, Nettie, pf Charlotte, are guests in the home of Mr. ^ and Mrs. J. H. Pktterson. Little Miss Beth Stewart, of ML Hollv. N. C.. is visitino- hpp grandmother, Mrs. J. A. Boyd in this city. Miss Elise Harrison, of Gantt's Quarry. Ala., is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nims of the township. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Roach and MisaJ Florence Thornwell, of Rock Hill, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Elliott this week. The Rev. J. B. Massey and two of his children, of Wilson, N. C., are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Henry Massey. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bailes left this week for a visit to relatives and friends in and near Wilmington, N. C., making the trip through the country in their car. * Mr. D. G. Culp has accepted the position of assistant postmaster which he filled so acceptably for a number of years and will assume these duties 1 about the middle of next month. The board of directors of the York County Fair Association met Saturday morning and decided to hold the fair at Rock Hill this year on October 22, 23 and 24. Mr. I. B. Covington, who for several months past has been superintendent of the Fort Mill Manufacturing company's plant No. 1, has resigned and leaves this week to return to Forest I City, N. C., where he was formerly employed. Mrs. J. B. Black aacompanied by her three children and Mrs. ? Bright, arrived Wednesday afterI noon from Elizabeth City, N. C., " to join her husband, the Rey. J. B. Black, and will make their future home here. Petitions asking city council to permit the soda fountains to ^drinks, cigars, etc.. during certain hours Sundays, were circulated And nnmerously signed during the past week, bus the coun cil in meeting Monday night decided to postpone action in the matter until a later date. Of the sum of $8,304 received by Clerk of Court Logan last April, for distribution among the Confederate soldiers and widows of Confederate soldiers on account of pension allowances, the sum of $828 has been returned to the comptroller general to go back into the general fund that ia to be divided among the old soldiers and widows generally, vho have not heretofore been on At the evening service June 15 the commissioners convening iinmedhiteiy after the sermon, which win preached by the. Rev. R. E. Gillespie, D. D., pastor pf the First Presbyterian church of York, and being-led in prayer by BAr. J. K. Roach, ran elder from the the First Presbyterian church of Rock Hill. The charge to the pastor was delivered by the Rev. F. W. Gregg. D. D.? pastor of the First Presbyterian church .of Rock Hill, and the charge to the congregation by the Rev. J. C. Bailey, pastor of the Ebenezer Presbyterian church. At the morning service to be held on the fourth Sunday of the present month the ceremony of ordaining and installing eight deacons recently elected at a congregational meeting will be observed. Heath of Aged Resident. Mr. A. P. Dominy, a well known and highly esteemed resident of this city died suddenly at his home Saturday afternoon about 6 o'clock, after a slight illness of a few days. Mr. Dominy had hot been well for some time, but even the members of his family, nor himself, realized that his trouble had reached such an acute stage. The burial was made Sunday evening in New Unity cemetery in the presence of many sorrowing relatives and friends. Mr. Dominy was 70-odd years of age and had been a resident of Fort Mill for several years, being the attendant of the Southern Railway pumping station. He was a member of the Methodist church and also held membership in the local lodge of W. 0. W. He was a good citizen and his passing is deplored by all his acquaintances. City Council Proceedings. In honor of Sergeant Thomas Lee Hall who lost his life , in action on the battlefields of Fronce October 8, 1918. and who has been posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal, town council has adopted an ordinance changing the name of the present Booth street to Tom Hall street. This street is one of the main thoroughfares leading from Fort Mill to Lancaster county and the country to the east. An ordinance was adopted calling for an election on July 18 on the question of adopting a recent act of the general assembly providing for assessing abutting property owners for payment of permanent street improvements and issuing certificates of indebtedness against such improvements. If the contemplated bond issue of $20,000 is adopted, the provision of this ordinance will provide funds for permanent streets to the extent of $40,000. The Mayor was directed to proceed with the extension of the water line into Spring street in . Whiteville park and establish at least two fire hydrants on this line. Wholesale Grocery Concern. The Fort Mill Wholesale Grocery is a new concern which :n e? i j * * * win upeii lur uusiness in tnis city within a short time, application having been made to the Secretary of State for a commission for the new concern. The men connected with the business are Messrs. J. 'J. Bailes, B. E. Patterson and Wm. S. Belk. It is the intention of the concern to erect a large and suitable building near the Southern railroad a short distance south of the freight station, and work on the building will begin as soon as the necessary preliminaries can be arranged. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held at Young & Wolfe's Furniture store in Fort Mill School district, No. 28. on Friday. .Tnn?? 97 loio on the question of levying 6 mills additional tax under the School Act of 1919. J. B. Mills, Chmn.. T. B. Spratt, Secy. IAUTOMOBI DOES YOOR CAR Don't Ruin a Good Car W j Let John 8 n Shop Near Overhead * " ' Catering Only to Thoi PHONES: g&A'Vw . Slew p - '* ' 'V -' J-1 Riytmenitt. xens of Fort lEfailled together by Mayor IE IL Patferwm. Bri$*y night tbo proposition of totalling a Mw^rage system and making' permanent . "highways throughout the towfi was considered. Mayor Patterson presided and presented plans and estimates covering the two propositions which were recently, made by engineers. W. B. Wilson, Jr., of Rock Hill, was present and explained the leeral side of the question. The estimates propose $25,000 for a sewerage system and $40,000 for permamanent street improvements, the latter amount to be raised by a bond issue of $20,000. one-half the coet, and the other half to be be paid by abutting property owners. The city council will be asked to adopt the provisions of an act of the general assembly giving authority to make sfich a levy upon the abutting freeholders. The meeting was well attended by representative citizens of all vocations and a citizens' committee composed of T. B. Spratt, A. O. Jones. W. B. Meacham, J. B. Mills and L. A. Harris was appointed to investigate the feasability of such a bond issue and report to a special meeting of city council to be held soon., A Striking Contrast. The Railroad Administration. controlling properties worth over $20,000,000,000, and the handliug of which hears closely on the prosperity of the entire country, propose tc spend $1,000,000 in advertising for passenger travel. The tea associations of the United States, with a view to increasing the consumption of tea. propose to spend $2,000,000 in an advertising campaign, and one sugar company is to spend $2,500,000, so it is reported, to advertise its brand of sugar. The National Government, controlling the railroads with their $20,000,000,000 of investments prepares to spend $1,000,000 for advertisement, the tea dealem will go to $2,000,000 in their advertising campaign, and one company $2,500,000! Comment seems nardlv necesMajestic To-Morrow i AABGUERJTE CLARK temnwri-ftwowl iwn # Marguerite Clark . In "Gretna Green." Rich man, poor man ?they all went to Gretna Green to get married. That's where dainty Miss Clark goes to get married in this wonderfully romantic story. But around that same retreat for lovers the winsome little miss finds a heart-ache, a near tragedy, and?Come and see for yourself at the Majestic Tomorrow. Open 6 P M. Regular Prices. Why Buy a New Auto? We have expert painters, trimmers and upholsterers, to fix up your old auto to make it look like new. We can build a new top in one day or can put in back curtain with plate glass lights in a few hours. Write us. J. C. Hardin & Co., Rock Hill. S. C. For Final Discharge. Having made with the Probate Court of York County a Finnl Settlement as Executors of the estate of J. W. Ardrey, deceased, notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of July, 1919, the undersigned will make application to said court fur a Final I)is charge from all further liability in connection with said administration. W. A. WATSON, W. D. ARDREY, Executors. June 12, 1919. LE PAINTING NEED PAINTING? ith a Poor Job of Painting, jjjj H son Do It J / z Bridge, Rock Hill, S. C. jj e Who Want the Bed. w IAS. A. JOHNSON, Mgr-1 AJNT1NG situation typifies the unwisdom QtL?Ex. A i J _ -1? 1 i ' '! i !> * iwaaaiaaeBBBp AN OKiitlNANCE Be it ordtfned by the ifayor and Aldermen of the town Of Fbrt Mill, S. C, in council assembled and by authority of the same: ; Wherees, Sergeant Thomas Lee Hall was a member of Company Q, the Fort Mill Light Infantry, a unit of the fatnoua One Hundred and Eighteenth regiment, and was killed hi action on the 8th day of October, 1918, near Montbrehain, France, and for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action , with the enemy was posthumously I awarded by the Congress of the United ] States of America the highest honor j within their gift, and whereas the ! Town ofx Fort Mill desires to com1 memorate his name and honor his I memory, it is hereby ordered that the ; name 01 Doom street leaning irom Trade street to the easterly limits of the town of Fort Mill be changed to TOM HALL street and be so known in the future. Done and ratified in council this 16th day of June, 1919. B. E. PATTERSON. Attest: Mayor. C. S. LINK. City Clark. WINTHROP COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop College and for the admission of new students will be held at the County Court House on Friday, July 4th, at 9 a. m., and also on Saturday, July 5th, at 9 a. m., for those who wish to make up by examinations additional units required for full admission to the Freshmen Class of this institution. The examination on Saturday, July 5th,. will be used only for making. admission units. The scholarships will be awarded upon the examination held on Friday. July 4th. Applicants must not be- less than sixteen years of age. When scholar^ ships are vacant after July 4th. they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for scholarships should write to President Johnson for Hrhnlnruhln n*?minoHnn blanks. These blanks, properly filled out by the applicant, should be filed with President Johnson by July 1st. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will open on September 17. 1019. For further information anil catalogue, address President D. B. Johnson, Rock Hill, S. C. DR. A. L_. OTT , OENT1ST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. * | THE SAVIN \ ' OF FORT t ' ' I Ch< | S I Int. I "?' i Phone ) fc 1 22 ) "? ; I T" ! . I t I t \ { 1 \ Rei Can Yoi . and Vej Beintf agents for the Ho we are in position to give yc sizes, and also on several dif fits. If interested, phone N we will be glad to' furnish yi you want. Don't forpret, also, that very best class of merchandi your order for anything you Satisfaction guaranteed The Cas S. A. Lee and T. F <4> I Superior t Phon ; Automobile repfe No Job too Larj ; Ford Sp * We Guarantee Eve ? Garage at Baile ? B. S. CASI r * ; -r: . v. . . >* . " ^ * ? . 1 I' r > P * -i *. ^* t* ? * Clot .V' *>. ~ /. - I I ? I Men s Medi Sumi Boys' Wool I* t " Sumn Men's and I Men's "Steti IPana " "Ide" nnrl I H Utl\a M. In (? t< 4 4 ti n I | Pat * ' * * * 'ft' GS BANK | M/LL. | Hiking Accounts, . i srest Accounts, | e Deposit Boxes, tfts, ? ney Orders, | ivelers' Checks, , ; and a I d Banking Service. ! I ir Fruits | *etables. I me Canner Mfg. Company, iu pricos on tin cans, both Ferent stales of Canning Outo. 8, or come to see us and ou with all the information vvc handle a big line of the se, and will be glad to haye may need. always. >h Store, \ Lytic, Managrri. | ? ' ' Garage, f e 71. ' | lirs on all Cars. | . ge or too Small. ecialists. | ry Job Turned Out. ? * J s' Lumber Yard. 1 1, Manager. X and Boys. ! ? I um Weight Suits. fl Tier Weight Suits. I Suits. "1 ler Suits. ? 3oy s Shoes and Oxfords. B son" and "No Name" Hats. | ma and Straw Hats. B Shirts and Collars. I ioys Work Shirts. | "Headlight*' Overalls. I B. V. D. Underwear. I J Neckwear, Sox, Etc. | i f ter son's I I HMD fft MKBSSSM ? V . . . * . > . -+<?>+<3>+<S>*<S'+v*+* <?. A i ^ 1 1 For Sale | I r i; * Ten-room residence on corner of Confederate and For- Z ^ rest street, the J. A. Boyd property. Lot contains an & t aere and is a bargSni at the price asked. Z 4 Five-room cottage on Booth street, the property of 4 4 Hon. J. R. Haile. This property is very near Main street 4 4 and the section is constantly improving. 4 I have a number of other bargains in Fort Mill real & ? estate ranging in price from $600 to $4,000. Z j C. S. LINK, Broker f Fort Mill, S. C. | t _ _ I i Our Service Pleases. || $ < > I = II 'I t * * j We desire the public patronage and are doing all we can in the way of ser- ! X . vice, quality and fail prices to merit the | | same. You will always find good fresh % 1 groceries at this store. We are pleas- * ing our most particular customers ar.d t would he pleased to add your name to Z our list. . t I I t . 1 ' - | ID m1 *? r? m ? i i ai iva vji ucci y V^O.} Phone 116 4 A A . + ! 6,000 Miles | Is our Guarantee on 4 ! Goodrich Tires. t t GET OUR PRICES. J Steele Motor Company, j . | Fort Mill, S. C. t | Automobile Repnirt'and Accessories j ititttttittTTttf'^r'titiiiutiummnnnmiti