University of South Carolina Libraries
O"'" IK figWl ? 5!c a packs i dv gc a packs % i ~ \ THE PLAl \ \ \ ***'*"* \ Sffir jSk \ 41 \m "?p? lal*-*?M???? CuticuraHeais wj' Itching Burning ?^| Skin Troubles AUaronrMl: Soap .Ointment and 10. Talcum tt. Sample each fn? of "OutUara. Dept. X. Beetoa." WHERE7 NO MONEY. IS USED * H People of Aeceneion Island Would . Seem to Live in State of Ideal Communism. - ^ * The Island of Ascension, In the At-' lantic, belonging to Great Britain, In of volcanic formation, eight miles six in sire, and hasva -.population of about 450. It was uninhnblted until the confinement of Nnpc'eon ai St. Helena, when it was occupied by a small British ^ojee.. Iths'280 miles northwest df Ttti. Helena. V.nst numbers of turtles are found on Its shores, and it sprves as a depot and a watering place for ships. s Ascension- Is governed by a captain appointed by the British admiralty. There is no private property in land, no rents, 110 taxes, and no use for money: Ttyq.flocks and herds nre public j property, nh'd. the meat is issipid .as ration*: So nre the vegetable gfchvn/.pn tthe farms. When an Island- fisherman' makes a catch he brings It td'the guardroom, where it 14' Issued by the sergeant ' major, Practically the entire population are sailors,'add they work at mpst of the common _ trades. The maleteer is a Jack tarj so la the gardener; so ore the shepherds, the atockmen, the grooms, masons, carpenters and plumbers. Even the Island trapper who gets rewards for the tails of rats Is a sailor. The cllnmte is ^ilmost perfect, and anything Carr^be- .growh. V * Mismanaged. /Ton say you are laboring for the apfift of society?" "Yes," answered the- -socialist. "But what we have gotten so far Is an up1 \ set- a v. i SaBaaBaaaBaaaaaaassaaaxsa ~ * .'l ' I Liked Bel S for its uniform I of flavor, its a I atiid fair ppce, I >. POSTUM 8 > If you want a s S erage that wi | plaints about ' I or the "high pi I start using Pos I Usually sold a | Everywhere ' Iti61' store the war 106 irine the war . 1 tee NOW ?OR LASTS THE PRICE! USE OF PENNANT ON WARSHIP J Writer Traces Its Origin to Days ? When' Vessels Were Generally f Commanded by Soldiers. a A contributor to Chambers' Joump.l c Is authority for the statement that the c naval pennant, or pendant, came Into r use long before the days of Admiral t Blake, who commanded the English y navy In the war with the Dutch In the f seventeenth century, we are told, when ( seamen were mere nobodle*, At that time there were no such things as reg- j ulaf men-of-war, and ordinary mer- t chnnt ships were hired or commandeered for use as fighting vessels E whenever the necessity arose. The requisitioned ships were commanded * by military officers, gentlemen In ar- f mor, who transferred thg slnglo-trnll pennons borne on their lances to the s mastheads of their ships. o 'In 'larger vessels or squadrons the v commanders might be knights onaj a knights banneret, who flew their swal- t lowtnlled and square banners when c they risked themselves aflont. Clolng p to sea in those days was something of a an adventure, especially If a man fell t overboard In armor; but these em- o blems of command lmve been handed s down to posterity In the commodores' y broad pendants and the admirals' ree- o tonsillar flags of the present day. 1 Those Naughty Men. Mr. Styles?Don't you believe worn- n en fib about their ages? Mrs. Styles?I suppose they do, but so do men. "You never heard a man say he wrni y twenty-eight when he was at least * forty." . "Perhaps not, but when such a wrn- r nn has snld she was only twenty-eight. * I've heard men say: 'Oh, you don't " look that old!' "?Yonkers Statesman. ? The world may love a lover, but It c hfltes n quitter. Revenge Is the doubtful pleasure of a wand narrow mind. ,n _I h iBBBBBiBaaBaiaBjaiQaGBaiaBaBaaaBaiBasisa t i tter | J q Coffee | h [ ly high grade * f ilways steady r and its econ- j r Cereal! v tatisfying bev- , I 11 stop com- { "poor coffee" ice" of coffee, turn and note I o r t 15c and 25c . c at Grocers [ ;; "iiffl yfiirBMHifi ITATI MIQHWAY COMMISSION TAKES 14 MOR^ COUNTIES UNDER ITS WINO. r ' RAPIDLY GROWING UNANIMOUS Resolution* Passed Providing That No Wooden Bridge Be Built Without Coneent of Commission. Columbia. At its monthly meeting in Columbia the state highway commission received application from 14 counties for federal aid on road and bridge projects and agreed to recommend the construction of projects in these counties on which a total of approximately $462,080 of federal money is ulti-' mately to toe expended. The counties rceiving federal aid and the total amountB awarded to each of them by the commission follows Aiken, $70,000; Saluda, $20,000; York, $14,000; Orangeburg, $70,000; Sumter, $68,000; Pickens, $15,000; Lee $43,200; Barnwell, $5,000; Cherokee, $25,000; Chester, $43,000; Beaufort. $13,000; Allendale. $20,00; Clar(in AAA. TT?l ?t,r Alln CUUUU ffV,VWVt UUIUU, fllO.UUV. The commission passed a resolution providing that no wooden bridges are to be built on state road projects without special permission from the commission. Loans on Livestoj * Advocated. Dr. W. K| Lewis, director of the bureau of animal industry under the United States department of agriculture in ColumbiA, has Just returned from a trip into a number of the :oastal counties. Dr. Lewis is vitally interested in irousing the people of the state to 'he menace of the boll weevil, which is invading the southwestren corner ?f the state. The invasion of this ?ost will compel the farmers to turn 'nm the cultivation of cotton' to livo- j stock raising, as the presence of the .veevil means that for many years, >ncc the post has arrived, production >f cotton will be practicaly impossi>le. Land values will commit the state o two distinct elTorts to meet the emergency, ur. Lewis says that in he lower half of the state the lands ire cheaper and the growing of livestock for beeves will be the natural equence of conditions. Inability to finance purchases of tattle for fattening purposes is one if the greatest handicaps the farmers low face. Dr. Lewis says. To meet his condition, it will be necessary, le snys. for a few banks at strategical lolnts to appoint a livestock expert n their banking organization, which vill take care of loans for cattle, tanking houses in the West follow his plan. * till for Soldiers' Relief. Washington (Special.)?Congressnan Stevenson has Introduced the onowing bills That any soldier or snilor who has uffered the loss of a limb, or an eye, ir an equivalent injury, in the late irar shall be entitled to compensation t a minimum rate of $50 per month; hat any soldier or sailor who has inurred partial disability equal to 10 ipr oonf Ar Awnr hwKUa ir% V* nd who la carrying Insurance with he government shall have the right t at once heatn to draw monthly lntallments of his insurance as if he re re totally disabled, hut shall draw nly in proportion to his disability. "hlrty-One StlHs Destroyed. T. J. Smyrl. chief state constable, nd his associates last month destroyd on an average one still a day. The otal number of sfTlls captured was 31 nd the number of fermenters taken ras 47. The officers confiscated 555 rations of beer and one gallon of lockade whiskey. Twentv-six arests were made. The distilleries rere distributed as follows: Allenale. 5; Aiken. 15; Barnwell. 3: Edgeeld 4; Lexington, 3: Orangeburg. 1. lonstahle Smyrl and his assistants over about one-fifth of the state. lotton Should be Housed. W. G. Smith, state warehouse commissioner. said farmers of the state ave lost enough in weather damnr?o cotton left In the open this year r> pay for substantial warehouses Tie average loss he savs in damaeed otton and in depreciation of qunlitv a many instances will amount to 100 iounds to the bale. Mr. Smith sug c?ts the size and type of warehouse irhich may be built. He will be glad o furnish further particulars, if call-1 d on, or will be g?ad to call upon armers who are interested. rlnht on Boll Weevil. "The results so far secured with t.he ise of arsenate of lime against the ioll weevil will warrant through ex-1 erimenting with a view of developng this remedy into a practical conrol measure," says Prof. A. P. Conadi. of the division of entomology, rho announces that in addition to esablishing a series of co-operative ex lerlmenta at points in this state rhere serious weevil Injury may be , irpected this season, the division will >e glad to give any information to armers who are interested. leveral New Enterprises. The People's Tobacco Warehouse Company of Sumter was chartered rith a capital stock of t20.000. The Lynchburg Live Stock Company ?f Lynchburg. Lee county, was oomnissioned with a proposed capital tock of 180,000. The Sumter Pilling Station was bartered with a capital stock or $2.00. The Oaddy-Hlte Company of Beniwttsytlle, Marlboro county, was eharered with a capital stock of' 11,500. . IBMHI of OMtsn Condition. Th* AotrMuk Cotton Association Aaa.AMMA/peroP report p;a?ung the condition of the cotton crop tor . the bolt if to Mty IS, 041U per cent. The/deterioration of tho cotton crop from Bfay K -to Iter SI vm estimated by tho association tobeM per cent Tho following statement eras issued from tho Colombia offices of J. Shottours Wanna maker, president of tho association: "The American Cotton Association through personal ippresentattvas In every section of the belt and through the assistance of leading experts, em-, ploying probably the largest force ever used in securing a crop condition report, has just completed a sur rey of the condition of the cotton crop. "The association finds that the eon dition of the cotton crop for the'belt up to May 26 was 73.2 per cent We estimate that the deterioration of the crop from May 25 to 31 has been 6.3 per cent" senator Dial's Assignments. Washington (Special).?Among the committee assignments which have been given 8enator Dial ot South Car olina are two or three which will be of special benefit to him in his official work. These are postoffices and post roads, the District of Columbia and national banks. The former ts especially important for two reasons. Thb postoffice committee of the senate is the one which is just/ now putting legislation foi new and good roads, into workable shape. This committee also is the one which handles all poetoffice nomina tions and which makes its report tc the senate after they have come from the White House. "I am especially glad to be on this committee." Senator Dial said. "1 consider that the question of good roads is one of the most far reaching economic problems of the present day. Unless we go forward in this movement we must necessarily go backward. "As a member of the postoffice committee I shall use my best efforts to see that the good road question is not only brought to the front but kept there alwnys. Senator Dial and Representative Whaley. with somo of thoee connected with Senator Smith's office, the latter being at home because of illness in his family, took up vigorously the matter of debarking the men of the Eightv-flrst Division at Charleston Two ships with about 4.700 men of this division, being mostly South Carolinians, are now en route home. The whole number of men In the division is 27,000. Spartanburg Secures Endeavorers. The 1920 convention of the South Carolina Christian Endeavor Union will be held in Spartanburg, according to announcement by officers of the organisation in Columbia, advices having come from the Rev. A. D. P. Gilmour. D. D., pastor of the First Prestjyterlnn Church of Spartanburg. In which he extends the invitation of the session and members of his church to the Endeavorers to hold their convention there next year. The convention will he held during the second week of \pril. Methodist Training Schools. The South Carolina Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South. ias established two conference wide training schools for it? Sunday school workers, one to be held in the Carisle School. Bamberg, June 9-17, and the other at Myrtle Beach Hotel. Myrtle Beach, June 23-30. The direct management of these tchools is in the hands of the Rev. iV. C. Owen, conference Sunday school leld secretary, who represents both the conference and general Sunday ichool boards. 3ows With Tuberculosis. At the tuberculin test to which the jows at the State Hospital for the Insane are subjected semi-annually, some eight or ten of the herd gave josltive results, and it was necessary ;o have the cattle killed. Reecntly leveral cows purchased in Illinois were added to the hosrpital herd and it s believed that others contracted the iisansa from the imported cows, ac:ordlng to Information gathered from he hospital. The hospital has a herd >f about 75 Holstein cattle. They are ested twice a year for tuberculosis inn every precaution taicen to protect hem from disease. to 8peak. William Jennings Bryan will come o Columbia to deliver tyro addresses )no of the addresses will be delivered it the First Presbyterian church and he other at the First Baptist church rho same lecture Is to be given at iach place. \ Mr. Bryan comes to Columbia tin ler the auspices of the Anti-Saloon ^eague of America. Tfe has always teen one of the strongest foes ol itrong drink, and he will have large irowds to greet him. He will speak it other places In the state. Sara for Highway Work. The State highway department was idvlsed that eight automobiles had >een allocated to South Carolina by he federal government for use In the ionstructlon of permanent highways n the State. The machines are now it Charleston and they will probably >e given out for the use of surveying >artles and engineers. Capt. Roy Pennell. State highway ?ngineer. said that only four counties n the State Ahhavllla Tnaiun ey and Dorchester, are not requesting 'ederal aid. Yorth Camp Being Demolished. Work on the demolition of North "ump Jacks cm has begun bv the E. W. L?wis Company of Rock Island, 111,, purchasers. E W. Lewis, head of th# :ompaov. is here personally directing be work which has not yet begun in mrnest as certain government require nents mast be met before salvaging >f the bvlldinge can be started. North Camp Jackson will be a geo traphical expression within the next lew months if plans of Mr. Lfwl* *nr. ) ( van In 81anv t Examining commercial possibilities la 51a as, a commercial report makes It dear that the country offers a larger unexptoited field for piano manufacturers than for the makers of phonographs. With the exception of the phonograph Slam still prefers the musical Instrument of Its ancestors. The Siamese orchestra contents ltshlf with gongs, native bar- ( moniess, and so forth. Indeed, the only western Instruments known to the Siamese are the piano, a smgll portable organ, and the phonograph. The piano and the organ, however, are rare,, and are kept more for ornp- 1 ment thnn for anything else. But the < phonograph Is popular and Is already to be found In nearly every Siamese family that is able to afford it. . i . Making Everything Easy. I "You favor the split InflaltlveT" "I do." f "And you think the use of a slngu- , iar verb with two nouns Is sometimes . permissible?" ( "If you huppen to feel that way 8 about It." , "On what grounds?" "Reform. Spelling reform has mnde good progress In simplifying eduon- t tlon. Now I think we're about due for I some grammar reform." a Requires Olive Oil. Although olive oil ns a food and medicinal oil can be replaced very largely by other vegetable oils, there are one or two technical uses, wool spinning, for Ipstnnce, for which no entirely satisfactory substitute lias yet been found. To Drive Oat Melerl* And Balld Dp The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, ae the formula ia printed on every label, showing It Is QUININE and I ON In tasteless form. The Quinine drives out the malaria, .the Iron builds up the system. Prloe 60c. Quoting Poetry. "'There, little girl, don't cry?don't cry.' What's the rest of It?" "You'll spoil your ntakeup," suggested the other follow. vti uuuimvu riyrnai, ciifi, inflamed Ey ea relieved over night by Roman Eye Balaam, f One trial prove* ita merit. Adv. j Riches consist in that which suf- I ficeth. * ? / ITHEF pRAND old VJT country's ] familiar figure been part of th has made millic You can ro The Govern rettes that you Government ta cent3. It s real Bun T< - - ' Tonight! Take Dod n^ii? T? * Deuer tnan Calomel sickens! If bilioi achy read Listen to me! Take no more slckenng, salivating calomel when bllloun or mnstlpated. Don't lose a day's work! Calomel is mercnry or quicksilver, j which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes Into contact with sour bile, crashes into It, break- ! ng It up. 'This Is when you feel that iwful nausea and cramping. If you ire sluggish and "all knocked out," if four liver is torpid and bowels constl- i )ated or you have hendache, dizziness, mated tongue. If breath Is bad or itomach sour, just tqke n spoonful of 1 larmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee?Go to any I Irug store and get a bottle of Dodson's ; ..iver Tone for a few cents. Take n | ipoonful tonight, and if it doesn't iTinn funrsigiiMi ?niLiLTB PREPARE FOR In times of Peace prepare for a b! 19k demands trained men and women 111 11 your salary will be. Today our ; business. Knroll with this t equipped business college, and hcl| make your future success secure. Handsome ? loguo mailed on request. You can enter any t School open all summer. I \ | BfiXflKjB^n9Qffi6raQL :E HE STA] "Bull" Durham. He bel< Sail of Fame. Can you thii ? For ov<\r half a centy le landscape; the tobacco h >ns and millions of friends. 11 fifty-thrifty cigarettes fr ment tax on 50 "Bull" D roll yourself is less than V/ x on 50 machine-made cig good sense to roll your own GENUINE* lDuri DBACCO CjO OuMottM IOC ZhL/'JrftAjuyv ;m>^< "v^^4HSSE9^H ? ^23W^^B ' ?KE^MKWi ? ?? son's Liver Tono^njj as, constipated and head* 1 |i r guarantee. % J / 1J straighten you right up and ipakf ||j ':fjj feel fine and vigorous by morning* 'I H want you to go back to the store v get your money. Dodson's Liver Too# Is destroying the sale of calomel be- jpre cause It Is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore It can not saU- ' vate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of ^ Dodson's Liver Tone will put Tour ^ sluggish liver to work nnd clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which Is clogging your Wf* system and making yoU feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give It to \ ^ your children. It Is harmless; doesnt gripe and they like Its pleasant tastfe rAdv- 'H FRESH - CRISP-WHOLESOME-DELICIOUS ;2 THI lAHmUty M1TN0OS Mtllt IN TNI ' MAKING OF TNSSt BISCUITS MAHB TNtM TNS s\ STANDARD ?f EXCELLENCE fan- Didlir ha lua. or if ?wl (w shoald. *A?k him or writ* as qivioq his natos. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY q SOLD FOR 80 YEARS N For malaria, 1111 Ml Lvv CHILLS and uujo) fever ^MNTTT^ AI*? Fln# Cenerel ~'J lf\. 1 11 V^-a Strengthening Tonio, SOLD BT ALL DKOG STOtESA LARGER SALARY tier Job nt a larger salary. Modern bualncse eiperts. The better the training the larger graduates are In iho front ranks of modern I ataRaleigh. N. O. and Charlotte. N. C. is NTDS! I :>ngs in this ?s ik of a more g iry Bull has I ie represents om one bag. I urham ciga- p; a cents ; the ? arettes is 15 i V* LI A M S BMB^I I r 1 ; 1SLU+. paper you oil the best ,4Bulty am cigarettes.