University of South Carolina Libraries
H' itois or local mtaST"! . rP*~ fc Jtto^ JoM* has NMived hia Sv diachmrc4 from tba army and?eH; tamed to his hone in this city. Kl Mrs. D. G. Culp and children H|;, am spending the week with HI relatives in Greensboro, N. C. ft Cape- F. M. Mack, now J f stationed at Camp Jackson, was R a visitor in Fort Mill during the past week. I Miss Mary Carothere, of LanK caster, was a week-end visitor m f in Fort Mill, the guest of Mr. I u A Mm IT T WTUit- 11 I mr, miu iuio. u? x tt uitcovil* Dr. and Mrs. Jack Hunter and their children, of Liberty, are, guests this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Massey. County Treasurer Harry E. Neil was a visitor in Fort Mill Monday. Miss Annie Thomas and Misses Marguerite and Dorothy Ruff, of i Ridgeway, are the guests of the Misses Ott in this city. < Miss Beatrice Parks and Harmon Harkey are visiting their aunt, Mrs. J.*R. McKittrick, in , Swansea, S. C. A recent sale of EJprt Mill real i estate was that by W. A. Wat- ] son, et al, to Anna M. Watson j of one lot; consideration, $1,500. j Mrs. R. J. Lewis of Tazewell, ' Va., and her daughter Miss Mary 1 Lewis, a recent graduate from Winthrop college, are visiting friends in Fort Mill. Petitions are being circulated by members of the board of trustees of the 28th school district asking for a 5-mill levy and also for the extension of the term for compulsory school attendance to nine months. William Ardrey &nd Luther Belk are at home for the summer holidays after attending at the University of South Carolina - during the past term. Dr. J. Lee Spratt, cashier of the First National Bank, 'left Saturday evening to attend the sessions of the imperial counQil Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, c which convenes at Indianapolis, 1 Ind., this week. - j County Treasurer Neil gives t notice elsewhere that the an- i nual commutation tax of $3.00 f is due and payable on or before * July 1st. Ex-soldiers and sailors i are exempt. 1 Horace J. Brown, who has ' been with the Expeditionary . forces in France since last i October, has received his discharge and returned to his home here a few days ago. The friends of William Grier, i of this city, are congratulating t him upon the excellence of his i work during the past term of i Baird's School for Boys, Char lotte, N. C. In the examination } held the past week young: Mr, ( Grier was awarded a free i scholarship for having made the i highest average of any pupil in I the school during the past term just closed. The Rev. J. B. Black will be installed as pastor of the Fort Mill'Presbyterian church at a service to be held next Sunday evening beginning * at 8:30 o'clock. The commission appointed by Bethel Presbytery for this purpose is composed of the i Rev. E. E. Gillespie, D. D., of York, the Rev. F. W. Gregg, D. D., of Rock Hill, the Rev. J. C. Bailey of Ebenezer, and Mr. J. Ks Roach of Rock Hill. Parties returning Sunday evening from Charlotte reported much damage as a result of a storm which passed through that seetion about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. At Hebron Btation. seven 'miles south of Charlotte, the railway station , was blown down, while many ( trees were uprooted, telephone poles and fences broken down, and tne corn in some places badly damaged, but no loss of life was reported. In Fort Mill there was a terrific wind storm, with scarcely no rain, and no serious damage has been heard of. A large crowd was present at the ball lot Saturday afternoon to witness the game between the locals and the Great Falls team. " The work of the Fort Mill boys in Saturday's game was said to have been the best of any contest this season, resulting in a victory over the visitors by a score of 8 to 4. This was the second game of the season between the teams, ? the Great Falls bunch having o*tod Fort Mill on the formSIBiWffiPlr \ JWIHy:, Wi U ,v :V' ,y . v1 ? , - i. " x I Ml?" ! ! ! I Ftr Fe mil tit Iipniciciti. Mayor B. Patterson has issued the following call to the citizens of Fort Mill: *1 respectfully request the citizen^ of Fort Mill who are interested in the welfare of the town to be present at the Masonic Hall Friday evening at 8:90 o'clock, June 13th, for the nnmnfio nf - ? J in'dv vi uiiuihk ways una i means to carry a road-byilding program for Fort Mill effectively and satisfactorily to the property holders and citizens, also the sewerage question will be fully discussed at this meeting. "I have reports in hand showing roads contemplated for improvement wijl cost around $40,000, which proposal will be to issue $20,000 in bonds and the balance by assessments. The sewerage system will cost $25,000 which will be a large bond issue for Fort Mill, considering both issues at the same time, but it i will be only a question of two < or three years when we will be ! required by the State laws to ; have sewerage and the roads 1 receiving such improvements < without sewerage at this. time < will cost several thousand dollars < to tear up and lay sewerage < later; therefore. I think we 1 should consider a joint bond issue j at this time for both propositions, j as we cannot expect improve- 1 ments unless we pay for them. i "The Liberty Loan drives have i lone fflore to enlighten the peo- 1 pie of the country on bond issues \ r.mknkl.. 1.1 j * ji wnauijr tuan any omer iactor, ind there will be no trouble in explaining the issue and disposing of the bonds if the proposition meets with the approval of the citizens %of our x>wn. I hope you will come ivith a purpose of going into Jie detail of this matter and not >e in opposition with the movenen^ until same is fully explained. "Yours truly, "B. E. Patterson, "Mayor." Lovable Woman Passes Away. Mrs. Kansas Sutton died Sunlay morning at 1 o'clock at her lome two miles west of Fort Mill, after an illness of several nonths. Mrs. Sutton was the vife of Mr. Stephen P. Sutton, ind was in her 63rd year. Berides her husband, she is survived by four sons, Mesrs. M. tC. Sutton, Marvin Sutton, S. P. 5utton, Jr. and Wm. Sutton, all )f the township, and one daugh ;er, Mrs. W. P. Fpps, of Gold i Bill. 1 The funeral service, conduct- i id by the Rev. W. R. Bouknight, t castor of the deceased, at the > lome at 3:30 o'clock Sunday af- ] ;ernoon, after which the burial > vas made in Flint Hill burial t ground. Mrs. Sutton had for many /ears been a member of Plylalelphia Methodist church. She vas a woman of% fine Christion i graces and was loved by all who ( cnew her. ^ Mrs. Massey Will Recover. 1 Friends and relatives of the ' family in this Section will be , jleased to know that, according J ;o late reports, there is continued \ mprovoment in the condition of ? Mrs. Bifrton Massey, who was at { irst thought to have been fatal- ^ y injured in the automobile \ .ragedy at Catawba Junction on { May 29th, in which her husband ( ind infant daughter were killed i ind a six-year-old son seriously njured. It is understood that ;he attending physicians now feel reasonably sure that the imputation of one of Mrs. Mas- < tey's limbs will not be necessary 1 is was at first thought, and that i ;he member is healing niceiy. 1 It is also understood that ncr lit Lie son is raidly improving and ' will have fully recovered within ( i short time. 1 , i Notice of Election. ! Notice is hereby given that an elec- < Lion will be held at Young & Wolfe's ( Furniture store in Fort Mill School dis- , Lrict, No. 28, on Friday, June 27, 1919, >n the question of levying 5 mills addi- < Lional tax under the School Act of 1 1919. J, B. Mills, Chmn.. T. B. Spratt, Secy. ' AUTOMOBIL I DOES TOUR CAR ti =========== ^ Don't Ruin a Good Car Witl 4 * Let Johns * D q Shop Near Overhead B u k Catering Only to ThoM OZONES: n mm I H* # A congressional medal of honor?the highest award of any that an American soldier can win ?has been reeeivea at the Southeastern department headquarters to be presented to the father of Sergt. Thoa. Lee ?all of Company G, - One Hundred and 'Eighteenth Infantry, says a recent Charleston despatch. The . medal was awarded posthumous- ' ly, the heroic South Carolinian 1 haying been mortally wounded ' in action. Sergeant Hall was from Fort Mill, S. C., at which place his father, William L. Hall resides. The medal will be presented by the commanding officer of the Southeastern depart- ' ment. Brig. Gen. Clarence H.;! McNeil is at present commander i of the department, pending- the , Arrival of Lieut. General Bullard. ? As General McNeil, who com- ( mands the South Atlantic coast artillery district, is to^be succeeded by Brig. Gen. John D. . Barnett, it is not known yet just who will present the precious token that commemorates one af the most heroic deeds recorded in the history of American arms. Few distinguished \ ieeds in the recent war equalled J the courageous action of Ser- i areant Hall, whose act of heroism, ? according to the official citation, * was calmly calculated. It was f not a feat performed on the ( spur of a moment, hut a* de- t iberate deed of daring, done in 1 the full consciousness of the risk * assumed. Sergeant Hall was a 8 nember of the famous One 8 Hundred and Eighteenth regi- J nent of the-Thirtieth Division, a p "egiment which won six of the ? ft) congressional medals of honor j iwarded during the war. The t following is the official record ? )f his act: "For conspicuous fallantry and intrepidity above * md beyond the call of duty in f iction with the enemy near ii VIontbrehain, France, October 3, 1918. Having overcome two J nachine gun nests under Ills jkillful leadership, Serjeant Sail's platoon was stopped 800 fards from his final objective by Tiachine gun fire of particular ntensity. Ordering his men to ;ake cover in a sunken road, he _ idvanced alone on the enemy ^ nachine gun post and killed five < neinbers of the crew with his ^ layonet and thereby /nade pos- ^ jible the further advance of the ine. While attacking another < nachine gun nest later in the * lay the gallant soldier was 1 nortally wounded." It is not ! cnown as yet just when the \ nedal will be presented to the < soldier's father, nor where it \ vill be presented. General < VIcNeil is now corresponding < vith Mr. Hall to arrange these < wo matters. < < Will Refund Street Tax. < Mayor B. E. Patterson has i ssued instructions as follows to \ Dity Treasurer C. S. Link: < "With reference to Section 1 < :>f a joint resolution passed at < :he last session of the General < Assembly, No. 229, approved the \ Llth day of March, 1919, where- < is all towns and cities of South Carolina shall rebate the street ,ax until January 1920 of each ? joldier or sailor who was bona ide in service during the world I var. This will be your authori- | :y to refund such taxes collected ipon necessary proof such as lischartfe or other certificates irou think satisfactory. Pay Respects to Dead Soldier. Simple and beautiful memorial jxerclses were held in the Fort Mill Baptist church Sunday afterloon in honor of Serjeant Eli Bailes, who was killed on the cattle fields of France on October 8. 1918. llie service was conducted by the Rev. J. W. H. Dyches, Th. D., and the choir rendered special and appropriate selections. Following the adiress of Dr. Dyches. Lieutenant | Colonel Thnmnn R Snrott aru\l/n 1 ^ UVV o IV C Feeling} y of the member of his ild comyany who gave his life For the cause of liberty and democracy. Several letters from w?ma?m?mmammam E PAINTING HEED PAINTING? ^ * h a Poor Job of Painting. ^ \ on Do It -l \ > ridge, Rock Hill, S. C. 3 i Who Want the Beat. ^ < \S. A. JOHNSON, Mgr i t i INT1NG j '.* ' . the younar man to bis friends and family herebefore his death were reaiL " - V FOR SALE?One nice, fresh Jersey Milch Goer, with heifer calf one week old. . Price 975. S. B. Bailee. R. 2, FbrtMill. Why Bay a New Aato? We have expert painters, trimmers and upholsterers, to Ox up your old auto to make it look like new. We can build a new top in one day or can put in back rafljiSn with nlofa alono l<?Kfa ir* w>?? ??*Wli )/l(tW glUOD ll^lltO All a few hours. Write us. J. C. Hardin & Co., Rock Hill, S. C. For Final Discharge. Having made with the Probate Court af York County |a Final Settlement as Administrators of the estate of J. W. Ardrey, deceased, notice is hereby ?ivqp that on the 10th day of July, 1919, the undersigned will make application to said court for a Final Discharge from all further liability in connection with said administration. W. A. WATSON, |W. B. ARDREY. Administrators. June 12, 1919. WINTHROP COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop Colego and for the admission of new stulents will be held at the County Courtj louse on Friday, July 4th, at 9 a. m., ind also on Saturday, July 5th, at 9 a. n., for those who wish to make up by >xaniinntions additional units reauired or full admission to the Freshmen ^lass of thiH institution. The cxamilation on Saturduy, July 5th, will be ised only for making admission units. The scholarships will be awarded upon he examination held on Friday/ July th. Applicants must not be less than ixteen years of- age. Wh6n scholar; hips are vacant after .Inlv <ith ?irt be awarded to those making the lighest average at this examination, ?rovided they meet the conditions govrning the award. Applicants for cholarships should write to President ohnson for scholarship examination ilanks. These blanks, properly filled >ut by" the applicant, should be filed irith President Johnson by July 1st. Scholarships are worth $100 and free uition. The next session will open on ieptember 17, 1919. For further inormation and catalogue, address Preslent D. B. Johnson, Hock Hill, S. C. DR. A. l_. OTT , ; DENTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. ^ | THE SA VINi \ OF FORT \ I Che j I lnte I nl 1 Safd \ Phone J Dra / I 22 ) !' I Tra I Rea Can Y ot and Ve? Being agents for the Hoi we are in position to give yoi sizes, and also on several diff | fits. If interested, phone N< we will be glad to furnish yc you want. .Don't forget, also, that v very best class of merchandii your ordfcr for anything you Satisfaction guaranteed i The Cas S. A. Lee and T. F | Superior I Phom | Automobile repa No Job too Larg | ? . Ford Sp< We Guarantee Evci \ Garage at Bailee I flnt | V1UI I = I Men s Mec ' " _ Sunn Boys' Woo I Sumi I Men's and I Men's "Ste1 I" Pan* " "Ide' and It* tt it ti tt tt I ? j Pal G5 BANK I MILL. . I eking Accounts, rest Accounts, t t rv . r* " i Deposit Boxes, z its, ? 7 A ley Orders, \ velers' Checks, . * and a | I Banking Service. f I ? ir Fruits retables. Tie Canner Mfg. Company, j pricos on tin cans, both erent styles of Canning Out>. 8, or come to see us and >u with all the information ve handle a big line of the le, and will be glad to have' may need. llwavs. ?h Store, . Lytic, Managers. Garage, f e 71. I irs on all Cars. 1 fe or too SmalL f ecialists. f y Job Turned Out. 4 ?' Lumber Tard. 1 . Manager* I hes For Hen I ' and Boys. | liurn Weight Suits. I imer Weight Suits. I 1 Suits. mer Suits. ^ I Boy's Shoes and Oxfords. I tson" and "No Name" Hats. ? ima and Straw Hats. I ' Shirts and Collars. * I n ? xrr i 01 ooys work Shirts. t 44 "Headlight'* Overalls. * I B. V. D. Underwear. I Neckwear, Sox, Etc. 1 ? I :ter son's | . . i mmmmmm m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamm | For Sale ! 1 < > 1 I * Ten-room residence on corner of Confederate and For- & * rest street, the J. A. Boyd property. Lot contains an & t acre and >s & bargain at the price asked. % t Five-room cottage on Booth street, the property of * Hon. J. R. Haile. This property is very near Main street + and the section is constantly improving. * I have a number of other bargains in Fort Mill real ? - estate ranging in price from $600 to $4,000. X Y X I C. S. LINK, Broker I I Fort Mill, S. C. | r ? - 0 " t f ????!'?t>?i!0xi ?j^^.:^???-?-;^^^-^^??^^?^??'iH^0ii0i0<0000000 80t0<#i>M# I Our Service Pleases. I t I 7 < A o ? We desire the public patronage and are doing all we can in the way of ser- ;; | vice, quality and fail prices to merit the | > same. You will always find good fresh | I groceries at this store. We are pleas- I Sing our most particular customers and I would be pleased to add your name to I our list. . | | Parks Grocery CoM I | Phone 116 | <* * , ? - -?? '? '$ '? '? '? <? "MM# + ????? i Steele Motor Company, Fort Mill,S.C | I Automobile Repairs and Arrrasorlns 4 * General, Goodrich and Fisk Tires J [ ! \ and Tubes. ! > |; Our Prices are Reasonable.