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I "DAM FO A small bottle of Danderii any store. It stops falling t dandruff, besides it doubles th log it appear twice as heavy, i Some Practitioner. Sam Brown, with an overseas cap and two bars on his arm, was back in town. "Hollo, Sam, haven't soon yon for n Jong time. Where have you been?" asked an ohl acquaintance. "All's been ovnh in France whl da United States vetaluiahy fo'ces." "Veterinary? I guess you mean veterans, don't you, Sara?" "No. Ah reckons Ah means Just what Ah says?vctahnahy. Ah test naturally been a vetahnahy?feedln' them German dogs gunpowder for their distemper." A BRIGHT, CLEAR COMPLEXION Is always admired, and It Is the laudable ambition of every wornun to do all he can to make herself attractive. Mnny of our southern women have found that Tetterlne Is invaluable for clearing up blotches, Itchy patches, etc., and making tho skin soft and velvety. The worst cases of eczema and other torturing skin dlseuses yield to Tetterlne. Sold by druggists or sent by mall for 60c. by Sbuptrlne Co., Savannah, Go.?Adv. British in German Graves. Viscount Curzon, In the linuse of enmmoiiN, was asked If the secretary for war would give an assurance that lie would permit the remains of ItrltLsh soldiers hurled in Germany to he exhumed and brought home for reinterment, should the relatives desire, as soon as the transport facilities permit. Captain Guest (Joint parliamentary recretary to the treasury) replied that this matter would receive sympalhetie consideration as soon ns the condition of ulTalrs permitted. Her Day to Be Bad. One morning Louise was full of mischief, going from one thing to another until her mother had completely lost patience and said to her crossly: What can be the matter with you today, child? I shall have to punish you If you are naughty again." "Oh!" exclaimed Louise, "I .hist can't help It today, mother; 1 dess Ihn Anoil lw.? ? M? him<l HUB 111! K<>IH- (Mil. The Situation. "Your huslmnd Is hitting up a fast pace at the punch bowl." "Wet!?" "If I were you I'd call liiin down Immediately." "That will have to wait until tomorrow. If I quarrel with him now. lie won't unhook tuy dress for me and 1 cun't sleep in a hall gown." No Place for Him. "What are your impressions of no nun's land?" "I didn't get Into the war," answered the morose citizen. "My only vlvhl , Idea of no man's land Is home wlnle . spring housocleaning Is going on." Uncertain. She?I'd like you to no to the railroad station and meet my sister. He?What Is the color of her hair? She?I don't know. I haven't seen her In two weeks. Lots of men who have traces of greatness in their makeup spoil everything by kicking over the traces. Some men's greatness is due to their mallness. i 4 > "Why Complain H Or The High ] 1 when you can 1 |; beverage of ri health value b ;; original [ POSTUM < It's an America ;; high quality nc | price doesn't c k econom^aL l| ' \: Two stee* nsoally i R FALLING HAIR MMMH \t costs but a few cents it lair, itching scalp and ends e beauty of your hair, makthick and abundant Try ttl ' Heard Him, All Right. Cermnny's stiff-necked dehseness ii> sensing the necssslty for her strict compliance with the first armistice terms, and Iter brazen Indignation at the harder ones imposed us a penalty for nonfulfillment of the first, make one think of the hanker at Weeping Water, Neb., who was asked by an impecunious farmer for u loan. The bunker was one of those people who are deaf for commercial purposes. The farmer was chronically wanting to borrow, nnd his security was getting shaky. ? "I'll like to borrow $.">,000," pleaded the farmer. The hanker cupped his hand behind his'lntne ear and said: "Speak a little louder and cut dowu the amount." SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS There is only one medicine that renlljr stands out pre-eminent as n medicine for I tuiniMc niiincnit 01 me Kianeys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the highest for the renson that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousand* of distressing cases. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly because its mild and iirtmedinte effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gentle, healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi' um and large. However, if you wish to test ttiis great ! preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Pinghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.?Adv. Casus Belli. "I understand Mrs. Twohhlc and Mrs. (hulspur have hud a spat." "That's true." "Hut surely tlielr little differences can he patched up?" "I'm afraid not. Mrs. Twohhle said the young (ladspurs were atavistic and porcine. As soon as Mrs. <Jadspur could lny her hands on a d.o tlouary sh?> vowed to get even."?Hirliiingham Age-Herald. Why to Tell. Young Husband?Dearie, Is this affair on tay plate a chicken croquet or a rice pat tic? Winsome Hride?Did you find any hones in it? Young Husband?No, love. Winsome Hride?Then It's a rice pat tie. What's In a Name? Mr. fh/tnehody?This tea substitute's the worst (tope I ever tasted. Who recommended it to you so highly? Ills Wife?It was a correspondent '.n the Ladles' Confidant who signs the name "Adv." Unprotected. Nell?She's a cold-hearted sort of girl. I'.elle?I guess your heart would get cold, too. If you wore it on your sleeve, like she does. When a man knows he is a fool he knows more than some people give him credit for. A fish in the hand Is worth a dozen In the angler's story. 1 i of Poor Coffee :: < 4 Price of Coffee 4 4 4 have a superior ch flavor and o 4 > y drinking the ? 4 4 4 4 Cereal i 4 > 4 > an drink whose X rver varies. Its j; change and it's 4 * 4 ? 4 told at 15c and 25c. i: 4 I at Grocers. j I | WHY CITY MEN SHOU GOVERNMENT PLAI ^ 1 W; fev ' ^ ^ ' ' - y This Country Has 87 Per Cent of A It Has Eight Times As Many Dir Roads (Bottom Picture). (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) If nil the automobiles In this country stood evenly distributed over nil the rouds of this country there would be five motorcars to every two miles j of rond. And there are 2,547,334 tulles of public road. If every motorcar In the United States were loaded to Its limit with people, half the population of the United Stntes could be hauled at one load. And there are about 110,000,000 pet/pie lu this country. (letting down to boot heels and bltullthle?just to avoid the vulgar phrase of bedrock and brass tacks?about 87 per cent of all the motor vehicles in the world are on the roads of the United States. By estimate, there were 7.000,000 automobiles In the world on January 1, 1010. By actual count, 0,110.077 of these were In the United States. Those motor vehicles puld. In license and other fees, $51,477,410. And this Is exclusive of the 107,000 motor vehicles manufactured for the government. Kach one of those six million one hundred and odd thousand motorcars, when It runs on unimproved roads, pays about twice as much for tires and about twice ns much for gasoline as when It runs on surfaced roads. And there ore about eight times as many miles of unimproved as of Improved public roads In the United States. To be specific, the public roads In the United States measure 2,457,834 miles, 0>f which only 200,21)0 miles, or about 12 per cent, are surfaced. The rest ure earth roads. Half Billion for Roads. Are the owners of those six million iin<l odd automobiles Interested In the federal aid road-building program for lblb? It is the most stupendous roadbuilding program In the history of the world. Expenditures for road construction tills year are likely to reach $500,000,000, according to the estimates of the United States department of agriculture, the government agency charged with the administration of the federal aid road act. Practically all states are planning a continuous system of connecting highways throughout each state, and there Is a more general disposition than was ever manifested before toward co-operation among LD CO-OPERATE WITH I OF BETTER HIGHWAYS II the Motor Vehicles in the World; and t Roads (Top Picture) as Hard-Surfaced of large sltles?a congestion that haa Increased during the past several years, and that, if It continues, will tend to run up the cost of living. 1 Those are a few of the main reasons 1 why, from the standpoint of self-lnter1 est, the city automobile owner should vote for road-bond Issues. I Good Roads as Military Measure. From the standpoint of duty, the military element probably takes first place. When It became necessary two ' years ago to concentrate great numbers of men In cantonments. It wus found that the roadways connecting the cantonments with the surrounding cities were in no sense ndequute. For the most part new roads had to be constructed. There Is always the possibility of another such emergency, and the only means of Insuring facile communication Is by the construction of surfaced roads over which motorI t ri1/> Iro on > ? A - u uvnfl vuu UJIfiUUf. While the security of the nntlon In such mi emergency might depend upon good roads for military uses, their service to the nuthm would not be confined to military matters. For a great portion of the time during the past two years DO per cent of the railroad capacity of the country was required for military purposes. The transportation of food, fuel and the like had to be accomplished largely by means other than rail. Some hardships were entuilcd. The motortruck, however, over such roads as were passable, rendered excellent service. When the present road-building program Is carried out uud the total of Improved rouds is several times larger than at present, the service possibilities of the motortruck will be correspondingly Increased and the safety of the nntlon and the comfort of the people more fully Insured. WAYS TO CONTROL HOG LICE Complete Eradication Is Best Secured by Use of DiDDino Vats?Sam* Other Methods. (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) ?? I.Iee on hogs can be controlled In various ways, but complete eradication is best secured by the use of dipping vats, experiments conducted by the United States department of agriculture show. Medicated bog wallows and rubbing posts, the experiments showed, kept the number of parnsites reduced so thnt they cnused little or no damage, but neither of these methods destroyed all the lice. Crude petroleum was used on the rubbing posts and the wallows were medicated with coul-tnr creosote dips, pine tar, crude, and bland oils. Crude petroleum and coal-tar creosote dips proved to be more effective when applied from an ordinary sprinkling can than when used In wallows or on rubbing posts. Start a fight against the weeds early In the season. * * A young weed Is easier to overcome than an old, tough one. Sweet clover must be regarded Inrgely as a substitute for red clover. Sweet clover Is best cut for hny j enrly in June, before any buds ap, pear. * * Sweet corn and pens are products tbnt should be for canning and drying. * * Tomatoes are of high food value because they can be canned and preserved so readily. Pumpkins and squashes can bo grown with so little effort that they may be considered in the calculations. t ? * Beans may be considered the best of the garden products from a food standpoint. These should be planted early and late. Do your transplanting after a rain rather than before It. The soil works much easier when moist and the plants will grow better and quicker. Peas Improve the land the same a8 clover and other legumes. If the straw Is secured In good* shape. It la almost equal to clover hay for feeding Sheep are especially i'ond of It. i -1 iiVi y'j" laMTi neignnoring states so tliut Improved roods will not terminate at state lines. Congress, shortly before adjournment, made an extra appropriation of $209,000,000 In the post office appropriation hill to meet the federal part of the progrum. Officials of the bureau of public roads, United Stutes department of agriculture, point out that this Is the lurgest appropriation ever made by any government for a similar purpose, and that it will enable the federal and state governments to carry on a road-building program of a magnitude never approached In the history of the world. This work. It Is estimated, will employ more than 100,000 men in active road work. In addition to the men engaged In the production and furnishing of roud-huilding materials. It affords one of the large opportunities for profitable employment for returned soldiers and sailors. Automobile Owners and Road Bonds. .. The program Is a continuing one. The recent federal appropriation Is for three years. State, county and local funds will come largely from bond issues. Ami there is where the 0,000,. 00 automobile owners ought to shine with a tremendous null a nee. Until sensible selfishness and plain duty call upon the automobile owner lo vote for road bonds. Ills tire nnd fuel costs, as before mentioned, are cut In half by good-roads. More important still, if he be a city man, as a very large proportion of automobile owners are, It brings what he eats to his door at less cost. Good roads have always meant something In the way of reducing living costs, but they mean more now that the motortruck hus come to stay?and to expand. One function of the motortruck is to relieve congestion In the neighborhood Pasturing Sweet Clover. In pasturing sweet clover, it Is Important to pasture It very heavily during May and June the second year. Drain Garden Land. Garden land Inclined to be wet should be drained thoroughly before crops are planted upon It. Damage by Rodents. Field mice and rata are very common. ttftd are capable of doing considerable datnugc. SHOOK WITH NERVOUSNESS A Lady Was Flat On Her Back With Terrible Spells, But Her Husband Got Cardul,? And Now She Is Grateful. McKlnney, Texas.?Mrs. Mary Stephenson, of this place, states: "About a year and a half ago I was down in bed for six weeks, not able to sit up. I was flat on my back nnd had terrible spells . . . Why, it looked like I would die. At times I didn't know anything. I would get norvous, I couldn't bear anyone to talk to me, ?I would Just Jerk and shook with nervousness . . . across my bnck was so sore and ached zno all the time. I would have a dizzy feeling. My limbs ached me nnd I wcruld get numb nnd feel so weak ... I said to my husband I knew Cardul was good and I believed I had best try It. He got me a bottle of Cardul, and when I had only taken one-half bottle of Cardul I felt stronger. I took a half a dozen bottles altogether, then I in two weeks after I began taking I was up, in three I was doing my work. I praise Cardul for I believe it saved my life and I nm grateful." For over 40 years Cardul has been helping weak, sick women back to tiealth nnd strength. Try it.?Adv. oorrow s oesi cure in employment, i Cutlcura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better than Cutlcura Soap dally and Ointment now and then as needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and white. A'.Id to this the fascinating, fragrant Cutlcura Talcum and you have the Jutlcura Toilet Trio.?Adv. Out of debt, out of danger. <?) /l Guar an SKAS ^)fl4AJL "pULL" 1 yoursel tobacco; lift Fifty-thril please you i cate your " Durham tob Good old since 1865 h* c T< You pip* imokeri; mix a " BULL" DURHAM with you it* tobacco. It'a lika tufar inyou "v^*?* ?>-J Constipated Child ur*^\zc c. Vxtuiunua w u * For the Livei Tell your druggi ^'California Syrup of and dose for babies ai who are constipated, b coated, or full of cold, the bottle. Look for and accept no other "F Quick to Go. Doctor?You are as souiul as a dot- J lur. Patient?I hope I last longer than one, doctor.?Boston Transcript. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infant" and children, and see that It " *a?#es5? In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria The meat-packing plants in Canada employ over 1,300 women In various rapacities. iteed by (/eft ?NCO?*OR^T Durham cigarettes; yoi f from genuine " Bui! y from one bag. 'ty cigarettes that cost y< nost. No machine can own" rolled from gen\ ?acco. reliable "Bull". Aiwa 1 ?- f ' * a utcn everyone s iriei jEN U INE i , L"DUR! DBACCO<! " v" Iren Gladly Take# jnmp of Figs" * and Bowels .t-H st you want genulnd Figs." Full directions id children of all ages ilious, feverish, tongueare plainly printed on the name "California'* ig Syrup." Know your business and mind It. What la "Sprlog Fe?*r" It In simply low Vitality, a lack of EntrfJ caused by Impurities In ths blood. OltOVE'S TASTKI.KSS chill TONIC reetorea Vitality ond Energy by Purifying and Enriching tha Blond. You can soon f>-?l ita Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. Pries 60c. <>rdt?r Is lloavon'R tlrst law.?Pope. DAISY FLY KILLER atthact^andkjlS &SJ5S jMjkS -rV'if/'ailuKrll cnn't BpiU of tipoTcr : will not bom tIAKOU) aUilEKa, m Do Kaib ?T? _ lh QoHjB. H. * S ^ Sill ' s c o i roll them I" Durham :>u least, and even dupliLiine "Bull" ys genuine; id. J H IkM