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.j' | M. Ml torn a du*i work. If jov 'M lavi *nbh, billon* or constlOHhI I* mkutj or qnlckettrer, ?MA tmmm awroda of the bones. it comes into contact M mt to*, crashes Into It breaking I ap. nia Is when yon feel that sfM mm and cramping. If yon ? "ho knocked oat," If your liver la lafll ant bowels constipated or you as* hsndachi. dizziness, coated tongas M breath Is bad or stomach sour, Jsst tig a spoonful of harmless Dodmmtm Elver Tone. lhiik my guarantee?Qo to any Brag >bn and get a bottle of Dodson's lists Teas for a few cents. Take a *?* fonteht. and If It doesn't j disease, ^histor a J f f^M wars and the I ^ f t M during the Cit - m J\ was an epiden M r M War. Now h European struj Mjmtk Returned h j^Bggra Ml contact will f Ma/Brio EDlt Hunt's Salve, W^B/mn mu\n Many a Vetera ^Hraij (ItflMI If directio flHDMjl l||l(|U prove a never MBVWlt IJIJIIP your druggist 1 jmMOB(ifgdjr under a strict any difwatiRfiec A Med fort praise HUNT' *?aaee people dislike to call It the bad M badly. Your Hunt's Salve. mqmHm bad totally failed. One box 1 aWai <n* wonderful relief. My advice mmm Rant's 8afve." Honfi Halve la especially comnoimr Ww1*. Ttttei and other itohlne ski ttr ? reliable dflu stores, or It will be sanplr. Trice 75c per box. A A UCUARD0 MEDICINE COMPAN fpriw ?nnxU Of No Avail. "Stay. mother, didn't you say it was my wicked to keep marbles when jm via 'an)" "OA Indeed it Is, William. It Is "Thu what I told Freddie Jones, h*A II dWu't do u bit o* koo<1. lie's Unusdsjrs n girl won't marry n man stall iw he can support her in a style t? which she's unaccustomed. "FAKE" A w Ornsterfeiter Caught 1 The New %? nttuiaclurer sentenced ?o the 0m r>iU4 State* millions of "TeJcm Don't ask for Aspirin Tat Don't buy Aspirin in a pill 0Alws Bayer with t packagi The genuine "Bayer Tat proved safe by millions for Toothache, Earache, Rhen Grippe, Influenzal Colds, Jc dose in every "Bayer" p: ?m of 1Z tablets?Bottle* of 2 A*M* I* the trad* mrk of Bt^tr lltau(u< A New Wrinkle. Ifhateter (to prospective ' bride)? Shell 1 put jrour ago down as thirty? ?Oh. no; please put it down as ffoty fonr. I'm u stranger here, and rho'd roe away? Xlebter-Dh, your face will do that! --Cartoons Magastne. Clever. -*? he rterrrr "Very. He cnn leak wise In situations that would ?*t> Meat of us look foolish." OLD AGE STARTS WIT Mm* am that old eye begins w'th aafcsned kidneys and digestive organs. nh belag true, it i* easy to bell" re ghad hf keeping toe kidney* and dig?*In* means cleansed and in proper wcrkw wdtr eld age can be deferred and ate aratoaged far beyond that enjoyed kg theaeetrage person. For ever 200 years GOU> MEDAL Thiilim Oil baa been relierlug the milnaeee and disability due to adranck^ years. It is a standard old-time | - remedy and needs no introduction, ppt.n MEDAL Haarlem Oil is inclosed is i la ill i~i tasteless capsules container jhmt r drops each. Take them as __ e?eld a (nil, with a swallow of Tbe oil stimulates the kidney f ' ' idachy or sick, I guarantee \g dangerous calomel i and salivates. * (straighten yon right up and make yon fetl fine and vlcorous bv morninir I want you to go Back to the stork and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone Is destroying the sale of calomel be* cause it Is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your' sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which Is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep the entire family feeling fine for months. Give It to your children. It Is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like Its pleasant taste. ?Adv. HUE ILL THAT'S SPREADING1 UTS SALVE CURES IT! e war trenches ol Europe, a wave of ordi* i is spreading over the country. This skin y shows, him always prevailed, following concentration of armies. It was common il War and following that conflict. There tic of the Itch after the Spanish-American istory is repeating itself after the giest oldiers and those with whom they come in ind a recognized reinedv for the Itch in commonly known as "Hunt's Itch Cure." n of the late 'AO's will testify to its merits, ns are followed HUNT'S SALVE will failing cure -for all forms of the Itch, nnd vill tell you so. He sella HUNT'S SALVE guarantee to refund the purchase price to I URer. 1, Oklahoma man, among thousands who S SALVE, says: Itch, but candor compels me to admit however cured ine after many other rvtmnlnf aA ? ??? * ?" me ? un IIIC lirnl uppiicauon I to those who have to scrat?.n, is to led for the treatment of Itch. Eetema, n diseases and Is sold on our Riiarantee sent direct by mull if your local UruKRlst Y, INC.. SHERMAN. TEXAS. _____ q SOLO FOR SO YEARS I NTrWr^ For MALARIA, ' "A11 in CHILLS and a FEVER A,*? * F,n# General Cv/iNJ Uv^4 Strengthening Tenia SOLD Bf ALL D?W STBltOWouldn't Hurt. "Sometimes they wash a painting and thul an oltl master." "Many discoveries have heen made In that way. I know. Anyhow, It wouldn't hurt to wash ours, my dear." ?I.oulsvllle Courier-Journal. Shoe on the Other Foot. Ile+ress?Now If I promise to tunrry you enn I depend on you? Nocoyne?Why?er?I expect to depend on vou. SPIN IIALQUM Tork health authorities had a Brookpenitentiary for idling throughout n powder" tablets ai Aspirin Tablets. lets?Always say "Bayer." box! Get Bayer package! lys say, "Give me genuine Tablets of Aspirin.' " Insist mt onfy the Bayer package he "Bayer Cross" on the e and on the tablets. )lets of Aspirin" have been Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, imatism, Lumbago, Colds, )int Pains, Neuritis. Proper ickage. American owned! 4?Bottles of 100?Alto Capsules, tuft ( lfonosceticscidcaUr of SdlcyliatU The Peepui's Voice. Dear Slur?I think the expression "to slnp one on the wrist" Is perfectly horrid, so there.?Archibald Harsh. "Why, goodness us, Archie, where else would it cuff go??Indianapolis LU... | oinr, The saloon In polities supplies the machine with hall hearings. The neck always comes under the hend of meat H YOUR KIDNEYS action and enable* the organs to throw off the poison* which cause premature old age. New life and strength increase as you continue the treatment When completely restored continue taking a capsule or two each day. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules will keep you in health and vigor and prevent a return of the disease. Do not wait until old age or disease have settled down for good. At the first sign that your kidneyn are not working properly, go to your druggist and get a box of GOLD MEDAL llaarlem Oil Cnpsoles. Money refunded if they do not help you. Three sixes. But remember to ssk for the original imported GOLD MEDAL brand. In sealed packages. SSI EXAMINATION It ARRANGED TO SELECT A SUCCCMOIt AT AN EARLY DATE. IAR6E LOAN SUBSCRIPTION Hamilton Carhartt Hoipa Out City of Rook Hill on Hor Quota to Amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars. Rock HUL?V. B. McFadden, for cvr V eral years postmaster at Rock Hill, has resigned, his resignation to become effective July 1. The civil service commission has arranged an examination to choose Mr. McFadden's suo cessor to be held in the near future. Because of the president's executive order of 1917 placing all postmasters under civil service rules. Representative Stevenson will not be able to name Mr. McFadden's successor, which was formerly the custom. The office pays 92.800 a year. Mr. C. L. Cobb, cashier of the People's National bank, this city, and chairman of the Victory Liberty loan organisation for Rock Hill has received a telegram from Hamilton Carhartt. president Hamilton Carhartt mills in this city, and owner of chain of overall factories throughout country, who is now in New York, stating that he would subscribe $50,000 in Victory bonds through the Rock Hill Victory loan committee in order to help this city raise its quota. Oconee Asks Federal Aid. Walhalla.?Oconee county has applied through the state highway commission (or federal aid in securing a bridge across the Chauga river, between Westminster and Madison, and for the improvement of the road leading from Russell on the Georgia line to Walhalla. Five miles of the road, beginning near Russell, will be improved by the United 8tates government as part of 20 miles of a hard surfaced road starting at Highlands, N. C.. and coming to the foot of Callas Mountain, about Ave miles from the Georgia line in Oconee county. This road will be built by the government through its fo~st reserve in this section, and Oconee countv will take up construction at the fbot of Callas Mountain and carry the road on to Walhalla under present plans. The State highway commission will make surveys for these two projects In Oconee county as soon as possible, and submit plans, with the county's agreement to bear its part of the expense of the two projects, to the United States department of agriculture for its approval. Greeting to Soldiers. Bennettsvillo.?Marlboro county will extend to the returning soldiers a welcome on May 1. Strong committees have been selected to make arrangements and carry out an attractive program. Capt. J. J. McSweon of Greenville. who at one time resided in this county the Rev. J. A McMillan of McColl and Senator John I. Mri.nnrin have been Invited to deliver addressed on that day and it is expected that several of the soldiers will also make short talks. A regular picnic dinner will he served. Negro Fair for Sumter. Sumter.?At a meeting held here by a number of negro farmers the preliminary steps looking toward the organization of the Sumter County Colored Fair Association were token, and the movement to establish the fair association on a firm basis is well under way. It was decided to organise a company with a capital stock of $20,000 and those present subscribed for $2,000 worth of the stock. At the meeting to welcome home the negro soldiers Mayor Jennings in his address referred to the desirability cf the negroes of Sumter county organizing a county fair association and suggested that they take up the matter at once. It was In conseauence of this suggestion that the preliminary steps were taken. Will Build Link. Spartanburg.?The State highway commission in cooperation with the Spartanburg county board of commissioners is sending to Secretary D. A. Houston a project to build with federal aid 1.9 miles of asphaltlc concrete road, beginning at the city limits of Spartanburg nnd ending at the pork of tht? roads at the Bobo place. This stretch of the road is part of the main highway from Spartanburg to Union and Columbia, known as the Appalachian highway. Progress In Anderson. Anderson.?A banquet was served here when business men of the city met to put over the $200,000 proposi-. tion for the new hotel. The new ice cream factory and cold storage plant has begun work here. The storage rooms will hold thousands of tons of ice and are built with several inches of cork so as to insulate the avails of the room. The company plans to use all of the output of cream from Clemaon College in the 1ce cream department. Two Stills Located. Bishopville.?R. R. Shaw, deputy sheriff, S. L?. Folsom, rural policeman, and E. W. Polsom, constable, took possession of two whiskey stills. The first one was at the home of Prank Mickle, a negro, in Mohawk, a negro section of Bishopville, and the othei was at John Pulton's, also a negro, about two miles from here. Both stills were small and oheaply made of Ave gallon tin cans and one or two tube Hie negroes had about one gallor of now corn whiskey. - *; Bfl 10 LIMESTONE COLLEfiE tests si OHM to Itsopen Wireless 1 Station at tiSay for Recaption . Only of Msaasgss. Oaffney.?Dr. L?a Doris Lodge, president of Limestone College, made tin announcement that James A. Carroll of Oaffney had subscribed $26,000 to the endowment fund of Limestone College. The young ladles who hare die matter of the endowment in hand are bubbling over with enthusiasm over thin handsome gift, feeling that Mr. Carroll, by his princely gift has tono spiall extent lightened the task which they had set for themselves to raise $100,000 for the endowment. Harry C. Wheat, who prior to the war had erected a very powerful wireless apparatus in Oaffney. but who was required to seal same when war was declared, has been appraised that he Is at liberty to reopen his station for the reception only of messages. While this was good news to Mr. Wheat, it is not his purpose to reopen the station until be is allowed to send as well as to receive messages. The station was erected by the young man man solely for his own amusement. Killing in Dorchester. St. George.?Charged with the killing of Frank J. Grooms, a prominent citizen of the lower section of Dorchester County. Wallace Clark is now in the county Jail here. The killing occurred on the Boone Hill Road several miles from Summerville. It seems that bad feeling had existed between the men for some time, difference in connection with a tract of land having been the cause. The men met. according to informa non received in si. George at a cattle dip in the section in which both lived. Following words, Clark fired twice, both shots taking effect in the body of Grooms, who was on horseback, and after he fell from his horse as the result of the first shot Clark is said to have flred again. 8partanburg'a Scnool Building. Spartanburg.?Whether or not Spartanburg will in the near future have a new high school building at a cost of $200,000 will be decided by the qualified electors of this city. The election is held for the purpose of ratifying or rejecting the bill passed by the recent general assembly giving to this district a new high school building. But little interest Is being manifested in the election, and it is believed that the vote will be light. No opposition has appeared and it is expected that the vote will be overwhelmingly in favor of the proposed bond issue. Westminster Wins Cuo. Greenville. ? Westminster high school for the first t'me in the 12 years It has been a contestant in the Piedmont Oratorical and Athletic Asnociat'on won the championship and was awarded the Jefferson cup, which It tar if 1 fartlrl fa. 'Tkl. .... V.. ??111 uviii unn v r.m. i mo uup naa never been permanently won by any high school in the association in the past ten years because the requirements were that it must be won three consecutive years by the high schocl which owns it permanently. pnnk McMillian represented the Westminster high school and was awarded the Endel individual medal (or first place Awarded Greek Medal. Fort Mill.?In a letter written from Constantinople is contained the information that the Order of the Redeemer has been conferred by King Alexander of Greece upon Lieut. Comdr. Wilden A. Ott, U. S. N.. son of Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Ott of Fort Mill. Lieutenant Ott has been in the service about 16 years and is about 31 years of age. During the recent hostilities he has had charge of a flotilla of submarine chasers and his boat carries the star that indicates a "known" destruction of a German submarine. Lectures on War. Chester.?The Rev. Bruce Benton, pastor of the First Baptist Church, of Rockingham, N. C.. who has Just returned from France where he was stationed near Paris at one of the largest American aviation camps, delivered an able address at the First Baptist Church on "My Experiences With Our Boys in France." He also spoke of the league of nations and told what It would mean to the world in the years to come. Wins German Helmet. Laurens.?For submitting the best slogan to be used in the forthcoming Victory Liberty Loan drive in Laurens. Louie Solomon of the sixth grade in the Laurens city school has been awarded the prize, a Gorman helmet. The contest, iwas open to the pupils of the schools of the county. Young Solomon's rallying couplet that won the trophy as offered by Mrs. R. T. Dunlap, county chairman, follows: "Make the Hun groan. With the Victory Loan." "Challenge of Human Nejds." Greenwood.?Seaking on the subject of "The Challenge of Human Needs." E. B. Kolb, representing Furman University. was awarded first honors in the South Carolina intercollegiate oratorical contest held in the auditorium of lender College. R. W. Wilson of Presbyterian College was given second place, while A. Stokes King of Wofford was accorded third honors. The second place winner had for his ilbjnct "Oir Greater Task?" while Mr. King spoke on "The Rternality of Law." Killed by Pistol that. Laurens.?Mrs. Mary Owens Hill, wife of Irvin Golden Hill, was found In a dying condition with a bullet wound in her temple at her home at Cross Hill, Laurens county. Mrs. Hill was discovered by her husband who at once gave the alarm, but his wife died before medical attention could be given, it was stated. Coroner R. R. Owlngs held the In-west and the jury returned a verdict 'hat Mrs. Hill came to her death by gunshot wounds inflicted by parties inknown to the jury. Physicians yon know the real h , doctors made of fie hearts: those men who ai as in the broad daylight Castoria has done, is doi for children. - Fletcher's Caktoria ment We just want to Your physician will on the market, and he is Contents 15 Fluid Dracfm ffl i? KyjjS ggj -ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT||jl| j|jjjj suWalin^lke^od'tyRc^uU^ Bp Cl*crfaIn?sandHKLCoatata Ahcipf"lRcmc^'^T^, raffifeL Constipation and Dtarrhoei M $3f, and Fevcrishncss ?md + J -Loss of Slelp *$?!&! ;'; H 1 ' Xh* Exact Copy of Wrapper. JUST WHAT DID HE MEAN* Remark Made by Old Citizen Seemec Something Like Slam on Higher Education. At n recent Lowell centenary meet In? in Cambridge, Mass., Prof. Wll It.. 1) m ? ? - Mm uuMUf Auyior, who presided, toK tills: When Cornell university wns found cd there was n struggle between Ith ilen, N. Y., and Ovid, N. Y., for the 1v cntlon of the institution. Ithaca wOv out. It seemed necessary to compen sate Ovid In some way, und so the neu state Insnne asylum was located a' Ovid. After some years had gone hf and both Institutions were flourishing the Ovid people began to suspect that Ithaca had a l*>tter thing than thoj had. Two old citizens were growlfnp about Ithnca's prosperity one day when one of them said: '.'Well, we got the insane nsylura anyway." "Yes. we did," said the other, "Ru1 you'll find out that It takes three In sane asylums to equal n college.*? Dallas "News. Not Erudite. "Necessity knows no law." "He'd be right at home nino'ig thi practitioners in my court," arid oh Judge Flubdub. [ Have y "My b smooth I Royal." But he leaves ; with it: that it < demnec for use Englan sgfe of i RO is ma Royal Coni ""V* - - V^'^Liry il! ** y. ) f?* ' ?v ^y-IK ^^^ 1 Recommen v nman doctors right around i sh and blood just like you: re responding to your call in tl ; they are" ready to tell you ing and will do, from their is nothing new. We are not a impress upon yon the importaj tell you this, as he knows then particularly interested in the Children L^lj I Do the Peoj * 1 Do you know why you are asl *1 when you want a child's remedy: w [j For years we have been ex 'i Fletcher's Castoria has broueht c Istltutes and counterfeits. To protect the babies: to shi generations to come we appeal to insist on having Fletcher's Castor; icine. And remember above all t made for children?a medicine pr< changeable. A baby's food for a just as essential for the baby. The Castoria Recipe (it's on eve the same hands in the same manner ture of Chas. H. Fletcher and perfect MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AR 1 GENUINE CAST Bears the HI CINTAUI C?MN ?ai?namgiar' 17 Guaranteed to < ^5J *n<* wW101" 'nJ"r3 J*T i usually auQlrleut (&. f *' 'imitt upon J 'rvt*/ U^fcl Killer. Ai rtr-isel^i t Wis f *,u ""l nSiCl^^lllvl ?/ four SRc Mns- Pr"t'>a (fJpO VSLi' V. Tr* It on rueum' or _ +S tomato plants. Mom !* ! ?< r*-~ Wanted Hia Share. "Any letters for me?" "What name?" "Jason Howlett." "Uni-m-m. Nope." i?r?n. - ai- ?a i iiii i s si range. ~ "Expecting any?" "No, but Israel Fuhldeton was rending tli* other day there was enough * letters sent through th' post office lust year to give every man, woman an' child 23 each?an' I thought I'd come ' in fer my share."?Milwaukee Free Press. t Yes, Rofnlo, the other half has to live on what the better half Is able to cook. Keep your Over active, your bowcli clean by tnklng Or. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta and ^ you'll keep healthy, wealthy and wlae. Adv. J Writer's cramp may affect either the wrist or the stomach. ou ever heai aking powder," sa solicitor, "costs le: i omits to say that a bitter taste, that foe is likely to stale in a < contains alum, whicl 1 by many medical aul in food. d and France proh: alum baking powder: YAL I \de from Cream of 7 derived from grapes bains No AlumLeaves No E mmmm mjM^^SBESBBSmK d Castoria - * n your neighborhood: the the doctors with souls and ae dead of night as readily the erood that Plfttchnr'a experience and their love sking you to try ah experince of buying Fletcher's. 3 are a number of imitationt welfare of your baby. Cry For -7 >le Know? ted to call for Fletcher's Castor!a hy you must Insist on Fletcher's? plaining how the popularity of >ut innumerable imitations, subeld the homes and in defense of the better judgment of parents to la when in need of a child's medhings that a child's medicine is ;pared for gTown-upa is not interbaby. And a baby's medicine is ;ry wrapper) has been prepared by for so many years that the signaion in the product Ae synonymous. OUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA "ORIA ALWAYS Signature of NY. NKW YORK CITY. MM \ Without 1 :i jfts ' r to Tina. One or two application* jP*py*'^j| to Mil the entire crop. Kailly itonecypber'a Irlik Potato But nnJ irnerul etores. If your J0CC' Tj'IIDWIR lv you. we will send you ituiteh. cantaloupe ond Ay-l . i. >y back If not eatleflod^^^gi^-^S^Iptj^e^^ No Need of It. First SIuin Mother?The Idenr of mom young snips from the settlement coining here to tell us how to take cure of our Imbles. Second Ditto?Ain't they nervy to talk that way to experienced womn? Here's one yesterday givln' tne a lot ' of information, nnd I've nussed seven hahies through everything a child kin , have and hurled live of 'em. What la "Spring Fever" II la almply low Vitality, a lack of F3n?-rgy canard hv Inlpurltlra In the blood. OROVK'3 TASTKI.ESS chill TONIC rratorra Vitality tnd Energy liy Purifying and Enriching lilood You can soon foal lis Strengthening, invigorating Effect. Price S?c. Don't worry, trouble can't stick with us forever; we gotta die sooner or later. Riches have wings hut that doesn't ' mean they're going to fly at you. rd this? ys the | | ss than t 3 1 it often I )d made u day and 1 1 is con- I :horities I f* ibit the s. #aMiig >owder "artar I I > titter Taste