University of South Carolina Libraries
I^rfeg f UCAl MTaESr~ HJc. a. link. Jr.. of Hkk^ ! N. C.,w*a i wwk tnd visitor In j tbe bom of his parents.. Alfred Jones Is st home for a 1 week's vacation from the Pree- ' by terian college at Clinton. Mrs. Ben H. Massey, of Bristol. Conn., is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Massey. Miss Mary Hope Smith of Win throp college, was the week-end gueet of her aunt. Miss Cammie!' Smith of this city. I: Mr, and Mrs. J. H. McMurray spent several days of the past week visiting relatives in! Greensboro, N, C. Miss Florence Lawrence, of Winthrop college, was the guest of hfer sister, Mrs. Everard Ardrey, for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Webb, of Gastonia, were guests during the past,week of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Walker in this city. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brackett entertained a number of their friends at dinner Sunday in honor of Sergeant A. C. Lytle. Mrs. Withers Massey and her two children, of Charlotte, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bradford on East Booth street. The friends of Constable Joe F. Lee were glad to see him on the streets Saturday afternoon, after a long and serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Young of Rock Hill, and Mrs. R. K. Bruce of Winnsboro, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mills in this city. ; Miss Julia Armstrong, of Winthrop college, spent the past week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Armstrong. Misses Caroline Dick and Caroline Banks, from Winthrop College, were guests the past week of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ardrey in this city. Leroy McMurray, who is taking a post graduate course in the Baltimore Dental college, is visiting in the home of his parents. James T. Young,. Jr., returned to his home in Fort Mill Monday morning after 22 months' servica in the electric corps of the U. S. army overseas. Mrs. L. E. Ligon, of Shelby, N. C., who has been a patient in the Fennell Infirmary at Rock Hill is convalescent and is visiting her mother, Mrs. Alice Harris, in this city. The Rev. Dr. J. W. H. Dyches has been invited by the Rock Hill Lodge, Junior Order United American Mechanics, to deliver an address on Thursday night, the occasion being the annual banquet of the lodge. The Gold Hill school hack which several years ago was used to carry children to the school was sold at public auction Saturday afternoon, the purchaser being Mr. Alex Suton, at the Drice of $2fi. . srrw< 1% Dtidrtat ts Bethel fretbyterlal. J Following is a list of the deleKites who are expected to attend the meeting of Bethel Presbyteri*1 in this city, beginning Tuesday. April 15th, together with the names of those by whom the delegates will be entertained: Mrs. Harper Woods, Mrs. J. R. Lindsay, with Mrs. T. B. Spratt Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Purcell with Mias Eatelle Massey. Mrs. Vance Davidson, Miss Azubah Darby, Mrs. Hamilton, with Mrs. J. L. Spratt Miss Margaret Douglas, Mrs. Tom Barron with Miss Cammie Smith. L Mrs. Jno. Crawford with Mrs. E. M. Belk. Mrs. Hazel Witherspoon, Miss Annie Witherspoon, Mrs. Fred Bell, with Mrs. J. B. Elliott. Mrs. R. E. Wylie. Mrs. R. F. Beatty, Mrs. W. L. McCrorey, with Mrs. Hattie Mack. Mrs. W. W. Horton. Mrs. W. Mrs. L. J. Massey left Saturday afternoon for Raleigh, N. C., to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Alice Wilson Battle, whose death occurred at her home in Montgomery, Ala., from heart failure Saturday morning. Invitations have been received In Fort Mill to the marriage of Lieut. Theodore Harris and Miss Ruth Ernestine Williams, the ceremony to take place Saturday, April 19. at Decatur, Texas, the home of the bride. Lieutenant Harris is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harris, of Fort Mill, and for about two years has been connected with the aero division of the United States army. Revival services in the local Methodist church began Sunday night and will continue through this week and perhaps longer. Two services are held daily, one at 3:80 in the afternoon and one at 8:30 at night. The Rev. W. S. Morris, of Shandon Methodist church, Columbia, is conducting the services, and is aided by Mr. W. S. Shealy, of Chester, as singer. The award of congressional medals of honor to two officers S. and five enlisted men for "con\ spicuous gallantry and intrepidi* ty above and beyond the call of duty in action" was announced R by the war department Tuesday, among the number receiving this honor being Sergt. Thos. L. Hall, deceased, son of Mr. and W* ^ Hal1' of Fort Mi,K ^ v J&*eant Hal1 was decorated for %?jg^Ke8sfully attacking an enemy Mrehine gun post alone, and thus t A<aaSu ^ P. Davis, with Miss El' a Stewart. Miss Rose Lindsay, Mrs. T. W. Speck, with Mrs. J. W. Ardrey. Mrs. M. L. Carroll, Mrs. T. W. Devane, with Mrs. T. A. Neely. Miss Ada Saunders, Miss Fannie Wardlaw, Mrs. W. H. Herndon, Mrs. Alex. Martin, with Mrs. W. B. Ardrey. Miss Mamie Hughes. Mrs. J. E. Berry hill, Mrs. J. A. Page, ma vt * * ^ mrs. noages, witn Mrs. K. u. Grier. Mrs. M. McNeel, Mrs. B. N. Craig, with Mrs. J. H. McMurrav. Mrs. J. T. Coleman, Mrs, H. A. Holdei, Miss Mary Quinlen, with Mrs. J. A. Boyd. Misses Clara Johnson and Wilmer Adams, with Mrs. O. T. Culp. Mrs. Q. R. Hayes, Mrs. J. M. Lowry, with Mrs. Carrie Boyd. Mrs. J. A. Carroll, Mrs. W. L. Gettys, with Mrs. Lee Capps. Mrs. Bryant Hall, Mrs. Mary McCarter, Mrs. P. N. Thomasson, with Mrs. E. W. KimbrelU Mrs. J. W. Campbell, Miss Bessie Adams, Mr. Winn, with Mrs. A. O. Jones. Mrs. A. M. Erwin, Mrs. C. L. Ray, with Mrs. Jennie Spratt. Mrs. McCaskill, Mrs. H. F. Clyburn, with Mrs. John Hutchinson. Mrs. L. E. Sigmond with Mrs. A. L. Ott. Mrs. J. J. Brown, Mrs. J. L. Houston, with Mrs. J. J. Bailes. Mrs. H. F. Haile, Mrs. Hugh White, with Mrs. Sue Spratt. 1VU1 11^1 In addition .to our Heavy and Fancy Gr receiving a choice lir I Dry Goods, Our line is yet incoi display quite a lot of vite you to call and 1< Everything new am est you. Our Phone i JOE M. B Mrs. J. E. Fewell, Mrs. J. H. Barber, with Mrs. T. S. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. W. Meredith, Mrs. J. C. Rakestraw, with Mrs. Duncan Wolfe. Miss Margaret Rankin with Mrs. L. J. Massey. Miss Mamie McDonald, Miss Lizzie McDonald, with Mrs. I. B. Covinington. York County News Natters. iorkville Enquirer.) H. L. Johnson, magistrate for Bethel township, has been appointed State constable to help in the suppression of the liquor traffic in this section. He has J LL ~ re - icaigiieu ma uuiee aa niugisiraie, the resignation to take effect uoon the appointment and qualification of his successor. Magistrate R. L. A. Smith, accompanied by his constable, Floyd Stevenson, and Policeman Richard Lanier of Hickory Grove, captured a whiskey making outfit, together with about 300 gallons of beer on a creek about three and a half miles northwest of Hickory Grove, last Sunday. There were no arrebts. The resignation of H. L. Johnson as magistrate for Bethel township, brings up the question of filling the vacancy. Among the names now under consideration are those of J. D. Boyd and J. M. Ford. Under the rules of the party, the vacancy is to be filled by primary election; but as a matter of practice such vacancies are very often filled by appointment of the governor, upon recommendation of the logisla tive delegation. I Our Mai, % . " v * ' . " ' Cea9BBHESBB9B?959SBMBanaaS Ftrfmil V*ts.&b?l Aid. A new and commodious Addition to the Fort Mill graded mKam! to asan?Ail Kv rn MUWI VUUUIUK 10 OOOU1VU I// IV cult of the election laet week upon. the question of issuing bonds end increasing the tax levy is this school district. The* vote was 86 to 2 in favor of both issues, thus the issue of $15,000 in bonds for building purposes is assured and the tax levy is increased from 4 to 10 inills. The addition contemplated will comprise eight recitation rooms and a gymnasium. It will be three stories in height and the present plans which are being worked out by an architect contemplates the location just in front of the present building. Included in the rooms will be one for cooking and sewing and one for manual training. It is expected that the addition will be ready for occupancy bv the beginning of the fall term. Much credit for the promised success of this undertaking is due to W. H. Ward, who has had charge of the schools since last summer, and to J. Barron Mills, chairman of the board, who has effectively seconded the plans oi Mr. Ward. The growth of the school during the past few years has been little short of phenomenal and the enrollment and attendance during the past term has increased over the previous year, despite the handicap of the war and the epidemic of influenza. Including Professor Ward, eleven teachers are now employed and the plans for next year include four additional teachers. The teachers have been hindered on account of lack of adequate recitation rooms and it has been necessary to dismantle and use cloak rooms and a part of the auditorium to supply the space required for tne increased enrollment. It is expected that the addiiionel building wi.l supply all the space needed undei the compulsory attendance law soon to become effective. Fort Will Won Third Place. The following are the results of the filth riinual track meet of the Catawba High School Association held at the fairgrounds at Rock HillSatuiday afternoon Rock Hill won the first place with a scoreof 45 points, therebj capturing the much covetec trophy cup of the association Chester won the second placs with a score of 35 points anc Fort Mill school won third plact with a score of 10 points. The gold medal for the individual student scoring the highest number of ,x)ints was wor by Steed of Rock Hill school. The interest in the track meel was great, the various schools putting up a strong fight for the trophy cup. How to Secure Road Funds. The State Highway commission is frequently asked by county officials and interested citizens what steps are necessary in ordej to secure the large sums of Federal money which are now available for building roads in South Carolina. It is necessary, first of all, foi the county road officials to pass a resolution asking the State Highway commission for Federal aid for building a certain section or sections of the State highway system in their counties. These resolutions must provide for the money to defray half of the cost. This money to cover the Federal funds can come from the count> treasury or from municipalities, or from private individuals. One instance is on record in which s private corporation in this State agreed to provide part of the funds necessary to build an important bridge. After the county road authorities notify the State Highwaj commission by resolution thai they want to build a Dart or nart< v Goods. Fresh, New stock of oceries, we are daily le of Notions, Etc. mplete, but we have on .these articles and in>ok over the goods. i the prices will interis 159. RACKETT. / ' " * -V- *" > of the State highway systems in their county and; that half the : money neooeaery is available, the 1 State Highway comfciaefon sends - an engineering party to survey the road to be built. After these i surveys are made the engineers i prepare a careful estimate of the i cost of the work to be done, to' gether with a complete description of the work, including b ue prints and plans. . All of this 1 data is forwarded to the secretary of the U. S. department of agriculture, D F. Houston, who is a South Carolinian. The seci retary- of agriculture- approves > the project and the State Highi way commission in co-operation .1 with the coanty authorities proceeds to ask for bids from conI tractors. 1 After securing a satisfactory bid the contract is let and the Federal government pays half I the cost of the road building. The same process is followed in securing Federal money for building bridges. 1 City Treasurer's Report I For Quart or Ending March 31, 1919. RECEIPTS. ' ' Cash on hand Jannary 1, 1919..$185.61 Borrowed First Nat'l Bank..... 400,00 I License Tax 64U.46 Sanitary tax 178.77 Police Fines collected 105.00 5 Property Tax (1918 levy)...... 217.70 ( Cemetery lots, collections 40.00 Insurance (proportion paid by York county, 14.46 . Street Taxes, paid in advance.. 3.00 Total receipts $1785.00 i DISBURSEMENTS. . Sanitary, driver's pay. disinfectant, mule feed, upkeep $268.00 ; Sundries, 19.05 1 a or > uvicci> kicwililK 11.?0 . Street work, 162.25 Note T. A. Mills charged back by the bank, 61.47 I Discount notes First Nat'l Bank 13.50 , Interest on bonds 261.37 ' Lights, Dec., Jan., Feb., 260.53 Cemetery, salaries and work 37.50 ? Salaries, Mayor $75; Clerk $50, 125.00 , Police salaries, 162.00 ' Unadjusted items in account 84.35 ! Cash on hand 325.73 Total disbursements $1785.00 C. S. LINK, Attest: Treasurer. J. B. ELLIOTT, J. M. HUTCHINSON, B. C. FERGUSON, Finance Committee. I J~l?J Sanitary Tax Due. > Semi-annual sanitary tax is due and ; payable without penalty during the month of April. C. S. LINK, J City Treasurer. , n* jj THE SAVIN !| OF FORT | I Ch( I J it. I)L \ ? rnune j Dr. i 22 ) \ I ln i ^ei <* > <* I Your Is worth money and so asking you for but a few | that we can convince yox > -i House Furni t J Xs as complete as you w larger towns, and, too, y anywhere. Pay us a visit, we'll n you. Young I I Case &. < : > | FORT M | Automobile repfi No Job too bar; | Ford Sp t We Guarantee Eve \\ Phone 146 or 64 and i oiVsus - | Web I Sol I ? | m ^ * m ^ ^ i ^ I Schloss Suil | Bate | ) CS BANK \ MILL. ' I I ; icking Accounts, :rest Accounts, i e Deposit Boxes, ifts, ? ney Orders, ? ivelers' Checks, | and a | d Banking Service. ; X >+' ????? ?? ?>??+ o> Time is ours, therefore we are 1 r minutes, and we know J i that our stoek of \ ishing Goods 1 4 ill find in many of the i ou can't beat sur prices ; < i nake it worth while for i 1 ~r > i fe Wolfe. < ] ?+ ? 3 ".< Chapman, j; ILL, s. c. j| lirs on all Cars. < > ge or too SmalL 1! eci^ists. ry , Turned Out. ! we will go anjrwbere. iHii >' ' II . . ' I ' I fcVtlA I W?1 J I lurci tt ounuc; | Idier Boys I I are glad to have I l 1 name again. a t e r s o n's | Is and Stetson Hats. I s Shoes and Ide Shirts. ? A ? J? ? . 1 ! u per cent discount to soldiers. | i mmmmm m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm For Sale I X * 1 W Two lots in Whiteville Park, each 25 foot front, i $ facing on Elliott street. Apply at once. <r + Three cottages on Depot street, two on White | | street, one on Booth street, one on Confederate r street, one on Forrest street. * J An excellent time to purchase a home for much J less money than will cost to buy a lot and build a I house. * ?? C. S. LINK, Agent f Dealer in Real Estate. Fort Mill, S. C. | [ ?*? i i Our Service Pleases. \ I , ! We desire the public patronage and ' ; are doing all we can in the way of ser- j Tice, quality and fail prices to merit the ^ \ same. You will always find good fresh t groceries at this store. We are pleas ' ing our most particular customers and t * would he pleased te add your name te * our list. f I I - - - - I | Parks Cirocery Co., 1 i Phone 1 IB ; I ft 3 ft ft ft ftft ftftftft ft ?ft^+*>ft- ' I - Steele Motor Company, [ Fort Mill, S. C. . | Automobile Repairs and Accessories. 1 ! ' General, Goodrich and Fisk Tires \ \ and Tubes. ' | | jjj^ur ,^|^t n IU r i