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5L ' " 1 S ^ ~ "\V ' *r. - **L ^ I'jBy * . ; ' . i .i i iir in . i. 11 i"'1"1 Calomel Users! t I Guarantee C Tour druggist given back liven your liver andl you up withoutj ' Uchl Calomel makes tou sick. It's horrible t Take a doee of the dangeroua dnif tonight and tomorrow yon diay lone a day's work. Calomel la mercury or qulcksilvef which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when It comes Into contact with sour bile, crashes Into it,- breaking It np. This Is when you feel that awful nausea nnd cramping. If you ure slugglsh and "all knocked out," If your liver Is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue. If breath Is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Here's my guarantee?Go to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a ECZEI THIS Isn't one of those fake fr ment offers you have seen ! times. We don't offer to give yc thing for nothing?but we do guarai you can try this wonderful treatr tlrely ut our risk, nnd this gum backed by your local druggist. J. W. Perkins of Atlanta, writes: "I wus afflicted with a very of Eczema for 2.r> yeurs, which was It legs and hips. Through all this tin uiiierem rpiuFUiPN anil (locrors tlons. obtaining no relief uutll I u HUNT'S SALVE. "One Box entirely cured me, nn two years hnve elapsed I have hn turn of Hie trouble. Nr.turally I as the greatest remedy In the worl Hunt's Salve Is compounded csj Itch, Ringworm, Tetter and other i Remember Hunt's Salve costs > . - an do nor delay but get a box now t 75c at your druggist's or direct by K. B. RICHARDS MEDIC amu mil mi n 11 ii 11 rt?mn* hi t mi ti n hi mtiti iwi h hiii m?11 mi | AVOID INFLUENZA AND PNEUI N?G0WANS2?I iPCMianillUlllf lllllll Hill mill iimimuiiiuimi Hill ii lllll iii hiihim NOTHING MORE TO BE SAID i Colonel Roosevelt's Answer to Envoy of German Kaiser Seemed to Cover the Ground Thoroughly. Not until after Colonel Roosevelt's leath has It been brought to light that, early In the war the kaiser deliberately tried ta persuade Roosevelt that etiquette demanded that Roosevelt cense his opposition to Germany. In September. 1014. the kaiser seal a special envoy to Oyster Ray to wait upou Colonel Roosevelt. The colonel received him formally in the trophy rooni. The envoy clicked his heels and bowed and said: "Mr. Roosevelt, his majesty the German emperor semis you his cordial greetings and nsks me to tell you that he remembers your visit to Rerlin with the greatest pleasure and trusts thai the cordial reception which you rorelved there will always remain fresh In your memory as it does In his." Roosevelt did not click his hi-els together, but he did click his teeth In a wuy that lie bad when be was about In litter I.Imif \? 1.I..I. miiK m ui\ ii ?? ?p inu'iur rd to end d'ncuHdlnn. "Tell hiii majesty for me that I thnnk him for his cordial message and that I remember my visit to Ilerlln with tin* greatest pleasure, pivclsely with the same pleasure that 1 remember a similar visit which I paid at the same time to the kins and queen of the Belgians." The (ierumn envoy clicked his heels, (lowed and left the room without another word.?Exchange. * ,4# Close to being Twins. Two Utile girls, dressed alike, enteral a store, when ihe man coining to wait oti them said: "Are you little girls twins?" "Wall, Pretty near," said one of them; "there's only u pound dl Terence." * ^WVL^ZVVAAAAAA AAA ^ A 1 There's a | | satisfying | 1 time flav< I The Oi 1 POSTUM | , that no substitute A healthful drink th *. harm, a "beverage grat | that never upsets nen | as does sometimes col | Boll Just 1 Boil thoroughly (15 1 | begins) make it rich a | something that make | enjoyable. ^ I "There's c I At Grocers?two i 1 > ^ - r ?, ?T" . i * ' ' jsten To Me! lodson's Liver Tone : your money If it doesnt bowels and straighten making you sick. I i .1 spoonful and If it doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fine and rigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because It is real Urer medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore ft cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodsou's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your j bowels of that sour bile and consti- | puted waste which is clogging your j system and making you feel miserable. | X guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fau?-ily feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It Is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like Its pleasant taste. MM ee treat?e many ?u somentee that /IjA en nntee Is Georgia, C "MB bad case | XyMMrnup 1 my feet, V'BmflnjWBjLW le I tried prescripsod your d though VfiEHMHnmH d no reregard it Id." leolnlty for the treatment of Eczema, g|?|n /)lounao?i( 'ou nothing If yon are not satisfied, m our money back guarantee. I'rU-o mail if he does not bundle it. INE CO., Sherman, Texas intttiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiRtiiitfiiiiiitiitmiiititrtniiiiiiniititfiiniiiii, MONIA k?P?c?allr sood tor lnaamiuaUoo = JX. *"<* Oonf^UOM. UodUOM Vo- = . ^^ vor; help, the heart. Send for = "WdVl ?tnple. HaUsfaetlon gnaran- = 'J'HII.I.Pity t**d- l?o??u Hodlcal Oompuijr B . s jiinj'lii.y Concord. H. C. "1 = 11(11 IIIIHIMIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIII III III III tlfllll Mill Ulllllll III tllllllllNir STREETS WITH ODD~PAVING ; Few Civilized Towns Would Care to i Duplicate Thoroughfare - Known to Exist in Africa. ? ? TTT . .i i mm, ?! are IUMI, 1? lO no pa Veil with glass, and this has been referred to as if it wore quite unknown. Howover, this Is not ho, for Lyons already has the Hue do la Repuhiiquo, with Its glass pavements laid In blocks 8 Inches square, so closely fitted that water cannot pass through them. But streets of glass are not by any means the most curious streets In the world. There Is a street In Gvvandu. Africa, which is a veritable place of skulls. The town, oval In shnpo, has round It a ring of poles, every one of which Is crowned with a human skull. There are six gates to the town, and every one of them Is approached by a pavement of skulls, of which something like 12.(KH) were used. The pavement Is snowy white. Philadelphia has a street made with compressed grass, and the experiment promised so well after n year that there may soon be many companion streets of grass. That's R'flht, Too. Rill, the family high-school youngster. was Just recovering from the Influenza. So was his father. And while liill had suffered and groaned he had noticed that father had done likewise. One day when he felt sufficiently Improved to make comments he said to father: "There's one good thing-about the 'flu'?Isn't there, dad? It -makes you so sick that you're not afraid to die." * In One Way. "Ma, my arithmetic teacher Is a woman with n serpent's tongue." "How can you talk so Willie, of such n nice lady?" "Well, she's an adder, ain't she?" -VWWVAAAAAAAAAflAA/\TAViAA.V^ i ricH., - I ;? old-1' | >r to jj | rig'inal | CEREAL | i can ever equaL I 3i icavcs no trace or g eful to the stomach, | res, heart or digestion | Ike coffee | minutes after boiling nd dark and you have s s your meal doubly | i "Reason" | sizes 15c 6c 25c. | 1 COLUMBIA EXTENDS A HEARTYWEL60ME MEM OF FICMTINQ 11STH MAOE TO FEEL THEMSELVES !N HOUSE OF FRIENDS. LEAVE PLEASANT MEMORIES Absolute Informality of Reception Is Pleasing to Men Who Aided In Making World 8afe for Dcmoc'acy. Resolved to show tha H3tb field Artillery, 30th Division, that she appreciates the service it has rendered to humanity on the fields of France, Columbia threw off utterly the reserve that, sometimes characterizes her efforts at entertainment, opened her heart to the returning soldiers and gave them a welcome that will lone remain a pleasant memory with them, j Had their own fathers and mothers j and uncles, aunts, cousins and sisters j been in Columbia, they could hardly | hove managed the reception ??ad en- I 'frtalniueut in mure acceptable lash- j ;on. 1 Columbia has pnrides of every ! - ort and description; the fiend of feet in un'son. the rumble of art'llery and the steady "ehug-ehujs." of motorcycle squadrons are -not strange ; sounds to the ears of citizens of Co- j lumbia. und it has come to be evert- j "d that soldiers will psnde. Y.rhen t was announced that tho men of the 113th would not parade there wis more or lers consternation in innny breasts, and tear was expressed lost the plans f jr entertainment would he seriously interfered with. To send 1 .ion r:en into Columbia In orderly . dumns is one thing; to dnmn tint ( rny men into the city w'thout f>sor order is quite another. But the entertainment committee heM ibe'r counsel, smiled at queries and simply set the machinery in motion. I The men of the regiment went unan- ; imnus in expressing their appreciation of th?* cord'al recept'nn that had honn accorded them, .and thov worn not slow to nice the'r thanks for the trc tmert thry had received at t*?e t hands of everv one with whom they had come in contact. To Publish Alumni H'story. The University of South Carolina is ( preparing to publish a eomploto rec- I *<rd of Its alumni and students. Blanks j are being mailed to each to be filled i out. In view of the fact that the uni- ' vcra'tv la not lr pps?cs?;tc?i ' ;?rcfcnt uddress of a grent many nlum J ni who have changed addresses since leaving the univers'ty. t is earnestly i r?nue*t d that the desired information | be scr-t Immediately without waiting for the 1? "h.j. This must be done ' if the record if to be complete. The desired information cov?rs the ! follow'ng points:. Name in full; pres- j ont address; presont occupation; oc- ' cupatlona engaged in since leaving the university; cliss of and date dogr. e taken; whether married or single; if married, name of husband or w'fe and date of marriage; war record covering; t'nie of enlistment; branch of service; nr^i-notions nnU ! rank; plices wh'TP service rendered: if wounded: if dead the date, place snd c'rourostanoos rf death: !f noncombatant service, facts relative to same. "uhMclty * Reoretted. T^e student body of the University >f South Carolina hcs unanimously mssed 1he following resolution condemning the action of any member of 'lie stud-nt body giving out any information to the prcs concerning the pet't'on presented to the board of trustees last week: "Tie it resotvd. That the student bodv of the University hereby exPfi-'PH Its ferret at the publicity j n-'-'rh has hren j?"vcr? to the petition wh'ch it recent 1" sent to the hoard of ?ru?;tees. The puM'c*?t!on cf th's net't:Ti wi' not n??*hor'7.ed or desired hv i'-r ctn'icpt body ""d is cenu'relv rcrrctte'l AVe here*>v condemn the acfn of anv member of **e student hodv v^o nn?v hive assisted in Riving thin petition pnbl'citv. (%r->-r1 l.r^ne* to Meet. Uolumbia w 11 b? the meeting pi""" for two grind lodges in May. The T*ythli"s decided several weeks acn (o assrmMo in the eipital cltv on the fourth Tit""(i?v in May, and the an- , eouneemert wis m"de l?v S. F. KM vugs worm. granu secretary or the TOT'll Wife of 0:1*1 Fellow*. that it* members w'll either In Columbia on hp second VJ dnesd ?v In May. Thp Odd Fellows will he represented hy phout 12.1 delegates and thp ^vtMan meeting w'll bring about .100 '.nights to Columbia. Enthuslrsm la Growing. Pldw'n W. Rohlnaon. chairman t r th? Victorv Loan drive In this section of the S >utb. has returned from New York, where ho aavs the entrmsiasrr. over the approaching loan oamwAn is beginning to warm up o%1 aoon will wo ?t boiling heat. He also entne through Richmond, Va., where he found the same condition at division headquarters. The report3 com'ng in from all over the country ind'cnte that the people are alive to the neroa- , a'ty of puitir.g it over In grand style, and it will be done. State Labor Bureaus. . i The bureau of the United States Employment Service at Charleston. Columbia. Snartanbnrg and Oremville will he maintained, according to John ' L. D?v's of Columbia, federal dlrec-?l t">r of labor for South Carolina. Ac- l "~rdlog to irformatlon rece'ved hy I Mr. Davis from Washington, in addition to the bureaus the government ! h?s dec'ded to ma<r>t-?!n. lOO* mor"? I w'll be continued in existence through i rontrlbntbrns from State Lcg'al 'fur.- i and rVlmthropica, labor and other ( organ 1/at I on a. _ ?r? I ! Ualtwittad -xlng Pww. CoulAtnUft, Mmat ku btto woMii by ne passage of an act at tkl last ess don at the general assembly, dae'gnefi to apply to Spar Pabitf arOy, bat a provision was later attached which made the act ot general application. excluding Spar tanbnrg. By the provisions ot this act. which has already been approved by Governor Cooper, the city council ot any municipality ot more than 5,000 inhabitants may levy any amount necessary for "current expenses, any school tax provided by law, fixed charges in the way of interest and tuning iu?a on oond and any other matter for which auch municipality may be now or hereafter liable." The measure is of peculiar interest in that a recent idea was advanced to place a levy of 40 mills in Columbia to meet current expenses and wipe out back indebtedness. Councilman Coleman said that he did not propose to ram anything dawn the people's throats they did not want, but that he would renew the agi tatlon to increase the le'vy in Colum bia. and that the powers given un der the act would be used in accord ance with the wishes of the majority of the people. Planning Early Move. A meot'ng of the State Board of Correctional Administration? was held in the ofTices of G. Croft Williams, secretary of the State Board of Charities and Correction, when matt. rs re lating to the Industrial School f ir G'rls ot ^anipobello. the reformatory for hovs at Florence, and the reform S'tory for negroes In Lexington county wrr? cons'dered. The hoard made s trip to the site near Columbia, where buildings are Wing erected for the industrial Sc hool for G:rls. this inst'tntion Is to he only temnomr'y located at Campo hollo, Spartanburg county. Tho build ings arc to ho tw * story structures w'th basements, steam heated and lighted. Plans nro to get Ir the new qu-rterr. by Juno 1. if possible. Positive progress is being made at the negro reformatory in Lexington county. Her'tofore no teachers have boon provided Tho board now has an ainropriution 'nr f'-s purpose, and will engage two loiclxrs at once. About *.1 010 will he rxnended in r? pa'rs. One of the large dorm't?rles is to have a new roof, and another roof <n to be rens'ved. In ndflitinn to this, there to he numerous minor itn nrovements. E^oHinnt w?r'{ wis reported from th^ Florence Instltut'on. A new ho? p'tnl build'ng is to be erected. provf elon for this having recently been made. S-?uth Carolina Casualties. The following ar? some casualties recently reported by the War DepurtKilled In Action?Private F. P.. Coll'er. Rowes"illc. previously reported severely wounded. D;ed of Wounds?Private Claude Wilson, St. CharV.s; Wm. Simm? Charleston; Jan. T. Lloyd, Greenville; V Out7. E,H~efl<-ld. Died of D'"?cj<o?Privato Hylie Nichols, Chesnee; W. V Charleston; H. B. Cook. Westrillo; M ^rcellus Shumpert. l?ex'n!rton; Davis Omtt. Columbia; McD. Lee. C a r w e 11 Sergts. J. H. Rirics, Columbia; W'l fori Penson. Seneca; Privates John McFadden. Gable: Fado Fhav's. North; Wagoner J. F. L'lieathal. Charleston; Elder Heath. Parsers. D'ed of Aec'dent?Private Harry Livingston. North. Returned to Dutv ? Private David C. D'vl.s, Chesterfield, previously report ed misa'ag. Sick in Hospital?Pr'vste Jas. "Walker. Branchville, previously reported missing. Missing?Private Henry T. Walters, Liberty. Severely Wounded.?C~rr>. R. H. Fisher. Soartanburg; Privates E. G. D?vls. Saluda; Corp. Herbert Knight. Jed burg. 81'ghtly Wounded ? Privates Arnold Dowev, Roel-^k; Sergt. R. S. Agnew. Donalds; Mechnn'c Walter Freeman Dillon ; Corp. 0. E. Boland. Jr., Colombia; Ser-?t. L N. Davis IJonea Path: Pr'vatea Sloan Moore. Sercea: T ?J. T.aiT Anderson; W IT. Davis. Waterloo: Cann'o Lvnch. Darlington ; P F. Hall. WHllamston; M. P. Roy. W'PI*?F?on: F. L. Diamond. Onvnn: C. M Norton. D'llon; I.font. O. R. Tvlor. W'ndaor; John P. Chandler. Rock Hill. S?v'fr and Wadsv">rtS to Go. Two nmns in South Caroflnn ar" being abandoned along w'th eight other Southern ores. The lint is a* follows: Camo Sevier. Greenville: f.imn Wads worth, Snartanhure: C^mn fir- ene. North Carolina; Oamn I M"Clft'l- n. Alab*inn: Camn Joseph F.. Johnston. Flor'da: Camp Logan, Tex- j ??; Cnmn Codv. New Mexico; Cam** Be*'iirocrard. Louisiana: C.amn McArthur, T?'xis and Camo She^'dan. Alabama. Canm Fremont. California, is also nut In the discard. In several of these abandonment is .about complete. > School for P-e?chers. TT e Rev Thornton Whaling. D P.. ! or'?fees<\r of theoi-iey at the Colunv htn Thenlop'cel Sem'narv. will eonduet a sem'nnry on "The Kingdom *nd the Pr ihl ni of Reconstruction," \nril 2-1 1. et the institution. The top w!ll he jis follows: "The New World." "The Recan-dmctor." "The Suo?ome Law of the Kingdom," "The K'ngdotn and Rnsiness." "The King doni and the Church." Other elective courses will he open to those who fee) Inclined to take advantage of the op portunity. Extract S'le? a Problem. Sam M. Wolfe, attorney gonoral. li uied an npi.iion relative to the law ol the recent assembly to rstrlct the use of extracts and compounds r? beverages, wh'ch opinion holds that the lTnitcd States pure food and drun ict will he supreme in determining the ?ale of certain of these compounds 01 bitters in South Carolina, particularly is to alcoholic content. Such pro educe will necessT'ly likely rcstriothe States artlTlt'es in snppres. ini the sale of these compounds. "DANDERINE" FOR FALLING HAIR Stop dandruff and double beauty of your hair for few cents. I Dandruff rauses a feverish irritation ol the i*; .ilp. the hair roots shrink, loosen and then the hair conies out fast. To j ?top falling hair at once and rid the .ealp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of "Oanderine" at any drug store for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair stops j coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Your hair appeal-* soft, 1 glossy and twice as thick and abund I * '* KEEP FINGERS FROM MOUTH i i Many Cases of Infection Proved to Be Due to This Habit, Altogether Too Common. " i "AVhen T hoc.ime ii ntan I put nwa.v >*liiltllsli things." Not always, and licnre the aphorism. "Man me hut children of a larger , growth." One of the Crst arts of volition is , when the child pttts its hnnUs. or any- i ' 'Jtlng It can it* t hold of to Its tnotilii. , In spite of reason, this instinct amMnttes strong through life. If snlivn were a bright preen color we would he ( ] k?*pt hitsy washing our hands. Most ! hacterial diseases are now helleveil to i i?e contracted through tho mouth, with food or otherwise. As a matter of fact most of us carry* our tin iters to our mouth or nose many times a day j and in so doing transmit to ourselves i diseases that others have spread about. ; Itcgtnnlng with instinct It has become ! a habit. Further comment seems su' prrttuou*.?tjeorge IL Olover. Colorado j Agricultural College, Fort Collins. Col; i?ratio. __________ SAGE TEA DARKENS HAIR TO ANY SHADE Don't stay Gray! Here's an Oldtime Recipe that Anybody can Apply. ! The use of Sage and Sulphur for restoring fnded, pray linir to Its nntund color dates hack to grandmother's titne. She used It to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy nnd attractive. Whenever h??i hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance. Ithls ?dmnie_ m'xtnrc whs applied, with wondetful effect. But brewing Ht home Is mussy and ut-of-dnte. Nowadays, by asking ?' i any drop store for n bottle of "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Compound." you will pet this famous old preparation. Improved by the addition of other in- e gradients, whic h -ran be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty It i to the hnir. A well-known downtown dnggtrt 1 ?ays It darkens the hnir so natarn7ly e and evenly that nobody can tell it has i been nrplied. You simply dampen a t sponge or soft brush with It and draw p this through your hair, taking one a strand nt a time. By morning the gray hair disnitpenrs. and nfier another application or two. It 1 ecomes beautifully dark nnd glossy,?Adv. The Mode of Conveyance. "Sometimes I have traveled miles in my dreamy." "Then you must have a done It on s nightmare." - {J Whate'et's begun In anger ends In Outme.?Benjamin Franklin. ir "Yes, I 1 ba ?| This is the I who hav< \ I called che 1 almost a j1 often leav Royal: A I Ma from Ct I Royal Conto I V & < . % V - ^ '-? - ,i . ? JKo 1 Constipated Chil< "California S For the Livei Tell your druggi "California Syrup of and dose for babies a who are constipated, t coated, or full of cold the bottle. Look for and acceot no other "I When n mutt goes tn iiutrkct titul rets stuck with a tough fowl he Is very :pl to luse his respect for old ?iti?*. Mm; pcopix Imaxinr thai Wcirmi or Tapewar m cwnnot hr gotten rid of entirely r?i ?? * ho have need "lined 8h?>t"?Or Kerry's Vtrmlfufc. know that they can Ad*. A woHiitn's Itleu of it mini's respect- ! ibllitv 'depends oc how lie is tlressetl. I The worst uuin is sotnetiiues ettprihle I f ti'vlutr ndvlee. i Aspirin is the trade mark of Uayer Manufat The"Bayer Cross"or "A Blessing for H . For Headache Lame I Neuralgia Lumba Toorhachc Joint P Achy Gums Sciatic? Eara.he Gout Rheumatism Neurit; Proved Safe by Million Aduhs?Take one or two " water. If necessary, repeat do* tfO ecnt Bayer paoWnp-n?i Buy Ba>er packaged ou The Cause. Laura, I lie colored girl, did not ome until 0 n. in. "Wlint'-< tin* matter?" linked tho lonsewtfo. "Sat up with n dead tniin Inst nijrlit.** It was in tho midst of the intiuonzii pidemio, iind the lioiiscwlfi' feared lint tho death might lmvo heen duo to imt d I son so and It might l?o oarriod y llio oolorod K>rl. so alio quickly skod: "What did ho dlo of?" "Athlollo tits." said Laura. About ni'io now woman out of n p??sllilo ton a.*o old woinon painted over. When 1?b? la TeetMn* ROVB-8 HIBV HOWBL MBOICINB Will eorrrct >e Stoma.Ii ar.d llowol troubles. fu/fvctlf barm* m. See directions on tho botUe. Idle wishes tiro apt to onfooblo the iind. tried it, but ck to RoyaL ; experience of most 5 been tempted to aper baking powdei Iways contain all e a bitter taste. Baking Pi lbsolutely Pure 'earn of Tartar derived ? ains No Alum? Leaves No Bi Iren Gladly Take yrup of Figs" r and Bowels ist you want genuine Figs." Full directions nd children of all ages tilious, feverish, tongue, are plainly printed on the name California" rig Syrup." Had to Try Another. ltciicNulrnt < )!<! t.ont?Hut tlmt not tin- sfunv tul<> llmt you tohi iue a fow (toys i!p>. my limn! t'lioiTful Mnmlinmt?No, inlRfr; vmi (l.iln't hollow iliul one.?Horn.on Tit-Hits. n??i!iohM, niltoua Attacks, I ndllfcoMon. ar? rvtrd h; taking Ma; Aoplr, AW. Jalap nuda U.I u Plcaaatil Pallets (Or. I'lirca'a). Ail*. flive ilu? devil tils due, tun do not I overdo It. :ture of Uonoaceticacideiter of Salicyllcmda Tablets :irin^ i Genuine Tablets urnanity in Pain 1" 3ack Colds go Grippe ains Influenzal Colds i Stiff Neck Distress j s Pain! Pain! 1 ^ is! American Owned! Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with >e three times a day, after mealv ilto larger buyer packages, ly?Oct original package. I'm In. Tlie family ami some friends wore lot I lie habit of playing a quiet game or poker occasionally. The four-yeurold daughter amused herself playing ahnult lie room, her parents not thinking she paid any attention to anything that was said. One evening recently she startled Iter mother when she concluded her prayer by saying Tin in. Important to Mothers r.Airiiini- eitn'iuuy I'VlTy IIOIIIP Or CASTOltIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it In Use for Over IU) Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria: The man who knows nothing and wants nothing ought to be comparatively happy. I went I " ! ; women try sors which am and 8 M I Dwaer from grapes I J I tter Taste 1