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Just Once! TryEKx Take No Calom If bilious, constipated, hea relief without taking which sickens Stop using calomel! It make* you J sick. Don't loae a day's work. If you I feel lnzy, sluggish, bilious or coastl-1 pated, listen to me I Calomel la mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when It comes Into contact with sour bile, crashes Into It, breaking It up. This Is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you ere Mall knocked out." If your liver is torpid and boy els constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, If breath Is bad or stomach sour, Just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my gnarantee?Go to nny drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's I.tver Tone for a few cents. Take a spoonful tonight, and If It doesn't Not a Ray of 8unl!ght. Luclle loved lier bright plaid hair ribbons and her gay-colored glughuin dresses. She as thoroughly disliked her dark woolen school dress nnd the black httlr how that went with it. One morning she looked In the r.drror and. glanced at the dark winter gnrb with displeasure, then she suid to her mother, "Well, I suppose teachei, when she sees ine coming In will think to herself. "There Is certainly nothing cheerful looking about that child!'" Mixed Up. "Have you nny soft drinks In this house?" "Nothing hut Iron water." Bill's Delusion. "Bill says his sweetheart speaks with her eyes." "He will And out his mistake after he's married." Occasions do not make a man either strong or weuk, hut they show what he Is.?Thomas n Keuipls. i'lenty of exercise, fresh air, regular hours?is all the prescription you need to avoid Influenza?unless through neglect or otherwise, a cold gets you. Then take?at once CASCARAJK QUININE Standard cold remedy for 20 yeare?in tablet f jrm?safe, sure, no opbtn?breaks up a cold In 24 hours?relieves grip in 3 days. Money brtcklf it fails. The genuine bos has Red top with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores. Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Take HHBOM ACIDK to remove thn cause and drive the poison from lbs system. "UHOUUDg OS TH8 1*81 OS rtTS UUklBATlU OS TH OCTSIDS" At AU DreggisU Jas. Pally ft Sea, Whalsssls Distribatars d//.C? jFTULJL are Flavoi L "Your Nose Kno\ The Encyclopaedia Brilan \ says about the manufactui smoking tobacco, M . 01 Continent and in America ce 'sauces' are employed . . use of the 'sauces' is to imp the flavour and burning qua! of the leaves." 1 Your smoke-enjoyment pends as much upon the Qu auid kind of flavoring use upon the Quality and agin the tobacco. Tuxedo tobacco uses thepu most wholesome and delicio all flavorings?chocolate! flavoring, added to the fine carefully aged and blei burley tobacco, produces T u: ?the perfect tobacco? " Your Note Kno\ U4 ? A irret TO^'I % ?* YOUB MONEY BACK J briskly bring 01 it decpljR|pP^||^&|l will cor any ot ElEI6BUl^31 nacnt? Ison's Liver Tons! el! Listen To Me! dachy or sick, I guarantee 5 dangerous calomel 1 and salivates. _ ~ ? straighten you rigtit up and make yon feel floe and vigorous by moral ug. 1 i want yon to go back to the atore and - I get your money. Dodson'a Liver Tone la destroying the sale of calomel because It is real liver medicine; entirely VAflmtflkla thnrofnen It rv?? nrvt aollontn or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Podson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which Is clogging your 1 system and maWug you feel miserable. I guarantee thvt a bottle of Podson's Liver Tone will keep the entire fnn\ily feeling fine for months, (live It to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like Its pleasant taste. ?Adv. Quite Regular. Mr. Itox (who stayed 1mm . unprilv? ?How did that darn newspupe" photographer come to get the vnupslmt of you In the water at Palm Beaeli? Mrs. Rox?How? Why, you |x?or goose. I made an npisilntiueiit with him. of course.?Buffalo Express. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half p'nt of water add 1 os. Bay Rum, a amall box of Harbo Jompouud, and Vi oe. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little coat Full directions for making and use come in each box oi Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded fray hair, and make' it eoTt and gloaay It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or treaty, and does not rub off.?Adv. Those Girls. Miss Elderly?Next year Is leap ye?;r. I had it clianee to niorry last leap year, hut I wouldn't accept it bemuse everybody would say I had done the promising. Miss Keen?You were foolish, diur!, they would have said that arjy time.? Boston Evening Trnnssoiipt. Important to Nlotho** Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Bears the W .? I Signature of In Use for Over 30 Yeurs. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria This would he u quite peaceHble world were It not for the movements of the under Jaw. It's one thing to have an Idea, and another to curry it out. Constipation generally Indicates disordered stomach, liver and bowsla Wright's Indian Vegetabls Pills restores regularity without griping. Adv. Seems Likely. "I'd like to know one thing, pop." "What la that, win?" "I)o they pay the submarine crews from the sinking fundV" Core pimples, beadachs, bad breath by taking May Apple. Aloe, Jalap rolled Into a tiny sugar pill called Doctor Flerce'e Pleasant Pellets. Adr. On the Rialto. "I)o you consider thirteen an unlucky number?" asked Y or kick llunnu. "Well, I'd rather play to more people," responded llaiulet Fatt.?I,ouisvllle Courier-Journal. i the "z_z= rtain | ^ Hits Test: Rub a little Tuxedo in the palm of your hand to I ut its full aroma. Then smell i ?itsdelicious, pure fragrance ivince you. Try this test with 1 her tobacco and we will let 1 stand or fall on your juda- 1 "Vour Nose Knows." fwxedo ; "TIm P?kt Tiiitw for ftp* u4 Qfarotte J, i /-V-Tv 'i Xv? . iS? >. v ? - ' ?? i PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISUTURE FIRST SESSION OP SEVENTY* THIRO GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF S. C. IN CONVENTION. NO POLL TUX fOR SOLDIERS Memorial Bill Is Passod by the Senate After Long But Not Acrimonioue Discussion. Columbia.?The following is a brief eaume of the principal events ot ? general nature occurring in the General Assembly of South Carolina be- I tween the dates given: The Senate. Feb. 21.?When the senate adjourned for the night it was to not again convene on the day following. This "was decided upon after a persistent efTort by Senator Clifton to have some action taken innkinc tr? enactment of some good roads legislation. The senator declared that every member of the legislature had cried good roads, but that now it seemed that many who had cried the loudest were the least disposed to take action. The action of the senate in adjourning should not be taken, however, as indicating the attitude of the senate as inimical to good roads. The matter has never been directly presented, aud the passage of the Belser house bill amending the act to establish the highway commission opens the way for any form of highway legislation that the senate may determine. The House. Good roads legislation emanating from the house got another stunning blow when the bill introduced Wednesday by the committee on roads, bridges and ferries, was committed to the ways and means committee. The motion to commit was made by W. R. Bradford of York. The move by Mr. Bradford, chairman of the committee, to have the b'll thus committed created considerable agitation in the house. Viewing the procedure from day to day the casual observer concludes that many of the members, proclaiming their support of the good rouds idea, are not altogether sincere In their protestations. The Senate. Feb. 24.?After hearing the address ,,f Mr ?1.~ ?' v? ?> !. Iiumcir Ui IIIC ICLiailliillUU service .and passing upon a number of uncontented matters, the senate considered the Joint resolution of Messrs. livers, Berry and Mower providing for "a memorial to the men and women of South Carolina who have ren- j dered service in winning the world war for human lih"rty." Niflht Session. By a vote of 28 to 7 the Bak?r bill to provide a method of ascertaining^ rhe relative acreage of land in this hate planted in cotton and to imnose a tax on excess acreage cf cotton was defeated In the senate. The memorial hill was taken up immediately following the defeat of the taker bill. Senator Watklns of Anderson was opposed to the Placing of a memorial on the grounds of the T'niversity of South Cnrolina. hut thought it should be placed In the most prominent place in the State, on the State Houde grounds. Ha declared that he was opposed to placing a negro memorial in Orangeburg unless negroes wanted it there, thinking that perhaps they had rather have it here. "8he bill was then passed from second to third reading. The House. Feb. 25.?The house adopted the Henate resolution to adjourn sine die next Saturday. March 1. The appropriation hill will consume the time of the general assembly the last few J days of the session, and if good roads legislation is to be enacted, the utmost dispatch with the matter will be necessary. The Young bill from the senate to amend the Australian ballot law so as to make this law applicable to rural , districts as well as to towns and clt!es. was passed by the house. Ask Senator to Reconsider. i The finance committee of the sen- ' ate, at a meeting, upon the motion of Senator Alan Johnstone, the ranking member of the committee, adopted by 1 a unanimous rising vote a motion re ' questing Senator Niels Chrlstenscn of eBaufort, the chairman of the committee, to reconsider his announced intention to resign form the senate ( after the close of the present session. , Senutor Christensen announced several months ugo that at the end of this session he would offer his res- ] Ignation. Cooper to Present Clarke. Governor Cooper has accepted an < invitation from the people of Olar. 1 Bamberg county, to introduce Champ Clark, speaker of the national house i>f representatives, who is to lecture In Olar on the evening of March 10. | Governor Cooper has accepted the in- ; ritation and will go to Olar that day. ' If nothing develops to prevent his at- i tendance. Governor Cooper will be introduced by C. W. Garris. who has served a number of years In the general astembly of South Carolina. Col. Sanders Re-elected. Col. A. K. Sanders was 're-elected luperlntendent of the State penitentiary without opposition. The election consumed not more than a minute's time in the joint assembly of the two houses of the general assembly. The name of Colonel Sanders was placed before the hdv by Repreaentative Jackson of Sumter. As previously agreed in Joint resolution between the. two houses, 'he nomination wti made without tpeech making and a vivu voce vote was taken. Aiiouer muU) measure to get through warn that bj Mr. Butler to all soldier* and sailors from poll and commutation taxes for the year* 1918 and ltlf. The Senate. After Senator Christensen had been subjected, to a grilling Ore of questions In respect to the bill providing for the building of hard surface roads in South Carolina, the main purpose of which as it seemed was to determine how the bill would affect the county represented by lh? questioner. Senator Young delivered oae of the strongest appeals for a statewide vision in the build ins of rood roads I that has yet been delivered. It was calculated that the bill would produce a fund of about ITaO.OOO, and this would be duplicated^ by the federal government. House and Senate. Feb. Sfi.?The Hart bill providing for a budget system was sent to third reading and is largely a duplication of the Virginia plan. It provides that the governor, together with the chairman of the ways and means committee in the house and the chairman of the senate finance committee shall between November 1. each fall, and the opening of the goneral assembly In Jonuary prepare estimates of the necessary expenses for the state government. . Supporting with a somewhat halting faith, the old adage that "charity begins at home," members of the lower house oj the general assembly voted to Increase the pay of members of the two houses for the present session, $100. The senate, often characterized by occupants of the west wing of the building as "the enemy of the people." when unlatching the state's purse strings, gave the lower house n sharp jolt when, with tilted chin and grave unconcern. It rejected the house resolution by the emphatic vote of 9 to 17. The stinging ntt'tnde of the senate incidentally deprived the Red Cross and other elemosynary institutions of an appreciable sum. for several members hod in positive manner declared their Intention of refusing to line their pockets w'th this filthy lucre. Following the introduction in the senate of amendments to a second reading house bill. providing for a one mMl general property tax levy and a 50 cent per horse power automoh'le I'cense tax. the ways nnd mesns committee pave a fsvogah'o renort, with amendin?'*ts. on the h'U introduced hv t^e committee on roads. Kr'dpes pnd ferries to levy ? three mill property tnx for rood purposes. Amendments suggested by the wavs and means committee are that the general property tax levy shall he one mill, instead of three, and that this shell he submitted to the people in a special election. The House. Feb. 27.?Among third reading bill passed In house wis that hy Senators Wharton. Moore and Alexander to put the names of all bona fide Confederate soldiers and sailors on the honor roll. The h'U carries an appropriation of $500,000. which Is $200.00 Oin excess of the usual appronriation. ( The Dickson hill, to prohibit white nurses from attending negro patients, was passed by the house and sent to the senate. The Senate. The senate killed for the second time the concurrent resolution to pay members of the two houses $100 each for expenses incurred hy increased cost of living and the extra days of the session which the qeustion was put rJter several short speeches and received a vote of 16 to 20. This same bill was killed in the senate Wednesday night hy a rote of 9 to 17. Following is a list of those voting for me adoption or mn resolution, whereby the legislators would get the 100, extra expense money: Senators Alexander. Bethea. Ohrlstensen, Clifton. Drtncan, Griffith, Gross. Harrelson, Massey. McGhee, Padgett. Pearce, Purdy, Itogers, Wharton. Wideman. Senator Iainey of Chesterfield county. was.the first speaker on the high way bill when the senate convened at 4: SO o'clock. ? Senator Johnston of Barnwell said that he would **fopose several amendments. but e'*en if his amendments d'd not pass he would vote for the bill. By a vote of 30 to 8 the bill was i passed and sent to the house. To Reduce Personnel of Camp. The following war department letter was announced in the Daily Bulletin of camp headquarters: "It is desired that the enlisted per sonnel of your permanent camp organizations be reduced to the lowest number consistent with the proper administration of the camp. It is Intended to continue Camp Jackson hh a demobilization center. ine re duction above will be effected at the earliest practicable date and will be completed not later thun March 31, 1919." Veterans' Fund Increased. The liouae increased the approprl ation f-r Confederate veterans from $350,000 to $r,00.000. which bill also places the names of all bona flde Confederate soldiers and sailors, and their widows, on the honor roll. This bill also creates a Confederate commission of seevn members, one from each congressional district, who will apportion the fund among the veterans. The house further amended the bill to increase the amount paid each veteran in the Confederate Homo in Columbia from $25 to $40 annually. Flu Losses Retrieved. In summarising for the State superintendent of education the results of his work among the public schools of the State, J. E. Stoddsfd. high school inspector, reports encouraging and gratifying conditions in spite of the harmful effects of the inf.uenza epidemic. Most of the schools are earnestly trying to recover all or a greater part of the time, lost by the closing of schools. School hoards teachers, pupils and patrons very gen erally are co-operating harmonious!' in some way to accomplish this end "* -' Relieved ot Catarrh Dae I PERUf Mrs. Laura Berberick, f9 of 1205 Willow Ave., Hobol writes: "Four mrt tro X bad a aeoers i GH?h After my sickness I ?u t hoarseness and slime In the heed an was teM I had Catarrh. 1 took so hut without much benefit. Beery LaOrlppe (last winter three times . The Catarrh grew worse. I coul was always tresaM with attnae*. htaiMh* *?F* mnmln. ?* ? ? < , icivuri iu. niuuiN, uiyniewood; John R. Plovden. Greenville; Nevada Nodine. Greer; Plato Roberts. James Brewer. Greenwood; James Nettles, Clattssen; Lawrence Sowans, Anderson: A. W. Richardson. Charleston: Geo. T. Davenport. Kinards; John W Wisher. Rock Hill; Claude J. Brown. Mountville; Roy C. Cannon, Converse; Chas. Grantham. Gibson; Sergts. Jesse C. Williams. Landrum; Robert B. Martin. Charleston; Corps. Laurie B. Lewis. Hemingway: Emory J. McKellar. Greenwood: C. O. Bateman. Camden: Cook W. J. C?rw'le. Level Land; Privates Sam P. Sams. Spartanburg; T. W. Stacks. Lancaster; A. F. Morris. New Zlon; Eugene H. Mull. Easlev; Samuel J. Hook. Lexington; W. F. Chapman. Peak; L. 0. Southerlin, Marietta; John V. Wright, Relton; W. T. Rhinehart. Leesvllle; William Murdock. McCnll; Varnev L. Lane. Converse; John Stark. Calhoun Falls; Willie Coats. Johnston; Malcolm McDowell. Conwav; Sergt. Willie H. Nims. Fort Mill; Pr' Jerome S. Sto?rall. Pelxer; W'U Watts. Riverside: Henry L. Bent*. Bamberg; James Brown. Charleston; Oll'e Brown; S'mpsonville; Andrew Freeman. MeCorm'ek: tndrew W. Green. Saxon; Josn W F"!lev. Jamison; Jno. Collins. Coward; Fddie Graham. Newberry; Jnck Sanders, Laurel Hill; Sorets. Frnest Fe?d. Snartanhurg; Jos W. Turner.- Fnoree; Corn. RoRin K. RniHki Mill; Privates. Alpha O. Hill. Fffineham: John M Lowery. Seneca; Samuel R. Lucas. Kershaw; D. Thackston, Fountain Inn; John Goosly. Trov. Slightly Wounded?Corns. S. J. Tnhncnn T n n i-?- ? nuRniaciu , ?l. U. l/ri r II R, /\K1derson; Bishop F. Grant. Walhalla; Robert C. Dominick, Newberry; Mechanic Ed. Carver. Iva; Privates John P. Rivers. Ruby; Wesley Johnson, Saluda; S. B. Johnson. Aragon Mill; Alvin Leopard. Vaucluse; Jacob Crlm, Swansea: Henry Harris. Edgefield; Pierce Gray, Aiken; Andrew Bates, Clearwater; Jacob Bovkin, Camden; Jacob E. Burr. Chesterfield; FlMata Q. Sauls. T^ake City; Henry C. Williams, Bennettsvllle; Irby K. Goff, Jacobs, Sergts. A. L. Green. Snartanburg; Herbert Harris, Fort Mill; 8tunloy Porman. Adrian; Lieuts. B. C. Riddle, Bowling Green; C. T. Smith. Hopkins; Corps. Walter R. Gore, McColl; Willie S. Sanders. Whitmire; J. L. Honeycutt Fort M'll; Paul K. Sinkler, Camden; W. L. Gossett. Glendale; John H- Owens. Sumter; V. C. Cannon, Florence: Sergt Henry C. Dlckert, Columbia; Lieut. M. F. McLeod, Charleston; Sergt. Rhod? L. ChalK, Leeds; Corps. Thos. A. Sherard, Abbeville; Privates John L. Bowers. Ellen ton; Aiken Still. Barnwell: Ashley Turner fl roon villo Inn T Warn lumbia; Tom Mil wood. Columbia: Theodore McAbee, Aikeri; Stanly T Moore. Rock Hill; James Burton. eBlton; R. L. Singletary. Orangeburg; Lloyd Sullivan. Hudson; E. W. Odum. Bennettsville; Harry P. Williams, Allendale; Hub Millwood. Buffalo; Hen ry Porter. Congareo; John A. Rowell, Henry; Chas. S. Stubhs, D'llon; Robt. Nobles. Sellars; Reuben Wright, Mar Ion; Mark O. BiRby, Honea Path; , Anderson Men Cited. Anderson.?Official citations fot bravery in the world war have heen received by the following Anderson men: Capt. Guy L. Winthron. Company R. One Hundred and Fifth Engineers; First Lieutenant John H. Trescott. Company B. One Hundred and Fifth Engineers; Second Lieutenant S'dney E. Jennet. Contnany B One Hundred and Fifth Engineers; First S^rgrant Floyd E. Mitchell. Company B. One hundred and Fifth Engineers; Lieutenant Harry Seybt, Eighty-first Division. Wounded Officers Return. Laurens.?During the week two lieutenants who saw some of the big battles in the Argonne Forest have returned to Laurens from overseas after spending some time In home hospitals. These young officers are Lieut. John Wdbert W?Kxi of Poplar Springs and Lieut. Thomas Crews Bolt of Laurens. Lieutenant Wood has received his honorable discharge. Lieutenant Bolt will have to return to some demobilization camp and undergo further treatment nt the hospital before being released. I ? v SOUTH CAROLINA CASUALTIES Uto Report From War Department y Caaualtiea Oversea* Among South Carolina Troops. The following list of easualtioa among South Carolina troops overseas eras recently made public by the War Department: Killed in Action?-Private Alfred Durham. Landrum. Died of Wounds?Private John Reed, Pacolet; Corp. Gerald Nimmons, Bamberg: privates WtUie R. Boyce. Piedmont; A. W. Eidson, Clearwater. Died of Disease?Sergt. John A. Burdell, Logoff; Private Claud Craig. Blackstock; Sergt. H. O. MeClaray, vorp. tt. K. stoeson, Charleston. Died of Accident?Private Thomas Manne. Olympia; Sergt. James C. Shuler, Elloree; Sergt. Rolla P. Mack. Lexington. Severely Wounded?Privates L. L. Brown, Hartsville; S. E. Corley. Lexington; Morris Dennis. Chester; C. K. Smoak. Bamberg; Robert E. Woodward. Chester; Willie Weningham, Moncks Corner; Lieut L. W. Corbett Bishopville; Sergts. McLaurin, Baker, l<amar; Richard W. Seegers. Jefferbou; Dewey M. Burch, Cheraw; Lieut Edwin C. Bruce, Bamberg; Wagoner C. L. Elmore. St. Charles; Bugler M. T. Long, l^ando; Privates Tandy L. Rector. Greer; Robert J. Warren, Clover; Pierce W. West Glenn Springs; Henry G. Allison, Gaffney; William Goldman. Charleston; Thomas B. Simmons, Enoree; Curtis B. Floyd. Columbia; John O. Grimes. Clinton; Childs C. Partlow. Rock Hill; Master B. Smith, Cheraw; Chestley M. Stevens, Allsbrook; C. B. Misenhelmer, Clennie. Clark. Cheraw; John Ragin. St. Paul; John H. Warren. Bntesburg; Austin Barber. Columbia; W. T. ThomaBson. Filbert; B. B. Brown. Fountain Inn; Walter D. Floyd. Keruhanr ttm ? ** ? 1 f*> a Pcrama calcajar in Danis It through. ?very testimony, and tl To-day I can truthfully testify tha te mew It has given me blood and without being -roubled. 1 have no hsad. I have gained In weight thi for my age. I will be sixty-nine ye Peruna since I started In February and happy, thanha to Fenian. It a recommend It te these who need K LIQUID OR TABLET FORM Ceremony Was Long. The wedding ceremony had Just end ed nt my cousin's marriage when she heaved n sigh of relief and remarked "Thank goodness, it's over at last!" "Was It such nil ordeal clearest?" tenderly Inquired her new husband. "No, but a pin was sticking me frightfully and I thought the minister would never tlnlsh."?Chicago Tribune. STOMACH UPSET? eiDcie nitilcBeiu ? ?- ? . O W Vi?-?r brgin ? I uiyut bNUS DYSPEPSIA, ACIDITY, GAS, INDIGESTION. Your meals hit bark ! Your stomach is sour, acid, gassy and you feel bloated after eating or you have heavy lumps of IndigestloA pain or headache, but nevei mind. Here Is lnstaut roHef. Don't stny upset! Eat a tablet of Pape's Dlapepsin and Immediately the Indigestion, gases, acidity aud all stomach distress ends. Pnpc's Diapepsln tablets are the surest, quickest stomach relievers in thp world. They cost very little at drug tores. Adv. Afra'd of an Accident. Mr. I.nngley?Ah. they have Just dropped their anchor! Mrs. Langley?Dear ti.e! I was j afraid they would; it's been dangling on*side for some time.? l.oudon Tititlts. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Has been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach and inactive liver, such as sick head- | ache, constipation, sour stomach, nervous indigestion, fermentation of i food, palpitution of the heart caused by gases in the stoiuacl.. August Flower Is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion both In stomach and Intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and impurities from the blood. Sold In all civilized couutrles. Give It a trial.?Adv. The Impossible. Sliyloek demanded his pound of flesh. "Nothing doing!" replied Port hi. "the packers here have no heart*." Out of Pain and M WHfll F M 111 IUi.1. LSI A day or night's sufferii having "Bayer Table Safe to take! Such quick For Headache Rheumal Neuralgia Gout Toothache Lumbagt Colds Backach< Influenzal Colds Sciatica Grippe Neuritis Proved safe by milliot Adults?Take one or two "I water. If necessary, repeat dose ? Asp The"Bayer Cross"or 20 cent Bayer package#?a Buy Bayer packages oal Aauiria Is the trade mark of Bayer Minufac 'Ippn For MAIARIA, CHILLS and FEVER. j aiMII IIIIIII III IIII III! II III 11II11| mill II lllll III III I lilt H Hill III III I Hf III = AVOID INFLUENZA AND PNEUf is GQWANSSM MHNIMIIIIHItiMlllUIIIIIUIIIIIHIIblllllulllllllllulllllllllllllulll St- r,' * 3v - 'rlv-v. >M\ ' ' mSBK to La Grippe, Tkaaks to years old, / HHHH 'en'M*I i<te?k ft u* HHPiB roubUd with throat. me medicine ?!& w?nt?r tor four ywhi S hav? wl * ^ j i?i not II? down or ?2?op at tlrtt la tn air hack mad titfihl? wk? up. and had no brood, h. my natlv? lanauay?, and X r? d . hen I baafht a b?ttl? at fnaaa t Prnau has ??ta a great hoaMt ibcagth. I can 11? d?wa aad alaat pain, headache, or nots? In w pound?, whloh I think la food an ?ld next summer. I hav? aaid . and I ua? It yet. I feel cheerful '111 always h? la aay homo aad X uM FOB 8A1JB BVERTWHMUI Keeping Them Apart. .Mrs. Juggins bought a cltaptAQ and |mi<l dearly for It. Thert^oie, she wm justified In tier Indignation on seeing Airs. Relfrvy in a replica of the said elinpenu. Airs. Jiieglns spoke to the milliner about it. A line. Kent bent listened pntiently nnd tben said: "Yes. madam, the hat I sold Mrs. Belfre.v Is somewhat similar to yours J but I know it was not for the saind place of worship!" GBOTStt Boar*%ow&%2mcirfif will sorreet lh? Stouscb end Uowsl troubles. PorteoU? batar less. Him direction* on the bottle Wanted Stream Able to De About. A. purchaser of ? r?vers'tle property u-Ked the real estate a pent if the river didn't sometimes overllow Its hunks. "Well." replied the arp-t.t, "It Isn't one of those slek'y streams that lire always coil tilled to their boos"?lam* don Tlt-Blts. The occasional uan of Roman Rye Balaam at night upon retiring will prevent and re* lleve tired, watery eyre, and eye atratn. AdT. "One Dollar Down." Visitor?What lovely furniture! .Tohuny?Yes, I think the man we houpht it from is sorry now hp sold It; anyway, lie's always calling.?Tlt-Blts. It Is the price of hops, mostly, thnt is hrinplnp home the bacon. e9[ v frjr by causing good digest ton y and regular bowel movrmrnti. Contains nothing harmful ? no alcohol ^ ? no opiates?just the finest vega- | table properties. Especially reran*- I . mended for teething time. t At all draggiatt j When You Need a Good Tonic Take BABEK TllR QUICK AND BUHB CURB FOB Malaria, ChilU, Fever a nd Grippe CONTAINS NO QU1N1NB Al.t, DUCQOIKTS or by Parcel Pont, prepaid, from Klncaewaki A Co., Washington, D. O. ?DROPSY mATMENT. oe-cn qniek relief. ww 800. mnommlllu and short breath.. Never heard of Ite eq tie I for dropsy. Try lh Trial treatment sen. fRIL by melL ** w invniHV *&? URKBIV <AJL? > Mil . Im JO. OMAT1WOITM, ?A. ECZEMA or akin eruptlonn pan be quickly rell-red with powdered Flrnel mixed with camphor and water. This formula lias been uaed by a akin expert for 15 yearn with pontile* suprenn. 8topa the Itch, drlea the aoren. Bend at once for dollar packa?n ?f Flrnel and nux it yonraolf. Send to the CORNEL!A I1RDO CO., Dept. O 3458 No. llalated St. Chicago, IU. W. N. U., CHAnLOTTE, NO. 10 -1919. lisery to Comfort! 1 l* SAVED! tig is often saved those ts of Aspirin" handy relief! So why suffer? :ism Joint Pain Teeth Pain > Stiff Neck 5 Earache Fever Pain! Pain! isl American owned! Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with three times a day, after meals. tablets ^ irin w i Genuine Tablets Ibo larger Bayer packages. y?Get original package. ture of Monoaceticacideater of 3*1icylicaci4 \fcTV/in?aT?-S) ?MUlllnlg j .iLtaine ; LD FOR SO YEARS. J ?LSO A FINE GENERAL STRENGTHEN* ING TONIC. Sold by All Dr?| 9l?rM> miuiiiiniiiiiiiiiM<niitiiiiiiuiniiwnirminiiiiiiiiinw;n??iw? iflONIA Imperially *i*>d for lnfltmuiwoa I "T and Congestion* Hedoca* Ce- ??_ 3 Tor; help* the bean. Hood for Jil m "W/TVl er.inp'ie. Satlefaetlon guaran- rZf fl m i.i agr teed. Uowan Medlral Company, ?T 9 iH Concord, NO. ' Tffll UttUUIItllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUilUIIIIUIIIUIIIUMMtUMaUMai &