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jj r." 4^"?**? . *"-i'i^it^,\vZ'j V. ^Bl *' Z2v? HQ Ttw CreatMt Nai El - Ii M | J ^heFla SB Tie Similitude. "A ctar who wunts u good position fc In much tlu-* condition o". u looklngdm" "What I* that?" "Her cStitnt do not got much IrtokInto tTnlea.t she has plenty of back- I Don't wait until your cold develops Spanish^ Influenza or pneumonia. ^ Kill it quick. f CASCARAK QUININE , W , ftarilffl cold reesedy for 10 Tiers?In tablet tm 1 saft, sure, no opiate*?b reatt* up I cold in S4 boar*?relieves crip in a daps. Money Hack If It fails. Tt s genuine fx <x b*s a Red top wut mmu. out Ai rtu unig UUMW I THE WOMAN'S REMEDY 30 years on the market Send for FREE ftO Pays' Trial Treatment and BooKlet Mwfanlim/ by Sn frmdi Co. P.O.Em 1S3, South halM Cabbage Plants Cannlne Frostproof, all varieties,immediate and future shipment. By express?500, *1.2* 1000, $2.00; 5000, $1.75. Parcel Post Peepakl?100, 35c: 500l Si 50- innn * ? ^ I fatc<prisc Co. Inc.. Sumter, S. C. (5% More Wool Ikafl what you'll get by eh earing with a machine ?tat* have proved it. Old methods of shearing Mhwre too much wool on tb? eheep. The Stewart Aba. t Ball Bearing Shearing Machine shear* flocks oa SS 300 head and leaves no second cuts?Price I tit You can get it by sending 12.00 and pay bal- ' sour on arrival. W rite (or catalog. PICAQO riUIILI HAFT COMPANY Mf.asn.tMh Street m Bourn* a*#.. CMcaa*. M. jjl. N. U.. CHARLOTTE; NO. 9-1919.' SAFE, GENTLE] CLEANSES 1 #be eenturies GOLD MEDAL Haarlem (Kt has been a standard household remedy lar kidney, liver, bladder and stomach jrnehls, and all diseases connected with be erinary organs. The kidneys and bladder are the most important organs of the My. They are the filters, the purifier* of I guar Mood. If the poisons which enter war system through the blood and atomarlt are not entirely thrown out by the liitaajs and bladder, you are doomed. YYmnnees, sleeplessness, nervousness, Jet-pendency, backache, stomach trouble, k ithwhr pain in loins and lower abdomen gall stones, gravel, difficulty when wisstnb cloudy and bloody uriife, rheuwiatwrn. noiatica and lumbago, all warn you * k?ok after your kidneys and bladder. I All these indicate some weakness of the ki'leers or other organs or that the enemv eucrobeti which are always present in your -^tem have attacked your weak spots. Ai/HJ) MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are what you need. TWr are not a "patent medicine," nor M "wrw discovery." For 900 years they * . ' v % ^ * T ^^** too know the I realm of child- 1 bood drealns I It a land of H sweets. 1 Make some of 1 those dreams I a delightful reality by 9 taking home I wrigleys I frequently- 8 > How about B ALED TIGHT MUST HAVE BEEN NOSEY PAIR Or Else Cabman's Imagination Was In Full Working Order on Vhls Festive Occasion. Two brothers who live In nn East Lancashire manufacturing town worn noted for being exceptionally woh served with nasal organs. One of the ring spinners et the mill where they worked Invited them to a wedding and promised to send a cab for them. The cab duly arrived and the two brothers entered nnd plankdd themselves down one at en oh window. In order to create an Impression during the drive to the wedding, the two brothel's were looking out of the Cab. one at each side, so that the peopln could see them. All went well until the cnh came to u rather narrow railway nrch. which our travelers had to pass through. The cabman looked hack to take his hearing, and, seeing the two brothers' noses sticking out of the windows on either stde, shouted: "Put them elbows In, please."?Rehohoth Sunday Herald. SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS There i? only one medicine that really tends oat pre eminent as a medicine for curable ailments of the kidr.eys, liver end bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roof stands the highest for the reason that it haa proven to be juet the remedy needed in thousauds upon thousands of diatitssing cases. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly because it* mild and immediate effect is soon realised (n most cases. It is a gentle, healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once-. Sold at all drug stores in bottles of two sites, medium and large. However, if you wish to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Bmghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and men tion thia paper.?Adv. Juat a Little Arithmetic. Mrs. Mike?Mike, tills scale only goes up to -">0 mid I weigh about HOG. Mike?Well, get on twice and add up the totals.?Boys' Idfe. Some people forget tlint a failure Is a mini who baa at least tried. When Bshy ia Teething aaoVB'8 BABY BOWBL. MHII1C1 ,NH will eonsot Uu Bwioiarh *nd Bowel troubles. Perfectly harmlaaa. Bss directions on the bottle. The finnnclnl plank In the woman's platform Im pin money. *" REMEDY (OUR KIDNEYS hnvs been a standard household remedy. Thqy are the pure, original imported Haarlem Oil your great-grandmother used, and are perfectly harmless. The healing, soothing oil soaks Into the cells and lining of the kidneys and through the bladder, driving out the poisonous germs. New life, fresh strength and health will come aa you continue the treatment. When completely restored to your usual vigor, continue taking a capsule or two each day; they will keep yon in condition and prevent a return of the diaease. Do not delay a minute. Delays are especially dangerous in kidney and bladder trouble. All druggists sell GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They will refund the^ money if not as represented. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are imported direct from the laboratories in Holland. They are prepared in correct quantity and convenient form, are easy to take and are positively guaranteed to give prompt relief. In three sizes, sealed packages. Ask for the original import ?d ( OLD MEDAL. Accept no substitutes.? Adv. ' -s* - PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE FIRST SE&SION OF ftEVKNTV. I THIRD GENERAL A88EMBLY OP 8. C. IN CONVENTION. NO RDM LEGISLATION YET House Has a Spirited Discussion op Merits of Various Breeds of Dogs and Proposed Tax on Same. The following isa resume of the weekly work of the Oeneral Assembly of 8outh Cafolina: Senate. Columbia. Feb. 14.?The senate passed the Dukes resolution sent orer from the house requesting the governor to bring to the attention of the secretary of war the fact that about 900 negroes are in the labor battalion at Camp Jackson and that unless these men are discharged immediately their labor will be lost to the farmers for this crop season, and urging that they be discharged at au early date. The bill3 of Senator Christena??n to establish a highway department anad the bill to provide for the is sue of $25,000,000 of road bonds, and Senator Lightsey's bill on the same subject were made special orders. House. With a few minor changes. the general appropriations bill, carrying a ' otal of $3,354,796.45, an increase of $20,280 over, the amount reported from the ways and means committee. was given its final reading. An item was added appropriating $2,000 fo rlegally approved claims to owners of condemned cattle slaughtered in accordance with law. After cohsiderable debate. the house, by a vote of 52 to 27, added ) $10,000 for South Carolina's pro rata' share of cotton representatives to1 the peace conference in France. By va vote of 16 to 62 the house refused to increase the saluries of the members of the . general assembly $100. The amendment to the appropriation bill, calling for $16,900, or $100 for each member of the two houses, was introduced by Representative Wise of Charleston. The bill as it now stands calls for' an increase of 10 per cent, in the sal-1 aries of all clerks and attaches of the various departments of the state : government. this total increase \ amounted to $8,900. 8enate. Feb. Feb. 17.?The senate considered only uncontested matters during : the early hours of the session and , then took up the two bills by Senator Ranks on state insurance. The first bill provides for the insur ; nnce of state warehouses and cotton ! therein by th esinking fund commis-! slon. leaving it to the commission to I fix rates and by an amendment offer-1 ed by Senator Marion of Chester j limiting the amount that may be plac-, ed by the sinking fund on any one | warehouse at $10,000 and requiring; the sinking fund to reinsure the Hal. I anee tn reputable companies. . The second bill removes the limitation heretofore put upon the accumulation of insurance funds in the hands of the sinking fund to 11.000,000 and the cessation of the payment of premiums. Under the provisions of this bill the accumulations are to continue and the premiums are to be paid annually. House. Among the third reading bills passed by the house was that by Mr. Berry of Orangeburg, to authorize hanks, banking institutions, trust companies and Insurance companies and judges of probate or persons acting as executors or administrators, guardians or trustees to invest in Federal Farm Loan bonds. Passage of this bill has; been urgently recommended by the treasury officials in Washington. The Pasley bill to the 1912 code so as ton enable clerks of court to issue warrants to enforce agricultural Hens was also passed. The l^aney bill to appropriate $50.-' 000 for the vocational training in pub iic scnoois was sent to tnira readtng. The training is to be in agriculture and trades and industries. i Gas Bill Favorably Reported. Senator Pearce's gas bill was reported favorably in the senate but amended so as to include all cities of less than 40.000 inhabitants. This bill was published several days ago. It provides that in case a bill for gas or electricity is disputed by a public service corporation the consumer shall have the right to pay the amount which he admits to be correct and to deposit the balance claimed by the company pending suit to determine the correctness of the account, service continuing in the meantime. To Stimulate Foreign Trade. Representative F.theredge of Saluda has introduced in the house a concurrent resolution calling for the appoint- j ment of a committee from the two ! houses to confer with the State ware- ' house commissioner and other per- j sons, looking to the formation of a ! cotton corporation to stimulate trade iu the foreign field, as suggested by W. P. G. Hurding. governor of the board of directors of the federal reserve system, when in Columbia. The resolution was adopted without discussion. City-Camp Committee Meets. Several complaints from soldiers at Camp Jackson against merchants in Columbia were heard -by the Camp Jackson-Columbia arbitration committee !n the Chamber of Commerce I rooms. This committee is vested with ' semi-official and conciliatory powers to arrange all complaints between en- ; listed men and civilians. It was appointed at the instance of the government and has brought about many sat- i lsfactory adjustments of matters concerning men at Camp Jackson. The bill by James 1. Davis to require circuit Judges to Ale their decisions within <0 days from final argument was sent to third reading. Feb. It.?The bill establishing a board of tax assessors and abolishing the tax commission occupied the attention of -the senate. Senator McColl said that it was "incumbent upon the proponents of the bill to develop the indictments against the present systm as represented bj the tax commission." The budget bill for appropriations which had been suggested by Governor Cooper was considered and passed to a third reading with notice of general amendments. House. Good roads legislation originating in the house this session was discarded with reckless abandon. The uio vt uie reuirai committee s sun atttate bill, which. was a combination of all the Mam proposed, was reject ed by a vote of 51 to 63. The Burgu* son measure, for whicb the committee measure was a substitute, was then rejected by a vote of 27 to 76. The hands of the clock had already pass ed the meridian when this last vote was taken. The Beam guard htll from the senate to raise the age limit for road taxes from 18 to 21 years was passed by the house and ordered enrolled for ratification. The McMillan-Kinard-Davis measure to set aside $50,000 from the state sinking fund as the nucleus for a student loan fund in lieu of scholarships at state institutions was sent to third reading. The I*aney bill from the senate to ppropriate $50,000 for vocational training in agriculture, trades and industries and in home economics was passed by the house and ordered enrolled for ratification. Senate. Feb. 19.?The Confederate veterans of the state would have had happy moments if they had been in the state senate. As expressed by Senator Alexander of Pickens they are all now past three score and ten. the slotted span of life for man, and "If wo are over to do anything for them, now Is the time." He wanted all to receive the full pension which the state allows iu i la.^a a mt- num ui it year, and the veterans in the Confederate Home in addition to their maintenance are to receive $75 n year "spending money." This created a Confederate pension department with a commissioner at *2.000 a year and $2,000 for an office force. The bill carries an appropriation of $350,000 which Senator Christenaen said was sufficient to put all Confederate veterans in class A. House. The Citadel hill, calling for an appropriation of $300,000 with which to hnlld a now plant i? Charleston was passed and sent to the senate. The bill calliug for $100,000 for buildings and maintenance for the state training school for the feebleminded was also passed. Proponents of good roads legislation gathered their forces and again determined to put some form of good roads legislation through the present session of the general assembly. A bill was Introduced by the committee on roads, bridges and ferries to levy a three mill tax on all taxable property for road purposes ?nd to meet the aid offered by the federal government. Both Houses. Feb. 20.?The senate today had an alarm Hounded over the utter failure thus far to do anything with reference to legislation in the interest of good roads. It is apparent that the session will continue next week and Senator Johnstone said that it was well for the session to continue if for no other reason than the importance and necessity of passing legislation for good roads. He felt that it would be a great mistake and great wrong to the people if the legislature left here without doing something for permanent road improvement. The house of representatives devoted its whole morning session to the "sounding" of its calendar which waa interrupted at 1:30 o'clock by the house going to the senate for the ratification of acts. This procedure likewise broke into a spirited debate A*t thn 1 _ wu kite aim ito anu uciuoiun ui variUIIS species of dogs and whether a tax of $1.25 a head would be burdensome on the people of the state. Inventory of 8tock Required. D. C. Hey ward, collector of internal revenue, said that as the new war revenue act -s now sure of becoming a law and as under its provisions all dealers in tobacco, snuff. cigars and cigarettes would be required to pay additional taxes, that dealers in these articles will be required to make an inventory of any stock which they may have on hand on the morning nfter the bill has been approved and signed by the President. There Is no probability that the bill will be vetoed. Semi-Centennial Celebration. A semi-centennial celebration of the South Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical Society, which is also the State Fair Association, will be held in Columbia April 12. A committee consisting of W. A. Clark, chairman; A. B. Langley and D. O. Ellison was appointed to make arrangements for the celebration which It Ik expected will be largely attended by members of the association from all sections. The celebration will be in honor of the members who were at the reorganization meeting in 1869. Labor Shortage Slight. Washington (Special). ? Employment conditions in the Carolinas during the last week were summarized by the United States employment service as follows: Reports from Charleston and Columbia indicate slight shortages, and there appears to be a shortage of about 2.000 laborers throughout the State. North Carolina reports slight shortages with an equality of labor supply and demand at Raleigh and WinstonSalem. - ' . v , 100K AT CHILD'S T0N60E IF SICK, j GROSS, FEVERISH HURRY, MOTH SRI RSMOVS POISONS PROM LITTLE STOMACH, LIVKR, BOWELS. EIVB CALIFORNIA SYRUP OP PI OS AT ONCE IF BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED. ' - 8L Look at the tongue, mother I If coated, It is a sure sign that your little one's stomach, liver and bowels needs a gentle, thorough cleansiug at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act naturally, or is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a tea spoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of the little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love its delicious taste, and it always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups pluinly on the uume. xjewnre or counterielts sold bcre. To be sure you get the genuine, nsk to see that It Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt.?Adv. Artistic Endeavor. "We'll have to take that last scene over again," said the director. "Good heavens!" excln'roed the etnllent tragedian, who was trying his luck In the movies. "I can't go through a scene like that twice In the same day. I've never done It In ull my stage career." "Then there's no plnce for you on the screen. Why. our comedian. Fat Bill Walrus, tumbled head foremost into a tub of water seven times fills morning, trying to do a fall that wouldn't damage his reputation."? Birmingham Age-Herahl. Cuticura Soothes Baby Rashe* Tbat Itch and burn with hot baths of Cuticura Soap followed by gentle anointings of Cuticura Ointment. Nothing better, purer, sweeter, especially If q little of the fragrant Cuticura Talcum Is. dusted on at the finish. 25c each everywhere.?Adv. First Tenement In New York. The first tenement house In New York city was built in 1833. It was a four-story building and stood in what Is now Corlears park. Tor speedy ind eftrctln action Dr. Peery* "D?i4 Shot" haa uo equal. One doae only will clean out Worm or Tapeworm. Adv. A woman's Intellect Is seldom up to her conversational ability. THE WORTH 0 Every one re? to their owner reliability and 1 I worth millions Such names, PUBLIC, for gc the confidence i MUST be main When you pi into making a c RO" riLb ORDER EAR F. S. ROYS Norfolk, Va. Richmond Columbia, S. C. Spart Montfj . Ugh! Calomel Sicki Please Try Dc I am sincere! My medic and bowels so you 1 You're bilious! four liver Is sluggish t You feel laxy, dizzy and all knocked out. Your head la dull, your tongue Is coated; breath bad; stomach sour and bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel. It makes you sick; you may lose a day's work. vaioraei is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes Into sour bile like dynamite, breaking It up. Thut's when /uu feet iliai uwfui uauscu auu cruiup* In*. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take n spoonful of harmless Podson's Liver Tone tonight, Your druggist or dealer sells you n bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents under my personul money-back guarantee that each spoonPaper From Many Kinds of Bark. | Fifty kinds of bnrk are now u*e<l to I manufacture paper, besides banana j sk.Vi.i, bean stalks, pea vines, coconut fiber, clover and hay, straw, fresh water weeds, sea weeds und over 130 kinds of grasses. , Particulars Wanted. Gertrude?"Has Alice been engaged long?" Marguerite?"To whom ?"? uiuur, "Bayer Tablel J? succt fBAYERn id. 10 Ql) For Colds, Grippe, No Discomfort! No Ilea Millions of people take "Ba; best means to prevent as well and Influenzal Colds?being fa Besides relief comes without di "The Master of Col Adults?Take one or two "C water. If necessary, repeat dose "Bayer Tablet Buy only the original "Bayer J Look for the safety "Bayer Cros 20 cent package?also larger Aioirin la the trade meet fgs m?mmmmmmmmmsama?mmmmmmmmmmi IF A NAME TO YOU. ilizes how valuable certain i s; how years of associatioi fair dealing have made t of dollars. however, are EQUALLY 1 >ods thus identified may b that a reputation so valuable tained. lit your time, your money < xop, why not protect them rSTE LTILI5 T?AOC MAM ? ? BJtr MiitniM LY AND AVOID DISAPF TER GUANO 4 , Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. anburg, S. C. Atlanta, G&. Macon, omery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toled ^ ? ^s5H ens; Salivates! m ~~ ^ "'Swa idson's Liver Tone 1 :ine does not vpset liver ' A lose a day's work. ful will clenn your sluggish lirgr better than a dose of nasty calomel tad that It won't make yon sick. Dodson'a Uroi1 Tnno ! mmI Ucfifr ?W- tH medicine. You'll know it next nwt#* lng because you will wake up feetlng fine, your liver will be working, gov headache and dizziness gone, year stomach will be sweet and your bowela regular. You will feel'like working; vou'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to your children. Millions of people are using Dodson'a Liver Tone insteud of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell yoa that the sale of calomel Is almost stopped eutlrely here.?Adv. FROST PROOr Cabbage Plants Eerly Jersey and Charleston We Ice Ac Id, cession end Fist Dutch. By express, BUS !! *( 1,000, tt.OO; 5,000 et 11.75; 10.000 end up et ll-Mw T. O. B. here. By Percel Post, prepeld. 100, fit; W0,11.50; 1,000. tt.501 Wholesele end retell. D. F. JAMISON, SUMMERVILLE* & C. A BIG PROPOSmON Infureement. Unsrentocd syelnst blowout* end Is doable tire dIIh(ii or money refunded. Write for peritonism. Uiwui Mm C._, ill sc. S??*K Vos ts of Aspirin" oonn "ProT*jsah , m V VIIIJ by millions.** ' fBAYeum Iff s Influenzal Colds d-buzzing! No Distress! /er Tablets of Aspirin" as the as to overcome Colds, Grippe ir more efficient than quinine, scomfort or distress. ds"?Dependable! layer Tablets of Aspirin" with : three times a day, after meals. s of Aspirin" jackages." Owned by s" always. Americans packages. Entirely. ure of Monoir?ilrwi.t??i?? ? c-,;?1: ' * m q 80UD FOR SO YEARS mtpmfcx for malaria. lull nk\\ chills and ** fever r^MMITT^ Aleo Fine General ll/inj 11VM Strengthening Tonia snip tr AU MDG STHEESnames become n with quality, their good-will valuable to the e bought with s, once gained, ind your labor jj rrp .4 Sid t\ m OINTMENT COMPANY Sjw C Washington, N. C. , Ga. Columbus, Ga. o.O.