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. v. vv L' *- > ? ^ i ; > 'ih '" '? K j "~z. ' ?* " ' . JC tional remedy fo: 1 all inflammation tion of the ir branee. Catarrh attacks the nracoua Ibitni t> any part of the body. It la not. a confined to the noae and throat, catarrh la the moat common form a people. Unchecked catarrh soon breaks dor destroys the organs or part. Erldc - aires of catarrh are all around ua. to frighten anyone, we say: "Guard catarrh aa you would against th( Fortify your system. Take Peruna.' inspiring woui for the mCi WHO BROW. A Good Medietas ta the F I had a bad case of LaQrlppe an relief. Peruna cured me. It la a Ci often use It In the family and find I MRS. GENT East lake Station, 6215" Birmingham, Alabama. FCBU LIKE A DIFFERENT Peruna has cured my stomach an different person. X only took twslv runs and can eat anything without thing I have not done for fifteen ya I recommend Peruna to everybody catarrh of the stomach. 102t 16th St.. Columbus. Georgia. J. J, FOR ALL FORMS OF CATARRH. Peruna Is indicated for all forms f catarrh or catarrhal inflammation and congestion of the mucous linings In any part or organ, such as nose, throat, bronchial tubes, lungs, stomach, bowels, kidneys, bladder, etc. It is fine for coughs, colds and effects of the grip and an excellent preventive remedy. If you want health. Insist upon having Dr. Hartman'a World famous Peruna Tonic. Sold Everywhere. ? 5 AVOID INFLUENZA AND PNEU [sc GDWANS&&J! MHNMIIIIIIIIIIUUUUUIIIJIUIIUIMMIilUIIIIIUIIIIIIMIiallllllUII "Saper-senMltiveiiesM Ih the child of egotism, however unwilling the offspring tnay he to acknowledge the parents." Don't trifle with a cold ?it's dangerous. You can't afford to risk Influenza. Keep always at hand a box of QSCARA fit QUININE tuadwd ortld remedy for JO year*?In tablet form?safe. sure, no opiate*?break* up a cold In M hour*?relieve* grip in 3 day*. Money hack tf it fails. The genuine bos ha* a Red top with Mr. Hill'* picture. At All Drug Store*. I Don't TrifleWi&Crot^i/l| or a Deep Cold || When you haveacold in the II chest and it hurts to cough or 11 breathe deeply, that is tho HQ danger signal, and you are |l risking pneumonia if you don't 11 II SAliVB II I b ft reliable remedy !n the treat- J j meat of croup, couch*, cold*, eorv MM neae la the cheet end kindred WW trouble*. It i* warming and WW penetrating. Ml Qwkaly tf WW C Hftvo you A I RHEUMATISM I | Lumbago or Gout ? [ I f?W BHKll WACIDKtoTamoT* tbaaaaa* I I and drlra 'h? poison from U>?system- I iMwinm oa tm? aam | .... ..immiM w T?S WTHW" | 1 At All DranUU 5 B Jm. BsBy ft Sm, WMmli DMrikdm I Bsltlmora. Mi 1 HE MALARIA OUT OF THE SYSTEM! A ?OOD TONIC AND APPKTXZER Make $10 toy Day effing Rawleigh's Products, with rig in j country. Few good territories now open. ' Give age. occupation, references. W. T. CaraM?hCt.. 130MissisSt.. Memphis. Tens. | FROST PROOF Cabbage Plants K >rly Jsraey and Charleston Wakefield, Sue- I WV?oil an<l Klal Dutch. By erpresa, too,' l,i?X^ t* U0; 6.1W0 at II.7S; 10.0U0 and up at 91.60, f. a. B. here. By Parcel Poat. prepaid, 100. 36c; < SI .60; 1.000, n 50. Wholesale and retail D. F. JAMISON. SUMMERVILLE, S. C BnmESKTI ' Ahsllst prsparatloa of SMTtk sips to srad teals daadruC. _ Far Raatortai Cs'ar and Ittsti toQrayae Faded Hafcr. _IJajg4jW*?Drjg?a AOaflMPSV THUTMUVT. OieeseaV* raltet Ja 1 Uftur J1 Sooa rwiTM rwlllaa sad ehart ifrd tinr**- Kmc hosed el It* amaTfor drum IT J Try" a Trial troataoat MtfhlL by mu3TT X Jf writs to OR. THOSSAS K. ORttR ftjLw Baah MS. *sa as. OUSTS WSOHt. M, AKODAKS & SUPPLIES KM J^r.-SrsiS5? j GalesU Oftkal C#., RkKswW, Yh < zp jaw- .jmaul.yjl. , IMHIBBS ianrofJucceJV* k Arvonij*hin& I* bat a ? mSml? lw\ ^ ? -? w"0?"r r catanm ana mi <^13 and eongcs* Ka( Ik ? tucous mem* nmJM i JZ n *, tn any organ, W?B?B&; I m sorpe imagine, gjKu' I although nasal oKB|?y 1 nd afflicts many Jk m the tissue and itOjSXv JFlk inee of the rav- f K'j?\ Without desire yourself asalnst my t direst plague. : FROM THOSB **could ret no is medicine. We distress, somer suffering with J . THOMPSON. WRITE FOR THIS BOOK. All sick and suffering should write The Peruna Company, Dept. S-82, Columbus. Ohio, for Dr. Hartman's Health Book. The book Is free and contains perhaps Just the Information vnn ?.?1.1? t. ?_ ?? ? ?? v vcciviilft. Ai 19 sent la & plain wrapper to any address. DO IT TODAY. IN LIQUID OR TABLET FORM. Ask your dsalor for a Psruna I Almanac. iiiiiiiMiinniiiMiiiHHiinMuiiniiiiMiiiinHiiiiHiiHMifnininttia MONlA poclallr good tor Intlatm. ation s JT ana UunfMUuM. Rod oc?<? Sr>- 3 . T?r: he I pa tba heart. Bend tor ft0c = "L/dVl sample. Ballsfaotlon gnaran- " d 3 miimr ?~d- * S Reasonable. A self-Important Individual stopped beside u trench where a little man and a hip man were employed. Noticing that the first was hard at It. while the other was doing a lot of soldiering, he suid: "You ought to he ashamed ot yourself to let the little man do all the work." "Why shouldn't he?" retorted the hlg fellow ; he's "nearest to It." UPSET STOMACH PAPE'8 DIAPEPSIN AT ONCE ENDS SOURNESS, GAS, ACIDITY, INDIGESTION. Don't stay upset I When menls don't fit and you belch gas. acids and undl-' gest*. J food. When you feel lumps of Indigestion pain, flatulence, heartburn or headache you can get Instant relief. Ill No waiting! Pape'8 Dtapcpsln will put you on your feet. As soon as you oat one of these pleasunt, harmless tablets all the indigestion, gases, acidity nnd stomach distress ends. Your druggist sells them. Adv. Human Nature. 1 Willis?What do you thiuk of women In men's Industries? 1 Gills?Very unsatisfactory. Why, the woman motornmn on the car 1 1 mine down on this morning insisted on hneking it np a whole block so she ( could get a better look at the new hnt the traffic cop was wearing.?Life. Get New Kidneys! ; The kidney* are the most overworked . organs of the human body, and when they fail in their work of tittering out and ' throwing otf the poisons developed in the < system, things begin to happen. One of the first warnings is pain or stiffness in the lower "art - he pack; highly colored urine; loss of appetite; indiges- I tion; irritation, or even rtone i the blad- < der. These symptoms ndicate a condition that may lead to that dreaded and fata) inulady, Brigli s disease for which there ! is said to *>e no cure Do not elny a minute. At the first indication or trouble in the kidney, liver, ? bladder or urinary organs start taking < Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, and vp vnntHinlr * I *?4 ? 4 .. j "LUIS II ia luu Itlic. JUSIllIll r treatment ia necessary :n kidney and blad- t der troubles. A delay is often fatal. ( You can almost wrtn nly find immediate rejief in U<>1 Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules. For more than 200 years this famous prep- f a ration as been an unfailing remedy for ; all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It is the pure, ordinal llnnrlem Oil your great-grandmother used. Ahout two cap- f -ules each day will keep you toned up nnd t feeling line Get it at any drug store, ami if it doea not give you almost immediate relief, your money will be refunded, lie 1 sure you get the GOLD Ml*. I)A I, brand. None other genuine. In boxes, three . sixes.?Adv. ' Right at Home. ( "Ilomo is when* the heart is." "Tlint'fi what th?* young fellow who Is courting my daughter thinks, lie 'c hangs around my place all the time." ?St. Lo ils Globe-Democrat. c Important to Mother# Examine carefully every bottle of r ASTORIA, that famous old remedy a for lufanta and children, and see that It Signature of r In Use for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria Opposites Meeting. "Let that man down easy." "Why?" * "He's hard up." V/\iim Orinulafed Eyelids, v | Eyei inthuned by exposure to Sea, Dasl and Wlal F VPfa rill?!'1"? ry ! - w lT?S CycRtatty. No Smarting, v ar just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggists or by mail C?c per Bottle. 9 For Seek el tts Eye free write a a t Martao Eye Raasedy Cow, Chicago. ?>- rente PR0GEE0IN6S OF THE LEGISLATURE" .1 FIRST SESSION OF SEVENTY- [ THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF S. C. IN CONVENTION. j t WOULD EDUCATE SOLDIERS ; i 8 Richland County Delegation Bill Ra- j latlng to Minimum Wage 8cale for Women Unfavorable n?nnr??H f "" I f Columbia.?The following is a brief I * resume of business transacted of a t general nature during the dates given by the general assembly of South t Carolina: ? House. f Feb. 7.?Four Important measures c were introduced in the house of representatives. One by Representative j McMillan of Charleston would educate j free at State Institutions of learning ( all South Carolina disabled soldiers a and sailors from the European war. r Another by Messrs. McMillan. Davis g and Kinard would establish a State t loan fund for indigent young men and women in lieu of scholarships at c State institution^ for beneficiary stu- t dents. c Messrs. Berry and Carrigan introduced a bill at the request of the State Farmers' Union to create a State c board of agriculture to advise with j, the commissioner of agriculture, com- e merce and industries. r The central highway committee introduced the permanent highway r building measure. The question of n | r bond issue is eliminated from the gen- s eral bill which is designed to provide | the machinery and lay the foundation j of the highway building movement. i j, Senate. j p Uiink w/N-lr ??. ll..1 a ? 1 uvu wu.n nuo OV.V.UU1 JM1SI1CU II* the senate before It adjourned to meet n again Tuesday afternoon. Senator Padgett of Colleton introduced the following bill: j, "To regulate the sale of all com- v pounds containing alcohol when used ,, as n beverage. ^ "Section 1. That it shall he unlaw- ^ ful for any person, firm, corporation or company to sell or ofTer for sale R any compound by whatsoever name may he given that inay contain alcohol and used as a beverage, except as hereafter provided. % "Sec. 2. Thnt any licensed druggist Q of this State may sell said compound, provided they keep a record of all p such sales, showing amount sold and .. the name of the party purchasing, etc.. n which record shall be open for inspec- t) tion at all times. _ "Sec. 3. That any person. Arm. cor- 0 poratlon or company violating the pro- ^ visions of this act shall be punished ^ as herewith prescribed by law for the 1 * violation of the law referring to the j n sale of intoxicating liquors and in additlon to this punishment any licensed druggist who shall be reported to the ^ pharmacists' bonrd of South Carolina that they nro violating this act and n upon investigation the pharmacists' ^ board of South Carolina that they are h violating this act and upon investigation the pharmacists' board find snf- ^ flclent evidence of such violation they shall cancel and annul the license of such druggist. o! House. p, Feb. 11.?The house gave considers- v< tion largely at the session to local and tr uncontested measures. Only a few bills of Statewide Imnort came nn fnr I lehate, and discussion of these was <y usually brief. g Three Statewide bills were sent to tt the senate. One of these was the Darls bill to remove the bureau for tt Lhe registration of teachers from the jfflce of the State superintendent of ?ducatlon. h< Two other bills to go to the senate ti were the Nunn-Hamblin bill to further n< estrict docking in cotton mills and hi .extlle plants, and the Miley bill to h< luthorlte any or all Incorporated cit- tt es and towns within the State to levy K, ind enforce an assessment upon ahut- v< :lng property owners for the purpose a? >f paying for permanent improve- w nente on streets and sidewalks. n< Representative Wise of Charleston hi ntrodured a bill to pay to each leg- Rt slator $100 additional salary for ex- w lecond Term Begins. R The first semester of the scholastic rear has ended at the University of pi Jouth Carolina and the second has be- ; te cun. A day was given as a holiday ! fl] o all students to allow matriculation ol or the second term and to permit stu- i ci lents occupying Thornwell and Do- ei laussure Colleges to vacate these col- oi eges to make room for the installa- <-i ion of the r-serve officers' training'1 ol orns recentlv established at the uni- la o the university. I K Many old students have returned l?i 0 the university. ul ! Obstructions to be Removed. C Former TTnitod States Senator 'hristie Renet, who is attorney for ri rc 1 group of southern cotton oil mills, A innounced receipt of the following cailegram from B. M. Baruch, chairman j;i if the war industries board in Paris: g| "Every effort is beind made by j loover and McCormick toward the OI emoval of blockade restrictions on ill products of cotton seed." Mr. Renet said tho cablegram wai ^ n reply to one he had sent Mr. Ba- Ei uch in the iutercsts of the mills. i g| designation is Requested. , m John E. Swearingen, state superln endent of educfatloh, has asked for he resignation of Dr. W. S. Stoker. " lead of the registration bureau for A eachers. created at the last session E if the general assembly In connection fr vith the department of education. n< Complaint has been made to Mr. n< 'wcaringcn alleging that Mr. Stokes p? avers the change of teachers when : m tetter salaries are available, even c< hough hvtng been elected and after , Ti icceptlng a position in a particular j lij chooi I Al teoMi. Senate. ?w The session of the senate was brief, ind business was confined largely to natters of local interest. House. Feb. IS.?Committee reports on im?ortant pending measures were, the nature of the morning session of the touse of representatives. a. iRToraoie majority report was nade on the Hart-Mima bill to rebuild he Citadel with an appropriation of 1600,000, contingent upon the gift of 00 acres of land by the city of Chareston for a site. The committee so intended that the appropriation be reluced to $300,000. to be paid in three mnual installments. The minority retort was unfavorable. The Richland county delegation bill or a minimum wage of $12 a week or women was reported unfavorably >y the majority of the judiciary comnittee with Mr. Crews of Richland uaking a minority favorable. A divided report was also made on he Evans bill to prevent the sale or ihipment of cotton beyond the Conines of the State for less than 35 ents. A favorable report yras made on the rtcMillan-Kinard-Davis biil to appropriate $50,000 annually hy the sinking und commission bo as to ^stabiisn a itudent loan fund for indigent young nen and women, in substitution of itate scholarships at State instituions. The house gave the greater portion ?f the moj-ning session to local and inconte&ted measures, few of which aused a ripple of debate. ' Senate. At the morning session the senate irdered enrolled for ratification eight tills: it sent 14 bills to the house inner ror consideration of amendnents or as new house bills. Among the bills ratified and which iow will become the law upon being atifled by the governor attaching his ignature is the amendment to the onstitution proposed bv Senator Hack of Bamberg last year and voted >y the people at the last election, the lection of officers by the legislature >y a viva voce vote when there is no ippositi~n. This means the saving of onsidei-able time to the legislature. Another oill which was ordered ratRed by a yea and nay vote of 23 to 13 /as the hill by Mr. Davis of the house irohihiting the location of any court muse within eight miles of any couny line. Contested matters occupied the reater part of the night session. House. Feb. 13.?The time of the house was ccup!ed today with the introduction f new bills, tho hearing of committee eports sr>d the "sounding" of its calndar. There was a considerable alow up" in the disposition of bills n the calendar, due to prolonged deate on several measures. L. E. Dreher, of I^ex'ugton, on a uestion of personal pr'vilege. made n ot personal attack on John E. iwearingen. State superintendent of ducatlon. because of the publication f a card by Mr. Swearingen in one f the dnilv papers. The card was in nswer to remarks by Mr. Dreher on fie floor of the houRe several nights go. in which he referred to the snerintendent of education in harsh srms during the debate to take the ureau of registration and eniploylent of teachers from under the con ol of Mr. Swearingen. Mr. Dreher pferred to Mr. Swesrineen aR "the 'ould-he kaiser of South Carolina," nd alleged that the superintendent f education la "an arrogant and imetuous hnnoater." Tie challenged the arnclty of Mr. Pwearingen's statetents in his card to the press. Senate. The first flurry about adjournment ccurred dur'ng the discussion today, enator Padgett stated frankly that te senate was getting impatient and cpected to leave here at the end of te fortieth day, which occurred on fashfngton's birthday. Senator Christensen suggested that a thought that this .would be impraecable. as the appropriation bill had ot yet been presented to the lower nuse and he did not believe It would b possible to adjourn at the end of io legal 40-day period. Senator Paditt replied that It was going to be a iry hard mntter to hold the general isembly after the appropriation bill as presented, because members did at see the occasion for remaining sre. and from what he could underand the adjournment atmosphere as quite noticeable. educe Cotton Acreage. A bill was introduced in the senate roviding that heads of farm^pg enrprises in the State be required to le. before June 1. a sworn statement ' the number of acres of land under litigation, the number of animals 11 ployed on farm* and the division ' acreage between cotton and other ops. The bill provides that a tax ' $2."> an acre shall he imposed on all ndx planted in cotton in excess of I acres for each animal used. The II was indorsed by Gofernor Cooper ; the Atlanta Conference. ause of Wreck Located. Frank W. Shealy. chairman of the t'.lroad commission, has made the mimission's report of the Piedmont Northern wreck at the Knoree iver bridge, when four persons were lied and many others injured. Mr. bealv holds that the wreck "was ought about bv either a break beam some tie rod in the front truck of ie rear coach hanging so near the ,11s and striking the end of the Iron lard rails about 30 feet south of the noree River bridge. The conimison visited the scene. !annlng to Attend Conference. Former Governor Richard I. Man ng. who has been delegated by the merlcan branch of the League te nforce Peace to present suggestions om it on the subject of a society of itions to the peace conference aalunced that he had secured pass arts to go to Paris and would go il rs. Manning was permitted to ac >mpany him in order that she might sit the grave of her son. Major Wll am S. Manning, killed In action id burled near Verdun. ||| limilil BITTER TASTE SOUR STOMACH nils and Strong Medicines Made This Lady's Troubles Worse, But Thedford's Blaok-Draught Improved Her Appetite and T>.L I...... ll ? -?:i ivvr nn?ty ncr one. Nancy, K/.?Mrs. Cora Waddle, n Resident of tills pla^e, gives out this statement: "I have taken BlackDraught and found It to be the best liver medicine I ever ??sed. K has Just been fine for Indigestion, sour stomach and a bitter taste In the mouth. i I used to get bilious and constipated and had to take something. Pills and other strong medicines would only tear my stomach up and leave me In a worse fix than before taking. I begun to have sick headache. After learning of Black-Drnught I took It and was cured of sick headaches. One or two doses a week, or a pinch after meals, kept the bowels open and took away all bile. I have a good appetite, due to my use of BlackDraught." If your liver Is not actlnsr nronerlv you may suffer from such symptoms as headache, biliousness, constipation, indigestion, etc., and unless relief Is obtained serious trouble mny result. In its 70 years of successful use. Thedford's Black-Draught has been found to relieve these ailments and stimulate the liver to do its work. At all druggists.?Adv. Base Ballistically Speaking. "Do you favor a league of nations?" "Yes." replied the baseball fun. "But I doubt whether all the nations can get Into one league. There always has to be a few minor leagues for the develRECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half p'nt of water add 1 oz. Hay Rum a small box of Barbo Compound, and % oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put tliir up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. Full directions for making and use come in each box of Barl>o Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and mnke it soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off.?Adv. Evidently. "This is a clear ease of bluekmnll." "What? 1'lmt letter?" ' "Yes; It's my coal hill." Cuticura for Sore Hands. Soak hands on retiring in the hot suds of Cuticura Sonp, dry and rub In Cu- | tlcurn Ointment. Remove surplus I Ointment with, tissue pnper. This is only one of the things Cuticura will do If Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used for all toilet purposes.?Adv. The word "regatta" originally applied to the contests of the gondoliers at Venice. When Baby la Teething OBOVU-S BABY BOW ML MHinoiNlfwtn correct the Stomach and Ilowel trouble*. BarfaoUr barmleea. See dlracUons on the bottle. When a fool opens his mouth, you can see right through lilni. Headachee, Bllloua Attacka, Indigestion, ara cured bj taking May Apple. Aloe, Jalap mad* Into Pleasant I'elleta (Dr. Pierce's). Adr. The older u lamb crows the more sheepish he becomes. Those who that someth the remarl fertilizers. Those who chance noi sense appre Those who orders now with t ORDER EARI F. S. ROYS' Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Columbia. S. C. Sparta i T 1 I Tonight! TakeDod Better Than Calomel sickens! If bilio achy read m Listen to tne! Take no more sickening, salivating colonic! when bilious or constipated. Don't lose a day's work! Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the l>oues. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile, crashes- into it, breaking It v;n. This is when you feel that awful nt*-!3en and cramping. If you are sluggish und "nil knocked mil.** If your liver Is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizzlueas. coated tongue. If breath is had or stomuch sour. Just take n spoonful of harmless Dodsoti's Liver Tone. Here's my gunrantee?do to any drug store and get a bottle of Hudson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Ti*ke a spooufut tonight, ami If It doesn't Acid-Si NowQ Relii Those painful attacks of indigestion, heart-burn, belchinp, disporting food-repeating; that puffy bloated, lumpy feeling after eating, dyspepsia and stomach miseries ? all point to just one awful American disease?commonly known as ACIDSTOMACH. Fortunately there has been discovered a wonderful modern remedy? called EATONIC?that brings instant relief from all these stomach miseries because it absorbs the hurtful excess acid in the stomach and drives out the bloat and gas. You won't know yon nave u stomach, so frc-e of pain you'll feel. Besides, it eaves you from more aerions ailments because it is a scientific fact that ACID-STOMACII freanently creates conditions which baffle le best medical skill. Many cases of chronic stomach trouble, biliousness, eevere headache, general weaknees. rheumatism, gout, lumbago, intestinal nicer, cancer of the stomach, heart E 15& r~FOR" You! Iff iHH 0 CONTAINS COPPERAS FOR WORMS. SULPHUR FC Q HCYS, NUX VOMICA. A TONIC AND PURE DAIR \ g NO DOSING. ASK YOUR DEAL1 |BLA?24JiSl22L??2S^ mammmamm?mmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmca are thoughtful have ing more than chanct cable popularity of have investigated, fi magic, but simply ciation of values. are prudent are pl? 1 . i ana insisting on beir m?f *A?? (UIITMW -Y AND AVOID DISAPI FER. GUANO < Va. ' Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. nburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, ?mery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. To led isuiisuvei luntj: Calomel For Liver lis, constipated and heady guarantee. sttalghten you right up nnd make joa j feel line unci vigorous by morning, I want you to go back to the store.and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone Is destroying the sale of calomel because it Is real liver medicine; entirely vegetnble, therefore it cun not sallvnle or make you sick. 1 guarantee that one spoonful of Hudson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system aiul making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson'a i.iver 'rone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give It to your children. It la harmless; doesn't gripe and they like Its plcnsunt tastSL ?Adv. tomach uickly ;ved pains and even heart failure can bo traced directly to Acid-Stomach. Avoid these dangers?don't let aci^ stomach wreck your health. Don't drag outyour days feeling all in,down and out, weak and ailing. Keep tho vital spark Hashing. E&t the things you like and digest your food in comfort. Then you'll feel line?be lit? uicuvuny uii-rt?imvo pep and puncQ ?tho power and will to do things. Toko EATONIO and give your etomach the help to put it in a fine, healthv condition no that it will digest your food perfectly and make every mouthful you eat register 100% in en* riching your blood and building up your bodily etreng'h. Got a big box of EATONIO TABLETS from your druggist today. They taste good?juet like a bit of candr. Tho co6t is trifling. It is absolutely guaranteed. If it fails to relieve yonr stomach misery, your druggist will refund your money. I ACID-STOMACH )y vj. M? TM1 BLOOD. SALTPETER rON TNC KtO- I MLi UMD BT VLTERINARIANS IS Y&ARJL H R FOR BlACRMAN S OR WRITS ^OMMNYChatlanoo^TennJ concluded ; is behind Royster's nd neither commonicing iheir ' ig supplied 'OINTMENT COMPANY 1 C. Washington, N. C* , Ga. Columbus, Ga. o.O.