University of South Carolina Libraries
'jflBp^ v** ""* A 4fYi^^3r3KH&t)d I' gist'and cnnSoWadn^rtbifBOtlced a great faJllng'bff la the sale qt Its place. ;: > *'. "Calomel Is dangerous and people know It, While Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results." eald a prominent local drnggiit. Dodsoq's Liver 'xxme is psnviuw/ ' guaranteed by every druggist who' sells It. A large bottle doesnt cost very mnch. but If It falls to give easy relief in every case liver-sluggishassa and constipation, yon have only f T1 Swift I If:; f lor j I a mums u \\I2.96% / \ \ Expenses. X \ \ labor. Freight yW 71 \V etC Jw ^^9^$ o a\ *. ? tb T. i ! I / \ / v"V The above diagram tion of the average S from sales of beef, and their by-prodi IMS Year Book oi instructive facts Address Swift < ? U nlon Stock Yards, < Swift & Com] His Naaa'na wife. Dobson?Halloa,j&(, how's the L Henpec^f&'.^f^i&jfeMdl right. ' | iH>r?soo?V?|tKy?,'| tfcfUK'it her name ?m llariil . .v'v i Henpeck?go "ft labut, you 'see, .feggy short for Pegusa, the feralJklne of Pegasuff. j *f ^ Dobson?ftho wir? Pegasus? "* * 1 v- Henpeck?He was the Eternal horse, ~ and the Eternal horse was an "everlasting nag "?London Tit-Hp*. < - In*the glorious feast of knowledge ^aocne people never get any farther "*-?,?"? 5 V- c j ; GOOD-BYE BACS AND BLADDE For centuries all ov#r the world 11 ISOLD MEDal Haarlem OH has af* 1 lorded relief lfl^thousartda upop ihou- i and* of easesxl ia m e , luqabggo, > ' orlatlca, rheumatism, gallstones, grav- 1 el atAiaH?>tlW;a?ectloas oftoe kid- ) neva. liter, stomach, blndd<hrffnd al- I 4\ Hed Vi^aii^fCl'aatr tiUlehly, It dpes i .? the work. It cleanses your kidneys < and purifies the blood. It makes a . new roan, a new woman, of yon. It I frequently wards off attacks of the I dread and fatal diseases of the kidaeys It often completely cures the distressing diseases of the organs of the body Alliens w1$ the bladder and < kidneys. Blo?ly or clotfty urine, aed- i - tment. or ^urlckdust" Indicate do un- < healthy condition. i I ?o not delay* qctnute. If your back i aches or you ore sore across the loins cr have difficulty when nrlnatlng. Go lo your druggist at once and gat afj zL&jw^^Sfcfijl V* v^"^Ki\ 4? t EUBB^T iflMfBfc . eflWejOOft' -i * ka . _ " A 1 ll^J^u ?|?ai I hltwl ny Ti#mH. ?My?t%i??Sd Up* toask for your sMoey bock. Dodson's Clm Teas is t pleasanttasting, purely Testable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night aud wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick beadache/ add stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. Take a dose of calomel - ivuhj ana tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a-daj's work I Take Dodson's Liver Tone Instead and feel find, full of visor and ambition.?Adv. a .1 , , , , """" " " " " '''' I ? 4ie dollar 1918 :ir?a38^\ 85% Wj Stock Raiser J B shows the distribu* * wift dollar received pork and mutton, ' icts, during 1918. r interesting and em on request. C& Company? Chicago, Illinois 1 "v pany,U.S.A. Never Heard of Mr. Synonym. "Have yon any worthwhile books In here?" asked the superior person. "We have thousand.* of volumes, sir," replied the cferk. "I'm sure there Is something In our stork to suit the most exacting taste. Whut do yod require?" "I want a book on synonyms." "Just a moment, sir, until I speak to the boss. I don't believe we have any of?-ef?Synonym's work's." ? Edinburgh Scotsman. Occasionally we hoar of a man who manages to make good by following his wife's advice. CACHE, KIDNEY R TROUBLES box of Imported GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are pleasant and easy to take.. Each capsule contains about one dose of five drops. Take them just like you would any pill. Take a smull swallow of water If you want to. They dissolve In the stomach, and the kldneya soak up the oil like a sponge does water. < They thoroughly cleanse and wash out the bladder and kidneys and throw off the Inflammation which la the cause of the trouble. They will quickly relieve those stiffened joints/ that backache, rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, gallstones, gravel, "brickdust." etc. They are an effective remedy for all diseases of, the bladder, kidney, liver, fttomack and allied organs. Your druggist will cheerfully refund your money If you are not satisfied after a few days' use. Accept only the pure, original GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. None other genuine.?Adv. sirac itBisuiitjffi FIRmr UMION OF 3EVENTYTHIRD QKtfERAL AMIMBLY OF R. C? IN CONVENTION. MINIMUM WOMAN WABE SCALE . ' ' .. Tourist Codnty of Kershaw' Exempt*' #d from Operations' of the Stats'* Hunters License Law. Columbia, Jan. 17.?The house had a somewhat boisterous session, there being considerable sparring over the proposition of adjourning for the week end, with another wing contending for a session that the ? Christensep bill for proposed increases in salaries for state officials might be gotten through in time to benefit the officers -whose tenure begins* next Tuesday. The governor was sustained in all vetoes considered at the morning session. The qifestion was not raised as to the time limit of their return until'the Kershaw county measure, to exempt that county from the state hunters' license law, was being considered. Tho "R ioKioai *? . ...vuiuuu wuut; ueit'smiun introduced the minimum wage scale bill, proposed by the Equal Suffrage League of South Carolina several days ago, in which it was urged that the minimum wage for women in mercantile and manufacturing establishments be fixed at |10 a week. The Kershaw county bill to provoke the question of the return of messages was to exempt Kershaw county from the provisions of the state hunters' license law. The vote was 81 to 2. n New House Bills. Jan. 18.?Mr. Owens: to amend Sections 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, of code of laws of South Carolina, 1912, Volume I, Article 3, Chapter 25. so as to reipeal so much of sdid section as require students graduating at the Citadel to teach in the free public schools of the state and to relieve said beneficiary cadets of certain obligations therein imposed. Mr. Owens: To amend Section 3293, civil code of laws, South Carolina, 1912, Volume I, so as to confer upon the clerks of court ana their deputies the powers and authority of referee and masters in equity in certain caseS. v Mr. Wise: To enable voters required by their duties to be absent from their voting precincts on the day of election to vote by registered' mall. Mr. McAdams: To provide for a commission to erect a monument upon the state house grounds to commemorate the services of the sons of the state in the great world's war. M. R. Cooper: To prohibit dogs running at large, to enforce the listing and payment of taxes on dogs and to i provide a penalty for failure to return dogs for taxation or to pay taxes and to authorize the destruction of any. dog which has not been listed for taxes, and the taxes thereon paid, and .to provide punishment for the non-return and non-payment of taxes on dogs. The Senate. Jan. 20/?The senate met at one o'clock, the appointed hour, and spent | most of the afternoon waiting to re- f celve the salarie sbill from the house. I cevie the salaries bill from the house. I This did not arrive until the night ses-! sion. Two -bills were read by their [ titles for the first time and two messages were received from the gov- j ernor. One of thes related to the influenza epidemic, which has already been acted on by the senate, and the other as follows asking for an appropriation to meet the federal appropriation for vocational training in the common schools of the state. The senate accepted the house amendments to the Christensen bill providing for -Increase in salary for elective state officials. In that the tenure of the incoming state officers does not begin until the oath of office is taken, the increases will be available for the new officials. The House. Jan. 21.?The house held a brief i Seven Counties Quarantined. Two more counties, Colleton and Jasper, will go under generar quarantine regulations. There are now seven counticB in the State'on which quarantine' restrictions have been ?? V--1 " * imjivocu, luo/ Lining UIIIUU, -VI uri DOfO, Dorchester .McCorraick, Oconee, Colleton and J\uper.? First L*ieut, C.^ Klnzer of Camp Sevier has offered his services' to the State board of health in combatting the disease. His wife, who is a trained nurse, has also indicated that she is desirous of rendering assistance. ? 1 > Several New Commissions. The Grey Rocks Spring Company of Boitewburg. LexSngton county, was ! commissioned with a proposed capital j stock of $100,000. The Farmers' Warehouse of Dtlton j was commiaetoned wtth a proposed capital stock of $20,000. A general tobacco warehousing business is contemplated. Tlve Peoples' Tobacco Warehouse Company of Sumter was commies toned wftii a propound capital stock' of $20,000. Petitioners are L. D. Jen-'? nflnge and O. A. Lemtnon. Chain Gang "Walks Out.'* Charleston.?One of the most unique strikes on record in this county occurred recently- -and became known when Chairman Wilson O. Harvey of| the sanitary and drainage commission! announced that the chaingang had "walked out." so to speak, declaring that they were not treated right. Engineer Martin was dispatched to the scene and succeeded in restoring obedience to orders promptly. However, the convicts' side of the situation will be thoroughly investigated \nd a fair deal given them. 1 ?Vt v.. .... " / * i' J . > j B. A. Ooamp as. gofrernor. DaMu the MOT tooattiu Psrslsy, rapreM*. Parsleyb?B* saabie to com* to Columbia because of illness In his A mag' . m4 from Got. Kmataf lit ilttl iho ckitt executive had withheld Ma signature from a kin, passed lost session, to exempt Abbeville. Aadem Oconee tad Horry counties Cram the atato hunters' dlooaso law. Tho goTaraor waa sustained In bU rata A concurrent resolution waa introduced by J. K. Hamblio, repreeentatlv e from Union. calling for tho appolntmont of a coramtitee of throo 1 from the house, with the speakers as chalrmaa and three trout , the senate, to co-operate with the adjutant general in the selection of a salable war service medal to be presented to each soldier and sailor, who wont from South Carolina. This committee would be Instructed to select the design, the estimated cost for an adequate supply of these : medals and to make suggestions as to details covering the presentation. The 8enate. Jan. 22.?The joint resolution to postpone the present session of the general assembly until sometime in the summer reached a vote in the senate where it was carried by a roll call of 22 to 13, the date being set at the second Tuesday in July. Thq indications are that there is a difference , of opinion between the two houses as to the necessity of postponement. The House. The house of representatives passed the Toole blH of last session prescribing a fare of five cents over street car lines between cities and army cantonments in South Carolina. The 'vote was 101 to 3. Those voting to sustain the governor In his position were Speaker Cothran of Greenville and Representatives Belser and Moise of Sumter. The veto message and the rejected bill now goes to the senate for consideration. The following are new House bills of general interest. Committee on flsh .game and forestry: To protect domestic birds, game and flsh, and to regulate the hunting and flBhing of same, and to provide a license fee therefor. Committee on flsh, game and forestry: To protect migratory birds. Mr. Hamblin: To further provide for the care of work animals. Messrs. Nunn and Hamblin: To prohibit the doctcing. fining, assessing or in any other manner withholding wages from employees or persons, firms or corporations engaged in the manufacture of textife fabrics, except in certain instanenn and to nr?oprlh? a penalty therefor. Mr. Merea: To amend Section 1780 of the code of lws of South Carolina, Volume I, by adding after the last words of Section 1780, prohibiting white teachers teaching in public schools for negroes. Jan. 23.?The senate really expected that the house would concur in ita suggestion of taking a recess now until next July, and at the morning session so shaped its work that this could have been accomplished with the least possible jar. The house passed the bill which was sent over to the senate providing for the three mill tax lev}'. This bill came from the ways and means committee of the house: When the bill came over'to the senate, Mr. Christensen suggested that tt be passed to third reading and that it would be amended to take care of the state nd county levies as an emergency bill. This was done. Official reports were made showing the result of a ballot in favor of Allendale county and upon the strength of these reports Senator Johnstone in the senate and Representative Davis in the house presented bills providing for the creation of Allendale county. The bills went on the calendar without reference. After considerable sparring between members, the house of rephesentatlves, by a vote of 66 to 34, refused to concur ia the senate concurrent resolution ,and adjourn until the second Tuesday in July ,1919, because of the prevalency of Spanish inflsenza in the state. After a deal of debate, the house on a ruling by Speaker Cothran that it could not recess until Tuesday without the consent of the senate; as it would be without the three-day limitation prescribed in the rules, took an adjournment until Monday night at 8 o'clock. Skirmishes Over 30th. Resolutions* relative to1 the demobilization of the Thirtieth Division created considerable interest in the general assembly. Early in the day a resolution came from the senate to memoralize the war department to order the u?uivi/i iifetinuii ui 11119 ill Y1BK>?1 SI Camp Sevier. The house refused to concur in this resolution. Later in the day another resolution was introduced authorizing the committee also to work to have the division demobilized at Camp Jackson. This resolution was carried over. 8elzure of Lemon Extract. Government agents seized 360 donen one-ounce vials of lemon extract in the possession of unknown parties in Columbia, and the liquid is in the 'custody of J. L. Sims, United States Marshal. The marshal is giving public notice that a district court will be held in the federal court room at Charlseton on February 8 for a hearing, and all persons who may have or claim any Interest therein are cited to appear to show canse if any they have why a final decree should not be passed. Another Error Probable, the United States war department has. in all probability, reported as dead a soldier who is still alive has developed. Mrs. L. L. Camp of this city recently received a letter from the war department, announcing that her brother, Robert F. Williams of this city, had died in France on Oct 4. About the same time, however, n friend of the soldier received from him from France, dated Pecember 8, in which Willisms said he was well anad in excellent health. There are two M4?k to every story wmI lot of them should bo turned. lt*a the clothes that moke the man thaa* days, all ri^it Patriots are known by Chair patches. Sxandofl11carefollj Twy^botU# of CABTOJELL4, that fasMQS oM remedy tor tnfsais and children, and seathat tt In Use for OVersTSLs. Children Cry lor Fletcher's Castoria , You Never Can Tell. "Toa can't believe everything you aee In a newspaper, can you?" suggested the chap who never advanced with the rest of civilisation. "No," answered the policeman. "I pinched a fellow once because he had a suspicious looking bottle wrapped up In a daily paper, and it proved to be a bottle of horse liniment," , RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. xo tuiii pint 01 water add 1 ox. Bay Rum, a email box of Barbo Compound, and 14 ox. of glycerine Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at cry little cost. Full directions for making and use come w each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will not coloir the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off .Adv. How It Happened. It was a case of collision between i automobiles and the young lady witness was undeniably beautiful. "Have you any idea what caused the accident?" nsked counsel. "I think so." "State what, in your opinion, caused the collision." "Must I tell the truth?" "You have* sworn to do so." "Well, I was standing on the corner. This gentleman turned to look at something and ran into the other mnchltie." "What did he turn to look at?" "Must I answer?" "You must." "If I must," said the pretty wltiess, with a vivid blush, "he turned to look at me." An Attack of Influenza Often Leaves Kidneys !n Weakened Condition Doctors in all parts of the country havr been kept busy with the epidemic of influenza which has visited m many homes. The symptoms of this disease are very t distressing and leave the system in a run I down condition. Almost every victim 1 complains of .lame back and urinary troubles which should not be neglected, as these danger signals often lead to dangerous kidney troubles. Druggists report a large sale on Dr. Kilmer's ~ Swamp-Root which so many people say soon heals and strengthens the kidneys after an attack of grip. Swamp-Root, p being an herbal compound, has a gentle >j healing % effect on the kidneys, which ^ is almost immediately noticed in most cases by those who try it. Dr. Kilmer ^ & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., offer to send a a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root, on II receipt of ten cents, to every sufferer y who requests it. A trial will convince any one who may be in need of it. Regular medium end large size bottles, for n sale at all druggists. Be sure to menticn P this paper.?Adv. Song Trenches. "She Is having her voice trnlned." 01 "I suppose that Is to enable her to go ei over the top notes." Is F ertilize Royster's Fe man?F. S. Their excel! continuous < pecially for Soils. Is the know time worth i R0^ FER t ORDER EARL F. S. ROYS! Norfolk, Va. Richmond, \ Columbia, S. C Spartan Montgoi I 'O/ ( m \ OA or StrunprloK In stn 7T (? 1|Z| *s most destructiv W\\ 1 -ws -Xy i/-jl removed from the ^ . J^y* / 9/ trouble the same r will do both?cur? from havlntc the c manufacturers. Sp? Qua'nt Names. An Australian correspondent writes: lattery horses Ret some quaint names, 'his Is the list for our sub-section: lugget, Pudden, Molly. Cohen, Tony, .ngelina, Jimmy, Oopazootles, Turloll, Wlndsueker, Misery, Biddy, Phyls, Iceeream, Flour and Ilakin' Powder, ^oodenhead. Sylvia, Canary-legs, Bulkhead and Blackle. We have two lules also; but their names are not ublislmhle. i Magician's Real Object. We do not lenrn tricks of maple In rder to deceive other people but to ntertuln them. The magician's object i not to mislead but to amuse. ???? 1 ' " ? ' t ir witK Per* srtilizers are the life-w ROYSTER. ence is the result of c iffort to perfect a pla Southern Crops and ledge and experienc< anything to you? Th fSTE TILI2 AC MM) -nan." xiitmn Y AND AVOID DISAPI rER GUANO < fa. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. burg, S. C Atlanta, Ga. Macon, nery, Ala. Baltimore, M<L Toled I V ' ' ' - - - IB?. BvHk * ** /A2SLS.W>/< Sure to Get M iris a IE wax-wrapped ;eated package rtth WRIGLEY'S ????? C ipod it Is a guar- pi intee of quality. || he larger? chewing- j ;um factories in the ;orld?the largest elling gum in the vorld: that Is what VRiCLEVS means. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT WRAWPKD Flavor Lasts! 1 TEMPER lllons. broorl mares. colts and all others e. The norm causing: disease must b? body of tilt) animal. To prevent ths lust bo done. Ik'OHN'S COMPOUND i the sick and prevent those "exposed" Unease. Sold by your drucrsrlst or ths >bn MriUral Co., Mfr* ,GoalirD,lnil.,ll.S.A. A Time Saver Mistress?I wnnt a run Id who will ho faithful and not a time-waster. Can you promise that? Bridget?Indeed I cnn. I'm that scrup-lous, ma'am, about wastln* time that I make one Job of prnylu' and scrubbln'.?Life. Grove'* TuteleM chill Tonic reeture* vitality ut energy by purifying end cm> rtcblng tbe blood. Ton can eoon feel lu Strong enlng. invigorating Street. Price OUc. Every woman is apt to be in the wrong until she begins to cry?then she's all right. One renlly never knows u man till he gets Into politics. tonality rork of one 13 years of nt food esi Southern I 5 of a lifeen ask for R'S rrD uUl\ 'OINTMENT . 1 COMPANY C. Washington, N. C. , Ga. Columbus, Ga. k>,0.