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" 5 ';v _ BBLSI LOIS OF" BEAUTIFUL HAIR A ml bottle of "Dandorino" Makes hair thick, glossy and wavy. Amoves al dandruff, stops Robing scalp and falling hair. Jk?& jJa To be possessed of a head of heavy, ?*"'"f"' K?'"- ?"'f ''"--*- "? iWLu? vav; and free from dandruff Is merely a'matter of using a little Dunderine. It Is easy and inexpensive to have alee, soft hair and lots of It. Just get a mall bottle of Knowlton's Danderlno mow?it'costs but a few cents?all drug stores recommend It?apply a little as directed and within ten minutes there will be an appearance of abundnnce. freshness, flufflness and an incomparable gloss and lustre, and try as you will you cannot find a trace of dnndruff or telling hair; but your real surprise win be after about two weeks' use, whea you will see new hair?fine and downy at first?yes?but really new hair?sprouting out all over your scalp ?Danderine is, we believe, the only ore hair grower, destroyer of dandraff and cure for Itchy scalp, and It nerer falls to stop falling heir nt once, | M you want to prove how pretty and oft year hair really Is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine ana carefully das It through your hair?taking one aaaall strand at a time. Tour hnlr will he soft, glossy and beautiful In just few moments?a delightful surprise waits everyone who tries this. Adv. FLOURLESS BREAD WON'T DO Mm Was Taken Up by the Germans . During the War, But Results Were Not Good. Efforts hnve been made In the name of economy to ninke bread directly ikorn the gririn without putting It through the milling process, but it has ot been successful from any standpoint. This Is done simply by soakflog the grain In water and knendlng It Ifato dough. The war committee of ?errnun millers claims, however, thut this method was tried 80 years ago, bat has never been used, except In oauall bakeries, and the expectations f obtaining a large quantity of brend a this way have not been realized. Using the grain Itself, soaked In water, would save about 1V6 per cent orritaarily lost In dust. Even then what right be gulned In weight would be iMrt In nutrition, as the bread made of C*ln would contain many Impurities. lives 200 Years! War mora than 200 years. Haarlem Oil, the- famous national remedy of Holland. Aaa bran recognized as an infallible relief fna all forma of kidney and bladder disorder*. Its very age is proof that it must havo unusual merit. If you are troubled with pains or aches fit U?? back, feel tired in the morning, haadaahiu, indigestion, insomnia, painful ar too frequent passage of urine, irritation or atone in the bladder, you will almost assfsiafy find relief in GOLD MEDAL Jiaaurlem Oil Capsules. This is the good old remedy that has stood the test for hnadreda of years, prepared in the proper ntity ana convenient form to take, i imported direct from Holland laboratories, and you can get it at any ring store. It is a standard, old-time boaw remedy and needs no introduction. Koch capsule contains one dose of five drops and is pleasant and easy to take, will quickly relieve those stiffened Cta, that backache, rheumatism, lum?, sciatica, gall atones, gravel, "brick dust." etc. Your money promptly refundad if they do not relieve you. Hut be sure to est the genuine GOLD MEDAL brand, la haxea, three sizes.?Adv. "Turn Down Your Pants." A well-known pastor of an Eastern town on a recent rainy Sunday turned an bin trnilSPlN finrl tmHanH tn r?l?nrnh Beteg of an absent-minded nature he ? forgot to turn them down on arriving art the church. His good wife from her pew noticed the trouble and trapped a note Into the collection Iwirrt. The pastor took the note, Making It was a notice, and read Bind: THeory, turn down your pants." $100 Rsward, $100 OituA la a local dlanaae greatly tefl* aarad by constitutional conditions. It thastas requires constitutional treat Mt BALL'S CATARRH 1CJBDICIN1 to takan IntarnaRy and acts through th< toad ea tha Mucous Surfaces of ths Sye t?a HALL'S CATARRH MSDICIN1 Asatiays ths foundation of ths dlssass glsas ths patient strength by Improvtni tha gsasrsl health and asslsta nature li tone Its work. 1100.00 for any cass o Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH ansDICTNB falls to cure. Druggists 16c. Testimonials free. f. / Cheney * Co.. Toledo. Ohio. At Him Again. ?appgr?Smoking helps ine to think. She?When did you stop using tc tacco??Boston TrauscrtpL iv'V*V>V- ' a.*" > * (?;'; 5* ' INTERESTING ITEMS FROM THE CAMPS / NURSE* ARC ENTCRTAINEO BY UKnBNAL VAMP SECRETARY AT BANQUET. PENALTY FOR DISOBEDIENCE Naturalization Meetings Will Be Held Often to Accommodate Thoee Wanting to Become Citizens. Camp Jackeon. Columbia. Dr. J. L. Weber, camp general secretary of the Y. M .C. A., entertained about 100 mareee of the base hospital and a few soldiers and "Y" secretaries at a charming banquet at the Hoeteea House. The banquet -was given in honor of those nurses from the base houpltal wbo on two occasions recently entertained large audiences of soldiers by their charming rendition of the play, "Mother Goose," under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A., at the big "Y" auditorium. / MaJ. Frank Harrison, camp surgeon, has returned from a few days' lftave J of absence and is now on duty at camp again. Maj. Jube Parten of the F. A. R. D. headquarters received his honorable disdharge and returned to his home. finiwt H W 11 l j to aW theatergoers (rf Camp Jackson, returned to the cantonment after a trip to Florida. He Is connected with the Liberty Theater. In the future naturalization meetings will probably be held every two or three weeks. It 4s the purpoee of holding these meetings whenever theme are as many as 10 or 12 soldiers who want to be naturalized. The new Y. M. C. A. building, No. 301, located in the quartermaster section of the cantonment has officially opened. There was a vaudeville ehow at this building on that ooc&sion and a general good time. Secretary Smith will be in charge of this building. This building was Just completed a few days ago and Is one of the best welfare buildings in the cantonment. The building was almost completed when the armistice was signed. This is the only building the Y. M. C. A. has in this section of the cantonment. During the past few days 111 officers have left Camp Jackson for Hoboken, where they will ship to return with transports to this country. These officers will do personnel work among the men on these ships on the way over and by so doing hasten the work of the personnel offices In this country. All the records of the men will be made out on the transport coming . back to the United States, it is said, and In this way the work of discharging these men upon their arrival In this country will be greatly hastened. Showing disrespect to his commanding officer by refusing to obey orders and telling hian, "I don't give a <3 d ; I have done time before and I can do tt again, and I am going to stick up for my rights," or words to that effect, Private Edmund Marconi of the Fifth Development aBttalion, r irm rroTiaionw development Brigade, wu tried by the general court" martial at CaJiyp Jackson and found gulKy of this and other charges and sentenced to serve at hard labor for ten years in the government prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kas.. to forfeit all pay and to be dishonorably discharged from the service a! the expiration of bis term of confinement. On several other occasions Private Marconi was charged with disobeying We superior officer and of using profane and indecent language. On one oocaafon he is said to have made an attempt to strike his officer, and on another occasion threatened to "get" his officer. Later the ten year term at hard labor for Private Marconi was reduced to Ave yeafrs, owing to the fact that the record in the case disclosed the fact that Second Lieut. Ray H. Mann wiKully struck Private Marconi, for which the lieutenant was reprimanded by the court martial. Camp Jackson Area Limited. Washington (Special).?The practical abandonment of 40.000 acres of Oanp Jackson, which has recently been used for a rifle range, and the further utilization of the camp on the remaining 17.000 became apparent here when Senator PoMock was advised by the war department autnontles to this effect. He was informed that now leases on the 17.000 would bo fmroediate'y madp but that as to the larger trtu-t it had been decided neither to pi/rchase it nor to renew the lease. Laurens Loses Church. Laurens.?The Holmos Street Methodist Church has been destroyed by Are. The building, a wooden structure was valued at $2,500 and was partially Insured. The church was built 20 years ago by the l-aofrcns Mill, while the late W. E. Lucas was president. All the furniture of the church was saved, though the firemen | were unable to control the flames that enveloped the building. Many nearby houses were endangered and the firemen had hard work in preventing them from catching on fire. Building Activity Shown. Columbia.?The annual report of W | J. May. bulldtng inspector, shows re - markable building activities consider lng the unusual conditions which pre I vailed during the year 1918. The inspector Issued 98 permits foi I new buildings to cost $343,697. Many buildings were repaired and remodeled during the year. The num bar of permits issued were 742 and the cost was put down at $88,327. The total amount expended for nev + buildings and repairs in 1918 wai $432,924. 10M AT CHUB'S TONGUE IF SICK, CROSS, FEVERISH HURRY, MOTH BR I RBMOVR POL. SONS FROM LITTLE STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. QIVB CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIOS AT ONCE IF BILIOUS OR [ CON 8TIPATEO. Look at tl^ tongue, mother! If coated. It Is a sore sign that your little one's stomach, liver and bowels needs a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act naturn 11X7 AP Ifl FOWAWIOL ?- ? - ?v? avtciio &i9 oiuiuawu suur, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of the little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Tou needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love Its delicious taste, and It always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all I ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that It Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt.?Adv. Fooling the Cooties. I wrote to my brother in France, who had been In action, asking If he had acquired "cooties." Ills reply came buck: "Yes, Indeed. I had cooties. One Is not u regular soldier until he does have them, but I got rid of mine In this fashion: I sprinkled my clothes all over with salt, then laid them down on a river bunk. The cooties became very thirsty nnd got off the clothes to got a drink, then I pulled them away quickly. Nine-tenth of the cooties died from mortification and the other tenth from lonesomeness."? Exchange. Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp On retiring gently rub spots of dandruff and Itching with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo vlth Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make them your every-day toilet preparations and have a clear skin and soft, white hands.?Adv. A Good One. "Did you make any New Year's reso lutlons?" "Yes; one not to make nny." When Bibr la Teethln* QROVTJB BABY BOWVL MBDICINB *111 OOtTMl U>? StoniKoti and Bowel irooblea. Parfwotly kuaUm. Bee dlrwetlona on the bottle. "Nothing is certain," as the fisherman said when he found it on his hook. | Sore Even, Blood Shot Eye*. Watery Eyes, Sticky Byea. all healed promptly wltl. nightly applications of I toman Eye Balaam. Adv. A train of thoughts Is the real thing In rapid transit. Weekly Health Talks What Doctor Pier cm Ham Done for Humanity BY DOCTOR CRIPPS. It has always seemed to me that Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., should l>e placed near the top when a list of America's great benefactors is written. He studied and conquered human diseases to a degree that few realize. Whenever he found remedy that overcame disease, he at once announced it in the newspapers and told where it could be bought at a small price. He did uot follow the usual custom of keeping the ingredients secret, ao that the rich only could afford to buy the medicine, but openly printed the name of each root and herb he used. And so today the names of Dr. Pierce and his medicines are widely known, and they stand for better health and better citizenship. One of this great physician's most sue ccssful remedies is known bb Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. These are little, sugarcoated pills, composed of Mavannle To*v?? of aloe, root of jalap?things that Nature grows in the ground. These Pellets are safe because they move the bowels gently, leaving no bad after-effects, as so many pills do. Very often they make a person who takes them feel like a new man 01 woman, for they cleanse the intestines ol bard, decayed and poisonous matter that accumulates when one is costive. If you are constipated, by all means go to youi druggist and get some of Dr. Pierce'i Pleasant Pellets. They may prove to bt the very thing your system requires t< make you well and happy. Heavy Frailer Collon Tbs most proline btf boll Cotton In existence ImUU droughts, wind and disease. Record VOtTR balsa per acre. Sf Hot; Staple IHincb. Bare Prlrate Qln and Cellar. No Weevils Oet speelal price on (tannine need from eivy fraltrr CotUa Cs? Caroesvillt, 6s , Deep-Seated Colds develop aerious complications If neglected. Use an old and time-tried remedy that I baa given sat isfaction for more than Afty years PISO'S DEATH RATE IS INCREASING Influonxa Situation at MoCormiok la Wotm Than Provallod During ? Cctsbor and fievambar. McCormick.?Spanish influensa has gotten anch a hold on McCormick, both in town and in the county that It is becoming The death rata In October and November was nothing compared to the present rate and unless outside aid is received within the next few days it will be indeed serious. In the iown of McCormick it is hard to estimate the number of cases, and doctors do not even know how many cases they have. The town officials have done everything possible to prevent a spread of the disease and to obtain medical aid from other towns and hare even called upon the State health department and the national government for assistance and it seems that none is available. At . present not only wbole families are ill. but family after family on the same road in the country as one reaches the houses are ill and no one to care for them?no assistance of any kind. The doctors who are here have worked until they have become ex- j hausted. Nurses are impossible. There is no such thing as putting on a quarantine as the neighbors must respond to the distressing condition. Doctors who left here for the army have not returned and it seems impossible to get them released even for the present. Cotton Fire at Cheruw. Cheraw.?Fire started in the seed houso of the Cheraw Oil ft Fertiliser Company and entirely destroyed H with its contents. This is one of the largest oil mills in the State, and the house was packed with seed, making the loss quite heavy. The fire did not spread to the storage house of the ice factory, just ten feet away. The loss is fully covered by insurance. Besides the loss the United States government had 600 hales of linters to be used in making explosives on the premises which were also consumed. Upon whom this latter loss falls. If not covered by insurance, is not stated. Woman Burned to Death. Greenville.?The body of Miss Augusta A. Davis, horribly burned and w+t.h life extinct, was found in her home eight miles from Greenville, Just across the line in Pickens county. The ghastly discovery was made by her brother, James M. Davis, who lived nearby and who went to awaken his sister for breakfast. After knocking at the door and getting no response, Mr. Davis got an axe and broke down the door. A brcken lamp was beside the body on the floor, and it is presumed that Miss Davis suffered an attack of apoplexy or heart trouble and fell with the lighted lamp In her hand. She was a member of a prominent Pickens county family. Flu Situation Bad. Fort Mill.?The influenza situation in Fort Mill and vicinity is again qutte bad. the physicians reporting a number of cases in the town and connty. In some cases the patients are experiencing a second attack which Is generally rather light. There have been no serious complications thongh many of the patients have suffered severely. A number of the school children have been afTocted but it is believed that It will not be necessary to close the schools again, or. if so. that the suspension will be brief. Examinations for Weat Point. Washington (Special).?Senator E. D. Smith gave out the following statement regarding the holding of a competitive examination to fill two vacancies at West Point: "In order to make it as convenient an possible for applicants desiring to take the examination for admission to West Point, I have made arrangements with the civil service commission to hold this examination for me. "The examination will be competitive and will be held on February 8 at 9 o'clock at the commission's examination room in the poetofftce at the following points: Charleston, Columbia, Orangeburg, Sumter, Florence, Greenville, Greenwood, Georgetown, Chester and Newberry. Figures for Belton. Washington (Special). ? Congressman Domin' V was informed by the civil service commission that as a re! suit of a recent examination for postmaster at Belton. the following were the records: Howard A. Littlojohn, , who has been acting postmaster since | the resignation of Postmaster Clinkscales last fall, 83.10; Robert L. Parker. 70.40; James P. Acker, 61.96; Richards F. Norton. 61.75. Mr. Dorainick will confer with the post office department officially here regarding j this matter at an early date. Speech Restored to Dumb. Orangeburg.?Robert O. Rlckenhaker, a private in the infantry, who lost his voice as a result of being gassed while in active service in Prance, has again regained his voice in a marvel. ous way. It appears that Private Rickenbaker was returned to the United States because of losing his voice 1 while in action and was sent to a military hospital at Camp Gordon, and 1 while wrestling with a fellow soldier - received a tight squeeze and yelled > loudly, which caused his voice to return and he can talk now. | Flying 8tunta by Native. Charleston.?The people of this city had their first sight of stunt performw Ing army flying machines when five officers and a sergeant arrived from Rarnberg. where th?y spent the night L with their three Curtlss biplanes. Ol particular Interest were the "stunts" performed by one machine, because it was piloted by Lieut. Harry A. Hoggs of Charleston, a graduate of Soufher flying field, now an instructor. Lieu' tenants Svmonds, Hoggs, Kelley, i Welsh and Mann and Sergeant Riddle ' are in the party S* * ' ?7' ' ii". v \4<r~ ' / CHILLS, COLDS, FEYcRISHNESS Black-Draught Is Used by Virginia Lady for Colds, Fever and Other Troubles With Fine Results. Rocky Mount. Va.?Miss Mae Chitwood, of this place, recently stated: "I have used Black-Draught for colds and stomach trouble and certainly have found It very satisfactory. When I would feel bod and feverish, as though I was taking a fresh cold, I would make a good cup of Black-Draught tea and It would soon set me all right. I can recommend It as a splendid laxative and gladly do so. Yon may publish my statement.'* Whan rnn foal nh<11? flrari fnm. lsh, headachy and fear that you are taking cold, take a good dose of the old, reliable, liver medicine you have heard so much about?Thedford's Black-Dr .ught. It is made from purely vegetable ingredients, acts in a gentle, natural way, and by helping to drive out poisonous waste matter from your system, it will often, if taken in time, prevent a chill from developing into a cold. Thousands of people, during the past 70 years, have found Black-Draught of benefit in such cases. Try it, the next time you chill or sneeze.?Adv. 8ure, They Might Be Useful. Once upon a time the village cut-up made application to get Into the army. "Sorry, my boy," said the recruiting officer after the physical examination. "Doc says we'll have to turn you down. You have hammer toes." "Aw, gimme a chnnst, wontchn? Mebbe there'll be some toe nails ya want druv." RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Bum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and U OZ. of trlvrnrino A no ??? put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. Full directions for making and use come in each box of llarbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off.Adr. Not a Complete Success. "I told her thut she and her daughter might well he taken for sisters." "That stulT goes good." "Yes, It went good with mother, hut I lost out with the girl."?Louisville Courier-Journal. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria A cane is an old man's strength and a young man's weakness. Cor* pltnplea, headache, bad breath by taking May Apple^Aloe, Jalap rolled Into a tiny augar piu ctuea uocior rierce s rieasant I'allats. A<Tf. The brand of popularity that one cnn buy Isn't worth the price. ; ro fef the: I The The mei The 25C a p I F. S. ROYS Norfolk, Va. Richmor | Columbia, S. C. Spa Mon i Trust Me! TryDod: Calomel Harms Bead my guarantee! lav and get straightened up ing calomel. Dont * There's no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating calomel when a few cents bays a large bottle of Dodson'a Liver Tone?a perfect substitute for calomel. It Is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but it doesn't make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson's Liver Tone, because it Is perfectly harmless. Calomel Is a dangerous drug. It Is CONTAINS comiuj TOR WORMS, SULPHUR F< KYS, NUX VOMICA, A TONIC AND TURK OAIR' NO DOSING. ASK YOUR DCAU Blackmaj^ IK For MALARIA,CHILIS and FEVER. sftniiftiiiMiiaiiiitiiiiiiittiMiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiitiitmiiiiiinitiMiinM 1 VOID^IN^FLUENZA AND }UUWAN5S8fctg? fllllllUUlllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUilllllllllllllllMIMI If a good niuki'up were the only tiling necessary to succors, nearly every woman would be a great actress. Plenty of exercise, fresh air, regular hours?is all the prescription you need( to avoid Influenza?unless through neglect or otherwise, a cold gets you. Then take?at once CASCARA QUININE Standard r?ld remedy for 20 year#?In tablet form?tafe, sure.rtp opiate*?break* up a cold In 24 hour*?relieve* grip in 3 day*. Money back if it fails. The genuine box has a Red top with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Store*. Hou? yom RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Take JtH EDM ACIDIC to remove the eaoaa and drive the poison f rum ibe system. -RUtOUCIDS OS THS (* !? rmra suiLiitud os tub ovtsimt" At All Dragxlsta Jas. BaHy ft Sea, Wbalcsale Distribatars 1 r Baltisaw, Md. YSTE ITILK T?AM mak GOODS FOR BECAUSE N 33 YEAR s quality has never k i ownership and mai it have never char i sales have grown ) tons to 400,000 roof of satisfaction. 5TER GUANO id, Vau Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, 1 rtanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macc tgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Tol< ? . - - ? ' 3R son's Liver Tone! 1 Uver and Bowels 1 en your liver and bowels without taking sickenlose a day's work! mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel today and yoa will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of Dodson'a Liver Tone Instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more blllousnc*^ constipation, sluggishness, headache^ coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don't fiud Dodson's Liver Tone acts better than horrible calomel your money is waiting for you.?Adv. t| >R THE BLOOD. SALTPETER FOR THE KU?- I t SALT. USED BY VETERINARIANS IS TEARS lR FOR BLACKMAJTS OR WRITE COMPANT^Ihattanoo?a^Ten?^ iilST jr JL 1KDHDC 3LD FOR SO YEARS. ALSO A TINE GE%?RAL STRENGTHENING TONIC. Sold by All Drug Storoa. !t>iiiiiiii?iiiifiuiitiiiiiiniiiiiiiint mniiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiitiiiiiinj PNEUMONIA BY USING The plmunt, effectlTe, external application 2 for rolds, croup, pleurisy. pneomunli, etc. 5 ' Soothing and healing. Ask your druggist. = 50<-, Pay No More. 3 1 tnmuii 11111 inn 111 tun miiiimiii 1 illinium 1 inn iiiiiii 111 ilia SPanaona. Etc. girs external applies* tloos of BRAME*S VAPOMENTHA SALVE Will not stain clotS.cs. 2Sc, 50e sad $1.00 isn AT ?a DRUGGISTS ? Mat prayaM Ij BrtM Mrdkae Cs. H. Wlltitnn N. C. j FROST PROOF Cabbage Plants Karly Jerney and Charleaton Wakefield, Hn? ceHHlou and Flat Dutch. By express, 500, $1.25; 1,000, $2 00; 5,000 at $1.75' 10,000 and up at l\.M, F. O. B. here. Bv Parcel Pont prepaid, 100, 35o| 500, $1.50; 1,000, $2.50. Wholesale and retail. D. F. JAMISON, 9UMMERVILLE, SC. ^ WE BUY DOGWOOD in Carload Lots Write To-day for Full Particular* Shambow Shuttle Company Woon socket. R. L Cabbage Plants Genuine Frost proof, all varieties, immediate and future shipment. By express?500; $1.25; 1000, $2.00; 5000. $8 75. Parcel Post Prepaid?100, 35c; 500, $1.50; 1000; $2,501 Enterprise Co. Inc., Sumter, S. C. W. N. U.? CHARLOTTE, NO. 4-1919. IR'S 5ER YOU :s died: lageiged: from tons; r. COMPANY N. C. Washington, N. C. >n, Ga. Columbus. Ga. sdo, O. ' fvy'-. y.yf H ;j IS!!