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bo you Mkt MBewal Tour liver la slug& ^Al Tm tool lazy, dizzy and all Tour head is dull, your t la canted; breath bad; stomach Mr sad bowels constipated. But Ml bla salivating calomel. It makes gaadhk; you may lose a day's work. ifesd Is mercury or quicksilver, MM uhii necrosis of the bones. flriMd crashes Into sour bile like breaking It up. That's when jhM that awful nausea and cramp you want to enjoy the nicest, gen Ml Inr and bowel cleansing you sar caperlenced just take a spoonful sff ftaniuB JDodson's Liver Tone toTsar druggist or dealer sells jgm battle of Dodson's Liver Tone Mr a tnr cents under ray personal MBMrbsck guarantee that each BDoon Put? a Stop to all Vq I And prevents oth / exposed 00 centa doira bottles. All Oy Spohn Mediae Acid-Stomach Bains Health of Millions WtMtm those painful attacks of Inflevctka; that awful bloated, lumpy tdHgi after eating and downright dtamacli misery that you who have Mjpo>V ri il it know so well; besides Jiiltio mini, belching, food-repeating, ?an atumachand distressing heartburn taiSMif* all this. ACID-STOMACH ?-. ^aiuiitBcs the health and saps the ataepcnli of millions. Kjw don't get rid of those stomach tataaies there is no telling where your rtSBaeii troubles will end, for It Is a as.? taiwu scientltic fact that many jaatau aliments have their start In an Start bow?this very day to get rid of inrdauach miseries?take EATONIO ?Uta vwiderful remedy that absorbs ta eirrw acid from the stomach and lrtac> INSTANT relief. You simply Saw ss Idea how much better, stronger aadlhrtgfcter you feel at once. It drives ?B the gas and bloat, puts an lraaHbte stop to belching and heartburn, ?wta Stomach suffering and makes It mmt. so ret. comfortable and strong. Tkm can be no further excuse for 9PM t? allow ncid-stomnch to wreck juu kealtb?pile up misery upon misnay amto you get to the point where yaaleel down and out and that life hus lot all its Joys. Remember, just as rains teeth, so a eld-stomach sate ltealth. M? HATONIC. It's good, just like MB ed* candy and makes the stomach MI4ne. Ton can then eat the things ysa She and, what Is more, every MAMyoQ eat will .count In creating pamraod energy. You'll feel so much alftsr?tare punch and pep?the power tmM *2B to do things and get results, Mi ynr stomach misery will be gone. Mhr ?r sdvlce. Get a big box of JOEVOKJC ftom your druggist today, M esats ? little. If it falls to remove yaw jSnmicti distress, he will refund year maeey. That Is guaranteed, you mm mm be satisfied or money refunded. IFATONICI 1 ITOMA<;H S SAKp ? Magii Mm/imf for Bad Stomachs EPKPABED TO COMBAT THE Influenza Germ by putting a little jf !\ Brame's Vapo(UFT \ mentha Salve up \ your nostrils each morning before going out end each night Price 25c, 60c and ?nn,$1-00. For Mia by y all daalara or diract upon racaipt of prica. ?WW CO.. Na. WHkeskara, N.C. "Beaver Board'' Has "BEAVER BOARD" for ymw walls and ceilings. It is airrial* sail wind-proof. Any carpen%tx mt workman can put it on. It IwiAkci far more tasteful effects Aawpiaster and is more economical. SIltATTON & BRAGG CO. Board" Distributor*. _ ^Bvtgy Woman Wants^ H^iewe 1 ^>M^a?iM?b?jdcwad^oo and fasflamISiiiJ^ w*hil|C?'^ yara. Ls?AftwdicrssTSs. Economical. FROST PROOr Cabbage Plants Mb S*m* ?nd Charleston Wahetleld, Bva* Dutch. Br express, BOO, $1.16: m|M?; *000 st 11.76: 10,000 sod up st 11.60, flCabN. Br Parcsl Post, prspald, 100, 85o; fll S r:1 IS.BO. Wholesale sod retail. mFUOOflSON. SUMMERVILLE, S. C. Ubtea or Snuff Habit Cured am atbFKM sarafBsasFa sarsrsaisin^r isisxiwz ' i t ;ens; Salivates! odson's Liver Tone cine does net upset liver lose a day's work. fill will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calomel and that It wont make yon sick. Dodson's Liver Tone la real liver nuulMn. ?91 *? IS * I ?xvu u uiuw ii am moraine because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. You will feel like working; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give It to your children. Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone Instead of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel Is almost stopped entirely here.?Adv. Distemper URC9 THE SICK icra having the disease no matter how and $1.15 a bottle, $3.50 and $11.00 a L good druggists and turf goods houses, kl Co. Goshen, IncL, U. S. A. The Sermon Reader. President Wilson usually reads his speeches?they are speeches too Im- | portant to be delivered Impromptu? | nui ne snares with h'.s Scottish ancestors all their hatred of written sermons. President WllRon teld one day at Princeton an old Scotchwoman's remark about a minister whose sermons were alwuys rend. "How's the new mecnl$ter gettln' on?" a neighbor asked the old woman. "Gettln* on?" said she. "Weel, he's gettln' on like a crow In a tater field ?two dabs and a look-up." PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN . FOB INDIGESTION EAT ONE TABLET1 NO GASE8, ACIDITY, DY8PEP8IA OR ANY 8TOMACH MISERY. Undigested food 1 Lumps of pain ; belching gas, acids and sourness. When your stomach Is all upset, here Is Instant relief?No waiting 1 A /K The moment you eat a tablet or two of Pape's Dlapepsln all the Indigestion pain and dyspepsia distress stops. Your disordered stomach will feel fine at once. ! These pleasant, harmless tablets or Pape's Dlapepsln never fall and cost very little at drug stores. Adv. Foraot to Mail 'Em. Mr. Flntbush?I see by this pnper that the United States government Inst year produced 9,773,424,000 postage stamps. Mrs. FlntbuRh?It would be more Interesting to me to learn of that number how many you forgot to use, ??_ __ TOO WEAK TO FIGHT The "Coroe-beck" man was really never down-and-out. His weakened oondition because of overwork, lack of exercise, improper eating and living demands stimulation to satisfy the cry for a health-giving appetite and the refreshing sleep essential to strength. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the National Remedy of Holland, will do the work. They are wonderful. Three of these capsules each day will put a man on his feet before he knows it: whether his trouble comes from uric acid Kiaoning, the kidneys, gravel or stone in e bladder, stomach derangement or other ailments that befall the over-zealous American. The begt known, most reliable remedy for these troubles is GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This remedy has stood the test for more than 200 years since its discovery in the ancient labors- ! tories in Holland. It acts directly and giyes relief at once. Don't wait until you are entirely down-and-out, but take them ' today. Your druggist will gladly refund ' your money if they do not help you. Accept no substitutes. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on every box, three Bizet: They are the pure, original, imported Haarlem Oil Capsules.?Adv. The Overflow. rmuMiMi??v ni'ii your wire writes 1 to you does she write on both sides of ' the pnper? Rensonhurst?Sure, she does. She , couldn't get all the I*. S.'s on one side." IV BRIGHT, CLEAR COMPLEXION Is always admired, ami It Is the lnudahie ambition of every woman to do all { she can to make herself attractive. Many of our southern women have ' found that Tetterlno Is Invaluable for \ clearing up blotches, Itchy patches, 1 etc., and making tho skin soft and velvety. The worst cases of eczema | and other torturing skin diseases yield to Tetterlne. Sold by druggists or sent , by mall for 50c. by Shuptrlne Co., Savannah, Gn.?Adv. Ho Hears It, "Money talks," "Yep, even the kaiser can hear ouif talking."?Louisville Courler-Journul. How't Thi? ? We offer 1100.00 for any caae of catarrt that cannot be cured by HALL,'! CATARRH MEDICINE. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken Internally and acts through the Bloo< on the Mucous Surfaces of the bystem. Sold by druggists for over forty year* Price too. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. * It sometimes happens that wrath die courages a wqft answer. Wbco Your Eyes Need Care Try Marine Eve Remedy fcfera iir MUSuni nil BSMKDY OO^CBIOAAO - ' ,"r?; ; }? *} A ClttLD DOESN'T LAUGH AND PLAY IF CONSTIPATED LOOK, MOTHER I IE TON QUE COATED, BREATH FEVERISH AND STOMACH SOURf CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF P1CMP CANT HARM TENDER STOM. ACH, LIVER, BOWELS. A laxative today ?uve? a sick child tomorrow. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sour. Look at the tongue, mother I If coated, or your child Is listless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't ent heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children's ailment, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, because It Is perfectly harmless, and In a few hours all this constipation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of '.he bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough "Inside cleansing" Is oftlmes all that Is necessary. It should be the first treatment given In any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of nil ages and 'for grown-ups plainly : printed on the bottle. Look carefully i and see that It Is made by the "Call- j fornla Fig Syrup Company."?Adv. j A Slam. "What you dou't know won't linrl you." "You're Immune frotn all Injury then." Infections or Inflammations of the Ere*, whether from external or Internal causes, aro promptly healed by the use of Roman Eye Balsam at night upon retiring. Adv. A mnn seldom sees n perfect ninn without the uhi of n mirror. THE MAKING OF A FAMOUS MEDICINE How Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound k Prepared For Woman's Use. A visit to the laboratory where this successful remedy is made Impresses even the casual looker-on with the reliability, accuracy, skill and cleanliness which attends the making of this great medicine for woman's ills. Over 350,000 pounds of various herbs ore used anually and oil have to be Stbered at the season of the year when eir natural juices and medicinal substances are at their best. The most successful solvents are used to extract the medicinal properties from uiese nerDB. Every utensil and tank that comes in contact with the medicine is sterilized and as a final precaution in cleanliness ; the medicine is pasteurized and sealed in sterile bottles. It is the wonderful combination of roots and herbs, together with the skill and care used in its preparation which has made this famous medicine so successful in the treatment of female ills. The letters from women who have been restored to health by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound which we are continually publishing attest to its virtue. ft ==^ Backache The excruciating pain which cornea from a lame back la quickly alleviated by a prompt application of Yager's Liniment Sufferers from rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, sprains; etc. should always keep a bottle of "Yager's" tfandy as its Kietrative qualities quickly ng relief from pain. At all dealer*. Price Meant*. The large bottle of Yager's lint meat contains twice as much a* the usual 50c bottle ot Unlrneet GILBERT BROS. A CO. BALTIMORE, MIX GOOD NEWS A Lady in Ton* TeSi How She Regained and Keep* Her Health. 1W? -w?" * ouvuiu UITI X hand all the time a dependable remedy with which to fight catarrh and catarrhal conditions. The experience of lire. 1L EL Berkley, No. 1822 27th St., Galveston, Tex., la not unique, but her letter does carry a rigorous "safety first" suggestion to every American home: "1 wish to tail yon of the good Peruna.has been to me. I have used it five years and have never found It other than satisfactory as a remedy for colds, catarrh. Indigestion and many other ailments. I am never without Peruna." Coughs, colds, catarrh, grip and Influenza cannot safely be neglected. Any disease due to catarrhal inflammation of the mucous lining, whether of the nasal passages, throat, lungs, stomach, -bowels, kidneys, bladder or other organs, Is to be feared. Catarrh Is always a menace to the general health and on account of Its prevalence must be fought and fought hard all the time. Thousands place their entire dependence upon the well known time-tried remedy, Peruna. Dr. Hartman began selling Peruna for catarrh forty-flve years ago. Try Peruna first and avoid possible disappointment and expense. Tablet or liquid form. Sold everywhere. ^ _ Cuticura Heals Itching Burning 2] VIUU IIVUU1C9 All drarohrts: Stp *. Olstmsnt V and 60, Talcum K. Sampla aach rraa of "OatUmia, Dapt. I, Iwtm." Cabbage Plants Genuine Frostproof, all varieties, immediate and future shipment By express?500, $1.25; 1000, $2.00; 5000, $8.75. Parcel Post Prepaid?100, 35c; 500, $1.50; 1000, $2.50. Enterprise Co. Inc., Sumter, S. C. ~THE WAR 18 WON Now prepare for the Rood times peace will bring. Post yourself about Pecans. Figs, 8cuppernong Orapee, Japan Persimmons, Plums, Peaciies, Mulberries, Ornamental Trees. Shrubs and Hoses. Our Nursery Catalog and Ave new Southern Service Bulletins contain more Information for planters than ever published by any nursery. No Inflated prices. Address C M. Griffin, & Co.. Naraer? Bid,.. M.cclcony, Florid. SALESMEN Our West Virginia Grown Naroorr Stock. Fine canvassing outfl. FKKK. Cash Commission Paid Weekly. Writ, far Term*. The Gold Nursery Co^ Mason City, W. Va. GSjBH . PARKER'S Eflg^gia.. HAIR BALSAM ^ 1 BTwV^Sal A toll.t preparation of IfOjWG/ Help, to .radlcato dandruff. filjNVa. M _ ForRostorioa Color and Beauty to Gray or Fadad Hair. HbhB too. andSi oast PnirrlatSL Dry Salt Fish lIlHS Burner br prepaid Parcel Po?t. IS pound** for S3. H1I.TJ4 FIKII lira w. TATTOO NOW BY MACHINERY Process Is Said to Be Practically With* out Pain to Subject Who Is Operated On. They do tattooing by machinery now, and promise that it won't hurt, says Popular Science Monthly. That's what the painless dentist says, but with the electrical tattooer performance keeps pnce with promise. All you feel ns the needles?there are six of them?etch a design on your skin, Is a slight tingling sensation. The machine consists of two electromagnets, operated on the principle of on electric vibrator, used In connection with a single needle bar. The bar has one needle point for outlining work and six to put In the shading. Operating through an Ink tube, the needles force the liquid through the tiny punctures they make In the skin. The growth of tatoolng ns a fad Is apparently responsible for the Introduction of the machine made picture on a human bnckgrouud. The manufacturers of the apparatus speak of "the pleasant profession" of those who operate the machine. So an electric tattooer Is a "professor" as well as on artist. Figures Wanted. Editor?This poem Is capital. Poet?I hope so?er?how much?? Boston Transcript. Half a loaf Is bettor than the average railroad sandwich. j The rea|' -food l elements of wheat and banley so made as to be rich in sugar, and ready to eat from package with milk or* cream. 7Xaf/s Grape-Nuts A Substantial Food 1 and Economical 1 r -re.- > *gW$p ' "GIRLS! LOIS OF BEM1RJL HAIR A small bottle of "Danderine" makes hair thick, glossy and wavy. Aamoves all dandruff, stops ItchIng scalp and falling : rhair. BlI SjSmr *' v; ? jBHHHhhw^ To be possessed of a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy aud free from dandruff Is merely a matter of using a little Danderlne. It Is easy and Inexpensive to have nice, soft hair and lots of It. Just get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne now?It costs but a few cents?all drug stores recommend It?apply a little as directed and within ten minutes there will be an appearance of abundance, freshness, llutflness and an Incomparable gloss and lustre, and try ns you will you cannot And a trace of dandruff nr fnllliify fc.ll-. K..* 1 , ? <mi4 | uui juui jiviii fiurpnsv J will be after about two weeka' use, when you will eee new hair?fine anil downy at first?yes?but reully new hulr?sprouting out all over your scnlp ?Danderine is, wo believe, the only sure hair grower, destroyer of dandruff and cure for Itchy scnlp, and It never falls to stop falling hair ut once. If you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw It through your hair?taking one small strand at a time. Your hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful in Just a few moments?a delightful surprise ! awaits everyone who tries this.'Adv. His Home Town. "What have you there?" "A short work on the Elizabethan poets." "I met one of those chaps." "Impossible. They are all dead." "This one wasn't lie said his home was in Elizabeth, N. J."?Birmingham Age-Herald. Soothe Itching 8klns I With Cuticura. Bathe with Cuticura i Soap and hot water, dry and apply the | Ointment This usually affords relief and points to speedy healment. For free samples address, "Cuticura, Dept. j X, Boston." At druggists and by mall. Soap 20, Ointment 25 and 00.?Adv. A Drawback. iius new writer snows some rude strength." "Then how can he succeed In polite literature?" Whin Baby la Tcalhlng OBOVV-S BAHT BOW an MBOICINB will eorrwel the Stomach and Bowel trochlea. Perfectly harmlea a. See dlrecUona on the bottle. Practlcnl experience Is a death blow to Illusions. | Tour Labor Courts?every ounce of work yoil do helps some soldier. This war was fought lis truly In the household and in the work shop as it was In the trenches. Snmft r?f Alia Amowa'aa-. ? ? vu? nmciiuiu wuinen are borne down physically and mentally, by the weaknesses of their sex. They suffer from backache, dragging sensation, bearing-down pains, very nervous and pain in top of head. If they ask their neighbors they will be told to take a Favorite Prescription of Dr. Pierce's which has been so well and favorably known for the past half century. Weak women should try it now. Don't waitl Today is tho day to begin. This temperance tonic and nervine will bring vim, vigor and vitality. Send Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c. for trial pkg. tablets. Huntington, W. Vo.? "Dr. Pieros's Favorite Prescription we* e greet MHm help to im during etWtW ?^ peeteney. My heelth 0 5 eeemed to fell?1 beesme f * 0 . ell rundown, week end . o nervous, oould not eet * ySKJj-) nor sleep end wee neuaoVmBw? eted ell the time. I bogen taking 'Favorite Prescription' end It brought me through In splendid heelth end my Wby was strong end heelthy. ?Mrs. A. ft. Hick*, 1719 Virginia A**. Irritating Coughs Promptly treat _ coughs, colds, hoarseness, bronchitis and similar inflamed and irritated condiiiooa of tho throat with a tested remedy jPISO'S \ \ V V ' ' * ? " < ->?'} WRIC All Now i Pink Wra\ Tn cnvp fin fnil v ??!? AV/11 WRIGLEYS is iu in pink paper ai sealed in wax: 1. The tangey flavor of mint 2. The luscious different flavor 3. The soothing flavor of peppermint All in pink-enc all sealed air-1 to set WMAI O WW ItlVI The Flavor Billy's Explanation. Billy requested his family to call him William and a little later In answering the telephone he was heard to say: "No, this Is Billy talking." When he re-entered the room his aunt said: "Why Is It you want us to call you William, and yet you called yourself Billy, over the phone?" After n painful pause his face brightened and he said, "Don't you know there's a reason i for every why?" KIDNEY SUFFERERS HAVE FEELING OF SECURITY You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's SwampRoot, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Koot. Swamp-Root is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is ..ot a stimulant and is taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. According to verified testimony it is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Pr. Kilmer's SwampRoot. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you will find it on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.?Adv. The Clause. "I snw Jennie In n (It yeaterdny." "Hood gracious. What caused it?" "Her effort to get into a skin-tight | waist." No Worms In a Healthy Child All children troubled with worm* hare an unhealthy color, wblob Indicate* poor blood, and a* a role, there I* more or loss stomach disturbance. I OKOVITHTAHTHLHHS chill TONICglren regularly I for two or throe weeks will enrich the blood, Itaprore the digestion, and act as a Uenrral Strengthening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms and the Child will be In perfect health. Pleasant to take. QUo per bottle. Borrowed trouble commands the highest rate of interest. IJUKWJLV X A ^?oisn.cOTu.5?epiiioc?fo!^/ m contains corrtras ron worms, sultmur i , (u.ys, NUX VOMICA. A TONIC A>?D rtJRE f>AII r i NO DOSING. ASK YOUR DLAI blackmanjj^^ CONSTE 13 HUMANITY'S It Is always a terror to old people and every human being, young or old. It li Ing than almost any of NATURE'S Di allowed to go unheeded. At the very TUTT'S LIVER PILLS which for 72 y most prevalent of all disorders. For aal j>r. fuffli IMS for MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER. -|V f LEYS ? n o ^ for Uncle Sam, >w all wrapped ad hermetically | 1 packages and light. Be Sure ,t!5 oecause TT j I-'-1' ~J Lasts! isipi Apple of Hie Eye. Rill?Did you see I'eggy today In her new furs? I*hll?Sure. Didn't she look like a peach? "Looked more like n full pippin to ine." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOItlA, that famous old remedy . for Infants and children, and see that It SlKnaturethoef^^93p7^J^^| In Use for Over 80 Yours. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorin Made It Practical. "How did Jones get his start In life?" "He Invented a sprinkler system from watching his fouatuin pen work." Acid Stomach. Heartburn and Ntuiea quickly disappear with the uae of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pllla Send for trial bog to S73 Pearl St.. New York. Adv. Although macaroni Is hollow, It Is said to be a solid food. Cure ptmplea, headache, bad breath by taking May Apple, Aloe. Jalap rolled Into a tiny siigat pill called Doctor l'lerce'a Pleasant Pallats. AdT. More history Is made tlian ever la written. Plenty of exercise, fresh air, regular hours?is all the pre scription you need to avoid Influenza ? unless through neglect or otherwise, a cold gets you. Then take?at once CASCARAfci QUININE Standard cold remedy for 20 year*?In tablet form?safe, sure, no opiates?breaks up a cold In 24 hours?relieves grip in 3 days. Moocy back if it fail*. The genuine box haa a Red top with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores. (?U KODAKS & SUPPUES I KmPjV We R'"? (i" highest clans of finishing. IJm jL Prlcea and Catalogue upon request s. Gafeski Optical Co., Ricknai, Ya. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 50-1918. SHI" stock MJ S LIKE IT 1 SfiJ BR1CX IK FEFn RfW I roR THE BLOOD, SALTPETER FOR THE KID- | *V SALT. USED BY VETERINARIANS 12 YEA RJl R IER TOR RLACKMANS OR WRITE ? RATION ' GREATEST FOE | I a menace at some time or another to I i the forerunner of more Ilia and suffer* ANGER SIGNALS and should never be I first Indication of constipation net DR. sars has been successfully used for this Is by druggists and doalere everywhere. Liver Pilis I Mins| JLU@KHI<2 i OLD FOR SO YEARS. Af.SO A riNC GENERAL STRENGTHBN* ING TONIC. Sold by All Drefl Storse.