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R achy you need not take i f '< ' one calomel to get Every druggist in town?your druggist ud everybody's druggist has noticed a great felling off In the sale of - calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone Is taking - its place. , "Calomel 'is dangerous and people know It, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives,, better' remits," said a prothlnent local druggist. Dodson's Liver Tone Is personally finiiutcn! by cTCTy dmjjjtst ybo >" sells It. large bottle doesn't" cost very much, bat If It falls to give easy . relief In every case of liver sluggish' aeos and constipation, yon have only . Better no medlcln< W CC^mm titefJS "5>r * Ia tb*n,ouT ki> All dni|(liti, horH v>^ spoil x med Neat Arrangement. Tliat Is Elmer J. Pettifog. He Is n member of the famous law firm of j Ktnitt, Lowder, Hooks, Skinner, Bray, Pjrffler * Snytle." "But his name does not appear in the firm title.*' "No, but they have a perfectly equitable arrangement; he does the work Pent! the rest of them tuke the money." ?Kansas City Star. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured fcr LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, as they eiuss* reach the seat of the <Ua*na*. Catarrh ts a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh. It Is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucoun Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is composed of some of the bent tonics keown. combined with some of the best tJeod purifiers. The nerfect combination ' of the Ingredients In HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is what produces such wonCcrful results tn catarrhal conditions. - PruffKlRtB 76o. Testimonials fr?e. P. J. Chsntjr Sk Co., Props.. Toledo, O. It soon becomes difficult for the man I who tells all he knows to leurn any- > thin* new to tell.* . I DRUGGISTS!! P VICK'S VAPORI DUE TO PRES Tremendous Demand Last F Excess Stocks That We Until Next January. Laa One and Three Quarter N Alone Amount to 932,459 Big Shipments Are En Route to Jobbers. Until These Arrive There May Be a Temporary Shortage. All Deals Postponed --Buy m Small Lots Only. RETAILERS CAN GET IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS DIRECT BY PARCEL POST. This advertisement is written on | Monday, October 21 ah It la directed to , the attention or ull distributers of , Tick's VapoRuh, both wbolouile and i recall. In an emergency such ns the | present epidemic?our duty?nrul your , <tuty?Is to dlntrtbute VapoRuh In the quickest possible manner to those sections stricken by Influenen. We. there- fore, call your curefnl attention to the following: DANGER OF SHORTAGE IF SUP- I PLY 18 NOT CONSERVEO On Ocioher 1st we had on hand, nt < ?ar Factory und In twenty warehouses l scattered over the country, sufficient ] apoRub to last us, we thought, until I January 1st, allowing for n 00 per cent ? Increase over last year's snles, and not I counting our dally output. TIiIh big j erccss stock had been accnmulnte<l during the summer months. Then this epidemic of Spanish In- | fliienu hit ua?and In the lust ten days lids stock has vanished. At first we thought this tremendous ' demand would Inst only u few days, but the orders have run: Wed.. Oct. 16 18,504 dor.. Thur., Oct. 17 25.823 do*. Frl., Oct.. 18 30,250 do*. Sat., Oct. 19 45.833 do*. Mon.. Oct. 21 77,703 do*. Up to Saturday. October 10th, we have actually shipped for this month ttOO?84 .10. or over two million Jars ?*f VapoRuh. THE PROBLEM NOW IS TO DISTRIBUTE VAPORUB Qllir.KI V Most of this tremendous quantity in Mil en route to the jobbers, but freight and express arc both conewtrt noondays, and it may be some tfs?o before this supply reaches the Jsbbers. In the meantime, therefore, H la necessary that we distribute, -as widely as possible, the stock that we re manufacturing daily, together with , that now on the Jobbers' and retailers' hetreft, In order that it tuny get to tfca Influenza districts quickly. Our normal output Is ntu>ut 4,000 doscn wr day. We are putting on 41 night drift. but It will h n little while before thnt Is producing. WHAT WE A8K THE WHOLESALE ORUQOI8T TO DO. Ias( Saturday wo notified all of our hMent, by Special Delivery, as follow: 1st?Deals and quantity shipments af all kinds are cancelled. Fill no quantity orders of any kind, whether 1 ( tea by our salesman or by your own. PHI In small lots only. Snd?Order, from us In as small T11E VICK CHEMICAL COMPA IJver " .. * " lions, constipated orheadlasty, sickening, danger* ; straightened xtp. to ask Mr jour money back. Dodaon's IiTer Tone Is a pleasanttasting. purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night ffbd wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause In* convenience all the next day like violent calomel.' Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow yon wilt feel ( weak., sick and nauseated. Don't lose h day's work! Take Dod son's Liver Tone Instead and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition.?Adv. e at all In all forms of Distemper than the wrong kind. OHN'S" *. HtrxMi Kaow Thla Wkea Tk*y Have Osm Tried It. goods houses and manufacturers sell It. IICaL CO., Osskts. Iud., v. s. a. Overheard. Jack?Yon CQii't Judge a nian by the w ay he dresses. Vera?Oh. I don't know. I can tell n gentleman by his get-up in the crowded street car. No Worms In s Hesltby Child All children troubled with worms hare an color, which Indicates poor blood, and as a ruls. there Is more or less stomach disturbance. QUOVa s TA8TBLK88 chill TONIC glson regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, IsaproTetho dluostlon, and act ass Ueneral Btrcngthenlng Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel tho worms, and the Child will be la perfect health. Pleasant to take. 00c per bottle. II sometimes happens that an Innocent man p'.ends not guilty. Krrp jrotir liver act!?*, rmir bowels olefin by sLllii? lie nueoet- ts. ? ?? v>. . .v.w i ruins anil you'll keep healthy, wealthy anil wl><?\ AJr. It Is usunlly tlio painstaking man who iiiunageg to avoid pain. RoreTSyea. Illood-Shot Eyra. Watery Eves. Rtlcky Kyea. alt hcnlrd promptly with Mlichlly appllcatlona or R?iu.~.n Eye Balsam. Adv. Contentment Is always perched on the round Just above you. LEASE NOTE UB OVERSOLD ENT EPIDEMIC :ew Days Has Wiped Out Had Estimated Would Last it Week's Orders Called For lillion Jars?Today's Orders Jars. lunntttles ns possible. If you are out >ve will try to ship u limited amount I >y Parcel Post or express, and pay the | diarges ourselves. 3rd?In order to make distribution , still quicker, we will ship direct to rour retail customers quantities not tiore than three (3) dozen 30c size at my one shipment. 4th?We are now out of the 60c size md will he for the next ten days. WHAT WE ASK THE RETAIL DRUGGIST TO DO. Buy In as "small quantities as possible. If you have any quantity orders, given the Jobber's salesmen or given to our salesmen, don't bother about Ihem?no weed to write us?It Is absolutely Impossible to till these orders nt this time. If the Jobbers In your territory are out of Vlek's Vapoltuh, we will ship you by Parcel Post, prepaid. quantities not more than three (3) dozen 30c size In any one order. Naturally, we can't open accounts at this time, so your check or money orler for this amount must accompany ">rder. Don't write ns stating (o ship ihru your Jobber, ns we then have to wait until we write this Jobber and get tils O. K. If you wish the goods to ronie thru your Jobber, have him order them for yon. SNOWED UNDER WITH CORReS 8PONDENCE. Our force has already been "shot to ! plcoeii"?twenty-four of our men nre weurlng Uncle Sam's khaki?and this recent rush has simply hurled us. All our sales force has been called In to help In the office and factory. We Just mention this so you won't hold It against ns If your wires and letters aren't answered promptly. SPECIAL BOOKLETS ON SPANISH INFLUENZA. We will send, on request, to any retail druggist, WO or more little booklets. Just Issued, on Spanish Influenza, giving the latest Information about this disease?Its history?the symptoms?the treatment, and particularly tho use of Vlck's Vupoltuh as an external application to supplement the physician's treatment. NEW WAYS TO USE VAPORUB. In addition to the usual method of using Vnpoltub?that Is, applied over the throat and chest and covered with hot flannel cloths?our customers are writing us dally telling of their success in using Vupoltuh In other ways, particularly as a preventive. They melt a little In a spoon and Inhale the vapors arlslag, or melt it in a benzoin steam kettle. Where the steam kettle > is not available. Yapoltnh can he nsed In an ordinary teakettle. Kill the teakettle half full of boiling water, put In half a teaspoon of Vnpoltub from time to time?keep the kettle Just slowly boiling and inhale the stenin arising. According to a Rulletln Just Issued by the Public Health Service, Dr. Stiles recommends that the none and throat be kept coated with some oily suhatnnce. For this purpose Vapoltuh Is excellent?Just put a little up the nostrils from time to time and snuff well back Into the air passages. NY, GREENSBORO, N. G WTERESTtNB ITEMS i FffllM THF RIMPS I.VIU I4lb Willi* W . " # 4 "" I SEVERAL BAND LEADERS HAVE 1 BEEN ARRANGED FOR TO , TEACH NEW RECRUITS. WITNESSED HUN HTR06ITIES' Oath of Allegiance Is Ta':en by Hundreds of the AIIsq Born at .Camp SewJer. Camp Jackson. Secretary A. Levey of Y. M. C. A. building 144, formerly a clariouet soloist. has arranged with several bandleaders in camp to teach new recruits in band to play band music. Mr. Levey announces that he will 'be glad to confer with any of the military band leaders in Camp Jackson who may need his services. Thomas Lefoy I?ucey entertained recently'a large audlonce at the Y. M. C. A. auditorium with his character sketches, chalk talks, impersonations and singing. His entertainment pleased all who heard him. James T. Quinn. formerly a wellknt>wn Broadway actor to New York and also a motion picture director, is now at Camp Jackson. Mr. Quinn was ill Liege. Belgium, in the year 1914 with the Biofllm Corporation when the Germans took the city, and was an eye witness to the many horrible deeds of the German soldiers there ac?l tells many stories of the horrihle #lrhf? s? atrocities committed by the Huns. William MrEwan, the song leader ^ at Camp Jackson, who has made such a favorable impression in Columbia, has heen ordered to Camp Merritt, N. J. He will leave here In about ten days. He hopes to be permitted , to stay long enough to give one more ' Sunday afternoon concert on the State State hoHse steps. Frank Bradley has been appointed ? dramatic director at Camp Jackson f has commenced work. It will he his ^ dftty to organize the dramatic and musical talent at the camp. He is _ sent by the war department commis- v sion on training camp activities. Mr. T Bradley is a native of Australia. ^ Camp Sevier. li The United States of America gain- ert-tre:l new citizens when that number s of soldiers of foreign birth now sta- d tinned at Camp Sovior were naturaliz- , c ed with appropriate ceremonies. The ' naturalization ceremony differed from s former procedures of the kind at this v camp, in that it was held in the open d air In front of division headquarters s building. Four hundred men selected b from various organizations of the a Twentieth Division were aligned as a two companies on both sides of the grounds and through tho wide aisle thus formed the men to be naturalized. accompanied by their witnesses, , y marched to the ground in front of the i porch of the building, where they were examined by the naturalization exam- . K hjer. i K A group photograph of the new citi- ' ^ zeu9, with Judge Johnson. Genera] ' French and Clerk Knight in the fore- . ground, was taken. Short talks were | made by Judge Johnson and General ^ French, in which the responsibilities of citizenship were impressed upon the naturalized men. Several musical numbers completed the program, the a men Joining iti singing "America" and > "The Star Spangled Manner." Camp Wadswprth. v Private Francis J. Owens, medical B department, on duty at Camp Wads- o worth, has beeu arraigned before a h court martial charged with being a de- P sorter from the service between the ^ dates or June 7 to August 26, 1918. j. He entered a pies of not guilty, was a' tried and convicted, and given a sen- * tence of five years and to forfeit all ? pay for that period of time, and at the expiration of the sentence to be dis- c honorably discharged from the army, f Col. J. F. Gohn. the reviewing of- d flee in the case, has reduced the sen- P teuce to three years and designated j the United Slates disciplinary bar- 1 racks at Fort Leavenworth as the place of confinement. j d More Read Paving. Columbia.?Mayor Blalock received a message from Senator Christie Benet saying the United States high- (! way commission had approved the Camp Jack-ton project, and final action 1 Is expected at once. The highway commission Is coasld- * ering the proposition submitted by General Dan ford to pave about 70 miles of roadways in and aronnd greater Camp Jackson. The message from Senatoc Benet indicates that the pian is to oe approved aud orders given to proceed with the work. Thanks For Masons. i Spartanburg.?A delegation of New , York Masons will come to Spartanburg on November 119 to express to *; the Spartanburg lodge of Masons the r thanks of the New York member* for v the kind treatment accorded the mem- c hers of the fraternity who were with f the Twenty-seventh Division while it c was stationed at Camp Wadsworth. 0 The delegation will present the Spartanburg lodge a handsome present in * recognitio nof the courtesies shown g A hearty welcome is assured. ii j e Charters and Commissions. , a Columbia.?Commissions issued: : i< The Folly Island Co. of Charleston P commissioned with a proposed capital stock of 140.000. The company proposes to conduct a general realty business and to operate hotels. ^ The Farmers' Supply Co. of Mayesville commissioned with a proposed ^ capital stock of $25,000. The St. Quentln Corporation of , Charleston was chartered with a cap- ] ital stock of $1,000. ' The Smith Dray line, of Greenville, ^ was chartered, capital stock $15,000. " assf";t.*; : ' BaBaS": MS! LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR I smaft bottle of "Danderine" mak.8 hair* thick, glossy and wavy. " v. T"+ \ * lemoves all dandruff, stops Itching scalp and fating fjjv r " A ViSt^ v 1S? &r jwB6 S ^ < ?H^ '.v ** lRg$j?fiE; " . ">> K ; Hr '^ ' :<r:^| Bb To bo possessed of a bead of hebvjr, teautlful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, vnvy aud free Trorn dandruff Is merely l mutter of using a little Duhderlue. It Is easy and Inexpensive to have ilce, soft huir and lots of it. Just get a 'mall bottle of Knowlton's Danderlno low?It costs but a few cents?all drug tores recommend It?apply n little as llrected and within ten minutes there rill be an appearance of ubundunce, reshness, flu Illness aud an incompn ratio gloss an?l lustre, and try as you rill you cannot find a truce of dandruff tr falling hair; but your real surprise rill be after about two weeks' use, then you will see new hair?fine and lowny at first?yes?but really new inlr?sprouting out all over your scalp -Dauderlne Is, we believe, the only ure hair grower, destroyer of danIruff and cure for Itchy sculp, and it tevvr falls to stop fulling hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty and oft your lioir really Is, moisten a cloth rlth a little Danderlno and carefully Iraw it through your hair?taking one mall strand at a time. Your hair will e soft, glossy and beautiful in just , few moments?a delightful surprise waits everyone who tries this. Adv. Getting Ready. "Has you made all arrangements fo' our marriage, Mundy?" "Well, not quite all, Dinah. I'se got n buy a trooso, an'rout a house, an' et mnli husband a job, an' buy liim a ood suit o' close an' get some reg'lar 'nshlii' work to do. An' when them's one ah kin name the happy day."? 'eople's Home Journal. (VHY WOMEN DREAD OLD AGE Don't worry about old age. Don't worry bout being in other people'* way when ou are getting on iu years. Keep your ody in good condition aud vou can l>e us ale and hearty in your old days as you rere when a kid, and every one will be lad to see you. The kidneys and bladJer are the causes f senile afflictions. Keep them clean and a proper working condition. Drive the oisonous wastes' from the system and void uric acid accumulations. Take GOLD 1EDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules periodical/ and vou will tind that the system will lwavs be in perfect working order. Your pirits will be enlivened, your muscles nada strong and your face have once aore the look of youth and health. New life, fresh strength and health will omc as you continue this treatment. When our first vigor has been restored continue or awhile taking a capsule or two each lay. Tliey will keep you in condition and irevent a return of your troubles. There is only one guaranteed brand of laarlera Oil Capsules, GOLD MEDAL, 'here are many takes on the market. Be ure you get the Original GOLD MEDAL in ported Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are he only reliable. For sale by all first-class iruggists.?Adv. Proper Aloofness. "If you're not afraid of germs, why lo you wear a face shield V" "To make them keep J heir distance. L'he fact that I'm not ufrald of them ? no reason for my desiring to make heir intimate acquaintance." Influenza Is Spreading Notice to Retail Druggist, While the demand for Vapomentha Salve has been enormous, we have a arge stock of raw materials on hand ind can supply any reasonable demand iromptly. In order to get quick and more equal llstrlbution while the epidemic of Inluenza and LuQrlppe is raging, we are >acking a lot of 4 dozen cases which 1 ve can deliver to the retailer by Parel Post. Send your check or^Money | )rder with your order, or have your Irdor O. K.'d by your Jobber, as we annnt open so many accounts at this line for these small amounts. If you will advise your customers o use a little RrnmcV Vapomentha 1 Salve up enen nos^rt. flight and morn- i ng, we believe it will prevent Influ- 1 nza as welt as Coin* and LaGrlppe, s It Is a strong prophylactic and germ* :lde and will open up the head and air sssages. BRA ME MEDICINE COMPANY, North WUkesboro, N. C.?Adv. ' Re sure you have the proper bait ' ben you fish for compliments. 1 ^ ? _ _ A WMMHK, CkiRthfi H Cfclll^ Rcfreshlif w4 list ; M Let ins?Murine for Red- 1 . ness, Soreness, Grsnula- ' tion.Itchingand Burning i ^ of the Eyes or Eyelids; i IDicpr* After the Mrrhe, kletoriac or Get! tit wis your confidence. Art Year Drum* iv Murine when roar Kyee Need Cere. !-? i (nrlae Eye Ktmedy Co., Chlcecs GAMP COMMUNITY SERVICE A Splendid Organisation of Five Hun Sited .Wom?n in Spartanburg |S<"L Ready fy Any Sorvlco. The women's .auxiliary to the War Camp Community 8 err ice In Spartanburg fa an organisation of 500 women ready at all times to rentier servhs** ot any kind. It waa through the woman's auxiliary that Mrs. Robert Cleveland worked so effectively for the Fourth Liberty Loan. It has taken a very definite Btand iu the social life of the soldiers at Camp Wadsworth. The special concern of the women is to bring about a wholesome and attractive relation between the men in uniform and the best social element In Spartanburg.. A delivhtfnl nftplal w ? ? Hiiuucyuotc U?S boon aicliiu?eu. uuiiic hospitality is being universally expressed and feminine sympathy has developed a system of hospital visitation that is a profound influence on the morale of the men at the base hospital. Army women receive special consideration at their hpnds upon arrival and are affiliated with citizens of their own type and kind. The auxiliary as an organization or individually stands ready at all times to heip in all campaigns and will be of invaluable assistance in the united drive for funds. Criticise Prayer Signal. Greenville.?Greenville's one minute of absolute darkness throughout the city every night at 9 o'clock as a signal for prayer for the success of the allied armies has been criticised recently In the public prints by several citizens who. while appreciating and praising the spirit of the plan, believe that the turning out of the lights is fraught with possibilities of danger that would be avoided if some other prayer signal?the ringing of a beil.' for instance?were adopted. One well known physician in an nrticle to a local newspaper, cited a recent surgical operation of a serious nature, the i>iu if mi ueing an is mouths oht boy. At a critical moment during the operation, the lights went off. The 60 seconds were anxious ones and the long wait during which practically nothing could be done for the little nullum was the source of intense anguish to the child'B father who was pesent. Others, discussing the situation in a public way, have expressed somewhat similar views aud it is possible that the matter of changing the foim of i prayer sigual will be taken up officially. Autos Are Stranded. Camden.?About 100 automobiles wore stranded In Camden for nearlv a week, being unable lp cross the -^Va- ; i teree river near here. The last time | cars went ucross the cable operating i the ferry broke, causing the boat load- | ed with a number of cars, to go down ; 1 stream. Fortunately the cars were all I got back safely and the ferry was dis- 1 continued. On the west side of the i river many cars were parked at the i homes around Lugoff. Most of the ' automobiles are owned by tourists en route to points In Florida for the winter season. An appeal has been made to the Seaboard railway to transfer the cars over In flat cars, but owing to the inability to get the flat cars nothing has been done. Wolfe Names Clerks. Anderson.?Sam M. Wolfe, who will be elected attorney general of South Carolina next Tuesday, made known ' his appointments for the engrossing department of the generc.l assembly j for the next session of the general sbsembly. Mr. Wolfe stated that the re tiring attorney general wouia nave tne privilege of appointing half of the clerks. Xlr. Wolfe's appointment* are as follows: John J. McM&han, chief clerk; Miss Mattie Lou McCant t of Anderson, secretary, and the following clerks: Misses Eklna McCurry of Florence. Marie Arant of Orangebeurg, Ada LaBorde of Columbia, Virginia Simklns of Edgefield. Ruth Bagwell of Laurens, Helea Cannon of Florence and C. M. Rillingsworth of Abbeville. The name of the appointee for assistant attorney general has not been given out. although Mr. Wolfe states that he has been tentatively seelcted. Conway Man Colonel. Conway.?Word has been received here of the promotion to rank of colonel of Jamee Saye Dusenbury of Conway. Colonel Dusenbury was a member of the class of 1901 of the University of South Carolina. He reecived an appointment to West Point Uv his senior year and at the outbreak of the war he was stationed at Fort Orant, Panama, with the rank of major. in ?any a year ago lie saneu tor trance and was made lieutenant colonel shortly after his arrival. His promotion to colonel followed. Dies in France. , Camden.?A message was received In Camden from the war department announcing the death in France of Private Henry T. Bown of this city, his death having occurred on October 5 from pneumonia. He left here a few months ago and was with the Held artillery. For a number of years he was employed in Camden as a salesman and at the time of his entrance into the service was agent for the Standard Oil Company. As a mark of respect to tho youug man the several church bells of the city were tolled. Approve Year's Work. Orangeburg.?An important meeting of the members of the board of trustees of the State Colored College was held In Orangeburg. The members of I he board present were: Gov. Richard I. Manning, I)r. G. B. White of t hester. Col. Claude R. Sawyer of Aiken. K. D. Hodge of Alcolu. Dr. William R. I/Owiuan and A. L. Dukes of Orangeburg. The annual report to [he legisia'ure was read at this meeting and approved. Matters pertaining to the welfare of the college were dlsrussed. Governor Manning presided. " J? ?????? ? WRK % . ( ^^TT fl |*;fl I L.^k Br I^H ^tfrTT ? We w ww Nothing else really i Meant The Flat His Line of Talk. "Wlin t have you to say about peace?" "Mister, I'm not talking peace; I'm talking victory." Cuticura Heals Eczema And rashes that itch and burn. If there Is a tendency to pimples, etc., prevent their return by making Cuticura your dally toilet preparation. For free samples address, "Cuticura. Dept JC, Boston." At drusclsts and bv mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. About two-thirds of the people who attend church can't tell nn bout* later what the minister talked about. GUARANTEED TO INSTANTLY RELIEVE ASTHMA OR MONEY REFUNDED ? ASK ANY ORUGGIST Acid-Stoms Millions 0 Their What la It that robs so many people of tlielr vitality, youth and good looks DiikM them all In and decrepit, years before their time} Some nay It's rheumatism that la ailing them. Others complain of chronic stomach or liver trouble. Others urv bilious. Life U a burden to uultltudaa of dyspeptics. Severe headache. extreme nervousness, insomnia, mental depression, melancholia, anemia, dlaslnces. vertigo, heart and chest pains, constipation, etc., claim other multitudes. Sometimes these people are downright alck. More frequently they are just weak, sickly and uodt. not knowing exactly what Is the matter with tbera. Nearly always they resort to medlelnea of one kind or another In the hope of getting hack their health and strength. And nearly always they are disappointed. because medicines don't build strength unless they set tho stomach free from * acidity, allowing It to take full strength out of the food eaten. What Is It that causes teeth to decay? ftentists say?acid month?thut the arid formed by the fermentation of small particles of food lodged In the teeth Is powerful enough to eat right through the hard enamel. An acid-stomach presents a similar condition. Kiress acid retards digestion. Food In thw stomueh sonrs and ferments, causing pain. (i?*es affect the heart action. The Inte-dlues become the breeding place for coiin'less millions of dendly germs or lotle poisons. These poisons aie can led by the blood tWMEBSK y\r (pnuLTic WHAT GONSTII It means a miserable condition of III h? aliment* such as headache, backache, of varloue klnde, piles and numerous < crime against nature. Takp DR. TUT' and bowels resume their health*glvlni Dr. Tuffs 1 I contains coma as roa worms. joltmur r ..MTS. mm VOMICA, A TONIC AM) fURl BAM NO DOSING. ASK TOUR DCAU '* ? T$i " %^f - " I I #rs / ^V*. A i Mfivr*^^ I i this war? natters until we do! gpgarc^Jllll^ BJEMftlfni iljfegfcV. vhile : >or Lasts "Beaver Board" Use "BEAVER BOARD" for your walls and ceilings. It is air* tight and wind-proof. Any carpenter or workman can put it on. It produces far more tasteful effects ?k.n -1-? J : hmh iiiosici ?nu ? mure economical* STRATTON & BRAGG CO. Petersburg Virginia "Beaver Board" Distributors. WANTED First class book and job compositor, also two thirder. Good opportunity tor advancement. Permanent position bi^it hours work. Write or wire, OBSERVER PRINTING HOUSE, lac. CHARLOTTE. N. C. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE. NO. 46-191?. ich Makes lid Before Time Into every part of the aystem. Tba famous *01.11(1.1, MetchnlkKT, said ? If ths system could be kept free front thass toxic germs, people might easily lire a hundred year a or inure. The only safe thins to do 1* to rid ths Stomach or Its excess acid at once. A way baa been found In the wonderful preparation, called KATON'IC?s cornpressed couipoiiud that absorbs the excess acid and carries It away through the bowels. Thousands upon thousands tuw know of RATONIC and Its aniaxlng power to clean out the excess acid and lease the stomach sweet, cool and strong -giving It a cbanco to properly digest food so that you get full strength of what you cat and In this way hslp Nature build tip vigorous health, strength and vitality to take the place In a few daya, of skkacas, lassitude, weakness. KATONIC Is worth your trial. Its possibilities for restoring health, vigor, energy and vitality are beyond telling jToii In were words?you omul "Just try RATOKIO Is absolutely guaranteed, so get a big 00c box from your druggist. If it does not help you your money will I Ml refunded.^ If your druggist does not keep r. a i or* iisend yuiir name and addren to the Kntonlc Kemt-dy Company. 1018 B. Vabaah Ave., Chit-ago, 111., nod they will at ooco moil you a 80e box and jron can send them the money tor It after yuu r?Celve It. _ Q SOLD FOR SO YEAKS TrWr^ For MALARIA, wuinlg ?g&sA,*? ^,nl Cwngral H/U\lii\^d Strengthening Tonic. SXD ST ALL NOG STORESration means islth that leads to all sorts of special I dyspepsia, dizziness, Indigestion, pains I >ther disorder*?CONSTIPATION It a PS LIVER PILLS and have your liver 1 natural function*. At all druogltts. Liver Pills !f STOC^^^l v '#1/LIKEIT I MICK IK fCCO ftOX I oa thc blood. lALTrCTta roa tml kid v salt. uscd by vcttmnasians ii tsars, La roa blackman-s oa want B COMPANY Chatianooga.Ttnnl