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[ ?j<v * "** ** ?**%> -4 ======?===s=?=== HOW TO USE VIC) TREATING ST V : Tb? Influenza Celine Attack ages. When VapoRub Chest, the Medicated \ Open the Air Passages MemlmBS in Throw Of 1 In Addition, VapoRub is Absorbed Through and Stimulates the Skin, Attracting the Blood to the Surface and Thus Aids in Reducing the Congestion Within. CALL A PHYSICIAN ? GO TO BED ? STAY QUIET ? DONT WORRY rs?r, la X, Oerailra tor Paale?laflaI tar If Haa a Very Un Pcrcrat 90 ot Fatalities. Nat Over Oae Death Oat af Every Fear Haidret Caaea terardlag to the N. C. Board t Health. The Chief Daafer I.lee la Complleatloaa Arlalac. Attachlaa Principally- Patleata la a Hna-Dowa Coadltloa?Thoee Who Doa't Go to Bed Sooa Baoaghi or Those Who Get Vp Tea Early. 8pant*h Influenza, which appeared In Spain In May, haa all the appearance of rrlp or la grippe. which hue swept over the world In numerous epidemics as far fc-ek as h'rtory Hippocrates refers to an epidemic In 412 B. C. which Is regarded by many to have Been Influenza. Every century has had Its attacks. Beginning with 1831, this country has had Ave epidemics, the last In 1889-1890. THE SYMPTOMS. _ Grippe, or Influenza, as It Is now called, usually begins with a chill, followed by aching, feverlshncsa and ometlmea nausea and dlxmlness, and a general feeling of weakness and depression. The temperature Is from 100 ho 104. and the fever usuully lasts from three to five days. The germs attack the mucous membrane, or lining of the air passages?nose, throat and bronchial tubes; there is usually a hard cough, especially bad at night, and frequently all the appearances of a severe head cold. THE TREATMENT. Go to. bed at the Aral symptoms, not only for your own sake, but to avoid spreading the disease to others?take a purgative, eat plenty of nourishing food, remain perfectly quiet and don't worry. Quinine, aspirin or Dover's Powder, etc., may be administered by the physician's directions to relieve the aching. But there is no cufe or j As long as a gown ?sv.T U?o small a | wouian can build herself up to tit it. { ?????? Why buy many bottles of otbar Vermifuges. when one bottle of Dr. Peery's "Daag hot'' will sot surely ang promptly 7 Age. A burden one chooses Is not felt. ?????^ I Spanish Influenza can be prevented easier than it can be cured. | At the first sign of a shiver or sneeze, take CASCARAb* QUININE V?v' Standard cold remedy for 20 years?tn tablet form?aafe, sure. no opiate*?break* up a cold In 24 hour*?relieve* grip In 3 day*. Money back if It fall*. The genuine box ha* a Red top with Mr. Hill'* picture. At All Drug Store*. DROPSY TOXTMEKT. atraa oatck r*it*r. u"ul " 8am iriuoro* swelling and *hort |f *llin?lb. Ktrtr beard of Ita eaoalfor dropsy. \ dgToll Trial trraUnant arnl rugg. by mat L. WrtUto dr. thomas e. green i Saab Mil. Mas M, ONATSWOKTM. SS. SAFE, GENTLE ! CLEANSES 1 Por centuries GOLD MEDAL Ilanrlent Oil has keen a standard household remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and stomach trouble, and all disease* connected with the urinary organs. The kidney* and bladder are the most important organs of the body. They are the tiltera, the purifiers of your blood. If the poisons which enter your system thrmigh the blood and stomach are not entirely thrown out by the kidneys and bladder, you are doomed. Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness. despondency, backache, stomach trouble, headache, pain in loins and lower abdomen, pall stones, gravel, difficulty when urinating, cloudy and bloody urine, rheumatism, sciatica and lumlmgo, nil warn you to look after your kidneys and bladder. All these indicate some weakness of the kidneys or other organs or that the enemy microbes which arc always present in your system hnve attacked your weak spots. (<OLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are what you need. They are not a "patent medicine," noi "new discovery." For 200 years they i Acid-Stom Millions' Mise Fof^yeara dentist* h?T* been telling 11* thai It'* arid mouth that nilua tha teeth, jet tbla acid that Is powerful enough to rat through the harder than rtiimel of the teeth and deeaj them, la taatrlasa. Ita presence ran he detected only bj chemical teat*. Vo client Ira I teat la needed to tell you that jiMi have acM stomach. Indigestion, belching, heartburn. ?>ur at'onacb. food repeating, that miserable puffed up feeling after eating. Intestinal Mtua, headaches. etc. These are all Nature's warning to joii. They are sure elgna of euprracldlty. Add stomach prereate proper digestion and aaalmllatlon, thus causing the Mood to become thin and Impoverished as a result of which people become eeljov^eklnned, emaciated, sick and bid I Acid stomach causes stomach and InI teal Ins I fermentation, producing poisons I and logins which, absorbed Into the blond I and carried throughout the eyatem. cause I auto intoxication, insomnia, nervvumirss, I Irritability, mental depression, melanI eliolla. dlrrtneea, rarttgu and oftentimes,? I ralvular heart trouble and heart failure. Arid-stomach causes irritation all I along the lutaatlnal tract?Irritation so ' severe and aggravating as to frequently I EH- 4 result in calami and evon cancer of the atooincti. B What chance, then, has anyone f?r robust health, happt teas or success If I'S VAPOSUB IN UNISH INFLUENZA Ike lining of the Air Pu> b Applied Orcr Throat and apora Looaen the Phlegm, and Stimulate the Mucoua die Germs. ipectflo (or influenza?tho dimM muit ud Its course. Nature herself will hrow off the attack If onlr you keep ip your strength. The chief danger lea In the complications which may irlse. Influenza so weakens the bodily -esistance that there Is danger of pncunonla or bronchitis developing and tometlmes Inflammation of the middle tar. or heart affections. For these -easons, it is very Important that the patient remain In bed until his itrength returns?stay in bed at least .wo days or more after the fever has eft you. or If you are over CO or not itrong. stay In bed four days or more, according to the severity of the attack. EXTERNAI. APPLICATIONS. In order to stimulate the lining of I the air passages to throw off the i rrippe germs, to aid in loosening the phlegm and keeping the air passages >pen. thus making the breathing easer. Vlck's VapoRub will be found effective. Hot. wet towels should be applied over the throat, chest and back between the shoulder blades to open the pores. Then Vick's should be rubbeu In over the parts until the skin : Is red. spread on thickly and cover with two thicknesses of hot flannel ' :lotha. Leave the clothing loose ! tround the neck, as the heat of the i body liberates the Ingredients in the form of vapors. These vapors. In- i haled with each breath, carry the med- \ Icatlon directly to the parts affected. At the same time. VapoRub is absorbed through and stimulates the skin attracting the blood to the surface and thus aids in relieving the congestion within. HOW TO AVOID THB DISEASE. Evidence seems to prove that this Is a germ disease, spread principally by human contact, chiefly through coughing, sneezing or spitting. 80 avoid persons having colds ? which means avoiding crowds ? common drinking cups, roller towels, etc. Keep up your bodily strength by plenty of nxrrcise in ine open air ana good loou. Above all keep free from colds, aa colds Irritate the Untng of the air passages and render them much better breeding places for the germs. Use Vlck's VapoRub at the very first sign of a cold. For a head cold, melt a little In a spoon and Inhale the vapors, or better still, use VapoRub In a bensoln steam kettle. If this Is not available, use an ordinary tea-kettle. Fill half-full of boiling water, put In half a teaspoon of VapoRub from time to time?keep the kettle Just slowly boiling?inhale the steam arising. Vlck's VapoRub can be had In thres dimes?30c, 60c, $1.20?at all druggists. The Reason. "A Jnll-breaking plot was frustrated the other day when one of the keopits found a smuggled file whloli one of the conspirators had forgotten to tilde." "Now I call that a case of downright criminal carelessness." A SOFT, VELVETY SKIN diould be the ambition of every wornin as there Is nothing so attractive is a fair, smooth skin. Neither soaps aor powders can give tills. Thousands of southern women know from rxpeHence that Tetterlne will quickly rid the skin of Its disfiguring pimples liul blotches and give It that bright dear appearance so much admired. Tetterlne Is sold by druggists or sent ay mall for 50c. by Shuptriue Co., Savannah, On.?Adv. The last turn of the worm is apt to >e on the angler*. A torpid llvsr condition prevent* proper rood assimilation. Tone up your liver with Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. They sot gently and surely. Adv. Tin* l?ent thing psing Is an unwelcome guest. _ t IEMEDY I rOUR KIDNEYS lave Wen a standard household remedy. ' I'hey arc the pure, original imported llnarein Oil your great grand mot her used, und ire perfectly harmless. The healing, sooth- 1 ng oil soaks into the cells and lining of he kidneys and through the bladder, driv- | ng out the poisonous germs. New life, , "resh strength and health will come as >ou *>ntinue the treatment. When complete- ' y restored to your usual vigor, continue aking a dhpsule or two each day; they will teep you in condition and prevent a reurn of the disease. I)o not delay a minute. Delays are e?yccially dangerous in kidney and bladder rouble. All druggists sell COLD MK1)AL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They will refund he money if not as represented. (101.1) HKDAIj Haarlem Oil Capsules are iin- ; >orted direct from the laboratories in llol and. They are prepared in correct qiinn- I ity and convenient form, are easy to take ind are positively guaranteed to give 1 irompt relief. In three sizes, sealed pack- 1 iges. Ask for the original imported HOLD MEDAL. Accept no substitutes.? \dv. I j ich Makes Weak and rable tble ifld stomach la allowed to taar d.-wn and una up day altar day your aircugth ?b?l vitality faatrr than you can yet It ' out of food you aat. I.lfe la Indeed dark and dreary for a person with actd-stora eh. Ton crave health, strength. the power and will to tklwk and act?don't you? You want to feel full of pap and energy, flna and flt, alwaya eager for work or plaaaure. Then you aaaiat rid your atomach of lia eiceaa acid. You can start doing It right now. A wonderful modern medicine has made It possible to literally wlp? out the eiceaa arid. Thla remedy Is called KATONIC. It la made In pleasant tasting tablets and you take them Just like a bit of candy. And. my. now good KATONIC makra you feel! It banishes acid-stomach tnl* rgjea like uiaglrI Makes the stomach-cool, sweet and strong. Help* you to get full strength twit of your food so that. In turn, your body and brain ere rigorous, alert and keen. KATONIC la absolutely guaranteed, at fet a big OOr box from your druggist. If I flora l>ot help you your money will be refunded If your drugglat does not keep KATONIC. tend your name and address to the Katonlc Ileme-ly Company. 101S 8. Wabash Are., Chicago. III., and they will at once mall you a Ihv lx>x sn>l you c?n send them the money for It after you receive It. '"' V ' ? J! * '+> k CHILI NESN'T UKIMUPUY IF CONSnPATEB LOOK, MOTH Kill , 10 TONOUB COATED, BREATH FEVERISH AND STOMACH SOUfiT 'CALIFORNIA SYRUF OF FIOM* CANT HARM TENDER STOM. - ACH, LIVER, BOWELS. A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children simply will not take the time from piuy to empty their bowels, which become clogged tip with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sour. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, or your child is listless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't.j eat heartily, full of cold or has sore i throat or any other children's allrn I?n t vivo a < ' "O..II ' ?,*v M v* I?c-J/??WI?1UI "l I fornia Syrup of Figs," then don't Worry, because It Is perfectly harmless, and in a few hours all this constipation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, play- | ful child again. A thorough "inside ( cleansing" is oftlines all that Is neces- . snry. It should be the first treatment given in any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which iius full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and see that it Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company."?Adv. Conservative Opinion. "Votes light sometimes, don't they?" . "Can't say n?- to that, but I have seen a ballot box." Don't Worry About Pimple*. On rising and retiring gently stnenr the face with Cut intra Ointment. Wash ! olT the Ointment la five minutes with Cutlcurn Soap and hot water. For ' free samples address, "Cuticura, Dept. X, Boston." At druggists and by mail. Soap 2fi, Ointment 25 and GO.?Adv. Rather Vaaue. "1 understood our neighbor linn got h ul wMtinvushlnp.'* "Fences or ebonM-tors?" ! WOMAN'S NERVES MADE STRONG ______ | By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. | Winona, Minn. ? "I suffered for mora than a year from nervousness, and was ___________ so bad I could not i rest at night? would lie awake and ' get so nervoua I I would have to get up and walk around and in the morning > would be all tireo out. I read about i Lydia E. Pinkham'a j Vegetable Com- ' yound ^and thought | nervousness soon , left me. I sleep well snd feel fine in the morning and : able to do my work. I gladly recom- ! mend Lydia E. Pirkham's Vegetable ComjKuind to make weak nerves strong."?Mrs. Albert Sultze, 603 Olmstead St. "Winona, Minn. llow often ao we hear the expression among women, "I am so nervous, 1 can* j not sleep," cr "it seems as though I . should fly." Such women should profit by Mrs. Sultze's experience and give this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a trial. j For forty years it baa been overcoming such serious conditions as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, periodic paino, backache, dizziness, and nervous prostration of women, and is now considered the stan- 1 dard remedy for such ailments. MONEY BACK pBH without question If llunt'a Reive Be J fail! In the troaiincnt of Hczenia, B Toiler. Ringworm. lt<-h. rto. l>ou't 11 I t.r?;n>? dikuLDtMl ln'Oii'># other T I treatment* IIdui'i Snlra M I baa rellarett hundred* of rurbi-awa. Von ean't loaa on our Mot,rp H*ek Unarm'ft. Try It at onr risk | TOI'AY PrW-a 71c. at drug atorea. M I A. 11. Hleharda Co.. Hhortnan, Texas BE PREPARED 10 COMBAT THE j Influenza Germ ?by putting a little (frame's Vapomentha Salve up your nostrils each morning before going ; out end each night i before retiring. Price 25c. 50c and $1.00 For sale by ail dealers or direct ! upon receipt of price. 1 BBAME MEDICINE CO.. Ne. \*ilkrsborY N. C. I Baby Colds require treatment with a remedy that contain* no opiates. ITao'z ia mild but effective; plaaaac t to take. Aak your drugs iat for PISO'S " r,' ' v" '"* " TIRED, DRA66V i JWJIMin Texas Lady Thus Describes Condition She Was In. Then Tells How Cardul Relieved Her. West, Texas?Mrs. J. A. Hunter, of this place, recently mads the following statement: "I hare known of Cardul for years?when a girl, my mother gave It to roe to stop pains...and It certainly did me a great deal of good. After marriage I was In a run-down state of health and nervous, not at all like my usual much so that I had to go to bed. I began taking Cardul... soon I was strong, able to do my work, even my washing. T hl)V?? Itootl wnll nlitnn T ? ? ? I - - w ??? n v?i ouiw. . .III1U A 1 11 U rerwumend Cardul and gladly do so... Whenever 1 over-work and feel tired, druggy, worn-out, I take u few doses , of Cardul. It strengthens ine, gives | me an appetite, seems to strengthen ] my hack, and I soon feel like going to work again. I think all women should keep and use Curdul. It is splendid." If you are sufTering from any of j the symptoms Mrs. Hunter mentions, | try Cardul, the woman's tonic. In use for over -hi years, Cardul lias helped thousauds ot, women. Cardul Is composed of mild, medic- j Inul. vegetable iugredlents, aeknowl- ' edged by standard medh-al writers to j he of benefit In many fenmle dls- | i.rders. (let a bottle, today, at your drug- J gist's.?Adv. Safe Excursions. "There Is a deathless Joy in natural entity." "Oh. that's one result of#tlie tasless Sundays.** Suffered Terribly! "Every Step a Torture," Says Mrs. Whitenack?But Boan's Cured Her Mm. Florence Whitenack, Rl Anu- | atrong Ave., Jersey City. N. J.. mvi: "1 Buffered with rheumatism for six or seven yearn. My limbs an<l joints were bo stitl ami swollen. I eould walk only with difficulty and the pains in my hips were so severe, I tould hardly boar them. l;.t -ry step 1 took was to: turc. My feet and ff Jj*! limbs were swollen and so MFvf sore, 1 could hardly larnr t jW ( my weight on them. l)ur- '\~^r A iug the night I would lie awake lor hours and b-?come so nervous, 1 would . 1 have to get up. Dizziness WkiUaaek came over me suddenly and mv sight i blurred. I was never free from the miserable K'icknches and rheumatic pains. I used different remedies, luit 1 didn't get any liet'er. Then 1 comnienccd to u-e Doan's Kidney l'ills. The swellings began to leave right away nnd 1 continued to use them. The pains and iiclicfTleft my back and hips nnd I am cured of the rheumatism and ull -aigns of kidney trouble." Stcorn to before R0I1ERT KING ST.IDKT., Notary Public. Get Dou'i at Aay Store, 60c at Box DOAN'S "pTJIV I FOSTER-M1LBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. I 1 large | LBottle of l gp YAGER'S 1-^ LINIMENT A I contains twice as Ay t&r-r- much as the usual if ttri-r:. 50 cent bottle of liniment and lasts i the average family for months. It quickly alleviates pain caused from rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, sprains, etc. Sold bv all dealers. Price 35c. BrlMn^^P^^pWPT|~''j4 B HP5, I k; I I k A I wl k/ Bj Ha HjHwjM i .nflO ^ i OILRKKT BKOfl.* CO., Riltlmorn,B14. n DilT A "111? OLD I 1 "v RELIABLE" KII.I.-TIIK-RAT, it only oo?t? yon 2.V to Kil.l.-TllK-KAT, uud your loHMca from whut the IIAT destroy, !n canrmoua, each i KAT on your cost, yoli $10 yearly to feed liliu. Why atuiid for tlds wlieu yon can tni'lime 2.V iu money, utr.mpti, or thrift Btniup, nint K IX.L-TIIE-KAT, au4 suvo fond, property and money. Tlio reason for the 1.irse demand la thnt rhirkriia and Itut, play around l? 11 ?I 11 njt-*. Hid O-IIAT-O In a non-pel,oiiona mineral. Therefore you ure safe in baltlua for liuit. whore you have Chicken*. Mold l.y Inn it only POSTPAID. Uun't wait, order today. THE O-RAT-O CO. ATLANTA I:iob/:T? ijl will reduce Inflamed, swollen Joints, Sprains. Bruises, Soft < ? H & Bunches; Heals Boils, Poll V? a B,-\ Evil,Quitter, Fistula and vitf v \ infected sores quickly 17 ^ as it is a positive antiseptic W ylgr^yX and germicide. Pleasant *o HI jfjv? A ski diHi not blister si } A ?h< hair, led rsacsn work Ute bona. JTH / tJ.SU per bonk. delivered. "* i."*1 Boob 7 H free. ABSORBINE, JR..the iMtiqnc Italant for manklal reduce* Painful. Swollea Von*. Went. Strata* SraUeti moss polo sad ladaataistioa. Mot Sl.tS per tool* ? dealers or dellrored. Will tril poo smk 11 pou wrfca. UUrtl Trial Sortie for lk la Sui^k *. F. YOUNC. P. 0. F-ltOTraplstt .Sprlngflsld, Mass wnu Bald so Young | ?Rub Dandruff and Itching with Cuticura Ointment Shsaipaa With Csticara Soap HW? ? ? T%'?? ?, mtk. THfe WAR in WON Sow piepure for the ^ii?d time* pence will t>rtii?r Pont youisril about lv? sns, FIrs, Souiipernona Un<ucii, Japan lvralivnion*. Plums. Ccartirs, Mulberries, < irnamcntnl Tre?a Ulirub* and Ftna?a. our Nursery c h'hI?k and flvo new Southern Bar vice Bulletins contain more Infori ,c tlon for planters thun ever publish*-.I by any nurrery. No Inflated j.rl. en Adiln-rs C M. Criflmf k Co . Narser* RM(.. Maretraa*. Florida fiap^ For Eighteen Years 1 She Hat FeiS the Sum Hefciie Ceei The Stery la Her Own Wenb. The experience of Mrs. Dftvtd Horn { of Route No. I. Irwin ton, Wilkinson i Co., Ga.. Is not exceptional, l'enina | has been an accepted standard household, ready to take remedy, for fortyfive years. Mrs. Horn writes under date of Juiy i 80, 11)18:?"I have been using your medicine for eighteen years. I think It < one of the best tonics I ever used. I owe my me to mo use or it. l recommend It to all sick people, l'eruna 1 cured me of stomach trouble." 1 For coughs, colds, effects of the grip J ml iuliueitr^t. catarrh and catarrhal 1 conditions of every description, Pernna Is recommended. Thousands have t been helped or are able to attribute a i full and complete recovery from some j terrible a miction to l'eruna. Try l'eruna first. j In tablet or liquid form. Sold every- ] where. TURNING FURS fairness in fur buying Our price-iitt it hit. I, . \ i cd entirely on "Ulr ?: i, vl , play." which begin* by ' iihS't teiallna ihlpper* price ftl i 3W\, hiu that quote all thai a, 4R ".t l'-.j. ' v vfr" . ^. canhenaldonatquare, fct 'i si ? J ? . honest assortment? , ' L : , V ' the full amount due. 1 A,; f cndyo.rn?mea?I r luFTMIS. 1 <wniiw^*n . UM | Get the GenuineZrf^R^^fr\l and Avoid^^CS^^m^vJIJ c ? n d m y |T*Every Cake Fall Cabbage Plants | Early Jersey and Charleston Wakcfleld, 8uccest-ion and Flat Duioh. lly express, 600, (1.85: 1.000, (2.00; 5,000 at (1.75; 10,000 up at *t ul?, f. o. b. here. Parcel pint, prepaid, 100, 85c; 1.000, (2.50. Wholesale and retail. j D. F. JAMISON, Suramerville. S. C. \Jv (^0LILT@ e Uli far 50 Tret FOR HALARIA, CHILLS AND FETED. Alt* a Tim* Court! SUra/tWalafi Tmlc. At All Drag Slat a. Feminine Foibles. "Knrli has cunvi'detl the other to Ik* beautiful." "Thru tliry should get along well t??gether." "No. I'm afraid tlie.v will soon quarrel. In a ease of that kind there are usually mental reservations." ? Itir- i niiiighaui Age-Herald. STOMACH UPSET? PAPE'S DIAPEPSIM. AT ONCE ENDS SOURNESS, GAS, ACIDITY, INDIGESTION. When meals upset you and you lieloli gas, nelds and undigested food. When you have lumps of Indigestion paain or any distress In stomaeh you can get relief instantly?No waiting! A? soon as you ent a tablet of Pape's Dlapepsin all the indigestion pnin stops. Gases, acidity, heartburn, flatulence and dyspepsia vanish. Pape's Dlapepsin tablets cost very little at ! drug stores. Adv. His Idea of Bliss. Hobby- 1 wish 1 belonged to a club, mother. Mother?Why. dear? ltobby?Hecause father is so Jolly when lie comes home from it and you let him go to bed without taking off his shoes. "Cold In the Head" la an acute nttack of Wasnl Catarrh. Persons who nre subject to frequent "colds In the hoad" will find that the use of H AI.,1,/8 CATARRH MEDICINE will butld up the Pvsiem, cleanse the Rlood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak n Internally and acta through the Blood on the Mucous Surfacea of the System. All Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. IIOA.OO for any case of catarrh thst ' HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not curs. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio. After it mini's goodnesa reaches a lev .aaal.t* ho ho?lwn ??h? ? ' ??? ' vvi wiiii |"'iui 11c urtjiiin iu dine u unj off ocea*innti1ly. When Baby to Teethlna OROTBH BABY HOWMI. MBDICINM will eorreot ee Buiuiaeb and Bowel tmoblM. firlMtlr ham- I M. Bee direction* on tbe botlla. fvi.ts ??f gratitude tiro tiNunlly cnm- | promised ?t 10 rents on the ilollnr. Granulated Eyelids, tl II B f Eyes inflamed by exposure to Sea, Dvst and Wlai HZT m r rfy quickly relieved by Marine I V f yeBftfdy. No Smarting, juat Eyo Comfort. At If our Druggists or by mail 60c per Bottle. For Back at Ike Eye free write a is Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Trust Me! Try Dod Calomel Harms Head my guarantee! Li1 and get straightened u] ing calomel. Donl There's no reason why a person ihuuld take sickening, salivating calonel when a few cents buys a large >Ottl(% fif TTntlcnn'n T.Ivaw feet substitute for calouiel. It Is a pleasant, vegetable liquid vhlch will start your liver Just as surely as calomel, but it doesn't make rou sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks cun take Dodson's Liver Tone, because It Is perfectly harmless. Calomel Is a dangerous drug. It Is Carter's Litl You Cannot be Constipated and Happy Small PIU I Small Don Small Pric* gT jj^lS A BSENCE of Iron In the M Blood la the reason for I J many colorless faces but The average man likes to head a mbllc parade of Ids own good works. Imoortant to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOItIA, that famous old remedy Tor Infants and children, and see that It in Use for OverbU YeSrs!^^^^ Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria There are more fugitives from iujusIcc than from justice. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic satores vitality and enemy by purifying and enlotting the blood. Yon can soon feel Its Strengthinlng, Invigorating Kfleet. Price 80c. Forgive others often, yourself never. GUARANTEED TO INSTANTLY RELIEVE ASTHMA OR MONEY REFUNDED ASK ANY DRUGGIST l,H | No M : in R II n at Ioume tnings that they have again and again are obvious, pec for mysteries be So it is with 1 iness. The me & Company < Because their i not geared up 1 lieve there mus somewhere?soi Swift & Compai other manufacture human beings like raw material on th< out a finished prod Swift & Compai "spread," or the e> tween raw and fin low a figure as po it would be put others who do.) How much Swil for the raw mater it gets for the finisl upon conditions Company does not I It depends entir< people want the fi how much raw mg able to make it fro The profits of amount to less that on alt meats and by I one-fourth of a cer | Swift & Con - v. _ > ^ v Ison's Liver Tone! > Liver and Bowels Ton YfAIIlt lltTAlW AMil rvu J VIU UfCi OlIU uuwcn } without taking sickenK lose a day's work! mercury and attacks your bones. Take n dose of nasty calomel today and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more biliousness, constipation, sluggishness, headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don't And Dodson's Liver Tone acts better than horrible calomel your inouey Is waiting for you.?Adv. He liver Pills hw A Remedy That =|> Makes Life W Worth Living pi II Genuine bear* signature ggJ. A DTTD'C IDAM Oil I O rtl\ A Lj1\ U 11W/11 A 1L<LiJ I will greatly help most pale-faced people 1 "Beaver Board" Use "BEAVER BOARD" for your walls and ceilings. It is airtight and wind-proof. Any carpenter or workman can put it on. It produces far more tasteful effects than plaster and is more economical. STRATTON & BRAGG CO. Petersburg Virgin!* "B?aver Board" Distributors. Cotton Seed FOUR BALES PER ACRE TbS record of Vandlver'a Heavy Fruiter Cotton Forty bolls make pound Fort j .lx t>?r cent llni< It* j Inch staple. No boll weevils. Fro? from alI dlsruino. Koolftl drouth* and winds. Barllest his boll. Tha j cotton that boats the boll wcovil. All seed ginned and culled on oar private warblnery. Wa originated tbla wonderful cotton. Write for facta anil ?>roofs from your own stale. Special price oa mat or early delivery. | VANDIVER SEED CO.. Lavonia. Da. i W. N. U.i CHARLOTTE. NO. 45--191*. I ^ ystery leat II are so simple 1 to be explained || I l. When things | I iple keep looking I hind them. j the packing bus- I ire size of Swift !! confuses many. j | imaginations are j :o scale, they be- [: it be magic in it i me weird power. i ny is just like any j | ng business run by |] I yourself; it take, in i 3 one hand and turns j uct on the other. j! nv Uppnc Hrmrn tlin 1 :pense absorbed be- ;j ished material, to as j| ssible. (If it didn't ! out of business by [j |U *t & Company pays !;! ial, and how much ;j led product, depends !|1 \ which Swift 8c |i control. 1| ely upon how much j ii| mished product, and j|j| ueriai mere is avaum. | HI Swift & Company i one cent per pound j -products?less than it on beef. ) Your Pledge ; 8 ce Good for Our U Fighting Men [ jl WAR - SAVINGS B STAMPS IB ipany,U.S.A. II