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\ ' - , t ' 1 PERU THE BEST MET FOR COUGHS AN! | Miss Ivy Gray, Fairview, Kcitadj, writes: 1 har* taken Perunt, and ould wr that U Is the best awdlclnt for coughs and colda I w saw. I dad that It always wa a sold la a short while. It also strrnrthens and builds up the system." Sold Everywhere Discouraged Frenchman. * H Frenchman complained that ho had difficulty In IcnrnliiK Kngllsli. He said that lifter lie hud I en ri km I to proseance "typhoid fever" n doctor proessLir-ed It futal. Ijuvo may he blind, hut It knows sVs the ruk Ik too lifuh. TVere was never a time when the sacand the help of women were more ^Hireciatod than at the nrescnt time. It'Mcren should learn war-nursing and xurnug at home. Thero is no better vtv thau to study the new edition of the *(*ommon Scnw Medical Adviser"? with chapters on First Aid, Bandaging, ? Anatomy, Hygiene, care of the Sick, of Women, Mother and Babe, the Marriage Relations?to be had at some Arug-t>tores or send 50c. to Publisher. 654 Ysstungton Street, Buffalo, N. Y. If a woman suffers from weak back, w?-rvnwness or dizziness?if pains afflict Irr. the best tonic and corrective is one vtade up of native herbs and made without alcohol, which makes weak women strong and sick women well. It. Is the yeewrij>tion of Dr. Pierce, used by him an active practice many years anu now sold by almost every druggist in the 1and, in liquid or in tablets. Send Dr. l^erce, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c. for trial nkg. I>r. Ptcrce'a Pleasant Pellets are also ocst for liver and bowel trouble Srtuofoa, Va.?"I can Sckljr rveommctiJ l)r. ttrvi Favorite Pr<-.'itigieiiA to women who JPi/., "Vojvl Ikit reached middle lifo via< Mwarrvousand weakcu- JW ttT1 d condition and suffer Vy( * ?> -wah or at flashes and V C-A ./ ^waiecrw. I was very M t/ wee-hie at that ?t?f? y. -? / wd ?T We and had it not JV^. Me tar the 'Favorite j|5 Jrr?ui[Kum' t douht if S'I / A' 1 mould tie here today. i V. / health improved +, rntM f whdn taking tho -V f u battle so I kept on u i wtnr it until all the ' J ^ dzstenss-nc condilious had left me and I was safely 4ferw ike crisis. ?Mri. S. M. //.mey. 930 Anderson St. pf Do Thi No Com] If anyone thinks there i: the big packers he ought work with Swift & Com pa Let him begin at the comes in; let him try to steers quietly and at his o' body's bidding against hirr I Let him realize the scr plant that not one thing is that costs may be held to s Let him go up into t! reports are coming in,?an concerns are doing. Let him watch the dir< i a... :? vi aiwi 1ICC1, iiitiiiru vci 111|^ country like a fleet of battl Let him take a trip w salesman and try to sell a Let him stay at a br or two and see the retail bargains to the last penn ! among the packers' branc dealers, and the local pack And then, when the ds half an hour in the accou he can see for himself 01 business is done. (Less tl of sales.) If he still thinks there meat business it will be bee Swift & Comp ?? ? NAM )ICINE Bk^l D COLDS J "TEverlH^l Saw EH8^S Mian Gray'* letter breathes hope to the alllngr. It Is an Inspiration to the sick and inflrm. Ll?eli or Tablet Ferae When the Bore Called. "This Is my busy day," "Time Ik money" and various other appropriate mottoes wore hung about the walls of his otilee. Hut the Inevitable bore obtruded himself just the same. "How do you do," said the oaller. "I've got Just a word or two to say to you." "Delighted, I'm sure, to hear them, hut?" "Oh, it won't take long." ' "Won't It? Well, I'll tell you what* You go out into the next room and sit down ut my graphophone and>ay It. Whenever you want more eyllnders, just ring the bell and don't be afrttid to let yourself loose. .lust as soon as i i get time I'll grind It out again, and i in ti.? .........11..... .... ...... I...O. ?.-. py."?Pittsburgh Clironiele-Telegrnph. Boneless. Allee 11:i?1 mi unusually large ami atIriictivc family of do;Is. but persisted lii lavishing her fondest nffeetlons upon a disreputable old rag doll. "My dear." I ?sk?*d. "why do you love that ohl dolly so mil el i better than Iho pretty dollies?" "< >. inainnia," quickly replied the lit- j th- one, "Angelina hasn't any hones." ! Itching Burning Skins. For eczemas, rashes, Itcblngs, Irritations, pimples, dandruff, sore hands, and baby humors, Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are supremely effective. For free samples address "Cutlcura, Dept. X. lioston." At druggists and by mall. Soap 2.ri, Ointment 2.r? nnd f>0.?Adv. Change of Mind. "Jims always used to making himself out younger than lie is." "Doesn't he do it now?" "Not since the draft registry." Art is long?especially the kind used ! in the production of panoramas. Tin- occasional of ltoman liye at tilitht will prt-vt nt ntul rt llvve lind ey.u. wait ry t-yt-s, ami t-yc train. Adv. A rich man never refuses the pen- ' nies ofTcreil him in change. ?? nk There is petition? s no competition amongst t to go through a day's ny. pens when the live stock buy a nice bunch of fat wn price without somei. upulous care taken at the lost or wasted in order t minimum. he office where market id reports of what other rctor of the Swift Refrigit over the face of the eships at sea. ith a Swift & Company few orders of meat, anch house for an hour meat dealers drive their ly as they shop around h houses, the wholesale ing plants. ly is over, let him have nting department, where n what small profits the han 4 cents on each dollar is no competition in the :au?e he wants to think so. >any, U. S. A. r y # r,' t % 100K IT CHILD'S TONGUE ff SICK, CROSS. FEVERISH HURRY, MOTHER! REMOVE POL 80N3 FROM LITTLE STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. CIVE CALIFORNIA 8YRUP OF FIGS AT ONCE IF BILIOU8 OR CONSTIPATED. Look at the tougue, mother! If ' coated, it Is a sure sign that your lit- j tie one's stoinaeh, liver ami bowels needs a gentle, thorough cleansing ut once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't ert or act naturally, or Is feverish, stoiuuch sour, breath bud; has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrluen, full of cold, give u teaspoon fill of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour Idle gently moves out* of the little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needu't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love its delicious taste, and It always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle of ( "California Syrup of Figs." which has j directions for babies, children of all I ages and for grown-ups plainly on the ' bottle. Ik'vviire of counterfeits sold j here. To bo sure you get the genuine, * nsk to see that it is made by tin* "fall- j fornia Fig Syrup Company." Kofitse j any othor kind with contempt.?Adv. TO COMBAT PLAGUE OF RATS BuildingG Must Be Constructed That Will Exclude the Pests From Shelter and Food. A single rut, remarks David K. Lnutx 1 In a recent publication of the I'niiod | Slatos d"partnioiit of itgriculttiro, duos j far loss harm in a yoar than any mit1 ' lion, tiger or wolf; hut the 1 mlt animals j ot proy air tow, while tills uro doplor- j al ly ahimdanl. Thoro aro possibly two or three limes as many rats as there | uro people in tin eivili/.cd world; and the dostruotion wrought by this \nst horde of voraeioiis rodents is far great- , er than tiiat wrought by wolves, tigers i and all oilier noxious animals together. To eomliat this dangerous pest suetessfnlly, says I.ant/., is largely a buildli g problem, lttiihliugs should lie so const meted as |o exelude the animals front shelter and food. W hen this is J done, individual and eoinniiiuity elTor.s to destroy rats will give satisfactory 1 arid lasting results. The program may ' be regarded by many as loo expensive. W*111 it l??? loo costly? W'liat do ruts cost now? If half the money now j sprat In feeding ami lighting rats could ' bo cxpi'iiilril in wisely planned ami well-executed cooperative cllorts tor i flit repression, it would be possible ; within a few years nearly to rid the j country of its worst animal pest, to re- j duco losses from its depredations by j at least '.hi per cent, ami to free the I land completely from the fear of bu- j haul-* plague. Knew His Business. f unties 1'rohman was entering one | ot Ills own theaters one day, when the j doorkeeper, who had never seen him, 1 r? fused 11i111 admission. .1. M. Harrie, tin- author was with him. Much to I'arrle's aiua/.ciaent, 1'rohman did not make his identity known. Inn turned own/. "Why in the world didn't you tell the man w ho yon were?" asked I turrit*. ".Vo." answered l-'rohuinu; "it would have humiliated him half to death. I lie's a k'ood man, all right. Knows iiis , business." The poor lawyer is apt to have few trials but many tribulations. ?? ???? H * r"W " "* ?. I li j Xljjjji hlW.MHOMl. j |s V j Pvftarrl Lrrm+j | ||J | M J ; A FOOD j 11 ICONOMy^ | 1^1 SavinsSuBar and Wheat * ! is comfortably done when one uses (Mots This cereal food is composed partly of barley and contains its own sugar made from its own grains. A truly wonderful Food, ready to eat. " 77tereb & /Qeoeton* ' ?. I Just Once! Try Dod Take No Calonrv If bilious, consti oated- heat 9 x ~ w relief without taking which sickens \ Stop using calomel! It makes you i sick. Don't lose n day's work. If you I feel lnr.y, sluggish, bilious or constl- ' pnted, listen to nie! i Calomel Is mercury, or quicksilver, I which causes^ necrosis of the hones. < Calomel, when It comes Into contact with sour bile, crashes Into It, break- i lug It up. Tb!? Is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you ] ure "all knocked out." If your liver Is i torpid and bowels constipated or you ] have headache, dlzr.lness. con ted ton- | guo. If breath is bud or stomach sour, < Just try a spoonful of hnrmless Dodsoti's I.lver Tone. Here's my guarantee?f?o to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's ; Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a j spoonful tonight, and if It doesn't Losing Game. Crawford?Why don't you try Jolly-I nig your win* a little? It's easy to tell her she's looking younger anil inure | I *?~H nt i Til I every day. t'rnbshnw?1 tried that onoe anil she nailed aie for money to have her pie- 1 tare taken. . Easy Thing. ^ "The easiest part of the trip over." | said an Aineriean soldier in France, "is getting seasiek. No in-triietiou needed." When Itntiy I* Tfftliini OROVW9 BAHY MOW Ml. MKI'K'l.NM will correct tlio Slouiucli And Biiwel troubles. Perfectly L*rmlost. Soo directions on lb? bottl?. I tela is lialde to worry the man who "is iinahle to obtain credit. \ HAARLEM OIL ( IF YOUR Do you feel tired and "worn-outV" Are you nervous and irritable? Don't i sleep well at night? Have a "dragged i Oil!." 111! 1*4 'Vt i MI 1'iu.llitir a lion .?- ? ? -, .. iM?r? " ??? ? ,???u Kri i up In the morning? l>iz/.y spoils? llil- ? inns? Had taste in the mouth, I tuck- i nolio. pain or soreness in the loins, i ami abdomen? Severe distress when i urinating, bloody, eloudy urine or sod- ? inient? All these iudleate gravel or stone in the bladder, or that the pol- < sonous microbes, which are always in j your system, have attacked your kid- i neys. j Von should use MKI>AT. i Haarlem Oil Capsules immediately. I The nil soaks gently Into the walls ? and lining of the kidneys, and the lit- < tie poisonous animal perms, which are ( causing the inflammation, are inline- i dintely attacked and chased out of your system without Inconvenience or I pain. ; How Acid Wrecks of Mil Many p<s-i>l*' nako 1li<- mlatukr of IHIUKIIII luai MM Mnill.irli - MllpertlClfl* lly a* tin* 'lot-lura rail ll?merely nii'in< nil ik* 'AnltimiI .*111 in k nf InillacNtloll. bloat, In-art burn. belt-ltinc. koiir. g:mt)r atomaeh. or si mi* other niwli mlnnr nil in nl tptlckly remedied <ir will run* It* n.*lf ??u*l Iravi* no aerlou* after elfpeta. Aa a luatlrr of furl auperarhlity In re n|Kiiiallilr lor a long triiln of m-rlous all iiii-ntn tlial eauae awful pufferlng and sometime* liaffo* llir Ix-Kt uirillral wktil. It In a well established fan Hint tunny rase* of cbrouir atoiuaeli trouble, an -inia. ntotnat It la. itastrltl*. rlirmna t Imii, Cout, liinibuco. olrrboala of the llvr* aulo IntoxlraiIon. dyspepsia. catarrh of Ho* ntouiai-li. ItitmHuuI ulrrr. rancor of Ho* ntomarli, anil frequently valvular lirart Iroiiltlr ami heart failure, ran he Irn '-il iltrcrtly to an arlil ntmnarh. Tlila la not at all stirprisiiitf when y**u ronnl'lrr Hint run Hie aciil fortueil in the mouth from fermentation of hita of fieul l**?lii*nl In the loeih an arhl that In ae I ll't 11 y tasteless? la yet powerful enoiic'i to eat throiich the harit enatnei of tin* tertli ami iltrny lh,*m. I* It any woniler. then, thit an esri**s amount of arhl In the alotnach ranse* ao tnurh mlaery, iimlermltiea the atrencth autl wrerks the health ami liappineNK of no many people? I* It not a fat t. within Hie riiuce of your own otmervatlnn. that nine people out of ten are victim* of Rclrt-ntoinaeli If you ever hope to lie well uml strou^ I LICK IT M a CONTAINS COTPFRAS FOR WORMS. SCI PHI R FO .KEYS. IWJX VOMICA. A TONIC AND PURE DAIRY NO DOSINt. ASK niAiri JBlackman^TOCI^^ Part American. A slmrehountl met 11 I'renrli lleu enant on Mirlil^an avenue. "Yes." saiil the lieutenant. (luring lie eonversntintt. "I was burn in franee. but I am part Ameriean." fl 'flow's that?" nskril a gob. "Tills .llass ryi' of tniiio was in New York."- Great Lakes I tn 11 ft in. t Kor ipirdy and rfftctlya action Dr Terry's "1>? ;*4 Shot" has no equal Our ?l?-gr only ' will clean out Woiiua or TA|>rworiu.' AUv. u I I'nloss a man lias faitli in liimself there Is not mueli hope for liliu. . i f T OUI^Relreshi"* 11^ Latiaa?Murine for Red- ? CT nese, Soreness, GranuleB V tjon- Itching and Burning 1 J of the Eyes or Eyelids; I 1 Drops" After the Moviee. Motorin* or Colt I prut win roar cxiMtnct. Ask Yoar Dnirctt 11 ir Marine wtvm your Eyas Need Car*. M il I Murine Ey e Remedy Co., Chlceic 1 Ison's Liver Tone! el! Listen To Me! lachy or sick, I guarantee ; dangerous calomel and salivates. straighten ynu right up nnd make you reel tine nud vigorous by morning, I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone Is destroying the sale of calomel because It is real liver medicine; eutlrely vegetable, therefore It can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee thnt one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile nnd constipated waste \flilch Is clogging your system anil making you feel miserable. I guarantee thnt a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep the entire family feeling tine for months, CSive !t to your ehildren. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like Its pleasant taste. ?Adv. n q SOLD FOR SO YEARS For malaria, II U in]CHILLS and si/ FEVER Aleo Fine General VIM LlV^ Strengthening Tonic. Cftl n IV Alt Mne r??rf VI VI* VRVIi JlVftW j Double-Header. Sho?"Mnrry ti bright woman for kiiiti'ss tin*) it protty woman for happilit'ss." you know. Hi1? Say. hmioy, you arc Jus( bigamy ( in tin* first tU'itrcv!?Adelaide (Aus- ; Iralia) Chronicle. Wise Is iho man who refuses to Irink between drinks. iicmmaLmii GUARANTEtO TO INSTANTLY RELIEVE ASTHMA OR MONEY REFUNDED ASK ANY DRUGGIST /V. N. U.. CHARLOTTE. NO. 43-1918. CAPSULES L BACK ACHES Hon't ignore the "little pains and iches," especially backaches. They nay be little now but there is no tellon how soon a dangerous or fatal ?lis?ase of which they are the forerun- J lers may show Itself. (So after the atise of that backache at once, or you nay find yourself iu the grip of an iu urable disease. lb) not delay a minute. (Jo to your Iruggist and insist on ids supplying ?ou with a box of (JOI.I) Mi'lb.Mj laarlcm (til Capsules. In 'J1! hours i'oii will feel renewed liealtli and vigor. | Vfler you have cured yourself, coninue to take one or two Capsules ach day so as to keep in first-class I -onditlon. and ward off the danger of 'uture attacks. Money refunded If | hey do not help you. Ask for the | riginal Imported 001,1) Ml'JDAI* rand, and thus be sure of getting the ;?nuine.?Adv. -Stomach Health llions you must jji-i rM of that oyer*s acid. Nothing is trained liy takinx mwliilu 1 I which merely stimulate and give ultf a false ?r??i of strength anil lliat IriTe the excess arid still in the stomach. You !iui*t depend u|M>n your food for ynnr strength and unless you your alomarll frrr from rirraa nclil. I>urr. and turonK. Ii cannot properly (litest food; your whole body suffers. What you want in relief --- yea ? and here la the way?absolutely yunranie.d ?yon take no ihauec. It's been tested len? of thousand* of times with universal hiM'i'pk*. Go to your druggist and itet Just our package o( EA TONIC. a won- | derful preparation that will literally wipe the excess acidity out of your stomach. The result* obtained ure nothing short of marvelous. Almost In Nlantly It (rellevea that painful, puffed up feollnir 'after eating. belching. heart burn, sour stomach, etc. Make* the stomach feel eool and comfortable. If you need this help ll's jour own fault If you suffer another day. EATOX1C is absolutely guaranteed^ eo gel a big Mr box fri tn your druggist. If It d'M-a not hel|i you your money will he refunded. If your druggist doe* not ke> p KATOSIC. send your name and addreS" <? the Katonlc Itemeil.v Company. I01H S. Wabash Ave.. Clilcaito. III., and lltey will ai once mall you a BO.* Isn und von can send them the money for It after you re celve It. jij \ SalOCR V like it 8 BRICK IK FEED BOX | R THE BLOOD. SALT PETER FOB THE KID- 9 SALT. USED BY VETERINARIANS 12 Y LARJL H * FOR BLACKMAN'S OK WRITE m |OMRANT^Chattanoo^ Make Money Right At Home We want a live agent in your locality to lell our steel corn cribs, grain bins and igricultural implements. We will pay libsral commission* to the right person. No dock necil l?e carried. We have the goods o deliver when sold, and advertise freely o simulate sale*. Take up this useful ind profitable proposition today. Write it once for full particulars. .THE TAIM EQUIPMENT CO. H)2 Keyser Baltimore. Md. Children's Coughs nay be checked and more serioua conditio?! ct the throat will be often avoided by promptly giving the child a dot# of safe PISO'S SOMETHING IN HIS SURENESS Quality *hat May Have a Good Deal to Do With American Soldier** Fighting Ability. "Mnny letters from the soldier ho.v* abroad appear from time to time in the old home paper," said/Uuele Tim- I rod Tarpy. "Frequently they are a trille shaky In eoui|M>sltlon. A lad writes that France is sure a pretty 1 ' ciMiiurv. iiiiii imii ini1 iwu-w net'iin ours sure look funny; Hint hois sorry pn|m's rheumatism is bothering li!m. nml it was suro too had ttint ohl llot broke her leg. nml says munmui mustn't worry, bemuse lie is sure coming homo nil right. Hiid for everybody to write often, for lie sure Kits lonesome to hear from home?nml so on. nil very boyish and eoiuinonplaee, but very, very '<11 re.* "Then iiresently the news comes that Private Ktnory Tinker lias been Awarded a distinguished service cross because, 'seeing six (icrinnns about to make n prisouer of bis corporal, lie advanced on tin* Hermans, killed two of them to brini; buck his corporal to our lines.' And we wonder if being > so 'sure' of himself Isn't what makes ] our Yankee lad Invincible?"? Kansas 1 City Star. ] "Cold In the Head" la an a' ute utlaek of Nasal Catnrrh. Persons who are subject to frequent "colds j ! In the head" will find that the use of 1 1 HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will build OP the System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh muy 1 lead to Chronic Catnrrh. I 1 hall'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken Internnlly and acts through the Blood ?.n the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Atl prugglsts 75c. Testimonials free. SinonO for anv case of catnrrh that TtAljyS CATARRH MEDICINE wilt not ? R J, Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. One Way. "Yimi ojiu'i got oil !i ml wo tor to mix." yos you can, wlion you* point msirino vlows." - . Net Contents 15 Fluid Prarhm | ii1 b? IH1 [ ALCOHOL-3 TER CENT. , ** o i & AVetJctablc Preparation For As ?? ?'e la ! similntin^thcFood byRc^uta jxu? tiniitheStomachs nn<1 Howls of *i fat HfwwgfBKl ?f J *2 o J! Jo" r ys'c;\3 i Thereby Promoting Digestion ^ * < 5 ~ Cheerfulness and Rest Contains ?o!JW; neither Opium,Morphine nor] *ft? g Mineral. Not Naim.otic Ij Jfaiptaf0ulDrS.Vlll'Ll1fT>2i[R^ 'Sc3 i Piunplin Stnl V *yr- ' Ax Senna |. catc . jt?h.UtS*Ut c :c? -.j a* r W \ t.? ' J>rpp* < r < - < t,'<J ftH aikxMitrS*** C' h'orai }'**? { aaitfoluyir + 1 I , *$*4 |i A helpful Remedy for , , fid.*? Constipation and Diarrhea. J l3?" . and Fcvcrishncss and !E?o'c? Loss of Sleep j i ||^| Jx> resulting (l^nfronvin Infancy \ '? " en* fac Simile Si^natcreof Sfslg ft c i 5- Tuc CEVTAun Company. Exact Copy of Wrapper. The Spirit That Counts. Harmon Aliirsh was telling of :i htler received I'rotn an <>I< 1 i-liiitu in the Fast. ;in ollieinl in one of Fnele Sum's I shipyards. Almost ever.\ day from livo to fourteen triiinloiuls of soldiers puss tlio plant, ami the.x stick their heails om of the car windows ami cheer when they see the hit: steel hulls am! hear the rattle of the riveters. One day a train stopped a moment In front of the yard ami one of the ' men yelled at litem: "We're hiiihlin;: i 11 esc ships to hring you hack from ITuneo." At once ejime the reply: "To with hriiikiiiK us hnek ; s;ive us i a ship to take u> over." Grove'? TmtrlfM chill Tonic rMtflfM -oialltj and energy by purifying ?nd ?inrtching th?? bl?x>d. Von can Roon Ita ritrcogrbeaing. Inr igorating KfTcrt Price0Oo. Ilnsjr is said to niuUo w :iyet J tliore :ir?? few !.iisllers in iilinshogs.-s. | The moth hasn't iniK-li use for ih' lli:ill Who luis hill olio suit of clothes. i On re plmpln, hetilarb*, bail breath l>jr lakltic M.iy Apple, Aloe, Jalap rolliil Into a liny miuer l>lll railed IhN'lnr l?|rr?1-'H .'l<-u!?;int I'elleta. Ad?. Stock (|iioi:iiioiis uro tin* dialogic' lisoil in ooiiiio |>:t|ier*. Nervous and All Unstrung ? j I-Vi-I nervous nml irritable all the! ti mo? Contin 11a 11 y worry hot trifles?! Then 1 here'* romctliliiK wroiu?. lini t: > of It nil inn v lie weak kiilnava .ln?i I as nerve wear is .1 cause of kldn< weakness, so Is kidney trouble a cause of nervousness. If you have 1 backache, "blues." nervous spells. < headaches, dlr.zy spells, kidney |r- J reirularilies and a tired, worn feel- ' Ihk. try Brian's Kidney pills They ' are rcconui<ended by thousands. A North Carolina Case J ^Mr?. S W. Bent- y Pills' for a sev fered for years .. i saw I lean's Ktdnev ? t Pills advertised aml%(^7ilK,7w *ot some and used^V * T them. They enllre-^\\ t\ r ly cured me. 1 nm=7V*. -A 1 In *ood health at the present time and *l\e rtoan ? Kidney Pills all the credit I TOT tnli. 1 CstDoaa'.at A?y Stors.SOeaBo* c D O A N * S ",'PJIY ! i FOSTER-IULBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. ' V # THIS WOMAN SAVED FROM AN OPERATION By firing LydiaE. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound, One of Thousands of Such Cases. Black River Falls, Wis.?"As Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , i saved me from an w ilillmiHflg'ilHflHtttllfl operation, I cannot rmlttalff^BHnf II soy enough in praise MyH 0 of it. Ituffereofrom l|lr^7^H|J M organictroubleaand ifffek tf Kit eI my 8it'e tiurt inc *? !ft R M * coul<1 hardly be op HfejgX jffll 111 from my bed, ana I E was unable to do my jjyySte5?,rH|Mt housework. I had r W?4 : the best doctors in W'.^W^' ... Claire and they wanted me to have rj ' ?n operation, bat J LydiaE. Pinkhsm'a Vegetable Compound cured me so I did not need the operation, and I am tellinw all my friends about it "?Mrs. A. W. Binzer, Black River Falls, Wis. It is just such experiences as that of Mrs. Binzer that has made this famous root and herb remedy a household word from ocean to ocean. Any woman who suffers from inflammation, ulceration, displacements, backache, nervousness, irregularities or "the blue.%" should not rest until she has given it a trial, and for special advice write Lvdia SL Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.' Cuticura Soap is Easy Shaving for Sensitive Skins Tha N,w f11 ? _ u..i a ...... wr-vw-wxr uhiivuim mriuua For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Gastoria Always $ . ;:>ears the / Cf signature/ |r ^ X Use For Over Thirty Years TM? OCNTAUN ?OM?4NV. ?OfR OlTV. ??in\wmtmimaaummmammmmmmmm For Constipation Carter's Little Liver Pills will set you right over night. Purely Vegetable J Small Pill. Small Doie, Small Price Carter's Iron Pills WllT restore color to the fucesof those who lack Iron in the blood, nil mn?t A! DON'T CUTOUTB^rwjjgjEgi H Shoe Boil,Capped^fJ^H|l Sock or Bursitis ^j^yi will reduce them and leave no blrmiihe*. >top? lameness promptly. Does not blister or remove the hair, and horse can he sorLed. $2. 50 abottle delivered. Book6RlrM. ABSORBING. JR.. faff m?nlrln4 ?K# *r?*4ir?ri* Inimcnl lor Boil*. Bruno. Sore*. Swrllinf*. Vurirooe Vein*. Ul?y? Pitn ?nd Inflimmtioa. Price H.2S * bottle *| *. UC [1m* or SeUrtred. Win tell you nor* II you write N. F.YOUNG.P.O.F.,111 Ttap*It., Jprinofl?ld, Mbm. WANTED rirst class book and job compoaitor, also wo tbirder. Good opportunity for ad. rancemenl. Permanent position. Light loura work. Write or wire, OBSERVER PRINTING HOUSE, lac. CH API o r t r, n. c. Fall Cabbage Plants P.arly .leraey ami Charleston Wakefleld, Snrv. esuiou anil Flat Dutch. liy ecprets, $00, 11.25; 1,000, 03.00; 6,000 at $1.75; 10,000 up it $1 54), t. o. b. here. Parcel poet, prepaid, 00, 8&c; 1,000, $3.50. Wholesale and retail. ?. F. JAMISON* SuaamervilU, 9, C. J