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PjwfflC ^71 ^H - j i I w^r B B^ B Bj^B HH x ^ B|l #\ ^ h *" ^1 We will win * Nothing else really n The Flav Forewarned. Little Dorothy adored her oldest brother John; In fart, wus IdHMdi.h'Ct slave. Hut one day John wns njiilty of some misdemeanor for wlheh his father thought a spanking was tlu? only adequate punishment, and proceeded to administer It. Dorothy witnessed it with her little hands tightly clenehed; then she turned to her mother, and In'twei'ii sol? exclaimed : "Oh, mot liar, I'm so sorry that rrnss man Is piing to lie tin* grandfather of my children."?Harper's Miign/.inc. FT.1XIR BABKK A ROOD TONIC And UrtvM Malaria Out of (lie Nytlrm. "Your 'Babch' acia Mke magic ; I bare given it to numerous people in my pariah who were ufTertnir with chtlln, malaria and freer. I rec- , ommrnil It to tlioae who ore sufferers and in neod of n good tonic."?Hee. 8. Szymnnowaki, I ?t. Stephen's Church, Perth Anihoe. N. J. Ktlkir Babek, (SO cents, all druggists or by Parrel Post, prepaid, from Klocscwskl A Co., Waahtnglou. D. C. In the Trenches. "What's for dinner today"/" "Windmill stow." J " 'Ow do yer mean ? windmill ( 8tPW?" I "Well, If It don't go 'round yon 1 don't get any,"?Cnssell's .lournul.* No Worms In a Healthy Child s Alt children troubled with a- run bate an unhealthy color, which ludlrate? poor Mood. and as a rule, there Is more or lest, siomacb disturbance. | UKOVB'tt TAHTILKSH chill 'I'UNIC gleen regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood. Improve the digestion, and act as a Ucneral Strength- , eolng Tonic to Ibe whole sysu-m. Nature will then throw off ordlspel the worms, and the Child will he r ia perfect health. Pleasant to take. Due per bottia. fhlctiKo will irlvo mi-i'nls' to most ? , successful war gArdeners. I I MALARIA I I ff, Chills and Fever. Biliousness, | ft Constipation and ailments I I * requiring a TONIC treatment'. I j mmi IwW t/ ; GUARANTEED r | r RVSrEbBv "nd made bt| I I 1/BehrensDrutf Co' I a Waco. a a | All Drujfuli 511^ J f Rwo 1A7 **T C > FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE | ' Dissolved in wtt?r for douches atop* pthrk catarrh, ulceration and inflaxn- s nation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co. for ten years. A heating wonder for nasal catarrh, ore throat and eore eyes. Economical. tn*. .**nmaa*Lporr: ? bJZKL*) * Fall Cabbage Plants Early Jersey sod Charleston Wakefield, Sue- #1 cession and Flat Dutch. By expresa, 500, n 1.35; 1,000, $ . 00; 5,000 at tl.75; 10,000 up , at $1.50, t. o. b. here. Parcel poet, prepaid, , 100, 85c; 1,000, $3.50. Wholesale and retail. c D. r. JAMISON, Sunamerville. 9. C. PECAN TREES The pecan is the most valuable nut tree ' grown in America. If you are growing 1 them you know; if not, write for valuable information free. Pecans grow successfully wherever cotton does well. n J. B. WIGHT, CAIRO. GEORGIA J n KODAKS & SUPPLIES i rfilDfv We aleo dc hlglieat claaa of flnlahinf. IIUUL, Prlrea and Catalogue upon request. 1 Caleski Optic il Ce.,, Ya. 1 t TVATMCNT. OlTee qalek rrtuf. I HHvTel am, r,a?TM aweltlaa and ibort VS til ,e?fl Veeer heard oi tte equal foe droney. y ^ JiTii is. Trial ImMaaent era* ?? . by mm ' ivTwrtbt. on. T?o??A? ?. ctittcN ^ aaaa aid*. ? iew OHaTtwoeTW. a*. M . i LEYSJ ! this war? I natters until we dot I or Lasts Hospital Nurses. An orderly wiis on duty In an op- | orating room for the first time and was to witness an amputation. lie won-j tiered whether lie would get nervous. : Ho also noticed a bright-eyed, rosycheeked nurse.'aud he wondered if she, too, would blanch under the ordeal. Following the operation, he admitted to the nurse that it had been his first operation. Site congratulated hint on having borne up so well. "What did you feel like during your first operation?" he asked the nurse. j "This morning was my first operation,'' she said. "But I didn't know that men could stand those tilings as well as women." DLD PRESCRIPTION FOR WEAK KIDNEYS . TTave you ever stopped *o reason "why t is that so many products that are ex.ensiveiy advertised, ail at once drop out >f sight and are, soon forgotten? The -ensou is plain?the article did not fulfil hi* nrnniiunu of ? '?* ? ,?......v- v> >iic uiaiiuiiiciiircr. 1 ins tpplies more particularly to a medicine. \ medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost sella itself, as like in endless chain system the remedy is eoommended by those who have lieen >enefited, to those who are in need of it. A prominent druggist says, "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a ireparation I have sold for many years ind never hesitate to recommend, for in ilmost every case it shows excellent reults, as many of my customers testify. S'o other kidney remedy that I know of ias so large a sale." # Arcording to sworn statements and willed testimony of thousands who have ised the preparation, the success of Dr. Cilinera' Swamp-Root is due to the fact hat so many people claim, it fulfills alnost every wish in overcoming kidney, iver and bladder ailments, corrects urnary troubles anil neutralizes the uric cid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle of iwamp-Root by Parcel Post. Address >r. Kilmer ft Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and nclose ten cents; also mention this paper, .arge and medium size bottles for sale t all drug stores.?Adv. Hia Mother's Keepsake. In tin* tnidst of :i but ili* one young ieutenanf, running Into u pal of his, howud him under tin* Hup 4f his poekt a II11 It* gold brooch. "If anything should happen to nip," u* said, "try to get hold of this pin. kill you. and when you got tlnu* ship I hack to my mother." The other promised, and the lieu1'iiant went on his way. lie had not one 120"feet when he was struck by a hell and killed instantly. The pin is n its wav to ihn IThIiimI SU..i..1 "Cold In the Head" i an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh Per;>ns who are subject to frequent "colds i the head" will And that the use of lAM.'S CATARRH MEDICINE will ulld up the System, cleanse the Blood nd render them less liable to colds, epeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may ad to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is takri Internally and acta through the Blood n the Mucous Surfaces of tne System. AH Druaalsts 75c. Testimonials free. 1100.00 for anv case of catarrh that [ALL'S CATArtRH MEDICINE will not ura. F. J. Cheney Ar Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Their Kind. "If ynu wnnt to bo u funny iniiit I'll i pnt'h ynu the roues." "Will Iboy bo guy ropns?" Sumo mon got tltoro booauso thoy ro pushers, and olbors bemuse thoy ro klekors. Granulated Eyelids, IBII r Eyes inflamed by exposure to Sm. Dtsl and Whid C ? . quickly relieved by Medat ItJu tycReaHy. No Smarting, w just Eye Comfort. At our Druggists or by mail 60c per Bottle, or Seek #1 Ike Fys free write h s lurlne Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Y V" " t :| " v ' ~ i ? , ? Y INTERESTING ITEMS FROM THE CAMPS BRILLIANT ENTERTAINMENT IB PROJECTED FOR HALLOWEEN BY Y. M. C. A. WORKERS. IN GRATEFUL APPRECIATION Hard, If Just Sentenced Imposed on Recalcitrant Private; Hard Labor For Fifty Years. , Camp Jackson. The Y. M. C. A. entertainment ,airgregatlon. composed of Secretaries Bowman. Prior. Hardacre and others, is planning to put on a big entertainment for Halloween. The program will include many In foresting features for the men who ! witness .them and bids fair to be one of the best if nc-t the very host, entertainments yet put on by these en- j tort a leers. The pian Is to put the play or. at I the Mr Y. M. C. A. ardiforium flr??t. 1 and then put If on night after night I at all the c.her buildings. The promoters are sure that the plan will prove a Rood one. ami that all the ' men who attend the entertainment will be pleased 11 tl profited. The Jewish wrlfare building hee practically been finished and the outside panting is new being done. Tho house when finished will add another 1 pleasant rcstinR pla-ee for the 1 en of th-? camp to stop at on Jaeksoo Tlrclp. and no doubt will prove as populaT as any of the other buildings The essccTaMon has occupied a room if the Y. M. C. A. auditorium for several nicnths past, where tiie work has been well looked after by Jacob Berlln, aided by Dp. Raisin and B. Heller. The Hebrew snhl'ers of the camp recently showed tiieir appreciation for the excellent work done by the Jewish Welfare Association hv presenting both of the association workers. Dr. T. R. Rirsin and Bernard Hnller, with wrist watches. # The watches are of the Elgin make and contain the IK Jewel mov"i???nt. 1 The secretaries are very r atcful for these tokens of appreciation on the part of the men. The excessive crowds wh'oh eonce Rated at the Hostess House Si urdny night on account of tho fact that the trolley cars could nc-t accommodate the large numbers who wantei^ to po to Columbia, resulted In a cordon of M. P.'s being placed at the door, who admitted only a limited number at tbe time for meals. The formal opening of Hie colored hostess house has been indefinitely postponed on account of the influenza situation in the eamp. As n means of lot4ins the home folks V-ow what the Y. M. A. is doing ?n the camps and across the seas, the j International association has named ' this week as a campaign weft to se cure subscript!otis to the association's orran. "Associa'ion Men." N*o person wht) wants to k>en informed as to j what the iis-xocint'c-4 is doing at large can afford to be without the paper. | Albert E. Bnrmc'ster. at courtmartial trial at fhmp .T-?k.son. was convicted on two counts first, for disobedience in refusing tr: d. ill. and. second. for saying that he had just as soon he governed by Germany as by , the United States. In a word. Burmelster is what is V. own as a "conscientious objector." and the second count in the charge also marks him as a German sympathizer. The trial was regular In all part'ei;lars. and the accused was represented hv rouns 1 who explained his rights to him. . i The sentence Imposed is dishonorable d'scliarge from the service with j the forfeiture of all nav and allowances and to he < :> fined a* hard labor for ."0 years at the Unit vl States dis- i c'piinary barracks at Kort leaven- , wor'h. Kan. The sentence has heen approved by the camp commander. lb'-gadim* ("Son-| oral Danforil. and a'?o hv the pop oral Judge advocate at Washington. , Bloodhounds Wanted. Columbia.--W. W Moore, adjutant general, has been called on for a pair of bloodhounds to chase outlaws in Sat'o Domingo. Con. Moore has a son. Cap' James Moore, with tlu* Vnerl< ar. marines, and the young nte.t lieliev4 their efforts would ha greatly ( strengthened if bloodhounds could ho 'procured to trail th" 'oaudits which Infest tHe islands and romm'* murder witlt reckless abandon General Moore will make an effort to procure the hovvr.ds and send thent to his son. Charleston Aviation F eld Charleston.? For some months there ( have been rumors current about treating an aviation field here. an;l now eontes otie from Washington, an r;> official s'ory. to the effect tint i?i a j u??v or i wo .1 rrpori will r?e nM'te l?y the navy department on Its su.'vovs of i altos available, and indication are tha-t a field for tlie marine corp.-. will I be established at rharleston. A ?100- \ acre tract, on the west bank ?f th< | Ashley River has frequently been men- | tlcned as a posslblity, and the cut look is much brighter. French Mission to Leave. Columbia.. The French mission, j which has been stationed at Camp Jackson for the past several mouths | Instructing American officers in modern trench warfare leave soon to gc back to their own "La llelle France" for duty in the armies of their conn- ^ try. There are eight -fficers and 12 non-coms in the mission leaving here. They ftre being replaced hv A in erf- ! an soldiers who have been in the firing line and have come back to '<nch In the training camps how l> -at to tackle the Hun. YOUR SICK CHILD IS CONSTIPATED! LOOK AT TONGUE HURRY, MOTHER! REMOVE POISONS FROM LITTLE STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. GIVE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" IF CROSS, BILIOUS OR FEVERISH. No matter what nils your child, n gentle, thorough laxative should always be the first treatment given. - If your little one is out of sorts, baif-siek. Isn't resting, eating and act lag naturally?look, Mother! see if tongue Is coated. This is a sure sign that the little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with waste. When cross, irritable, feverish, stomach sour, i breath had or has stomach-ache, diar- ! rlien, sore throat, full of cold, give n teaspoonfu! of "California Syrup l-"igs," and in a few hours all the constipated poison, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of the little bowels without griping, and you have n well, playful child again. Mothers can rest easy, after giving ins ii:tnu;t>ss "fruit laxative." because J t never fails to cleanse the little one's j fiver ami bowels ancl sweeten the stone j nth and they dearly love its pleasant taste. Fall directions for haldes. cliil- tlren of ad apes and for grown-ups printed on each hmtle. 1'eware of counterfeit ftp syrups, j Ask your druggist for a bottle of "(Tut- j Ifornin Syrup of Figs;" then see that i it Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company."?Adv. ???? ? His Specialty."Old I Mirsey Dudgeon prides ltitu- j self on knowing where tin* ennllagration is as soon as he liears the llrebell ring." related the landlord of the I'etitliia tavern. "I'.y the time half it <|o/.eii whangs have clanged lie lias scrabbled into a garment or two and is out on his front poreli. hollering to the people running by just where lie knows the lire is" "lie should he of eniisideralde as- ! sistaiiee to the volunteer lireitten ami others in sending tliein in the proper ilireetbui." eouinieiiied the interested J guest. "I ill Villi ! lie would be if lie didn't nine times out of ten it wrong." - I\iiu?ns City Star. TOO WEAK TO FIGHT The "Come-back" man was really never < down-and-out. His weakened condition Localise of overwork, lack of exercise, ini- I proper eating and living demands stimulation to satisfy tlie crv for a health giving ; appetite and the refreshing sleep essential ; to strength. COLD MKDAL Haarlem Oil j Capsules, the National Uemcdy of Holland, ] will do the work. Tlicy are wonderful. ! Three of these capsules each day will put j m man tut his feet before he knows it; j whether hi* trouble comes from uric uci<l | poisoning, 'tbc kidneys, gravel or stone in i tlie bladder. stomach derangement or other I ailments that befall the over-zealous American. The best known, most reliable remedy for these troubles is COLO MKDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This remedy Iihf stood the test for more than 2tK) years since it* di*c?-very in the ancient laboratories in Holland. It acts directly and gives relief at once. TVn't wait until you are entirely down-and-out. but take them today. Your druggist will gladly refund your money if thev do not help you. Accept n<> substitutes. I.ook for the name <JOLP MKP \L on every box. three sizes. They are the pure, original, imported Haarlem Oil Capsules.? Adv. Shades of Scotland's Pride. Francis I?i*ne.\ of Albany. secretary of the upstate public serviee eonnuission, wits a guest at a dinner at which poetry mid Hums were discussed. "Well," said Mr. Disney. turning to nil absent minded physician who was at the table, "what is your opinion of Hums. doctor?" "What's that? I'.urns?" asked the doetor. "of course I eouliiu't say ofTlitind. but as a rule the hospital is the proper place for anyone *mYering from burns."- New York Mail. Cuticura Beauty Doctor For cleansing ami beautifying the fkln, hands ami 11:iir. Cntleiirn Soup it ml Ointment afford the most effect Ive ' preparations. For free samples ad- | dress,'Tutleurii, I?ept. X. Huston." At ilrujrxlsts ami hy mall. Snap 25, Ointment ami Ml.?Adv. Identifying Her. "Wlileli mil' of those j'irls is If you dislike so. Stella ?" "Sli! She'll hear yon. I'll Kiss her first."? Louisville t 'ouriei -.loiiriiul. TVrlght'a Inillnn VrtMnlilr TMIla contat* nnihlnit bill v?'c< iah!? Inprrillrnti. which act Kcntly a* a Ionic uml purxatlvc by atlmulatlon and not by Irritation. Adv. I'hilailelphiii experts to lose 'JiMI poolrooms owing to war taxes. ASTHMA INSTANTLY RELIEVED WITH OR HOMEY REFUNDED ASK ANY ORUGOIST A Bed Cough if neglected, open lends ---iou* tr?eMe. Safeguard your healt'i, t your di?i.e*a au<l tooths your irritated .?.oat by taking | PBSO-SI HOW TO AVOID BACKACHE AHD HERVOHSHESS Told by Mrs. Lynch From Own Experience. Providence, R. I.?"I wu all run down in health, was nervous, had headmy back p - I.1.'. ached all the timo. I! 1KJ I was tired and had II Il^nanwiuu no ambition foranything. 1 bad taken , I BTuja gtz 3r a number of medi- | j "|o 'If cines which did mo 1 m**Kr^ 11 1,0 B?od. Ono day ! i I . villi 1 rend about Lydia I I < E. Pinkham's Vege- | table Compound and i what it had done for ' women, 60 I tried j it. My nervousness and backache and ! headaches disappeared!. i gained in 1 weight and feel line, bo i can honestly* recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to any woman who is Buffering as I was."?Mrs. Adeline B. : Lynch, 100 Plain St., Providence, R.L j Backache and nervousness are symp- i tnms or nature's warnings, whien in- | die ate a functional distu^banpo or an | unhealthy condition which often dovel- j ops into a more serious ailment. Women in this condition should not continue to drag along without help, but profit by Mrs. Lynch s experience, nn< try this famous root and herb remedy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Ccir. i C3iind?and for special advice write t ydiaE.PinkhamMod.Co..Lvnn Soothe Your ' /( \ Itching Skin *'< ? Cuticura All dn\pfi*tn: 8oap2T\ TnlruidlS. Sample frr^of "CclUmra. D?pt K. Boston M *knrwmnrisfe y\/ @dlilt?hidc U\i f9T SO Tccrt. rot ff ALA? I A, CIII11S A5D TTVTX Ala* a VIM Cmw*I (twarfUU*## *M ft ?. I PARKER'S Rfc HAIR BALSAM Al A tullrl preparation of turrit. JB Help* to oraillckln ?!andro(T. 1 "Mfll , For Restoring Colnr and Rllpvjk/?Beruty toGrny or Kaitod Hair. tV. N. U.. CHARLOTTE. NO. 42--191C 1 HAD MADE HOME FOR HIMSELF Come to Th nk of It, This L.ttle Girl Had Pretty Much the Right Idea of Things. Tivo yoars apt mt orphanno of ' Indiana |>lit?*?mI a ninryrar-oid littlo | Kirl i" ii bnitio. Always sittoo thru i havo ounio ntowiun roports from t In* j adopted parouts am) tin1 suprrintond a) lias ri'^iii'ilt'il ilicit) s<> favorably ilujt lu> lias aaiili* no visits to thai homo. ' A fow weeks atro tlio pnronts brought tlio littlo ylrl. now four toon years obi, bark to tin* orplutnuuo so that sho rotib! visit a littlo slstrr, wliu bad rrrriitly boon pluood lliere. Tito littlo jjlrl was happy, but not j Hourly so iiiuob as wore tlio proud, foster pa routs. "\Vo wouldn't lot bor suaaway front us overnight if wo didn't kjtow for suiv we'd not bor bark tin next day." said tlio fulltrr. < itto of tlio, boino ollloiitls roaxod tlio j littlo nn'l away for a littlo wbilo and j talkod about bor now Itotno. "tilt. 1 jlike it," tlio littlo rbibl tobl bor. "bo- ' rauso tboy'ro so noud to mo and bo- | cause it's uiy home. s "It s iny home because I've? intuit* It that way," the* little tint* lluishcil. "A hinnt' is ;i place where every nut* wlm shares it tries to give a lit I It* nnift* hack that In* takes ainl I'vt* thine that. s?i it's mint*."?Indianapolis News. 'Twas Ever Thus. (irtimlpii (At nitivit*. in l'.UO)11111111 11! There aren't any real actors nowadays. You Just ??uylit to have seen the original eoui|iany that proilucetl that photoplay in I'.HI ! IttilYalo I-.X press. In Both Ways. Molly?Were ,\ou much upset hy the | hank failure? 'holly Yes, I lost my balance. Philadelphia refuses rift of n don asetl pliilanthi'opisl's library heeause of tin* Cernian hooks in it IWhenthe | mcrninAcup is 8 unsatisfactory | suppose you moke a change from the old-time beverage to the \ snapper cereal drink INSTANT POSTUM Vou'll be surprised at its cheering, satisI fying qualities I and delightful L flavor. It's all P health no I caffeine. I Try a Tin 1 s > Ugh! Calomel Sick Please Try Di I am sincere! My medi and bowels so you You're bilious! Tour llvor Is sluggish! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knoeked out. Your head is ?hill, your tongue Is routed; breath bad; stotnaeh sour and bowels coostl|mted. ltut don't take sallvuting enlomel. It makes you'slek; you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes* into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver an?r bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Hudson's I.lver Tone tonight. Y'our druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of Hudson's Liver Tone t'nr ! fnti* /?nnf o imilot* ?** w.n?o.?o.? I iuoney-buck Kuurnatee that each spoonPINK /? |j ?j21 Cures the sick 110 \? II?.1 l.lquiU iritett on V-^V- y^5y nil others. Best Y^Vjpdozer. Sold by . sent, expnss p;il temper. ratisv- :tti SI'OU.N Ml Indigestii Heartburn by AcidWhat l? the rause of. lu<liKi>?tlon. rtys pepaia. liloat, hearthuru, food repeating, belching. r it nay. Mitir atomuch. auil mi many atoiuai'h mlsrrlM? Jiwt thi*?nold tnmnt'h -aoixrachllty am the ?I>n tori rail tt. It robs millions of their full xlrenglh. vitality utul the (Hiwrr to ru.'ojr life?to be real men ami women. It l? well known that an aebl mouth tleatmyn the teelh. The aelil In powerful that It enta right through the hnrd enamel and cause* the teeth to decay. Till* Ik fail warnltu. 01? wlmi riirw arid Ii.v will <lo to itio delicate organization of tjje nioiavV; uk ? matter of fact. c* ccks aridity not only produce* 11 great many painful ami disagreeable ay nip loins that we generally Until.' "SlomHth troulilra." hut It Ik the creator of a lone train of very vrrloua nlltinnts Arid Ktouiarh interferes with the digestion ?ainl ratiKo.K the food to frrnirnt. Thla ntasK of Mottr, fermented food passes into till' intra! InoK. when' It bryonies the breeding place for germ* ami toxic |m.|hoiis. which In turn arc absorbed Into the hlootl ami dl?lrlhttteil through out the entire (tody. Wherever you go you are tlrtints of aid I atotnarh ? people who. while not actually down nick are always ailing ? have no appetite, fotal doran'l digest, helching all the lime, eonllnuall.v complaining of helns weak and llretl and Worn out. It la this excesa acidity that CHRONIC CO IS A CRIME AC Stop It or you never can keep well, mouth, coated tongue, perhaps hcadac deranges ths whole system, produces 1 Is no better reined/ for these disdrd Try them just once and be eternally Dr. Tuffs I* D-rf.rl C^eelieU Private Speedy, fmuerly a New Orleans citizen, ami a late arrival in France, happened to walk alongside of two French- appearing girls and remarked to his |>:iI. in a tone lend enough to he heard h.v the girls: "Aren't those two girls pretty? I could learn to love them." Whereupon the girls turned around and one said in perfect Knglisli : "For the love of Mike cut it out. I low do you get that way?" Speedy ret routed in great haste. j LIFT OFF CORNS! j ??? ^ | Drop Freezone on a touchy J | corn, then lift that corn j I off with fingers j Doesn't hurt n hit! Drop a little Freezone oil tin aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift It right out. Yes, magic! No humbug! / fejii A tiny bottle of Freeznne costs but a few cents at any drug store, but Is sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, ami the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freozone is the sensational discovery of a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful.?Adv. Pop Knows Willie?Say. pop, what are the fortunes of warV" Pop?You'll have to ask some of these profiteers, my hoy." New York judge rules tenants must pay rent whether contraet heat materializes or not. nr. TVrry's "Prail Shot" la pnwrful but aafr. On? doc ia enough to expel Worms or Tapeworm. No caa'.or oil necraaary. Adv. New York's emnhlned railway ticket ottice requires 00 ticket clerks. it. by thr manufaoturers. Booklet, "Plaid Cure," free. SDICAL. CO., (iuakra, lad.. 1'. S. A. on, Bloat, i, Caused Stomach takes the pep and punch out of th?m. lray<a littor no vitality. Strike at the Tory rime of all this trouble and eirati this t'?r?w add out of the stoinaoh. Thin will give tshunirli a ehsuee to digest the food properly; nature will do the rrat. A wonderful new remedy retnorc* extoss Bold without the slightest dlscomfort. It Ih railed I.ATOMi'. made III tbo form of tabids tlicr are good to rat just Ilk- a tdt >.r .andy. KATONIO III. rally absorbs Iho Injurious excess arid and carries II away through thr In tratlurs. It drive* thr bloat out of tbo body?you ran fairly frr-l It work. Try EATONIC and see bow <iutrkty It banlsht-K bloat, heartburn. Iielcbing, fm>d repeating. Indigestion, rtc. See too. bow quickly your general hralllt linprotm ? hotv ntui'h morr of your food Is digested- how nrnrotlsnrss and Irritability disappear. I.i-ato bow rnsy It Is to got bark your physical and mi-n tal punch. Ilatrr thr power and energy to work with vim. Knjoy thr good tilings of life. I.rarn wlial It mentis to fairly bubble otrr wltli hralth. > So get a box of KATONIt' from yottr druggist today. Wr authorise hint to guarantee K.VTONIl' to please yon and you ran trust your druggist to make I this guarantee good. If It falls In any Way. take It bark?be will refund your I . INSTIPATION ;ainst nature j If you wake with a bad taste In the he. your liver Is torpid. A torpid liver dyspepsia, costivenc s and piles. There ers than DR. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS, convinced. For sale by all druggists, liver Pills Aviators Have Superstitions. Aviators have their own snpers?i~ lions, Joseph It. l.ievre, Just cnniI missioned u lirst lieutenant in the sirservice, although lio lins licrii tlyinif" for tiiiic yours, and is perhaps the best niun in aeronautics in America, no\er j;oi's u)> unless t o wonr* a eup madeof tlio top of n silk stocking. "It is my sweetheart's," l.ienfonnut l.ievre expluins. "If I don't wear it I euu't My."?Now York World. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every hottle of i C'ASTOItIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it 7. In Use for Over .'to Years. Children Crv for Fletcher's Castorta. When He Loses It. "That orator certainly In s a wonder 1111 I'liiniiiiiiiii 111 innguag". "Hull; not when his wilt is a roned."' When Baby It Teething GUOVHS HAUV BOWH1. M HI >l('l ft Mi will coita,* 1 lii* Sti.uiurb ttinl liuurl trouble*. IVrfecUj barjilett. See Ulrocilont on tb?* bottle. England makes school eh i I dee* sneeze to firevent ndemrds. Helpless as a Baby Bent Like an Old Man and Suffered Terribly-Quickly Cured by Doan's. Jno. lUruiake. Jr., 2.V?ft C'ourtlilniJ St., Chicago, III., says: "I was down with my hack suffering front lumbago. 1 walked like an old man. oil bent over. .My back pained terribly and when I moved my arms my back hurt. 1 finally ff j"! fl had to go to bed and r just felt sick all over and was helpless as a baby. .My kidneys neted too frequently, the * r secretions were scanty Hr. Blramkt n|U| highly colored. I had terrible pains in the back of my head itnd I felt drowsy all the time. I finally used Doan's Kidney IMlls find soon felt one hundred per cent better. When I finished the one box I was entirely cured. The pains left my hack nnd head and tuy kidneys acted normally. I am triad to recommend Doan's to other kidney sufferers." Cat Dou'i at Any Star*. 60c ? Bet DOAN'S "p'fJLV FOSTER-MILBURN CO- BUFFALO. N. Y. Vi ens; Salivates! Ddson's Liver Tone cine does not upcet liver lose a day's work. fill will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morning because you will wake up feeling line, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your * stomach will he sweet and your I towels regular. You will feel like working; you'll be cheerful; fuil of vigor ami ambition. Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not sallyate. Give it to your children. Millions of people are using I>odson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous cnh>mcl now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel Is almost stopped entirely here.?Adv. DISTCNPtR Is V K CATARRHAL TCVCR 8 vi and all nose L ML* 1 ML* AND THROAT DtSLASf* and a> ts as a preventative for other'', the tongue. Safe f<>r brood mares and kidney remedy. fiO eents a bottle. a all drosKlsts and turf goods houses, or