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? [PERU HUM XVE9 A wc Mr. Looii Youbcv 205 MirrlMM Si, Rochester, N. Y* writes: Suffered f?f thirty years with chronic hurt toMbic, Mm. Mb trwiM* and bininbmc of "wc bought a bottle of Peruna and Z took It faithfully, and X Mna to foci hotter. My wife persuaded aae to continue, and, X took It for some time as dlreeted. Mow X am a woU maaJ* IMS Fof MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER Tlie first sign of stomach misery \4 usually comes after over-eating. ?> The doctors call it "superacidity . Is The people aay?"sour stomach", mlMillions of people who have loet E? their ambition, energy, courage, vitality and strength?who are K weak, pale and listless?who go W* through life just dragging one foot after' another?tired and worn out Kg nearly all the time?nervous, irri- m table, subject to i severe headache, \ insomnia, and a ^ long train of phyai- WWW*' milr^Vr^ cal ills?would be ES& sw am \ surprised, yea, BSL^ \ dumbfounded, to learn that it is just Jf . 1 an acid-stomach that 9 | I iscausing them all their A misery. Yet in nearly nine cases out of ten that is just where the trouble starts. Now a sour, acid-stomach, or "superacidity", of course, simply means too muai acid in the stomach. You can now quickly lid your stomach of --U a 1??.?? ? v* wiu, a wuuuanui moaern remedy called*. EATONIC U^erally wipes it out. It does the work easily. Writing a Book. "Why did you put u murder in the last chapter? I'houKht I'd Interest people who rend the ImsI chapter tirst." t t FoJu. With no though nel and poisonous they plunge?with < with every faculty with one thought c A VT rv IlflVT U VV UN. That is the way into battle. Wher sounds the advance, whole heart in the No power on earth c Foru The same sharp is sounding for us. in the same proud our fighting men? H e must lend the .w. We must show Hun a united Am< ing forward shou irresistibly, to Vict* Our task is to s the ships, the guns must have to win. task. We must dc men do theirs?wi spirit of Victory. We must work, i with one thought < AND WIN. Get into the fightheart. Buy Bond Tim Space C Swift & ( ?????????? ' >11 HS'l -?| NAH1 01 Man ? -** -1 ilf ij oaiiM N uuny yan witk stomach troubU ssdi hiamiihai?oI tha bowls. ?: r ? 1 U??M mw 1|M?t Wmrm JLUblMDC DLD FOR BO YEARS. ALSO A TINE GENERAL STRENGTHEN. ING TONIC. Ml by All Draa St*r?a H LH1111 >x?i? B i(h 'ly hi ! J^ftmickly and thoroughly. It makes JH the stomach pure, sweet, cool and ' V comfortable. It help* you to ret fall etrenrtb 1^1 oat of erery mouthful of food you ??? 'JM ubImi you db gmt full etrenrth from your ! rJk food you cannot enjoy robust. eirorous f*1 EATOHIC in In tablet form. They are , rj pleasant testior?juat like a bit of candy ^ ?and are absolutely harmless. Take 2v EATON 1C and And out for yourself how ?g> 'A wonderfully different you will feel. See ?ggt V hjW quickly EATON1C beo..he. the Immediate effects of scid-eto<Ti?bloat, heartburn, brlchin?. food repeatinr. inS^SSaL dieestton. etc. See. too. St nfeSSmyfe bcw iuirk|t your *cuJ\ lb aJB oral health improves k\ maewk wR how much you rclirh mmAI your food?bow much ffiwirm w^V more easily year food eu hi Isdlrested? howeoundly I " you sleep?how aerrees1 i 1 MB&r naae and irritability dieapI ki-fcMH'.U' Peer. Ano ell simply bersuar. mH by tskiea KATONIC. you ha?? rid your stomach of a lot of excess making your life miserable. So pt a big baz of E ATONIC from yoor I dragnet today. 11a ia authorised to guaraatae j BAxONIC to plaaaa you and you can trust him to make thia guarantee good. If EATON1C falls ia aay way. taka it back?ho will rafnad yoar I i money. If yoor druggist doaa act keep KA TONIC writs ta ua direct ami wa will seed you a big 60c box sad you ceo send us the 60c-after you iassise it Addrses: M. L>. Kramer. Beast, Batoaic Remedy Co. IMS Wabash Are Chicago. 1 With Good Cause. 1 "These KUy .widows attract llie men." "Yet no mini would fare for his own wife to he one." I I &w m lard! I t of bursting shrapgases into which | every muscle tense, r of mind alert, >nly?TO FIGHT dur men are going 1 the shrill wnistle out they go?their task before them. an hold them back. )ard! challenge to battle We must answer way?the way of the American way. /I4I ? i+j ! the war-maddened crican people movlder to shoulder, Dry. upply the money, , the shells that we It is a tremendous > it as our fighting th the indomitable and save, and lend >nly?TO FIGHT ?with your whole b?to the utmost! Contributed by Company vT-*\T-s ' * rTS \ ? ' ' v y*% 1 * INTERESTING ITEMS FROM THE CAMPS ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY MILLION DOLLARS ARE NEEDED AT ONCE. NIL ARE WORKING IN UNISON A Little World of Industry May Be Found Under One Roof at Camp Sevier. Sergt. Charles L. Ruddy, band master of the Seventh Regiment Baud. F. A. R. D.. before coming into the army was a well known musical director. He has filled the position as musical director with the Schuberts. Klaw and I Krlanger. Ziegfeld and others. Sergeant Ruddy has written a num- j her of songs which have made great 1 hits with tlie public. One of liis latest songs was written around Camp Jackson und is entitled "So Long Camp Jackson." It has made a great hit with the boys at Camp Jackson and will be featured at the show which the Bund School is ; now staging. This song will also be sung at tha Liberty Loan exercises. Charged with forging a discharge from the army. Private Horace Poss j of Auninto>n, Ala., was found guilty ; by the general court martial and was I o?-uit-ni?-u 10 serrc a term or ten rears j in the I'nited States disciplinary barracks at Fort Leavenworth. Kan., and to forfeit all pay and allowances and at the expiration of his sentence to be dishonorably discharged. The seven organizations that are trying to keep things cheerful for the j men that are winning the war have united in a great campaign for funds with which to carry on their work*. Kvery man In uniform has come into contact with one or more of them; some hare with all of them. They are the Y. M. C. A.. Y. W. C. A.. National Catholic War Council (Knights of Columbus). Jewish Welfare Board. War Camp Community Service. American Library Association slid Salvation Army. The date of the campaign as fixed by President Wilson is November U-1S, and the amount for which the seven ask is $170,500.(100. It is a>u enormous amount of money, but it is not one cent less than ther need, if they are j to keep up with the army and nary. And they will get it. too. That is. if the folks back home realize what those seven organizations mean to the soldiers. Camp Sevier. A new building. lt>2 by 28 feet, is being erected opposite warehouse No. 14. headquarters of the conservation ! and reclamation division at Camp Sevier. It will be ready for occupancy about October 1. Quarters of the i.iuuiuiK lunc bit now mi a small . building which also houses the print- ] i 11K office and the rimp shoe shop. Be- I cause of small workiug room the work j of the tailors has heretofore been ' handicapped. The new building; is sufficiently large to take care of the clothing re- j pair shop for this camp for a long j time to come. The hat repair branch, which will be incorporated with the , clothing repair shop, will be an inno- j vation for Camp Sevier, no yvork in that line having been done here as yet. j Men from every profession and walk i In life are included in the ranks of i the American army and it will be a comparatively easy matter to fi^d persons who are experienced in hat cleaning. blocking and general repair work. Such men will likely be transfer!-*.! to the work in which ihey ran best serve the nation when their ability is found out. At preseut 24 soldiers are employed in the camp cfothlng shop. However, it is understood that 28 ex- | perlenced tailors are to be transferred to the camp about the time the new building is- ready for occupancy. Camp Wadsworth. Five officers who trained here last j year and since that time have been serving in France have been returned ! to this country and seut to Camp ! Wadk worth to be attached to the Ninety-seventh Division. Woman Appointed. Greenville?Mrs. Anna C. Williams, ! who for the past year has been depu- ' ty clerk of the federal court of the j western district of South Carolina, was appointed by Federal Judge Jos- j epli T. Johnson as lTnited States com- ' miftsioner for Greenville county, sue | ceeding MaJ. K. M. Blytlie. who re- | signed to enter the army. Mrs. Wil- j Hants, it is believed here, is the first j woman 10 noiu sucn an appoint meni In the southeast. She will also continue to act us deputy clerk for the federal court. Concrete Roadway to Camp. Columbia. - Rapid progress is being made on the concrete roadway leading to Camp Jackson. The forces have constructed a 12-foot driveway from the city limits to Heath's corner on the Garner's Kerry road and have begun work on the opposite side of the trolley tracks working toward the city limits. The county and government authorities are to pave 12 feet o>:i each side of the car tracks and the {rollcy company is to use vitritted brick on th right of way. The contractors expect to complete driveway by Dec. 1. From Cotton to Pasture. Harvin.?Except for Jhe scarcity of labor cotton harvesting is progressing satisfactorily. The weather has been Ideal and fully 50 per cent of the crop is picked apd ginned. Despite the high price of wire fencing many of the larger furmers hereabouts are preparing to enclose much of the area heretofore given to cotton to be converted tn'.o pasture lands for hogs and cattle. Agitations of the cotton price (King is ruining the industry and thousands of acree planted to cotton will go into grass and pasture lands , t A CHID GETS SKA CROSS, FEVERISH F CONSTIPATED LOOK AT TONGUE! THEN GIVE ! FRUIT LAXATIVE FOR STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. "CALIFORNIA SYRUF OF FIGS" CANT HARM CHILDNEN AND THEY LOVE IT. Mother! \our child isn't unturully cross and peevish. See If tongue Is coated; this is a sure sign the little stoniueh. liver and bowels need a 1 cleansing at once. When Jlstless. pale, feverish, full of j cold, hreath had, throat sore, doesn't j eat, sleep or act naturally, hns stem- i noh-nehe. diarrhoea, remember, a g title liver and bowel cleansing should always be*the first treatment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs"-for children's Ills; give n tea h|hhiiuin, iiuii in a row imurs all tlio foul waste, sour bile anil fermenting food which Is clogged in the liowuls passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this harmless, delicious "fruit laxative." and It never falls to effect a good "Inside" cleansing. Directions for babies, children of all ages anil grown-ups are plainly on the bottle. Keep it handy In your home. A little given today saves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." then see that It Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company."?Adv. Letting Well Enough Alone. "I'm thinking." remarked Mr. Do- j Inn. "about changing my plans and | going In business as a boss." "Don't do It." rejoined Mr. Itaffer- j ty. "You're a Hue workman and many j a boss He goln'- broke tryln' to hire and I compensate your likes." Grove'* Tutrlot chill Toole re*u>re* vitality end energy by purifying end enriching the blood. Ton oen *oun feel lu Strengt u nmg. Invigorating Meet. PricedDc. l'euplc always get along without what lbey can't get. Tf your eye a smart or fee I scalded. Wo- ' man Kv? Balsam applied upon doing to bed I* juat the thine to rellev* them. Adv. Fear Is with the faithless and faith \ Is with the fearless. uinu*u uinoi/o numnii nunito 15 HOURS A BAY Marvelous Story of Woman's Change from Weakness to Strength by Taking Druggist's Advice. Peru, Ind.?"I Buffered from a dla- i placement with backache and dragging down pain a so , badly that at timea sIf I could not be on | wy and it did I not aeemaa though 8ph K. I could stand it. I HsM fry tried different SHj JR medicinea without any benefit and Vv ^.several doctors 5fcg^SM H| t told me nothing \ but an operation "JMKSH /a /M would do me any fWM good. My drug^^HVl jWf gist told m e o f / M Lydia E. P i n kf lijfr ham's Vegetable \ xlsk 4/ :l Compound. I took \ >(\ Mv?\^ with result \f\\ V \ that I am now well \ \ ^ 'I and strong. I get i up in the morning at four o'clock, do my housework, then go to a factory and work all day, come home and get supper and j feel good. I don't know how many of my friends I have told what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound haa done for me. "?Mrs. ANNA METERIANO, 36 Weat 10th St., Peru, Ind. Women who suffer from any such ailments should not fail to try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. flYiniir khis wsl a Chilb*235.J Good for Malaria, constipation Sj biliousness ? a fine tonic. 1 Guaranteed or money back I Atk V*IU d.?Ur . J Bvhrene Drug Co..Waco.Tnc.H tasa Bff Reduces Strained. Puffy Ankles. Lymphancitti, Poll Evil. Fistula. ^B Boils. Swelling*; Stops Lameness ^B and allays pain. Heals Sores. Cuts, Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a /y SAFE AHTISEPTIC AID GERMICIDE Does not blister or remove the hair and liorse can be worked. Pleasant to use. $2. SO a bottle, delivered. Describe your ease for special instructions and Book 5 R free. ABSORBINE, JR.. (Mitotic lialacat for BitkU. roSacat Iriitnt. Palatal. Katlui Swtllrn Vriat CoareatratcS?aaly a few Crop* rrquirrd Mta affltcadoa. Price 11.21 per bottle at Scaler* or ScflTcrcS. W. F.YOUNG, r. 0. F.. 11#tra.plt It.. tprlnsfUK. Mass. lCuticura Soap IS IDEAL For the Hands SttpDo., Olalntal a S90*., Talota It. Rtaylt oocb tut Hod fro* by "Cattcara. Dept. E. Boatua." * * * TEXTILE SCHOOL IN SIGHT i Prospects Bright for Another fcducational Institution in Mountain City. Greenville.?The establishment of a large xtile school in Greenville was all but settled at a conference between cotton mill executives, citizens representing the educational interests oft the city, officials of the Chamber of Commerce. Roy Diuimitt of Atlanta, federal agent for industrial education in the Southern States, and Prof Charles S. Doggett of Clemson College, supervisor of the state boarl of ncational education A plan j' federal aid wus explained by Mr. Din.miit and It was agreed by all present that Greenville should and must have the school. An investigation is to tic made immediately through the Chamber of Commerce as to just what class of school is needed. The result of rhe investigat'en vill be se.orteil nt a similar conference to b- h i'.il later. Opening Pledge For Loan. Sumter.?Four hundred and thirtyAve thousand dollars was Sumter's j opening pieuge ror tne Fourth Liberty Loan. This wa; pledged at a mass meeting presided over by D. D. Moise. The chief address was by ev-Govornor John C. Sheppard whose patriotic utterances were frequently apo.aud"d. He pointed out that Ante ir.i had never waged war except in the cause of lfberty; that Amemrtca's mission n.iw was to scout ge the wor.d o' tyranny and that it was the duty cf those at home to support those on tli? thing line. Lieutenant Alisport. from Camp Jackson, who lis* sot.ii tmica service in France, told of afairs and incidents that were first hand knowledge to him. He brought rpplau"? wh?n he likened the American army to a. great tree, whose roots were at hoffce. whose body stretched across the sea. but whose flowers and fruits were in France. The Rev. John A. Orunson opened the proceedings with prayer and the collection of pledges was handled by Mayor Lang Jennings with splendid result. Much was added to the meeting by the music of Camp Jackson band, which also phased the people with morning and afternoon concerts. Director Lyman P. Prior, Y. M. C. A., Camp Jackson, led the audience in singing and added much to the enthusiasm of the morning. By Order of Health Officer. Spartanburg.?Dr. Baxter Haynes, county health officer, has addressed a letter to the mayors and chiefs of police of the various cities and incorporated towns in Spartanburg county ordering them that no circus can be allowed to stage a performance in this < vuiii; tuia jwr. nr. naynes siaie? that he possess the proper decree of authority to Inforre this step, ami will certainly do so. Dr. Haynes' order to the town ociclals was issued because of the fact that there is now in this county infantile paralysis, diphtheria, typhoid fever. Spanish influenia, meningitis and nearly eevry other communicable disease. Dr. llaynes wishes to prevent the spreading of these diseases, which re now extremely rare in Spartanburg. and he believes thaf it is neces- ' sary to keep the circuses out. Father Held For Murder. Bennettsville.?Coroner T. F. McRae went to Brownsville to investigate the death of Miss Lilly May Jackson. whose dead body was found hanging to a rafter in the stable at the home of her father. James Jackson. on the plantation of H. M. Hodges. James Jackson, the father, was arrested and placed in jail charged with the murder of his daughter. It seems that there has been considerable trouble in the family and that there was a familw row. The daughter left the house and her father a few minutes later. The girl did not come back during the night and the following morning her body was found hanging dead in the stable. The coroner's jury rendered a verdict that the girl came to her death at the hands of unknown parties. There were circumstances, nowever, con- ; nected with the finding of the body j that convinced the officers that the father should be held for further investigation. Drawn by Pres dent. Columbia.?The distinction of har-: ing his number drawn by Woodrow I Wilson. president of the United States, goes to Joseph Benjamin Moore. 404 Pall Mall Street, Olytnpia village. . In drawing numbers for men in the now draft. Mr. Wilson, blindfolded, drew a capsule con'aiuing the number 322. With the local board for ^iee city of Columbia that number signi j fies J. H. Moore, whose order number I is now 1. ~-?~ Medical Training Unit. Charleston. ?? Announcement was made that the Medical College of South Carolina would open with a ntu- ' dent army training corps unit, which means that all students either in phar macy or medicine will be provided with free tuition, uniform, food and quarters and reecive pay of $30 a month in addition. It Is probable that medical and pharmacy students, unlike students in ordinary 8. A. T. C. colleges, will be permitted to complete their courses before being called, although I this is not finally derided upon. _____? / * Students Sent Home. Greenwood.?Already 20o boys have j 1 been sent home who caiye here to j enter the student army training corps ] at Bailey Military Institute. The total number seeking admission as regular students and in S. A. T. C. was *517. j Those sent home could not make the required standing. Fully 7i? more boys | are ready t,o return for the same reason. Despite this fact applications and boys as well are coming in. Room in Greenwood homes has been secured and the best accommodations possible provided. Tonight! Take Dot Better Than Calomel sickens! If bilii achy read n # Listen to mo! Take do more sickenIng. salivating calomel when bilious or constipated. Don't lose a day's work 1 . Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when It comes into contact with sour bile, crashes Into It. breaking It up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you .are sluggish and "all knocked out." if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath Is bad or stomach sour. Just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee?Co to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's" I.iver Tone for a few cents. Take a spoonful tonight, and If it doesn't Dimmed Light. Mrs. I'eitvisli says that before they w? re married Mr. 1'eavish used to call her the light of Ids life, and now he says she can't hold a candle to his sister-in-law. When a small hoy gets his linger eanght in the pantry door it isn't the Jam he's looking for. GOOD-BYE BAC AND BLADDI For centuries nil over the world JOI.D MKDAI, llnnrleni Oil has afforded relief in thousands up.ui thousands of eases of lame hack. lumbago, selntlea, rlieuiuatlsin, gallstones, gravel and all other affections of the kidneys, liver, stomach, bladder and allied organs. It acts quickly. It does the work. It cleanses your kidneys and purities the blood. It makes a new tnnii. a new woman, of yon. II frequently wards off attacks of thf dread and fatal diseases of the kid neys. It often completely cures ths distressing diseases of the organs ol the body allied with the bladder nn?1 kidneys. Hloody or cloudy urine, sod Intent, or "hrlckdust*' Indicate an uu healthy condition. TVi not delay a minute If your had actios or you are sore aoross the loltit or have difficulty when urinating. <J? to your druggist nl once and get ? Rebuke. lie was eating in a large downtown restaurant. First he complained that his steak was small. Then he demanded Vienna bread lie couldn't eat "that dark stuff." "Walter, bring uie some more sugar, f like my coffee sweet," he growled utility. "Suy, sin- you ni? American?" a man lit tlm adjoining table asked. "Of (imrw I'm an American?what's that pit to do with it? "Nothing. except these are war times and a hog like you should lie thrown out of n decent restaurant. Ami what is more, I've a good mind to do it myself." There was something in the sneaker's looks and manner which suggested he meant what lie said. The grumbler called for his check and heat a retreat without waiting to finish his food.?TVtroil Journal. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There la >tdy one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. HAM/3* CATARRH MEDICINE acta through tlie Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Svstem. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Wtien this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbltng sound or Imperfect hearing, and when tt Is entirely closed. Deafness is the result. Unices the Inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to Ita normal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HAM/9 CATARRH MEDICINE. All Druggists 75c. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. The Right View. Mrs. Snohson?My dear. you don't really menu to say you darn your husband's hnsp. Mrs. Wright--Of course I do. If a man foots bis wife's bill*, site should at least lie willing to foot Ills stockings.?Huston Evening Transcript, Cuticura Kills Dandruff. Anoint spots of dandruff with Cuticura Ointment. Follow at once by a hot shampoo witli Cuticura Soap, if n man; next morning if a woman. For free samples address, "Cuticura, I>cpt X, Boston." At druggists and by mall. Soup 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. Plain Talk. "Iliisliand. will you have your eggs boiled two minutes or three minutes?" "Well, let mm* see. 1 don't know. I think?" "Better think quickly. Those eggare on the fire."?Exchange. Important to Mothors Examine carefully every buttle of CA8TORIA, that famous old remedy for iufnntx and children, and see that it In Use for Ov^r^^ Children Crv for Fletcher's Oaatoria Couldn't Understand It. "When I was a lad 1 was never nnuehty like you." "What was the mailer with you. pa? Deliealo or somethin'?" Indication produces dla?*re?able and Kimelmfi alarmlnc ejrmptomt. Wright* Indian Vegetable I'lila stimulate tha rfl*e?tlve processes to function naturally. Adv. Most of the things that seem too | coot) to he true are not. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eve Remedy No Smanlag ? .Intt Kyi Comfort. 10 cents at Druggists or mail. WrUs for rras Bin Hook. I MURINE EYE HEUEDY CO,CUICAUO ison's Liver Tone! i Calomel For Liver 3us, constipated and head17 guarantee. straighten you right up and make yea feel line and vigorous by morning. I wunt you to go back to the store and get your money. LHmIsoii'm Liver Tout Is destroying tln? sale of cnlomet because It Is real liver medicine; entire- e ly vegetable, therefore It can not ?allvnte or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging, your system and making you feel mlsornble. I guarantee that n bottle of Podson's * I.lver Tone will keep your entire family feeling tine for months. <?lve It to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like Its pleasant taste*. ?Adv. Uncle Eben. "Every once in a while," sntd I'ncle Kben, "1 keeps runnip' across de same man's picture till I begins to wonder what be does to lie famous, besides get tin' hissolf photographed." More people would ilance if they could escape the demands of the lid' dler. KACHE, KIDNEY LR TROUBLES box of Imported HOLD MEDAL Haat> letn Oil t'npsules. They are pleasant and easy to take. Eneli capsule oen, tains about one dose of five drops. Take them just like you would any pill. Take n small swallow of water if you want to. They dissolve in the ; si cm itch, and the kidneys soak tip lite i oil like a sponge does water. TJiey thoroughjv cleanse and Wash otit the blander and kidneys and throw off the iutiuniniution which is the cause of the trouble. They will quickly relieve 1 those stiffened Joints, that backache. ' rheumatism, lumhngn. sciatica, callI stones, kravel, "hrlekdust." etc. They are an effective remedy for all dis eases of the bladder, kidney, liver, stomach and allied organs. Tour druggist will cheerfully refund your ; money If you are not satisfied after a t few days' use. Accept only the pure. ? original GOl.P MK1>AI. Haarlem Oil i <'apsides. None other genuine.?Adv. These Girls. "That Happy hat is becoming to * : you." "I'.ul it hides most of my face." "I said it was becoming." j When Rah* la Teething , IIOTB'S B AM Y HOW Ml. MMOICINM will eorrwot the Stooiaeb nt Hootl iroablra. I'erfecllr barai' lata. Saa direction. on tba botUa Moiiey is ilu> root of a good many necessary evils. Don't Go From Bad to Worse! Are you always weak, miserable and half sick? Then it's time you found out what is wrong. Kidney weakness causes much suffering from backache, lameness, stiffness and rheumatic pains, and if neglected, brings danger of serious troubles?dropsy, gravel and Blight's disease. Don't delay. I'se Doom'.* Kidney I'tlls. Tliey have helped thousands ami should help you. A South Carolina Case _ ^ Mrs. A. T. Iiullard. mi Doi.-Un.. o. ts tnellrtville, S. P., says: "1 suffered three years of usony and my kidneys were the cbum of the trouble ami kept me In constant misery. I'ains shot front my back to my head. I had dizzy spells, my body bloated and 1 lost In welKht. I Anally not three boxes of Don it's Kidney I'll!*; after taking the drat box. the swelling* went down. When T hat} finished three boxes, 1 was cured." Cat Doan'a at Anr Store, 60s a Bast DOAN'S FOSTERMILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Small Pill Small Dom Small Price jmHEtRTE^r JHQV WITTLE JBr Vjver for CONSTIPATION have stood the test of time. Purely vegetable. Wonderfully quick to banish biliousness, headache, Indigestion end to clear up a bad complexion. Genuine beera signature " PALE FACES Centrally Indicate a lack of Iron In the Blood Carter's Iron Pills """ Will help thta condition PECAN TREES The pecan is the most valuable nut tree frown in America. If you are growing them you know; if not, write for valuable information free. Pecans grow successfully wherever cotton does well. J. B. WIGHT, CAIRO. GEORGIA i Fall Cabbage Plants F.arlv Jersey and Charleston \ ikelleld, Suocesslou and Flat Dutch. Hr expreM, 500, ' 91.2.1 1.000, $2.00; 5 000 at $1.7.1 10.000 up at $1.50, f. o. b. here. Parcel poet, prepaid, 100. 8-Vc; 1,000, $2.50. Wholesale and retail. D. P. JAMISON, Summervllle, S. C. W. N. u., CHARLOTTE. NO.