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IWRIC ? ? JT| 1 B ? ^ ^g. vBSI ^^^kKMWB We will win Nothing else really n \ The Flav> 0 The Individual and the State. "I>o you think sntlsfnetory arrangements ?*un eventually be inude with fSeruinny concerning ariunniciit 11 ncl trade?" "Well." nnswerwl ltrom-ho ltob, "T doo't pretend to Im* any lut<*i*tinti?>nnl statesman. Hilt I don't see why (Jernmiiy couldn't he regulated the same as Cactus Joe. Cactus .Toe was nil awful worrisome man till we passed an ordinance Insiriictin' the sheriff to shisit oil sight If he was caught ear- j ryin' a weapon and jailln' any dealer* win) sold him a slnek of poker chips." SKIN ERUPTIONS ON THE FACE arc unsightly and mar the appearance of many u woman whose face would be otherwise attractive. There Is nc need for this. Just get a box of Tetterine and use it regularly and you will l?e surprised how quickly pimples, blotches, itchy putches, elc., disappear and how soft and clear the skin becomes. Nothing better for eczema and other skin troubles than Tetterine. Sold by druggists or mailed for 50c. by < Shuptrinc Co.. Savaunah, <Ja.?Adv. Just for Two Minutes! A liurfy black scrapper saw his tirst ^ rSerinan in a camp of prisoners. He looked them over incredulously, with look of great amazement on Ids face. -You mean to tell me them measlx Itonehcuds is < ioniums V" lie demanded. "Ilnud me a shovel, mail, and let me In theah for two minutes." When you drive a bargain be sure to hit the nail on the head. Jivery time you wrong your neighbor you harm yourself. ||||1 SMSSU | felllASTOBj^ g|p3$ -ft ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT. f AVegelabfc Preparation for As jgjKjH a ffi similntingtbeFood byRegulaKsffi Y 'bcStomachs and Bwels of [' Ihereby Promoting Di<Je*tioit I- JB * Cheerfulness and RestCanums I;! neither Opium, Morphine nor j. Mineral. Not Narcotic I nu/rnMR Hm) 3 A helpful Remedy for I BHKk|Constipation and Diarrhoea.! ' and Fevrrishness and J nBlffr ' Loss op Sleep I gJjjjBK resulting thercfrorajnlnfano' J Hj^W T&c Si rei^S^nfttortgf I Imc Centaur Compa>x I r^MUM = ^ . . ' 1 . w^\^r g ^V j^L gg^^ this war? I j iatters until we do! I \ or Lasts I Not a Customer. 11?? was visiting in tin* city anil wont 1 with an older relative to the city library. The relative, who wished to eonsiilt some hooks in the referenoe room, deeidetl to leave him to he entertained in the children's room mean- c while. When she returned she asked 1 the attendant in charge how lie had 1 got along and was told, "He's all right now, 1 ?iit at first 1 couldn't vget him to look at a thing." Itather surprised, because he is generally fond of books, v1?i? tit lint ritintirufit* .. I It II * , I Juntos. didn't you want to lr.ok at the 1 liivtty hooks?" "Aw," ho said gruffly. "I didn't know sli?> just wan tod tin* to look at thoni: I thought slio wnntod to sell tut! ono, and I wasn't going to buy any. T'tn saving my money for a soldier's holt !" Delusions. "What ouriotis mistakos men inako some! itnos. I've just boon loading, for Instanoo. Hint Columbus iiuaginod that ho laid dlsoovorod tlio Indlos." "That's nothing to ono I uuido. Whon 1 I tnarrlod my wifo I thouglit I'd dis- ' covered parndiso." ? I'ostoti Transcript. j To Be Expected. Holt?"1 ?on't you wolgh nioro than you did?" ltollo?"A Idt. I startod at | nlno and ono-half pounds." i When Bahy it Teething OHOVHS B1HY JSOWBL. MKolClNK wilt correct ' the Stouiucb siul Bowel trouble*. 1'erfectlj tiuoulo*t. See direction* on the bottle. Most nton would ratlior got tlio short i olid of all arguuiout than koop ipiiot. Granulated Eyelid*. Stic*. Inflamed Eyes i relieved over night by Roman Eye lialaam. . One trial proves Ita merit. Adv. ' If tlio innstor Is noglootful tlio serv- | ant will not ho diligent. h Children ft "niaBB What is C) Castoria is a harmless substitute fc and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasao Morphine nor other narcotic substai For more than thirty years it has relief of Constipation Flatulency, allaying Feverishness arising ther Stomach and Bowels, aids the e healthy and natural sleep. Tb Mother's Friend. GENUINE' CAST* y^Bears the Si In Use For Ov The Kind You Have mraBMHHnHisi ja||M Lives 200 Years!! ' Fbr more than 300 year*. Haarlem Oil, the famous national remedy of Holland. been recognized as an infallible relief from all forms of kidney and bladder diaM-ders. Ita very age is proof that it must lave unusual merit. If you are troubled with pains Qr aches in the back, feel tired in the morning, headaches, indigestion. insot^iat painful >r too frequent passage of unit, irritation ?r stone in tlx? bladder, you will nlmost certainly find relief in (JOI.D MKI)AL Haarlem Oil Capsule*. This is the goqfl ?ld remedy that -ha* stood the test for hundreds of years, prepared in the proper j luantity ana convenient form to take. It is Imported direct from Ilollnnd Inb- I lraiorien, ana you can get it at any j Irug atore. ft in a standard, old-time 1 lome r?*ncdv and needs no introduction. I Each capsule contains one dose of five tropa and is pleasant and on?y to take. : rhev will quickly relieve those stiffened x.inta, that backiche. rheumatism, lum- | sago, aciatica. gall stone?. gravel, "brick j lust." etc. Your money promptly refunded if they do not relieve von.* But be sure :o get the genuine (IffLD MKDAL brand, [n boxes, three sizes.?Adv. HURRY CALL FOR AUNT MARY Still Time to Save Chicken, Though Usefulness of Bread Dough Was Thing of the Pact. She was entertaining city friends in llimor in her country home. Anxious o have the event as nearly perfect as j lossilde she had served dinner to liet uuall son and Ids visiting cousin. Bll j y. in the kitchen ffrst and then lain- j " shed them to the hack yard. But ' ivlil'e she gave apparently undivided j it tent ion to her guests' eon versa! ion. , die was never!heli'ss conscious of the i reiy frequent opening anil closing of j he hack door, of boys' footsteps, of j ittle cliieken's yelping and, linally. of '{lily's distressed face neeiiing ill at lie swinnine door. Hut she <1 i<I not 'ememher until too lute Hint sin* hail nrefiilly covered some lirend dough o rise In the one plueo in the kitchen vhere the heat was just right?on theitHe plntform under the stove. At ust Hilly's head hohhed far enough Ino the room for the company to see lis disturbed look ami one guest said: "Come here, little hoy, to see me, von't you?" "Why." said Hilly, encouraged, "I est wanted to tell Aunt Mary that one ittle chicken is about to get into her i read, and another one can hardly get | lit." - j" LIFT OFF CORNS! j| Doesn't hurt at all a*iJ costs I only a few cents Magic! Just drop n tittle Freezon* n that.touchy corn, instantly it stop* | lehlng, then you lift the corn off with ] he lingers. Truly I Js'o humbug! U Vt Jill 1 ' a I 0 C ( 4 Try Freezone! Your druggist soils a V liny bottle for a few cents, sulllelent to rid your feet of every hurd corn, soft 1 ?, orn, or corn between the toes, and alluses, without one particle of pain, soreness or irritation. Freezone is the S liscovery of a noted Cincinnati genius. Not What He Was Looking For. "Have you anything for nieV" asked illy of the postman. | Ii "No. but I've got something for your v not her," answered the mail man. "Will r liyt do?" ! I "No," answered ltilly. "Yesterday 1 ( b nid a birthday, and 1 bad much pen- ' tie, but no presents.'* ^ Tlie worst tiling about the skeleton h n the family elosct is that it refuses e o remain (here. | v v Imputation is a bubble that man ' t lows and then pit net tires. BBDBHBBDBMHBBb Cry For vas&mitiBSSP c ^0^3 i >r Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops t. It contains neither Opium, ace. Its age is its guarantee. r been in constant use for the ? Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; ? efrom, and by regulating the ' ' issimilation of Food; giving le Children's Panacea?The l DRIA ALWAYS m m m m m w ~' gnature of \ er 30 Years i Always Bought I*. NSW yonk OITV. , | | Was Told He Couldn't Live Six Months But Doan's Brought Mr. Clayton Health and - Strength. C. T. Clayton. 78 N. Brond St., Woodbury, N. J., says: "I hud s hout the worst case of kidney eoniplalnt a niisn could have. My kidneys were in terrible shape. I had sharp, knifelike pains In the email of my buck, and my buck often I H ?rnv?? nilt pnrtrolv I imi runui:ion, nearinsc may t>e dcHtroyea orever. Many case? of Deafness are a used by Catarrh, which Is nn Inflamed onditlon of the Mucous Surfaces. ON K HITNDRKD DOLLARS for any ;ase of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot >e cured by HA MVS CATARRH < if EDICINR All DrufCttlsts 75c Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. No Trouble With Steering Gear. T.niril Wits used hi automobiles. trl- I ?yeles. iiml the like, hut knew Utile ibiitit horses. In I In- summer a neighmr hoy. who hiol nniuiroil u Jiony, j Bine over to aim re his pleasure, j .airil's riile was a ureal ileliuhl to him. : !u*hinu to his mother mill expression lis happiness he saiil: "Ami. mother, eouhl steer him all rlffht. too." Inity is luisii'it with small thin;!*. >111 to tlie things with which iluty I Mirks she imparts her own holiness. I P.y lii^s ow n eomluet every man in the vorhl lives his own value. , 1 ^ * Wholesale, Clcanslef. Y 111* Refreshing and Heallaf |_oti*n?Murine for Redf* ness, Soreness, Granule \f tion. Itching and Burning of the Fyes or Eyelids; *2 Dropi" After the Moviee. Motoring or Golf a ill win your confidence. A?k Your Druggiat 'or Murine when your Eyes Need Care. M il Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago I e nation. Recommended by Lydia L I Pinkham Med. Co. for tea years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore ayes. Economical. Hu titnoidiunr cImiiiIih and gmacaial power. [Siaalijwa. 50c. all dtuigwa. or potfpud by ^jad^TWPartooToaj^OTipanT^jjeja^Jaiia^^ [IfUr\ *C Women as well as men ?? liJ ?re made miserable by nn/^ kidney and bladder trou- | ble. Thousands recom- , #T \ \4p mend Dr. Kilmer's air* Swamp-Root, the great j Idney medicine. At druggists In large i ind medium size bottles. You may reelve a sample size by Parcel Post, also : lumphlei telling about It. Address l>r. j Cllmer & Co.. RlitKhamton. N. Y., nnd nclose ten cents.x also mention this n?n.r f couldn't stoop to lnce 1 my shoes. For two years I was In this helpless condition ami didn't do a tup of work and no one thought I would ever - - . he able to work again, nr. uiytM Jn fnrt | wnR to,d j couldn't live six months. Hut fortunately I began using Poan's Kidney Pills. They made me feel better from the llrst and after taking several boxes. I had better strength and health than ever before. I thInk Doan's are worth their weight In gold, an?l I recommend them whenever I henr anyone complaining of their kidneys." Cat Doan's at Any Stora, 60c a Box DOAN'S KJ,T,NiV FOSTER-M1LBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. nAIVA Clear Your Skinl UIIVV WithCuticura H| B V All druggists: Soap 25. U H 9 I I OiatmcnU25 & 50. TalI IB B 111 cum 25. Sample each I II I | 119 fieex of "Cuticara, Dept. E. Bostoa.Y foj 11 ' 1 I MALARIA I Chills *nd Fever. Biliousness. g I Constipation and ailments I requiring a TOMC treatment'. I i DXIMMG . GUARANTEED 1 Behrens Drug Co I AH Drug fiats 50^ 1 I B9feHfeft?banoom*nnaMsmn*aaa?J| ^vcry Woinan WiintH^ FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE | Dissolved in water for douches stops I pelvic catarrh, ulceration and in flam- I #^DROPSY TREATMENT. QlTM(ilck rcltrf. A v s....11 rriuufM wvlllnr ud abort R pi brMth. Hmr hi?rd of tta raul Tor dropay. I .. -JfM. Trj Ik Trial treatment arnt mil. by mall. KVT WriutoD*. THOMAS K. CftCEN mJLM Baafc Ma#.. Iw ao. OMATSAOBTM. W. V. N. U.. CHARLOTTE. NO. 40-1918. 1 US MEMORY SOMEWHAT HAZY ieattle Man Not Quite Certain Wheth- j er He Had Enlisted, but He Was No Quitter. I.nst summer, when every young inVu's thoughts were on I lie wnr, u lenliliy lumliermiiii from Sen I lie ?rIvetl in New York on n business trip, lis business linving been uttemleil to. I., w.1 .. I vcniiiK l?y mi nftlrt'i* in I In* 1'nltod I States murine corps. As (lie linurs j ml l lie llnwini; lui,\vl passed. speeches leiinne more iiliil nmre freipienl, evrybody wns wrntiyhi up, and there rus no man so base as to say that he rnuld lint un to the front fur Ills ennilr.v. Marly the next inorniiiu the Seattle nan started Itaek home. A few days later the uflteer of ma- I lnes reeeived Ibis telegram frntn bim : i "I?id I enlist that niuht? If so, Intruet tile when and where In report." j ?Popular Matm/.iiie. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured iy loeut applications ns tbey cannot reach he diseased portion of ttie ear. There Is idy one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, ,nd that If by a constitutional remedy. IAL1,'8 CATARRH MEDK 'INK nets hroiiRh th" Blood on the Mucous Surfaces >f the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is aused by an Inflamed condition of the nucou* lining of the Ruatnchlan Tube. Vhen this tube Is Inflamed you have a umbllng sound or Imperfect henring. and I'hen It Is entirely closed. Deafness Is the eault. I'nloss the Inflammation can be re- ; luced and this tube restored to Its nor A CHILD DOESN'T . LAUGH AND PLAY IF CONSTIPATED LOOK, MOTHER! IS TONGUE COATED, BREATH FEVERISH AND STOMACH SOUR? 'CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" CAN'T HARM TENDER STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. A laxative today saves a siclc child tomorrow*. Children simply will not take the time front piny to etupty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sour. Look nt the tongue, mother! If I coated, or V?"r child is listless, cross. | feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has so'c throat or any other children's ailment, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs." then don't worry, because it is perfectly harmless, and in a few hours all this constipation poison, sour bile end fer- menting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough 4 inside i cleansing" Is oftlntes all that is neees- | snry. It should be the first treatment given In any sickness. 1 Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for n bottle of "('ail- i ifornia Syrup of Figs," wiiioh has full directions for babies, children of all ages anal for grown-ups plainly ( printed on the bottle. Look carefully j and see that it Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company."?Adv. < SAW SMALL CHANCE TO SAVE Enlisted Man Evidently Had the ' Spending Instinct Developed to ' a Remarkable Degree. Plflieullles of soldiers who formerly were successful business men, in paying last .yeair's income tax on this year's pay aire illustrated by at story brought to Wuslaiugtoaa by aai oHirer serving ail one of the southern cantonments. Last February, the ottleer said, he explained to the men of his command that all married men would have to pay a t: x on all their Jasj yeai*'s earnings over S'j.aHMi, while unmarried jiieu would have to pay on nil incomes over *1.< KM). . Coining to 11iin Inter one of tlae men. a private, said: "I guess I won't he able to pay that Income tax. 1 haven't any money." "Oil, Hint's all right." replied the officer, "you have until .lune to pay It and you earn save it out of your pay by that time." "I am afraid I couldn't." responded the private, "| made .*:{.*>.(Ksi hist year and 1 blew it all when I was railed into tin* army." Pimply Rashy Skins Quickly soothed and healed by Cutlcura often when all else fails. The Soap to cleanse und purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. For free samples address, "Cuticura, Dept. X, Boston." At druggists and by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 ami 5t>.?Adv. The average man learns from his j own experience; the wise man from the experience of others. There are many tinkling cymbals in the land who seem to think that they are thinking symbols. l>r. lVcry'a "bead Shot" la not a "toor "ayrup." but a real old-fashioned dose of medicine which cleans out Worms or Tapeworm with a slnicle dose. Adv. The poet paints with words and the advertiser speaks with type. IATTE . Sick' To do your duty < times your health si consideration. The tell how they found Ilellam, Pa.?"I took Lydia / ratable Compound for female placement. I felt all rundown I had been treated by a physic! bo decided to give Lvdia E. I'inl a trial, and felt better right i since last April and doing all t I was unable to do any work, table Compound is certainly th take when in thiscondition. this letter."?Mrs. E. It. Cri m Lowell. Mich.?"I suffered down Runs, was irr^ nnrl displacement. I bejfan to tak( table Compound which pave mi my health. I should like to recc remedies to all suffering worae lar way."?Mrs. Elisk IIeim.I | Why h I LYD M I VEGETA m. 1 I am Sincere! Sti K\ Guarantee Pi Listen to me! Calomel sic day's work. If bili lieadacby read I.iven up your sluggish liver! Feel fine uud cheerful; innke your work n pleasure; be vigorous niul full of ambition. But take no nasty, dangerous calomel, because It makes you sick and you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the hones. Calomel -crashes Into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when f I ??...? r..i -..-1 .......... I ,iou n-i i null mi nil uuiiscu nun i iuiiij"Iti jr. Listen to mo! If you want to enjoy the nieest. gentlest liver ami bowel cleansing yon ever experienced, just take a spoonful of harmless I>ndson's j Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or j dealer sells you a bottle of Hudson's ; Liver Tone for a few cents under my j co.LT Ac ^ ou can prevent fn/ ( B \o\ through your stabl Jjz U In ?x* \A riT-i ' Wht A you begin |W\* lTT JP' f}?| KPOHN'S Is safe to V V" ent.i all itist \^\ SsPf nt any ago are "e: / gooil.i houses and n rCfl/r and $1.15 a bottle. I SI'OIIX )1UU ?Mp? \N (ypniLiLTfi Repartee in France. *( Flotsam anil .leisam. onr rapid tire "epartee team, noticed a eonjile of llap ers wearing rather original hats. "I wonder if I hose are the latest tat styles from I'aris." said Flotsam. "1 eluipeaux so." replied .leisam. i lulit Oil tln? bni. rhino News. No Worms In a Healthy Child All children troubled with worm* hate an tmbraltbr color, which Indlrntca poor blood. anil ?. a rule, there la more or less atomach dlstttiLance UliOV M'rt TASTHhHMh chill TONUlgiTci. regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, luiprorvj the digestion, and act as a Ueneral hirctigthsnit< Tonic to the whole ayntent. Niitrrre will tnon Ihn m off or dispel the worujs. and the t hi Id will be In perfect health. Pleasant to take Obc per bottle A pmilrnt man tu'vur liulls Into liimroi- for tli?> purposr ??f mlvt-rlIsinjf tils Isruvory. It's AcidThat Make Sick am I.lfe la (lark?not worth tnttoh to the man or woutuu with no aeid-stoinach. Arid stomach kills llope. Attlblllon. Kncrjf.v, Courage. It saps tlic strength of the strongest ho?!j iiit|ioveri*lies lhe bhtoil ca ia-s untold sufYt ring makes millions wenk. unlit and brings on pre Dial tire old age. Millions of people are weak and unfit, suffering all the time, In one way or another, front miperartdily or neld st<ana< It. They ?Jon't seem dangerously alek. Ju*t hilitik'. (SoiiiK through MT*' w?*Hk. IIhiIosm, dragging one foot after jin??th*T. They're nmuim mul Irrltht?l?*: lack pow or and punch. f roquctit Iv have a?*vere attack* ??f 1*1 'inllttg. h|?IIIIttii; iK'iuhrbi^; Milijoct to His of iiieluncholln ainl moii tal depression. An*l nearly alwavs their atoninch* are out of order, ev*?n thntixii many experience no actual at*?:nacli pain** digestion |n??*r never getting anywhere near tin* full Ktrcnglli from tliolr fimkI So, yon so**. If* Just tl?l* u* l?l mIoihnrh tliai I* holding ho many p**o|?lc Mark sapping up tin* MlMiKth they should u?.| from their f*?*?*l -taking a way tliolr vigor ainl vitality -leaving tlieiii weak ami In* ttident. lift rid of the exreas arid. That'* the *coreI of goal hoalili ninl Is Iho only way to obiulu good digestion ainl asslm WHAT CONSTII It means a miserable condition of III aliments such as headache, backache, < of various kinds, piles and numerous o crime against nature. Take DR. TUT! and bowels resume their health-giving Dr. Tuffs I NTION! Women ^ during these trying 7 lould be your first s\/' *se two women yf u 1 health. / x,. j-niKnam s veg- I ->/\| troubles and a dio- I and was v^ry weak. ^ ^ Vi an without results, ilium's Vegetable Compound ir/ away. I am keeping house oy housework, where before ?En Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- jWjjat e best medicine a woman can ive you permission to publish cjnjg^S i Lixo, II. No. 1, Ilellam, l'a. from cramps and dragging ?'lnBr 1 had female weakness and a Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegea relief at once and restored mmend Lydia E. Pinkham's I n who are troubled in a si ml- I l.Xo.6, lJox 63,Lowell,iiich. / lot Try t i E. PINKb LBLE COMI LYDIA E.PINKHAM ? Dp Calomel! ? odson's Liver Tone :kens and you may lose a ous, constipated or my guarantee. i .......... personal money-back guarantee that each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty cato* i?i**I and that It won't make you sick. Dodson's I.iver Tone Is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morning. because you will wake up feeling line, your liver will be working; head ni'iit- mm uikkiiitw i;uih" ; skiliy" "'"ml Ik? sweet uu?l bowels regular. Potlson's Liver Tone Is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give It to your children. Millions of people are using iVdson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell yon that the sale of calomel is almost stopped entirely here.?Adv. DIST EMPER this loathsome disease from runnlmc e and euro nil the colts suffering' with the treatment. No matter how young. use on any colt. It is wonderful how empers. no matter how colts or horses tposed." All good druggists and turf ninufacturers sell SPOHX'S at 60 cent* i.Vr.O and $11.00 a dozen. 1CAL CO.. (iuaben, lnd., V. S. A. TTT Q SOLD F<>R 60 YEARS niPTUfe For MALARIA, ill U lj]l CHILLS and k FEVER Also a FIna General Lv IlVl 11 vS?i Strengthening Tonic. Sold bt all drug storesFall Cabbage Plants Early Jersey and Charleston V. .ikoMeWI, 8oocesslon and Flat Dutch. Br express, 600, 91.3.1: l.tHK), 93.00; 5 000 at ft.75 10,000 up a ft 50, f. o. b. here. Parcel post, prepaid, 1IK), 85c; 1.000, 93.50. Wholesale and retail. D. F. JAMISON, Summervillc. S. C. PARKER'S ma,r balsam Ifiyirv^ eH A toilet preparation of merit, i \)vV, Jj2 Italpa to rail I rate .landrufT. g xyi For Roatoring Color and CawSK/?Daautr to Gray or Fad ad Hair. & a KODAKS & ciippiipq 1A UVi ( I lU We also <)o highest class of finishing. Prices ami Catalogue upon re^netst. S. Galctki C?.t Richmond, Va. Stomach is Millions I Suffer Hal ion. II la the right wit to he well ami keep a I rung. Ordinary medietas won't ilo any lusting giant. Tim heat they ran do Is to spur up your appetite for awhilo. A modern remedy make* |i possible to remove excess acid wltllotll tlm slight eat discomfort. 11 la called KATOMt*, In the form of pleasant lasting lahlela. Tlmlr action In I he atomm-h Is a good deal like n piece of htolllng paper taklnc np a drop of Ink tliey literally ahaorli llie Inju.-lous excess uchl and cairy It awa.v through the Intestines. l'cgln using itATONlfl right now? today.?and get on the road to Inauidhig, vigorous, vibrant health. Thousands upon thousands of people who have used KA'HlNIt! arc enthusiastic In lis praise. They say they never dresmed thai anything coilhl tiring tlmui such ijulek relief. KATONIt* Is fully guaranteed. Tour ilruggls* will give you a tiig Ian for only fat cents with the distinct understanding that If you are not pleased In every way. J on get your .'at cents hack. If you can't gel KATONIt! where you live send us your name and address: we will send you a fifty cent box and you can acml ns the .vie when you get It. Addles* r.aiomr id'Oiedjl ?*?>., Guuttier Bills, ?'Ul111. OTlONffiANS nlth that leads to all sorts of specia1 I lyspepsia, dizziness. Indigestion, pains 9 ther disorders?CONSTIPATION Is i I 'S LIVER PILLS and have your liver I I natural functions. At all druggists. I LiverPilis I 1AI?S]/1 >OUND I 4r.DICINE CO. LYNN.MASS. v