University of South Carolina Libraries
For Freckles Qlrtal Make beauty lotion aft homo for a faw canto. Try Itl Squeere the Jalce of two lomona Into a bottle containing three ounces of -orchard white, shake well, and you tiTa a quarter pint of the best freckle, unburn and tan lotion, and complexIon whltener, at very, very small cost. Tour grocer has the lemon i and ?IU/ vu uo 01V4V VI IVill-p CUUIIltT Will apply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the fuce, neck, arms and hands and see how freckles, sunburn and tnn disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yesl It Is harmless.?Adv. The Thrifty Farmer. Hired Man?Sny, Mr. Skinner, I'd like to hnve u hull holiday all at once, eo's I kin go flshln'. / Farmer?H'tn. With your pay a ROi a on, i x post' Hired Man (timidly)?I s'bose so. Furmer?Well, I reckon I'll linve to take a chance. Hut remember riKht now tliut I own whatever tish you ketch! Grove's chill Tonic Tablet* and _ Grove'i Tasteless chill Tonic Too can now get Umtn'i Tasteless chill Tnnlo In Tablet form as well an In Hyrup. the kind Ton have always bought. The tablets are Intended tor those who prefer to swallow a tablet rather than a syrup, and a* a conrenlenee for those who travel. HiBOVB-S chill TON 10 TAHl.HTS" contain exactly the ammo medicinal properties and produce tbo am results as U rove's Tasteless chill Tonic whlob tapa^np In bottles. The price of eltner Is OOo. Perfectly Safe. "Tdltle girl, ureu't you afraid of the got has?" "Oh, no! I sleep with my mother." A torpid liver prevents proper food nsstmflatlon. Tone up your liver with Wright's Indian Vegetable l'llla. They act gently. Adt. United States has llMMXM) army office m. What is ^ "VASTORIA is a harmless subs Drops and Soothing Syrups. Opium, Morphine nor other Narc antee. For more than thirty years it fa of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Co ness arising therefrom, and by res kids the assimilation of Food; g The Children's Panacea?The Mcther'i The Kind You Have Always Bough 80 years, has borne the signature of Chai his personal supervision since its infan All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just trifle with and endanger the health of li Children?Experience against Experinn Genuine Castoria always bears the slj You Can't 1100 Mile Preparing men of Swift & Comp; The finest me wouldn't do yon hundred miles ? table. Swift & Company it possible to place products in the small communities. To be sure the Swift & Company, houses and car route the retail dealer for j Swift & Company covering towns?big ?which are not s branch house. Salesmen find out i wanted by the dealei j They are followed loaded with retailer delivered at each tov j sweet?once or twic Swift & Compan; number of car routes teen distributing plai This is a necessar of the packers' use the industry in pn or It makes better mea end of the land to th< Swift & Com] ! 9 MERESifiW FROM THE GUMPS t NUMBER OP PROMOTIONS AT CAMP JACKSON; MOVIES TEACHING MILITARY. I ClttMft] Prtera In Miliim. It Is bectuilng more and mora dlMcult to obtain clothing In Belgium, according to the Belgian Bulletin, which says that persons who liuve been thrown out of wovk tuny secure on easy terms, once a year, from the charity clothing club a dress or nn overcoat. A Belgian Interned In Holland, obtained permission to weur civilian drcRs. Ills wife, who had remained at Vervlers, joined him, and he wrote recently: "My wife has come with my personal effects. However, before she left, a number of persons cume to her and offered her for my Sunduy stilt and overcoat .100 francs ($1001; for a pair of velvet trousers, which cost 7 francs ($1.40) before the war. 40 francs ($N); for iny shoes 250 francs ($50), etc. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they canuot reach the til sensed portion of the ear. There la only one way to cure Catarrhul Deafness, uid that Is by a constitutional remedy. HALL," 8 CATARRH MEDICINE acta through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is aused by an inflamed condhTcti of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed. Peafness la the result. Unless the Inflammation can be reluced and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing may be destroyed nritvar XTnnt? r ?? ? ? ? ??? / voovn ui UCttl llcntJ Kro au*od by Catarrh, which Is an lnflam*d condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLI.AR8 for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All DruKKlsta 75c. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. He Knew Differently. "A ninn cannot serve two musters?* "The dickens lie can't!" interrupted Gap Johnson of Rumpus Ridge, aArk.. who is blessed with a helpmate and 14 children. "I'm serving fifteen of 'em, and doing a mighty fair job of It."?People's Home Journal. Of Ceylon's 10..T07.840 acres of land, only about 2,S7.~?.0<H) tire cultivated. A nut cracker bus been Invented that will crack three r.uts at once. Castoria itituto for Castor Oil, Paregoric, It is pleasant. It contains neither ' otic substance. Its age is its guari&s been in constant use for the relief lie and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishdilating the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. ? Friend. it, and which has been in use for over i. H. Fletcher, and has been made under cy. Allow no one to deceive you in this, ras-Good" are bnt Experiments that (nature of 11 111?WIIIMIII ! IllWII il Eat Meat js Away it is only a part any's usefulness. sat in the world r any good one tway from your efficiency has made complete lines of est and most remote work is done well through its branch ! s, brings the meat to fOU. lays out car routes , little, medium size >erved by a Swift in advance what is s in every town. by refrigerator cars s* orders, which are m?fresh, clean, and e each week. Y operates a large i like this, from fourits. y and natural part ! fulness. It fits into I derly, effective way. 1 it cheaper from one 1 e other. pany, U. S. A. SEVERE SENTENCE IMPOSED : An Office Building and Lavatory Be* ing Built at Camp Wadsworth; More Troop* Arrive. Camp Jackson. A large number of promotions were made at Camp Jackson. Five captains wore raised to the rank of major; 36 first lieutenants to the rank of can- i tain; and 85 second lieutenants to the I rank of first lieutenant. The captains : promoted to the rank of major wore: Stanley F. C'oar, iSdward F. Guilford, John B. Horner, Charles Matthews i Lindsay. James I). Lucas. The Motor School boys are publishj lng a newspaper of tlieir own. It is j a six column folio and contains a i number of well written feature articles, good editorials and live news and some advertising. The paper is well edited and well printed and is a credit to the staff responsible for the i publication. The paper is to be pubj lished every two weeks. I Charged with unlawfully, wilfully and feloniously cutting off the second ! and third fingers of his left hand. Recruit Charlie C. Parker of Battery C. Twenty-fifth Battalion. F. A. R. D.. has received a sentence of 20 years in ! the United States disciplinary bar| racks. Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and will forfeit all pav and allowances due I ; or to become due and at the cxpira; tion of h!s term will be disohnorably | discharged from the service. This was the decision of the Camp Jackson court ma ttial, which sentence was confirmed by the commanding general John (3. Mounton, who was librarian at the A. L. A. Library for some time. I but who was called to his home library j in Waltliain, Mass., some few weeks ago. returned to camp and is again in charge as camp librarian at this most popular library. C. M. Baker, who has been acting art i librarian during Mi*. Mounton's ab; settee, left for Camp flreene. Charlotte. 1 N. C., .where he will be camp librarian of that camp. If. 11. Ilarwcod. who has been one ' of the assistant librarians here, goes to Camp Wadnwortli Spartanburg. S. C.. where he will be connected with the library there. Mrs. Kelly, the wife of an officer stationed here. ,is one of the new assistants in the ramp library. Private Albert C. Rowland of the Fifteenth Compuny One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Depot Brigade, was found guilty of refusing to he operated upon and was sentenced to ten years In the Coifed States disciplinary barracks at Fort Leavenworth. Kan. The military authorities will use the open a!r moving picture booth ami machine and equipment of the Y. M. A. for the purpose of military instructions. Pictures teaching military will be used. Camp Sevier. The arrival of the Third Battalion of the Forty-eighth United States infantry at this camp brought more than 700 more soldiers here for the new Twentieth Division, and completed the movement of the Forty-eighth to Sevier. The men came from Newport News. A number of new officers, including captains and lieutentnts, have also arrived recently for duty with the Twentieth. Quite a number of them have been on duty overseas. MaJ. E. G. Beuret has reported for duty as division inspector for the Twentieth and Capt. S. J. Cooper has reported as personnel officer for the division. Construction of an ofTiee building and lavatory for the utilities division of the quartermaster depot has been authorized . Grading has been commenced at the site to he occupied by the $150,000 laundry that is to he built at this camp, and it is expected thnt construction on the building itself will start soon. Clemson News Notes. Clemson College. ? Stuents with work to make up returned to Clemson and the work is now going on and will continue through the 10th. Entrance examinations began September 20. More than 7f>0 students had been accepted before the S. A. T. C. was es tablished at Clemson. Since the es tnblishment of the 3. A. T. C. the registrar's office has been flooded with applications, but many of them are from men who are not prepared to enter the freshman class and these had to be rejected. Caught Transporting. Columbia.?Officials made one of the largest hauls of contraband liquor taking place in Columbia in a long time, when Constables Fanning and Weatherly arrested A. C. McElroy. white, with four suit cases and two hand bags filled with pint bottles of liquor. There were 150 of those flasks, making a total volume being transported lS^i gallons. McElroy was lodged In jail and will be turned over to the federal authorities. He had about $550 in cash on his person at the time he was taken. Back From Overseas. Camden.?Lieut. H. H. Rirchmore, who left here several months ago with the members of the old Kershaw Guards, and has been In active service on the Belgian front, has been spending several days In Camden, and has gone to Georgia to see relatives before reporting at Camp Dix. where he will act as an instructor. Later he expects to join another contingent and go back to the front. lie talks interestingly of the wa? and says that the Camden hcys witn him had suffered no casualties. ""?W Mn.Com liter TefltHowSlN Was Cured by Lydia E. Pjnkhnm'n Vegetable Compound, Oikalooaa, low*.?"Foryears I wn simply in misery from a weakness and l. awfnl pains- and S nothing seemed to HMhmmS do me any (rood. A friend advised me \ Pinkham's e g e^ ?QWF%. JKXX& table Compound. I did so ana got re ?L M Pwjxfc lief right away. I commendhthis valu* V lWlYW^ other women who . 'V* ' suffer, for it has * done such good work for me and 1 know it will help others if they will give it a fair trial." ?Mrs. Lizzie Courtney, 103 8th Ave., West, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Why will women drag along from day to day, year in and year out, suffering such misery as did Mrs. Courtnev, when such letters as this are continually being published.' Every woman who suffers from displacements, irregularities, inflammation, ulceration, backache, nervousness, or who is passing through the Change cf Life should givo this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a trial. For special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. * The result of its long experience is at your service. | \ Kills I Good for Malaria, constipation * biliousness ?a fine tonic, j! Guaranteed or money back s AmK ijour dealer ' "J BeKrpns DrujJ Co.,Waco.Tex. g iinnintiiiin')>iiniiniiilH'iiiiii?iwi'iinl YOU CAN'T CUT OUT THOaOUGHP?! but you can clean them off promptly witb and you work the horse came time. Docs not blister or remove the hair. f2.50 per hottlc, delivered. Will te'l you more if you write. Book. 4 K free. ABSOP.H1NE, JR.. the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduce; Varicose Veins, Ruptured Mincln or lagtmcnta, PnlartrJ Clanda. Wen*. (')iti Altar" pain qairMr- fri.-e S1.2S B boute B( diufglata or delivered. in the U. S. A. br W. F.YOUNG. P. D. F..3IOT?.'V)l?St..Ssrlngne:d.Mass. KEUNfY TROUBLE 1 with l'ruelt's Kialaic* atrial IMimmI itiriiirluo. i Unexcelled lor i.tieUtuiUlsiu. Neuralgia. I'allia id Bnck. Catarrh of iiiadd'-r. pic. Ask your druggUl, or full Biaaa In.ltio pr, piud.l -1. AUnl'.l^i A. It. l'iil tTT, M I LI.I'.N, CA. 1 bat Wnnderf nl linnk, "Th? Hatt'eof Arn-agcddim." explains whp ?nr came. Iin? It will end, peace to lolioar. Cloth. TOtl puces. SOU Hlblo re'erencpaa. (*?< , poMpad. Jesse lKidiin, lligh l'olnt, N. C. MAGIC WORDS DREW SILENCE Diplomatic Mr. Huff "Pulled" a Dinner-Table Ruee to Expound a War Theory. "I've hcen thinking." observed academic IlulT. stirring liis ten nnd looking out on thi* plcusancc of I'rook- i ship drive. "One moment," interrupted Mrs. Huff, leaving thp t?:l?|p with Hip empty stilt cellar. "?ami linvp concluded," resumed , Huff. "t.imtne some pie," demanded little I Johnnie Huff. | "?that this rou 11 try?" "Knt your potatops first," counseled Mrs. IlulT. "1'ie poiiips Inter." llnlt niiule n new start : "My point Is that to win thp ?" "Want a drink!" exclaimed little Dorothy Huff. ?"war," the liend of the house went ! on, "we must?" More interpolations. Huff tried a I new taek. I'ttering the magic words. 1 "picture show." he ohtnlned impressive silenei . Then, working swiftly, lie got Ids war theory almost half ex- i pounded before the rasp was diseov- 1 ered.- Kansas t'lty Star. Single Standard. Daughter?lie has money nnd hrains. ; Father?Hut would you marry him , Just for money? I AJedini always goes with healtn.and health making is the big reason for iiMitt; A delicious food, rich in the vital phosphates. No Waste.You eat and enjoy it to the last atom. health making, nourishing, economical. 4t Try ft. There's a Reason. Why Dread Old Age? It doesn't matter bo* old jrou are, if you keep well and active. Lots of folks are younger at 70 than others are at 00. Lame, bent backs; stiff, achy, rheumatio joints; bad eyesight and deafness are too often due to neglected kidney trouble and not to advancing years. Doh't let weak kidneys age yon. Use Doan't Kidney Pills. Ttaer have mad* life more comfortable for thouaands of elderly folka. A North Carolina Case Mrs. I. L. Straughn, jm* 9?)9*l loot w. Lee 81., QB Greensboro. N. C.. ays: "About every month or so for three years I had an at* SCVk hT>. tack of backache rJv.'MLwcTj?L. that would lay me jvjy/W 'Jlnmfa up for several days. JttOKU vtd/Sft 1 Anally took Doan's llrlm ^ Kidney Pills and two V|ilJ boxes Axed me up solf that I haven't had*jj^l^ ? /aj any sign of the trou-%y^ ble since. 1 am gladrW^j rsygfflrtC that I used Dnim'a for they are the only kidney remedy that has ever helped me." Get Doaa's at Any Store. 60c a Box DOAN'S 'VfJLV FOSTER- Ml LB U RN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Fall Cabbage Plants Early Jersey and Charleston > iketleld, tiucOPssion anil Plot. liiinh Ii? -- t?w? ? ? ? ? - ?V .^? 1?? VAJ'ICSO, UU" 11.35. 1.000, *".M)0; 5,000 at 81.75 10.000 u, u $1 50, t. o. b. hrre. Parcel poet, prepaid, 100, 85c; 1,000, W holesale and retail D. P. JAMISON, Summerville. S. C. When You Need a Good Tonic Take BABEIi TUB QUICK AND 8LRH CURB FOR Malaria, Chills, Fever and Grippe CONTAINS NO QLTM.NH ALT, DUtTGOlSTS or by Parcel Pont, prepaid from Klui,z"w!tlil As Co., WnKhlurtoii. 11. C Familiar Sounds. An Alsatian correspondent of I>r PnvUI Starr Jordan writes that to hi"Joyous astonishment" ho lists discovered among the bugle rails of the American sirmy in Franco "siirs which nro exactly those wo used to hear in times of peace in passing from our hni"*acks to the ?lri I grounds." Anions these are notah'y the reveille, the soup call, the call to the oflloors ilml the rsire cull to the general. which the puhlic seldom hears. Ills explanation Is a natural one. "These calls are those wliioh Lafayette brought to Washington's troojs in the War of Independence."? Springfield (Mass.) liepuhlicnn. A GROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED LOOK, MOTHER! SEE IF TONGUE IS COATED, BRF.ATH HOT OR STOMACH SOUR. "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" CAN'T HARM TENDER STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs," that this Is their ideal laxative", because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly demises the tender little stomach, liver and bowels without griping. When cross, irritable, feverish, or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, Mother! If coated, give u teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. When the little system is full of coin, throat sore, has stomach-ache, dinrrhiea, indigestion, colic?remember, H L'OOll "iixlilp elnjinulncr" clmiilil ?1 ways l>e the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child to-morrow. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which lias directions for babies, children of nil ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here, so don't be fooled. Get the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company."?Adv. Explained. "My dear." said Mrs. Askett. "Why do you suppose the doctors charge so much for operating for appendicitis?" "Oh. any butcher will tell you that tenderloins are very expensive." Grove'a Taateleaa chill Tonic raatoraa -rttaiitjr and ruitrgj by purifying and enricblng the blood. Too can noon feel lu Sireogibanlng, lDTigorattng BBcict Price Ubc. Of a thousand persons, only one reaches the age of one hundred years, United States has sent 1,1500 locomotives to France. Vrhissd Granulated Eyelids, jf ||ll F.yea inflamed by expo?ure to Sid, Dastard Wind m quickly relieved by Marine ifl V ?5%^ EyeBemedy. No Smarting, ? ju?t Eye Comfort. A. Your Druggiata or by mail 60c per Bottle. For Bnnk el tke Eye free mite h-u Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. . V ' A * ' .jC ' , , i Calomel Users! I 1 Hi iorAnlA#t P i uuaiaiucc u Your druggist gives back liven your liver and you up without: ? Ugh! Cnlomel makes you sick. It's horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you muy lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the hones. Calomel, when it comes Into contact with sour bile, crushes into it. breaking It up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and crumping. If you ure sluggish and "all knocked out," if your liver is to-nld ami bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is laid or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Here's my guarantee?(lo to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Tuke a Unavoidably Detained. I had two bills to a frat dance that promised to lie coihI and stmt one out to my brother at Camp Crant. The Saturday of the tlatiee arrived without a word from Tom. Tim following Monday I received litis postal: "Dear Jack: I was very sorry that I couldn't go to the dance. I'll bet you had a good time. Hope I'll see you next week. "I\ S.? I was in the guardhouse Saturday night."?Chicago Tribune. A New Way to Shave Tender skins twice a day without irritation by using Cutieurn Soap the "Cutlcurn Way." No slimy mug, germs, waste of time or money. For free samples address, "Cutlcurn, Dept. X, Boaton." At druggists and by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. Meant "Two Down," of Course. An English newspaper man, repotting that famous baseball game before royalty, wrote that in the sixth inning the score against the army was 't wo-lovo."?Host on Transcript. Dr. Feery's "Dead Shot" not only expels Worm* or Tapeworm but clean* out tho -nucus In which th?-y breed and tones up the dictation. One dose suttlclent. Adv. Chinese cotton planters in the vicinity of Shanghai arc experimenting with seed obtained from iieorgia. When Bshy is Teethinir URtlTIS HAKV IIIIHUI MKHII'IIU ? 1 tho Stoniurh ?>.<! Bowt-I troubles. ivrfccllj buiui, 1???. ??? directions on the buttle. Memphis, 'IViiii., now luis womnn barbers. weak kidney: J When you're fifty, your body hoginR to creak a little at the hinges. Motion is ! more slow and delilieratc. "Xot so young | as 1 used to he" is a frequent and unwel| cotne thought. Certain bodily functions upon which good health and good spirits ] so much depend, are impaired. The weak spot is generally the bladder. Cnpleasant symptoms show themselves. 1'ainful and annoying complications in other organs arise. This is particularly true with elderly people. If yo.i only know how. this trouble can be obviated. For over 2tK) years OOT.D MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been relieving the inconvenience and pain due to advancing years. It is a standard, old-time home lvniedy, und needs no introduction. It is now put up in odorless, tasteless capsules. These are easier and more pleasant to take than the oil in bottles. Each capsule contains about one dose of fire drops. Take them just like you would any pill, with a small swallow of water. They soak jntn the system ami throw off the poisons which are making you old hefore your time. They will quickly relieve I As Age Advances Small PHI. Small^^fc*. LI 1deb9 ' Genu Jr ? 1 bears signs == n i _ n IVxOioriess orraie r aces condition which will be greatly I Don't Get | With an Ac (k\125000 ReopteCajittSoiddeEyeiyM^ Uj A ffrmt food xMnt\ s*ys:"ThecauMof thf j ^ nwt of them tt>rjr^ stomach" J .. jsten To Me! j 11 lodson's Liver Tone : your money if it doesn-t ; bowels and straighten making you sick. spoonful and If It doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fin* and vigorous I want you to go IrnCk to the store and get your money.- Dodsou's Liver Tone Is destroying the snl*? of calomel because It Is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore It cannot salivate or make you sick. ^ T mm rnntoo ?* -m - n ? ?. .. k> > in.11 nil*" >1>UIIUIUI ill Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your howels of that sour bile and constipated waste which Is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodsoti's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling tine for months, tSlve it to your children. It Is harmless; doesn't gripe uml they like Its pleasant taste* Helping Him. lie (facetiously)?It's too hot to propose. She? Not to propose an ice cream or an automobile ride. ASTHMA INSTANTLY RELIEVED WITH OR HOMEY REFUNDED ASK ANY DRUGGIST Buy Roofing & Paint Ugh Grade Mill Ends, 98c per 100 sq. ft. up. including nails and cement Ar.ricultural I Palnl 60c gal. House Paint (26 colors) 2.25 gal. Wall Board (beats lath and plaster) $22 per 1000 sq. ft Rool Mender (No. 500) stops leaks in all kinds of roof--. 10c lb. Black Asphalt Coaling (No. 300> preserves metal roofs, silos and all exf>osed surfaces, 66c a gal. in V, bbls. Aslc your dealer or write us for Free Sample and Price List. KINO ROOFING * PAINT CO., 115 Third Street. CINCINNATI. OHM* TWllSfEISSMliriSi'g [lil (fJoBXlifiMIie S.U for 50 Yrirt. rOR NALAJUA. CHILLS AND FtYtX Aim ? riM Ctitrtl Slr??jtb??lit Ttalc. At All Drvx Sunt. U/niTF MF of Farm or Ileal HMntn f >? TtKi t |TIC lju, en. Writitood. N J. ; W. N. U.. CHARLOTTE, NO. 39-1918. 5 MEAN A WEAK BODY I those stiffened joints, that Iwckache, rhoalinatism, lumbauo, sciatica, nail stones. .a I gravel, "brick (lust." etc. Thcv arc effective remedy for all disease* of th* Madder, kidney, liver, stomach and allied organs. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil (\ipsulsac cleanse the kidneys and purify the blood. They frequently ward oft attacks of the dangerous and fatal diseases of the kidneys. They have a beneficial effect, and often completely cure the diseases of the bodily organs, allied with the bladder and kidneys. If you are troubled with roreness acroe* the loins or with "simple" aches and pain* in the hack take warning, it may be the preliminary indications of some dreadful malady which can he warded off or cured, if taken in time. Go to vour druggist today and get a hoi of GOLf) M KDAl. Haarlem Oil Capsules. Money refunded if thev do not help you. Throe sizes. (SOI,I) MEDAL are the pure? original imported Haarlem Oil Capsule*. Accept No Substitutes.?Adv. the Liver Requires occaalonal alight stimulation. CARTER'S TTLE LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION tut, usually indicate the absence of Iron in helped by Carter^sl^ : Hung Up i :id Stomach I It's Just Aciditv That Makes Millions Sick and Suffer It's true. There are millions of people all over the land who are weak,, nervoua, all tired and dragged out, who are trying to ' juild up their jaded nervea and weakened bodies with drugs and stimulants; and many of them also EAT and RAT?but fall to get anywhere near the full amount of strength and nourishment out of their food. Why7 Simply because of too much acid la the atomach?supcracidlty. Gat rid of tho excess acid. Tour atoinaeh 1* all right?Just give It a chance to work rosily and naturally. Then sec how good you will feel? yourpepcome* back,and yourblood warmaupf A new method?truly a wonderful disc orcry called ' PATONIC fcaCPOW VOUOtOMACrTS S&D la positively guaranteed to clear tho excea* acid out of your atomach and bowela. It Is made In the form of pleaaaDt-taatlng tablets?handy to carry around with you. Oct a big box of KATONIO at any drug rtore and see how quickly ft banishes the Immediate effect* of acid-atomach. Away with heartburn, belching, food repeating. Indigestion,etc.?and then aoc bo * your general health lir.provea. So again we tell you?insist upon It?If you are ailing get a big box KAToNIO from your druggist today. The coat la a trifle?only ftOc. You have faith in your druaaiat. We authorize Mm to absolutely guarantee EATON* 1U to you and you can truat your own druggist to makt thla guarantee good. If KATONIO falls In i.ny way, take It back?hp will refund your money. If your druggist doca not keep KATONIO, drop us a postal card and we will aend ft to you as once; you ran aond ua the 50c after you yet It. A<f<lre*?: H. L. Kramer. Prca.. > atonic Kerned* Company, lota Ho. Wabaab Ave., Chicago. IlL