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1 ? ,? LIFT OFF CORNS! With fingers] Corns and cal- r luses lift off. No pain! Magic! Just drop a little Freexone on that touchy corn, Instantly it stops aching, then you lift the corn off with the Angers. Truly! No humbug! n Try Freestone! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle for a few cents, sutllclent to rid your feet of every burd corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and calluses, without one particle of puln, soreness or Irritation. Freezone Is the discovery of a noted Cincinnati genius. -Vdr. The Trouble. L'l.? 4 I? ? mi?i nun i -mi nanny tinuer- i stand ench other over the phone. He?Well, talk one at a time. United States government recently ordered $145,000,000 worth of meat In Chicago. An Over-ripe Tomato and other over-rlp? rivtutilM or trulta often cauae rerr serious Bowel Trouble In hoi weather. Check Itaa quickly ua possible. Oct a bottle of OKOVB'H BABY BOWK I, Mh,l)lCIN It. aul? and sure remedy l?r Summer Kiarrhotaa. It la Juat aa eHoctire for Adulu as for Children. Hard times breed tine class of sinners and prosperity breeds another. Some men would tile young If they were compelled to make a living. I7asthmador\I If/ AVEBTS'BmEVEf ml j [I HAY FEVER fl lm ASTHMA fl Be* La IWtxnent NOW MM AllDruuUMOuvtataa '' JUi jj A Big Helpgl M to every housewife Ua well- fM 9 lighted room and lots ol W B running water on tap. X I DELCO LIGHT 1 will supply all the lights |f|! jH you require (or the entire B H farm Also supply ample R? power for small machines, EH XI such as the separator, M Wa churn, washing machine, fll B etc. Delco-Light will pay III DM for itself in a very short N raj tune. Let us tell you all EH B Home Light & H [MALARIA I V Chills and Fever. Biliousness, G I Constipation ond ailments 8 f requiring a TONIC treatment*. 1 OXIDIHE sJWi/ GUARANTEED I ond ms('* bi 9 WJj3SOk\ " BehrpnsDruti Co | T.x. ?n ? I vHKr^ So,d b4 Sll. I ^ T All Dru((Utt Jv' 9 DHMiMftMnaMMHMMMl ^ 5ne Treatment ^ with Cuticura Clears Dandruff All drosriata: Soap 25 Ointment 16 4 80. Talcum 16, QW AMP I| not r?commendtd for U xVITAJT" everything. but If you U #^#^VrP have kidney, liver or AV V/ W 1 bladder trouble It may be found Just the medicine you need At druggist* In large and medium, size bottles. You may receive a sample size bottle of this reliable medicine by Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling about It. Address Dr. Kilmer A Co.. Utnghamton. 19. Y.a and enclose ten cents, also mention this paper. FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE OiueivM In wafer far douches stops % pelvic catarrh, slcsntion and laflammmtioa. Rseosnmondod by Lydia E. Pinlktm Mad. Co, for tea years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. lit) and a?id 111 pow?. ffiLa KODAKS & SUPPUES kHHfjt Wo also do hlfhMt class of finishing. m|R Prices and Catalogue upon rsqusst. S5 S. Galsiki Optical Co., RkknsoJ. Ta COMPTROLLER GENERAL OEM / x Carlton W. Sawyor AeoldantaUy Shoots Himself in Throat: Death Was Instantaneous.* * "* * Columbia.?Lying on his back in a pool of blood, with a 20-gauge double barreled shotgun by his side, the body of Carlton W. Sawyer, comptroller general of 8outh Carolina, was found by J. C. Whittaker at 1329 Senate Street .where Mr. Sawyer had made his home for the last 20 years. Mr. Whltaker, who had been resting on a lounge across the hall from the room occupied by Mr. Sawyer, heard the report of the gun. follwoed by a thud, rushed across the hall and into the room and found the bodv on the floor. He raised the head of Mr. Sawyer from the floor, called to him a time or two, but received no sign of recognition, death apparently having resulted almost instantaneously with the firing of the gun. The body was in front of a bureau on which was a bottle half filled with machine oil and some rags. On one of his Bhoes was a stain arf of oil. His coat and top shirt was off and he had evidently been cleaning the gun. The shot had entered the front of the throat and passed to the back of the neck. The shell was loaded with small shot. No. 7 or 8. When the gun was unbreached. one barrel contained an exploded shell and the other a loaded shell. The body was later taken to McCormick's undertaking parlors where an inquest was held. The coroner's Jury returned a verdict of death from accidental gunshot wounds. The body was taken to Orangeburg where the funeral services were held. nanaral Qavuwas* I aiH f a P net Orangeburg. ? The death of Carlton W. Sawyer, comptroller general, has saddened Grahgeburg his old home. Mr. Sawyer was well known and beloved in Orangeburg and the people were proud of his accomplishments in life. The funeral services held at St. Paul's Methodist church, this city. As honorary pallbearers, state officials and prominent citizens of Orungeburg served. Bosides the regular active pallbearers. Orangeburg Commandery, Knights Templars, had an escort of 12 in full uniform. Mr. Sawyer was a high Mason and Shrlner. Orangeburg commandery. a Hister commandery to Columbia commandery, of which he was a member, sent an escort in sympathetic fraternallsm. Dr. Riggs Explains. Clemson College.?Dr. W. M. Riggs, president of Clemson College, has issued a statement covering the matter of the students' army training corps, (S. A. T. C.) and its application to Clemson College. Many people in the state will be interested to the following facts from his state ments: The students' army trainlifg corps is Intended as an tynergency measure greatly to increase the scope of military instruction at colleges and so to provide a large number of edu eated and trained men for the army's needs. At the same time, it is Intended to discourage hasty and premature enlistment of young men who would serve the nation better by continuing their education till called to the colors. The 8. T. A. C. is a branch of the army, and a - student enlisted in it is just as really a soldier of the United States as if he were in training at a cantonment. The war department has autlioribed a unit of the S. A. T. C.~ at Clemson. and every student will be required to lake the prescribed S. A. T. C. course Those 18 years old or over will be expected to enlist in the S. A. T. C. and those under 18 will be expected to enroll. The government will furnish the enlisted students with all necessary uniforms, including shoes and overcoats. and probably will do the same for those enrolled, though this point is not yet settled. Since the S. A. T. C. will take the place of the R. O. T. (\ for the period of the war. students who would have been in- the advanced It. O. T. C. will continue to get the $9 per month commutation for subsistence and will get entire unifprm equipment, value about $T5. instead of the R. O. T. C. allowance of $14 on uniform. Worthy of Imitation. Wllliamston ?The Twentieth Century Mothers' Club was organized here by Mrs. L. A. Brown and Mrs. Jpap P. Lackey of Charlotte. N. C. The club will maet at the homes of the members, who are Mrs. J. C. Duckworth, president; Mtb. Douglas Muhun, vice president: Mrs. James S. Belk, recording secretary; Mrs. G. T. Whilden. corresponding secretary; Mrs. J. K. Holman, treasurer; Mrs. Foster Cooley. Mrs. E. VV. Gregory, Mrs. W. W. Griffin. Mrs. George Wilson and Mrs. Lelghton Wilson. Offers Health Aid. Sumter.?The Rockefeller foundation has renewed Its offer of furnishing a health survey for Sumter county provided the county will raise a part of the funds. Two years ago when the county failed to grasp this opportunity the offer was for $4,000 against $2,000 from the county; now It Is for $5,000 and $2,500 from Sum| ter. The negroes have become interi eBted in the proposition, realizing how ' much it will mean to them, and have I undertaken to raise at least $600 with the hopes of making it $1,200. York to Drill Class One Youths. York.?Practically all the class one men of the 1918 registration from the district of western York, numbering around 100. assembled here for military training preparatory to induction Into the army. The men were drilled by Lieut. Kskew of Camp Jackson, assisted by Maj. W. U. Moore, Capt. M. C. Willis and Col. J R. Lindsay. At noon the embcyo soldiers were served dinner In the festal hall of the McNeel memorial building by the ladles York. Health Was Shattered South Boston Woman Tells How ?h$ Suffered Before Doan's Cured Her. J "I ?u in awful shape from kidney disease," says Mrs. W. P. Sterritt, 787 Dorchester Ave., South Boston, Mass. "My health was shattered and I would often fall in a heap. Had someone stabbed me in the back with a knife, the pains could not have been worse. "I lost thirty pounds, was terribly nervous and could not do my WM housework. Fainting m W spells- came on and my <1J feet and limbs swelled J so badly I couldn't wear 'Vl my shoes. Puffy sacs ' came under my eyes, my skin looked shiny Mm. Steritt and the impression of a finger left a dent that remained for some time. "My kidneys were in awful shape and it seemed that I had to pass the secretions every hour. The passages were scant and terribly distressing. 1 was feverish at night and perspired profusely. "I was discouraged until told about Doan'g Kidney Pflla. They brought improvement from the first and about a dozen boxes cured me. My cure has lasted." CetDean'sat A ay Store. 60c a Boa DOAN'S ".'."AV FOSTER-MILB URN CO? BUFFALO. N. Y. yy (^ginajLir?* Ml for SO Tmnl rot H&LAKU. CULLS AKD FETOL iim ? fit MwlTeelc. At All Dni Sum. PAItKERS HAIR BALSAM ^ A toilet preparation of mrlt Help# (D (radicate dandruff. For Raetoriac Color and Beauty toGrar or Faded Hair. Ma and >1.00 at Prucsleta #^DRflKY miTmrocT. n-iw. J "1 Soon rrmoToo welllar and abort P a braath. Nerer brard of Ita egnal for drcpey. V JBI Try la Trial treatment arnt rRlt. by mall. J.-J* Write to ON. THOMAS K. CREKN Maah Ids. Km as, OS ATSWORTH, aa. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 36--1918. Another Optimidt. The optimistic man luul been ejected frtnn liis room by the irute I and lady. Out he went Into the street, his belongings sailing after him. The white, blinding snow whirled In stinging masses and the wintry wind shrieked and moaned through the trees and wires. The optimistic man silt him on his trnnl- Ilut.,n t? ??.? - ? ... uoirii i? llir V.>lll|llllllll 1)1 IIU* | elements ami to consider where he should go. He recalled a blistering week of a past August. As a cutting blast almost whirled him from Ids sent and blow a hatful of snow down his neck lie murmured gratefully: "Well, there seems to he u good breeze stirring. anyhow." I Lemon Juice For_Freckles Girls! Make beauty lotion at home for a few cants. Try Itl Squeeze the Jnlce of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and complexIon whltener, at very, very sinull cost. Your grocer Jius the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard whits fo a few cents. Massage tills sweetly fragrant lotion Into the fuce, neck, arms and bands and see how freckles, sunburn and tan disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. : Yes! It Is harmless.?Adv. Analyzing the Kaiser. In the American Magazine Rooth Tarklngton admonishes us to use the kaiser as an object lesson?ns a horrible example of what not to emulate. In closing lie says: "Finally, we ought not to he uncharitable. even to the knlser. I believe we ought to say of him: As a kaiser he Is the climax and the <*ntrlfugal point of the most detestable ambition that the world lias known; and as a ninn lie lu th., I.llfwllv C<?.? ? ,.,,..-1 l.lvoutly cruel and the most religiously sol fish of all the false, cruel and selfish men whose traits have been shown forth by spectacular performances In history. And as a man and a kaiser combined lie Is the most calamitous tiling that has ever happened to the earth. "But, then lest we he outdone in charitableness by the gentlemcn-ln-thi'hur-room, who <11*1 not wish to seem to lie merely abusive, we should add: "But. outside of that, he's all right." A German Mark. "tt'i.11 I....I. ? i- - . nrn, * uiuui . 11 inn im n ftermnn mark?" "There are two kinds." "Oh!" "One Is a coin?" "Yes?" "And the other is any poor hoob who Is obliged to stand for the kaiser's gov- 1 eminent."?Youngstown Telegram. Appropriate. "What did you get out of your war garden?" "A very appropriate crop. Principally pens as bard as bullets." m ' m Post Toasties (Madk op Corn) Taste twice as rtood now cause I know they Help Save Wheat ibm \ K v HB9K5II ' *' ^v'r*1 *' A CHILD GETS SICK ' CROSS, FEVERISH IF CONSTIPATED LOOK AT TONGUEI THEN GIVE FRUIT LAXATIVE FOR 8TOM. ACH. LIVER. BOWEL8. CALIFORNIA 8YRUP OF FIG8" ] CANT HARM CHILDREN AND THEY LOVE IT. Mother! Your child Isu't naturally cross and peevish. See If tongue Is coated; this Is a sure sign the little stomach, liver and bowels need a i cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't- \ eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach-ache, dlarrhcea, remember, a gen ne iiver unu uowei cleansing saoum always be the first trentment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup of ] Figs" for children's Ills; give a teaspoonful. and in a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and fermenting food which is clogged in the bowels passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this harmless, dellclous "fruit laxntlve," and It never falls to effect a good "Inside" cleans- | ing. Directions for bnhles, children of all ages and grown-ups are plainly on the bottle. Keep It handy In your home. A little given today saves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," then see that It Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company."?Adv. SONG FOR ALL ABLE TO HEAR Trouble Is Tnat AM Pecple Have Not Properly Attuned Themselves to Listen to It. "There Is ever a sent; somewhere, my dear," sintrs the poet. Let us go n little further and say that there Is ever a song everywhere?if we have I the ear attuned to It. The cultured musicians will tell you that what the masters sing in their strange and complex studies Is the highest music to those who are trained to catch It. Hut the simple heart finds the harmony In the simple, lowly melodies. What to the one class is purest music Is to the other meaningless noise. If we just knew how to listen we could love the songs of ench. To some the jingle of money Is the only music In the world. It deafens them to all other sounds. To some the melody of i their own names spoken in praise Is the only music worth hearing. The ; ears of these seem to open Inward. The greedy and the vain shrink their whole world to their own size. J But to those who can hear It there is a song in every phase of life. Fortunate is he who can hear more than a very few.?Exchange. A BRIGHT, CLEAR COMPLEXION Is always admired, and It is the lnuduble ambition of every woman to do all she can to make herself attractive. Many of our southern women have found that Tetterine Is Invaluable for cleuring up blotches. Itchy patches, etc., and muking the skin soft and velvety. The worst cases of eczema una other torturing skin diseases yield to Tetterlne. Sold by druggists or sent by mall for 50c. by Shuptrlne Co., Savannah, Ga.?Adv. Airedales for War. Alrdales are superior to the German police dogs for war work, In the opinion of signal corps experts. Lieut. William L. Butler, stationedJht Chicago. says Airedales have the brains and courage needed in warfare. They carry messages wh?n pigeons cannot fly true, they stand bad weather well, and their color is a natural camouflage. They have a genius for going through barbed-wire entanglements 'without a scratch. The signal corps also wants some skilled dog-handlers. State of Ohio. City of Toledo. Lucas County? ss. Prank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the flnti of P. J. Cheney A Co.. doing business In the City of Toledo, (jounty and State aforesaid, and that ! said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE PRANIt J. CHENEY 1 Sworn to before me and subscribed In 1 my presence, this 6th day of December, A D 1881. (Seal) A. W Oleason KM?rw PnWIn HA1J7R CATARRH ^KDIcifJK ! taken Internally and arts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tne System. Druggists, 76c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney St Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Didn't Clean 'Em.' There was n certain husky young soldier in a regiment of Infantry. This i young hack private was tall and extremely wide. Some time ago he sent a uniform to the cleaners. It was returned with a note: "Sorry, sir. hut we don't clean tents." No Worms In e Healthy Child All children trouD.ed with worms hats an on jcaltby color, m hlcb indicate- poor Mood, and as a mm. there Is more or less stomach disturbance. UKUVH S TASTKLBSS chill TONIC siren regularly tor two or three weeks will enrich the blood, Improve the dliiesiiun. end art as a General Strengthening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be Id perfect health. Pleasant to lake. Cue per bottle. I'ctrogrnd has Asiatic cholera epidemic. V/\.. mm Granulated Eyelids, 9 fill | Eyes inflamed by expo^ luretoSia, Dastand Wlai quickly relieved by Mnriaa M . W U Eye Remedy. No Smarting. Sr just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggists or by mail 60c per Bottle. For Baak al the Eye free write his Murine Eye Remedy Ce., Chlcmgm. r Get New Kidneys! The kidney* are the moat overworked srgans of the human body, and when they tail in their work of filtering out ana throwing off the poisons developed in the system, things begin to happen. One of the first warnimp is pain or stiffness in the lower part of the back; highly colored urine; loss of appetite; indicesLion; irritation, or even stone in the bladder. These symptoms indicate a coudition Lhat may lead to that dreaded and fatal inalady, Bright's disease, for which there us saiu to be no cure. Do not delay a minute. At the first indication of trouble in the kidney, liver, bladder -or urinary organs start taking Qold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, ana mve yourself before it is too late. Instant treatment is necessary in kidney and bladder troubles. A delay is often fatal. You can almost certainly find immediate renei in Uold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsutes. b'or more than 200 years thia famous preparation has been an unfailing remedy for j all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It is the pure, original Haarlem Oil your great-grandmother used. About two capsules each day will keep you toned up and feeling fine. Get it at any drug store, and if it does not give you almost immediate relief, your money will be refunded. He lure you get the GOLD MEDAL brand. None other genuine. In boxes, three sixes.?Adv. ____________ BRAVERY DEPENDS ON HEART Reason Why It Is Manifestly Unjust to Condemn Soldier For Physical Cowardice. "Bravery," said an army doctor, "Is n question of the heart. "Suppose you're strong and healthy. Vour heart heats 72 strokes to the minute. Well. then. In n gas tank the danger will slow your heart twelve strokes. This won't inconvenience you. With your heart still at sixty you'll feel strong and resolute. You'll be a good soldier. "But suppose you've got a poor heart, a flfty-flve-to-the-mlnute one. Then, when the -gas tank eonies. If your heart slows down twelve strokes, you're prostrated, for a forty-threeheart-bent Isn't enough?you are liable to faint under It. "Or again, you may have an exeltnble heart. You hear the order to go over the top with fortitude, hut the excitement sends your heart leaping up to 120. What good Is your fortitude then? No good at all. With a 1*J0 heart you ran only shake and cower. "Yes. bravery Is a question of the heart anil that Is why we should only enlist strong young men. Otherwise we ll he shooting chaps for cowardice as unjustly as If we shot them for having rheumatism or red hair." Important to Mothers Examine curefully every bottle of CASTOKIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that It Signature In Dse for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castona ! One Carpinq Critic. Much of the human attitude toward things In general was expressed by a j North side matron who said she would like to oblige the government and eat ; more tish except for the fact that "lish tastes so economical!"?Chicago News. 8kln Troubles That Itch Burn und disfigure quickly soothed nrifl honltxl l?v lint hutho wltl% eura Soap and gentle anointings of Cutlcura Ointment. For free samples, address. "Cutlouru, Dept. X, Boston." Sold by druggists and by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. The Bank of England has at least !V2 ways which it employs In detecting forged notes. Be true to your trust?especially If vnu are one of the stockholders. I Proof th; I do Avoid 1 Mrs. Etta Dorion, of I 85 441 suffered from female trc B like a knife through my bac B strength so I had to go to bed but I would not listen to it. B Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetabl H bottle brought great relief and B All women who have femal a Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetal B How Mrs. Boyd Avoic H Canton, Ohio.?"I suffered f B caused me much suffering, ant B I would have to go through an B * get well. "iiy motner. wno naa Deen n ham's Vegetable Compound, a fore submitting to an operatio my troubles so I can do my hoi difficulty. I advise any woman female troubles to give Lydia table Compound a trial and for them."?Mrs. Maris Bo H. ?., Canton, Ohio. Every SickX f lydi/ veget; c.. You Ars When you have Hear b after ? FA" MX FOR Yi Get rid of the Overlc the GAS driven out of your IT GIVES YOU Cmt EATON!C from you M for Um "Botp" Booh. A4t * ' ' ' ' Calomel Today! S I Guarantee D Don't take nasty, danger constipated, headac Calomel makes yon sick; you lose a day's work. Calomel Is quicksilver I and It salivates; calomel injures your liver. If you ore bilious, feel lazy, sluggish and all knocked out, If 'your bowels are constipated and your head aches or stomach Is sour. Just take a spoonful of hurmlcss Dodson's Liver Tone instead of using sickening, salivating calomel. Dodson's Liver Toue Is real liver medicine. You'll know It next morning because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and bowels regular. You will feel like working. You'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Your druggist or denier sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a It Is to be hoped that the meek will inherit the eyrth before the other fellow gets through with It. The Malar Si A mosquito cannot cor it is infected with malaria mosquito will transmit n blood of a person and these feed on the blood should have time to increase in ni sometimes called Chills am Swamp Fever. Cm. Taste/ess < possesses the power to end rial poison. The Quinine i chill TONIC kills the germ blood. You can soon feel the ing effect of GROVE'S TAS is an exceptionally good g< for the Child, for the Mo Pleasant to take. Price 6< Perfectly Harm Nux-Vomlca or at he Sf Grove's cht You can now get Grove's form as well as in Syrup, the kin Tablets are intended for those 1 rather than a syrup, and as a c< The tablets are called "GROVE contain exactly the same medi actly the same results as Grove put up in bottles. The price of < Puts a Stop to all V* V" */Jp] An(1 prevents otl WAJNj^/vy exposed twi cent dn<m hot ties. AI Spotvrv Medici at SomeWc . Operation Ogdensburg, Wis., says: rnblcs which caused piercing pains / It and side. 1 finally lost all my i .. Tbo doctor advised an operation fl I thought of what I had read about \ s Compound and tried it. The first I six bottles have entirely cured me. 0 trouble of any kind should try le Compound." led an Operation. rom a female trouble which \ \ 1 two doctors decided that / \ v operation before I could / 1 Y'j elped by Lydia E. Pink- / * (/ J J\ idvised me to try it be- / D/ 7 n. It relieved me from /I Vi Iwj fj use work without any J t \\ 1/ [/ iwho 19afflicted with/ \ iff J* E. Pinkham's Vege-/ * ? It will do as much / ^ ~~F-'rV s T* 1421 S'- //f yfl Vbman S&M cJt V E. PINKF iBLECOMl yixuiuug iu /-vii lyDIA E.WHKHAM mmm?mmmm?Mmmmmm?mammmmmmmma?mmmKmm i Dying By Ac: urn. Gas, Bloat, and that Fu) sating. TAKE ONE tonic OUR STOMAOfS SAKl tad and Excess Acid and you will body?THE BLOAT GOES WT REAL STOMACH COMFC r Druggi?t with thm DOUBLE CUARA twoI ? <! Q?.. 10U-M fc. WifeMk An , Qteo. m. lick Tomorrow! , _ J ?_ I T oasons Liver lone ous calomel when bilious, ;hy. Listen to me! ? few cents under my personnl guarantee that it will clean your sluggish liver better thau nasty calomel; It won't make ?you sick and you can eat nnything you wont without being sailvuted. Your druggist guarantees that each spoonful will start your liver, clean your bowels and straighten you up by morning or you get your money back.1 Children gladly tnke Podson's Liver Tone because It Is pleasant tasting and doesn't grlpo or cramp or make them sick. I am selling millions of bottles of Podson's Liver Tone to people who have found that this pleasant, vegetable liver medicine takes the place of dangerous calomel. Buy one bottle 00 my sound, reliable guarantee. Ask your druggist nl<uit me.?Adv. The gentleman with the cloven foot often travels with the gentleman with tin- cloven breath. m Mosquito nmunicate malaria unless ? The bite of a malaria lalarial parasites to the > malarial parasites which be destroyed before they imbers. Malarial Fever is d Fever, Bilious Fever and ' ***!*?? chili Tonic xely neutralize the mala* in GROVE'S TASTELESS nnrl tha Trnn pnriphpa tho Strengthening, InvigoratJTELESS chill TONIC. It ineral strengthening tonio ther and all the Family. )cL ?/ess. Contains No r Poisonous Drugs* ill Tonic Tablets \ Tasteless chill Tonic in Tablet d you have always bought. The who prefer to swallow a tablet 3nvenience for those who travel. ;'S chill TONIC TABLETS" and cinal properties and produce ex's Tasteless chill Tonic which is iither is 60c. Distemper URCS THE SICK tiers having: the disease no matter ho'W n and II.IS a bottle, fAJUl and 9II.OO a 1 Rood druRRists and turf Roods houses. a! Co. Goshen, Ind., U. S. A. >men 1 s?b I lftl'I \J <*QJ poundII Operationjffifll