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hay fever I] n ASTHMA. #1 ^ MALARIA I ChUb ?dlmr, BilioanNi. I ? v i Constipation and ailments I I requiring a KMC treatment*. | pr?p*r?iion or merit JH Halpa to eradicate dandrtiff. _ For Rm(u iuf Color and r^u~s?&'teig&i???*DROPSY TnurjEHT. ?TK (TOirk relief. V.J . _ Boon nmoTM welling and thorl r ***** heard of I fa enualfor d ropey. N? ^V<TrT It. Trial treat- jent sent rill, by maJL Write to Off. THOMAS K. GREEN "< . ? *0. OHATIWOMTH, U, Net Contents 15PIuid Draohn I V|'v ALCOHOL-3 PER GENT. | I #F* 3 '1 AVc^cfablcReparationfcrAs I ? 5 f similalin^thcFood byKc^ula^ I gs a t tingtheStomachsandPg^rf ?Mi?M } Thereby Promoting Digestion u*^ ? "I; Cheerfulness and Rest Genistas ;.ji neither Oplam.Morphine nor | Mineral. NotNahcotic Hmfi Constipation and Diarrhoea BuM&l' j and Fcverlshness and |g j|j i Loss of Sleep Blj Iw 3 resnttin j thercfroro-uilnfaacy E||q I jlj^c- j Th* Exact Copy of Wrapper. The Depre When your blood is I Summer heat weakens all To avoid spells of weaknes hot weather, you must ha\ Gro Tasteless destroys malarial parasite: other poisons by Purifying You can soon feel its St Effect and when you feel i will not depress you. ? - ? - - urovo s lasreii exceptionally good genera the Child, the Mother ai pleasant to take. Price 6C Perfectly Hern Nux-Vomlca or othe IV Orchi You can now get Grove's form as well as in Syrup, the kin Tablets are intended for those \ rather than a syrup, and as a cc The tablets are called "GROVE contain exactly the same medic actly the same results as Grove'i put up in bottles. The price of e nXINNE guaranteed i UflAwSi and m?Ubi| I 17 BehretuDrutf Co I Waco. TOX. m n I ' All Dru(jitU Ju^ J LetCuticuraBe Your Beauty Doctor All dnniiti; Soap 26, Ointment 26 A 60. Talrom & amnio enrh free of "OaUema. Dent K. Beeteo." You mo arcur* valuable Information ami a*aiatanc* by writing for a free ropy of our "BONO WRITERS' Ot'IDK." the beat Irook of Ita kind on the market. We revlae aong poem*, compoae and arrange muatr. mrtirc copyright and facilitate publication or aale. Aathora and Compoaara Service Co. 1431-A Broadway New York. N. Y. IN VSB FOB 35 TEARS The Quick and Sore Cur* for ALAR1A, CHILLS, FEVER AND LA GRIPPE It la a Poweml Tonic and Appetizer Will cure that tired feeling, paina In back. Unite and head. OouiaJna no quinine, areenlc or kablt-fbnnlng Ingredient. KTDNFY Ih n deceptive dlseaae IVlL/lYEtl ?thousands have It TROITRT TT RruS don't know It. If IIVUUDLrEr you want KOOd ye.uit, you cat; make no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's Bwamp-Root, the great kidney medicine. At druggists In large and medium size bottles. Sample size by Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling you about !t. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton. N. Y.. and enclose ten cents, also mention this paper. . HA1R*BAL8AM | CALL WAS FOR "OPERATORS" AiMl lapptr llaek CsH Ju?tHI?d In Having Ha Cams Within That Classification. The near-formed signal company bad Just assembled on parade, and the O. C. was classifying his men for their various duties. "Fall out any operators," he shouted. number of telegraphists promptly stepped to the rear, but the O. C. was surprised to notice Sapper Block among the party. "Are you a competent operutor?" Inn nl 1%? fV Ft *|UI? ru luc V. V>? "Yes, sir," was the liumedlate response. "And your speed of working?" "Five thousand feet per hour." "Five thousand what?" roared the O. C. "Telegraph operators don't send messages by the yard!" "Perhaps not, sir," replied Illnek; "but, you set*. I'm not a telegraph operator; I'm a cinematograph operator."' ?London Answers. TOO WEAK TO FIGHT The "Come-back" man was really never down-and-out. Ilia weakened condition because of overwork, lack of exrroisy, iai- | ?roper eating and living demands stnnula- j ion to satisfy the cry for a health-giving appetite and the refreshing sleep en*entini I to strength. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Gil i Capsules, the National Remedy of Holland, will do the work. They are wonderful. . Three of these capsules each dav will put a man on his feet before he knows it: j whether his trouble comes from uric acid poisoning, the kidneys, gravel or stone in 1 the bladder, stomach derangement or other ailments that befall the over-senlons American. The best known, most reliable remedy for thi>u troubles is MFD\t. Haarlem Oil Capsules. Thia remedy hat atood the teat tor more than 200 venra aince ita discovery in the ancient Inborntoriea in Holland. It acta directIv and give* relief, at once. Don't wait until you are entirely down-and-out. but take them today. Your druggist will gladly refund your money if they do not help you. Accept no aubatitutea. Look for the name 1 OOLD MEDAL on eTery box. three airea. 1 They are the pure, original, imported Haarlem Oil Capaulea.?Adv. I Where He la Expert. "So you've Joined the ariny. Muse?" "Yes. sub." "What branch of the service are you In?" "Well. salt. Alt's In de Infantry, but when we pits t* France Alt's <h>ne asked de captain to put nte on dat night-raid wo'k. Olttlli* Into de odder fellow's backyard durin' de night hours Is a Job dat Alt considers Utahse'f particularly experienced at." The pleasure of giving Is often spoil! ed by the wrench It costs to let go. Washington Is soon to have a number of new temporary hotels. BUI i 6AST0RIA For Infants and Children. ;! Mothers Know That I Genuine Castoria Always / . Bears the ?i? I\r "sa VJ" For Over Thirty Years; a ataiiii i UASIUKIA TNI ilNTAUR MHNNY, NEW TO UK ITT. ssing Heat j lot in good condition, the the muscles of the body, s and sickness during the 'e pure, rich, red blood. tre's chill Tonic 3 in the blood and removes and Enriching the Blood, .rengthening, Invigorating Btrong, the Summer heat nm chili Tonic is an ii strengthening tonic for id all the Family. It is te. iIocs. Contains Ho in Poisonous Drugs. rff mm m %*waa%g a 3WM&W& Tasteless chill Tonic in Tablet d you have always bought. The vho prefer to swallow a tablet invenience for those who travel. S chill TONIC TABLETS" and :inal properties and produce exs Tasteless chill Tonic which is ither is 60c. ANEBVOUS BREAKDOWN M2m Kdhr TeDs How Lvdia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health. Newark, N. J.?"For about three yean I suffered from nervous breakstand, and bad headaches every day. I tried everything I COtll<l think ftf nrwl U&jKjb was under a phywp51f / , Jl aician's care for two J *7 /-I m\ years. A girl friend yP rad used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege\ gsM table Compound and \ v\\V' 1 Mfr 8^e *?ld me about V\ \M\l|I^^Mt. From the first day * took it I began \ i*ee* better an^ \ n?w I am well and able to do most any ~~\A V kind of work. I ' have been recom" mending the Compound ever since and give you my permission to publish this letter."?Miss Flo Kelly, 476 So. 14th St., Newark, N. J. The reason this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, was so successful in Miss Kelly's case was because it went to the root of her trouble, restored her to a normal healthy condition and as a result knr j: -? . . inny'>VBn'u. A Call ot the Wild. "I w b h to buy ii motorcar horn to replace tin* one we now luive?soinetbinjr dint'active." said tin- hnuclity run iron. os. mu'uni." reft'led the sidesman. "Won'il ii siren ilo?" "Itouinc. no. It must ho soniotliln^ pnt!relj ilMTeivnt from tho orillnnry riotor horn." *'I*'it wo Itiivo ii slron flint exactly Inilttho liov-| of n tloibor wolf." "Ah; That on nil t to suit my hushuml. !IoV a grout lover of nut tiro." | LEMON JUICE | TAKES OFF TAN j I I | Girls! Make bleaching lotion j Iif skin is sunburned, j tanned or freckled t Squeeze the julco of two lemons into a bottle coutuiuing three ounces ol' Drchurd White, shake well, und you Imve u quarter pint of ti?. best freckle, sunburn and tun lotion, and complexion beau tiller, at very, very small cost. Your (trover has^tlie lemons and any 3rug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of Orchard White for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the face, neck, arms Hid hands '-ncli day and see how freckles, sunburn, wlndhurn and tan disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It Is harmless.? A.dV. A Slang Hater. The late Senator Fairbanks had a hatred of slang?even of the smart, elegant, nullified slang of high life. He liked good old-fnsliioned Yankee phraseology host. Senator Fairbanks met a South I tend buggy builder one day at Atlantic City. "What are you doing down here. Kill?" he asked. "I'm here, dear boy, don't you know," said Bill, who had recently been In England?"I'm here for my week end." "Weak end? oh. 1 see. Head trouble, hey?" said the senator. He's Losing Weight. Kmookie Is a white-haired. "0-pound house dog living on the South side. He is an overgrown lapdog and acts Ilk" one. Two years ago at a summer picnic, on a hot day. he developed a taste for beer. From that time forward he was ever ready to go on a can-rushing expedition. "Hilt Ili!s near liccr," snys liis master. "In- won't touch It'?n.?t even if yen pntir it nut of u h??ttie, he won't* drink it?uinl ever since prohibition cone in Snookle luis been fulling iiv.ny."- Imlk'napnUs News. Mean Betrayal. "T stiy. Neil, lins (i!;i(|ys nuturully curly luiir?" "< '? ! ?>1 inly : it was Kiiiirunteed where site bought it." They conquer self who believe they ran. j tnucren ti Like H J ihe attractive ffa- El vorof the healthful gfl cercai drink 1 POSTUM [I |, And it's fine for L-.1 | < them too, for it t | l " contains nothing I'J v harmful only the [-1 I goodness of wheat. I and pure molasses, pi POSTUM is now regu- r?l 9 larly used in place < of tea and coffee Ki in many-of the best fefl A of ?amilies. , ? X Wholesome econon- F?1 leal and hcaltmui. J Vi "There's n Reason" t7 r.r ? . ^ v.1 ' ( : j " ?; . r- ' f 'BmyPkturr ^3^2 TeUsmStory" Help That ) IN THESE trying times the i every woman is necessary is handicapped with weak V impossible, and any work a bu headaches, dizzy spells, urina worn-out'' feeling are constant have prompt attention. Don't delay! Neglected k to gravel, dropsy or Bright's Kidney Pills today. They ha1* sufferers back to health. Thej Personal Repon A NORTH CAROLINA CASE. T. M. Chrlstenbury, S05 Franklin St., Monroe. N. C.. says: "Kidney trouble bothr red me for years. My back was weak and painful and I could hardly stand. | When I bent over It was hard to _ .?.9..ivn umu mi kcu'u too freely and mornings I was sore and lame. My system was full of uric acid and I kept getting worse. Hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills I gave them a trial and the -first box helped me. I I kept on using them and my kidneys were put In good shape again." DOAN m 60c n Box at AH Stores. Foster-Mill fis NOW STAYS HOME EVENINGS Wife's Clever Little Ruse Caused Hubby to Forego the Champ onthip of "the Boy6." , Ho had boon married about a yoar anil had takoti to spending his evenings downtown with the boys. One night Ids conscience worried him and ho j thought he would phono Ids wife and t got her to come down and moot him i ami Imvo dinner with him. So ho called her up. "Hollo, hid." he began. "Say, slip on some old clothes and run down and moot me on the quiet. We'll have a good dinner and then we'll got a machine and go out ami smear a little red paint around. How about it?" "I'll be delighted to Join you. Jack," was the reply. "Hut why not come up to the house and get me? There's nobody home." | As the young husband's name Is Tom, i he spends his evenings at home now. j j And his wife wears a queer smile when he Isn't looking lit her.?Clncln- : tuiti Knqulrer. Urgent Case. The young wife gazed upon the sleeping form of her young husband with the tender eyes of youth. As a matter of fact, hubby bad got a cold, and ho found i' conducive to sleeplessness at night. It seemed a pity to disturb his repose, hut her ufTection j was equal to the task and. shaking him gently by the shoulder, she said: "Wake up, (leorgle; the doctor's just sent your sleeping draught!" Providing. "Do you believe It is better to give than to reoejve?" "Yes, if It's advice or knocks." When two men are unable to agree they usually leave It to the man behind '.he l?ar. Tender?Delici THE tender delicacy o1 Sliced Dried Beef will you. The care with choice meat is selected, U7idl U'llirK if ic nronir ?f 4 Vft *V ^41 4V IvJ pi VJ 'Ul it the exceptionally fin* Its uniform slices will pit too. Order Libby'j? Dried Beef today. Libby, McNeill * Libby, C SSSSiSSSSiaSaiiBHii Weak Back! utmost effort of every man and But the man or woman who tidneys finds a good day's work rden. Lame, achy back; daily iry irregularities and that "allsources of distress and should idney weakness too often leads 1 . ? disease. Begin using Donn's 'e brought thousands of kidney r should help you. ts of Real Cases A SOUTH CAROLINA CASE. Mrs. A. T. Bullnrd. MM Ro'oeoon St.. Bennettsvllle, S. C.. says: "I was in misery for years from kidney trouble. I had terrible pa'ns in my back and It felt as if my back were broken. My nerves were a wreck and often 1 thought I would go frantic. I had dizzy spells and lost weight. When a friend recommended Doan's Kidney Pills I used tli~m and before long the swellings ttarted to go down. I used three boxes and was cured and I haven't been troubled since." I ^ MUINKY % O PILLS I burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Mfg Chem. 8 BIB mill .1 l ll c Q bUtJ l-'uR 60 YLhnj Fc? fhTNITIrt^ AUo a Fino c?n^al >V/Uxl LIVS?a Strengthening Tonic. S9LD BT AU DRUG STORES Easily Arranged. One beautiful summer night, when the erlekets were chirping in the grass and the cnterpllhirs were dropping from the trees. John llenry turned to the charming girl who was sitting on the veranda at his side. "Kdltli," salil he, u trilie timorously, "there comes to me a thought, I might say a fear." "Well, what Is It?" queried the fair girl, as the other hesitated. "I suppose," responded John llenry, suggestively, hopefully, "that were 1 to steal a kiss you would have me nrrested?" . "l'erltaps," was the ready rejoinder of the girl, "but you could find some iioiiy t<? pay your fine. couldn't you?" ?Philadelphia Telegraph. Why Bald 80 Young? Dandruff and dry scalp usually the cnuse and Cutlcura the remedy. Jtub the Ointment Into scalp. Follow with hot shampoo of Cutlcura Sonp. For free sumple add/ess, "Cutlcuru, Dept. X, Boston. At druggists and by mull. Sonp 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. His Wi6h. "So your wife Is doing her canning?" "Yes, putting up a little fruit for the winter, but I wish there was a way we could can a little sugar and j coal for the long, cold days." The Strong W ithstand the Heat of Summer Beuer Than tire IN eiak Ola people who are leeble and younger people who are weak, will be Trongthrnrd and enabled 10 I Jo through the drpreftrlrg beat of atiuitijer br takng OKOV K'S TA STKLKsS chill TON ItIt purines | and enriches the blood and b.illds up the whole sys- i tem. lou can scan feet I La Strengthening, Inrigorauug H fleet- eoo. Its Kind. "The allies have the Huns on the | hip." "(Hi, pop, are theyinaliip pick- ; et?" A man never knows whether 1 a woman's hat Is 011 straight or crooked. . Savory hot sandwiches? Libby's Dried Beef, toast and cream sauce. ate Sliced Beef f Libby's surprise which the skill ed, give e flavor. ' ' I 'rrm* . Ugh! Calomel Sicki Please Try Dc X am sincere 1 My medic and bowels so you . You're bilious! Your liver is slug-1 gisn! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out. Your head Is dull, your tongue Is coated; breath bad ; stomach sour and bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel. It makes you sick; you may lose a dny's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes Into sour bile like dynamite, breaking It up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents under my personal money-back guurantee that each spoonSTAGGERED HIM A LITTLE | As It Sounded to Youth, the Young Lady Had Put a Very Direct Question This, is the first one?or at least among the first?that has been wafted down hy the breezes of Lake Michigan. The time is a beautiful, moonless night. The place?the hotel at Macatawa Park. The girl?well, the girl was there, too. They had Just completed the fifth dunce?three couples and some thirtyodd girls?and they had strolled out on to the balcony to rest. He, Just out of high school, and she, out of high school also, hut a little farther out, occupied the end of the rull, and a long line of tlufify pink and white with scarcely a touch of relieving black stretched on out the length of the portico toward the lake. "So." he said, beginning the conversation. "you are from Indiana?" "You're mighty right," she answered, "lloosier girl." He stuttered and stammered. "Why ?er?really?" he said, "that is, I don't know?1 mean 1 haven't decided yet who."?Indianapolis News. A CROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED LOOK, MOTHER! SEE IF TONGUE, IS COATED, BREATH HOT OR STOMACH SOUR. "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" CAN'T HARM TENDER STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs," that this Is their Ideal laxative, because they love Its pleasant taste and It thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowels without griping. When cross, irritable, feverish, or breath Is had, stomach sour, look at the tongue, Mother' If coaled, give a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative," and in a few hours all the I foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child nguin. When the little system Is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache, dl- r arrhten. Indigestion, colic?remember, a good "Inside cleansing" should always be the llrst treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child to-morrow. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California SvruD of Fies " which lias directions for babies, children of all ages niul grown-ups printed on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here, so don't be fooled. Oet the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company."?Adv. His Judgment Missed Fire. "flood morning, madam," began the nlnible-toiigued book agent to the austere, gaunt, unsmiling, middle-aged woman In lilnnl/ 1 ??ii?r Hinnnril lilt* door. "<'an I Interest you In 'The Lives of Our Saints?'" "Sny-y-y. you - mn ttint stufT," was tin* bewildering reply. "If you've got :i book tiuit tells bow to lie 11 vampire nt fifty, trot It out. nnd we'll sign up for the full ten -olutnes." Bahy ' Second Summer OROVB'8 MA lit BOW ML MHIUCINK will correct the Stomach and Bowel Tronblna and It Is abnolntnlr bartnleaa. Can be given to Infanta with perfect saintj. Hee directions on the bottle. Look within for happiness, as troubles will eome without being looked for. Unless the waiter Is feed be may forget to feed you. F A Wholesome, Cleansing, Y ffc 11 Y Refreshing and Healing * Loden?Murine for Redness, Sorentss, Cranula I tion. Itching and Burning "*4/ the Eyes or Eyelids; "2 Drop#" After the Movie*. Motoring or Golf will win your confidence. Aak Your Draggi* for Murine when your Eye* Need Care. M-ll Marine Eve Remedy Co., Chicago ens; Salivate! |j nlson's Liver Tone 1 line does not upset liver Lose a day's work. ful will clean your sluggish llrer better thnu a dose of nasty calomel and that It won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone Is real liver medicine. You'll know It next morn- ^ lng because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will he Rweet and your bowels regulnr. You will feel like woi^lng; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and con uot salivate. Give It to your children. Milllous of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone lnstend of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel Is almost stopped entirely here.?Adv. Knew What He Wanted. In the Seventh avenue district one of the tlrst requisites for satisfactory existence Is to learn the language. Seventh avenue has a language of Its own and the great dlfllculty of mastering It Is that It Is so much like Kngllsh that It becomes unusually confusing. A roughly dressed boy of twelve wandered Into a drug store at Thirty-fourth street end approached the soda fountain. There was a crowd about It. but he forced Ids way through and ordered "bonnella" soda. The clerk, after some delay, provide*) It. but the box* Itirowwllntolv ?>K Jocted that the drink v as not for him. "1 meant t' tell yah." lu explained, "I wanted It In a sanctuary container. It's for me kid sister out In the pernnmhorator.* ?New York llernld. Put your host f??ot upward nj> well as forward to reach the top of the bidder. The helm Is hut n little thine, hut It poverns the course of the ship. || Simplicity I in construction and 111 operation is the big Ml feature of q| DELCO-LIGHT | | It will supply ample M I .light for all buildings Hi j and sufficient power for nlR I small farm marhines K5 Buch as churns, scpa- JjjU |}| rators, and washing Wr III machines. It brings U| H city comforts and con- H If venience to the farm. Ill J) See it at work. ml Home Light & jls P Power Co. JUDGE DECIDES STOMACH REMEDY A GREAT SUCCESS ' CommJitioner of Mediation and Conciliation Board Tries EATON1C, the Wonderful Stomach Remedy, and Endorses It. Judge William L. ChamJF .. Abcn, whoum EATON1C u m**" \\ remedy tor loss of appe..Jtlte and Indigestion. Is a r f^niia i in*i 1 Commissioner of the U. S. Soard ol Mediation and flHrc - IK H? -1 Conciliation. It la natural yZ?,I for him to express himself J In guarded langange, yet wgggLMppafe j there is no hcsltatlou in his / I pronouncement regarding kl th0 value of EATON 10. ,r*fy aUk Writing from Washington, ift'l 1>(j0^to ^-atOD'c M?* "KATONIO promotes appetite and aids digestion. I have used It with benzncial results." Office worker! and others who sit much are martyrs to dyspepsia, belching, bad breath, heartburn, poor appetite, bloat, and Impairment of general health. Are you, yourself, a sufferer? KATONIO will relieve you Just as surely as It has benefited Judge Cnambcra and thousands of others. Here's the secret: KATONIO drives the gas out of the body?and the Hioat Goes With Itl It is guaranteed to bring relief or you get your money back! Costs only a cent or two a day to use It. Get a box today from your druggist. I FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE I Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflammation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Ha* ??tr*nnjinary clean una and germicidal power. Sample Free. 50c. all drug out*, of pnatnaid by X.ma3. The Pailnn To3c< Company. BoOon. Mai*. i (S ? KODAKS & SUPPLIES rlL We also do highest class of finishing.. ] TO"/TL_ Prices ami Catalogue upon request. S. Gslcski Optical Co., Kickaood, Vs. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 34--1918.