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lives 200 Years! C Iwn neofnim) as an infallible relief Con all fin of kidney sad bladder disorders. .Its Tory an is proof that it most bars nnusual merit. If too art troubled with pains or aches in too hack, feel tired in the morning, hsadsrh?. indigeotion, insomnia, painful or too frequent passage of urine, irritation er stasia in the bladder, jrou will almost certainly find relief in GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Ou Capsules. This is the good old remedy that has stood the test for hundreds of rears, prepared in the proper quantity and convenient form to t?V? It Is imported direct from Holland lab* oratories, and yon can get it at any drug store. It is a standard, old-time . home remedy and needs no introduction. Each capsule contains one dose of fire drops and is pleasant and easy to take. Ther will quickly relieve those stiffened tints, that backache, rheumatism, lumigo, sciatica, gall stones, gravel, "brick dust." etc. Your money promptly refunded if they do not relieve vou. But be sure to get the genuine GOLO MEDAL brand. Is boxes, tnree sizes.?Adv. Extenuating Circumstances. "Take this parrot buck. He's too profane." "Why, mn'nin, you surprise me. I never knew that bird to swear before, but I happen to know he's very patriotic, ma'am. Somebody must have mentioned the Germans in his presence." No Worms ia a Healthy Child All children troubled with worm* bars an unhealthy color, which Indicate* poor blood, end a* s rule, there It more or lea* tiomach disturbance. OBOVB'8 TA8TBLB8S chill TONIC given regularly tor two or three weeks will enrich the blood, Improve the digestion, and act as a General Strengthening Tonlo to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be In pert set health Pleasant to take. OOo per bottle. Common sense 1h an uncommonly good thing to possess. jfASTHMADORlM If/ JOTCBXS-RELIEVES III HAY FEVER II || ASTHMA, ffl Begin Treatment NOW MM Hwi AU Dfuuliu Cut'tatN Mfll pEvery Woman Wants^ FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE DUwhwi la water for douches atop* pelvic catarrh, nice ration and inflammation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pink ham Med. Co, for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, tore throat and sore eyes. Economical. I MALARIA I V Chills nnd Fever. Biliousness, I B Constipation and nilments I S[ requiring a TONIC treatment*. I ; bXIUNE IwVi/ J** GUARANTEED Ivlnkwr an<*ms<ls b<i 1/BehrensDrug Co }_ W?ro, Tax. ?/v ? All DrugjUt* Vv^ I Why Lose Dandruff and I ! Your Hair Cuticura | All drojrxUU So*ptB, Ointment26 ABO. Tmlrtxmtt. Saati ai anof 'Jssissu p^t a * *** H. N. U.. CHARLOTTE, NO. 32-1918. ~8S5SS5S5S!S!SBS55!S5S5559! Vc it 6ta tea Or Yo ? * yov * , COI KUiSSiKSSSSSiiiiiSSSiii For MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER* B" TOm I Atoll.t preparation of mrrtc H?lp? to oradiroto dandruff. _ FotRmMih Color B???lrtoQn*orP*MtUk. ^^jJ0^nndjiU>2?O>r?Mt?ta^^ 4*^ DROPSY TWMTWFNT. Otrra nnlrk rrll.f. . *' loMrimoTMiwtlliH tad abort . K JO'fth. Norar board of IK mu] for fropn, \ lb Trial tntlawl Mat FMI1. by mart. Writ, to DW. THOMAS L MUN ?* > On a*, ONATawonTN. aa. Jflu KODAKS & SUPPLIES i illiTUr 1^7 aI*? do rlaaa of flnlnhlng. I LMHa Prlcda and Ctltlogua upon ret] neat. S. Galtiki Optical Ca.. RirUinJ, Va. ! D I P P ^"ANTCD Second-hand Bajjt, K H |? S tlflltl and twine. Write Iff 11 I **f RICHMOND RAO COM Y IVU PataaiUOI A Cm. tirMwi v*. YMW SKK CHUB B CONSTIPATED! 100K IT TONBOE HURRY, MOTHER I REMOVE POI ONE PROM LITTLE STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. GIVE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OP PIGS" IP CROSS, BILIOUS OR FEVERI8H. No matter what alls your child, a gentle, thorough laxntlve should nlways be the first treatment given. If your little one is out of sorts, Knl# ?l 1 ?* " * nan-oil-*, imi11 n'NiiQg, paung ana acting naturnlly?look. Mother! see If tongue Is coated. This Is a sure sign that the little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with waste. When cross, irritable, feverish, stomnch sour, breath bad or has stomaeh-nche, diarrhea, sore throat, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the constipated poison, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of the little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Mothers can rest easy after giving this harmless "fruit laxative," because It never falls to cleanse the little one's liver and bowels nnd sweeten the stomach and they dearly love Its pleasant taste. Full directions for babies, children of all ages nnd for grown-ups printed on each bottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs;" then see that It Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company."?Adv. Hia Specialty. "He's an Infernal liar and a stuttering fool!" snarled .Constable Sam T. Slaekmitter. as he silt nlnnn nn the porch of the Petunia tavern. "lie's n thief, n reprobate, and?" "Here, Sain!" exclaimed the landlord, appearing nt the doorway of the hostelry. "What in thunder are you doing cussing along that-a-way, all by yourself?" "I am running down a criminal!" ominously replied the sleuth.?Kansas City Star. \ITTJO ?C Women as well as men ?? Xlv/ W are made miserable by kidney and bladder trou* ble. Thousands recently T A MF mend Dr. Kilmer's UL/AIHC 8wamp-Root. the great kidney medicine. At druggists In large and medium size bottles. You may receive a sample size by Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling about It. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton. N. Y., and enclose ten cents, also mention this paper. Many a married man goes to the ; nearby saloon for a "smile" because | he gets nothing but frowns nt home. It Is said that the spare rib Is not popular with the Mormon epicure. iUIIIMIUlUIUIllllUII ! nptinfe veal loaf 17 7HAT is more tempting \l for a summer luncheon than Libby's savory al Loaf! Prettily garnished makes a dainty yet subntial dish ? and one all dy to put on the table 1 der Libby's Veal Loaf today, u will want it always on ar shelves?for quick lunchis? for unexpected guests. by, M*N?U1 * Libby, Chicago ibkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbibbbb MSTMnKPnr.^ 3LD FOR BO YEARS. ALSO A TINE GENERAL STRENGTHEN' ING TONIC. Sold by All Drug Sterea Safety First. "You make It n rule never to smoke when filling your air with gasoline." "Yes," declared Mr. C'huggins. "When I buy gasoline I can't afford to suioke." Summer Diarrhoea* can be controlled more quickly with GROVBH BABY How HI, MKIUOINB and It II absolutely harmless. jUst as effecUre tor Adalu aa tor Children. Mothers-in-law come In handy when the children are sick. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy No Smarting ?Just Kre Comfort. (0 rent* at I>ni(ntlsta or malL Write for Kree Hye Hook. MtlBINE Et K KEMEL' Y CO,Cll ICAUO * . f INTERESTING ITEMS FROM JHE CAMPS PHOTOGRAPHY, LABOR AND NEW VISITING RULES FEATURE AT CAMP JACKSON. COX IS CITED FOR BRAVERY First School in the United States for Army Nurses Is Established at Camp Wadswcrth. Camp Jackson. Ed Watson, official photographer for the Army and Navy News of New York and San Francisco, is here and will make a number of photographs at Camp Jackson and vicinity for his publication. A regular, permanent labor battalion is now in process of organization at Camp Jackson, according to an announcement made by MaJ. H. A. Allen, camp quartermaster. The camp quartermaster has just recently received the authorization from Washington to organize the labor battalion but a number of men have already been enrolled and are now doing the work. Among the new arrivals at the Depot Brigade is Rolar.d A- Linstead, who was the champion middleweight I of Canada. Linstead defeated Billie i Weeks, who for some t me held the j championship belt of Canada in a hard ' fought contest and Won for himself ; the .it!e of middleweight champion of Canada. The new visiting hours at camp are < being strictly enforced by the m.Utary | police. All persons who do not have passes are taken from the sireet cars at the first stop In camp and detained there until the first car going back to Columbia when they are sent back to town. On Saturdays the visiting hours without passes are from 12 noon to 9:.t0 p. m.. on Sundays from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. and on all other days from 4:;?0 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. Camp Sevier. MaJ. E. A. Brown, formerly camp quartcrmnster here, has been relieved from duty in the quartermaster corps and de a.led to the adjuta.1t general's department and is now on duty in Washington. Sergt. C. C. Hall. South Carolina boy who has been a member of the quartermaster corps, has been recommended for a rcmmiseion and leaves immediately for the officers' training school at Jacksonville, Fia. MaJ. George Fetterolf of the medical reserve corps has been relieved from duty at Camp Sevier and transferred to Camp Hancock Augusta. Ga. Cupt. Samuel E. Brown of the medical reserve corps has been transferred to Memphis, Tenn., to report to the commander of the aviation corps field park. Lieut. G. C. Cc* of Raleigh. N. C.. who was for several months a member of the radio company, 106th Signal Battalion, 30th Division, at Camp j Sevier, and who was detached and sent to France about February 1 has been cited for bravery, according to ( advices received here. T!e ws? cited for "displaying courage in maintaining telephone connections a..d great efficiency In enabling the command to fol- , low the progress of the fighting at all times." Camp Wadaworth. The first school for army nurses to be established in the I'nited States was opened at Camp Wadsworth with 32 students enrolled. They come frc m various parts of the Union. Miss Ma- ' rle Louis, head nurse of the base hospital, will be the director of the school wl'.h Miss Harriet G.llete. principal instructor, and an efficient corps of assistants. By tlie first of November, religious work in army cainps will be done entirely by army chapla ns and Y. M. C A and K nf C itir.nloino . with the result that ttr- various religious denominations' work through their camp pastors wi!l have been discontinued, upon orders :lte war department has prepared o issue. More Troops for Camp Sevier. Camp Sevier. Greenville.?O-ders were issued In Washington for the movement of troops to Camp Sevier, au to a telegram received by the newspapers front Congressman Sa.n Nicholls No fnrtiier details were given, but it is presumed that tlie movement referred to is for some new division, or similar organization, to be sent to this camp d :ri:isr ite near future. Definite announcement rf the plans of the department are expeeled In the next few days. An Indignant Comedienne. Spartanburg ? Miss Nora Daves, comedienne of na.iona! fame, grew in- ! d truant whan no Spartanburg hotel ' would p-ovale a room for !it negro , nin d. netompanyirig the arlre?s refued to appe-.r at Camp Wads worth end has tai.eelled her tour of the southern army training camps and returned to the north. Miss Hayes has been appearing at all the army camps glv'ng her en'ertninmen's for the enlisted men. It is said that she we < re. ei\ing no compensation for th tour. Gas Company to Raise Rates. Sumter.?At the m^etirg of city council this week the Sumter (las and Tower Company requested permission to increase its rates further as the company was not paying expenses. A few months ago council permitted a service charge of 25 cents The new rate will he $1.75 per thousand feet in strnd of $1 50 r.nd the minimum will be 75 coi ts Instead of 50 cen's This increase to begin with August bills is hut temporary and the rates are sub Ject to reduction by round) at any time. MOTHERS 1 TO SE Should Road Mrs. Monyhan'i Latter Published by Her Permission. Mitchell, Ind.?"Lydia E. Plnkham'a ( table Compound helped me eo much t during the time 1 was lookingforward to-the coming of-my little one that I am recommending it to other expectant mothers. Before taking it, some days I suffered with neuralgia so badly that I thought I could not live, but after taking three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham s V e ge table Compound I was entirely relieved of neuralgia, 1 had gained in strength and was able to go around and do all my housework. My baby when seven months old weirhed ID pounds and I feel better th:in I nave for a long time. I * never had any medicine do me so ! much good."?Mrs. Pearl Monyiian, ; Mitchell, Ind. Good health during maternity is a ' most important factor to both mother j and child, end many letters have been i received by the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine do., Lynn, Mass., telling of healthrestoredduringthis trying period by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham s Veize table Compound. EACH HAD AWFUL THOUGHT For a Few Dreadful Momenta Fair Dnncing Partner of Jackies Feared 1 Worst Had.Happened. Tills Is n true story. It occurred nt u ili.nee given for certain boys in the nuvatl reserve. While (Inuring with one of the Jackies, a certain young lady had a hor-f rible sensation that her petticoat wu> coining down. She excused herself went to the dressing room, and secured the garment with an extra safety pin?though It showed no signs of being loose from its moorings. Then she danced with another sailor?and had the same disconcerting sensation. Site lied to the dressing room again. This time, several other girls were there?each with the same end in view. It took some time to solve the mystery. You see, the sensation had been caused by the bottoms of tin* boys' hell-hottomcd trousers nibbing against the ankles of the fair dancers. GIRLS! USE LEMONS FOR SUNBURN, TAN Try Itl Make this lemon lotion to whiten your tanned or freckled skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons iuto a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, nnd you hflVA ii nnnrt??r nitif tLn Knct /sonbU sunburn und tan lotion, and complexion whitener, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons nnd any drug store or tol t counter will supply 1 three ounces of Orchard White for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the face, neck, arms and hands and see how quickly the ' freckles, sunburn, windhurn and tan disappear and haw clenr, soft and ' white the skin becomes. Yes! It Is , harmless.?Adv. Tree Resents Disturbance. In Idaho there exists a species of the acacia tree that Is entitled to he classed as one of the wonders of plant life. The tree attains a height of about eight feet. When full-grown It closes Its leaves in eoils earh day at sunset. I When the tree has thus settbsl itself for a night's sleep. It wl'l flutter violently If touched, and If you shake the branches it will emit a nauseating odor strong enough to bring on a headache. In Idaho It is called the "angry tree," and it is said that It was discovered by some men who were making a camp for the night, and placed one end of a canvas covering over one of the sensitive brunches for support. Immediately the tree began to ierk its branches sharply. The motion continned with Increased "nervousness," until nt Inst there mine a sickening odor that drove the tired men to a more hospitable camping place. Unfair. "lie took an unfair advantage of me by Indulging in personalities." "What's the matter? Did lie call you harsh names?" "Worse than that. I couhi have defended myself if he had called me a horse thiof or a wife-heater. Itsit he chose deliberately to hit at tue where I was defenseless." "What < ( uid he have said nhmit you ?" "He referred io the fact tint I was | once a f?acH*t. * A Tactician. Stella?"An officer lias to know how to handle men." Holla?"Huh, I know how to <1<? that niyvelf." A Cool Breakfast for warm weather |tffii No fussing * if/ roun d a -> Not stove i-f^S^ifyou eat Post Toasties ( Made Or Conn) -fficfttyf lUMBHnMHBMmMBnHI ^ V SUMMER SCHOOL SESSION Splendid My ef Young Lady Teaehara Attending Summer School at Columbia Unlvoralty. Colombia.?Special from Now York: Tha following la a Hat of the Sooth Carolina teachers siirauioi the aummar session of Columbia University: Misses Eunice and Maude Chaplin. Rock Hill; Miss Julia Charles. Greenville; Miss Annie Covington, Letts; Miss Juliet Marls Craig. Lancaster; Miss Elisabeth Crelghton. Rock Hill; Miss Lillian Crosland, Bennettsviiie; Miss Annie Crouch. Johnston; Miss Mildred Cunningham. Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Davis and Miss Martha L. Dean. Greenville; Miss Frances Dill. Charleston; Misses Agnes and Margaret Douglas. Chester; Miss Marion Baskin, Bishopville; McCloud Brawley and Miss Mayme Brown. Charleston; H. P. Burbage. Greenville; Misses Amelia Tompkins and Janie wara, iNinety-aix; .Miss Helen Wilkinson. Orangeburg; Miss Susie Williams, Camden; Smith Williams. Charleston; Loulie M. Wilson. Rork Hill; James H. Witlicrspoon. Gaffney; Miss Norwood Mullins,* Miss Marie Padgett. Miss Pinckney Gstes and Mrs. ka.herine Formwalt. Columbia; Bathwell Graham. Clinton; Miss Nannie Major. Greenwood; J. Root Martin. Greenville; Nicholas P. Mitchell. Newberry; Miss Alice M. Moudy. Rock Hill; Miss Margaret Douglas. Chester; Miss Margery Luther. Columbia: Misses Jennio McElroy McWhorter and Jeannett? Miller, Greenville; M. 13. Kennedy. Charleston; E. W. Kennedy. Sharon; Miss Lillian Kibler and James C. Kinard. Newberry; Miss Margaret Lemon. Ba|nwcll; Misa Esther Stackhouse. Marion; Misses Sarah Harvey and Annie Jones. Greenwood; Miss Katherine Reed Coker College; Miss Louise Siddall, Sumter; Miss Nan Smi'h. Murrell's Inlet; Miss Mary Swann, Kingstree; Misses Marie and Alma Foxworth. Bright Newtboy'a Reward. Greenville. S C.?Desiring to recog- i nize and reward in n suitable way the j wide-awake patriotism of Nesbitt Sul- I livan. the Easley lad whose keen wits enabled him to detect and lead to the j arrest of the German prisoner who | escaped Thursday night from the stockade at Camp Sevier, and who j was captured the following day In e-asiey, patriotic business men of | Greenville are creating a fund ?o buy the young Pickens county patriot a $100 war-savings stamp certificate. Advice From Food Administration. Columbia.?The food administration urges that wherever possible the Hock of farm chickens be increased. Every farmer, or for that matter, every person who raises chickens should provide to carry as many pullets that were hatched in the months of March and April as possible. These will I make good layers for the late fall and winter months. What the situation with regards to j food will be during the montliR to ; come none can say definitely, but the j food administration is always looking. ! and the necessity of increasing the j flocks of all who raise poultry, either j for market or for home consumption, ' is urged as a measure to assure poul j try products in sufficient quantity to 1 meet the demands at home. While the temptation of fried > chicken may be strong at this time, ! the March and April pullets should be carried over. , _j,.. ... I i uuny Luaiet joining navy. Columbia.?The enrollment records have arrived at the navy recruiting station and a long line of applicants have been sworn in. None of them were sent in from the substations. Two young ladles were accept- j ed as yeomen?Misses Clara Burton ' of Union and Grace Holtzclack of ; Greer. ' The young men who enlisted are: J. W. Brasington, Lockhart; K. \V. Moore. Hartavllle; J. R. Lawson, Columbia; R. F. Seigler. Parksville; 1). I R. Harmon. Saluda; L. M. Wilson. | Russell Springs, Ky.; E. M. Clark, Johnston; C. Eitson, Batesburg; H. Gunter, Batesburg; R. Cockerell. Sa luda; A. C. Thomas. Darlington; M E. Kearse, Olar; B. D. Cullan, Perry; A. T. Brooks, Clinton; W. H. Scales. Union; C. F. Sowell, Camden; E. L. Culp. Edgemoor, and A. N. Put:man, Edgemoor. Denied by Chamber of Commerce. Spartanburg. ? The Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce has received a letter from Secretary Baker in which the secretary calls attention to alleged discrimiation charged in retail stores and demanding that any su< h dealings in this city be stopped. Examinations conducted here into prices ' ha: Red soldiers and civilians have 'ailed to show any case of discrimination The officials of the Chamber of Commerce believe that Spartan tmrg will never give the war department officials concern along this line Verdict In Favor York County. York.?A verdict for the defendant was returned by the jury in the case of Mary Sims, widow of W. T. Sims, negro preacher, for $2,000 damages on account of the alleged lynching of her husband nea; York on the night of August 23.1017. Motion for a new trial was granted by Judge Krnest Moore on the ground that the verdict was contrary to the greater weight of the testimony. The contention of the defense in the trial was that the manner I:: which Sims met his death had not been definitely established. in Honor of Fallen Officer. Camden.?A beautiful memorial service was held in the Presbyterian church here in which the members of the other congregations joined to pay tribute to Lieut. Massenburg Trotter who lost his life in France. At the same time a beaut ful service flag from the young ladies of the Presbyterian church was presented to the congregation. This flag carried among its stars one made of gold, significant of the glory of young Trotter's life, who had made the supreme acriflce I am Sincere! St I Guarantee D Hasten to me! Calomel si day's work. If bil headachy read Livep up your sluggish liver! Feel fine and cheerful; make your work a pleasure; be vigorous and full * ambition. But take no nasty, dangerous calomel, because It makes you sick and you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes Into sour bile like dynamite, breaking It up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Just tnke n spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or denier sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents under my | Too Much for Ananias. Uncle John of the Excelsior Springs Standard has lost faith In the suyUig that man wants but little here below, lie writes: "To my mind, this Is the I statement that chocked Ananias to j denth. It was reproduced In this coun! try at n meeting of the Ancient Order j of American Skinflints as a sort of j poultice to their consciences. It ' seemed to work fust-rate. I was a j firm believer In the same theory, until | I studied the American profit hog at | close range. Then I realized that another prop was gone from under inc." | ?Kansas City Times. I : A SOFT, VELVETY SKIN nhnnl.l k. ?-- l-l .1 K..UUIU ur ?ii*- iiiiimiioii oi every woman as there Is nothing so attractive ns n fair, smooth skin.' Neither soaps nor powders can give this. Thousands of southern women know from experience that Tetterlne will quickly rid the skin of Its disfiguring pimples and blotches and give it that bright , Clear appearance so much admired. Tetterine is sold by druggists or sent by mail for r>Oc. by Shuptrlns Co., Suvannnh, Ga.?Adv. Excellent Gargle. Now, more than at any other season | of the year, we are apt to be caught in j a rainstorm and sit about in damp clothing, and as a consequence we wake up the next morning with a bad | sore throat. Salt and water make an j excellent gargle for the throat. EMXIR ll mlfk a coon tonic Ami Ill-Ires Malaria Out of the Sywtrm. "Your 'Babek1 acta like magic; I hare glren It to numerous people In mj parlwh who were suffering with chills, malaria and ferer. I recommend It to those who are sufferers and In need of h good tonic."?Rer. 8. Hz.rmanowekt, 8t. Stephen's Church, Perth Amhor. N J Kllxlr Kabrh, 50 crnln, mil drumrlita or by Pmrorl Pout, prrpmld, from Klocirwmki A Co., WmmblDgtou, D. O. Nothing swells a man's head so much as to have a pretty Klrl ask him for information. The Strong V Heat of Sun Than th Old people who are ft who are weak, will be 6tr< go through the depressing Gro Tasteless It purifies and enric you Strong. You can soo Invigorating Effect. GROVE'S TASTELE! ceptionally good general st sickly children, for delicat any one of the family wh pleasant to take. Price 6( Perfectly Hern Nux-Vomica or othe SC Grove's chi You can now get Grove's form as well as in Syrup, the kinc T-Ul.i- * - ... i duieis are intended lor those v rather than a syrup, and as a coi The tablets are called "GROVE': contain exactly the same medic actly the same results as Grove's put up in bottles. The price of ei Do This Aft Hot Weather "Out Easily Pi When hot weather comes, stomach and bowel miseries begin. Strong, sound stomachs as well as weak ones are easily affected by the harmful gases and acids so often produced in the things we eat and drink during htt weather. Winter?Nature's icebox, is gone?hot weather breeds I the poisonou* germs that cause ptomaine poison in all its many forms. Every one knows that the after-eating nausea, belching, that wretched, bloated, "lumpy" feeling, sour stomach, heartburn, food repeating, and other forms of indigestion and dyspepsia are far more frequent during not weather It is the time when you have to guard constantly against an upset stomach and the many ills that are always apt to follow. Then a^ain i ?we have the world's war to win? with the change of diet and extra work which means we must all carefully guard our stomachs this year? keep ourselves fit aud fine. A marvelous relief and prevention has keen found for stomach sufferers, | which makes it possible for you to eat the things you like best without a i op Cafomel! odson's Liver Tone ckena and yon may lose a ious, constipated or my guarantee. | personal money-back guarantee that each snoonfnl will i?u.n ???? ?'-w ~m ..... V?VMU JUU1 0IU5?10U liver better than a dose of nasty calomel and that It won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know It next mornIng, because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working; headache and dizziness gone; stomach will be sweet and bowels regular. Dodson's Liver Tone la entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and con not salivate. Give It to your children. Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone Instead of dnngerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of cnlomel Is almost [stopped entirely here.?Adv. Puzzling. "I don't understand it at all." said the man with the veins in bis fore bead. "What can't you understand?" asked the chap who could spend a $."> bill with one band tied behind hint. "Why Is It you can accuse a titan of having a bead of solid Ivory and still say It is empty and has something loose In It?" Important to Mothers Vr.mln. I~ ' * " * ^ uuiiuc vuu'tuiij every uoiue OI CASTOItlA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, nnd see that It In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castori* Fate of the Cliff Dwellers. It seems that there run he no ihmht that the ellfT dwellers were extermi nit ted hy their more savage and warlike neighnors. the men being killed and the women being adopted Into the tribe of the conquerors, though in some eases migration tuny have become necessary as a result of drought or pressure from outside tribes. Watch Your Skin Improve. On rising nnd retiring: gently smear the face with Cutlcura Ointment. Wash off Ointment In Ave minutes with Cutlcurn Soap nnd hot water. For free, sample address "Cutlcura, Dept. X* Boston." At druggists and by mall. Soap 25. Ointment 25 nnd 50.?Adv. The Way of It. "Do you think .llins really did all the remarkable feats he lirags of when he was overseas?" "No; I think he did them only whenhe was half-sens over." A Warning. "My wife-to-be Is an expert at keeping house." "Then take my advice and don't put it In her name." Withstand the inter Better e Weak seble and younger people engthened and enabled to heat of Summer by taking ire's chill Tonic hes the blood and.makes n feel its Strengthening, 5S chill TONIC is an exrengthening tonic for pale* Mothers, for Old Folks or 0 has poor blood. It is )c. ifessm Contains no r Poisonous Drugsm IV Tonic Tablets Tasteless chill Tonic in Tablet 1 you have always bought. The dio prefer to swallow a tablet nvenience for those who travel. S chill TONIC TABLETS" and inal properties and produce exi Tasteless chill Tonic which is ther is 60c. er You Eat of Fix" Stomachs Jt Right single unpleasant thought of what may follow. EATONIC Tablets, good, tasting, quick acting, and absolutely harmless, have already proven an untold blessing to thousands of people. One or two EATONIC Tablets after menia work wonders. Thev awrentn-.t and nurify the stomach by neutruli:- dl ing the trouble-making ncids and east i and Btop the griping paina of indigo: tion and other stomach and bowel disturbances. And the lx?st part of it is?you can be you r own judge. J list try EATON IC. Let your own stomach tell you the truth. If you are not pleated then they don't cost you one penny. Druggists are amazed at the aeton* ishing reports from EATON IC users, who have found EATON IC a quick, wonderful relief for stomach ailments. So we tell you to get a large box of EATON IC from your druggist, whom you know and can trust, and then If EATON IC In not suited to your ceac, return It to your druggim at once and get bacc your money. That'a a fair, square offer. Every pereon la urged to make the teat. Lot your own atomach tell you tb?i truth So atart tialnr EATON IC Mar.