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' 4 1 11 1 11 Calomel Today! Si : i Guarantee D ; Dont take- nasty, dangerc constipated, h^ac y V v 1 fit , v.?.> ~;t \ '/ . v I' 1 ?" 9 I 1 ? Calomel makes you sick; you lose a day's work. Calomel Is quicksilver and it salivates; calomel injures your Uver. .... If you are bilious,' feel lazy, sluggish and all knocked out. If your bowels are constipated and your head aches or stomach Is sour, Juat'take | spoonful of charmless Dodson's Liver Tone Instead of -using sickening, salivating calonfel.- Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medl'drip. You'll know it next morning because you will wake up feeyng fine, your ilver will be yoking, your headache and dizziness gone, I your stomach will be sweet and bowels regular. Yon will feel like working. You'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Your druggist-or dealer sells you a lottle of Dodson'a Liver Tone for a WILLING TO TAKE CHANCES Prisoner's Remark Not Exactly Complimentary to the Lawyer in the Courtroom. The conversation In the lobby of n Washington hotel turned to he budding lawyer when this little nneedote was smilingly related by Representative Edward E. Brown of Wisconsin: Recently a man was arrested on a minor chnree. and on the nniviintad day was hnled Into court for trlnl. "Just a moment," remarked the Judge, Interrupting the preliminary proceedings. "Has the prisoner nt the bar no counsel?" "No, sir," spoke up the prisoner, "I couldn't afford to employ a lawyer." "In that event the-court will appoint counsel for you." returned the 'Judge, glancing at a grooup of budding lawyers who were seated In the court-' room. "There are Mr. Jones, Mr. 9 Smith, Mr. Oreen and Mr. Brown, and also nnother fellow out In the corridor. Which do you prefer?" "If It's nil the same to you. Judge," was the startling rejoinder of the prisoner. "I will take the fellow'that's ont In the corridor.'.'-?Philadelphia Eve< nlng Telegram.' > ' - , KIDNEY TROUBLE NOT EASILY RECOGNIZED Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected An examining physician for one of the prominent life insurance companies, in an interview of the subject, made the astonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are rejected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large 1 i. majority of those whose applications are ' declined dn nnt ?- -L - - - * ?*vu ounjitXl vuai mcy have the disease. Judging from reports from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. ' It stands the highest for itt-.epmarkable record of success. We find that Swamp Root is strictly an herbal compound and we would advise our traders who feel in need of such a .remedy to give it a trial. It is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. : However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a ample bottle. '.JWhfn, writing be sure and moption this- paper.?Adv. Where He Qoea. Asket?What's becqme of tlic incorrigible kid who used to be driven from home because hfot parents couldn't do anything wjtli him? Tellum?Oh, he takes an hour or two off from his duties us president and director of half the big concerns In the city to drive around to the old folks In one of his new twelve-cylinder ; palaces to tell pa and ma that he's getting along Just tolerable. . ?*Optimistic Thought. Mnn Is neither by birth nor disposition n savage. .. . ; Indication .produce* dlanirreesble and sometimes alarming symptoms. WrlaHt'd Indian Vegetable Pllla stimulate the dlgea' tlva procrttaef to ftipctlon naturally Adr. Some men are high livers because of their inability to pay ground floor rents. BSBSI99SS9S1SSE5B5SS9S5S! Veal Lc with such : THIS delicately flavors is made with such p< Libby's expert chefs in ? ulate Libby kitchens?thj always want these chefs to , you. You find it so ap nutritious a meat at such and trouble. Order Libby's Veal Loa eon today. Serve either 1 your family will delight in Ubb* M?N?U1 * Libby, USiiiS^SISiinuSiiiii . T\ ick Tomorrow! odson's Liver Tone >ti8 calomel when bilious, hy. Listen to mel' , few cent* under my personal guarantee that It will 'clean your sluggish liver better than nasty calomel; It won't make you sick and you can eat anything you want without being salivated. Your druggist guarantees that each snoonfnl will i?n ?nnr ii*#* I clean your bowels and straighten yon up by morning or you get your mopey back. Ohlldren gladly take Dodson's Liver Tone because it Is pleasant tasting and doesn't gripe or cramp or make them sick. . I am selling millions of bottles of Dodson's Liver Tone to people who have found that this pleasant, vege- j table liver medicine takes the place ol dangerous calomel. Buy one bottle on my sound, reliable guarantee. Ask your druggist about me.?Adv. Choice Reichstag Dialogue. When rogues fall out there may he embarrassment for the printer, London 1 Answers observes. The Vienna Relohspost tells of a qunrrel between Hert- ' ling, the Herman chancellor, and Herr Erzberger: Hurtling snld to Erzberger: "You have Intrigued with Vienna against me," to which Erzberger replied: -No.- |; "Hertllng retorted: "Yes, you have been to Vlennn, nnd you have Intrigued." Erzberger: "I have not been to Vienna." I i "Hertllng: "I hnve proofs that you an-?" | 1 The Relrhspost says It ennnot ' 1 reproduce the last words of Hertllng. j i Herr Erzberger Is the lender of the center party; and It looks nS If on this occasion Hertllng Inclined to the extreme left. 1 I* ' USE EAGLE REMEDY AS A SURE PILE CURE Piles no longer hold the terrors of i pnln and anguish for the sufferer If Eagle Pile Remedy Is resorted to for | j an absolute cure. By a thoroughly practical, harmless and Internal treat- ! ment, hemorrhoids, vein functions quickly respond to the treatment. 1 Get a box at your druggists' today. Or direct from the makers?the Reed Distributing Co., 141 Godwin St., Paterson, N. J. For $1 you get a box sufficient for a full week's treatment. They melt on the tongue nnd taste like I candy. Contain no nnrcotlcs or harmful Ingredients. They are effective for , every form of plies.?Adv. What Booze Couldn't Do, Pop Did. A pop bottle exploded while Its cup ' was being removed in a Muncle near- ' beer establishment, the other day, se- i verely cutting the "gentlemanly bar- 1 tender's" hand. j "For twenty long nnd weary years 1 opened beer bottles.? thousands of j them, and came through all that 'wet' ( period Into the 'dry' one without a i scratch," he lamented, "nnd now In my J old nge. with my business whittled away It comes to this: That after i booze failed to put me out. I've had to surrender to pop."?Indianapolis News. , Brazil In the War. < Because not much hns been heard ( about Brazil's share in the war, It i must not be presumed that she Is do- j lug little or nothing. As a matter of fact conscription Is In force and every < possible preparation Is being made to strike a. heavy blow in Europe. Brazil's ships are patrolling the coast of South America and other ships* have Kono to innropenu waters. where they are ppvrntlnfc with the ulllod navies. I The Brazilian navy Includes several drendnnutrhts of pood speed and heavy offensive power.?Scjentifle Anierlean. ' - | No Wormi in a Healthy Chi'd All children troubled with worms ba*. e an nn- i healthy coldr, which Indlcute* poor blood, and as a rule. tnore Is more or less stomach disturbance. ' UKOVM'S TA8THLKSH cblll TONlt: given regularly for two or throe weeks will enrich the blood. Im* I prove the digestion, and act as a General Htreuothenlng Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel tho worms, and tho Child will be i In perfect health. Pleasant to take. BUc per bottle. ' ' I If angels feur to trend where fnolt ' nish in, they should use tludr wings Any man with uiothentpii Ideas sin, ply has to air his opinions. j iciiiiBiaiaiiBiiiiiaiaai at m mmmmm i Slice Libby's Veal Loaf and garnish withcucumbers, water- ' , cress and salad dressingvery tempting! , >af flavorl J Veal Loaf :rfection by j the immac- ? it you will make it for , pen zing, so ' i little cost not or cold, [ wiiiPiaiiiaBaiBi .> w. .?J : LOOK AT CHILD'S TONGUE IF SICK, CROSSJEVERISH HURRY, MOTHER! REMOVE POL. ONE FROM LITTLE STOMACH, ' LIVER, BOWELS. QIVE CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIOS AT ONCE IF BILIOU8 OR CONSTIPATED. 1 Look at the tongue, mother! If Tooted, It Is n sure sign thut your Utile one's stomnch, liver and bowels iced8 a gentle, thorough cleansing ut once. When peevish, cross, listless, pole, doesn't sleep, doesn't ent or net naturally, or Is feverish, stomach sour, breath hnd; has stomach-nclio, sore throat, dlnrrhtra, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of the little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't eonx sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love its delicious taste, and It always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has. directions for babies, children of nil ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. r.eware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that It Is made by the "California I'lg Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt.?Adv. Squaring Himself. The absent minded professor, on bis it uii\, nun hi * n It'll I ?l I Y I Ml III ft" i'?l into it young )mly. For tht? tnoinont. in Ills t'itihnrr:issinotit tin* wits spoeeliless. wli'!e tlit* young IimI.v stood in nil the eharr.i nnd sweetness of young womanhood. waiting for him to llnd his tongue. "My dear .voting woninii." In* blurted nttt nt Inst, "ltow absolutely rude nnd thoughtless of nie; 1 low ran 1 ever get your forgiveness?" "Well, I* I tell you. otd kid, we'll foxtrot over to that cigar eounter and shake tin* bones to see who buys the Itevo."?Indianapolis News. Get New Kidneys! The kidneys are the most overworked irgatiK of the human body, and when they fail in their work of filtering out and throwing off the poisons developed in the lystein, things begin to happen. tine of the first warnings is pain or stiffness in the lower part of the liaek; highly L-olotcd urine; loss of appetite; indigestion; irritation, or even stone in the brad* ier. Tlltse symptoms indicate a condition that may lead .to that dreaded and fatal ninladv, Blight's di-ease, for which there is said to lie no cure. Do not delay a minute. At the first indieatii n of tn utile in the kidney, liver, bladder or urinary organs start taking L.old Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, and save yt urself before it is too lute. Insiant treatment is necessary in kidney and bladder troubles. A delay is often fatal. You can almost certainly find immediate relief in Gold Medal llaurlem Oil Capsules. For more than 200 years tins famous prepnation has been an unfailing remedy for ill kidney, bladder nnd urinary troubles. It is the pure, original Haarlem Oil your ireat grandmother used-. About two capsules each day will keep you toned up and feeling fine. (Jet it at any drug store, nnd if it d< es not give you a Inn si immediate relief, your money wi'l be refunded. He Hire yru get the GOLD MFDAL brand. None other genuine. In boxes, three Adv. Of Two Evils. "N?*v? r change lawyers !" Th" speaker was Senator Thomas of l oiortiMo. "No mnttor how irroodily your lawyer may ho nts you." ho said, "don't ohnniro liiiu. IC* tin nihor tho old (lorse. "An oh! hofs,? stood under tt trot* !v. t!i ntrh ho wits jiU covered iv'ih horse lli?'s." A klnd-hoorted nuin wi lit itn to hntsh Mie lilt's iivvtty. I?ut (ho old horse sjthl; 11 'llo'd on. ftlr. Don't disturb thoso IIos. Tlioy'ro nonrly full. Drlvo thorn >ff. timl ii frosh lot will rotno. more itinjrry t let tt the Inst.'" FRECKLES Now It the i iir.e to Get Rid ot Thete Ugly Spoti Tltetc's no luneer the slightest _n- ed of feejlnj Ishainrl of tour fnctlis, as Oililue?dottlil* Itrongtb?Is fftturunli i d to remote tlu-to- homely tP'.t*. Simply ei-t an ontire of Otlilne?double itrcngtli?frojn yonr itmrntlut, and apply a little if I! night lino mo ft I tig ninl t ill should soon so* thal'fTcn the tvu.-il frwkl. - hitre begun n ills tppear tvlil ! tin' llglrer ones im'e vanished on llroljr. It Is seldom thut ntoro lltsn ono o"ne* r no'doil to enmpletelr o'osr the skin and gain t lonntlfnl clear countiesI"n Re sure to ask for 'li?> d-.utile strength Othtne to Hits Is sold under guarantee of money bach t It l.U'.a to roiiniTi' fris k 1m.?Adv. Cheer Up. 'III.- following, uusik'iio'l. on me liroil'fii th I'll iI to tho Nows. It Ik to f-explanatory. "This ttll happened within two voolts; "Arrostc'd f'>r speeding; jfitvo u f flow tt SIM hill. Ihnu^ht Is \vn* *1 ; iitii'i'ifil two weeks njro- worst of nil; imi my our stolon ; Just Inid notlee of ny draft enII to tin* nriny. IIopo thoj iliont mo quick. "Oood-hy, mn. fJootl-hy, pn." Tills inppons to ho a true story.?Indianipolls Nows. Oranulated Kveltda Rtlea Inflamed ICvaa Hlcvril ovor night by Roman Kve Balaam. Dnr trial provra Ita morlt. A<v Ih-iilth makes wealth f??r some. l>ut inf for llit' physician niul the untlernlror. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy No Smarting tfya Cbmfcirt. 60 ronta at Orrtfralnta or malt. Writ* Tor froa Br? Book. UUKJ Nit ItVa tUlUKUV CO.. CU1CAOO ? ? % "BEST MEDICINE EBB WOMEN" What Lydia E. Pmkham'i VfataMa Compound Did For Ohio Woman. Portsmouth, Ohio.?" I suffered from Irregularities, pdni in my side and was so weak at times I TjTpTTmmTmm I could hardly get 11im|||||||jmiI around to oo my work, and as I had 'our in my family and three boarders ma^e it very hard for me. Lydia E. LgHl Pinkham's Vegel| table Compound yV ' was recommended 7 / ' . to me. I took it and it has restored ' <?V my health. It is 1 Cei Lnillly cue bent medicine for woman's ailments I ever saw."?Mrs. Sara Shaw, R. JNo. l, Portsmouth, Ohio. Mrs. Shaw proved the merit of this medicine and wrote this letter in order that other suffering women may find relief as she did. i Women who are suffering as she was should not drag along from day to day without giving this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a trial. For special advice in raeard to such ailments write to Lydia P.. Pinkham Medicine Co.,Lynn, Mass. The result of its forty years experience is at your service. |^iwcry Wo FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Diitolred in wtttf for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflammation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pink' Med. Co. for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, ore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Hu extraordinary dean ting and germicidal power. Siusplo Fraa. 50c. al: druggi***, cr pottnaid by Vpau. The Paaton Toilet Cntnuanv. B**too. Mta> ^ DRIVE MALARIA OUT OF THE SYSTEM A UOOI) TONIC AMU APVL1T7.BH Cuticura Promotes I Hair .Health I Ail dniiririi'ti. Soap tt. Ointmant ft 4k 60. Talcum ft ISampIo rich from of "Cailcara, D?pt K. F'-i'on " Kill Ail Flics! 111 ^>isIa^IA0 Plaosdanywhero, Daley Tly Killer sttrmrta sad kllll all m?s. Noat. slssa,orsaaMataksoaesataataaSsksapk T.YVby *yr*M. r?r?pa.J, (1.00. HAROLD SOMlfcl, ISO OS KALB Ml., BROOKLYN, N. *. PARKFR'i FiSfei^^G HAIR BALSAM I i to I Irt |ir?p?rall?n of turrit. JPjB H?tf lo cradle#tr dandruff. B\\S -#M For Rentnrins Color and P'VTJV/?toCray or Faded Hair. Pruc.-iit*. (3 ? KODAKS & SUPPLIES VWKM UV al.o.lo utelieai ,.|??,.r finishing I PrlcfH itnd CuUluRUf upon rcqucat i 17 S. Galciki Optical Co.. Kicbmood, Vs. 0 B Oft WANTfD Second-hand Bags, K II |u ea burUp tcrmp tiatrmt and W rite 1 1 H II I I 'ol prtrr* Klv HMON'i> B (i COM'V U | I V/ w Department II08 t Cur Ktcbtauud Vs. Hnliefifl'.PC Kill iM"P> snniinily thaD war. flOuJllucS KVill sialic bhiKitljr buti.Rhri llirm. hiiup.o r.-riiiei -ta ntviui le hi urepnm. hend llir fot iDfortiiilluu. A obauia. Asi'ucy Co., AYomlulr, Ala. KlIKI'MATISM cured i.r im nM refunded. Piles Cured01 money ref undi d. Hstrul. llrtiMlal, titolllf.R.C, W. N. U., CHARLOTTE NO. 78 19"8. Tecting Inventions. Inventions of u war nature must luivp prompt government attention. Therefore the I'ulted States governnipii; Is set tint; apart tin "Inventions section" for iiiuneiliate ami thorough investigation of all devices of a nieelianienl, eleetrieal or ehemieal nature submitted for test, sale or Inspection. I'eople who wish inventions considered should apply data : Name and object of invention, any claim for superiority or nove'ty, and results obtained by actual experiment, whether the Invention Is patented, whether remuneration is expected, whether the Invention has been before any other agency, whether the writer Is owner or agent. Drawings and descriptions should accompany. Communications should he ad,tl-,.l:a,wl In Tni-iiiitl-.i.. ? n . - ... I - I--V< 11,111, , iriicril I Staff. Army War foliage; Washington. Nursing Fallacies. "Llltrirlns has groat solf-ostoein." "Yes," implied Mi-s Cayenne. "IVrhaps tlini is vliy ho doosn't net on hotter. A nuin witli too tun it self-esteem is usually a laid jtnl :o of tilings In I general." one honeflt of the war is ihat it has ! induced consumers to study fon<ls and i food values. Life Is sliort yd most mo., outlive | '|iolr "(wwl * fon^. < - Besides SavingYi'hsat Ma Says I'm Saving Cooking When I Eat ir\ #**? ?? TOAST IES BEST Vil CORN FLAKES jfeCWffi?EVER I A Gr THE responsibility attach f is undoubtedly greate for adults whose system is i injurious drug. It is well t for the past 40 years, under What have makers oi responsibilities ? To whom their nefarious wares broad* Gould each mother se Fletcher's Castoria is prepai grateful mothers, they woul of those who would offer Fletchers Castoria. jjgjpllSet Contents 15 "Fluid UraohJ ALGOHOL-3 PER oekt. j V ? f AV^clable IVcparatioofcr As J i5->p3v similalin^ the Food by Re^til*" I tin^theStomadisandB^^?j Thereby Promoting Dtfc5ti? 3 j Cheerfulness and RestGocitato neither Opium,Morphine noc SlgjK I: Mineral. Not Narcotic Prf 'AH(m/rtaat js!# J Ahelpful Remedy ftr 4 Constipation and Diarrhoe*. and Fcvcrishness and f$$8 i Loss OF SLEEP resulting thettftwmjg^ Facsimile Sijnatnreot ""P; IHE GWTAVR B?hct Copy Wrappcti ^^hbbubmebbbbbbmi REALLY WAS SILLY OF HER But Mrs. Pruke Seemed Somehow ta Have Got the Wrong Idea Altogether. "Pound of ninnrurine, two pounds of ' t'lit'csc, ii " commenced Mrs. Pruke. The pronrletor of the village store hastened to interftipt t!??? liuly. "You'll foully have to cut your orders down," I he said "I can't supply peacetime quantities. There's a war on, you | know." Mrs. Pruke did some lightning cnl! minting on 11 piece of sugar paper. "Hijrht-o," she answered, blithely. "Two ounces o' margarine, quarter o' cheese, four Inches o' white tape, ami half a pair o' uuinher five carpet supers. Thanks for reminding tne about the war. It had quite slipped my memory. I'd >:ot tla* idea Into my head that my husband and my two boys had gone to Prance looking for mushrooms."? London Tit-Hits LEMON JUICE TAKES OFF TAN Girls! Make bleaching lotion if skin is sunburned, tanned or freckled Squeeze the Juice of two lenioqs Into | a bottle containing three ounces of Orehaiti White, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and complexion benutiiier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer lias the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of Orchard White foi? a few cents. Massage this sweetly fra i ^riihi. union into tne lace, nock, arms and hands each day and sec how freckles, sunburn, windburn and tan disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless.? Adv. Not Such a Great Loss. A (Senium farmer in Australia laid a ratiler delicate wife, who worked lier self to dentil in a few years. After the funeral a neighbor was condoling with liiin on ills great loss. "Yah " said August, "she was a good woman?but a bit too light for my work."?Sydney (N. S. \V.) Bulletin. Soothe Itching Scalps. On r^'He;: gently rul> spots of dandruff nt?\l itching with Cutlcura Ointment. Next morning slinmpoo with Cutlcurn Snap nnd hot water. For free i sample?* address, "Cutlcura, Dept. X, | Boston." At druggists nnd by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 nnd 50.?Adv. The Late Ones. "Do you think It will rain before morning?" "No, but I am sure it will storm when 1 get home." n-hv's S'Cond Summer 9ROVH-5* BAIIV HOWKL MKIHI INH will correct lb? Hu b.mii and Bowel Trimbles and It la absolutely biirmleaa. Can bo Riven to Infanta with t>erf?c'. safely. Sen directions on llin bottle, No. Dorothy, an adept In pyrngrnpli.v sn't necessarily a successful plenmker. Fortune seldom knoeks at the door f fh? cl? alii'' ksffcer. I eat Respons: ted to the preparing of a reme r than that imposed upon th sufficiently strong to counters o observe that Castoria is prei the personal supervision of M F Imitations and substitutes al , are they answerable ? The} sast, and disappear tomorrow. ;6 the painstaking care with red: could they read the innu i never listen to the subtle pie* an imitation of, or substitu Children Fvfrarfc I Enriches the Blood and means it Strengthens the you can soon feel its S Effect. It contains just \ and Quinine, in a form a< cate stomach. GROVE'S TASTEL ceptionally Good Genera the Child, for the Mother c or old. Pleasant to take. Perfectly Hart Mux- Vomica or othi Hot Weathi Hit The St How to Keep Strong, Coo Hot weather always starts those nuick chemical changes which produce poisons in mould, iish, fruits, vegetables, milk and food products. Such summer poisous in foods not only make well stomachs sick but develop with drn^crous rapidity in sensative, sick or ailing stomachs and bowels. These poisons not only generate Sasea and iluida which cause that, loated, lumpy feeling, heartburn, sour atomach, belching, acidity, but endless other stomach and bowel miseries. A Bure, safe, quick acting relief has been found which absorbs and neutralizes these poiaonB, too much acid and harmful gaaeB. EATONIC Tablets, one or two taken after every meal, will keep your Btomach sweet. You will have a good appetite to eat what you like, when you want it and be uvto I Ulll LCI Parents to Che G. J. English, of Springfield, Mass saved my child." Mrs. Mary McGinnis, of St. Louis, baby your Castoria ever since she was mothers." N. E. Calmea, of Marion, Ky., sayt the world, as I have given your Castor Mrs. Albert Ugusky, of Lawrenci your Castoria in use for nearly three yi as represented. My children are both1 R. P. Stockton, of New Orleans, L Castoria to our baby when he was eigh since, never having had to give any oil Mrs. Dolph Hombuckle, of Colora< met.ced giving your Castoria to our ba She is now seven months and weig 'What a healthy looking baby.' Y/o gi GENUINE CASTORI/ the y? Signature / cf ^2^ THt CINTAUN COM PAr Genius Defined. (Soulus may 1 ?* as an ability to do with little trouble that which cannot ho <lono by tin* ordinary man with any amount of trouble.?Spencer. You ran always pot satisfaction by polnc to law?If you arc a lawyer. What Makes If it isn't hard work or ex Your blood has been poise ia mosquito or by stomat some cases low vitality ai thin, weak blood. Gro Tasteless * - --.\? ibility. dy for inflEUits and children e manufacturer of remedies ztj for a time at least, any ?red today, as It has been r. Chas. H. Fletcher. ; stake?' What are their r spring up today, scatter which the prescription for merable testimonials from idings and false arguments r _ a.? _ j ?a i Not to Her Taste. II?>?"Soiiic women nro awfully nnrtl to please." She?"Ami some men aro too awfully soft to please me." Suitable. " Itlx?"I want to sweep the cobwebs from my hraln." IMx?"I would mig' irest a vacuum cleaner." 'ou Feel Tired1? :erciset then its your blood. >ned by the bite of a malarah and liver disorders. In ad lack of energy is due to ve's chill Tonic Purifies the Blood; by this body from head to toe and strengthening. Invigorating vhat the blood needs, Iron aceptable to the most deliESS chill TONIC is an ex1 Strengthening Tonic for >r any of the Family, young Price 60c. miess. Contains no ;r Poisonous Drugs er Poisons omach First Your Stomach 1 and Sweet free from all those bad effects liable to conic after a hearty meal in summer. EATONIC Tablets are hot weather prnteotors for the stomach. They guard against tlio (Terms thut lurk In the things you cat ami rtrfnlr Thn? uknIM , -? mote digestion by aiding proper action ot the stomach lunctlons and Insure speedy relief from indigestion and all stomach distress. EATONIC la good to cat like candy. People from all ovcrsend grateful testimonials. Telia of thousands are obtaining relief with EATONIC every day but the beat evidence fa to let your own stomach tell you the truth, (io to your druggist and get a big bo* of EATONIC. Tell hlrn yoij want It for the prevention and sure relief of stomach and bowel disorders produced by hot weather poisons. Then If EATONIC falls to satisfy you?return It to your druggist, whom you know and can trust. He will cheerfully refund your money. If your druggist doesn't keep EATONIC?drop us a postal. It will be delivered to your address and you can then pay for It. Address, H. L. Kramer, Prea., 1018 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Q SOLD FOR 60 YEARS IBJBS fch^ a FEVER a,,k> * '?,n* c,n#r*i Strengthening Tonic. SOLD NT ALL MUG STOKES iwj lur uio uiuu ana true Cry" For mm ters by Grateful is. H. Fletcher. says j "It was your Caatoria that , Mo., Bays : "Wo have given our born, and we reccommena it to aU i : "You have the beat medicine in ia to my babies from first to last." sburg, Ind., says: "As I have had ears, I am pleased to say it is Just well and happy?thanks to Castona." a.. Bays: "We began giving your t aays old and have kept it up ever ler medicine." lo Springs, Colo., Bays] "We comiby when she was four weeks old. hs 19J pounds. Everyone remarks! vo Castoria credit for it." i ALWAYS BEARS IV. NEW YORK CI TV