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p TH FORT1 HILL TIMES Democratic? Published Thursdays. Bf - i * B. W. BRADFORD - - Editor and I'rourietoi t) ifi f j\\ , - -%T ?..?- - ?. . ' Vj 340X1 OTION KATRH : Ono Year. _ $1.26 31* Month!!.. 65 f'to Pitini nvlte* contributions on litfsabjwl" hat doe* not atrreo to publish more than 200 word* oa anjr subject. The riirht i* reserved to iilit >ir? communication submitted for nuhlication. On aopli<?Mticn to the publisher, advertising r ttei are made known to those interested. rolnohotie.loen I and tone distance. No. 112. Entered at the post office at K?.rl Mill.K. C* mail matter of the second nlaiut. THURSDAY. JULY. 11. 191.x. Stop, Look, Listen. Stop! Recall how (lie Russian ^ armies were defeated for lack of guns, munitions and supplies. The Germans laughed at the Russian government's failure to stand by its fighting men. Let them have no such mirth at our our expense! Give our government the support of our people, our resources, and our money, so ihat it can arm, equip, supply, and maintain our fighting men at the very highest point of efficiency! Look at the war map and see what absolute devotion of a nation's resources to militan purposes has accomplished for the enemy! Increase production and lend money to the United States, so that our support,of out fighting forces will equal if 1101 surpass that of Germany! It is belter to spend our money that way than in paying Germany's war bills. Liisten to the call of duty and patriotism, and economize! 1)< your utmost in every way to win the war by increased production, by decreased consumption, and by lending to the government Let non-essentials go; make sacrifices! How little and inconsequent they are compared with the great purpose they help attain! How well worth making they will appear when our troops come home victorious victorious by their own courugc.and ability, backed by the unselfish wholehearted support of their Nation. The Soldier's Chances. Great as the danger and large as the losses in the aggregate, the individual soldier has plent> of chances of coming out of tin wai qnscathed, or at least not bad y injured. Based on the mortality statistics of the allied armies, a soldier's chances are as-follows: 1 wenty-nine chances of coming home to one chance of being killed. Forty-nine chances of recovering from wounds to one chance of dying from them. One chance in 500 of losing a limb. Will live five years longer became of physical training, it freer from disease in the arm> than in civil life, and has bettei medical care at the front than at home. In other wars from 10 to 15 men died from disease to 1 iron, bullets; in I his war one mat. dies from disease to every 10 from bullets. And now the editor of the Clover Messenger is threatening to "slap the devil" out of some. Cloverite who he su>s has been lyin^c about, him.' Well, of course, we nave a sympathetic feeling for the Clover man who is walking around with the devil in Inm and wotrld be pleastd to know that he had rid himself of "old scratch," but want to ask tlaeditor of The Messenger to please slap in the direction of ' King's Mountain. The Times man has his hands full and can't take on additional 'business, but offers free of charge the tip thai there is some ready profits awaiting th*?man w ho will open a first-class cafe in Fort Mill. We d* n't know of a town of equal size in the country which has no eating place, nor one which is more in need of such an establishment Tne editor of the Clover Messenger says that he ckn stand -v ** : k * so ne things, but he will "be ?li Tin" if he expects to take everything. 'In which circumstance we advise him to take to the woods. i York County News Natters. (Korkville Enquirer.) ! Owin*r to a number of unfortunate circumstances bevond the control of those having the mat- ' terin charge? illness, inability to secure speakers or hand, etc., the proposed Fourth of July eel- j ebration in Yorkville had to he abandoned. There was tr? have been a big cocking main near the county , bridge between Rock Hill and Fort Mill on the Fourth of July; but it was not much of a success, ; because the officers of the law i ha 1 advance information and discharged their duty. A big service Hag was raised at the Locktnore mill grounds ' yesterday (July 1). It carries j ergot stars, one ioreacn 01 cigru nu n the Lockmore lias furnished to the National army. The flag was paid for with contributions Irorn the mill operatives and South Carolina has been called upon for 1,290 more white men to be sent to Camu Jackson during tire week beginning July 29. York county's quota of the whiies is 35 from local board No. 1, and iu from local board no 2. l'lie apportionment of the blacks! nas not yet been made public. The total number of people wl o paid the three dollar com-i mutation road tax in York county this ymr rather than work live jtla..s on the road was 3.539 . gainst 3.232 last year anu trie ! in Mint they paid this'year is >T> 017, or $921 more than last >* nr. York county has come fully up to requirements on the war savings stamp di ive. The allott:i? nr for the county in this drive was $58(5.000 $300,000 for the a-teni side and $226,000 for the western side. The eastern side has ?nised $-105,000 and the western side has raised $222,000. a total of $627,760, or $41,760 more than the allotment. Supervisor Boyd said Wcdnes1 ..I. 1 2 l ua\ Liicii \\ \n i\ iitiii utTfi cifillmk need on (ht* concrete highway j bet ween Hock Hill and Cataw ba rivjr bridge. lie was in hopes that the work would l>e pushed to li pid completion; but of this i he could not say d< finitely. About thi ty cars of cement will be re?inirt (! and only six have been received. As to when or how iho remainder will come in wi!i h'j end upon the railroads. f ? monsl rat ion Apont Blair su\ * that the red spider is shovvinjjr up on the cotton in York j oui.T.wmuch worse than usual and more ^eneraily. The be^t ren cdy for the red spider, he savs, is to spray the affected stalks and those immediately around with potassium sulphide, j >mo to two pallons of* water, or one part of coiv; neivial lime-sulphur to fifty ! r i 11. i ic til* The thirty-one or thirty-two iconui'ts on the chairgang enjoyed a first-class toast oil the Fourth of July. They wore at, work on the Federal-;.ided concrete road het\vee? Rock Hill and the river through Mr. 'Cherry's place. Mr. Cherry received permission from Mr. Boyd to furnish a feast and ho did it right. lie killed a large calf, had his managers to make soup and hash and provided an abundance of bread and other rood things. (amenl Shorfage Kctaids Wttk. The county ch; ingang has lip to tins turn put down aboa; 1,2( 0 . ards of concrete road between ' Catawba liver bridee and Rock ! ifill. Ii is feared, howe ver, that the work will now he held up oecause oi lack oi cement, which 'is ditiicull to net and the supply isveiy uncertain. It the cement can he obtained the road will he i completed at an early date ami toe county will have five miles of the best road to be found anywnere. Efforts are being made to secure from t lie government priority* shipments of cement so the work can proceed. The work on the roau slant d at the new county bridge across the river and is progressing toward Rock llili. One mile ef tile road , nearest the river is of macadam, i the concrete roadway starting at the point the macadam stops. Miss Thelnia Ott left Tuesday j afternoon for a visit to relatives and friends in Ridge v?a/ , - - - ? >g m 5 I ??wmm m* * Farmers* Meetings. On May 14th there was n--j sranized in Columbia, by farmt ;< j from the various counties of the i TU? C?..iU n n-?i - I oimc, j nr- ov>ui,ii v^<iruiuia V^Ultoil j Marketing organization. The1 purpose of this organization was to provide for the establishment of a State-wide system of marketing cotton and cotton seed. The several counties of the State are now being: canvassed to explain to farmers and business men how that they, by organization and combined effort can protect this year's cotton crop against a still further decline in the market at the opening of the coming season. A representative of the organization will attend each of these meetings, and will describe fully what the farmers and financial institutions of the State can do to prevent j the sacrifice of this year's cotton. Nine meetings are to be held in York county this week under auspices of the State association, the meeting at Fort Mill to be he'd Friday afternoon at 3:00 p. m. T. R Thackston, of the State marketing association is to hp tho principal speaker and the public is invited to be present. Should Pe Re-Elected. Says the Rock Hill Record of Monday: "In today's issue we carry the announcement of W. R. "Bradford asking for re-election to the House of Representatives. Mr. Bradford has been the leading member of the delegation from this county for several years and has rendered the county good service. One of two things that he has been especially interested in was that he has always tried to see that Winthrot college gets a square deal and did good work in helping to lan i tlm new dormitory for it. The it* 111 U'. t IIVO 111 ic hi? good work in helping togft the hill through for the new bridge at the end of the Cherrr road, on which bridge we suy- ; gested some time ago we thought the honor should be done thei delegation to nut a plate on the bridge bearing their names along; with the engineer, supervisor I and commissioner. "According to former rules Mr. Bradford if elected this time will become chairman of the Ways and Means committee of the House, the most important of the committees." Manv neonle in Fort Mill n?*.? preparing to plant a second crop of potatoes. It is a well known fact that the second crop potatoes aie always finer than the j first crop, and it is hoped that all | who can do so will plant patches. j Mr. F. H. Lemmonds has accepted the position of assistant , to Postmaster Ik II. Massev. NOTICE. I \s ish to announce to the poopie ot the town and country that 1 have bought the fixtures ot the Fort Mill Cash Market, and j will open some time during the week Lxginning July 15th with a ful! line of Meats and Country Produce. F. E. TAYLOR. ' El All IV.LNT. Of the condition of the Saving* Brum of Fort Mill, located at Fort Mill, S. C., at the close of business June 29, 1918. i I RK.SIIU KL tS. I.oans and Discounts, $82,-116.04 Ove: drafts. , 97.2.r> nouns and Stocks owned by the bank n,792.f>0 Fun iture and Fixtures 2,766.05 ! Due from banks and bankers, 10,579.96 Currency 4,000.00 Silv. r and otht r minor coin 1. 155.10 Total. ... $106,806.90 MAR1I.1TIES. Ca|>i'al Stock paid in $2",000.00 Surp'us lund ... 12,000.00 Undivided prt'lits, less current expenses and taxes p^iid 1,106.00 Individual deposits subject to check, . I.. 67,843.57 Cashier's checks. . 857.88 Total $106,806.90 State of South Carolina, County of York. S. S. Hi-fore m?? canto W. It. Meacham, pr? sident *?f th** above named bank, who, being duly i-worn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books ot said bark. W. B. M EACH AM. Sworn to and subscribed before mo this itth day of July, litis. J. L. S PR ATT. Cornet Attest: Notary Public. W. B. M EACH AM. Jr., . J. H. MrMl'KRAY, S. I.. M EACH AM. Dirt dors. ~ICE~ We are prepared to furnish you with Ice in any quantity you may desire. Tell us your wants over Phone No. 16. Gulp's Grocery. s ANNOUN CEM E NTs. For Houao of lUpr?entative>. I ask the Democrats of York county to re-elect me tu the House of Kepresentatives. \V. R". BRADFORD. For Probate Judge. Friends of J. R. HAILE, recognizing his fitness for the position, respectfully announce him as a candidate for the important office of Probate Judge of York County, subject to the rules gov fining nit- m-iiiuiTHiic i runary caection. Mr. Haile is a practical business man with years of experience as bookkeeper and oHice man and, if elected, he willynake good. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Judge of Probate for York county, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic primary. J. L. HOUSTON. For County Commissioner. 1 wish to thank my friends for the support giVen me in my campaign two years ago and to again ahnounce my candidacy for the office of County Commissioner. On account of scarcity of labor, etc., I may not be able to make a canvass of the entire county, but, if elected, promise to give the dutine <r? * t tin ?*** 4 * ?.v? v* v v viiii t hi> ui ?i 1'iini is <11111 attention. HENltY H. MFRKITT. For Township Supervisor. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the j> isition of Supervisor of Fort Mill Township, subject to the rules governing the Democratic Primary Election. .1. I.. KIMBRELL. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election as Supervisor of Fort Mill township, subject to the rules governing the Democratic Primary election. F. II. WILSON. For Magistrate. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the otiice of Magistrate of Indian Land township (Lancaster county), subji ct to the rules of the Democratic party. C. COOK. LONC. TERM FA KM MOKTOAOE LOANS. Interest: SPECIAL RATE ti per cent, depending on conditions as to amount und credit period and annual installments offered, and as to borrower's urgency in lin\ ing loan closed. ORDINARY RATE 7 per cent on a quick .? to 10-year loan not under $'."0. For particulars applv to C.'K. SPKNCF.R, A t t-orney. No. 9941 REPORT OF THE THE FIRST NAliONAL In tin- State of South Carolina, at the RESOl Loans and discounts (except those sho\ Overdrafts, secured ? ; unsecured, U. S. bonds deposited to s< curt circuit U. S. bonds and ceriilieu; <>1* indent unpledged. Liberty Loan Bonds, !>A per cent and 1 Liberty Loan HonUr, HA per cent and I State or other deposits or bills pnyah Payments actually made on Liberty lj erty Loan) Stock of Federal Reserve Hank (50 per Furniture'and Fixtures Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve I1 Cash in vault and net amounts due.frou Net amounts due from banks, bankers than included in Items Li, 14, or 15 Checks on other haril>s in the s one city (other than 1 tem 17) . Total id' Items 15, 16. 17 and is Checks on banks located outside of city * and other cash items, Redemption fund with I . S. Treasurer urer War Savings Certificates and Thrift St: Total LI A HI I Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits Circulating notes outstanding Individual depnsds subject to check Certificates of deposit due in less tin money borrowed) Cashier's cheeks outstanding Dividends unpaid Total of demand deposits (other than Reserve. Items 34. 115, lib, 37. MM, i! U. S. Bonds borrowed f< r which collate Total STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Com I. .1. L. Spratt. Cashier ot tin- abovethe above statement is true to the best Subscribed ami sworn to before mo this Correct Attest: \V. It. Ardrey, .1. 1 OKHSOEnaHBUKV ANN UN We have bought lh business of the Jor.u? w ill eontinue the hu stand on (.on i eilerati ()ur Harare will he agenient ot Mr. \V. J. sonally supervise al way of repairs. Mr. 1 mechanic aiul gunrm first-class ami satist; 11 your ear needs r bring it around and i \\on't rob you on clui hi Steele M "iy'i'.ir in.rwmmauamm COAL! you to place you orde winter's supply of CY lowed four ear loads much will you need? Oscar 1 ? f ' ?.f I " 4T)nn With 1 WITH Don't "The Matrim in o k A pep-jammed, comedy-drama tha eyes glued to the hour and 15 minut [ Opei i THE I i ' - NOTICE. Will be away from my ollice from ' Monday, July 8, until the following Monday, July 15. Dr. A. L. OTT. , CONDITION OF BANK, AT FORT MILL, close of business, June 29, 1918. JRCKS. vn on 1> and c) .. 145,044 19 None it ion (par value) $25,000 00 ,? dn? fo owned and *7.000 00 27,000 00 per cent unpledged, 10,400 00 irr cent- l l.-i'ir,.,! o?oiir.. if . ' " 5,000 (K) per con* Bonds (Third Lib7,126 00 font of subscription) 900 00 . .... 2,850 (H) tank 10,421 67 i national banks .. 16,089 92 and trust companies other 87 60 or town as reporting bank 688 00 817,416.86 or town as reporting bank, 821 28 and due from U. S. Treas1,260 00 nmps, actually owned 1,662 34 $235,889 90 LIT1ES. $25,000' 00 5,000 00 . ... 2,713 35 25,000 00 160,066 56 in 30 days (other than for 11,939 55 170 44 1,000 00 bank deposits) subject to ?. 40, 41, $173,176.55 rul security was furnished 5,000 00 $235,889 90 lty of York, ss: named bank, do solemnly swear that of my knowledge and belief. .1. L. SPRATT, Cashier. 5th day of July, 1918. W. 15. MEACHAM, Notary Public. Eh Mills, L. A. Harris, Directors. ririiriiTi 1 btmtw i: e nara^e and supply > Motor Company and siness at its present li street. under the direct ma listed e, who will peril work done in the Steele is an expert iitees his work to be j ictory in every way. ? epairs or 'new parts, | et us lix it up. We I Lii?es. 1 [otor Co. J ? The United States (government urges r NOW for your next ml. I have been alter 111 y trade. How Say NOW! r. Cuip. I i' -jy*! -1 v ??tf????i????i????? " \ ? if' FairKi ^ JL Ull VI (-lis Happy, Go-Lucky S I US TO Miss pi'; ; aniac" & thrill-crammed. j ** t will keep your screen for one v* * es. fcSSiStiifciiSiii6?ilSS? n 4- p. m. ? 1 Oc and MAJESTH : Good G: _ For a general st ^ of tested merit + our store cannot b Our prices are alv and we are prep public with the be our line. Phone us your w; ways ".on the job." I i Parks Grc t Phom Meet You At Our Fc Best Drinks, and "coolest p HUTCHINSON' Agents for N< FOR SALE. Corn, Peas, Baled Hay, also Hay in stacks. One large fresh Cow, or I will trade corn and peas and hay for yearlings or dry cattle. C. B. KIMBRELL, Route 15. Kendricks X Roads, Pineville. N. C. Registered Hereford bull service. Political Announcement. To the Democratic Voters of the Fifth District. I respectfully ask to be renominated md reelected to Congress from this District, and agree to abide the result if the Democratic primary election. I will not be able to spend much Lime in the District this summer, because of the gre&t amount of important legislation growing out of the war, >ut will attend meetings in my district whenever possible. It is absolutely eslential for congressmen to be at their xiots at this time. W. F. STRVKNSON. . . i anks mile, -DAY ' 20c C Coolest Spot j in Town. roceries.: i? i ? w ock of j.'.. series i we believe that e out-clashed. ^ fays at the bottom a red to serve the st of everj ihing in * ints. We are al I >cery Co., ? e 116 M PlllAM/ln l I I 11CIIUS >untain. Best Service, I lace in town" j S PHARMACY I orris' Candy. t\ Wheat Our Flour Mill in Rook Hill is in operation six days in a week and we will be glad to do grind- ' ing for the farmers and others of Fort Mill township. Firstclass equipment and experienced miller3 guarantees you satisfactory results. Highest cash prices for Corn, shelled or on cob. Catawba Milling Company, Rock Hill, S. C. DR. A. I? OTT , D.-NTIST Office hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C.