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mTTmmamm^^Tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm A.'-:- ' % , 1 THE tenderness of L Dried Beef, will dclij you will find the grea In the flavor! Have Libby's Sliced Beef sauce today. See how mud more delicate it is than a have ever tried. Ubbjr, M?N*in * Libby 885SbSSSSSS i hi MAURIA, CHILLS and FEVER*! Improved Searchlight. i fVom the pocket Hush lump operated hy two or three dry cells of tnlnute | else the buttery searchlight bus been Itedfly Improved until today remarkaM? results are obtained. A buttery ararefdiKht has been Introduced with a raac* of 2,000 feet up to bulf n mile, j operated on six volts. Kqulppcd with m T%-lnch adjustable focus, single OheO reflector, on u recent pbotoin after teat one of these searchlights wive i fit.Tt" candle power. The cotnhlnn< mt a nitrogen-tilled tungsten lamp , ant a correctly designed reflector lins | ?rfcat wonders for the battery-operntefl acarchllght. i FRECKLES' Vbn la 6a Tina ta Cat Rtf af These Ugly Syeta t Issuer ths slightest need of feeling sakMMft at jour frt-cklee, ae Otblnc?double na?lb-a guaranteed to remove these homely ? Mmpfty ?et an ounce of Othlae?double ' tmma*h ft Ilia your druggist, and apply a little t J*n eftM aad morning and you ehould eoon tee IM even the worst freckles bare berun to die y. while the lighter oom bare vanished ?n- 1 It la seldom that more than one ounce | * to completed clear the akin and gala a Sewstlfni clear complexion. * I Mr a*e to aak for the double atrength Othlne, | a SMe la sold under guarantee of mone/ back VI Mk to remove freckles.?Adv. I Grossly Material. i ""What Is your favorite perfume?" ! ^BsU." replied Mr. Cuuirox, "In the wnnflBtC K's mint; hut In the tnorulng M ham and eggs." mm ?s eontnfl')??^oore^<fu7ct?'r'*wlth QROVB-fl 1 (UUBT BOWIL MHDICINB and It la abeotateir . kMNMa Just u eSeoUre for Adults as tor 1 . t ore than -f.000 Jews are enrolled In i lha United States navy. ?? < \ 1 BUY YOUR t TIRES & j Direct from the I Hi FACTORY Iffly Discount on Highest tltM Guaranteed '? ??? '"SLd m?kM la our VHte for price list No. stock. I ' ? We ship C. O. D. , seVJi 11 to lnapecUoa. High Mileage Tire Co. ; G.n.ral Offica I fM North Broad St. n Philadelphia, Pa. | ^ . fjBrrery Woman Wanta^ ] I ~ FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE I Dissolved in water for douches stops Ipsftsic catarrh, ulceration and inflaro- t f?fti ii Recommended by Lydhi E. jPeUum Med. Co. for ten years. 1 1A heeling wonder for nasal catarrh, | lease throat and sore eyes. Economical, yksajeaofdeaiy deaniua and cmic?d.l power. i: Kill All Flies! msi/isf*0 Daley Fly Klliera;tr?ot?andkiia eSa Sit, oUan. ornamantal.oon.TOlont and cheap. n?.,w riw Killer WW* WWW. IM M Mill ML, M00M.VN. N. Y. j Itching Rashes ? Soothed WithCuticura M*mm Me. Oiataaat 29 nd flOr. ^HKf3A AJotl*t preparation of *??rlt Rolpe to eradloato dandruff. H. tl. F?dtMforin?Cebf>W B*?utr t*Gr>r or P'mI*4 Hair KUDAKS & SUlTUJIiS We alio do blfheat rlaaa of finishing. Prices and Catalogue upon request ?3 J. GaletkJ Optical lie.. Ricbaoad. V. flinp WANTED Second-hand Baft, VILW barfs* scrap t*nl?t aa4 tviac. WrtM IhH||i1 prices. RICHMOND RAO COM'Y IBM# I# P??arf? 1114 K. Cur llrtanj Vb. <> : ininHiinuiiiiiiuin * uch Flavory liced Beef! > > ' r' * iDoy s oncea fht you?but test difference : with creamed h more tender, iny other you iiSffmfe" ILTOMnC LX> FOR SO YEARS. 1LSO A PINC GENERAL STRENGTHENNO TONIC. Sold kjr All Drag Storoo. remarks' by notable men Forceful Expressions Frequently Heard From Prominent Personages In the Public Eye. Ezru Round?do out uuil defy opinion. John Galsworthy?We nre nwukenng to the dangers of Gadasentng. General Koch?A battle Is never lost until Its loss Is acknowledged. Clarence Itex?It Is ull right for a ?lrl to marry for money If she Is worth he money. Rudyurd Kipling?Nine-tenths of the Atrocities that Germany hns committed huvc not been made public. Billy Sunday ? Germany lost out Alien she turned from Christ to Krupp ind from the cross of Culvury to the run cross. Lloyd George?There Is no time for use, delay or debute. The call Is Imperative, the choice Is clear. It is for neh free citizen tr? ite nnrt T. C. O'Donnell?A stunzu or two 'rom "Ainerlcu" sung whenever opportunity Hiul time permit, will bring oxyren Into your lungs ?nd strengthen the muscles of the ubdomen und i>renst.?New York Independent. WOMEN SUFFERERS MAY NEED SWAMP-ROOT Thousands upon thousands of women iave kidney and bladder trouble and lever suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be lothing else but kidnev trouble, or the -esult of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other orjans to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of amotion, nervousness, are often times syrapoms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmers' Swamp-Root, a physician's preemption, obtained at any drug store, may >e just the remedy needed to overcome luch conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle imuediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this rreat preparation send ten cents to Dr. ffilmar Jfc Pa 1 VT IT ? ? v-v.., uiuKiiaiuiuil, Jl. x., ior a ample bottle. When writing be sure and uention this paper.?Adv. Why Spalding Is a Flyer. Albert Spalding of New York, son of he late A. (?. Spalding and lieutenant n the American nviutlon service, ilayed the violin at a ten given recently by Slgnora Diaz, wife of the Italian ambassador in Home. He node an extraordinary success, causng an enthusiastic demonstration to \ermlea by a distinguished audience. When asked why he risked Ids exceptional talent in the aviation service, where an accident might easily Incapacitate him for life, he replied: 'Sjinply because It Is not playing the ilolln that will win the war."?New fork Times. An Inventor's Mistake. "Remember the resolution you made to control your temper," said his wife. "Oh, darn the resolution," he howled. "The fool wiio invented resolutions would have done a mighty lot better for humanity if he had invented a coHar button that could be reasoned with." Then lie threw his slilrt on the floor and jumped on it. Just to show that reasoning was one of the easiest things he did. The Strong Wlthatand the Heat of Summer Better Than the Weak Old people wlx> are feeble and younger paopla who are weak, will be alrenathened and enabled to K? through the depreaslng heat of summer by l?kgOHOVU-STASTHl.KSS chill TON1U It pnrltlrw and enriches the blood and builds up tlie whole system. Ton can soon teal Its Strengthening, Invigorating HfTecl. 00c. Reflection. Though a man may think himself popular with a widow, ho must know that he lsi>*r her ttrst choice. k * ' The entire top of a new aervlnjr tnI a 1 a a It d a* I Odata nl-I a...- I- ..I "ir mfi immicuhpmi licit- - Vlt*ri ril'Htiy heated to keep food *varn>. A torpid liver condition prevent* proper food uaalmllatton. Tone up your liver with Wrtght'a Indian Vegetable Pllla They act gently and aurely. Adv. Because of frequent nlr raids. Purls In to hftve underground theaters. jWben Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eve Remedy Ho Smarting'" Jnat By* Comfort. K canta at r afuli or mail. Wrlta for Tr? my Book. UvBUil m BIMIST CO.. CUIOAOO I. ,k < ' ' , " *" * ^ ' I CEREAL SURPLUS IN SJMi GOVERNMENT AID TO BE ASKED IN DISPOSING OP LARGE SURPLUS CEREAL CROPS. SHOULD BUY FROM STATES Supplies for Southorn 8tatea Cantonments Should Be Bought From Southern Producers and Dealers. Sumter.?E. I. Reardon, of 8umter Council of National Defense, has recently addressed a letter to all municipal commercial bodies in the state in regard to government co-operation in the marketing of surplus corn, oats ana ioou ana rood stuffs. This action wqb taken upon the suggestion of H. J. McLaurin of Sumter who informed the Sumter council,, that in complying with tlje government's expressed desire- that large cereal crops should be raised, the farmers of Sumter county had produced a surplus crop of over 100,000 bushels of corn and oats for which they could And no market. Mr. McLaurin says that a few days ' ago he had four car loads of threshed 1 oats put up in standard bags 'and 1 ready for immediate shipment. At the same titme he had four carloads of 1 uuit-u um nay wnicn was ready ror the market. Inquiries addressed to the three cantonments In thiB State, one in Georgia and to the chiefs of the forage departments at Kansas City and St. Louis brought the response that these buyers were "not in the market at this time." Mr. Reardon requests In the letter which is being sent out to all chambers of commerce and boards of trade , in the state that the bodies addressed co-operate with the Sumter Chamber of Commerce and Mr. McLaurln in | endeavoring to Induce the quartermasI ter general to have the military canI tonments in this state purchase corn. ! oats and other foliage from the farmers of South Carolina. The South I Carolina national legislators are also being asked to use their influence to promote the plan. Mr. McLaurln's letter to the Sumter council says in part: "I have today four carloads of threshed oats, put up in standard bags and ready for immediate shipment; also four carloads of baled straw. I have already written Jo each of the , three camps in the state ad to the camp at Augusta; also to the chiefs of the forage department at Kansas City and Chicago. They all advise that they are not In the market at this time. I understand that you have written to these officials also. "If you will compare the difference : In the amount of equipment and freight charges necessary to transport the grain for the four camps above referred to from the West, as compared with that necessary to supply the same from South Carolina, you will readily recognize the enormous WW.?..D ... VHU.|/U<WMV UUU UOIgUl IU ma government. "In Sumter county alone we have 10.000 bushels of oats and corn for which there Is no market. 1 have aUo written to all the grain dealers In the ' state but can not get an offer form ! any of them." A Busy Secretary of State. Columbia.?A certificate for the dissolution of the W. S. Copelston Company of Charleston has been filed with W. Banks Dove, secretary of state. The business has been sold to L. M. Copleston. The Palmetto Fire Insurance Company of Sumte rhas filed application to increase the capital stock of the compuny from $100,000 to $200,000. A petition for charter has been submitted to the secretary of state by the Waddell company of Georgetown, with a proposed capital of $50,000. The petitioners are: James A. Waddell of Ridgewood. N. J., and Clifford F. Crane and Walter Hazard of Georgetown. TJie business engaged In by the company will be a "continuannce of corporate purposes." Chester County Aims High. Chester.?The war savings stamps drive in Chester county is daily gathering momentum and satisfactory results are being achieved. Throughout the county at all of the churches addresses were delivered emphasizing the war situation and urging the people to 'nvest In war savings stamps. The town of Fort Lawn is the initial place in Chester county to exceed its quota, oversubscribing by $1,500. Thus I Thus far $76,000 worth of stamps has been subscribed. This county's quota Is $600,000. Free Canning Manual. ! Columbia.?The manual for home canning and drying of vegetables and fruits, gotten out by the national war gardeh commission, will be distributed at the community cannery. 1224 Hampton street. The cannery itself buys fruits and vegetables in wagon load quantities and puts It up to sell to i various people. It is thus co-operating with the food administration In preparing for the food shortage which there is every reason to believe will be coming next winter. Senator Tillman Injured. Special from Washington.?Senator B. R. Tillman appeared at the capitol with his head completely covered with bandages, giving every appearance of having come off second best on the Western front. His appearance caused so much comment that he wan forced to explain that he had not been in the war with the Huns or in a serious railroad wreck, which might be assumed, but that on the contrary he attempted to alt down in a chair n hie apartments and the oaly part of him touching the chair waa hia head ? * A CHILD GETS SICK I GROSS/FEVERISH IF CONSTIPATED LOOK AT TONQUEl THEN QIVE FRUIT LAXATIVE FOR STOM. ACH, LIVER, BOWELS. -CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIQSF CANT HARM CHILDREN AND THEY LOVE IT. f Mother! Your child Isn't naturally cross and peevish. See If tongue la coated; this Is a sure sign the Uttla stomach, liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of \ cold, breath bad, throat 6ore. doesn't I eat, sleep or act naturally, has stom- j ach-ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gen- ' tie liver and bowel cleansing should always be the first treatment given. '"Nothing equals "California Syrup ot Figs" for children's Ills; give a teaspoonful. and In a few hours all tha foul waste, sour bile and fermenting food which is clogged In the bowels passes out of the system, and you I have a well and playful child again. 1 All children love this harmless, dellclous "fruit laxative," and It never falls to effect a good "inside" cleansing. Directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are plainly on the bottle. Keep It handy In your home. A little given today saves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," then see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company."?Adv. What Hard Worker Needa for Food. The man who works hartl needs in a duy 12 ounces of one or of a combination of the following: Meat, poultry, cheese, dried vegetables, fish or eggs. To vary the above he may count every glass of milk drunk equul to an ounce or any one of the othera. The soldiers, either In home or military life, must have four pounds of fresh fruit and vegetables In order to keep the bony structure In good condition. He will need the three-quarters of a cupful of fut (this Includes butter, oil, the fat of meat eaten or any other fat In the dally diet) to keep him warm, and to thin group he must udd H4 pounds of bread or cereal, and finally, In order to complete the necessary amount of driving power, he must have two ounces of sugur or one-third of a cupful of sirup. Rabbit Pest in New Zealand. As a fair Illustration of the rabbit pest In certain portions of New Zealand, and especially in the drier sections of the South lslund, It is stated that on an estnte lately taken over by the New Zealand government comprising 12,44(1 acres of freehold and a pastornl run of 19,2.10 acres there were killed or captured about 120,000 rabbits In order to clear up the property ao as to tnnke It suitable for the location of returned soldiers. Jewelry or Munitions. A high official In the Hrltlsh ministry of munitions says that there are several reasons wtvy people should not buy platinum jewelry. In the first ! place, It Is very expensive; then the world supply has almost been exhausted, and also the men at the front need j more munitions, and platinum Is re- ; quired for the manufacture of explosives wherewith to-win the war. The Difference. "A pessimist likes 11 thing he can't enjoy, and an optimist enjoys u thing he can't like." Cut Price. "Is it a genuine cut glass she has?" "Yes; cut from $1 to 75 cents, most of It." Conservation means the use of foods reI quiring less sugar, II less fuel, and the I minimum of wheat II GrapeWuts requires No Sugar. NO FUEL, less milk cream than a other cereals, and is part BARLEY. It's a concentrated, nourishing, eco- j nomical and deli- i cious food.TRYIT! ARRANGE FOR SELF-DEFENSE fcandinaviart - Countries Find Themselves in Precarious Situation Because of the War. The recent meet lug of the three kings of the Scandinavian countries, so unexpected and so unusual, was practically u meeting lu self-defense, forced on them by the precarious sit- ' uatlon In which the war lias placed their countries, writes Maurice Francis Egnn in the Yale Review. Sweden j had prided herself on her militarism copied from the Uerrnuu system. Norway relied on Its coast line. Its shipping, its fisheries and the tlrm belief that It was practically Independent of the world, with uu assured future made by Its own brains und Its nat-. ural resources. Denmark, never free from the fenr of the German Colossus. believed that England and Hum* sla might save her from extinction ut > the crucial moment; uud the ptepon- I derr.nce of Americau opinion ut the vurlous Hague conferences made her j hope that the moral force of otir opln- j lou might prevent her national extinction. These hopes ure gone. Denmark fed Knglatid, she exported cer- j tain products to Germany, she had 1 made herself the foremost scientific agricultural nation of the world, she was the freest, she was working out the Ideals of her national life without desiring to acquire territory or to Infringe on the rights of others; but the moment the United States entered the wnr she and the other Scandinavian nations gave up hope of any protection or help, and they have now determined to band together In an Industrial, economic union. The world has deRerted them and they have determined to do their best to become Independent of the world. MAKING MEN FIT FOR THE SERVICE OF UNCLE SAM The kind of men Uncle Sam must depend upon for the winning of this war are ofttlmes subject to piles. Blind, bleeding, lnternul, external and chronic are the various forms. Strains, ; overwork, constant sitting or standing are the causes. You can be your own physician and cure this malady quickly and effectively by the use of Eagle Pile Remedy. Being an Internal treatment It Is entirely different and certainly most practical. Eat the tablets like candy. Try a box today. Eagle Remedy will purify your blood and cure your piles effectively. It costs SI a box. Direct from the Reed Distributing Co., 141 Godwin St., Puterson, N. J., If your druggist doesn't carry it.?Adv. Did All the Talking. "Confound he luckexclaimed Professor Dlggs. "What's the matter, professor?" asked Mrs. Dlggs. "I wasted nearly an hour discussing the Elizabethan poets with an Igno- ! ramus who thought I hud reference to Elizabeth, N. J." "Well, I suspect It was your own fault," replied Mrs. Dlggs. "If you hod let the poor fellow get In a word or two during the 'discussion' he would have exposed his Ignorance and enabled you to get home sooner." Post Card* First Used in Austria. Post cards were tirst used in Austria. The.\ became a part of that country's postal service In 1885). They cost less than half u cent to send and the first were limited to 'Jo words. They were taken up by England a year later. The first picture post card Is said to have been sent In England In 185)1. Some two or three years later the first view cards made their appearance. Post cards came Into use here In 1877. Cutlcura for 8ore Hands. Soak hands on retiring In the hot suds of Cutlcura Soap, dry and rub In Cutlcura Ointment. Remove surplus Ointment with soft tissue pnper. For free samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston." At druggists and by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. What "Good-By" Means. MGood-by" Is simply a contraction of "(Jod be with you." To say "adieu" Is another way of saying "To God I commend you." The literal meaning of "farewell" is "May you Journey well," or "Fare you well." A new table for children has a revolvable top, on one side of which Is a blackboard. f Middle J Wont' Are Here Told the / nr*t r*i ror lneir ir Freemont, O.?"I was pasaic period of life, being1 forty-six y< the symptoms incident to that t nervousness, and was in a gener o it was hard for me to do my ham's Vegetable Compound was the best remedy for my troubles to be. I feel better and stroni taking it, and the annoying i Spared."?Mrs. M. Ooddsn, 925 ] hio. North Haven, Conn.?"Lydia ble Compound restored my hcalt had failed when passing throug is nothing like it to overcome 1 ?Mrs. Flobzkcb laai.i.A.Dox it L Mm M* I LYDL/ I VEGET/ lias the create v% * ^ I I rrlt I PaIavmaI OiaIi ugu: uaiuiuci oitr Please Try Di I am sincere! My medi and bowels so you You're bilious! Your liver is sluggish ! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out. Your head Is dull, your tongue Is coated; breath bad; stomach sour and bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel. It makes you sick; you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. v.aiuim'1 i-rusnes mio sour nne uae dynamite, breaking It up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you waht to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced Just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for n few cents under my personal money-buck guarantee that each spoonDiamond Buyers in War Time. The war has Increased the buying of diamonds aijd other precious stones more than r>0 per cent over any year during the past 50, It was announced at the annual convention of the Illinois Jewelers' association. Precious stones were bought during the last year by more persons than formerly bought high-grade watches. It was stated, and the snle of brooches, bracelets and pins made an unprecedented spurt. According to Col. John L. Shepherd of New York there Is to be a bigger rush to Invest In diamonds and precious stones dur'ng the next year. Important to Mother* Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOUIA, that famous old remedy fnr InfnntQ onH nhlltlpon nn/l oaa u Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Too Much to ask. The Lady?('an I have this sent on approval? Clerk?Yes. madam, but you'll huve to return it in seven days. The Lady?(lodness gracious! How can 1 make up my mind in seven days? ?Judge. Florida contains about 4,000,001) acres of land waiting to be reclaimed by drulnnge. The Messina earthquake of 100,S was followed by no less than 1.227 aftershocks. Why buy many bottles of other Vertnlfugee. when one bottle of Dr. Peery'a "Deed Shot" will act surely and promptly T Adv. Over a million tons of food were shipped to our allies in March. Tho M A mosquito cannot cc it is infected with malari mosquito will transmit i blood of a person and thej feed on the blood should have time to increase in n ovuicuiuco uancu uuiiis at Swamp Fever. Gro Tasteless possesses the power to enl rial poison. The Quinine chill TONIC kills the gem blood. You can soon feel thi ing effect of GROVE'S TA is an exceptionally good g for the Child, for the M< Pleasant to take. Price t jrvnoirifjf narn Nux-Vom/ca or oiht BHHHOnHHn \ged B eiv gij Best Remedy oubles. ig through the critical ;ars of ago and had all change ? heat flashes, al run down condition, ~ work. Lydia E. Pink-^^^??i^K&jr*-^ recommended to me as \ .which it surely proved k ^ i/fflwiI ger in every way since 2Sk ?? ilv/aO. Kmptoms have disap- '/\ W/MO kpoleon St., Fremont, E. Pinkham's Vegeta ,n oner everyiuinff eiso WWC h change of life. There ILnj ;he trying ymptoms.'* ^ 17, North Ilaven, Conn. i Suck Cases V E. PINK1 VBLE COM tst record for the LYPtA t.PIMKH n r . ' - ;ens; Salivates! odson's Liver Tone cine does not npset liver lose a day's work. ful will dean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calomel and that It won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone Is real liver medicine. You'll know It next morning because you will wake up feeling nue, your liver will De working, your . headache and dtzzlness gone, your stomuch will be sweet and your bowels regular. Tou will feel like wot king; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely vegetable, therefore hnrmless nnd can not salivate. Give It to your children. Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone Instead of dangerous calo- , mel now. Tour druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel Is almost stopped entirely here.?Adv. Just Like People. "Microbes are not ull of one kind." "No, Indeed; there are romantic microbes that live in kisses and mercenary microbes that live on dollar-bills." ! ?Boston Transcript. I d j Some girls give up a kiss as If they were having a tooth pulled. Doubt Is a sort of mental "lost motion." JUDGE DECIDES ' i STOMACH RFMFHY ! a epi success Commliiloner of Mediation and Conciliation Board Trias EATONIC, tha Wonderful Stomach Remedy, and Endoraas It. Judge William L. CharaJS&'sjgfr--. ' "X here. who usee EATONIO aa ? '1i remedy lor loss of appeUt? *n<J Indigestion, la a Oommtasioner of the U. S. /HMHS Board of Mediation and Oonclllatlon. It la natural tor him to ezpreaa himself L In guarded language, yet B^^bpPPhf./ there la no bealtatlon In nla pronouncement regarding ^ the value of EATONIC. Writing from Wasbtngtota, 'j0'^10 5*" K,U>D,? "eaa" "EATONIO promotes appetite and alda digestion. I have used It with beneficial results." Office workers and others who alt much era martyrs to dyspepsia, belching, bad breath, heartburn, poor appetite, bloat, and Impair* mert of general health. Are you, yourself, a sufferer? KATONIO will relieve you Just aa surely as It has benefited Judge Chambers and thousands of others. Here's the secret: EATONIO dries* Iqe gas out of the body?and the Bloat (Joes With IU It Is guaranteed to bring relief or you get your money back! Costa only a cent or two a day to Use It. Oet a box today from your druggist. W. N. U.f CHARLOTTE, NO. 26--191B. . ??m 'a Mosquito unmunicate malaria unle89 a. The bite of a malaria malarial parasites to the je malarial parasites which be destroyed before they lumbers. Malarial Fever is id Fever, Bilious Fever and ire's chill Tonic tirely neutralize the malain GROVE'S TASTELESS 1 and the Iron enriches the a Strengthening, InvigoratSTELESS chill TONIC. It [eneral strengthening tonic >ther and all the Family. >0c. nlesBm Contains No 9r Poisonous Drugsm POUND I H S greatest good! ii