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. . ii I uaiiuiiai 4 Meat B The meat bi country is condu agencies? By small slai in villages? By local Abat Packing Hous Using only ? local live stocl Ir urnismng or the local dem; These slaughter! agencies fill a well sarily restricted pU tion of the products But only pack* Company, organiz scale, are able to i vice that is more involving An Obligation t To purchase foi live stock the \ to market for sit An Obligation t To make avails sumer, everywl ; out, the full sup meat products, a ? -? - Hill standard tnat t I I Year Book of I instructive facts i I Address Swifl Union Stock Yard II Swift &Com] What Exporters Should Know. A needle factory lxud Kent to Aleppo. Turkey, needles that were tied up with green twine. The Mohammedan merchant who had ordered, them returned the pack age, for the reason that the use of the green, the color consecrated to the prophet, for such a purpose was a derision of religion. Another consignment of the same factory to China wrapped up in white paper was returned because The Chinese'recipient would not accept goods packed in "paper of mnnenlnn lo * uiv/iumuis. Kline in nil- uiourillllg color of the Chinese. War Diet. Firm Moth?Slim rations. Second Moth?Yes'; 110 cuffs or belts on the suits. The first complete census of the United Kingdom was taken In 1821. - v . . ? NO WORM, In A Health All children trnnhW healthy color, which indi< rule, there is more or less Gro Tasteless f-> v' contains just what the bio in a form acceptable to t end if given regularly foi ui i : cunuu iuc uiinni, improve general strengthening toi Mature will then throw ofl . the child will be in perfect take. Price 60c. PERFECTLY HAR1V NUX-VOMICA OR OTHE1 When A Honor ing im I Homo For For tho Mother Toko Grove a 1 - ##/ lis *1/ a UTpn Hu?r -pin? 11 API I CD 5? ??u J?.ViSi JKrrKKHOX;MPH. fi&HAV oZ. 125 WEEKLY IcalM. itlllH nwq, ?? 1?1. Ty V. '' md Local my usiness I isiness of the. ||| cted by various E||l aghter-houses i 1 :toirs or small ||l les in towns? f || i part of the i J|| c supply M| ily a part of j-1| and for meat. ! | ng and distributing | |j defined but neces- ,|j ice in the distribu- ,|| jj i of live stock. I er? like Swift & j ed on a national 1 mdertake the ser- I vitally important, :o the Producer r spot cash all the ^ I >roducer mav send iilll aughter. ll o the Consumer ii ible to every con- i||| iere, in season and j ply and variety of ''I! of the highest jl||| he market affords. ;i| interesting and sent on request. Ill | t & Company, 1 || s, Chicago, Illinois |i aany, U. S. A. I Match Famine in England. Great Britain Is suffering from an neute match famine. Cigarettes, cigars, candy, beer and whisky cnn be bought almost anywhere, but n box of matches Is as hard to fitul us a raiding ulrplune on n dark night. Why, no one seems to know. Grove's Baby Bowel Medicine ltdl PtfMUon, relievos Hour Stomach, Diarrhoea and riux. It la Just aa effective for dolts as for Child tea. Perfectly harmless. Personal. He?Some women nre awfully hard to please. She?And some men nre too awfully soft to please me. China's Big Canal. The lnpperlnl cahal of China has a length of 2,100 miles, which exceeds that of any other in the world. ? LA y Child with worms have an unnnnr hlnoH on/1 oc o V*VWI| UUU ao 1 stomach disturbance. ve's chiii Tonic od needs, Iron and Quinine he most delicate stomach two or three weeks will the digestion and act as a aic to the whole system. ',or dispel the worms, and health. It is pleasant to ILESS. CONTAINS NO J POISONOUS DRUGS. a/ Strengthen' loaded in the The Child, or the Father, 's Tasteless Tonio solo 80 years 111 l"ttrtr->% mai a of a fining ffiYESITftT^ AUo F,n* c,n*rrf V i/lNIIlV^ Strengthening Tonic. . SOLD >r ALL DRW ST0COn I Hp WANTED Second-hand Baps, U If |_ W burlap, pent battinf ?nd (wine. Write I IIJ 11 I fee price*. RICHMOND RAO COM Y UllUU Dep*runeot 1100 R. Can. RicAaood. Vl W. N. U, CHARLOTTE, NO. 25-1918 " . % . ,>A. THE MAKING OF ' A FAMOUS MEDICINE lUr I wR* R Vegetable Compound b Prepared For Woman's U?a A visit to the laboratory where Ola . successful remedy is made impresses even the casual looker-on with the reliability, accuracy, skill and cleanliness which attends tne making of this great medicine for woman's ills. Over 350,000 pounds of various herbs are used anuafly and all have to be Sthered at the season of the year when eir natural juices and medicinal substances are at their best. The most successful solvents are used to extract the medicinal properties from these herbs. I Every utensil and tank that comes in | contact with the medicine is sterilized ?W> ? iiuui p. vvuuuv/JJ 111 \.ICUiIIIIR'9S the medicine is pasteurized and sealed in sterile bottles. It is the wonderful combination of roots and herbs, together with the skill and caro used in its preparation which has made this famous medicine I so successful in the treatment of female ills. The letters from women who have been restored to health by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound which we are continually pdblishing attest to its virtue. DAISY FLY KILLER MOLD SOMIRS, ISO M HALS SVL, SSOOKLTM. H. V. For the Big Toe. Although It looks like any other shoe, one Invented in England has a separate compartment for the hlg toe. The occasional use ot Roman Eye Balsam at niRht upon retiring will prevent- and relieve tired, watery eyes, and eye strain. Adv. To Save Foreign Children. Not long ago 100 woman physicians | sailed from New York for France to | undertake the task of saving children of the allies, which were dying for j lack of proper cure. Cuticura Complexions. Nothing better than Cuticura Soap daily and Ointment as needed to make the complexion clear, scalp cleun und hands soft and white. For free samples address "Cuticura, Dept. X, Boston." Sold by druggists nnd by mall. Soap 26, Ointment 26 nnd 60.?Adv. MANY INDIAN PEACE EMBLEMS Wisconsin Braves Still Retain Numerous Medals Given to Them by Var ous Governments. Wisconsin Indians still retain many peace medals that were civen to them or their ancestors by various governmcnts, and soiuc of the medals date back to 1720, according to an article on Wisconsin Indian medals in The Wisconsin Archeologlst. The earliest medals owned by Indian families today include one of brass issued at the !ln)'? of George I, four of silver bearing the bust of George III, an old Spanish inedal and four American medals. A Washington medal is in the possession of an aged Ottawa Indian on the Monomania reservation near Shawano. Philip Nacootee, a Monomania Indian of the South Ilrnnch settlement, has a Lincoln medal. A silver medal *m.\ the bust of President I'olk, dated 1845, was owned by the Menoiuouie chief. Shunien. Arthur Gerth. Milwaukee collector, once owned a silver medal Issued by President Jefferson. An Andrew Johnson medal is It: the collection of A. T. Newman of Hloomer. I>r. Alplionse Oerend Is the owner of a silver George III medal, l'ormer'y tlte property of the Wisconsin chief, Wautnegesako. Couldn't. Find Peter. "I'orrowing from Peter to pay Paul Is had business." said Mr. Ibibwalte. "So it is," replied the impecunious citizen. "In my ease I find it exceptionally had business." "Why shodhl it he wurM- mi* .vnu Tiiim im.viumy "I have tho dickens of a time Hailing Paul." Better Off ! if .you drink 1AJL AO tCClU vfl coffee. Postum is | nutritious, \ licalttiful, economical, delicious and American. TRY IT FOR EVERY GOOD REASON W $? - pa % * v * i / ? - V * ?ar* v- f % - Evtry Pie Trouble Responds to Eagle Treatment iBjnuiarwoiMiiwkohuaaflbNd from piles knows that money Is no thine If effective relief can bo secured from tho pains. A Knile dollar win bo wisely spent If Eagle Pile Remedy la taken at once to core this torturing Snln.' . Every form of pile and fistula Is com (uered, without resorting to a doctor's operation. The Reed Distributing Oo* 141 Godwin Street, Peterson, N. J? will teU you howv And their treatment is as simple as eating candy, for It Is a tablet form taken Internally. If you hare tried all other remedies without result, send f 1 today for full warrant of a permanent cure.? Adv. Been Buying on Margin. MYnil hnvii mi ruusAvi Ku nuh.iviKwl of your poverty If you Acquired It honestly." reninrkn Life. Tut! One nuiy hnve acquired It honestly enough, hut o hlnined foolishly us to he mtghttly ushnuied of It.?ltnston Transcript. Cror?'i Tut?l??i chttt Tonic eortror* tha malarial ftmp which irutnltM to tba blood by lb* Malaria Moaqnltu. frloa too. "Conacrlptlon of Wealth." It Is the simple fact. so thinks the , Mor.etnry Times of Toronto, tlint the i lden of conscription or confiscation of | wealth must he Abandoned upon this ; continent. "The great need of the | western world. nn?l all countries eomlng \vlthln the scope of western civilization. will he n fund of Investment 1 capital at the close of the war." Net In Indiana. | "Fanny. Isn't It?" "What?" "A mun can't preserve Ills health by fettlng pickled." In 8ty!e. ITohhs?What do yon do with yonr old clothes? Dohha?Wear them. GAINED 55 POUNDS Doan'f Kidney Pills Effected Won* derful Recovery After Other Medicines >kd Failed. "I don't believe I would be alive to rive this testimony if it weren't for L Doan's Kidney Pills," says Mrs. Julia A. Thomas, 1125- A Missouri A vs., Boat St. Louis, HI. "I was in a serious ^CXL"Jbv condition with kidney JRlCffisivb, trouble; my feet ana ankirt w?re terribly fv wj swollen and the kidney accretions caused agony 7l!^!rtrV7 tr in passage. 1 had terT: r rible rheumatic naina rJjK, > L and often got to dixxy I dared not walk for fear of falling. I felt a? if I -7 ironld go frantic. I Mr*. Thocaas gfew wp?k ? a ^br and o/ten hnd to grasp aomething to keep from falling. My nerves were all unstrung and the leant noise startled me. Nothing benefited me and I em discourage!. A neighl>or happened to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills and I began using them. The swelling* and earns were soon eased up and it was ut a short time before my kidneys were in good shape again. Thev have never bothered me since nor have I had any backache or other kidney trouble. I have gained 55 pounds since I was cured ana can do all my own work without suffering." "Sworn to before me." FRANK W. ri/OVKR. Notary Public. Oat Doan's at Any Storo, 60a a Boa DOAN'S 'VfJi.V FOSTER MILBURN CC, BUFFALO. N. Y. \ Factory ^ ! Surplus am Slow-moving stocks , of high - grade tires K1 which we buy for N 59 cash at a big dis- JM, 5a count ? you can ill jm Save 50% on yVflK Tires Tires made famous by winning cars In automo- ^11 standard bile race? not "cheap" makss In our tlrea of poor quality stock, made to tell for a low pncc. Dui tne very nigheat jndc tire* made. Write for our Price Ll*t. No. 15. We ?hip C.O.D.?and give youth* privilege of examination Factory Surplus Tire Co. SOONortJiMBroac^St^^^PhlladalpKla^*^ DON?T CUT OUT A Shoe Boil,Capped^^p^SI | Hock or Bursitis veil! reduce them and leave no blemishes. Stops lameness promptly. Does not blister or remove the hair, and horse can be worked. $2. SO a bottle delivered. Bps* 6 R free. ABSOUBINE. JR.. tor mtaklod. the utiaodi flolmeoi for Bull*. Bruirri. Sore*. Swelling* Varicoae Vet** Allarr Pilnsnd Inflammation. Pricefll.2< a bottle at dm*. glata or delivered. WIU tell jrou more if jfou vruc. W. P.YOUNG, P.O. F.,110 TsaolsSt..8prlaoneld. Matt. "Beaver Beard" Use "BEAVER BOARD" for your walls and ceilings. It is airtight and wind-proof. Any carpenter or workman can put it on. It produces far more tasteful effects than plaster and is more economical. STRATTON & BRAGG CO. Petersburg Virginia "Bearer Board'* Distributors. J as f /\ a W? Pay Hiohett Market Prices lA/flfll ,or Virginia and North CsroW I 11 I I "na Wool No commlealoua If deducted. VTo are buyers for large mill consuming halfmillion poundHnmoiith. Write or elilp to us and we will allow full market price?no expenses deducted except freight; prompt ? ttlrment. We also pay top prices for Hldst. Skins and Tallow. Old Virginia Hide and Wool Conine. P. 0 Box 775 Richmond. Va. I.N I'SK FOU 3S VBiUS E3 BSL Quick uutl Saro (or# for MALARIA, CHILLS, FEVER AND LA GRIPPE t la a Tonic and Appetuxor Will cure that tired feeling, pa'an In lack, tlmi* and head, t'onuihis n>? quinine, aj-nen'.c or Itoblf-foriiilns Ingredlrah A CHILD DOESN'T LAUGH AND PLAY IF CONSTIPATED look, mothkri 10 tongue coated, breath feverish and stomach sourt . 'California syruf of figsp cant harm tender stom. ach, liver, bowels. A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children simply will not 1 j take the time from play to empty their , | bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sour. , Look at the tongue, mother! If coated* or your child Is listless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has sore j ! throat or nny other children's all- | meut, give a teaspoonful of "Calli fornia Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, because It Is perfectly harmless. and In a few hours all this constipation poison, sour bile and fermpntincr \Vnofo tHIl tronfltr mnvn nnf nf I the bowels, and you have a well, play* ful child agnln. A thorough "Inside cleansing" Is oftlmes all that Is necessary. It should be the ftrst treatment given In uny sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and see that It Is made by the "Call- ' fornla Fig Syrup Company."?Adv. Grooving Machine Building Ships. Revival of the wooden shipbuilding Industry has brought Into the limelight a number of labor-saving nppliunces, among which Is a grooving and pluning machine, capable, it Is claimed, of doing as much work as 15 or 20 men equipped with manual tools. The device. which is Illustrated In the Popular Mechanics Magazine, weighs about , 50 pounds and may be driven either by compressed air or electricity. FARMERS ARE WORKINfi HARDER And using their feet more than ever before. For all these worlo-rs the frcqucut use of Alleys Foot?Base, the anthepilo powder to be shaken luto the shoes and sprinkled In the foot-lwlh, lnureorc* tln^r efficiency and insures needed physical comfort, it takes the Friction from the Shoe, freshens the feet, t and prevents tired, aching and blistered feqt. Women everywhere are coustnnt users of Allen's Foot* Ease. Don't get foot sore, get Allen's Foot?Ease. Bold by dealers everyu, >*.? 4.1 Using Them All. Thomas Cntt (boss of the establishment)?What <lo you mean, young fellow, hy asking off again? By actual count your grandmother has died seven 1 times since the baseball season began. When will this thing stop? Clarence Klttin?Please, sir, when she's used tip her other two lives. Constipation generally Indicates disordered stomach. Uvcr and bowels. Wright's Indian . Vegetable Pills restores regularity without griping. Adv. Art Is Long. "You have to start early to he n great pianist." "I Imagine so. It must tnke years to grow all that lialr."?Judge. Automatic receiving tellers are being placed In the schools to encourage saving on the part of the pupils. Atlanta Is to have a negro Y. M. C. A. building to cost $l.r>.0<k>. ~ & Tjpcr~ - Contents 15 Fluid Dracbrj ir^i l'-B vV fl -ALCOHOL-3 TER CENT. ] AVegefabJe Preparation fbr As HSc'E ? t similntingtheFood by Regula- i k&B ^ ting the StomathsandBqwet^ Pl'^f Thereby Promoting Digestiofll 'p Cheerfulness and Rest Contains ifftflpff ." neither Uplam, Morphine nor S^vi | Mineral. S'ot Narcotic EK iijHl joidiisAxiMPnmR A^tnW v I tf l^I. 1 J&uuTua* J ; Hfa^jBrl! /u>w ( | Eijrfl 2S33.M. / . Mr* w I S2E5$i C*n**S*9? : 11 Mrf'T*1' : ?35|*;! A helpful Remedy for 4?|?J Constipation amtDiairro* . and Fcvcrishness anfl f?S j$ Loss of resulting thervfromj" f, f c S | Tac Simile Sidnatwr of Jp|| 6&^gfg Hl'ta1 ? lire CrNTAun Comip*b& Exact Copy of Wrappu, < I " III Tonight! Take Dod: P\ . 11- TL cener man Calomel Bickens! If bilioi achy read mj Listen to me! Take no more sickening, salivating calomel when bllloun or constipated. Don't lose a day's work I Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when It comes Into contact with sour bile, crashes Into It, breaking It up. This is when you feel thnt awful nausea and cramping. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out," If your liver Is torpid and bowels constlpnted or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath Is bad or stomach sour. Just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee?Go to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a spoonful tonight, und if It doesn't That's Why. "My you certulnly have a very sharp nose." "Well, don't you keep It up to the grindstone nil the time?" A nlekel-ln-the-slot machine flags the trolley ear and Issues a 5-cent ticket on a Kansas City line. The first self-moving gun carriage was Invented In France In 17(>0. Farmers! W< Your St In I We and Our Allies Arc Strength To Supply Ou You men who work long hours in th^ ileitis under a blazing sun?you've : got tp be'blg enters, because your food ; is your strength, anil now, more than j ever, your ftrength is badly needed. So guard your health. He sure and watch your stomach, for in the summer time nearly all illness can be traced to stomach and bowel complaint. You, yourself, know how liable a man is to sunstroke if he goes In the hot sun too soon after eating n hearty mid-day uieal, and also how liable he is to sudden attacks of stomach miseries. So cool off in thp shade before going back to work. Don't takechances. Take care of your stomach, friend. You know you can't work well with your stomach out of tlx. "Safety first," must be your motto, so send to your druggist.and get a big box of EATON IC, enbuffh for yourself and family, yes, and the hired folks, too. It's the wonderful new compound for the quick relief of stomach and bowel miseries. It was originated by II. I.. Kramer, the man who made millions of people happy with his first great remoHr Pnceo ento Now, nil you need do Is to take n tablet or two of EATONIC after your meals. It's pood?Just like eating candy. Enjoy the quick, sure relief It brings?how nlmost instantly it relieves Indigestion, heartburn, foodSapolio doing its for U.S.Marine C Join N< APPLY AT POST OF1 INOCH MORGAN** Zr SONS CO. ror SERVICE Ul Children What is~Ci PocfArJ? i? ? ! ? ?1? 1?1,1 * " wuaiuna is a uaiuiicss bUDSTlIUte IC and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasan Morphine nor other narcotic substai For more than thirty years it has relief of Constipation, Flatulency, allaying Feverishness arising ther< Stomach and Bowels, aids the a healthy and natural sleep. Th Mother's Friend. GENUINE CAST* y^Bears the Si In Use For Ov The Kind You Have HI CINTAUH COMPAA ! I ?: -| son's Liver Tone! Calomel For Liver is, constipated and headr guarantee. straighten you right up and make yon feel fine and vigorous by morning, I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone J} Is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. 1 guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of thnt sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson'a Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months, (five It to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. ?Adv. FOR SALE-PEAS Whlppoorwllt 12.IS for quick aalc. Draft with bill of tailing. J. W. CASTER CO.. JACKSON. OA. Cuticura Promotes (U^f.Hair Health 2Sc. 0?t?< ?Sc l SOc itch nmarJic jjoTweather Depending Upon Your Lr Armies With Food repeating, sour stomach, and that painful, pnffed-up, bloated, lumpy feeling after eating. EATON 1C will help you allv^o nw pain-free stomactf?a sweet, coed, comfortable stomach?In fact, those wild take KATONIC say It makes them forget they have stomachs. They never dreamed that anything could bring ahout such quick and wonderful, results. Don't wait until the summer sickness of stomach and bowels weakens you?but start using KATONIC today! Just one or two after meals; that's all. . Tonr health?your folks' health?Is n TllJlttor l\f vlflll ???' " ? ... ...... .IVV V.UIJT to yourself, but also to the nation. Anil you know one can't be ton careful of one's stomach nnd bowels during the hot spells. EATONIC only costs a cent or two a day to use It?a big box r>0 centsno more. That Is the price, nnd r<y member, EATONIC Is absolutely guaranteed to do all we claim?in fact, more. It's the best Stomach Remedy yo.i ever used. You know your dniggist; trust him then to make our guarantee good; if EATONIC falls In any way, take It bnck; he will refund your money. If your druggist does not keep it, drop us a postnl nnd we will send It; you caa pay when you get it. Address II. !>, KRAMER, Pres. EATONIC REMEDY CO., 1018 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago^ work. Scouring I ---o orps recruits. "*W I M?" *ve*r ANY emblem FICEsSl^#^ u.s. MARINES MDER THIS EMBLEM Cry For DBUtySUP' yr * vJtcIJa ir Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drop# t. It contains neither Opium, ace. Its age is its guarantee. been in constant use for the Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; efrom, and by regulating the ssimilation of Food; giving ? Children's Panacea?The DRIA ALWAYS er 30 Years Always Bought iv. nkw * ** orrv.