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1 mnmuniiifiinisiu i H a ^u stai Otc IX -You eon _nississssiississiiiisiiii Your Best Asset) ? A Clear Skin ? ? Cared for By? Cuticura Soapl NIC-O-PINE Ajb jrroellent remedy fo? lniecta on planta, m mm oomi, rtimi, jrern* end Vegetable j Dhnti or money refunded. Price 85 oenU delivered to any pert of the United Sutes. Beferencw: Union Bering* Bank. P.H. KRAMER. Inc.. SIB F, Washington, D. C. " I HO WANTED Second-hand Bag*, Kfl US hertap. (crap bartlnc and twin*. Wrlra I III II I lev Price*. RICHMOND RAO COM'Y UllUU Department 1101 L Cm17. Richmond. Va. I The Fa She Live stock is farmer' to consu cost than almost Droduct. I The United Stat agriculture rcportec farmer gets for h mately two-thirds tc the final retail price sumer for the result Under normal con share of retail price products is approxin Butter 71 ] CATTLE 662 Eggs 65 ] Potatoes 55 Poultry 45 Fruits 35 The difference bet Iand retail price repre expenses of packing, x sale and retail distri Swift & Company the manufacturing paring cattle for r equipped packing pi freight on meat t United States, op< distributing houses, even delivers to the this is done at an ei.] cents per pound, about Vi of a cent p Large volume of 1 management, make pensable service to 1 and to the consumer the larger proporti* received by farmer: Year Book of i instructive facts i Address Swift Union Stock Yardt Swift & Com ISapolio doing its for U.SMarine C f POST OF MM Mk for SERVICE U lptinft -veal loaf 7 THAT it more tempting y for a summer luncheon than Libby'a savory ilLoafl Prettily garnished makes a dainty yet subltial dish ? and one all iy to put on the table! ier Libby'sVeal Loaf today, i will want it always on ir shelves?for quick lunchis?for unexpected guests. Yft M?N*in * Libby, Chicago Too ninny folks are Interested In business that Is none of their business. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infanta and children, and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Hold on; hold fust; hold out. Patience Is genius.?Buffon. I Dr. Pe?ry"s Dead Shot" Is powerful but safe. One doso la enough to expel Worms or Tapeworm. No castor oil necessary. Adr. Light Is known to huve an injurious tnnt hygienic factor. irmer's 1 ire. marketed from || mer at a lower I: jl any other farm || ca uncut ui ni;, lira 1 in 1916 that the ;|jj is cattle "approxi- - ! I > three-fourths" of jj ' ! paid by the con- jjij ing beef. |!|H ditions, the farmer's ' j jJ js of various farm jji'l lately as follows: ijj per cent |!||l /$ to 75 per cent jj per cent [ !j per cent i 'ijij per cent 1 h per cent ween farmer's price ' :||j jsents the necessary || H freight and whole- P H bution. IIH not only performs jj H operations of pre- m narket in its well- ]jj[j ants, but it pays the j!f| 0 all parts of the crvrv ? ?- illit srmea juu ur an en and in most cases retail butcher. All pen9e of less than 2 i at a profit of only er pound of beef. business and expert it [1 possible this indis- II H be live-stock raiser I I and make possible 1 Dn of retail prices ^ I Interesting and sent on request. I I St Company, ' |j >, Chicago, Illinois 11 pany, U.S.A. Sj I 11 work. Scouring brps recruits. 3w! M?n ANViSf=ra'^ *Bb'?,D F?CE^^ Ts. MARINES MPEft THIS EMBLEM SEVENTEEN DIE M BIG HOSjm FIRE PATIENTS STAMPEDE AND SOMI OP RESCUED RUN BACK INTO BURNING STRUCTURE. IIA mip NU UNt mm t-UK IHAbtUl No Theory of Origin of Fire Bxcep Possible Defective Wiring?Two Badly Burned. Columbia.?Seventeen persons wen burned to death when the elorentl ward, a single-story wooden structure at the State Hospital for the Insane was destroyed by Are at 3 o'clock Two other patients are in a procarloui condition. Fifteen of the patient! were burned to death within the fou walls. Two died later in the day fron burns. The ward was occupied by 41 patients. An inquest was held by Corone Scott, when a thorough investlgatioi as to the possible cause of the flri was made. From the testimony ad duced, no theory was advanced as t< the origin of the Are except posslbl; from defective insulation of the elec t[ic wiring. It was developed that al night employees were at their respec live posts and that no delinquency o duty was attached to any one connect ed with the institution. The traged] was regarded as wholly unavoidabli and no blame could be placed on an] one. Building of Wood. The building was a small one-stor] wooden structure and was one of thi oldest on the grounds. The flame was discovered between the ceiling ant the roof, which was covered with i layer of three-ply paper rooflng. This Dr. Williams explained in his test! mony was regarded as fireproof by in surance companies. In further precau Hon, he had consulted the Columbli tire department and procured its con sent to use the material before it wai put on. The state electrician. Dr. Wll Hams further said, has been constantly ilert in making inspections of wlrini about the institution. The archlteci also has been watchful and the em ployees are continually instructed tc be on guard in precaution against pos 3ible fires. The cooking for the pa llents takes place in another building ind hot water is led through malm from other buildings. Patients ar< not allowed to handle matches. The theory as to defective wiring was the most plausible Dr. Williams could sug Rest. The flame was discovered it the ceiling directly in line with th< wiring. F. L. Altman, the night attendant ol the eleventh ward, discovered the fln just before 3 o'clock, he said. He wai sitting In the small office leading late the ward whon he detected an odor o! something burning. He made a hur rled inspection of the interior of th< ward, and then rushed to the outsldr for a quick survey of the building He rushed back Into the ward ant again seeing no flame went to the bacl sido of the building. Turning bacl into the ward he saw a small jet o< flame protruding through the ceiling While giving testimony Dr. Wil llams emphasized that this "stamped ing" w%s characteristic of normal per sons. He had known of children rush ing into the burning bui' and try ing to seek shelter in thet. ,eds wher the house was burning down, he said The Dead. Thomas W. Raker. Marlon. J. W. Rrock. Seneca. Willie Boyter, Moore. Jake Bell, Aiken. H. H. Free, Blnckvllle. J. B. Greer. Greer. J. R. Green. Spartanburg. Rufost Hewitt, Aynor. Henry Lamb. Rldgeiand. L. M. Lewie, Conway. Albert MoSwain, Vaucluse. 'John Owensey, Greenville. E. L. Slllman, Wllllamston. J. C. Todd, Charleston. Walter White, Plum Branch. T. H. Wells. Mt. Carmel. Severely Burned. J. B. Tlmmerman, Kirkaey. Hector Logan, New Brookland. Thousands Come to Sevier. Camp Sevier. Greenville. ? Mor than 8,000 selectmen, ?800 from Ala bama and 1,300 from New York City will arrive at Camp Sevier within th< next week. Parties of officers fron the Elghty-flrst Division have beet sent to take charge of the trains it which the men will arrive. Maj. L. E. Shucker. 321st Infantry Maj. C. H. Fitzgerald, 322nd Infantry Maj. C. A. Collett, 323rd Infantry; Maj C. G. Roebuck, 324th Infantry, an< Maj. A. F?. Legare, National Guard will command the Ave battalions. Coroner Found Man Allvs. Gaffney.?Coroner Allison of Chare kee county was notified that a mai named Wylie had died suddenly o heart disease and was asked to coirn at once and hold an inquest. In com pany with Deputy Sheriff Watklns thi coroner went to the home, arrivlni late at night, when he was informe( that the man was not dead, but it wa thought he would die before morning "We'll bury him then," said the core :ier wno reiurnoa to uatTney dlngustet over his long trip for nothing. Hall Strips Fruit Tress. Gaffney.?A destructive hall storn has Just vlRlted the Grassy Pond sec tion of Cherokee county. This com munlty Is only a few miles from Gaft ney, but r.o hall fall here. On severa farms In that vicinity the fruit wa stripped from the trees. Geveral farm era who had growing cotton In thi fields say that It will have to be plant nd over, t la said that the damage t< the corn will not be permanent as 1 will grow out again. Fortunately th< hall was confined to a narrow strip A tremendous rainfall accompanied it - \ r, I LOOK AT CHILD'S , I0N6UE IF SICK, CROSS, FEVERISH I HURRY, MOTH SRI RSMOVS POISONS PROM LITTLE STOMACH. LIVER, BOWELS. BIVE CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIQS AT ONCE IF BILIOUS OR f CONSTIPATED. m 5 Look at the tongue, mother! If coated. It is a sure sign that your lit* r Ue one's stomach, liver and bowels i needs a gentle, thorough cleansing at a once. When peevish. cross, listless, nnle. > doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act natuir rally, or Is feverish, stomach sour, ;. breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore 1 throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a i. teaspoonful of "California Syrup of { Pigs," and In a few hours all ftie foul, , constipated waste, undigested food f and sour bile gently moves out of the j little bowels without griping, and you f have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love Its delicious taste, and It always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle of . "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the | bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that It is made by the "Call fornla Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt.?Adv. t Knowledge Not Everything. 1 "Mrs. Gubson knows enough to keep . ! her mouth shut, doesn't she?" ( | | "Oh, yes; but she lacks control." Ci/ani I!-- O. I ) uivi j nvicooiuil ndS IIS I Indorsers of Eagle Remed} t From physicians to lawyers, mer, 1 chants, mechanics, locomotive engl, neers, office men and housewives come , words of highest praise for the effec, tlveness of Eagle Pile Remedy In ban * . Ishlng plies of every form. Some ol , recent origin and others of long stand ,ln*- i | Because Eagle Pile Remedy, by lti 1 ( entirely practical home treatment 1 , J taken Internally, banishes plies froir 1 , ! the source Instead of treating the re , suit of aliments Incident to theli [ cause. Try a box. If you are troubled now. , Or have a box handy when they begin 1 #1 a- rx. tu U|i|ii;ai. urnu fl IU K1U Ill't'll U1Htrlbutlng Co., 141 Godwin Street, Pat : erson, N. J. Or drop a postal for a. I explanatory booklet. It Is free.?Adv When a shiftless man gets sick hit neighbors seldom lose much time wop ; rylng about It. A BRIGHT, CLEAR COMPLEXION la always admired, and It Is the lauda- . ble ambition of every woman to do all ^ she can to muke herself attractive Many of our southern women hnv? found that Tetterlne Is Invaluable foi j clearing up blotches. Itchy patches, etc., and mnklng the skin soft and velvety. The worst cases of eczema * and other torturing akin diseases yield to Tetterlne. Sold by druggists or senl by mall for 50c. by Shuptrlne Co., Savannah, Ga.?Adv. e A new political broom sweeps clean ' It Is necessary to rnlse the dust. Dandruff and Itching. | To restore dry. falling hair and get rl< * ; of dandruff, rub Cutlcura Ointment 1 Into scalp. Next morning shampoo wltl 8 j Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Fo: x free samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept 1 , X, Boston." At druggists and by mall v ; Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. * Faint heart never gets mixed up It 11 a breach of promise suit. 8 r I f 1 A Valuable Iron Tonic for tbe Blood 1 OROVa-S TASTBLBSS chlU TONIC Purine* ant Bnrlohea tbe Blood. It aroueea tbe liver, drives on malaria and bullda up the whole srstetn. A Oen 1 end Strengthening Tonlo for Adulla and Children I c 1 Fence rules the day where reasot t rules the mind.?Collins. 1 Was Short and Kinky B Now ita Long and Fluffy f i- Shm Used I, ? NOAH'S HAIR DRESSINC * S Price 35c. If your dealer can't aupply yon aen j , to us. Refuse nnt>Htitutea. Manufactured b. 1 NOAH PRODUCTS CORP., RICHMOND, VA AMOCO MMtM, ISO DC HAAS AVI.. BROOKLYN, M. > a f /\ /n a We Pat Hiehett Market Prict 1 Af I If 11 lor V'relnte and North Cart I yu I 11 I I line Wool ? No commission * If ^J\j L deducted. We are buyrra fo B lar^c mill consuming hal mil Hen pounds a month. Write or alilp to ua an ' we will allow full market price- no expense p deducted except freight; prompt settlement. W also pay top price* for Hldaa. Skint and Tailor Old Virginia Hide and Wool Co.vln P. 0. Bat 77ft Rit.hrr.ond. V. t Cath far 0U False Teeth I>eVt matter If bmk? I . 1 pay $1 to $15 per ae alao cash for old sold, stlrer, platinum. dental go) and old (old Jewelry. Will tend eaah by rata re ma and will bold (ooda 10 days for sender t approval < ear f??ioa. ? ? <' i?e e.aaai a.staai.rbiiaj THIS WEAK, . NERVOUS MOTHER Tefls How Lyttia E. Pfnlrhem's . Vegetable Compound Restored Her Heahb. Philadelphia, Pa.?"I waa very weak, always tired. my back ached, and I fan mm,., sickly most of tha iHllllIlliMlllllll time. I wank to a mUUHHUM doctor and ha said I had nervous indi I1 srs , weak \\rm condition kept ma rae3jfll worrying moit of said could not I jrajip ' not^^et well.^ I [I 'zt> M ; l Lydia E. Pinkham 'a ' Vegetable Compound my husband wanted me to try it. I took it for a week and felt a little better. I kept it up for three months, and I feel fine and can eat anything now without distress or nervousness. "?Mrs. J. Worthlikk, 2842 North Taylor St, rntiadeiphia fa. The majority of mothers nowadays overdo, there are ao many demands upon their time and strength; the result is invariably a weakened, run-down, nervous condition with headaches, backache, irritability and depression ? and soon more serious ailments develop. It is at such periods in life that LydiaE. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound will restore a normal healthy condition, as it did to Mrs. Worthline. "Beaver Board" Use "BEAVER BOARD" for your walls and ceilings. It is airtight and wind-proof. Any carpenter or workman can put it on. It produces far more tasteful effects than plaster and is more economical. STRATTON ft BRAGG CO. Petersburg Virginia "Beaver Board" Distributors. The New Diet. "Why is it that inun always wants o get up and spout after dinner. Is ?e training for a speaker?" "No, but he's been eating this new llsh of whale steak." MAGICfHAVEIT ON THE DRESSER :ORNS STOP HURTINQ THEN LIFT OFF WITH FINGERS. Just drop a little Freezone on that :ouchy corn. Instantly It stops aching hen you lift that corn right off. No >aln at all! Costs only a few cents. t? A y n? o $ vLLy Get a tiny bottle of Freezone for a ew cents from uny drug store. Keep t always handy to remove hard corns, loft corns, or corns between the toes, ind the'callouses, without soreness or rrltatlon. You Just try It I Freezone is the sensational discovery of n Cincinnati fronlno?Artw Gilded Chicken Feet. It may be because of wnr economies md It niny be "something else uguln," is Abe sntd to Mawrus, but It Is u fact levertheless that new and unusual lelds are being Invaded to furdsh milady's headgear. At the same lme splendid opportunities nre offered o earnest nature students. One of he most novel skyplece ornaments leen here is glided chicken feet. One voman appeured on Broadway the ither day In a bonnet trimmed vlth English walnuts crocked open o show the kernels, while another voman wore a merry widow of single dllgntor skin garnished with a single rray squirrel. New York women leem to have lots of new mlllinery houghts these days. Toads Were Crafty. Speaking of laziness, Dan Linus, lerk of superior court, room 4, tells he story of the lazy fisherman. This fisherman threw a line of Rhln;les tied together Into the river, each ihlngle having a short line with a 100k halted with a toad. The fishernan then took a nay on the bank, ex-? lectlng to wake up to pull In a nice Ine of fish. When he woke up he found that all his toad bait, instead of being Inside truggllng fish, was perched on fop of he shingles.?Indianapolis News. It mny he that Fnte does someImes renlly give n man an unmerited :lck. DoYou Know The Fine Flavor "/POST TOASTIES i IS FOUND Is.A innoother CORN ?gpVUUCES >. . I . I I Calomel Users! L I Guarantee D Tour druggist gives back liven your liver and you up withoutj Ugh I Calomel makes yon sick. It's horrible 1 Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel" is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when It comes Into contact with sour bllo, crashes Into It, breaking It up. Thl.3 Is when you feel that awful nnusea and cramping. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out," If your I liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, If breath Is bad or stomach sour. Just try a spoonful of harmless T I rwi *--- * ' wuouu a Liiyer 1UUB lODlgQC. Here's my guarantee?Go to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver -Tone for a few cents. Take a The average man Is usually too brilliant or too stupid to become famous. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Atlen's rool'Bua, tbe antiseptic powd?r to be shaken Into th? shoes and sprinkled In the footbath. It relieves palnfv.l, swollen, smarting feet and takes the sting out of corns and bunions. Used by the American, British and French troops. Allen's Foot?Ease la a certain relief for tired, aching feet. Sold everywhere.?Adv. j A mustache once down Isn't necessarily down forever. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills contain 1 nothing but vegetable Ingredients, which act gently as a tonic and purgative by stimulation and not by Irritation. Adv. Riches cannot purchase mental gifts. Relieve Your I Rheumatism For 25c. NR Today?R* There are three vital processes of I human existence,?ttoe^ digestion of | iwu, liio exincuon or nounfniDoni from It and the elimination of the waste. Let anything Interfere -with these ftrocessee,?let thorn be Interrupted or mproperly earned on, and slckness^Sfl of some kind follows Poor dUreetlon and asslmria-fl ^ tlon means failure to derive M k ' full nourishment from food and t that In turn often means lm- V ^ poverlshed blood, weakness, anemia, eta Poor elimination means an accumulation of waste matter which poisons the body, lowers vitality, decreases the power of resistance to disease and leads to the development of many serious Ills. Rheumatism,?due to some Interference with the process of elimination, failure to vet rid of certain body poisons?cannot be expected to yield to any medicine that falls to oorrect the condition responsible for It. Could any reasonable person expeat to lid himself of rheumstlo pain as ions as wm vuu uan n Your Favt Without Kramer Says: "Eatonic" Acids, Gas, Heartbu and Stoma( What miserable feelings are caused by an upset stomach! That dull, heavy, "bloated" sensation that follows a full meal, robs good living of half its pleasures. Is there any way out for you sufferers with stomach weakness? Yes; H. L. Kramer, the man who originated Cascarets has fmin#l n ?nrt? quick, relief for Indigestion, dyspepsia, "sour stomach," heart-burn, formation of pnlnful gnses, "bloating," etc., etc. He calls his stomach relief EATONIC, and it certainly Is making a wonderful record. Countless thousands of people who formerly approached their meals with dread, now eat their fill of their favorite foods without fear of the after-effects. Mr. Kramer says: "My EATONIO tablets are the solution of the age-old problem of Indigestion and all forms of stomach misery. Carter's Iittl You Cannot be Constipated JUrh* and Happy Small Pill j?Bit3Sm B P Small Doae B Small Price A BSENCE of Iron in the /T*<\ \ ^ Blood U the reason for I " many colorless faces but s< For MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER. ' ** ^01 isten Tn MpI "* f^^w ?w svswe todson's Liver Tpne 1 : your money if it doesn't bowels and straighten making you sick. ~~ P jtM spoonful and If It doesn't straighten # you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dod ouu a uiT?r ivae is destroying me Bait of calomel because it Is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore It cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which Is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give It to your children. It Is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like Its pleasant taste. Reduces Strained, Puffy Anklet, |m Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistula, jw Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness Hm and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts, JSSF Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a Vy SAFE ANTISEPTIC AMD GERMICIDE Does not blister or remove the hair and horae can be worked. Pleasant to use. $2. SO a bottle, delivered. Describe your case for special instructions and Doolc 5 R free. ABSORBINE, JR., andaeptic liniment for mankind, i*. doer* Strain*. Painful. Knotted. Swollen Vein*. Concentrated?ooty few drop* required at an application. Prtc# 1.25 per bortla at dealer* or dellrerrd. W. F.YOUNG. P. 0. P.. JIOTttnpla St, Sprlnoflsld. Mask ? W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 23-1918. NR does it by improving digestion, assimilation and elimination ? the logical way. v rlief or No Pay rheumatic poison Li allowed to remain In the body. Think of this. It explains the Success of Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) In so many cases where other madlnln.e V,-.... r.ll-J "n -? MM * w 1 MlOVia illUUMHUB nm using NR Tablets every day and get^^tlng relief. Why pay five or tea i^k times as much for uncertain w, things 7 A 2Bo box of Nature's B B Remedy (NR Tablets), con^B talnlng enough to last twenty* a ^B five days,?must help you, mui( B Wglve you prompt relief and satUfactory benefit oc coat you ^^^notblng. And Nature's Remedy Id not only Jk for the relief of rheumatism. It 1m- H proves digestion, tones the liver, regulates kidney and bowel action, Improves the blood and cleanses the whole system. You'll feel like a new person when you've taken NR Tablets a week. You've tried the expensive medicines and doctors, now make the real test. You'll get results this time. Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) Is sold, guaranteed and recommended by your druggist. 4HE231QEESBLLEE3I low Eat irife Food Any Fear Rids Weak Stomachs of rn, Food Repeating :h Miseries "UiATUWHJ neutralizes the acids, that form the painful tenses, "sweetens" the stomach, and gives the gastric Juice a chance to do Its work as It should. "To promote appetite and old digestion, take EATONIC tablets?one or two after each meal. They are perfectly harmless. Eat them Just like candy. "For distress after eating; sour, "gassy," acid stomach, vertigo, nausea and belching, and that wretched, puflTed-up, "lumpy" feeling, after overeating; there Is nothing to compure with EATONIC Tablets." All druggists sell EATONIC ?s fiOc for a large box. Watch out for Imitations. The genuine bears the name EATONIC on each tablet?guaranteed to do all that Is claimed; or If your druggists don't carry EATONIC?send to Eatonlc Remedy Co., Chicago, I1L le liver Pills A Remedy That ==5=p Makes Life mf Worth Living JH.5. Genuine bear* signature lRTER'S iron pills i ill greatly help most pale-faced people I anitb DLD FOR BO YEARS. ALSO A MNE GENERAL STRENGTHENING TONIC. Sold by All Drof Storoa.