University of South Carolina Libraries
# | grans OF LOCAL mTOtECT. ~ Miss Lucile Sharoe, of Green ville, visited relatives in thi: citv the past week. Miss Alice Harris, of Charlotte visited her parents, Mr. an< Mrs. R. P. Harris the Dast week Mrs. Hattie Mack left Frida: evening for Richmond, Va., t< attend the wedding of her son, ^ the Rev. Edward Mack, D. D. Mrs. Callie Earle, of Land rum, S. C., was a guest during the week of Dr. and Mrs. J. B Elliott in this city. Mr. R. L- Broom, of Columbia, formerly a member of the yolict force of tins city, was a visitoi to Fort Mill Sunday. Miss Esther Meacham wht graduated at the recent commencement of Chicora college has returned to her home in this city. Mr. E. P. Blankenship, ol Greenville, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Blankenshij. in Gold Hill, this week. Prof. W. H. Ward, of Matthews, N. C., who has beer elected superintendent of the Fort Mill graded school for the next term, was a visitor here last Wednesday. Mr. L. W. Dick and daughter, v Miss Rebecca Dick, of Hartsville, S. C., were visitors in Fort m Mill last Friday, the guests of T Mrs. Hattie Mack. Mr. Howard A. Banks, editor of the Sunday School Times of Richmond, Va., visited relatives and friends in Fort Mill last Friday. Miss Louise McMurray, who tamrht rtnrino- !-?? n-ict Ir. ?? - -'n ? "- K,,k,v ltl i" ? ' graded school at Greensboro, N. C., has returned to her home in this city. Miss Margaret Fewell, of Rock Hill, spent several days this week in this city, the guest of Misses Marjory and Bernice Mills. The local Red Cross chapter the last week forwarded to district. headquarters at Rock Hill a package containing 28 bedshirts and 1247 shot bags. The local chapter i? now busy making refugee garments. Douglas Fairbanks, the famous screen star, will be seen tn-dnv in a live-reel comedy-drama entitled '"Reggy Mixes In." This play is said to contain numerous incidents in which the inimitable "Dour" makes his audience roar with laughter. Word has been sent out by the war dep?! tment at Washington that 200.000 men will be inducted into the military service through the draft and sent tc the various camps throughout the country during the five day period, beginning June 24th. At a congregational meeting of the Presbyterian church Sunday morning, the congregation voted to join the pastor, Rev. R. K. Timmons, in his petition to Bethel Presbytery to dissolve the relations between himself and the church. The petition will come up before Presbytery at a special session to be held in the First church of Rock Hill on T .? 1 A till lie IV. The pastors of the churches throughout the country have been requested by the National War Savings committee to present to their congregations or next. Sunday the importapce ol investing in thrift stamps^ and war savings stamps, and also tc use their influence in organizing war savings society and to secure as many signatures as pos sible for war savings pledges. The program for the seconc annual convention of the Yorl District Christian Endeavoi Union, to be held in Chester or June 12-13, has been issued rl lie program is in colors, th< red, white and blue typifyini ...... -:~~ _i ?.? me (inn unit Liiuravier 01 mi program. It is expected tha quite a large number of En deavorers from York, Lancastei and Chester counties will be ii attendance. Effective June 1, passengei rates on the railways will be i cents per mile, and effectivi June 25 there will be a 25 pe cent increase in freight charges This is for the purpose of meet ing the large increase in pa: given the railroad employes As usual, the "ultimate con Burner" pays the bill. The ad ditional charges will be reflectei in higher prices for all com modifies. the Savings Bank of Fort Mill J were, awakened early Monday mornidg by a citizen who told " them that stores were being broken open on Trade street by robbers who had a wagon along j with them. Mr. W. B. Meach3 am and his son armed themselves :lL - l a . wiiii guua anil pisiuis ttiiu came down the street in an automobile [ with the idea that if the robbers u md finished their work and gone ' away they could be overtaken. However, the cause of the alarm . was nothing more serious than ^ the falling of a glass window to the cement paving from the Majestic Theatre and a progressive merchant hauling ice , to his ice house from a car which ; had been delayed in transit in r order to be ready to make early deliveries Monday morning. , The play given by home talent . Friday night entitled "Higbee ? of Harvard." attracted a full . house at the auditorium and the receipts wnich will be used- for high school purposes were very : gratifying to those who have worked so effectively for the ) ciinnoco nf tlio nlav Tlio ncr. OUVVVOO V4 VIIV A IIV |/Vi formance was very creditable and brought forth much applause from the audience. An ad| ditional attraction on the occasion was a contingent of ' orphans from an orphange in Macon, Ga.. who are making a tour of the State in an automobile truck *and giving performances for the benefit of their institution. Having found their Fort Mill date well filled, they joined forces wity the local company. Free will offerings were made for the benefit of the orphanage. Bible and Flag Presentation. A bible and flag will be presented to the Fort Mill High school by the Junior Order American Mechanics this evening at 7:30 o'clock, the ceremonies to take place on the graded school grounds and to be presided over by James A. Barron. State vice-councillor. The programme will be as follows: Song, "America." by the sehool. Prayer, by the Rev. J. W. H. Dyehes, Th. D., State council chaplain. Address; "Our Order" by J. N. Benton of Rock Hill. Presentation of Bible by Dr. J. B. Johnson of Rock Hill. Address of acceptance by Miss Sadie Rodgers of the Fort Mill High school. Presentation of Flag by State Senator J. E. Beamguard of Clover. Address of acceptance by Allen Parks of the Fort Mill High school. Song, "The Star Spangled Banner" by the school. The public is urged to attend this cerernoay. 1 Reduced Fares for Army Nen. The United States railroad administration authorizes the following: Director General I McAdoo realizing that the pay, ir.ent of the full railroad fare ' means a serious hardship to our ! soldiers and sailors who desire J to visit their homes before going oyer-seas, has ordered that as I soon as necessary details can he 1 completed, sailors and soldiers ' of the United States forces, I when furloughed and traveling ! at their own expense, will be granted a rate of approximately J one cent per mile. This fare < | will be available on delivery to ticket agents of certificates I signed by commanding officers. Such certificates of standard i form will be prepared and dis tributed with the utmost prompt I j nese. : Better Express Service. Saving of millions of dollars and better service to millions of j people of the United States was lion last Wednesday predicted as c a result of the merging under a r' private corporation, with a i j capital of more than $30,000,000 . of the four leading express comi paniesof the country?the Southr em, Adams, American and > Wells-Fargo. Announcement of t the merger was made by Director . General of Railroads McAdoo. r who formulated the agreement, i The combination becomes effective July 1. The new concern, which r probably will be known as the * Federal Express company, and ? of which George C'. Taylor, now r president of the American, will be the head, will bring about ppnnnmine it woa >v nao ^VIIHCU UUl, ^ | through ihe common use of equipment and elimination of unnecessary, competition. At " the same time, According to Mr. ^ Taylor, employes of the new ', corporation will receive an increase in wages in many cases. Red Gro? Honor Roll. -"Port Mill Mfg. Coapuy Office Fish, George, <00; Mills, Merjorie <20; Grier, P. M., <10; Link, XL &, Jr. <10. McXealy, C. W., 160; Armstrong. J E., $25; Eason, C. W., $15; Hammond C. H., $o; Brown, D. P., $5; Arthur W. H., $2.50; Culp, Rose $10; Wright Alice. $5; Boy, Clyde $5; Fay, Bernard $3: Gill. George. $5; Cooksey, J. W., $5 Bradford. Jack $A50; M^Manus, X. M. $5; McCowen. 11 l.. * *?: Hammond Oti*. $2; Hammond. J. J., $5; Baker, L C'.. $3; Johnston, S. P.. $1; Robinson Jonn, $5: Long. Jess, $2; Link, M. D. .*2.50: Bradley, W. W., $5; Smith, Mag gie, $3; Robinson. Lonnie, $2; Huddles ton, Roy. $2; Hucks, J. F.. $1; Huddles ton, Ada,* $1: McCrav!n, Sam, $2: Bailes. Johnnie, $i; Wilkerson. Perline $2.50; Wilkeson. Fssip $2.50, Bailey Maggie. $5: M?Cravin, Lula .*2: Boilev Wade $2: Wilson. 11. S.. $5: Jordan. Oscar. $5; Avers, T. B., $5; Bearden. Ora $5; Culp. T. L. $.">; White, Wilson .$1.50; White, Lee. $1.50; James. Will $1.50; Williamson, Aron $1.50; Moore Bill, $1.50; Mackev. George. $1.50; White, Paul, $1.73; Harr's, 1? A.. $50; tstuiey, >\ in. itiacKmon, Lerov, $1.50; Arthur. Dick. 50c: Douglas, Lily, 50c; lluck*. Tom. 50c; Jordan. Mr*., 25c: Jordan.'John llenrv, 10c; Wilkinson. Mrs. 50c: Mnser. I.niru, 50c; Vandell, K. P.. 50c; Wright. Mrs.. $1; Blackinon, Mr.. $2: Stafford, Cef. $1.50; Pettis Tom $1.50; Wriley. Henry, $1; Dill in. Dud. $5; Stnrncs. 'Daisy. $3: Parks. Ellie. $2.50: Dnnohiic, Minnie, $2.50; Robinson, Zeb, $1; Broom. Karle, $2: Sadler, Foy, $5; McManus, J. J.. $5; lrby. T. 11.. $2.50: Johnson. Eliza. $20; Kimbrell, Flossie, $2.50; Kimbrell, D. Ik. $3; Merritte. Leltie, $2.50; Wright, B. P.. $2.50; Bitch. J. L., $2; Bay lie, J. M.. $3; Merritte. B. L.. $3.50; Kimbrell. Zet, $2.50; Miller, Ernest, $3; Bitch. Mayliell, $3: Hoy, Sarah, $3; Bitch, Arthur, $3.50; Armstrong. W. B., $3; Ferguson, W. 1*. $3; Wallace, (I. II. sc}?50; Hancock, B.( B.. $3: Hancock, Carrie, $1; Belk. Ada, $1: Wright, Lester $2: Wilkie, C. V., $5; Cretin, W. K., $4; Smith. <<. A., $2: Broom, A. !., $2; Hope, (\ 1)., $3; Bailcs, Knrle, $3; Bracket, -I. M., $5; Taylor, W. C., $2; Cordon. II. C.. $1; Walker, .1. II., $fc; lx>ng. Lizzie. $1: Cntin. J. W., $1; Kite, Will, $2: Long, C. It., $5; Spinks. I. P., $1 : Y a rhorough, Mary. $3; Wilkie, Howard. $3; ltennette, Joe. $1; Newell II \\" M -,ii. M..( ... nlii J?i. Met'arver, duo., $5; Ingram. Allio. 50c; Alexander. Mil}.*., .">()< . Watson, Clyde, 50, I x?d better, .lolm. 50c; .Ionian, Mr., 25c; Ionian, Allio 50c; Wilkinson, Mr., 50c; Kite., Mr., 2flc; Thrower, Emma, >!: ll>ulin. Mollie, SI; Adaxik, \'iola, $1: dohnson. Will, $1.50; Faulkner, Walter, $1.50; Cunningham, Uoy, $5; Yates, I. !., $5; Triplett, (5ih?.. $5; lluile.s, Charley, $1: lluddleston, Mrs., $2: Me. Kce. Crow. $1; Wli'tc. Mary. 50c; .lohnson. Sam. $1.50; Ingram, Tom, $1 ; vinith. Man, $1; Nunn, Mrs. $2: (luinbell. .1. M? $1: Wright, Ixithcr, $5; Clawson. Will, $2; Collins. ('.* II., $1 : t rump, Thomas, $1; .lackson, A. I'.. $.i Sanders, .1. A., $1; Armstrong, W. $5; Crawford, Maggie, $5; Merrictte Kiln. $3; Wallace. Vess, $5; Collin-. -I W., $5; Patterson, -I. K., SI; Harris, Ik P., $5; Kason, Mrs. C. W.. $1; linger C. 1>., $5; Wlii?e, Allen. $1.30; Cravton Mrs., $1; Kichardson, Nannie, $1; Adgcr. Ksther, 50c; Market, Kuehel. 50c; Holiinson, .1. $2; Mclaughlin, .1. <5. "|2; Mj-l-iughlin, Until. $1: Callman T. W., $1; Armstrong. Arthur. $5.00; llrice, .1. II., $10; Shepherd. A. 1!.. $1; Met lure. K. 1,.. 50c; Thrower, $1: Den ton. .lint, $2; Moonev, Tom, $1; White lless. $1.50; Stroud, Krnest 50c; Koli inson, Maud. 50c; Faulkner. Allen, $1 : McKnight, Allen, $3;Camphcll. K, .1 50c; Potts, l?, $2; Faulkner, Clarence $1 : Sprati, Tom. $2; doltnson, Sam $1.50; Bradford, C. Ik, $1 ; Adcock Mrs. $1 ; Crillimtl. .Inn $5- Itiirrmn* WapstalT, Johnnie Mho, $5>; McManus Entollo. $55; MeManus. Ainm llollo, $55 McMtinnn, Myrtlo, $1 : Mclaughlin Mnrv, $1; Adcm'k, M. !.. $.">: Starnos T. M? $2; Parks, lathi, $1 ; Cordon I'roil, .$2: Jackson, ('. $2; Starnos A. 15.. : Cross, Mrs. $1; lant.ser, Mrs *1 : Wilson. Tom, ?1 : Kitnbroll, l>iok $1 : Kimhroll. Mrs. *1 : Stophons, Sam $l.2">: Hammonds. Will. $"2; Cnl|?. T ('.. $5>: Crcpory. J. ('.. $2: Sliopheril Mr>. A. 15.. $2: Palmer. T. .1.. 5V0r. Haney, M. I).. (65; Brown, J. W.. $12 Wagner P. Ia, $12; Holly, W. W? $12 Andorson, A. O., $10 Watford, A. Ia $10; Piorson. Thoodoro, $15?: Swoat. J M., . ?.">: Wagner, Harvov. MeKibbons Bob. $55; MoKlhanoy, CHIT.. Blnok woldor, .1. W $55; Collins. II. 15., $5$ Hunter, Bud. $55; MoCaineroii, J. II. $55; ('mothers. It. K., Kimbrell. Mr nml Mrs. A. I a. $10; Wr'glit, Will. $55 W ilson 15. $i?; llakor. Ceorpo, $55; Mor ris, Mr. and Mrs. $2: Arohio, Walter $55; MoAtoer, S. $55; Foster. Mnry $2: Robinson, dolin, $0I\.iipht, Annie $2..">0; Mills. .1. M? $2.; Stowo, .1. M $5?; Blaekwelder. II. W., $2; la-anaril Annie, $2; Kenott. C. K., $55; Cttlp, Mr* (Soorpo, $5; Kernes, W. W., $2.5>0; Yar borough, llenlah, $.?; llopors. l-'red $55 Stewart. It. Ia. $1: ftordon, It. I'.. $2 (trier, 1). M., $5?..?0; Foster, K. C., 5H)c Suttyn. laabvl, ."?0c: Cousart, White, $10 White, Wehlen, $1; WineeolT, -luo, .~><ic Wliito, Julius. .$1; Sprat I. Solomon, $1 Withers, A. T., #1: Ituilos, Cleo. $1 Cunningham, Nannie, "???? ; Johnsor Mnnie, #1; Konutt. $1 Xtnrno.s, I)r. .1. I*, Hood, Oscar, Steele, (Irnre, $1; Deese, Mrs. Mittu #1; Milling, \V. I,., *2; Milling. Clar enee, $J; Schlagwsky, Joe. JKl; C'ulj tJeo.. .to; Patterson, II. -T., $10; Arch it W'liit, $12; Archie. .Tim, $10; Mcrrcth J. K? $5; Metlnirt. Jim, $.1; Milling Joss.$10; Spinka. llarvcv, $10; Hatei 1. J? $0; Wilson, Johnny, $10; 'I'hoinji son. Nannie. $J; Archie, Dell, $J; llel lloitr'oe, $J; I. Ollio, $J; Merritti Jesse. $.'1; I tack welder, Mary, .12: Wat ford. I,nla. $2; Walker. C. J.. $."?; Wat ford. ( arrie $2; I agon, I .auric. $2: Wil son. Uohhv, $2; Mg<iuirt. W. M., $2 McOnirt, Minnie, $2: MeOuirt, l)avi< $1; Met'ravien, Jno? !$2.50; lllackwci der, Jess. $2; Irfcy, Klhert, $2; Pitmani T. I-, $ "?; Thomas, J. S., $2; MeOuir Henry, $J Rohinson. Hondo-, $2: Holly flel I, R. <>.. $1: Hollytiehl, Mi>. R, 0 si; 1 . I -1 ri. iiuiiuinii, i >11 ut, n; Morton. *1. It (iiipfrt, \V. H., AOc; linker, l.ul .W: White, Charley. ."><>< ; Adfjer, I'ai line, ,>0c; White, Clarence. 2Ac; .lack son. Arthur, 2.r?c; Williams, lies*. 04K: tJlover, Maggie, Mr; Water*, Rob, 50c l^prett. Walter, fi?C; Gil more. Ed., fl; Reeves. MrW. T. N., *3; OoUius, S. J., f 13; "White, Toad |P, Hunnicutt, K. L., ? *3; Mull, Mrs. Alice. *3. . LONG TERM FARM MORTGAGE . LOANS. '? Interest* SPECIAL RATE 6 per cent, depending on conditions as to if amount and credit period and annual . installments offered, and as to bor' rower's urgency in having loan closed. ORDINARY RATE 7 per cent on a fuick 5 to 10-year loan not under $300. 'or particulars apply to C. E. SPENCER, Attorney. i Phone 15 ,' Good Coffee, 15c Fresh Country Eggs 40c * No. 1 Irish Potatoes, pk..__ 50c Choice Pink Salmon, __20c , Canned Tomatoes __.20c Full stock of F"lour and Corn Meal. Culp's Grocery, Winthrop College SCHOLARSHIP and ENTRANCE EXAMINATION The examination for thw award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop College and for the admission of new students will be held at the County Court House on J-ridav, July 5, at 9 a. m., also on Saturday, July 6, at 9 a. m., for those who widh to make up by examinations additional units rexuired for full admission to the Freshman class of this institution. The examination on Saturday, July 6, will be used only for making admission units. The scholarships will be awarded upon the examinations held on Friday. July plicants must be not less than sixteen years of age. When scholarships are vacant after July 6 they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for Scholarnhips should H write to President Johnson for Scholar- R ship examination blanks. Those blanks V properly filled out by the applicant. I should be filed with President Johnson I by July 1st. | Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next, session will open September 18, 1918. For further information and catalogue address. President D. B. Johnson, Rock llill. S. C. SALESMEN WANTED to solicit orders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or Commission. Address THE HARVEY OIL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. I I Third I.ihprtv A mmmm ? MBH/VA Have A 1 * All subrscribers \ i t cash arc requested * and j;et their bond* Those who desire t nientsare request e and make first pay * Your prompt attei | much bookkeeping | First Natio | C on f i d it B u s i j| Every transaction t : + Bank and its custom c the strictest coufider ; r have an idea that wh * ^ on deposit that anyoi ' % mucli they have. ; ? You can depend u ? t i i * wnen you ao any oai T the Savings Bank no ' 1 your business deals. i. 4 Per Cent Pai ' I The Savir i DR. A. L_. OTT, DENTIST Office hour*. 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. (Dr. Spratt's office) * Belk Building, Fort Mill, S. C. Old newspapers for sale at The ' Tinea Office. k-.-\ f*fn . 1 h: gf^-J .. . ,. '. Spec . Bart. (ah ^ IU1 & 200 pair all this sea you want, One Men's Dark Tan, English last, a All $0.00 values. All $5.00 and $5. 4 Ladi< T ? J! > T ?r>u. ou i /it i " $3.50 ' Black Kir One lot broken s Note lMcaton I v. II i j?h ^ Pattersc "Fort : ? i < g Loan Bonds i! L rrived. : \ - : i 8 vlio desire to pav 4 * to call at once ? ; 4 S >. . I 4 {! installment pay- * d to cal 1 at once 1 j meat. ? . ntion will sa\ e us and trouble. * 4 4 mm ; nal Bank 4 ^ ^ ^ 11 ential ! n e s s >etween the Savings ers is held in the ! ice. Many people en they have money I le can find out how pon one thing, that i j T I iking business with 1 one else can know t j d cn Savings Rank. ? ? PILLOWS Kl'SZ.M;iilun(IO for 3^t>our.(l Keathor Ti ?? n 1 fc- I flkpMhd pa' P frmtt. J- , ' ' ; tatthcra, l\wt ticKuiit, nUtfiction iihrmtwil. *Agents wantld TURNER Ac CORN WELL. Feather Dealer*. Dept. A. C'.tr! 'Is, tl. C. Commercial National ii.u.1 KING'S NEW LIFE PILLS The Pills That Do Cure. - I I ial Shoe 1 ?v ' I I v s Men s Low Quarter Shoes? son's goods any leather or last especially priced for lay Only-Saturday. 1 CIiiii Metal, or Kangaroo Oxfords, Blueher or II sizes. $6 50 and $7.00 values, Siiturday $5.95 Saturday's price, $5.25 50 values, Saturday's price, $4.45 3 ss' Oxfords and Pumps. 1 rk Tan Oxfords. Saturd y only. $5.25 1 i Oxfords and Pumps, $4. f>0 and $0 values $3 95 u ' , * izes, mostly small, ^ <od styles, $1.95 I 'M se?Above prices arc lor Spot (lash I J dioes not included. Pome early. I d| ji's Cry Goods Store. I ' j ilill s Fastest (*row ini? Stoi c. I J fxiLsa wtssnnmM*saissxr. innxBasammm KT JUL _ TP* 8 s i w w is me i ime | !i o buy those things which ? will make home comfortable tor yourself and family during the summer months. 3 Get in touch with us?we & have what: you will need? 3 y\nrl nnr nnrf s ai p low I you will iinrl anywhere. 1 J Cash or Credit. /j I Young & Wolfe. r?~~ <^| | To the Public. J : ] I have bought the interest of Mr. E. F. Phillips in the grocery and market business of Ferguson & I^hiilips and will continue the business at the present stand. | In assuming charge of the busi- | | ness \ wish to thank the people for I their trade in the past and to guar- H tee to each one nrnniot attention. 'i' I courteous treatment and a square j| i i . n . 31 Icieai at an times. | B. C. FERGUSON. ! Highest Prices PaicJ for Pork. 8xjl wmsBziojxfLx . . - - ' ' ' hthwii rnmii < f.T*H Fm^AND HIDES / j i ; ; ' , . ' T?.nr-^ .