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s *./ I Bead my guarantee! If bi I achy you need not take z I one calomel to gel mj Araalit In town?toot drug0*. and everybody's drugftlst has nomernd great falling off In the sale of ofewL They all give the same rea a Dodson's Liver Tone Is taking ^Cfehaael Is dangerous and people feasor It, while Dodson's Liver Tone Is psifiUy safe and gives better rew0aj* said a prominent local druggist. KMtooa's Liver Tone Is personally gaaiaali ril by every druggist who mMs It. large pottle doesn't cost I# l? ?-H ??v~, xui i?. ik luiio iu kivu easy i aAf la every case of liver sluggish? and constipation, you have only J ?rauLlIi 111 Horses yft Horsemen agree that Yager's jy I Liniment is the * iTgj beat and moat ecoW 1 no mica 1 liniment Kl tor general table use. 8] For attained ligaments, spavin, H heroes* galls, sweeny, wounds or old Hi eorca. cuts and any enlargements, | III It gives quick relief. Bi A 35c bottle contain* more than H the usual JOobottle ol liniment. I SSsKX BOTTLE AT ALL DEALEK3 EfAGERS INIMENT QILBKBT BBOS. ? CO. Baltlmon, Hd. ? ^ PARKER'S hair balsam IfA A toll** preparation ( aurtl (QflT BilpilowadlokUAairif. t,r>SB, Fnr If mImIh CaUr id BML-"VBMut7UGa>arFai^Hdr, JMnw Wilson and U. S. A. **. ya-Hoodxl American wuu It: word* Violets and Thrift Stamps. 8?tt Leonard Cruue of the Indianapolis police department wus seuted st the telephone desk nt police heudpnttn when a cull came over the "Tost this Is police headquarters,"' sold the sergeant In response to a some' feat nnaverlng |QqU|rya "We want to find out If we can Hell 1M1U In our neighliorhood," the voice uat on. ? ??? WH. | "What are you going to do with the MtmjT" the sergeant Inquired, vision- i tag a young girl at the other end of the wire. "Why, buy Thrift stamps, of course," J caaaa the reply. "Well, go ahead, und God bless you," | the aergeant said. _______________ 1 FRECKLES la b b bt to Got Rid of TWm Ugly Spoil Sort oo looser the slightest need of feeling oUhamaot of your freckles, a* Otblne?double OtMOgUk?k guaranteed to remove these homely ah Set an ounce of Othlne?double Otaeaetk?Sxma your drugglit, and apply a little of W afeht and morning end you should soon see MM aw a the worst freckles have begun to die aapaar. while the Uchter oooe have Tanlahrd m It la aeUlotn that more than one ounce ii anM to completely clear the akin and gain feeawttful clear complexion. h mm to aak for the double atrcngth Otblne. M CMa I* aold under guarantee of money back fl ft faWa to remove frecklea.?Adv. Had Seen Better Days. "IMs parrot, ma'am," said the dealer "la one that I can recommend. It was In the family of a clergyman for Well, gents, whnt'll yo have? Namu ymm plseit!" exclaimed the parrot wtth startling emphasis. "D# was obliged to part with It, Issifir," continued the dealer, with mm apologetic cough, "and for the last paar or two It has belonged to the alSanson from our ward." A woman never thinks of nnythlng j apodal to say until she hears some sflfesr woman talking. source of many a lnrge river Is bcS a fonnll snrlnir. I ^8888888888888888888 <0^; A Favorite D Prepared from d choice, selected n seasoned and cook own expert chefs ? have that delicacy spicy zest that mat ites everywhere. Order Libby*s VI today. You, too, savory, satisfying easy to prepare 1 Libby, McNeiIl & ! BBSIIIiiinSISUiSSiiHri "I " ' ~"v . ' a Day's Work! Liver Tone Instead lious, constipated or headlaaty, sickening, danger- ' ; straightened up. - , to oak for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone la a pleasanttasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take h spoonful at night and wake up feeling line; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work I Take Dodson's Liver Tone Instead and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition.?Adv. Q SOLD FOR SO YEARS MlRl? k "* FEVER 2)KIII(& ?0U BT ALL MK STMS> LEADING UP TO PROPOSAL Here Are Some Hinte That May Be of Vajue to Those Contemplating Matrimony. Cleric hasn't discovered the girl yet, but he Is already worrying nhout how he lu going to propose. War und matrimony, says he, require preparedness. He hus written down a dozen tentative sentences wherewith to Introduce the subject. We cull a few of them us mere suggestions. He Imagines himself starting the conversation with one of the following phrases: "You look very pice across a table." "I think cooking like yours would keep me In good humor forever." "Do you object to smoking ubout the house? I don't smoke." "The high cost of living Isn't so high ilftpr nil la IH" "Would you mind beginning to look like me?" ^ "I suppose, like ull girls, you Intend to reinuln on old muld?" ^ "Do your clothes hook up the"back?" "Yea, I know I dunce like 11 camel, ? but thut Is because life was a desert for nie until this evenlug." SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS * t] * li There is only one medicine that really t tands out pre-eminent as a medicine for . curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. x Dr. Kilmer's 8wamp-Root stands the b highest for the reason that it has proven t to be just the remedy needed in thou- e sands upon thousands of distressing cases. Swamp-Root, a physician's prescription for " special diseases, makes friends quickly be- I1 cause its mild and immediate effect is c soon realized in most cases. It is a gentie, healing vegetable compound. r Start treatment at once. Sold at all . drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. I1 However, if you wish first to test this F mv?? p?cpaiaviuu bcuu ten cents to Dr. il Kilmer A Co., Bingbmmton, N. Y., for a c ample bottle. When writing be eure and . mention this paper.?Adv. 1 d Selecting a Farm. # In u recent exnmlnutlon of eighth ? grade pupils, on the subject of ngrlcullure, the question was asked: "What are the principal things to he 1 considered In selecting a farm?" One youngster answered emphatically, but with questionable spelling: "You must get good ground. Don't get too much cluy soil. And good < buildings on the farm, and a good fence * and a good well and no large hill on it. You must get u cattle barn too. And clost to town and clost to road. Don't have any muddy lain 1" To Bo Strong and Healthy Ton most hare Pare Bl<*>d. OKOVB'H TABTHIjms hill TON 10 Parities and Bnrtcbes Um Blood end Bmllda up the Whole System. It contains the wsU ] known tonlo properties of Iron Vid Quinine. Ton eaa feel Its good effect on the Blood after the first * few doses. Price tOe. ( When a^laxy man condescends to fc work he soon discovers that he Is a * nine roo Rood ror his Jot). Indication produces disagreeable ar.d C ometlmei alarming lymptomi. Wrlgb-'s a Indian Vegetable pills stimulate the die.-** tire processes to Tunotloo naturally. Adr. t j Some people weur glasses because ^ they can't believe their owu eyes. Porous plasters are made of hole ' cloth. 8 5S5S55S555SS555SS9B555S99~ * t v Vienna J Sausage " a ish Everywhere \ lainty bits of 8 teat, skillfully :ed by Libby's -these sausages of flavor, yet e ?t t 1 .co Litem lavor| K t*' J"' ^ flf #1 ?\ Lobby, Chicago { iiiiiiiiSiSSiSiSSSSHSSH ? * raw sic* emu B CONSTIPATED! LOOK M TONGUE 4URRY, MOTHER I REMOVE POISONS PROM LITTLE STOMACH, LIVER, EC W ELS. IIVE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OP FIQS" IF CRO88, BILIOUS OR FEVERISH. N'o matter what alls your child, a jentle, thorough laxative should alrays be the first treatment given. If your little one Is out of sorts, ia!f-slck, Isn't resting, eating and actng naturally?look. Mother! see If ongue Is couted. This Is a sure sign hat the little stomach, liver and bowsis ure clogged with waste. When iross. Irritable, feverish, stomach sour, ireath bad or bus stomuch-uche, illar hoa, sore threat, full of cold, give a easpoonful of "California Syrup of rigs," and In a few hours all the conitlpnted polsou, undigested food and tour bile gently moves out of the title bowels without griping, and you mvo a well, playful child again. Mothers can rest easy after giving his harmless "fruit luxatlve," because t never falls to cleanse the little one's Ivor and bowels and sweeten the storm ich and they dearly love Its plensant aste. Full directions for babies, chllIren of all ages and for grown-ups jrlnted on each bottle. Beware of counterfeit flg syrups, ^sk your druggist for o bottle of "Calforula Syrup of Figsthen see that t is made by the-"California Fig Syrup Tompany."?Adv. IUINED BY THEIR FREEDOM uon to Bo Drawn From the Actions of the Emancipated People of Athens. On a momoru^e occasion the assera>led Athenlnni^leclnred It monstrous hat they should be prevented from dong whatever they chose. No force hat existed could restrain them; and hey resolved that no duty should retrain. them, and that they would be ound by no laws that were not of heir own making. In tills way the inanclpated people of Athens became tryant; und their government, the loueer of European freedom, stands oodemned with n terrible unanimity >y all the wisest "bf the ancients. They ulued their city by attempting to conluct war by debate In the innrket ilace. Like the French republic, they >ut their successful commanders to euth. They treated their dependents with such Injustice that they lost heir maritime empires. They plunlered the rich until the rich conspired titli the public enemy, and they crownd their pullt by the martyrdom of locrates.?Lord Acton's Essays. "HAS BEEN A FRIEND TO ME" {ays Lady, Regarding Cardui, in Giving This Weil-Known Worn an's Tonic Credit for Her Good Health. Cleveland, Tenn. ? Mrs. Jonno* Telker, of this place, after telling of he help she obtained from the use of !!nrdul 12 years ago, when It built up ler health and strength Says further: The next time I used It (Cardul) was ibout 4 or 5 years ago. I had ... ind wo8 Just able to drag around for i good while, getting worse all the Ime. I suffered Intense pain In the ower abdomen and back . . . Could lardly do my work, It was all a drag j . . and walking was very painful I or me. I finally had to give up and ro to bed, where I stayed about a week . . and then turned back to Cardul, ny old friend. After stnrtlng the Cardul, I was able o be up In 2 or 8 days . . . The pains rere relieved soon ufter beginning to ake the Cardul, and when I got up. vniKing was onsy for me . . . Got nick my health and strength . . . and a 3 weeks was able U> do most of ny work . . . It's a fine medicine, >;nd has been i good friend to me, and I am a friend 0 It too. It's through caking Cardul have been well and strong and In ;ood health for the past 4 or 5.years . . I will always pruise It." Cardul should do for you. what It ias done for thousands of other wotnn. It should help you. Try Cardul.? kdv. innovation Justified. A wordy dispute has been stirred up 1 England over the uctlon of the uthorltles In stationing a tank on the Vorcest cathedral green. This was enounced by some as a sacrilege, but tie dean pointed out that we are fightig in a sacred cause. tTake Car* of Yon Hon*a* I Nothing else will do *? moon to keap them In One condition us Dr. David KoUru' PHYSIC BALL and HORSE TONIC "tT once every three month*?make* a leek coat, prevents worms, etc. Read the Practical Howe Veterisariaa 8m4 for ftoo koafclat m AbortWo la Cawt If do dealer In yonr town, nt* . Ba*U Marts' lat. Co., 100 OraaS Afsass, ffaukitkt, Wit. W?BsUff Mm . r^U TJL. U u May be Passed in Safety and Comfort* Fremont. O.?"I wupurins through the critical period of lffe, bo ng fortyJLJ j t riij?M?of ago and all tha aympincident to that ^^556jy*B^9 change?heat flashea, narroqanaaa.and jM^Hfi9vuinagwara)rQa down condition, ao ** wu hard for ma * L>ydf?E. P00*^ WM racomI roendad to me as the beat remedy for my 1? 'trouble., which ft aoreiy proved to be. I feel better end stronger in every way since taking it, and tne annoying symptoms have disappeared. " ? Mrs. M. Goddkn, 925 Napoleon St., Fremont, Ohio. Snch annoying syznptons as beat flashes, nervousnsss, backache, headache, irritability and "the blaes," may be speedily overcome and the system restored to normal conditions by this famous root and herb remedy Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. If any complications present themselves write the Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for suggestions how to overcome them. The result of forty years experience Is at your service and .your letter held in strict confidence. Quit Laxatives, Purges; Try NR 1R Tonight?Tomorrow Fool Right It Is a mistake to continually dose yourself with so-called laxative Dills. calomel, oil. purges and oat hart lea and force bowel action. It weakens the bowels and liver and makes oon lant dosing necessary. Why don't you begin right today to overcome your constipation and get your system In such shape that dally purging will be unnecessary? Tots can do so If you get a 35c box of Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) and take one each night for a week or so. NR Tablets doe much more than merely cause pleasant easy bowel action. This medicine acts upon the digestive as well as ellralnatlve organs ?promotes good digestion, causes the body to get the nourishment from all the food you cat, gives you a rood, hearty appetite, strengthens the liver, overcomes biliousness, regulates kidney and bowel action and gives the whole body a thorough cleaning out. This accomplished you will not have to take medicine every day. An occasional NR tablet will keep your body In condition and you can always feel your best. Try Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) and prove thla It Is the best bowel medicine that you can use and costs only 26q per box, containing enough to last twenty-live days. Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) Is sold, guaranteed and recommended by your drugglaL [TIRES A dlroct from th? A^q FACTORY ?! 40% off I || We ship direct from \ VI XV our factory to you at I fV XH the factory prita. No \\\ S^M branches, no aalrsmrn, \\\ no middlemen profits. Wtura the sellingexpeine; you save 40% of \ theregularpriceon high- >V eat grade atandard tirea. All standard ' GUARANTEED mak..^ aur FOR 4000 MILES ' You are paying 40% more for tirea that may not be aa good?that extra price adda nothing to the quality or wear or the tirea. Saeeitt buy direct. Weshlp C.O.D.subject to vour Inspection, or, 5% discount if check in full iaaentwith order. Deeleraand garages buyon the same terms. Write for orice list 4 IS. "H* HIGH-MILEAGE TIRE CO. 9 . 304 North Brood St., Philadelphia, Pa. . Was Short tnd Kinky Now Its Long and Fluffy Shm Used NOAH'S HAIR DRESSING Price 95c. If your dealer can't aupply you n?nd to us. Refuse substitutes. Manufactured by NOAH PRODUCTS CORP., RICHMOND, VA. r Writ, O fa,lihul. CumtatU, KM ^ WONDERFUL* WATER SYSTEM Ever Ottered tor the Country Home Water coming from the bottom of tba well with mors fores than la found In the ally direct pressure?no pump to est out of Ox. Cost lsss than firs oanta per day to operate. STE0ALL-MANESS WATER SYSTEM, INC. V Concord. North Carolina J Cuticura Stops Itching and Saves the Hair Ssap 2Sc. Oistnast 2S? mi 50s (rj Kill All Flies! THEdiseaseAI) Plaosdanywhere, Daisy Fly Killer attraete and kllW all Him. Hast. olaan, ornsmantal.oonranlent and cheap. ha*ol? Main, im m mu *vl, mrockltn. m. *. (?>u KODAKS & SUPPLIES rlllllQr W? also <1? highest clans of flnlsblug. I BjaLL PrlcM and Catalogue upon rtquul S. Gti?tki Optical Ca., lirlawl, Va. DPflPSY TREATMCNT. ?raa qntak rslM _] srsaars *** 'loot rtaoTM ivtlllw and iter W lirssdB. Imt teard of IM muI far (tropay t JiTnr IK Trial Mulnml sent PRIL My imfl. J-v* write u, DR. THOMAS E. CREEM Baa* mr, ta a*. tHA t a worth, u ninn WANTED Second-hand Bagt, K 11 I, U bar Up. (crap btrtim and twine. Write I I U I I . I tar prirca RICHMOND BAG COM'Y LI (lU U Department 1101 E. Cary. Plehteonrl. Va. Cask far Old Falsa Taetk ,*un 1 aaattar II krotes MW ? rM? "S! 1 oar O to tl? par sat also cash for old cold, tllrsr. platinum, dental gold and old gold Jewelry. Will sand easb by rntnra mall and will bold roods lb days for sender s appmral of T prloa. Ball W L. Bassr. BeyK B. 9W1 B. US SK. PSllaTa RnVC r.lDI C Gat War Barings Stamps fras *" I3? UIKL.3 Help win war. Band nam.VAL U. TBBHBTT CO.. Ml Sixth At#.. Haw fork HMpP"*:*'.' . f Fy k."'S * - ' ^ V ' . ; i? .j. v i A W. rT wherein lies the if and children ? Why are any but ve Why are Syrups, C most laymen ? . Why has the Govern other poisonous drugs, Opii and under its innumerable These are questions t Any Physician will house for the common aik via pbhoznt. ^ |||j|| si^alin^thc^d^rkcgul^ HralMi Thereby Promoting ifflcM Cheerfulness mdltestGantata1 bkssbe neither Opium, Morphine not Mineral. not narcotic m&^fif/* A helpful Remedy for I E^$cl! ^ons^Pa*'on ^d Biarrhoctfl K^pSfoT and Fererlshness and j| Loss op Sleep a resuttin $ therefrom-In I nfancy |) fkoS.'railc SidnatnTBof U Ctm/jtf'f&tcXiiA I BtQ'J&fijl XtaCna?vnGoKPjaai I NEW ~YORK. I nyu^* K' 1 B^MrTyffTTTiTTll EVmHWW JCfiS: ki^jTviuntijipll^H Exact Copy of Wnqtptn The Farmer ^aa Fair. Bide Dudley, writer, lyricist and poet, went up Into Westchester county the other day with ?n actor to buy a horse. "<?o out In the barnyard and pick one out," said the farmer. "You may have him for $1.50." The actor pnld over the money and selected a horse. He mounted the unlmal and started away. The horse went 20 steps and fell down and the new owner was unable to make him get up. He went back to the farmer. 'Snv M hik uolil l4INm ' Thnt horse fell down nnd won't get up." "Well," replied the farmer, "I want to be fair with you. Oo out In the lot nnd pick out another, but don't take the one In the middle or they'll all fall down."?New York Telegram. A Cure a Day Is This Splendid Medicine's Record When Mr. W. W. Reed discovered the splendid mixture that bears the name of "Eagle Pile Remedy" little did he think this medicine would prove the great aid to humankind It did. For Mr. Reed was a sufferer whom physicians and operations had not benefited. Now being 84 years of age, he glories In the wide use of his great remedy. It can help you, Mr. Man and Mrs. Woman. You can begin taking It at once In perfect confidence that It will benefit you. For moro than 20 years it has been In successful use. A trial box of 24 tablets, eaten like candy, Is sufficient proof. Send $1 to Reed Dls*..11 *i ? ~ ? wiuuuuK v>o., i?a uouwin St., I'aterson, N. J.?Adv. Wet Pigeon Means Dlbaster. "The worst messenger that reaches us," the officer In charge of a French hydroplane station told a Morning I'ost special correspondent, "Is when we get a drenched homing pigeon, and when | on examining It we find there ' Is no message tied to Its leg. The nr- j rival of a drenched pigeon requires no great discernment for the Interprets- ; tlon of Its message. It means that one ! of our machines has fallen Into the sea, and that the situation Is so desperate that the pilot has had no time to make n note of his whereabouts. The drenched pigeon Is a bird of evil omen." Have a Clear Skin. Make Cutlcura Sonp your every-day toilet soap and assist It now and then by touches of Cutlcura Ointment to soften, soothe and heal. For free samples address "Cutlcura, Dept. X. Boston." At druggists and by mail. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.?Adv. 'TIh ii happy man who can find enough unmtted timbers In the past to bridge the future. No use to be afraid, (let Old Nick after you, and he'll very probably catch you anyway. If your ayaa smart or faal acaldad. Roman fc?? Balaam applied upon going to bad la Just tha thing to rallava tham. Ada The Ill-tempered man Is the nicotine In the pipe of life. When Your Eyes Need Care Try idurine Eye Remedy So SaartlBg ? JnM Rya Comfort. M eonta at Drngglata or bail Writ* for Iiaa Bra Book. KVB1SI ITS BJUUDX CO.. CUiCAUO * * ; ':^?vSHp5!' ord of Precau ?son for the use of vegetable getable preparations nnsafefori ordials and Drops condemned ment placed a ban on all prepan im in its variously prepared for names? .hat every Mother will do well t( recommend the keeping of F1 lents of infants and children. 4 Children I <vii r n < Lcneis irom rromi addressed to Cha S. J. Briggs & Co., of Providence, R. ] Castoria in our three tores for the pa one of the best preparations on the markc Mansur Drug Co., of St. Paul, Minn., of recommending proprietary medicines, good word for Castoria. - It is a medical s Hegsman A Co., of New York City, > Castoria that it is one of the best sell That is conclusive evidence that it is satis W. H. Chapman, of Montreal, Quo., s tori a for many years and have yet to hear ita virtues. I look upon your preparat patent medicines having merit and unhesil household remedy." GENUINE CASTORIA fto y; Signature / Zr * . of Pen Extractor. 1 i A pon extractor Installed In an ottlce U will save all members of the force tlu' Inky operation of removing an old pen mil from the holder with the lingers. The J," device consists of a metal loop which *t? can be pressed down upon the pen so Ol firmly that the pen Is removed by a P.I pull on the holder. W German philosophy dwarfs morals to for strengthen the Intellect. A i "Man Is a mistake and woman Is an ? agreeable blunder. W. HORSE Sy Ajv'?Tou know that *hf At f / ' v\ y\ you have about one oha A,/ / | \Q\ D1HTEMPBR. "SPOH I?/* Li?t ,1,1 only safeguard. for u llfllf fTv _P 11*1 with It. you will aoct \-A\> sure preventive, no \<fr\ /Art 60 cents and tl a bol good druggists. hofs< manufacturers. IPOUX MUDICAL CO Sapolio doing its * lor U fiMarine ("Vu Join Nov APPLY AT At v^Zo^xtr% POST OFFK M?l C? for SERVICI UND1 CONSTII IS HUMANITY'S G1 It it always a terror to old people and a me: human being, young or old. It ia the fo than almoat any of NATURE'S DANGE allowed to go unheeded. At the eery firs TUTTS LIVER PDAS which for 72 yean moat prevalent of all disorders. For sale b; ^Dr. W. V. SULLIVAN r Fonntr U. S. Senator Bam From Mississippi. VV K Quickly Removes All Stoma* I ^y?PePs'a? Flatul 9 Acid and m Lil Hero's the secret: I E VfilrZlMf ?' t>ody?and the E B w*Jy to bring relief or moi H Costa only a cent or t\ ^ a?<'? "Be" set, ieno M~k ?? ?? o ition. '| preparations for infants Infants and children ? 1 11 w * dj an rnysicians ana itions containing, among ma and pleasing tastes, ) inquire about, etcher's Castoria in the Cry For . inent Druggists s. H. Fletcher. say : "We have Bold Fletcher's i?t twenty years and consider it it." Bays : "We are not in the habit but wo never hesitate to say a access." I. Y., Bay : "We can Bay for your ling preparations in our stores, factory to the users." ays : "I have sold Fletcher's Casof one word other than praise of ion as one of the few so called tatingly recommend it as a safe ALWAYS BEARS NIW V*NK OITV i a f\ r\ B w* P*T Hit hut Market Prices Iff if l| lor Virginia and North CaroU I II || Una Wool ? No commissions y Lb deducted. We are buyers for large mill eon*umlnK halflion pounds a month. Write or ship to us and will allow full market price?no expenses lucted except freight; prompt settlement. Ws o pay top prices for Hides. Skins and Tallow. d Virginia Hide and Wool Co.,lnc. 9. Bex 775 Richmond. Va. rANTED TWENTY BOYS work In Sash and Door Factory and glaring room, isonabla wages to begin and iplendld opportunity ambitious boys to learn a trad#. Write or call on tsuatm Lumber Co.. Augusta, da. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 22-1918. VLE DISTEMPER n you nail or buy through the sales noe In fifty to eacape H A l.K STAH1.W N'S" la your true protection, your >.a aure aa you treat all your horses > be rid of the disease. It acta aa a matter how they are "exposed." .tie; $1 and $10 doirn bottlea. at all > goods houses, or delivered by the ? Manufacturers, Ueahca, lutL, II.SJL fork. Scouring rps recruits. mU?B MARINES ER THIS EMBLEM MTinu HI IUI1 NEATEST FOE uc? at soma time or another to every rerunner of more Ula and suffering I SIGN ALA and should never be t indication of constipation get DR. i has been successfully used for this f druggists and dealers everywhere. iver Pills i^Ex-Senatorl Stomach 8 'Trouble g 1 Wonderful Testimonial fl| Endorsing EATONIC eg ntlemen: K, [ have umv^EATONIC tablets Inmy ' it > mm 11 m imni excoiiiini M nadjr for dyapopala and all forma of HSR liffestion. Yours respectfully. 5S ' W. V. SULUVAN. ? ATONICJ CrOR YOUR STOMACH'S SAKf y At All Drnttiilf rh Misery? Indigestion, gn ence, Heartburn, Sour, H Gassy Stomach B| S ATONIC Drives the Gaa out H lloat goes with it. Guaranteed H ney back. Get a boa today. H go a day to use It. raj i.. IOIS M 9*. W?hmk *mn. OiW#.. ril. jVk